Adding support to Botkit for a new platform requires building a module that gives Botkit the ability to send and receive messages ot the right APIs and in the right format.
Here is an example:
module.exports = function(Botkit, config) {
var controller = Botkit.core(config);
controller.defineBot(function(botkit, config) {
var bot = {
type: 'my_platform',
botkit: botkit,
config: config || {},
utterances: botkit.utterances,
// here is where you make the API call to SEND a message
// the message object should be in the proper format already
bot.send = function(message, cb) {
console.log('SEND: ', message);
// this function takes an incoming message (from a user) and an outgoing message (reply from bot)
// and ensures that the reply has the appropriate fields to appear as a reply
bot.reply = function(src, resp, cb) {
if (typeof(resp) == 'string') {
resp = {
text: resp
} =;
bot.say(resp, cb);
// this function defines the mechanism by which botkit looks for ongoing conversations
// probably leave as is!
bot.findConversation = function(message, cb) {
for (var t = 0; t < botkit.tasks.length; t++) {
for (var c = 0; c < botkit.tasks[t].convos.length; c++) {
if (
botkit.tasks[t].convos[c].isActive() &&
botkit.tasks[t].convos[c].source_message.user == message.user &&
botkit.excludedEvents.indexOf(message.type) == -1 // this type of message should not be included
) {
return bot;
// provide one or more normalize middleware functions that take a raw incoming message
// and ensure that the key botkit fields are present -- user, channel, text, and type
controller.middleware.normalize.use(function(bot, message, next) {
console.log('NORMALIZE', message);
// provide one or more ways to format outgoing messages from botkit messages into
// the necessary format required by the platform API
// at a minimum, copy all fields from `message` to `platform_message`
controller.middleware.format.use(function(bot, message, platform_message, next) {
for (var k in message) {
platform_message[k] = message[k]
// provide a way to receive messages - normally by handling an incoming webhook as below!
controller.handleWebhookPayload = function(req, res) {
var payload = req.body;
var bot = controller.spawn({});
controller.ingest(bot, payload, res);
return controller;
Now, load your new platform module like this:
var controller = require('my_module')(Botkit,{});