- Upgraded to lint 2.1.1.
- Added check to reject a caller provided salt that contain a dollar sign.
- Improved documentation.
- Fixed changing cryptographicallySecureSalts after first salt generated.
- Use a cryptographically secure random number to generate salts,
if one is available. Added
to control whether a cryptographically insecure random number generator can be used if a cryptographically secure one is not supported.
- Fixed code formatting.
- Null safety release.
- Fixed URL in README.
- Added support for SHA-512 (which requires upgrading to crypto 2.1.0 or later).
- Code clean up to satisfy pana 0.13.2 health checks.
- Updated minimum dependency to Dart 2.3.
- Added hashCode property.
- Fixed dartanalyzer warnings.
- Updated the upper bound of the SDK constraint to <3.0.0.
- Code made sound to support Dart strong mode.
- Updated dependency to allow usage of crypto verson 2.0.2.
- Make compatible with Angular 2 version 3.1.
- Fixed parsing bug.
- Co-exist with other packages that depend on version 0.x.x of crypto.
- Match method and equality operator added.
- Changed to represent the crypt as an object with a toString method.
- Initial release.