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Nikkel Mollenhauer edited this page Jul 12, 2022 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the wiki page of the 2021/2022 bachelor's project at the Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts (@hpi-epic) research group of the Hasso-Plattner-Institute.

If you are a user, please check out the Quick Start Guide to get started with installation and usage of the framework. A collection of examples for the different parts of our framework is also available in that section of th wiki.

If you are a developer, please check out the pages linked under Developer guides for advanced installation guides and and introduction to currently missing or worked-on features and to learn how to contribute to the project.

Framework introduction

This section should contain all pages concerning themselves with individual parts of the framework, e.g. the different vendors, the monitoring tools etc. Granularity is welcome, e.g. market -> scenarios -> circular -> ...


This section should contain all pages concerning themselves with how to use the framework. This starts with the initial installation (for users, not developers) going to integrating Docker and the webserver. Some duplication with the Readme will occur.

Developer guides

This section should contain all pages concerning themselves with onboarding developers, starting with a complete installation guide. Also includes good "first issues" and ways to extend the framework functionality.