This application implements our use case as a flink application.
The project is build using the scala build tool (SBT). Download and set up as described in
After installing, the sbt shell should be available by running the command sbt.
In this dir, run sbt assembly
to build a fat jar of ~70MB.
Other usefull commands are sbt clean
, sbt update
and sbt reload
Install flink and startup the cluster using the commands provided in located in the root diretory of this repo. Either submit the previously build jar via CLI or open the web frontend on or The build will be located in /target/scala-2.11. In the web frontend choose 'Submit New Job' click 'Add New' and select the jar.
Possible (and aslo necessary) command line options are:
- --ip The host from which to pull the data to process, ususally
- --checkoutPort The port on the provided host, which provides the endpoint for checkout data
- --adPort Dto. for ad data
- --outputPath The file sink for processed data. Attention: If the file is allready present, it will be overwritten without warning
Before submitting the application the data generator must be ready for transmitting data.