Parallel test execution with a Robotium RC based android automation framework. This project uses testNG + ReportNG ( to run tests and ivy + ant to handle dependencies and build.
- installed ant (ANT_HOME env. variable set and added to the PATH)
- installed android-sdk (ANDROID_HOME env. variable set and added to the PATH)
- JDK 1.6 installed (JAVA_HOME env. variable set and added to the PATH)
- internet connection for ivy dependency
- device in debug mode
There are simple calculator multiply tests to demonstrate Robin functionalaity. How can you run? Follow the instructions. Clone our repository.
Open terminal and do the following where X is the sdk target id with version >=10:
cd RobinTests
ant buildTestsuite
cd SAFSTCPMessenger
android update project --target X --path .
ant debug
cd RobotiumTestRunner
android update project --target X --path .
ant debug
In the RobinTests directory call:
ant runtests -DtestngXml="SmokeTests.xml"
where runtests is the ant command to run the selected tests, that are defined in SmokeTests.xml
to run multiple suites parallel add more XMLs to -DtestngXml parameter:
ant runtests -DsuiteThreadPoolSize=2 -DtestngXml="SmokeTests.xml TestParallel.xml"
to run with minimum device number use (the default mindevice is 1):
ant runtests -Dmindevice=2
You can run tests on required devices, e.g.: you can run a test only Samsung mobile. You can set this in testngXml:
parameter name="device" value=".Samsung"
If you don't need to separete deveices, you sholud use value=".*"
If you could succesfully run the sample tests, you should create your own test project. The easiest way to do this to copy the sample Project and make your changes on that. Depending on the IDE you use, this may require different steps, but Eclipse project settings are included in the repository. To write your tests in Eclipse, you can use import -> existing java project and selecting the project folders. The required Eclipse plugins include the ADT ( and IvyDE ( plugins. After you made a fresh copy from the RobinTests sample project... Edit the build.xml and change the project specific values:
<!-- Set project name according to your test project -->
<project name="MyProject" default="runtests" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
<!-- Set version to be used as ivy version -->
<property name="version" value="0.1" />
<!-- Review the relative path to the Robin folder -->
<property name="robin.dir" value="${basedir}${file.separator}..${file.separator}Robin" />
Please be aware that ant tasks are responsible for all the building and lolcal repository publishing purposes. Also the output directory with all previous result will be deleted by the ant. Thus you may also review the ivy.xml in your project directory to define the module name, and use the ant project ("MyProject") as the artifact name:
<info organisation="com.robin" module="AndroidTests" />
<artifact name="RobinAndroid" type="jar" ext="jar" />
You must also set the content of the file:
- config.dir=#basedir#/conf
- tlxmls.dir=#basedir#/tlxmls
- robin.device=.*
- robin.autFile=./AndroidCalculator.apk
- robin.autSource=(only if you use resource)
- robin.messengerSource=.\\..\\SAFSTCPMessenger
- robin.testRunnrerSource=.\\..\\RobotiumTestRunner
- robin.resignedAutPath=build\\aut
- robin.logfile=build\\log.txt
- robin.debug=true
- mindevice=2
The test parallelism and running is controlled by the testng xml found in the config.dir/testng folder. There are some custom parameters that can be defined in these xmls:
<parameter name="aut" value=".\\AndroidCalculator.apk" />
<parameter name="device" value=".*" />
The descending order of settings priority is: testng xml parameter > file) > Robin.properies > ant target parameters
Because runtime the test compiles projects according to the aut .apk manifest file, on one computer only one instance of robin should run.
One of the main features of this test framework is the possibility to run UI tests using two or more involved devices. You can use the @Multidevice
annotation on a test method to achive this.
At the end of the test run all results are saved in the build folder of your project: reports, screenshots, used .apk files etc. HTML report: ...\build\reports\testNG\html\index.html, if test failed, the screenshot and log cat informations will be saved.
- Virag Horvath-Ori
- Ferenc Lombai
- Gyorgy Hrabovszki
- Attila Janvari