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Supported APIs

📃 Note: All operations listed in the tables below, are S3 compliant.

Table 1: Basic Operations

Service Operations Bucket Operations Operation on Objects
Get Get Bucket (List Objects) Get Object
Put Bucket Put Object
Delete Bucket Delete Object
Head Bucket Head Object
Copy Object

Table 2: Moderately Complex Operations

📃 Note: Operations have limited support for groups.

Bucket Operations Operation on Objects
Get Bucket ACL Get Object ACL
Put Bucket ACL Put Object ACL
List Multipart Uploads Delete Multiple Objects

Table 2.1: Additional Features

Additional Features
Initiate Multipart Upload
Upload Part
Complete Multipart Upload
Abort Multipart Upload
List Part

📃 Note: CORTX has following limitations in Multipart upload APIs:

  1. Each part other than last part of multipart upload, has to be of same size.
  2. Part 1 needs to be uploaded first. If other parts are received first at CORTX-S3server, then the request will be rejected with error code: '503', with retry interval as 1 second.
  3. Each part other than the last part, should have size in multiples of 1MB.
  4. Parallel simultaneous multipart upload of same object is not allowed.

Table 3: Advance Complex Operations

Bucket Operations
Get Bucket Location
Get Bucket Tagging
Put Bucket Tagging
Delete Bucket Tagging
Get Bucket Policy
(Limited Condition Support)
Put Bucket Policy
Delete Bucket Policy

Supported Service API

  • List all your buckets
    aws s3 ls

Supported Operations/APIs on Bucket

  1. GetBucket (List objects in the specified bucket)
    aws s3 ls s3://<your_bucket>
    aws s3api list-objects --bucket <your_bucket>
    aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket <your_bucket>

  2. Put bucket
    aws s3 mb s3://<your_bucket>
    aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <your_bucket>

  3. Head bucket
    aws s3api head-bucket --bucket <your_bucket>

  4. Delete bucket
    aws s3 rb s3://<your_bucket>
    aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket <your_bucket>

  5. Put Bucket ACL
    aws s3api put-bucket-acl --bucket <your_bucket>

  6. Get Bucket ACL
    aws s3api get-bucket-acl --bucket <your_bucket>

  7. Multipart uploads

    7.1 Create multipart upload in bucket
    aws s3api create-multipart-upload --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key>

    7.2 Upload part
    aws s3api upload-part --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key> --part-number 1 --body <part>

    7.3 Lists parts of a multipart upload
    aws s3api list-parts --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key> --upload-id <id>

    7.4 Abort/Complete multipart
    aws s3api complete-multipart-upload --multipart-upload <mpustruct_file> --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key> --upload-id <id>
    aws s3api abort-multipart-upload --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key> --upload-id <id>

    7.5 Lists in-progress multipart uploads in a bucket
    aws s3api list-multipart-uploads --bucket <your_bucket>

  8. Put Bucket policy
    aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket <your_bucket> --policy <policy_json_file>

  9. Get Bucket policy
    aws s3api get-bucket-policy --bucket <your_bucket>

  10. Delete bucket policy
    aws s3api delete-bucket-policy --bucket <your_bucket>

  11. Put Bucket tagging
    aws s3api put-bucket-tagging --bucket <your_bucket> --tagging <tagging_json_file>

  12. Get Bucket tagging
    aws s3api get-bucket-tagging --bucket <your_bucket>

  13. Delete bucket tagging
    aws s3api delete-bucket-tagging --bucket <your_bucket>

  14. Get bucket location
    aws s3api get-bucket-location --bucket <your_bucket>

Supported Operations/APIs on Object

  1. Put Object
    aws s3api put-object --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key> --body <file>
    aws s3 cp <local_file> s3://<your_bucket>/<key>

  2. Get Object
    aws s3api get-object --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key> <save_to_file>
    aws s3 cp s3://<your_bucket>/<key> <local_file>

  3. Delete Object
    aws s3api delete-object --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key>

  4. Head Object
    aws s3api head-object --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key>

  5. Put Object ACL
    aws s3api put-object-acl --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key> --grant-* emailaddress=<email>

  6. Get Object ACL
    aws s3api get-object-acl --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key>

  7. Delete multiple objects
    aws s3api delete-objects --bucket <your_bucket> --delete <del_struct_json_file>

  8. Put Object tagging
    aws s3api put-object-tagging --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key> --tagging <tagging_json_struct>

  9. Get Object tagging
    aws s3api get-object-tagging --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key>

  10. Delete Object tagging
    aws s3api delete-object-tagging --bucket <your_bucket> --key <key>

  11. Copy Object
    aws s3api copy-object --copy-source <full_source_key> --key <dest_object_name> --bucket <dest_bucket>

S3 IAM APIs (using client tool - s3iamcli)

  1. Create an account
    s3iamcli CreateAccount -n <Account Name> -e <Email Id>

  2. Delete an account
    s3iamcli DeleteAccount -n <Account Name>

  3. List accounts
    s3iamcli ListAccounts

  4. Create IAM User, with optional path
    s3iamcli CreateUser -n <User Name> [-p path]

  5. Change/update the name of existing IAM user
    s3iamcli UpdateUser -n <Old User Name> --new_user <New User Name> [-p <New Path>]

  6. Delete IAM user
    s3iamcli DeleteUser -n <User Name>

  7. Create access key for IAM user
    s3iamcli CreateAccessKey -n <User Name>

  8. List access keys/secret keys of IAM user
    s3iamcli ListAccessKeys -n <User Name>

  9. Delete access key of IAM user
    s3iamcli DeleteAccesskey -k <Access Key Id> -n <User Name>

  10. Update the status of access key of IAM user (Change status to active or inactive)
    s3iamcli UpdateAccessKey -k <Access Key Id> -s <Active/Inactive> -n <User Name>

  11. List all IAM users of current account, matching the path prefix
    s3iamcli ListUsers [-p <Path Prefix>]

  12. Change the password of an IAM user
    s3iamcli ChangePassword --old_password <Old User Password> --new_password <New User Password>

  13. Create temporary authentication credential for an account or IAM user
    s3iamcli GetTempAuthCredentials -a <Account Name> --password <Account Password> [-d <Duration in seconds>] [-n <User Name>]

  14. Creates a password for the specified account
    s3iamcli CreateAccountLoginProfile -n <Account Name> --password <Account Password> [--password-reset-required |--no-password-reset-required]

  15. Updates/changes password for the specified account
    s3iamcli UpdateAccountLoginProfile -n <Account Name> [--password <Account Password>] [--password-reset-required|--no-password-reset-required]


    s3iamcli UpdateAccountLoginProfile -n <Account-name> --password <new-password> --access_key <ldap-user-name> --secret_key <ldapapssword>

  16. Retrieves the account name and password-creation date for the specified account
    s3iamcli GetAccountLoginProfile -n <Account Name>

  17. Creates a password for the specified IAM user
    s3iamcli CreateUserLoginProfile -n <User Name> --password <User Password> [--password-reset-required |--no-password-reset-required]

  18. Updates/changes password for the specified IAM user
    s3iamcli UpdateUserLoginProfile -n <User Name> [--password <User Password>] [--password-reset-required | --no-password-reset-required]

  19. Retrieves the user name and password-creation date for the specified IAM user
    s3iamcli GetUserLoginProfile -n <User Name>