diff --git a/docs/resources/codearts_deploy_application_copy.md b/docs/resources/codearts_deploy_application_copy.md
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index 0000000000..96c0e4c2df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/resources/codearts_deploy_application_copy.md
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+subcategory: "CodeArts Deploy"
+layout: "huaweicloud"
+page_title: "HuaweiCloud: huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_copy"
+description: |-
+ Manages a CodeArts deploy application copy resource within HuaweiCloud.
+# huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_copy
+Manages a CodeArts deploy application copy resource within HuaweiCloud.
+## Example Usage
+### Copy the application
+variable "source_app_id" {}
+resource "huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_copy" "test" {
+ source_app_id = var.source_app_id
+### Copy the application and update the copied application
+variable "source_app_id" {}
+variable "project_id" {}
+variable "operation_name" {}
+variable "operation_description" {}
+variable "operation_code" {}
+variable "operation_params" {}
+variable "operation_entrance" {}
+variable "operation_version" {}
+variable "operation_module_id" {}
+resource "huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_copy" "test" {
+ source_app_id = var.source_app_id
+ project_id = var.project_id
+ name = "test_name"
+ description = "test description"
+ is_draft = true
+ create_type = "template"
+ trigger_source = "0"
+ operation_list {
+ name = var.operation_name
+ description = var.operation_description
+ code = var.operation_code
+ params = var.operation_params
+ entrance = var.operation_entrance
+ version = var.operation_version
+ module_id = var.operation_module_id
+ }
+## Argument Reference
+The following arguments are supported:
+* `region` - (Optional, String, ForceNew) Specifies the region in which to create the resource.
+ If omitted, the provider-level region will be used.
+ Changing this creates a new resource.
+* `source_app_id` - (Required, String, ForceNew) Specifies the source application ID.
+ Changing this creates a new resource.
+* `project_id` - (Optional, String, ForceNew) Specifies the project ID for CodeArts service.
+ Changing this parameter will create a new resource.
+* `name` - (Optional, String) Specifies the application name.
+* `is_draft` - (Optional, Bool) Specifies whether the application is in draft status.
+ Valid values:
+ + **true**: Draft state.
+ + **false**: Available state.
+ -> Only applications in available state can be deployed.
+ If `operation_list` is not specified, this field can only be set to **true**.
+* `create_type` - (Optional, String, ForceNew) Specifies the creation type. Only **template** is supported.
+ Changing this parameter will create a new resource.
+* `trigger_source` - (Optional, String) Specifies where a deployment task can be executed.
+ Valid values:
+ + **0**: Indicates that all execution requests can be triggered.
+ + **1**: Indicates that only pipeline can be triggered.
+* `artifact_source_system` - (Optional, String) Specifies the source information transferred by the pipeline.
+ This field is only valid when `trigger_source` is set to **1**. Only **CloudArtifact** is supported.
+* `artifact_type` - (Optional, String) Specifies the artifact type for the pipeline source.
+ This field is only valid when `trigger_source` is set to **1**. Valid values are **generic** and **docker**.
+* `operation_list` - (Optional, List) Specifies the deployment orchestration list information.
+ The [operation_list](#DeployApplication_operation_list) structure is documented below.
+* `description` - (Optional, String) Specifies the application description.
+* `resource_pool_id` - (Optional, String) Specifies the resource pool ID. A resource pool is a collection
+ of physical environments that execute deployment commands when deploying software packages.
+ If not specified, the resource pool hosted by HuaweiCloud will be used.
+ If you want to use your own servers as resource pools, please fill your own resource pool ID.
+ -> Please refer to the following documents to create your own resource pool:
+ [Creating an Agent Pool](https://support.huaweicloud.com/intl/en-us/usermanual-devcloud/devcloud_01_0016.html) and
+ [Creating an Agent](https://support.huaweicloud.com/intl/en-us/usermanual-devcloud/devcloud_01_0017.html).
+* `group_id` - (Optional, String) Specifies the application group ID.
+ + When creating the application, if value is empty or **no_grouped**, means the application is ungrouped.
+ + If the application is under a specific application group, and you would like to update the application to become
+ ungrouped, only specifies it as **no_grouped** is available.
+* `is_disable` - (Optional, Bool) Specifies whether to disable the application. Defaults to **false**.
+ -> When value is **true**, it's unable to update other parameters.
+* `permission_level` - (Optional, String) Specifies the permission level.
+ Valid values are **instance** and **project**. Defaults to **project**.
+The `operation_list` block supports:
+* `name` - (Optional, String) Specifies the step name.
+* `description` - (Optional, String) Specifies the step description.
+* `code` - (Optional, String) Specifies the download URL.
+* `params` - (Optional, String) Specifies the parameter.
+* `entrance` - (Optional, String) Specifies the entry function.
+* `version` - (Optional, String) Specifies the version.
+* `module_id` - (Optional, String) Specifies the module ID.
+## Attribute Reference
+In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
+* `id` - The resource ID, is same as the new application ID.
+* `created_at` - The create time.
+* `updated_at` - The update time.
+* `project_name` - The project name.
+* `can_modify` - Indicates whether the user has the editing permission.
+* `can_delete` - Indicates whether the user has the deletion permission.
+* `can_view` - Indicates whether the user has the view permission.
+* `can_execute` - Indicates whether the user has the deployment permission
+* `can_copy` - Indicates whether the user has the copy permission.
+* `can_manage` - Indicates whether the user has the management permission, including adding, deleting, modifying,
+ querying deployment and permission modification.
+* `can_create_env` - Indicates whether the user has the permission to create an environment.
+* `can_disable` - Indicates whether the user has the permission to disable the application.
+* `is_care` - Indicates whether the user has favorited the application.
+* `task_id` - The deployment task ID.
+* `task_name` - The deployment task name.
+* `steps` - The deployment steps. The example value is `{"step1":"XXX", "step2":"XXX"}`.
+* `permission_matrix` - Indicates the permission matrix.
+ The [permission_matrix](#attrblock--permission_matrix) structure is documented below.
+The `permission_matrix` block supports:
+* `role_id` - Indicates the role ID.
+* `role_name` - Indicates the role name.
+* `role_type` - Indicates the role type.
+* `can_modify` - Indicates whether the role has the editing permission.
+* `can_delete` - Indicates whether the role has the deletion permission.
+* `can_view` - Indicates whether the role has the view permission.
+* `can_execute` - Indicates whether the role has the deployment permission.
+* `can_copy` - Indicates whether the role has the copy permission.
+* `can_manage` - Check whether the role has the management permission, including adding, deleting, modifying,
+ querying deployment and permission modification.
+* `can_create_env` - Indicates whether the role has the permission to create an environment.
+* `can_disable` - Indicates whether the role has the permission to disable the application.
+## Import
+The CodeArts deploy application copy resource can be imported using the `id`, e.g.
+$ terraform import huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_copy.test
+Note that the imported state may not be identical to your resource definition, due to some attributes missing from the
+API response, security or some other reason. The missing attributes include: `source_app_id`, `is_draft`, `trigger_source`,
+`artifact_source_system`, `artifact_type`, `operation_list` and `group_id`.
+It is generally recommended running `terraform plan` after importing a resource.
+You can then decide if changes should be applied to the resource, or the resource definition should be updated to align
+with the resource. Also, you can ignore changes as below.
+resource "huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_copy" "test" {
+ ...
+ lifecycle {
+ ignore_changes = [
+ is_draft,
+ trigger_source,
+ artifact_source_system,
+ artifact_type,
+ operation_list,
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/huaweicloud/provider.go b/huaweicloud/provider.go
index a5b5c395de..aeeb7be0b4 100644
--- a/huaweicloud/provider.go
+++ b/huaweicloud/provider.go
@@ -2281,6 +2281,7 @@ func Provider() *schema.Provider {
"huaweicloud_codearts_repository": codearts.ResourceRepository(),
"huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application": codeartsdeploy.ResourceDeployApplication(),
+ "huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_copy": codeartsdeploy.ResourceDeployApplicationCopy(),
"huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_permission": codeartsdeploy.ResourceDeployApplicationPermission(),
"huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_group": codeartsdeploy.ResourceDeployApplicationGroup(),
"huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_group_move": codeartsdeploy.ResourceDeployApplicationGroupMove(),
diff --git a/huaweicloud/services/acceptance/codeartsdeploy/resource_huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_copy_test.go b/huaweicloud/services/acceptance/codeartsdeploy/resource_huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_copy_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..317f7d3eb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/huaweicloud/services/acceptance/codeartsdeploy/resource_huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_copy_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+package codeartsdeploy
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "testing"
+ "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk/v2/helper/resource"
+ "github.com/huaweicloud/terraform-provider-huaweicloud/huaweicloud/services/acceptance"
+func TestAccCodeArtsDeployApplicationCopy_basic(t *testing.T) {
+ var obj interface{}
+ name := acceptance.RandomAccResourceName()
+ rName := "huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_copy.test"
+ rc := acceptance.InitResourceCheck(
+ rName,
+ &obj,
+ getDeployApplicationResourceFunc,
+ )
+ resource.ParallelTest(t, resource.TestCase{
+ PreCheck: func() { acceptance.TestAccPreCheck(t) },
+ ProviderFactories: acceptance.TestAccProviderFactories,
+ CheckDestroy: nil,
+ Steps: []resource.TestStep{
+ {
+ Config: testCodeArtsDeployApplicationCopy_basic(name),
+ Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
+ rc.CheckResourceExists(),
+ ),
+ },
+ {
+ Config: testCodeArtsDeployApplicationCopy_update(name),
+ Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
+ rc.CheckResourceExists(),
+ ),
+ },
+ {
+ ResourceName: rName,
+ ImportState: true,
+ ImportStateVerify: true,
+ ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{
+ "source_app_id",
+ "is_draft",
+ "trigger_source",
+ "operation_list",
+ "group_id",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ })
+func TestAccCodeArtsDeployApplicationCopy_updateWhenCreating(t *testing.T) {
+ var obj interface{}
+ name := acceptance.RandomAccResourceName()
+ rName := "huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_copy.test"
+ rc := acceptance.InitResourceCheck(
+ rName,
+ &obj,
+ getDeployApplicationResourceFunc,
+ )
+ resource.ParallelTest(t, resource.TestCase{
+ PreCheck: func() { acceptance.TestAccPreCheck(t) },
+ ProviderFactories: acceptance.TestAccProviderFactories,
+ CheckDestroy: nil,
+ Steps: []resource.TestStep{
+ {
+ Config: testCodeArtsDeployApplicationCopy_update(name),
+ Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
+ rc.CheckResourceExists(),
+ ),
+ },
+ {
+ ResourceName: rName,
+ ImportState: true,
+ ImportStateVerify: true,
+ ImportStateVerifyIgnore: []string{
+ "source_app_id",
+ "is_draft",
+ "trigger_source",
+ "operation_list",
+ "group_id",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ })
+func testCodeArtsDeployApplicationCopy_basic(name string) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf(`
+resource "huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_copy" "test" {
+ source_app_id = huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application.test.id
+`, testDeployApplication_basic(name))
+func testCodeArtsDeployApplicationCopy_update(name string) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf(`
+resource "huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application_copy" "test" {
+ source_app_id = huaweicloud_codearts_deploy_application.test.id
+ project_id = huaweicloud_codearts_project.test.id
+ name = "%[2]s-copy"
+ is_draft = true
+ create_type = "template"
+ trigger_source = "0"
+ is_disable = false
+ group_id = "no_grouped"
+ permission_level = "instance"
+ operation_list {
+ name = "Download Package"
+ description = "download package description update"
+ code = "https://example.com/xxx.zip"
+ entrance = "main.yml"
+ version = "1.1.282"
+ module_id = "devcloud2018.select_deploy_source_task.select_deploy_source_tab"
+ params = <