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[BUG in torch1.11]THCDeviceUtils.cuh在pytorch1.11版本已经弃用,编译nms_rotated 失败 (yolov5_obb/utils/nms_rotated/src/poly_nms_cuda.cu:5:10: fatal error: THC/THCDeviceUtils.cuh: No such file or directory) #151
yolov5_obb/utils/nms_rotated/src/poly_nms_cuda.cu:5:10: fatal error: THC/THCDeviceUtils.cuh: No such file or directory |
emm, 没改成功,按照PR说的改,又是各种缺少头文件的错误,我还是不改了,换torch稳定版是可以编译成功的 |
we can wait for pytoch1.11(stable) to test this pr, if you use the newest NGC image, maybe the pr work. my dev environment : cuda11.5 pytorch1.11 ,nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:21.12-py3 from NGC |
说的啥,看不懂,都中国人说中文就行 |
现在公司新项目全都统一使用的英伟达最新的官方镜像(NGC),nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:21.12-py3,pytorch版本1.11.0a0+b6df043,现在不清楚pytorch1.11的稳定版会不会真的把THC丢掉,毕竟牵扯的项目有点多。 |
应该不至于一个版本全丢掉,会有一个过渡版本输出warning信息来提示更换API的 |
there's news? thanks. |
torch1.12出来了,1.11也只有1.11.0版本,是现在限定torch的版本到1.11以下吗? |
reference to https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41868417/article/details/123819183 and resolved |
My solution to compile successfully was to downgrade torch and change the requirements.txt to:
if you are in this situation. Windows compiles successfully, but there is a problem in training. The loss does not drop. The same data, models and parameters can be trained normally under Ubuntu. Epoch gpu_mem box obj cls theta labels img_size52/2999 5.44G 0.1232 0.3267 0.02696 0.7272 33 1280: 100%|██████████| 14/14 [00:17<00:00, 1.26s/it] Epoch gpu_mem box obj cls theta labels img_size Epoch gpu_mem box obj cls theta labels img_size |
@hukaixuan19970627 我觉得可以多添加一个修改后的文件来解决这个问题,针对不同的pytorch版本编译不同的文件,我的对setup.py做了一些修改,函数 #!/usr/bin/env python
import os
from setuptools import setup
import torch
from torch.utils.cpp_extension import (BuildExtension, CppExtension,
def make_cuda_ext(name, module, sources, sources_cuda=[], sources_cuda_later=[]):
define_macros = []
extra_compile_args = {'cxx': []}
if torch.cuda.is_available() or os.getenv('FORCE_CUDA', '0') == '1':
define_macros += [('WITH_CUDA', None)]
extension = CUDAExtension
extra_compile_args['nvcc'] = [
if torch.__version__ < '1.11' or len(sources_cuda_later) == 0:
sources += sources_cuda
sources += sources_cuda_later
print(f'Compiling {name} without CUDA')
extension = CppExtension
# raise EnvironmentError('CUDA is required to compile MMDetection!')
return extension(
sources=[os.path.join(*module.split('.'), p) for p in sources],
# python setup.py develop
if __name__ == '__main__':
# write_version_py()
cmdclass={'build_ext': BuildExtension},
zip_safe=False) 添加的新文件 #include <ATen/ATen.h>
#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.h>
// #include <THC/THC.h>
// #include <THC/THCDeviceUtils.cuh>
#include <ATen/cuda/ThrustAllocator.h>
#include <ATen/ceil_div.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#define CUDA_CHECK(condition) \
/* Code block avoids redefinition of cudaError_t error */ \
do { \
cudaError_t error = condition; \
if (error != cudaSuccess) { \
std::cout << cudaGetErrorString(error) << std::endl; \
} \
} while (0)
#define DIVUP(m,n) ((m) / (n) + ((m) % (n) > 0))
int const threadsPerBlock = sizeof(unsigned long long) * 8;
#define maxn 10
// const double eps=1E-8;
__device__ inline int sig(float d){
// return(d>eps)-(d<-eps);
return (d > 0.00000001) - (d < -0.00000001);
__device__ inline int point_eq(const float2 a, const float2 b) {
return sig(a.x - b.x) == 0 && sig(a.y - b.y)==0;
__device__ inline void point_swap(float2 *a, float2 *b) {
float2 temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;
__device__ inline void point_reverse(float2 *first, float2* last)
while ((first!=last)&&(first!=--last)) {
point_swap (first,last);
__device__ inline float cross(float2 o,float2 a,float2 b){ //叉积
__device__ inline float area(float2* ps,int n){
float res=0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
return res/2.0;
__device__ inline int lineCross(float2 a,float2 b,float2 c,float2 d,float2&p){
float s1,s2;
if(sig(s1)==0&&sig(s2)==0) return 2;
if(sig(s2-s1)==0) return 0;
return 1;
__device__ inline void polygon_cut(float2*p,int&n,float2 a,float2 b, float2* pp){
int m=0;p[n]=p[0];
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
if(sig(cross(a,b,p[i]))>0) pp[m++]=p[i];
for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
if(!i||!(point_eq(pp[i], pp[i-1])))
// while(n>1&&p[n-1]==p[0])n--;
while(n>1&&point_eq(p[n-1], p[0]))n--;
__device__ inline float intersectArea(float2 a,float2 b,float2 c,float2 d){
float2 o = make_float2(0,0);
int s1=sig(cross(o,a,b));
int s2=sig(cross(o,c,d));
if(s1==0||s2==0)return 0.0;//退化,面积为0
// if(s1==-1) swap(a,b);
// if(s2==-1) swap(c,d);
if (s1 == -1) point_swap(&a, &b);
if (s2 == -1) point_swap(&c, &d);
float2 p[10]={o,a,b};
int n=3;
float2 pp[maxn];
float res=fabs(area(p,n));
if(s1*s2==-1) res=-res;return res;
__device__ inline float intersectArea(float2*ps1,int n1,float2*ps2,int n2){
if(area(ps1,n1)<0) point_reverse(ps1,ps1+n1);
if(area(ps2,n2)<0) point_reverse(ps2,ps2+n2);
float res=0;
for(int i=0;i<n1;i++){
for(int j=0;j<n2;j++){
return res;//assumeresispositive!
// TODO: optimal if by first calculate the iou between two hbbs
__device__ inline float devPolyIoU(float const * const p, float const * const q) {
float2 ps1[maxn], ps2[maxn];
int n1 = 4;
int n2 = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ps1[i].x = p[i * 2];
ps1[i].y = p[i * 2 + 1];
ps2[i].x = q[i * 2];
ps2[i].y = q[i * 2 + 1];
float inter_area = intersectArea(ps1, n1, ps2, n2);
float union_area = fabs(area(ps1, n1)) + fabs(area(ps2, n2)) - inter_area;
float iou = 0;
if (union_area == 0) {
iou = (inter_area + 1) / (union_area + 1);
} else {
iou = inter_area / union_area;
return iou;
__global__ void poly_nms_kernel(const int n_polys, const float nms_overlap_thresh,
const float *dev_polys, unsigned long long *dev_mask) {
const int row_start = blockIdx.y;
const int col_start = blockIdx.x;
const int row_size =
min(n_polys - row_start * threadsPerBlock, threadsPerBlock);
const int cols_size =
min(n_polys - col_start * threadsPerBlock, threadsPerBlock);
__shared__ float block_polys[threadsPerBlock * 9];
if (threadIdx.x < cols_size) {
block_polys[threadIdx.x * 9 + 0] =
dev_polys[(threadsPerBlock * col_start + threadIdx.x) * 9 + 0];
block_polys[threadIdx.x * 9 + 1] =
dev_polys[(threadsPerBlock * col_start + threadIdx.x) * 9 + 1];
block_polys[threadIdx.x * 9 + 2] =
dev_polys[(threadsPerBlock * col_start + threadIdx.x) * 9 + 2];
block_polys[threadIdx.x * 9 + 3] =
dev_polys[(threadsPerBlock * col_start + threadIdx.x) * 9 + 3];
block_polys[threadIdx.x * 9 + 4] =
dev_polys[(threadsPerBlock * col_start + threadIdx.x) * 9 + 4];
block_polys[threadIdx.x * 9 + 5] =
dev_polys[(threadsPerBlock * col_start + threadIdx.x) * 9 + 5];
block_polys[threadIdx.x * 9 + 6] =
dev_polys[(threadsPerBlock * col_start + threadIdx.x) * 9 + 6];
block_polys[threadIdx.x * 9 + 7] =
dev_polys[(threadsPerBlock * col_start + threadIdx.x) * 9 + 7];
block_polys[threadIdx.x * 9 + 8] =
dev_polys[(threadsPerBlock * col_start + threadIdx.x) * 9 + 8];
if (threadIdx.x < row_size) {
const int cur_box_idx = threadsPerBlock * row_start + threadIdx.x;
const float *cur_box = dev_polys + cur_box_idx * 9;
int i = 0;
unsigned long long t = 0;
int start = 0;
if (row_start == col_start) {
start = threadIdx.x + 1;
for (i = start; i < cols_size; i++) {
if (devPolyIoU(cur_box, block_polys + i * 9) > nms_overlap_thresh) {
t |= 1ULL << i;
// const int col_blocks = THCCeilDiv(n_polys, threadsPerBlock);
const int col_blocks = at::ceil_div(n_polys, threadsPerBlock);
dev_mask[cur_box_idx * col_blocks + col_start] = t;
// boxes is a N x 9 tensor
at::Tensor poly_nms_cuda(const at::Tensor boxes, float nms_overlap_thresh) {
at::DeviceGuard guard(boxes.device());
using scalar_t = float;
AT_ASSERTM(boxes.device().is_cuda(), "boxes must be a CUDA tensor");
auto scores = boxes.select(1, 8);
auto order_t = std::get<1>(scores.sort(0, /*descending=*/true));
auto boxes_sorted = boxes.index_select(0, order_t);
int boxes_num = boxes.size(0);
// const int col_blocks = THCCeilDiv(boxes_num, threadsPerBlock);
const int col_blocks = at::ceil_div(boxes_num, threadsPerBlock);
scalar_t* boxes_dev = boxes_sorted.data_ptr<scalar_t>();
// THCState *state = at::globalContext().lazyInitCUDA();
unsigned long long* mask_dev = NULL;
// mask_dev = (unsigned long long*) THCudaMalloc(state, boxes_num * col_blocks * sizeof(unsigned long long));
mask_dev = (unsigned long long*) c10::cuda::CUDACachingAllocator::raw_alloc(boxes_num * col_blocks * sizeof(unsigned long long));
// dim3 blocks(THCCeilDiv(boxes_num, threadsPerBlock),
// THCCeilDiv(boxes_num, threadsPerBlock));
dim3 blocks(at::ceil_div(boxes_num, threadsPerBlock),
at::ceil_div(boxes_num, threadsPerBlock));
dim3 threads(threadsPerBlock);
poly_nms_kernel<<<blocks, threads, 0, at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream()>>>(boxes_num,
std::vector<unsigned long long> mask_host(boxes_num * col_blocks);
// THCudaCheck(cudaMemcpyAsync(
// &mask_host[0],
// mask_dev,
// sizeof(unsigned long long) * boxes_num * col_blocks,
// cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost,
// at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream()
// ));
sizeof(unsigned long long) * boxes_num * col_blocks,
std::vector<unsigned long long> remv(col_blocks);
memset(&remv[0], 0, sizeof(unsigned long long) * col_blocks);
at::Tensor keep = at::empty({boxes_num}, boxes.options().dtype(at::kLong).device(at::kCPU));
int64_t* keep_out = keep.data_ptr<int64_t>();
int num_to_keep = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < boxes_num; i++) {
int nblock = i / threadsPerBlock;
int inblock = i % threadsPerBlock;
if (!(remv[nblock] & (1ULL << inblock))) {
keep_out[num_to_keep++] = i;
unsigned long long *p = &mask_host[0] + i * col_blocks;
for (int j = nblock; j < col_blocks; j++) {
remv[j] |= p[j];
// THCudaFree(state, mask_dev);
return order_t.index({
keep.narrow(/*dim=*/0, /*start=*/0, /*length=*/num_to_keep).to(
order_t.device(), keep.scalar_type())});
} |
Thanks, it's really useful method while I'm working through a docker containter encountering this error. my image environment is : " python 3.9 , torch 2.1.0+cu121 , torchaudio 2.1.0+cu121, torchvision 0.16.0+cu121" . And the cuda toolkit version installed on my linux server is cuda 12.2. |
参考 pytorch/pytorch#65472
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