diff --git a/publica.html b/publica.html
index d8c2bf3..e830167 100644
--- a/publica.html
+++ b/publica.html
@@ -64,6 +64,76 @@ <h2><strong>Peer-Reviewed Publications</strong></h2>
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+      <!--Publication Info 1-->
+                             <div class="row my-3">
+                                <!--Publication Name-->
+                                <div class="col-12">
+                                    <!--Publication Name-->
+                                    <p><strong>Streaming Software Development: Accountability, Community, and Learning</strong>
+                                    <br>
+                                    <!--Authors-->
+                                   Kokinda, E., Rodeghero, P.
+                                    <br>
+                                    <!--Journal-->
+                                    <i>to appear in The Journal of Systems and Software (2023)</i>
+                                    <br>
+                                    <!--PDF Download-->
+                                   <a href="https://ella.dev/theme/pdfs/Streaming_JSS_2023.pdf">Pre-Print</a>
+                                    <!--BibTeX citation-->
+                                <!--    <a href="BibTeX/9th_International_2015.bib">BibTeX</a></p> -->
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
+      <!--Publication Info 2-->
+                            <div class="row my-3">
+                                <!--Publication Name-->
+                                <div class="col-12">
+                                    <!--Publication Name-->
+                                    <p><strong>Under the Bridge: Trolling and the Challenges of Recruiting Software Developers for Empirical Research Studies</strong>
+                                    <br>
+                                    <!--Authors-->
+                                Kokinda, E., Moster, M., Dominic, J., Rodeghero, P.
+                                    <br>
+                                    <!--Journal-->
+                                    <i>to appear in Proc. of the 45th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering - New Ideas and Emerging Results Track (ICSE NIER ‘23), Melbourne, Australia, 17-19 May 2023</i>
+                                    <br>
+                                    <!--PDF Download-->
+                                <a href="https://ella.dev/theme/pdfs/Under-bridge-ICSE2023-NEIR.pdf">Pre-Print</a>
+                                    <!--BibTeX citation-->
+                                <!--    <a href="BibTeX/9th_International_2015.bib">BibTeX</a></p> -->
+                                </div>
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