To start the Backstage app with Postgres via docker compose, run:
docker-compose up
yarn install
yarn dev
To start Backstage in your local cluster using minikube, run:
yarn install
yarn tsc
yarn build
yarn build-image --tag backstage:$TAG
minikube start
eval $(minikube docker-env)
minikube image load backstage:$TAG
# TODO - need to modify the charts so that the following steps are automated but for now please do the following:
* 💥 comment out ./backstate/templates/certificate.yaml
* 💥 move ./backstage/templates/secrets.yaml to another directory
* 💥 comment out `volumeMounts` and `volumes`
* 💥 modify container command to exclude `app-config.production.yaml`
helm upgrade --install min-postgres-chart ./charts/postgres \
-f ./charts/postgres/Values.yaml \
--set postgresUsername=$PG \
--set postgresPassword=$PG
POSTGRES_SERVICE_PORT=5432 POSTGRES_USER=$PG POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$PG helm upgrade --install min-backstage-chart ./charts/backstage \
-f ./charts/backstage/Values.yaml \
--set backstageImage=backstage:$TAG \
--set baseUrl=http://localhost:7007
kubectl port-forward svc/backstage 7007:80