PaddlePaddle (PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning) is an efficient, flexible, and extensible deep learning framework, commits to making the innovation and application of deep learning technology easier.
In this version, PaddlePaddle has made many optimizations to the APIs. You can refer to the following table to understand the API directory structure and description of the latest version of PaddlePaddle.In addition, you can refer to PaddlePaddle's GitHub for details, or read Release Notes to learn about the features of the new version.
The API directory structure of PaddlePaddle is as follows:
Directory | Functions and Included APIs |
paddle.* | The aliases of commonly used APIs are reserved in the paddle root directory, which currently include all the APIs in the paddle.tensor, paddle.framework and paddle.device directories. |
paddle.tensor | APIs related to tensor operations such as creating zeros, matrix operation matmul, transforming concat, computing add, and finding argmax. |
paddle.framework | PaddlePaddle universal APIs and dynamic graph APIs such as no_grad, save and load. |
paddle.amp | Paddle automatic mixed precision strategy, including auto_cast, GradScaler, etc. | | Audio API, including feature extraction and dataset operations. |
paddle.autograd | Auto grad APIs, including backward, PyLayer, etc. |
paddle.callbacks | Paddle log callback APIs, including ModelCheckpoint, ProgBarLogger, etc. |
paddle.device | Device management related APIs, such as set_device, get_device, etc. |
paddle.distributed | Distributed related basic APIs. |
paddle.distributed.fleet | Distributed related high-level APIs. |
paddle.distribution | Probability distribution class APIs, including various common probability distribution. |
paddle.fft | Fast Fourier Transform related APIs, such as fft, fft2, etc. |
paddle.geometric | APIs for Graph Learning, including message passing, graph sampling, etc. |
paddle.hub | Model extension API, including list, load, help, etc. |
paddle.incubate | APIs for incubating new features. | | APIs related to data input and output such as Dataset, and DataLoader. |
paddle.inference | APIs related to inference for predictions. |
paddle.jit | Dynamic graph to static graph APIs, including to_static, not_to_static, save, load, etc. |
paddle.linalg | Linear algebra related APIs, such as det, svd, etc. |
paddle.metric | APIs related to evaluation computation such as Accuracy and Auc. |
paddle.nn | Networking-related APIs such as Linear, Conv2D, CrossEntropyLoss, RNN,and ReLU, etc. |
paddle.onnx | APIs related to convert paddle model to ONNX,such as export |
paddld.optimizer | APIs related to optimization algorithms such as SGD, Adagrad, and Adam. | | APIs related to learning rate decay, such as NoamDecay, StepDecay, PiecewiseDecay, etc. |
paddle.profiler | Performance profiler APIs for the Paddle framework, providing functionality to display and analyze performance for model training and inference processes. |
paddle.quantization | Quantization related APIs. |
paddle.regularizer | Regularization APIs, including L1Decay, L2Decay, etc. |
paddle.signal | APIs for signal processing. |
paddle.sparse | The Sparse domain API. |
paddle.static | Basic framework related APIs under static graph, such as Variable, Program, Executor, etc. |
paddle.static.nn | Special APIs for networking under static graph such as full connect layer fc and control flow while_loop/cond. |
paddle.sysconfig | System configuration APIs, such as get_include, get_lib. |
paddle.text | The NLP domain API currently includes data sets related to the NLP domain, such as Imdb and Movielens. |
paddle.utils | Utils APIs, including CppExtension, CUDAExtension. | | Vision domain APIs such as datasets Cifar10, data processing ColorJitter, and commonly used models like resnet. |