This repository contains the code for the AppDirect integration project, part of the code challenge.
Java 8 is required to run the application. The application will attempt to bind to port 8080.
The following APIs are implemented:
- Subscription Create
- Subscription Change
- Subscription Cancel
- Subscription Notice
- User Assignment
- User Unassignment
- User Updated
All the above APIs can be reached at /api/v1/integration?event={eventUrl}
If you require additional JVM args, use the second method.
To start the application, you can run the following command:
gradlew runApp -Pkey="<KEY>" -Psecret="<SECRET>"
is the consumer key to verify incoming AppDirect notifications, and sign outgoing requests to AppDirect
is the consumer key to verify incoming AppDirect notifications, and sign outgoing requests to AppDirect
If you require additional JVM args.
gradlew build
java -jar ./build/libs/AppDirectIntegrationProrotype.jar --appdirect.key=<KEY> --appdirect.secret=<SECRET>
is the consumer key to verify incoming AppDirect notifications, and sign outgoing requests to AppDirect
is the consumer key to verify incoming AppDirect notifications, and sign outgoing requests to AppDirect