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ROS 2 packages for Panther autonomous mobile robot


Panther preview

Quick start

Create workspace

mkdir ~/husarion_ws
cd ~/husarion_ws
git clone -b ros2 src/panther_ros

Configure environment

The repository is used to run the code both on the real robot and in the simulation. Specify HUSARION_ROS_BUILD_TYPE the variable according to your needs.

Real robot:



export HUSARION_ROS_BUILD_TYPE=simulation


vcs import src < src/panther_ros/panther/panther_$HUSARION_ROS_BUILD_TYPE.repos

cp -r src/ros2_controllers/diff_drive_controller src
cp -r src/ros2_controllers/imu_sensor_broadcaster src
rm -rf src/ros2_controllers

sudo rosdep init
rosdep update --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO
rosdep install --from-paths src -y -i

source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-up-to panther --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

source install/setup.bash


To build code on a real robot you need to run above commands on the Panther Built-in Computer.


Real robot:

ros2 launch panther_bringup


ros2 launch panther_gazebo

Launch Arguments

Launch arguments are largely common to both simulation and physical robot. However, there is a group of arguments that apply only to hardware or only to the simulator. Below is a legend to the tables with all launch arguments.

Symbol Meaning
🤖 Available for physical robot
🖥️ Available in simulation
Argument Description
Type: Default
🖥️ add_wheel_joints Flag enabling joint_state_publisher to publish information about the wheel position. Should be false when there is a controller that sends this information.
bool: False
🖥️ add_world_transform Adds a world frame that connects the tf trees of individual robots (useful when running multiple robots).
bool: False
🖥️ battery_config_path Path to the Ignition LinearBatteryPlugin configuration file. This configuration is intended for use in simulations only.
string: None
🤖🖥️ components_config_path Additional components configuration file. Components described in this file are dynamically included in Panther's urdf. Panther options are described in the manual.
string: components.yaml
🤖🖥️ controller_config_path Path to controller configuration file. A path to custom configuration can be specified here.
string: {wheel_type}_controller.yaml
🤖 disable_manager Enable or disable manager_bt_node.
bool: False
🤖🖥️ fuse_gps Include GPS for data fusion.
bool: False
🖥️ gz_bridge_config_path Path to the parameter_bridge configuration file.
string: gz_bridge.yaml
🖥️ gz_gui Run simulation with specific GUI layout.
string: teleop.config
🖥️ gz_headless_mode Run the simulation in headless mode. Useful when a GUI is not needed or to reduce the number of calculations.
bool: False
🖥️ gz_log_level Adjust the level of console output.
int: 1 (choices: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
🖥️ gz_world Absolute path to SDF world file.
string: husarion_world.sdf
🤖 launch_nmea_gps Whether to launch the NMEA NavSat driver node. Advisable when the robot is equipped with the ANT02.
bool: False
🤖🖥️ led_config_file Path to a YAML file with a description of led configuration. This file includes definition of robot panels, virtual segments and default animations.
string: led_config.yaml
🤖🖥️ lights_bt_project_path Path to BehaviorTree project file, responsible for lights management.
string: PantherLightsBT.btproj
🤖🖥️ localization_config_path Specify the path to the localization configuration file.
string: relative_localization.yaml
🤖🖥️ localization_mode Specifies the localization mode:
- 'relative' odometry/filtered data is relative to the initial position and orientation.
- 'enu' odometry/filtered data is relative to initial position and ENU (East North Up) orientation.
string: relative (choices: relative, enu)
🤖🖥️ namespace Add namespace to all launched nodes.
string: env(ROBOT_NAMESPACE)
🤖🖥️ publish_robot_state Whether to publish the default Panther robot description.
bool: True
🖥️ robots The list of the robots spawned in the simulation e.g. robots:='robot1={x: 1.0, y: -2.0}; robot2={x: 1.0, y: -4.0}'
string: ''
🤖🖥️ safety_bt_project_path Path to BehaviorTree project file, responsible for safety and shutdown management.
string: PantherSafetyBT.btproj
🤖🖥️ shutdown_hosts_config_path Path to file with list of hosts to request shutdown.
string: shutdown_hosts_config.yaml
🤖🖥️ use_ekf Enable or disable EKF.
bool: True
🤖🖥️ use_sim Whether simulation is used.
bool: False
🤖🖥️ user_led_animations_file Path to a YAML file with a description of the user-defined animations.
string: ''
🤖🖥️ wheel_config_path Path to wheel configuration file.
string: {wheel_type}.yaml
🤖🖥️ wheel_type Type of wheel. If you choose a value from the preset options ('WH01', 'WH02', 'WH04'), you can ignore the 'wheel_config_path' and 'controller_config_path' parameters. For custom wheels, please define these parameters to point to files that accurately describe the custom wheels.
string: WH01 (choices: WH01, WH02, WH04, custom)
🖥️ x Initial robot position in the global 'x' axis.
float: 0.0
🖥️ y Initial robot position in the global 'y' axis.
float: -2.0
🖥️ z Initial robot position in the global 'z' axis.
float: 0.2
🖥️ roll Initial robot 'roll' orientation.
float: 0.0
🖥️ pitch Initial robot 'pitch' orientation.
float: 0.0
🖥️ yaw Initial robot 'yaw' orientation.
float: 0.0


To read the arguments for individual packages, add the -s flag to the ros2 launch command (e.g. ros2 launch panther_bringup ​​-s)

Developer Info

Setup pre-commit

This project uses pre-commit to maintain high quality of the source code. Install precommit after downloading the repository to apply the changes.

pre-commit install