- paper: Metapath Aggregated Graph Neural Network for Heterogeneous Graph Embedding
- Code from author: MAGNN
Clone the Openhgnn-DGL
python main.py -m MAGNN -t node_classification -d imdb4MAGNN -g 0
If you do not have gpu, set -gpu -1.
the dataset imdb4MAGNN/dblp4MAGNN is supported.
- Device: GPU, GeForce RTX 3090
- Dataset: IMDb
- The average of 5 experiments.
Node classification | Macro-F1 | Micro-F1 |
20% | paper: 59.35% OpenHGNN: 61.52% | paper: 59.60% OpenHGNN: 61.45% |
40% | paper: 60.27% OpenHGNN: 62.65% | paper: 60.50% OpenHGNN: 62.59% |
60% | paper: 60.66% OpenHGNN: 63.37% | paper: 60.88% OpenHGNN: 63.26% |
80% | paper: 61.44% OpenHGNN: 63.86% | paper: 61.53% OpenHGNN: 63.81% |
- Device: CPU, Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4210 CPU @ 2.20GHz
- Dataset: IMDb
- The average of 5 experiments.
Node classification | Macro-F1 | Micro-F1 |
20% | paper: 59.35% OpenHGNN: 53.91% | paper: 59.60% OpenHGNN: 53.96% |
40% | paper: 60.27% OpenHGNN: 55.75% | paper: 60.50% OpenHGNN: 55.81% |
60% | paper: 60.66% OpenHGNN: 56.83% | paper: 60.88% OpenHGNN: 56.80% |
80% | paper: 61.44% OpenHGNN: 57.65% | paper: 61.53% OpenHGNN: 57.68% |
The perform of experiments are run in the setting of paper which use SVM classification, so there are a little bit different with semi-supervised node classification. And directly run the model is using semi-supervised node classification trainerflow.
- We process the IMDB dataset and DBLP given by MAGNN. It saved as dgl.heterograph and can be loaded by dgl.load_graphs
Number of nodes
movie 4278 director 2081 actor 5257 -
Number of edges
movie-director 4278 movie-actor 12828 -
Types of metapath:
. Please note that theM
is movie,D
is director,A
is actor, and the edges above are all bidirectional.
Number of nodes
author 4057 paper 14328 term 7723 venue 20 -
Number of edges
author-paper 19645 paper-term 85810 paper-venue 14328 -
Types of metapath:
. Please note that theA
is actor,P
is paper,T
is term,V
is venue, and the edges above are all bidirectional.
Node content transformation
- It applies different type-specific linear transformations on different types of ndoes to project their node features into the same vector space, thus all nodes' features share the same dimension after the transformation. This part addresses the heterogeneity of the original heterogeneous graph.
Please note that the dimension of
$h_v'$ in original author's code is h_dim which is the dimension of node features in hidden layers. However we set the dimension of$h_v'$ as h_dim * num_heads where num_heads is the number of heads in attention mechanism of intra-metapath aggregation. We'll why we make this change in the following part.
Intra-metapath aggregation
- intra_metapath_trans() in openhgnn/models/MAGNN.py
- Firstly, we employ a metapath instance encoder to transform all the node features along a metapath instance into a single vector. encoder() in openhgnn/models/MAGNN.py
- complex_hada() in openhgnn/models/MAGNN.py implements the complext hadamard product used in RotateE encoder. Besides RotateE, we alse implement Linear and Average Encoder mentioned in paper.
- Next is to employ type-specific graph attention layer on different types of nodes with multi-heads. MAGNN_attn_intra() in openhgnn/models/MAGNN.py
- As to multi-heads in intra-metapath aggregation, author simply repeats the feature matrix after RotateE and concatenate them together on which employ graph attention mechanism, that is, the feature matrices across different heads are all the same when employ attention on them. We think it's a little counterintuitive so that we introduce multi-heads in Node content transformation, that is, the output dimension of Node content transformation will be h_dim * num_heads resulting in different feature matrices across different heads.
- Please note that this change will also introduce multi-heads in encoder.
Inter-metapath aggregation
- This part employs attention mechanism on graph to aggregate the features of different types of metapath. Consequently we obtain the node embeddings. inter_metapath_trans() in openhgnn/models/MAGNN.py
- Then project the node embeddings to the vector space with desired output dimension. output_projection() in openhgnn/models/MAGNN.py
You can modify the parameters in openhgnn/config.ini
inter_attn_feats = 32 # the dimension of the attention vector in inter metapath
num_heads = 4 # the number of heads in the attention mechanism of intra metapath
num_layers = 2 # the number of layers.
Best config can be found in best_config
Jiahang Li[GAMMA LAB]
Submit an issue or email to [email protected].