- Remesh isolated meshes separately
- Improve quad extractor
- Add edge scaling setting for generating low poly
- Add rough progress reporting (Windows only)
- Generate quad dominated mesh
- Improve parameterization for thin surfaces
- Fix holes
- Replace Poly budget with density setting
- Remove laplacian smooth in preprocess
- Replace MIQ with QuadCover
- Implement simple quad extractor
- Remove libQEx
- Add OpenVDB for uniform remeshing
- Add constrained option: Better Edge Flow/Less Distortion
- Fix libQEx access violation
- Fix OpenMesh crash
- Limit singularities to 320
- Improve wireframe render
- Support mesh with holes
- Generate better edge flow by increase the default constraint ratio from 0.4 to 0.5
- Alleviate spiral pattern by up-sampling
- Speed up on complex mesh by reducing singularities
- Add debug dialog