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146 lines (112 loc) · 4.42 KB
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This documents shows how to upgrade Hydejack from previous versions (v5) in a step-by-step manner.

This documents shows how to upgrade Hydejack from previous versions (v5) in a step-by-step manner.

Unfortunately, upgrading form v5 and earlier is not straightforward. A lot of patterns and names have changed, motivated by a variety of reasons, including better integration with the rest of the Jekyll ecosystem and simplified workflows enabled by Jekyll Collections.

  1. this unordered seed list will be replaced by toc as unordered list {:toc}

From v5

Updating the folder structure

Copy the following folders and files from Hydejack v6 into your existing repository. Make sure you merge the folder contents.

  • _data/
  • _includes/
  • _layouts/
  • _sass/
  • assets/
  • index.html (*)
  • Gemfile
  • Gemfile.lock

Note that the public folder has been renamed to assets. You'll want to move your static assets there.

Updating the configuration

_config.yml has changed considerably. Open it and make the following changes.

  1. Rename the following keys

    • font_accent => font_heading
    • load_google_fonts => google_fonts
    • google_analytics_id => google_analytics
  2. Enable Jekyll Collections for categories and tags by adding

        permalink: /category/:name/
        output:    true
        permalink: /tag/:name/
        output:    true
  3. Delete photo and photo2x form the author key and add a picture hash instead that looks like

      path: <photo>
        1x: <photo>
        2x: <photo2x>

    If you have only one photo, you can just provide the URL directly, e.g. picture: <url>.

    For more information, see Adding an author.

  4. Rename gems to plugins and make sure the list contains jekyll-seo-tag.

      - jekyll-seo-tag

When making changes to _config.yml, it is necessary to restart the Jekyll process for the changes to take effect. {:.note}

Restoring the tags

  1. Delete the tag folder.

  2. Create a top-level folder called _featured_tags.

  3. For each entry in _data/tags.yml, create a markdown file in _features_tags with the name of the tag as filename, e.g. for tag "hyde".

  4. For each tag, copy its contents from _data/tags.yml into the new file's front matter, e.g.

    layout: list
    name: Hyde
    description: >
      Hyde is a brazen two-column Jekyll theme...
    accent_image: /hydejack/public/img/hyde.jpg
    accent_color: '#949667'

    Be aware that image has been renamed to accent_image and color has been renamed to accent_color.

  5. Add layout: list to the front matter.

  6. Once you've copied all tags into their own files, delete _data/tags.yml.

Restoring the sidebar entries

Hydejack can now link to any kind of page in the sidebar.

  1. Delete sidebar_tags in _config.yml.
  2. Open a file who's page you would like to add to the sidebar. If you want to add a tag, open _featured_tags/<tagname>.md.
  3. Add menu: true to its front matter.
  4. (Optional) Set order: <number>, where <number> is the number at which you would like the link to appear.

Restoring the RSS feed

The feed is now provided by the jekyll-feed plugin instead of a custom solution.

  1. Delete atom.xml

  2. Add - jekyll-feed to gems in _config.yml, e.g.

      - jekyll-seo-tag
      - jekyll-feed
  3. (Optional) Add the following to _config.yml to make the feed appear at the same URL as the old atom.xml.

      path: atom.xml

Restoring the comments

The way comments are enabled has changed slightly. You now have to enable them per page by adding comments: true to the front matter (this is what the Disqus integration guide suggests). To enable them for all posts, add to the config file

  - scope:
      type: posts
      comments: true

Restoring the about page

Hydejack now has a dedicated layout for about pages. To use it, open and change the layout in the front matter to about and delete {% raw %}{% include about-short.html %}{% endraw %}.