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# Case Study River Basins {#sec-example-river-basins} ```{r} #| include: false # Tidy data wrangling. library(tidyverse) library(timetk) library(lubridate) # ggplot add-on library(patchwork) # Spatial data processing library(raster) library(terra) library(sf) library(tmap) library(smoothr) # Course book accompanying R Package devtools::install_github("hydrosolutions/riversCentralAsia") library('riversCentralAsia') ``` In this Chapter, two Central Asian river basins are presented. The purpose is twofold. On the one hand, students should become familiarized with key hydrological processes in the region and how catchments can be characterized from a hydro-meteorological perspective. On the other hand, the Chapter shows how the analysis of relevant data can be carried out in R and RStudio, including the analysis of geospatial data. First, the Gunt River basin in the upper Pyandzh is discussed It is representative of a high mountain catchment in an arid to hyper-arid part of Central Asia, i.e., the Pamirs. Mostly because of its elevation, the catchment is largely untouched by human activity. In recent years, hydropower was developed in the lower reaches of the river near Khorog town which has led to alterations of the formerly natural flow regime. Because of its altitude and topography, there is only very little irrigation in the downstream part of the catchment at the valley floor. Second the Chirchik River basin is presented. The Chirchik River is the largest right tributary of the Syr Darya and the vital source for freshwater supply of the Tashkent Oasis and its surroundings. The bulk of the water is utilized in irrigation in the downstream and some water is even diverted to neighboring catchments through interbasin water transfer. After the confluence of its main tributaries above the Charvak Reservoir, the river is heavily regulated for hydropower production and the supply of irrigation water in the downstream oases. As of the beginning of 2022, there are new hydropower stations being built upstream of Charvak Reservoir in both large tributaries, i.e. Chatkal and Pskem Rivers. ![Charvak Reservoir and its dam with a view of Charvak city below the dam. Source: Tobias Siegfried, [hydrosolutions GmbH](](/images/example_river_basins/chirchik_charvak_reservoir.jpeg){#fig-charvak-reservoir} ## Gunt River Basin {#sec-example-gunt-river-basin} ### Gunt Basin Characterization {#sec-gunt-basin-characterization} The Gunt River basin is located in the Pamir mountains in the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region in south-east Tajikistan. The basin covers approximately 14'000 km^2^. The Gunt River is a large right tributary of the upstream Pyandzh and joins the latter downstream of the town of Khorog. Mean elevation is approx 4'270 meters above mean sea level (masl) with an altitude range from 2'000 -- 6'700 masl. The highest elevations in the catchment are Peak Karl Marx (6726 m) and Peak Engels (6510 m) at the southern border of the catchment. Information on the available discharge and meteorological stations in the basin is provided in @tbl-gunt-station-setup. ```{r} #| label: "tbl-gunt-station-setup" #| include: true #| tbl-cap: "Details on meteorological and discharge measurement stations from which data is available." #| echo: false #| warning: false ## MeteoStation locations and elevation meteo_stations <- # just put everything in a regular dataframe tibble(StationName = c("Bulunkul","Khorog","Khorog","Javshangoz","Navobod"), StationCode = c(38953, 38954, 17050, 38956, 38950), lat = c(37.70416667,37.50361111,37.50361111,37.39083333,37.59416667), lon = c(72.94583333,71.515,71.515,72.29583333,71.86555556), easting = NA, northing = NA, masl = c(3746, 2075, 2075,3438, 2566), type = c("Meteo", "Meteo","Discharge Gauge","Meteo","Meteo")) ## convert lat / lon coordinates to UTM cord.dec = SpatialPoints(cbind(meteo_stations$lon, meteo_stations$lat), proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat")) cord.UTM <- spTransform(cord.dec, CRS("+init=epsg:32642")) cord.UTM.tbl <- cord.UTM |> as_tibble() meteo_stations$easting <- cord.UTM.tbl$coords.x1 meteo_stations$northing <- cord.UTM.tbl$coords.x2 # this object is just for plotting meteo_stations_sf <- meteo_stations |> st_as_sf(coords = c("easting", "northing"),crs = st_crs(32642)) |> filter(StationCode != "38954") knitr::kable(meteo_stations) ``` A map of the basin is provided in @fig-gunt-river-basin. ::: callout-tip If you want to experiment with the R code yourself, the data for this Chapter can be downloaded [here]( (Note: size of data is \> 500 MB). You can store these data locally and then perform the analysis on your local computer by correspondingly adjusting the data path in the code block below before loading the data. ::: ```{r} #| include: true #| label: load-data-gunt-river-basin #| message: false #| warning: false data_dir <- "../caham_data/AmuDarya/gunt_data/geospatial" # Load vector data (shapefiles) gunt_basin_shp <- st_read(file.path(data_dir, "gunt_basin_shp.shp"), quiet = TRUE) gunt_rivers_shp <- st_read(file.path(data_dir,"gunt_rivers_shp.shp"), quiet = TRUE) gunt_subbasins_shp <- st_read(file.path(data_dir, "gunt_subbasins_shp.shp"), quiet = TRUE) # Load raster data (.tif-files) gunt_dem <- raster::raster(file.path(data_dir,"gunt_dem.tif")) gunt_dem_hillshade <- raster::raster(file.path(data_dir,"gunt_dem_hillshade.tif")) ``` After successfully loading the data, we can easily visualize it. ```{r} #| include: true #| label: fig-gunt-river-basin #| fig-cap: "The Gunt River basin, its topography and the main tributaries are shown (see corresponding legend). The discharge measurement station 17050 is located in Khorog on the Gunt Downstream, shortly after the confluence of Gunt Upstream and Shakara rivers." #| message: false #| warning: false # Visualize data tm_shape(gunt_dem_hillshade) + tm_raster(palette = gray(0:100 / 100), n = 100, = FALSE) + tm_shape(gunt_dem) + tm_raster(alpha = 0.5, palette = terrain.colors(25), = TRUE, title = "Elevation (masl)") + tm_shape(gunt_basin_shp) + tm_polygons("area", alpha = 0, = FALSE) + tm_shape(gunt_subbasins_shp) + tm_polygons("ID", alpha = 0, = FALSE) + tm_layout(legend.position = c("right","bottom")) + tm_shape(gunt_rivers_shp) + tm_lines(col = "name", scale = 3) + tm_shape(meteo_stations_sf) + tm_dots(col = "black", scale = 2) + tm_shape(meteo_stations_sf) + tm_text("StationName", size = .75, auto.placement = TRUE, just = "left") ``` The Table below summarizes key basin statistics that are relevant from the hydro-climatological perspective. Data from various sources are summarized here. These data are presented in [Section II on Data](#sec-data) and discussed in great detail there. The basin area has been derived from the basin shapefile. Raster statistics of the SRTM digital elevation model [@srtm_2020], the climate raster files as well as the land cover raster are calculated using the QGIS `Raster Layer Statistics` processing toolbox algorithm. The land ice total polygon area is computed with the Statistical Summary Option in QGIS. The norm hydrological year discharge and the corresponding norm cold and warm season discharge values have been computed with data from the Tajik Hydrometeorological Service. The mean basin precipitation is computed using a state-of-the-art bias corrected high-resolution reanalysis product [@karger_2017, @karger_2020, @karger_2021, @beck_2020]. Such data will also be used for hydro-climatological modeling in later Chapters. Potential evaporation is from [@trabucco_2019] using the Penman-Montieth equation. | ATTRIBUTE | VALUE | |----------------------------------------------|--------------------------| | ***Geography*** [@srtm_2020] | | | Basin Area $A$ | 13'693 km^2^ | | Minimum Elevation $h_{min}$ | 2'068 masl | | Maximum Elevation $h_{max}$ | 6'652 masl | | Mean Elevation $h_{mean}$ | 4'267 masl | | ***Hydrology \[Source: Tajik Hydromet Service\]*** | | | Norm hydrological year discharge $Q_{norm}$ | 103.8 m^3^/s | | Norm cold season discharge (Oct. - Mar., Q4/Q1) | 19.8 m^3^/s | | Norm warm season discharge (Apr. - Sept., Q2/Q3) | 84.2 m^3^/s | | Annual norm discharge volume | 3.28 km^3^ | | Annual norm specific discharge | 239 mm | | ***Climate*** | | | Mean basin temperature $T$ [@karger_2017] | -5.96 deg. Celsius | | Mean basin precipitation $P$ [@beck_2020] | 351 mm | | Potential Evaporation $E_{pot}$ [@trabucco_2019] | 929 mm | | Aridity Index $\phi = E_{pot} / P$ | 2.7 | | Aridity Index [@trabucco_2019] | 3.6 | | ***Land Cover [@copernicus_landcover_2019]*** | | | Shrubland | 8 km^2^ | | Herbaceous Vegetation | 4'241 km^2^ | | Crop Land | 0.5 km^2^ | | Built up | 4 km^2^ | | Bare / Sparse Vegetation | 8'410 km^2^ | | Snow and Ice | 969 km^2^ | | Permanent Water Bodies | 80 km^2^ | | ***Land Ice*** | | | Total glacier area [@glims_global] | 875 km^2^ | | Total glacier volume (calculated with [@erasov_1968]) | 699 km^3^ | : Key relevant basin statistics for Gunt river basin. Individual data sources are indicated. Note that the hydrological year in Central Asia is defined as starting from October in year 1 and lasts until end of September in the subsequent year 2. More information on the relevance of hydrological year-based water accounting is given below. {#tbl-gunt-basin-characterization} With the values provided in the table above, the discharge index $Q/P$ is 68.5 % and the evaporative index $E/P$ is 31.5 %. In other words, the long-term water balance shows that 3 precipitation units gets partitioned into 2 discharge units and 1 evaporation unit, approximately. The aridity index $\phi$ , when calculated using $P$ from [@karger_2020] and $E_{pot}$ from [@trabucco_2019] is 2.7. The aridity index from [@trabucco_2019] is 3.6. These values indicate some uncertainty in relation to the global climate products used. Despite this, they confirm the highly arid characteristics of the basin. ### Gunt Basin Hydrology {#sec-gunt-basin-hydrology} For the analysis of the key hydro-climatological characteristics, we first load the available decadal and monthly station data[^example_river_basins-1]. The data used in this Chapter can be accessed downloaded from the following [online repository]( [^example_river_basins-1]: The data was kindly provided by the Tajik Hydrometeorological Agency located in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. First, we load the available station data of the Gunt River basin into *R*. Note that the monthly data is available for one discharge station and 4 meteorological stations. See also @tbl-gunt-station-setup for more information on the stations. ```{r} data_dir <- "../caham_data/AmuDarya/gunt_data/station_data/" file_name = 'gunt_data_cleaned.Rds' gunt_station_data <- read_rds(file.path(data_dir, file_name)) gunt_station_data ``` This dataframe now contains all available data hydro-meteorological data from the basin. Most data are available at monthly time scales. As an example, the monthly discharge data from Gauge 17050 can be accessed and extracted from the Gunt dataset in the following way. ```{r} q_17050_mon <- gunt_station_data |> filter(type == "Q" & code == '17050' & resolution == 'mon') q_17050_mon ``` When we plot the data, we see that we have a near complete monthly record from 1940 onward (see @fig-gunt-monthly-q). The data gap in the 1990ies was during the Tajik civil war. ```{r} #| label: fig-gunt-monthly-q #| fig-cap: "Visualized monthly discharge data at Gunt gauging station (17050)" #| warning: false q_17050_mon |> plot_time_series(date, data, .smooth = FALSE, .interactive = TRUE, .title = "", .x_lab = 'Year', .y_lab = 'Mean monthly Q [m3/s]', .plotly_slider = TRUE) ``` There are visible changes in the winter low flow regime from 2007 onward. This is because of the hydropower production that started upstream at that time. Pamir Energy, the local generation company supplies hydropower electricity especially during the cold winter months to the communities in the valley. When hydropower is required, the water table of the Yashikul Lake in the Pamir plateau (Alishur catchment, see @fig-gunt-river-basin) gets lowered to increase the discharge for energy production in the downstream. ![Since 2006, a run off the river hydropower plant operated by Pamir Energy produces hydropower to cover local electric energy demand. Lake Yashikul is used as a regulator. The increase in winter discharge from 2007 onwards is due to HPP operations.](images/example_river_basins/gunt_yashikul_pamir_energy.jpg){#fig-gunt-yashikul-pamir-energy} The seasonal diagnostics of the monthly discharge time series is shown in \@ref(fig-gunt-seasonal-diagnostics). As is easily visible, the peak discharge of Gunt River measured at Khorog station is in July. ```{r} #| label: fig-gunt-seasonal-diagnostics #| message: false #| warning: false #| fig-cap: "Seasonal diagnostics of the monthly discharge time series at the Gunt-Khorog gauging station (17050). The analysis can be easily carried out using the function `plot_seasonal_diagnostics` from the R package *timetk*." q_17050_mon |> plot_seasonal_diagnostics(.date_var = date, .value = data, .title = "", .feature_set = c("month.lbl"), .interactive = FALSE, .x_lab = "Year", .y_lab = "Mean monthly Q [m3/s]") + scale_x_discrete(breaks = c("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", "1", "2", "3", "4"), labels = c("J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D","1", "2", "3", "4")) ``` unlike in the lower lying Chirchik tributaries as shown in @fig-chirchik-seasonality-large-tributaries further below in @sec-example-chirchik-river-basin. ::: callout-tip Compare the discharge seasonality of Gunt River with the seasonality of the large and small Chirchik River tributaries? Obtain the information of all the other rivers in the Case Study packs and their seasonality. What is the single most important determinant of peak discharge timing in Central Asia rivers? ::: Below in @fig-gunt-changes-in-monthly-discharge, we are plotting changes to monthly flows over time by binning all available data in the corresponding monthly slots. The red lines are linear regression lines that indicate trends for the individual months. Over the observational record of approx. 80 years, changes in monthly discharge regimes are clearly visible. On the one hand, summer discharge of Gunt river during the third quarter (Q3), i.e., July, August and September, is decreasing whereas the cold season discharge in Q1 and Q4 is increasing. This is a clear indication that the basin hydrology is undergoing changes over the long run. These could either be climate-related or, as discussed above, also the result of man-made interventions such as the regulation of river discharge for winter hydropower energy production. However, the shift of discharge from the warm season (Q2 and Q3) towards the cold season (Q4 and Q1) has already happened before river regulation started and hence, it is likely that we see a compound effect here. ```{r} #| label: fig-gunt-changes-in-monthly-discharge #| fig-cap: "The Figure shows data from the entire record. All monthly data are binned in their corresponding month (black lines). A large interannual variability (year-to-year variations in discharge in the same months) is visible. The red lines show simple regression lines for each month separately." #| message: false #| warning: false q_17050_mon |> summarise_by_time(.date_var = date, .by = "month", value = mean(data)) |> tk_ts(frequency = 12) |> forecast::ggsubseriesplot(year.labels = FALSE) + geom_smooth(method = "lm", color = "red") + xlab('Month') + ylab('Mean monthly Q [m3/s]') + theme_bw() ``` Whenever we analyze annual data and changes therein, we should work with data as observed during the hydrological year. The hydrological year in Central Asia is defined as: - monHY(Oct) = 1 - monHY(Nov) = 2 - ... - monHY(Sep) = 12 This also holds for meteorological data. Using this definition, we can further define cold and warm seasons easily where the cold season lasts from October through end of March (Q4 to Q1 the following year) and the warm season from April through end of September (Q2 and Q3). With this in mind, we can define the hydrological year discharge. Given a time series of observations, the function `convert2HYY()` as part of the `riversCentralAsia` package provides a convenient way to compute hydrological year mean discharge, including for cold and warm seasons. For monthly mean temperatures mean(T), it computes hydrological year mean temperatures, including for cold and warm seasons. Finally, for precipitation, the function computes the hydrological year sum, including also for cold and warm season months. @fig-hydrological-year-discharge shows the discharge time series analysis for the Khorog gauging station. ```{r} #| label: fig-hydrological-year-discharge #| fig-cap: "Hydrological year discharge time series, incl. cold and warm season values. If data are not complete for all 12 months, the hydrological year statistics are not computed. Q_mean_ann: entire hydrological year discharge, Q_mean_cs: cold season Q1/Q4 discharge and Q_mean_ws: warm season Q2/Q3 discharge." #| warning: false qHYY <- convert2HYY(q_17050_mon,'17050','Q') qHYY |> pivot_longer(-hyYear) |> plot_time_series(hyYear,value,name, .title = '', .x_lab = 'Year', .y_lab = 'Mean monthly Q [m3/s]', .interactive = TRUE, .smooth = FALSE) ``` @fig-hydrological-year-discharge confirms the findings from the seasonal analysis. However, it also shows that the first two decades of the 21st century show a marked decline in total discharge as compared to the period between 1960 to 2000. A common way to plot changes over time in hydro-meteorological time series is to plot annual deviations from corresponding long-term norms (long-term mean values). For this, we can use the `plotNormDevHYY()` function from the `riversCentralAsia` package. Given the three hydrological year annual time series, it computes long-term norms over the entire data set and subtracts actual annual values from the norm value. Like this, temporal changes and trends become even better visible. @fig-gunt-discharge-deviation-from-norm shows the results for the hydrological year data. ```{r} #| label: fig-gunt-discharge-deviation-from-norm #| fig-cap: "Deviations from the corresponding long-term norms for the discharge time series at gauging station 17050. It should be noted that the values shown are deviations from the corresponding norms which are shown in the subtitles above the Figure plates." #| warning: false plotNormDevHYY(qHYY,'Q','Khorog-Gunt 17050') ``` @fig-gunt-discharge-deviation-from-norm shows that, in absolute terms, the discharge in the high-flow season is undergoing a much greater reduction than an increase in the low-flow season. Hence, we cannot simply explain the decline of discharge in one season with the increase in the other. In other words, the early melting of the winter snow pack cannot alone explain the summer decline in water availability. Some other mechanism much be at work which we still need to better understand. One hypothesis could be that an increase in summer temperatures leads to higher evaporation over the basin thus leading to reduced discharge (see also @sec-gunt-basin-climate below). Also and as mentioned above, winter discharge is influence by human regulation after 2006. This needs to be carefully taken into account when carrying out climate change impact analysis over the period of the observational record. For example, the cold season discharge deviation from the norm in 2006 and 2007 is 10 m^3^/s (see @fig-gunt-discharge-deviation-from-norm) indicating that this amount of additional water was used for hydropower energy production during the winter. In order to gauge whether there is a robust trend in discharge over the observed time period, we compute decadal (10 year means) and plot the results. ```{r} #| label: fig-decadal-mean-discharge #| fig-cap: "10-year mean hydrological year discharge of Gunt River, including the cold and warm season components. The decadal mean values are related in time to the beginning of the corresponding decade in the Figure. The strongly declining trend in warm season discharge causes the overall observed decline in hydrological year discharge." mean10yearQ <- qHYY |> filter(hyYear < '2020-01-01') |> pivot_longer(-hyYear) |> group_by(name) |> summarise_by_time(hyYear,value, .by = "10 year", mean10yearQ = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE)) |> dplyr::select(-value) |> distinct() |> ungroup() mean10yearQ |> pivot_wider(names_from = name,values_from = mean10yearQ) mean10yearQ |> plot_time_series(hyYear,mean10yearQ,name, .smooth = FALSE, .x_lab = "Year", .y_lab = "Q [m^3/s]", .title = "") ``` This is informative. From the 1990ies onwards, a strong reduction in mean hydrological year warm season discharge is observed of about -16 % relative to the mean 1940 - 1989 values. At the same time, 10-year mean hydrological year cold season discharge remained almost stable. As already mentioned, such types of findings are the a key motivation to study possible climate impacts in such basins in greater detail with hydrological modeling. ### Gunt Basin Climate {#sec-gunt-basin-climate} A significant amount of meteorological station data are available. Some of these data are analyzed in this Section. While we mostly concentrate on mean monthly data for temperature, we should note that the available data record also contains data on absolute and mean minimum and maximum temperatures. ```{r} #| label: fig-gunt-mean-monthly-t #| fig-cap: "Mean Monthly Temperature Climatology in the Gunt River Basin from 1940 - 2020. While first observations are available from the very beginning of the 20th century, data are only shown from 1940 onward which marks the start of a coherent record." # Extracting mean station data from the four stations. Tmean_38954 <- gunt_station_data |> filter(code == "38954" & type == 'mean(T)') |> filter(date >= '1939-01-01') |> dplyr::select(date, data) |> rename(Tmean_38954 = data) Tmean_38950 <- gunt_station_data |> filter(code == "38950" & type == 'mean(T)') |> filter(date >= '1939-01-01') |> dplyr::select(date, data) |> rename(Tmean_38950 = data) Tmean_38953 <- gunt_station_data |> filter(code == "38953" & type == 'mean(T)') |> filter(date >= '1939-01-01') |> dplyr::select(date, data) |> rename(Tmean_38953 = data) Tmean_38956 <- gunt_station_data |> filter(code == "38956" & type == 'mean(T)') |> filter(date >= '1939-01-01') |> dplyr::select(date, data) |> rename(Tmean_38956 = data) # Assembling the data. T <- full_join(Tmean_38950, Tmean_38953, by = "date") T <- full_join(T, Tmean_38954, by = "date") T <- full_join(T, Tmean_38956, by = "date") # Plotting the dataframe T |> pivot_longer(-date) |> filter(date >= '1940-01-01') |> plot_time_series(date, value, name, .smooth = FALSE, .x_lab = 'Year', .y_lab = 'Mean monthly T [deg. C]', .title = "", .interactive = TRUE) # add a month identifier T <- T |> mutate(mon = month(date)) ``` Because of the high quality and the consistency of the long-term record of the data at Khorog station 39854, we focus the further climatological analysis there. @fig-gunt-temperature-deviation-from-norm shows deviations from norm mean temperatures over the last 120 years. The recent two decades stand out because of the pronounced warming observed at the station, especially during the cold season where norm deviations on average range between 1 - 2 degrees Celsius (deg. C.). ```{r} #| label: fig-gunt-temperature-deviation-from-norm #| fig-cap: "Annual devations from the norm of the mean temperature for the Khorog station 38954 record are shown for the entire hydrological year and for the corresponding cold and warm seasons. Note that the entire data record is taken into account here from the start of the 20th century." #| warning: false # Station Khorog 38954 meanTHYY_38954 <- gunt_station_data |> convert2HYY(38954,'mean(T)') |> filter(hyYear >= "1900-10-01") plotNormDevHYY(meanTHYY_38954,'mean(T)','Khorog 38954') ``` ## Chirchik River Basin {#sec-example-chirchik-river-basin} The Chirchik is a river in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan. Its natural basin covers 13'112 km^2^, not accounting for the modern-time interbasin water transfers to the neighboring Akhangaran basin in the south (the outline of the basin is shown in @fig-chirchik-river-basin-overview) and to the north. In terms of total runoff contribution, it is the biggest right tributary of the Syr Darya (see also further below in Section @sec-chirchik-basin-characterization). The river is formed by the confluence of the Chatkal and the Pskem rivers. They emerge at the south-western end of the Tien Shan mountains, i.e. the Talas Alatau, in the border region of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The main tributaries are in clock-wise direction starting from north: Ugam, Pskem, Kosku and Chatkal. The Charvak reservoir receives water from these rivers. Ugam is the largest right tributary downstream of the reservoir and Aksak Ata the largest left-side tributary. Below the Charvak hydroelectric power station, the river water gets diverted in numerous canals for irrigation in and around the Tashkent oasis and for interbasin water transfer to the Akhangaran basin in the south. As part of the Chirchik-Bozsuu cascade, several smaller dams along the river serve hydropower production and irrigation purposes. ![Overview over the Chirchik river basin with tributaries and the location of the main gauging stations in the zone of runoff formation and near the confluence with the Syr Darya.](./images/example_river_basins/chirchik_map_annotated.jpg){#fig-chirchik-river-basin-overview} @fig-chirchik-river-basin-overview shows a comprehensive overview of the Chirchik river basin and its tributaries as well as relevant modern gauging stations. Gauges are indicated with the semi-round shapes and the corresponding five digit official code as utilized by the Uzbek Hydrometeorological Service (HMS) indicated. The gauge 16924 is not a *real* gauge in the sense that reservoir inflow is not measured at one point but rather is calculated from all contributing tributary flow components, i.e. the Chatkal river, the Pskem river, Nauvalisoy and the Koksu River. Koksu however, with a basin area of 392 km$^2$, is ungauged. Its discharge contribution is calculated using an established empirical relationship between discharge in Chatkal River and discharge in Koksu. The empirical relationship is derived in Section @sec-koksu-discharge-contribution. First, we now turn our attention to the description of key hydrological basin features. ### Chirchik Basin Characterization {#sec-chirchik-basin-characterization} This Section available data to characterize the Chirchik River Basin from the hydro-climatological perspective. Data access and modeling is further described in the Section on Data @sec-part-ii-data-sources-retrieval-and-preparation in Part II and Part III @sec-hydraulic-hydrological-modeling of this Book. The available discharge data is shown in @fig-chirchick-river-available-data. These are near complete historic records. See above @fig-chirchik-river-basin-overview for the station locations. Note that all available data has been converted to monthly time series for plotting. ```{r} #| label: fig-chirchick-river-available-data #| fig-cap: "Available discharge data of Chirchik River basin." #| warning: false chirchik_river_data <- ChirchikRiverBasin chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == 'Q') |> dplyr::select(date,data,river) |> group_by(river) |> summarise_by_time(.date_var = date, .by = 'month', data = mean(data)) |> plot_time_series(date, data, .facet_ncol = 2, .interactive = TRUE, .smooth = FALSE, .title = '', .color_var = river, .legend_show = FALSE, .x_lab = "Date", .y_lab = 'Discharge [m3/s]') ``` The discharge measurements at Gazalkent gauge (upper right panel, shown in red color) started already in 1900. It is one of the longest complete records available in Central Asia. The monthly record of the station is shown in @fig-gazalkent-discharge-time-series. You can zoom into the time series and investigate it in detail. ```{r} #| label: fig-gazalkent-discharge-time-series #| fig-cap: "Monthly discharge at Gauge 16262, Gazalkent." chirchik_river_data |> filter(code == '16262') |> plot_time_series(date,data, .interactive = TRUE, .smooth = FALSE, .title = "", .x_lab = 'Date', .y_lab = 'Discharge [m3/s]', .plotly_slider = TRUE) ``` As is easily visible, the June 1969 discharge was the historic monthly mean maximum with 1'220 m^3^/s. The time series features the typical snow-melt-driven runoff pattern with pronounced seasonality and interannual variability. At Chinaz near the confluence of the Chirchik River with the Syr Darya (Gauge 16275), however, a changing discharge regime can be identified over time (see @fig-chinaz-discharge-time-series). The drastic decrease in discharge there is due to two effects. First, water diversions and interbasin water transfers for irrigation purposes have greatly increased over the course of the 20th century. Second, the closure of the Charvak dam in 1974 and the subsequent filling of the dam decreased discharge during the filling period. Furthermore, the interannual variability of flows decreased from there onward due to the now regulated flow regime. This latter effect is also visible at the Gazalkent gauge (@fig-gazalkent-discharge-time-series). The non-stationarity in the discharge time series at these stations is thus explained by anthropogenic effects. ```{r} #| label: fig-chinaz-discharge-time-series #| fig-cap: "Monthly discharge at Gauge 16275, Chinaz." chirchik_river_data |> filter(code == '16275') |> plot_time_series(date,data, .interactive = TRUE, .smooth = FALSE, .title = "", .x_lab = 'Date', .y_lab = 'Discharge [m3/s]', .plotly_slider = TRUE) ``` The effect of water diversion becomes even more apparent when the annual discharge at Gazalkent gauging station upstream of any major water diversion and at Chinaz gauge, which is in the very downstream of Chirchik River right before its confluence with the Syr Darya, are compared. The corresponding annual time series are shown in @fig-difference-flow-gazalkent-chinaz together with the difference of the two time series. ```{r} #| label: fig-difference-flow-gazalkent-chinaz #| fig-cap: "Annual discharge at Gauge 16262, Gazalkent and Gauge 16275, Chinaz and the difference of the two timeseries. The difference of the two time series is from the allocation of water for human purposes, mostly for irrigation." #| warning: false #| echo: false q16262 <- chirchik_river_data |> filter(code == '16262') |> dplyr::select(date, data) |> rename(Q16262 = data) # Gazalkent q16275 <- chirchik_river_data |> filter(code == '16275') |> dplyr::select(date,data) |> rename(Q16275 = data) # Chinaz q_wide <- left_join(q16262, q16275, by = 'date') |> mutate(diffUD = Q16262 - Q16275) q_wide_annual <- q_wide |> summarize_by_time(.date_var = date, .by = "year", Q16262 = sum(Q16262)*3600*24*10/10^9, Q16275 = sum(Q16275)*3600*24*10/10^9, flow_difference = sum(diffUD)*3600*24*10/10^9) q_long <- q_wide_annual |> pivot_longer(-date) p1 <- q_long |> plot_time_series(date, value, .color_var = name, .interactive = FALSE, .title = "", .x_lab = 'Date', .y_lab = 'Discharge [km3/a]', .smooth = FALSE) p1 ``` @fig-difference-flow-gazalkent-chinaz shows the growing water allocation in the catchment from the 1930ies up to the end of the 20th century. Allocation grew almost 3-fold over this period. Interestingly, in the first decade of the 21st century, trends in allocation completely reversed and in 2009, roughly one third of the total flow at Gazalkent was allocated consumptively. The trend reversal might be due to a change in irrigation policy, problems with intake infrastructure between the two gauges, or both. ```{r, message=FALSE,echo=FALSE} data_stats <- chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == 'Q') |> dplyr::select(date,data,code,station) |> group_by(code) |> summarise(mean = mean(data,na.rm = TRUE) |> round(digits = 1), min = min(data,na.rm = TRUE) |> round(digits = 1), max = max(data,na.rm = TRUE) |> round(digits = 1), sd = sd(data,na.rm = TRUE) |> round(digits = 1),.groups = 'keep') #data_stats |> dplyr::select(-code) # Nice tables - try kable() knitr::kable(data_stats, caption = "Key statistics of Chirchik basin rivers.") ``` The largest left tributary to Chirchik below the Charvak reservoir Aksak Ata. The gauging station on the river got dismantled a long time ago. An average long-term mean discharge of 2.35 m$^{3}$/s is a solid estimated of its contribution to the overall discharge of Chirchik. Thus, if we add up long-term average discharge at Gazalkent and the one from Aksak Ata, we obtain an annual norm discharge (total average water availability) of 231 m$^{3}$/s. Chirchik river is thus the biggest right-tributary of the Syr Darya. Chatkal river contributes exactly half to it (115.7 m$^{3}$/s) and Pskem river approximately one third (34.4 % or 79.4 m$^{3}$/s). Nauvalisoy is only a very small river with 1.6 % runoff contribution (3.8 m$^{3}$/s). From the available data, the long-term average runoff contribution by the ungauged Koksu river can be estimated to be 6.4 m$^{3}$/s or 2.8 %. Downstream of the reservoir, Ugam river contributes an additional 9.7 % (22.4 m$^{3}$/s) to the total flow. Let us now turn our attention to the seasonality of the tributaries. We exclude both, the Chinaz Gauge and Gazalkent Gauge data in our analysis for the above-mentioned reason that flows there are no longer representing a natural runoff regimes but are influenced by human interference. For the analysis, we plot seasonalities of the key gauged and unregulated tributaries, i.e. Chatkal, Pskem, Nauvalisoy and Ugam rivers in @fig-chirchik-seasonality-large-tributaries and @fig-chirchik-seasonality-small-tributaries below. ```{r} #| label: fig-chirchik-seasonality-large-tributaries #| fig-cap: "Seasonality diagnostics of the two large tributaries, i.e. the Chatkal and Pskem rivers. Analyses of weekly (top row) and monthly data (bottom row) are shown. Year to year variability is pronounced during the peak runoff season in Q2 and Q3 where the amount of water in the rivers is critically determined by the amount of snow deposited in the mountains during the previous winter season." chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == 'Q', code != "16275", code != "16262", code != "16924", code != "16298", code != "16300") |> na.omit() |> dplyr::select(date,data,code,river) |> group_by(code, river) |> plot_seasonal_diagnostics(.date_var = date, .value = data, .interactive = FALSE, .feature_set = c("week","month.lbl"), .title = "") ``` The discharge seasonality of the gauging stations downstream of Charvak reservoir are shown below. Note that we only have monthly values for Ugam station which explains the appearance of the weekly plot in the upper right panel of @fig-chirchik-seasonality-small-tributaries. ```{r} #| label: fig-chirchik-seasonality-small-tributaries #| fig-cap: "Seasonality diagnostics of the two minor tributaries to the Chirchik River that are gauged." #| warning: false chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == 'Q', code != "16275", code != "16262", code != "16924", code != "16279", code != "16290") |> dplyr::select(date,data,code,river) |> group_by(code, river) |> plot_seasonal_diagnostics(.date_var = date, .value = data, .interactive = FALSE, .feature_set = c("week","month.lbl"), .title = "") ``` The seasonality with the spring (small rivers) and summer (large tributaries) runoff peaks is striking in all the rivers. Nauvalisoy discharge peaks, on average, during or around week 20. Chatkal river discharge peaks around week 23 and Pskem river around week 26. These differences can be explained with the difference in mean catchment elevations which are as follows (ordered according to descending mean catchment elevation: - Pskem Catchment: 2'795 masl, - Chatkal catchment: 2'692 masl, - Nauvalisoy catchment: 2'160 masl, - Ugam catchment: 803 masl, where Ugam is the lowest lying and Pskem catchment the highest catchment when measured according to mean catchment elevation. @fig-chirchick-hypsometric-curves shows the hypsometric curves of the main tributaries to the Chirchik River. ![Hypsometric curves of the tributaries to the Chirchik River Basin.](./images/example_river_basins/chirchik_hypsometric_curves.jpg){#fig-chirchick-hypsometric-curves} Using a LOESS smoother, we can remove discharge time series seasonality and catch a glimpse of the underlying long-term trends. This is shown for gauging station 16294, i.e. the inflow to the Charvak Reservoir, in @fig-long-term-inflow-charvak. If anything, a slightly increasing trend in mean discharge can be observed over the last 40 years. We will further discuss this finding also in the context of the analysis of the meteorological data record in the next Section. ```{r} #| label: fig-long-term-inflow-charvak #| fig-cap: "Changes in mean monthly discharges are plotted with black lines over the entire observational record for Charvak Reservoir gauge (16924).The blue line shows a smoothed trend using a LOESS smoother." chirchik_river_data |> filter(code == "16924") |> na.omit() |> dplyr::select(date, data, code, river) |> summarise_by_time(.date_var = date, .by = "month", value = mean(data)) |> plot_time_series(date, value, .x_lab = "Date", .y_lab = "Discharge [m3/s]", .interactive = FALSE, .title = "") ``` But what about changes for particular seasons and months? To understand these changes, we plot monthly average data grouped together individually for all months. @fig-monthly-changes-inflow-charvak shows the resulting graphs together with their best fit regression lines for each month. Several interesting observations can be done. ```{r} #| label: fig-monthly-changes-inflow-charvak #| fig-cap: "Changes in mean monthly discharges are plotted with black lines over the entire observational record for Charvak Reservoir gauge (16924).The red lines are the per month best fit regression lines." #| warning: false #| message: false chirchik_river_data |> filter(code == "16924") |> dplyr::select(date, data, code, river) |> summarise_by_time(.date_var = date, .by = "month", value = mean(data)) |> tk_ts(frequency = 12) |> forecast::ggsubseriesplot(year.labels = FALSE) + geom_smooth(method = "lm", color = "red") + xlab('Month') + ylab('Discharge [m3/s]') ``` First, cold season discharge in quarter 1 (Q1) and Q4 have a slightly increasing trend. Converse to this, the warm season quarterly trends are not uniform where Q2 trends are strongly increasing and Q3 trends are markedly decreasing. This is in line with what one would expect from a warming climate, i.e. that the snow-melt driven hydrograph peak flows shift in their timing towards earlier towards spring. At the same time, Q3 warm season discharge diminishes because of the earlier snow melt, assuming no changes in the precipitated water (compare also with the findings in @sec-example-gunt-river-basin where a high elevation basin from the Pamir mountains is discussed). We will investigate the available climate and precipitation record of Chirchik River basin in the following section. ```{r} #| label: fig-chirchik-min-max-mean-quarterly-discharge #| fig-cap: "The plates show mean, minimum and maximum quarterly discharges for Q1 (upper left plate), Q2 (upper right plate), Q3 (lower left plate) and Q4 (lower right plate). All values are in mean quarterly discharge per second." #| warning: false #| echo: false quarterQ_mean <- chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == "Q" & code == "16924") |> dplyr::select(date, data, code, river) |> summarise_by_time(.date_var = date, .by = "quarter", value = mean(data,na.rm = TRUE)) |> rename(mean = value) quarterQ_max <- chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == "Q" & code == "16924") |> dplyr::select(date, data, code, river) |> summarise_by_time(.date_var = date, .by = "quarter", value = max(data,na.rm = TRUE)) |> rename(max = value) quarterQ_min <- chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == "Q" & code == "16924") |> dplyr::select(date, data, code, river) |> summarise_by_time(.date_var = date, .by = "quarter", value = min(data,na.rm = TRUE)) |> rename(min = value) quarterQ <- left_join(quarterQ_mean, quarterQ_max, by = 'date') quarterQ <- left_join(quarterQ, quarterQ_min, by = 'date') quarterQ <- bind_cols(quarterQ, quarterQ$date |> tsibble::yearquarter()) |> rename(quarter = '...5') quarterQ$quarter <- quarterQ$quarter |> format(.,format = "Q%q") q1Q <- quarterQ |> filter(quarter == 'Q1') |> dplyr::select(-quarter) |> na.omit() |> pivot_longer(-date) q2Q <- quarterQ |> filter(quarter == 'Q2') |> dplyr::select(-quarter) |> na.omit() |> pivot_longer(-date) q3Q <- quarterQ |> filter(quarter == 'Q3') |> dplyr::select(-quarter) |> na.omit() |> pivot_longer(-date) q4Q <- quarterQ |> filter(quarter == 'Q4') |> dplyr::select(-quarter) |> na.omit() |> pivot_longer(-date) pQ1 <- q1Q |> na.omit() |> plot_time_series(date,value,name, .smooth = TRUE, .smooth_degree = 1, .smooth_period = 'auto', .title = "Quarter Q1", .interactive = FALSE, .facet_ncol = 1, .x_lab = "Date", .y_lab = "Discharge [m3/s]", .legend_show = TRUE ) pQ2 <- q2Q |> na.omit() |> plot_time_series(date,value,name, .smooth = TRUE, .smooth_degree = 1, .smooth_period = 'auto', .title = "Quarter Q2", .interactive = FALSE, .facet_ncol = 1, .x_lab = "Date",.y_lab = "Discharge [m3/s]", .legend_show = FALSE ) pQ3 <- q3Q |> na.omit() |> plot_time_series(date,value,name, .smooth = TRUE, .smooth_degree = 1, .smooth_period = 'auto', .title = "Quarter Q3", .interactive = FALSE, .facet_ncol = 1, .x_lab = "Date",.y_lab = "Discharge [m3/s]",.legend_show = FALSE ) pQ4 <- q4Q |> na.omit() |> plot_time_series(date,value,name, .smooth = TRUE, .smooth_degree = 1, .smooth_period = 'auto', .title = "Quarter Q4", .interactive = FALSE, .facet_ncol = 1, .x_lab = "Date",.y_lab = "Discharge [m3/s]",.legend_show = FALSE ) # library patchwork magic pQ1 + pQ2 + pQ3 + pQ4 + plot_layout(guides = 'collect') & theme(legend.position = 'bottom') ``` The development of the quarterly minimum, maximum and mean discharge Q over the years for Gauge 16924 (Charvak reservoir inflow) is shown in @fig-chirchik-min-max-mean-quarterly-discharge. The increasing trends in cold season discharge (Q1 and Q4) is confirmed. In these quarters, minimum, mean and maximum discharges appear to increase with a probably link to temperature increases during these quarters (see @sec-chirchik-basin-climate for a discussion). In Q2, minimum and mean discharges have an increasing trend. In Q3, maximum discharge appears to decrease over time. ### Chirchik Basin Climate {#sec-chirchik-basin-climate} Long-term climate data from three different stations located in the vicinity and upstream of Charvak Reservoir is available. The stations are meteorological stations 38642 and 38339, both in Pskem River Basin, station 38471, Chatkal River Basin and station 38464 in the vicinity of the Charvak Reservoir (see also @fig-chirchik-river-basin-overview above for the locations of these stations. The raw temperature data is shown in @fig-chirchik-meteo-station-t whereas the per month temperature trends are shown in @fig-monthly-t-changes-pskem-38462 and @fig-monthly-t-changes-chatkal-38471. At both stations, a significant cold season warning trend is visible. ```{r} #| label: fig-chirchik-meteo-station-t #| fig-cap: "Available decadal temperature records at Pskem and Chatkal meteorological stations. The record at the Kyrgyz Chatkal Meteo Station shows a large data gap in the post-transition years. The blue trend lines (LOESS smoother) indicate an increasing temperature trend at both mountain stations." #| warning: false chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == 'T') |> dplyr::select(date,data,station) |> group_by(station) |> plot_time_series(date, data, .facet_ncol = 1, .interactive = FALSE, .smooth = TRUE, .title = '', .x_lab = "Date", .y_lab = "T [deg. C]") ``` ```{r} #| label: fig-monthly-t-changes-pskem-38462 #| fig-cap: "Changes in mean monthly temperatures are plotted with black lines over the entire observational record for Pskem meteorological station.The red lines are the per month best fit regression lines." #| warning: false chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == "T" & code == "38462") |> dplyr::select(date,data,code,river) |> summarise_by_time(.date_var = date, .by = "month", value = mean(data)) |> tk_ts(frequency = 12) |> forecast::ggsubseriesplot(year.labels = FALSE) + geom_smooth(method = "lm", color = "red") + xlab('Month') + ylab('T [deg. C]') ``` ```{r} #| label: fig-monthly-t-changes-chatkal-38471 #| fig-cap: "Changes in mean monthly temperatures are plotted with black lines over the entire observational record for Chatkal meteorological station.The red lines are the per month best fit regression lines. The one spike in the September bin is an erroneous time series entry." #| warning: false chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == "T" & code == "38471") |> dplyr::select(date, data, code, river) |> summarise_by_time(.date_var = date, .by = "month", value = mean(data)) |> tk_ts(frequency = 12) |> forecast::ggsubseriesplot(year.labels = FALSE) + geom_smooth(method = "lm", color = "red") + xlab('month') + ylab('deg. C.') ``` The increasing cold season temperatures have an impact on the snow fractions in the basins, i.e., on the fraction falling as solid precipitation versus total precipitation. Generally speaking, warming winter temperatures will lead to an increase in elevation of the snowline and thus reduce the area and volume of the winter snow deposits. Similarly to the analysis carried out above for the development of quarterly flows, we can analyze the development of quarterly temperature statistics. @fig-quarterly-mean-min-max-t shows the results. ```{r} #| label: fig-quarterly-mean-min-max-t #| fig-cap: "Development of mean, minimum and maximum quarterly temperatures for Q1 at Station 38462." #| warning: false #| code-fold: true quarterT_mean <- chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == "T" & code == "38471") |> dplyr::select(date, data, code, river) |> summarise_by_time(.date_var = date, .by = "quarter",value = mean(data, na.rm = TRUE)) |> rename(mean = value) |> na.omit() quarterT_max <- chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == "T" & code == "38471") |> dplyr::select(date,data,code,river) |> summarise_by_time(.date_var = date, .by = "quarter",value = max(data, na.rm = TRUE)) |> rename(max = value) |> na.omit() quarterT_min <- chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == "T" & code == "38471") |> dplyr::select(date, data, code, river) |> summarise_by_time(.date_var = date,.by = "quarter",value = min(data, na.rm = TRUE)) |> rename(min = value) |> na.omit() quarterT <- left_join(quarterT_mean, quarterT_max, by = 'date') quarterT <- left_join(quarterT, quarterT_min, by = 'date') quarterT <- bind_cols(quarterT, quarterT$date |> tsibble::yearquarter()) |> rename(quarter = '...5') quarterT$quarter <- quarterT$quarter |> format(., format = "Q%q") q1T <- quarterT |> filter(quarter == 'Q1') |> dplyr::select(-quarter) |> pivot_longer(-date) q2T <- quarterT |> filter(quarter == 'Q2') |> dplyr::select(-quarter) |> pivot_longer(-date) q3T <- quarterT |> filter(quarter == 'Q3') |> dplyr::select(-quarter) |> pivot_longer(-date) q4T <- quarterT |> filter(quarter == 'Q4') |> dplyr::select(-quarter) |> pivot_longer(-date) pQ1 <- q1T |> plot_time_series(.date_var = date,.value = value,.color_var = name, .smooth = TRUE, .smooth_degree = 1, .smooth_period = 'auto',.title = "Quarter Q1", .interactive = FALSE, .facet_ncol = 1, .x_lab = "Date", .y_lab = "T [deg. C]",.legend_show = TRUE) pQ2 <- q2T |> plot_time_series(date,value,name, .smooth = TRUE, .smooth_degree = 1, .smooth_period = 'auto',.title = "Quarter Q2", .interactive = FALSE, .facet_ncol = 1, .x_lab = "Date",.y_lab = "T [deg. C]",.legend_show = FALSE) pQ3 <- q3T |> plot_time_series(date,value,name, .smooth = TRUE, .smooth_degree = 1, .smooth_period = 'auto',.title = "Quarter Q3", .interactive = FALSE, .facet_ncol = 1, .x_lab = "Date",.y_lab = "T [deg. C]", .legend_show = FALSE) pQ4 <- q4T |> na.omit() |> plot_time_series(date,value,name, .smooth = TRUE, .smooth_degree = 1, .smooth_period = 'auto',.title = "Quarter Q4", .interactive = FALSE, .facet_ncol = 1, .x_lab = "Date",.y_lab = "T [deg. C]",.legend_show = FALSE) pQ1 + pQ2 + pQ3 + pQ4 + plot_layout(guides = 'collect') & theme(legend.position = 'bottom') ``` Apart from a generally increasing trend in temperature, especially in the cold seasons, there are also significant positive anomalies since the year 2000 at Station 38462 in the maximum winter (Q1) temperatures. Changes in the fraction of precipitation falling as snow are expected under such developments. We can in fact compute these changes with high resolution daily climate fields that are nowadays available (see @karger_2017, @karger_2020 and @karger_2021 and also more on these in the corresponding [Section on Snow and Glacier Data](#sec-snow-and-glacier-data) further below). @fig-snow-cover-fraction-change-chirchik-river-basin shows the corresponding results. ![Changes in fractional snow cover in the in the Western Tien Shan mountains, including the Chirchik River basin. Shown are percentage changes over the period 1980 - 2011. Changes in snow cover fraction was computed using CHELSA V21 [@karger_2017] daily precipitation and temperature with a liquid-solid temperature threshold value of 1 deg. Celsius. Source: hydrosolutions GmbH.](/images/example_river_basins/snowcover_fraction_change_chirchik_lr.jpg){#fig-snow-cover-fraction-change-chirchik-river-basin} The atmospheric warming between 1980 and 2011 (this is period for which daily precipitation and temperature fields are available at 1 km^2^ resolution) has lead to a reduction of the fraction of the total precipitation falling as snow between 5 - 24 % within the elevation range from 800 masl to 1'500 masl, approx. Changes for pixels where the trend is not significant at the 95 % confidence level are not shown, i.e., they are transparent. In the region shown, no significant positive trends could be identified over the period of consideration. Finally, at higher elevations in the Chirchik River basin, no significant changes can be seen in most places. Now we look into the development of precipitation over the available record of station data. ```{r} #| label: fig-chirchik-precipitation-data #| fig-cap: "Available decadal and monthly data records from different meteorological stations that are located in the zone of runoff formation. As in the case of temperature, the precipitation record at the Kyrgyz Chatkal Meteo Station shows a large data gap in the post-transition years." #| warning: false chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == 'P') |> dplyr::select(date,data,station) |> group_by(station) |> plot_time_series(date, data, .facet_ncol = 1, .interactive = FALSE, .smooth = FALSE, .title = '') ``` ```{r} #| label: fig-quarterly-mean-min-max-p #| fig-cap: "Development of mean, minimum and maximum quarterly precipitation at Station 38462 in the Chirchik River basin." #| warning: false #| code-fold: true quarterP_mean <- chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == "P" & code == "38464") |> dplyr::select(date,data,code,river) |> summarise_by_time(.date_var = date, .by = "quarter",value = mean(data,na.rm = TRUE)) |> rename(mean = value) |> na.omit() quarterP_max <- chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == "P" & code == "38464") |> dplyr::select(date,data,code,river) |> summarise_by_time(.date_var = date, .by = "quarter",value = max(data,na.rm = TRUE)) |> rename(max = value) |> na.omit() quarterP_min <- chirchik_river_data |> filter(type == "P" & code == "38464") |> dplyr::select(date,data,code,river) |> summarise_by_time(.date_var = date,.by = "quarter",value = min(data,na.rm = TRUE)) |> rename(min = value) |> na.omit() quarterP <- left_join(quarterP_mean, quarterP_max, by = 'date') quarterP <- left_join(quarterP, quarterP_min, by = 'date') quarterP <- bind_cols(quarterP,quarterP$date |> tsibble::yearquarter()) |> rename(quarter = '...5') quarterP$quarter <- quarterP$quarter |> format(., format = "Q%q") q1P <- quarterP |> filter(quarter == 'Q1') |> dplyr::select(-quarter) |> pivot_longer(-date) q2P <- quarterP |> filter(quarter == 'Q2') |> dplyr::select(-quarter) |> pivot_longer(-date) q3P <- quarterP |> filter(quarter == 'Q3') |> dplyr::select(-quarter) |> pivot_longer(-date) q4P <- quarterP |> filter(quarter == 'Q4') |> dplyr::select(-quarter) |> pivot_longer(-date) pQ1 <- q1P |> #group_by(name) |> plot_time_series(date,value,name, .smooth = TRUE, .smooth_degree = 1, .smooth_period = 'auto', .title = "Quarter Q1", .interactive = FALSE, .facet_ncol = 1, .x_lab = "Date", .y_lab = "P [mm/10 days]",.legend_show = TRUE ) pQ2 <- q2P |> #group_by(name) |> plot_time_series(date,value,name, .smooth = TRUE, .smooth_degree = 1, .smooth_period = 'auto', .title = "Quarter Q2", .interactive = FALSE, .facet_ncol = 1, .x_lab = "Date",.y_lab = "P [mm/10 days]",.legend_show = FALSE ) pQ3 <- q3P |> #group_by(name) |> plot_time_series(date,value,name, .smooth = TRUE, .smooth_degree = 1, .smooth_period = 'auto', .title = "Quarter Q3", .interactive = FALSE, .facet_ncol = 1, .x_lab = "Date",.y_lab = "P [mm/10 days]", .legend_show = FALSE ) pQ4 <- q4P |> na.omit() |> #group_by(name) |> plot_time_series(date,value,name, .smooth = TRUE, .smooth_degree = 1, .smooth_period = 'auto', .title = "Quarter Q4", .interactive = FALSE, .facet_ncol = 1, .x_lab = "Date",.y_lab = "P [mm/10 days]",.legend_show = FALSE ) pQ1 + pQ2 + pQ3 + pQ4 + plot_layout(guides = 'collect') & theme(legend.position = 'bottom') ``` @fig-quarterly-mean-min-max-p shows that at the meteorological station 38462, precipitation levels have been increasing until the 1980ies for Q3 and Q4. Contrary to that, there is a slightly increasing trend in Q1 since the year 2000. In summary, the general global warming trend is clearly visible in in-situ station records as well as in high-resolution climatologies. As our quick analysis of the changes in snow cover fractions show, the warming translates into less snow cover in intermediate elevation ranges but not in the high-mountain zones where the critical snow storage for warm season runoff is found. This might be one of the possible explanations that we do not see any reduction in observed discharge in the basin. ### Discharge Estimation from the Ungauged Kosku Tributary {#sec-koksu-discharge-contribution} The construction of the Charvak reservoir and the subsequent water impoundment of the rivers water in the reservoir led to a destruction of the previous gauge that measured Chatkal discharge, including the contribution from the Koksu right-tributary. To be able to estimate the Koksu discharge contribution to the Charvak reservoir, even after the impoundment, an empirical relationship between Chatkal river discharge and Koksu was established. The procedure allows for the more or less precise estimation of Koksu discharge, even in the absence of direct measurements, as described below. ::: callout-note The model shown here to estimate Koksu discharge using measured quantities at Khudaydod is a simple type of an empirical model. You will learn more about such types of models in @sec-em. ::: Before the closure of the Charvak dam and the subsequent filling of the reservoir in and after 1974, the Uzbek experts from the Hydrometeorological Agency started a detailed 3-years measurement comparison campaign at Charvak gauge and at gauge 16279 in Khudaydod (see @fig-chirchik-river-basin-overview). Both are located on Chatkal river The confluence of Koksu river with Charvak river is just upstream of the former Charvak gauge and hence between gauge 16279 and the former Charvak gauge. Using daily data from the measurement comparisons campaign, Charvak gauge discharge was related to Khudaydod discharge using a linear relationship. At the same time, they were now able to relate Koksu discharge to the discharge at Chatkal River in Khudaydod as shown in @eq-koksu-empirical-relationship. $$ Q_{Koksu} \propto Q_{Charvak} - Q_{16279} $$ {#eq-koksu-empirical-relationship} ## References {#sec-example-river-basins-references}