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Z. He, Z. Li(Co-first Author), A. Qiao, X. Luo, X. Zhang, T. Chen, S. Song, D. Liu, W. Niu
-IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P) (**Oakland**), 2024. CCF-A.
+IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (**Oakland**), 2024. CCF-A.
* Demystifying DeFi MEV Activities in Flashbots Bundle.
Z. Li, J. Li, Z. He, X. Luo, T. Wang, X. Ni, W. Yang, X. Chen, T. Chen
-ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) (**CCS**), 2023. CCF-A.
+ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (**CCS**), 2023. CCF-A.
-* TokenCat: Detect Flaw of Authentication on ERC20 Tokens.
+* SCVHlunter: Smart Contract VulnerabilityDetection Based on Heterogeneous GraphAttention Network.
+Feng Luo, Ruijie Luo, Ting Chen, Ao Qiao, Zheyuan He, Shuwei Song, Yu Jiang, Sixing Li
+The International Conference on Software Engineering (**ICSE**), 2023. CCF-A.
+* TokenAware: Accurate and efficient bookkeeping recognition for token smart contracts.
+Zheyuan He, Shuwei Song, Yang Bai, Xiapu Luo, Ting Chen, Wensheng Zhang, Peng He, Hongwei Li, Xiaodong Lin, Xiaosong Zhang
+ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (**TOSEM**), 2023. CCF-A.
+* Large-scale empirical study of inline assembly on 7.6 million ethereum smart contracts.
+Zhou Liao, Shuwei Song, Hang Zhu, Xiapu Luo, Zheyuan He, Renkai Jiang, Ting Chen, Jiachi Chen, Tao Zhang, Xiaosong Zhang
+IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (**TSE**), 2022. CCF-A.
+* TokenCat: Detect Flaw of Authentication on ERC20 Tokens.
Z. He, Z. Liao, F. Luo, D. Liu, T. Chen, Z. Li
-IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (**ICC**), 2022. CCF-C.
+IEEE International Conference on Communications (**ICC**), 2022. CCF-C.
+* SigRec: Automatic Recovery of Function Signatures in Smart Contracts.
+T. Chen, Z. Li, X. Luo, X.Wang, T.Wang, Z. He, K. Fang, Y. Zhang, H. Zhu, H Li, Y Cheng, and X. Zhang
+IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (**TSE**), 2021. CCF-A.
+* SODA: A Generic Online Detection Framework for Smart Contracts.
+Ting Chen, Rong Cao, Ting Li, Xiapu Luo, Guofei Gu, Yufei Zhang, Zhou Liao, Hang Zhu, Gang Chen, Zheyuan He, Yuxing Tang, Xiaodong Lin, Xiaosong Zhang
+Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (**NDSS**), 2020. CCF-A.