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i.AI Shared Code

automatilib is a django package used and developed by the i.AI team within the Cabinet Office. It provides common features used in many of our applications.


  • Timestamped, UUID and base user models
  • Initial migration for above models
  • Logic for authenticating with COLA


  • LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL - The URL to redirect users to post-login
  • LOGIN_URL - The URL to redirect users to if they are not logged in
  • COLA_COOKIE_NAME - The name of the cookie to check for COLA JWT
  • COLA_COGNITO_CLIENT_ID - The cognito client ID found in AWS
  • COLA_LOGIN_FAILURE - Where the user should be redirected to in the event of authentication failure.
  • AWS_REGION_NAME - The AWS region that the user pool and cognito client live in
  • COLA_COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID - The cognito user pool ID in AWS
  • LOGIN_FAILURE_TEMPLATE_PATH - The path to an error template for authenticating with COLA errors
  • CONTACT_EMAIL - The contact email to be used in the login error template

This is where some of the above can be found:

  • COLA_COOKIE_NAME: In your json settings file for COLA
  • COLA_COOKIE_DOMAIN: is by default
  • COLA_COGNITO_CLIENT_ID: In AWS, go to your cognito user pool, then to app integration, then at the bottom you can find your client ID in the table
  • AWS_REGION_NAME: Whichever region in AWS your Cognito pool lives, likely to be eu-west-2
  • COLA_COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID: In AWS, go to your cognito user pool, in the top table called User pool overview, your User pool ID is there
  • COLA_LOGIN_URL: Ask the COLA team for this URL
  • COLA_JWT_REGEX_PATTERN: This is one you can adjust how you want to, the baseline is (?<=:).*(?=\.)
  • COLA_LOGIN_FAILURE - This should be a route in your app, if not specified the user will get a raw 401 plain text message.

To make use of COLA

see the example settings in this repo

Add these into your INSTALLED_APPS settings:


Add this into your AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND setting:

    "django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend",  # This includes the default backend

Import and add the following to your url_patterns:

from automatilib.cola.urls import url_patterns as cola_urls
urlpatterns = other_urlpatterns + cola_urls

How to run Tests

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=example_project.settings pytest --cov cola --cov core --cov-report term-missing --cov-fail-under 80
