This document details the built-in functions and atoms available in the MeTTa standard library MeTTa 0.2.2
- Equality and Reduction
- Error Handling
- Evaluation Control
- Expression Manipulation
- Mathematical Operations
- Non-deterministic Computation
- Type System
- List Manipulation
- Logic Operations
- Atomspace Interaction
- Quoting
- Set Operations
- Documentation
Description: Defines a reduction rule for expressions. The left-hand side is a pattern, and the right-hand side is the result of the reduction.
- Pattern: The expression to match.
- Result: The expression to replace the matched pattern with.
Return: Not reduced itself unless custom equalities over equalities are added
(= (add 1 2) 3)
Description: Returns its argument unchanged.
- Input: Any atom.
Return: The input atom.
!(id 5) ; Returns 5
- Description: Type of the atom which contains error.
- Type: Type
Description: Constructs an error atom, indicating a problem during evaluation.
- Atom: The atom where the error occurred.
- Message: An error message, such as
Return: An error atom.
(Error (add "a" 2) BadType)
Description: Checks if an atom is an error. Returns one value if it is, and another if it is not.
- Atom: The atom to check.
- Then: Value to return if the atom is an error.
- Else: Value to return otherwise.
Return: Either the
argument. -
!(if-error (Error 5 BadType) "Error!" "No error") ; Returns "Error!"
Description: Returns the first argument if it is an Empty or an error. Returns the second argument otherwise.
- Atom: Atom to check.
- Then: Atom for further evaluation if first argumet is not an Error or Empty.
Return: Return previous result if it is an error or Empty or continue evaluation
!(return-on-error (Error 5 BadType) 6) ; Returns (Error 5 BadType) !(return-on-error 5 6) ; Returns 6
Description: Returns a value from a
expression. -
- Value: The value to return.
Return: The input value.
(function (return 5)) ; Returns 5
Description: Evaluates the argument until it becomes
(return <result>)
, then reduces to<result>
. -
- Atom: The atom to be evaluated.
Return: The result of the atom's evaluation.
!(function (+ 1 2)) ; Returns 3 because (+ 1 2) evaluates to 3 which becomes (return 3)
Description: Evaluates an atom, performing one step of reduction. This can be via equality rules or grounded functions.
- Atom: The atom to evaluate.
Return: The result of the evaluation.
(= (double $x) (+ $x $x)) !(eval (double 5)) ; Returns (+ 5 5) !(eval (+ 5 5)) ; Returns 10
- Description: Evaluates an atom within a specific atomspace context.
- Parameters:
- Atom: The atom to evaluate.
- Space: The atomspace in which to evaluate the atom.
- Return: The result of the evaluation.
Description: Evaluates an atom, binds the result to a variable, and then evaluates another atom containing the variable.
- Atom: The atom to evaluate initially.
- Variable: The variable to bind the result to.
- Template: The atom to evaluate after binding.
Return: The result of evaluating the template.
!(chain (+ 2 3) $x (* $x 2)) ; Evaluates (+ 2 3) to 5, binds it to $x, then evaluates (* $x 2), returning 10.
Description: Attempts to unify two atoms. If successful, returns one value; otherwise, returns another.
- Atom1: The first atom to unify.
- Atom2: The second atom to unify.
- Then: The value to return if unification succeeds.
- Else: The value to return if unification fails.
Return: Either the
argument. -
!(unify A A "Matched!" "Didn't match") ; Returns "Matched!" !(unify A B "Matched!" "Didn't match") ; Returns "Didn't match"
Description: Subsequently tests multiple pattern-matching conditions for the given value.
- Atom: Atom to be matched with patterns
- Cases: Tuple of pairs mapping condition patterns to results.
Return: Result which corresponds to the pattern which is matched with the passed atom first
!(switch 2 ((1 "one") (2 "two") (3 "three"))) ; Returns "two"
Description: Subsequently tests multiple pattern-matching conditions for the given value.
- Atom: Atom to be matched with patterns. Note that this atom will be evaluated.
- Cases: Tuple of pairs mapping condition patterns to results.
Return: Result of evaluating of Atom bound to met condition.
!(case 2 ((1 "one") (2 "two") (3 "three"))) ; Returns "two"
Description: Unifies two atoms and apply result of the unification on the third argument. Second argument is evaluated before unification.
- Pattern: First atom to be unified.
- Atom: Second atom to be unified.
- Template: Expression which will be evaluated if two first arguments can be unified.
Return: Third argument or Empty
!(let $x 5 (+ $x 2)) ; Returns 7
Description: Same as let but inputs list of pairs of atoms to be unified.
- Pairs: List of pairs, atoms in each pair to be unified.
- Template: Expression which will be evaluated if each pair can be unified.
Return: Second argument or Empty
!(let* (($x 5) ($y 10)) (+ $x $y)) ; Returns 15
Description: Replace itself by one of the arguments depending on condition.
- Condition: Boolean condition
- Then: Result when condition is True
- Else: Result when condition is False
Return: Second or third argument
!(if True 5 10) ; Returns 5 !(if False 5 10) ; Returns 10
Description: Constructs an expression (list) by adding an atom to the head of another expression.
- Head: The atom to add to the beginning.
- Tail: The expression to add the atom to.
Return: A new expression.
!(cons-atom 1 (2 3)) ; Returns (1 2 3)
Description: Deconstructs an expression into its head and tail.
- Expression: The expression to deconstruct.
Return: An expression containing the head and tail:
(Head Tail)
. -
!(decons-atom (1 2 3)) ; Returns ((1) (2 3))
Description: Extracts the first atom of an expression.
- Expression: The expression to extract the first atom from.
Return: The first atom of the expression.
!(car-atom (1 2 3)) ; Returns 1
Description: Extracts the tail of an expression (all atoms except the first).
- Expression: The expression to extract the tail from.
Return: The tail of the expression.
!(cdr-atom (1 2 3)) ; Returns (2 3)
Description: Returns size of an expression.
- Expression: The expression to get size.
Return: Size of an expression.
!(size-atom (1 2 3)) ; Returns 3
Description: Returns atom from an expression using index or error if index is out of bounds
- Expression: The expression to extract from.
- Index: The index of the atom.
Return: Atom from an expression in the place defined by index. Error if index is out of bounds
!(index-atom (1 2 3) 1) ; Returns 2
Description: Calculates the power of a base raised to an exponent.
- Base: The base number.
- Power: The exponent.
Return: The result of the power function.
!(pow-math 2 3) ; Returns 8
Description: Calculates the square root of a number.
- Number: The number to calculate the square root of. Must be >= 0.
Return: The square root of the number.
!(sqrt-math 9) ; Returns 3
Description: Calculates the absolute value of a number.
- Number: The number to calculate the absolute value of.
Return: The absolute value of the number.
!(abs-math -5) ; Returns 5
Description: Calculates the logarithm of a number with a given base.
- Base: The base of the logarithm.
- Number: The number to calculate the logarithm of.
Return: The result of the logarithm function.
!(log-math 10 100) ; Returns 2
Description: Returns the integer part of the input value
- Float: Input float value
Return: Integer part of float
!(trunc-math 5.6) ; Returns 5
Description: Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the input value
- Float: Input float value
Return: Integer value greater than or equal to the input
!(ceil-math 5.2) ; Returns 6
Description: Returns the smallest integer less than or equal to the input value
- Float: Input float value
Return: Integer value less than or equal to the input
!(floor-math 5.8) ; Returns 5
Description: Returns the nearest integer to the input float value
- Float: Input float value
Return: Nearest integer to the input
!(round-math 5.4) ; Returns 5 !(round-math 5.6) ; Returns 6
Description: Returns result of the sine function for an input value in radians
- Angle: Angle in radians
Return: Result of the sine function
!(sin-math 0) ; Returns 0.0
Description: Returns result of the arcsine function for an input value
- Float: Input float value
Return: Result of the arcsine function
!(asin-math 0) ; Returns 0.0
Description: Returns result of the cosine function for an input value in radians
- Angle: Angle in radians
Return: Result of the cosine function
!(cos-math 0) ; Returns 1.0
Description: Returns result of the arccosine function for an input value
- Float: Input float value
Return: Result of the arccosine function
!(acos-math 1) ; Returns 0.0
Description: Returns result of the tangent function for an input value in radians
- Angle: Angle in radians
Return: Result of the tangent function
!(tan-math 0) ; Returns 0.0
Description: Returns result of the arctangent function for an input value
- Float: Input float value
Return: Result of the arctangent function
!(atan-math 0) ; Returns 0.0
Description: Returns True if input value is NaN. False - otherwise
- Number: Number
Return: True/False
!(isnan-math 0.0) ; Returns False
Description: Returns True if input value is positive or negative infinity. False - otherwise
- Number: Number
Return: True/False
!(isinf-math 0.0) ; Returns False
- Description: Returns atom with min value in the expression. Only numbers allowed
- Parameters:
- Expression: Expression which contains atoms of Number type
- Return: Min value in the expression. Error if expression contains non-numeric value or is empty
- Description: Returns atom with max value in the expression. Only numbers allowed
- Parameters:
- Expression: Expression which contains atoms of Number type
- Return: Max value in the expression. Error if expression contains non-numeric value or is empty
- Description: Returns random int number from range defined by two numbers
- Parameters:
- Range start: Range start
- Range end: Range end
- Return: Random int number from defined range
- Description: Returns random float number from range defined by two numbers
- Parameters:
- Range start: Range start
- Range end: Range end
- Return: Random float number from defined range
- Description: Evaluates a MeTTa operation and returns an expression containing all alternative evaluations in the form
(Atom Bindings)
. - Parameters:
- Atom: The MeTTa operation to evaluate.
- Return: An expression of alternative evaluations with bindings.
- Description: Takes the result of
and returns only the result atoms, discarding the bindings. - Parameters:
- Expression: An expression in the form
(Atom Bindings)
- Expression: An expression in the form
- Return: A non-deterministic list of atoms.
- Example:
!(superpose-bind ((A (Grounded ...)) (B (Grounded ...)))) ; returns the equivalent of (superpose (A B))
- Description: Turns a tuple into a nondeterministic result.
- Parameters:
- Tuple: Tuple to be converted.
- Return: Argument converted to nondeterministic result
- Example:
!(superpose (A B C)) ; returns A, B, C nondeterministically
- Description: Converts a nondeterministic result into a tuple.
- Parameters:
- Atom: Atom which will be evaluated.
- Return: Tuple
- Example:
!(collapse (superpose (A B C))) ; returns (A B C)
Description: Checks if a type is a function type.
- Type: The type atom to check.
if the type is a function type,False
otherwise. -
!(is-function (-> Atom Atom)) ; Returns True !(is-function Atom) ; Returns False
- Description: Attempts to cast an atom to a specific type within an atomspace context.
- Parameters:
- Atom: The atom to cast.
- Type: The target type.
- Space: The atomspace to use as context.
- Return: The atom if casting is successful, or an
atom if not.
Description: Checks if two types can be unified and returns one value if so, another - otherwise.
- Type1: The first type.
- Type2: The second type.
- Then: Atom to be returned if types can be unified.
- Else: Atom to be returned if types cannot be unified.
Return: Third or fourth argument
!(match-types Atom Atom "Matched!" "Didn't match") ; Returns "Matched!" !(match-types Atom Number "Matched!" "Didn't match") ; Returns "Didn't match"
Description: Gets a pair as a first argument and returns first atom from pair.
- Pair: Pair.
Return: First atom from a pair.
!(first-from-pair (A B)) ; Returns A
- Description: Checks if two types can be unified and returns result of OR operation between first argument and type checking result.
- Parameters:
- Folded: Boolean value
- Next: First type.
- Type: Second type.
- Return: True or False
Description: Filters a list of atoms based on a predicate.
- List: The list of atoms to filter.
- Variable: The variable to use in the predicate.
- Filter: The predicate to apply (an expression that returns
Return: A new list containing only the atoms that satisfy the predicate.
!(filter-atom (1 2 3 4 5) $x (> $x 3)) ; Returns (4 5)
Description: Applies a function to each atom in a list, creating a new list with the results.
- List: The list of atoms to map over.
- Variable: The variable to use in the mapping expression.
- Map: The expression to apply to each atom.
Return: A new list with the mapped values.
!(map-atom (1 2 3) $x (+ $x 1)) ; Returns (2 3 4)
Description: Folds (reduces) a list of values into a single value, using a binary operation. This is a left fold.
- List: The list of values to fold.
- Init: The initial value.
- A: The variable to hold the accumulated value.
- B: The variable to hold the current element of the list.
- Op: The binary operation to apply (an expression using
Return: The final accumulated value.
!(foldl-atom (1 2 3 4) 0 $acc $x (+ $acc $x)) ; Returns 10 (1+2+3+4)
Description: Logical disjunction of two arguments.
- Arg1: First argument
- Arg2: Second argument
Return: True if any of input arguments is True, False - otherwise
!(or True False) ; Returns True
Description: Logical conjunction of two arguments
- Arg1: First argument
- Arg2: Second argument
Return: Returns True if both arguments are True, False - otherwise
!(and True False) ; Returns False !(and True True) ; Returns True
Description: Logical negation.
- Arg: Argument
Return: Negates boolean input argument (False -> True, True -> False)
!(not True) ; Returns False !(not False) ; Returns True
Description: Logical exclusive or.
- Arg1: First argument
- Arg2: Second argument
Return: Returns True if one and only one of the inputs is True
!(xor True False) ; Returns True !(xor True True) ; Returns False
Description: Random boolean value.
- None
Return: Returns uniformly distributed random boolean value
!(flip) ; Returns True or False
Description: Reduces an atom and adds it to the atomspace.
- Space: The atomspace to add the atom to.
- Atom: The atom to add.
Return: Unit atom
!(add-reduct &self (Foo Bar))
- Description: Adds an atom into the atomspace without reducing it.
- Parameters:
- Space: Atomspace to add atom into
- Atom: Atom to add
- Return: Unit atom
- Description: Returns type notation of input atom.
- Parameters:
- Atom: Atom to get type for
- Return: Type notation or %Undefined% if there is no type for input Atom
- Description: Returns type notation of input Atom relative to a specified atomspace.
- Parameters:
- Space: Atomspace where type notation for input atom will be searched
- Atom: Atom to get type for
- Return: Type notation or %Undefined% if there is no type for input Atom in provided atomspace
- Description: Returns metatype of the input atom
- Parameters:
- Atom: Atom to get metatype for
- Return: Metatype of input atom
- Description: Checks if first two arguments are equal and evaluates third argument if equal, fourth argument - otherwise.
- Parameters:
- Arg1: First argument
- Arg2: Second argument
- Then: Atom to be evaluated if arguments are equal
- Else: Atom to be evaluated if arguments are not equal
- Return: Evaluated third or fourth argument
- Description: Creates new Atomspace which could be used further in the program as a separate from &self Atomspace
- Parameters: None
- Return: Reference to a new space
- Description: Removes atom from the input Atomspace
- Parameters:
- Space: Reference to the space from which the Atom needs to be removed
- Atom: Atom to be removed
- Return: Unit atom
- Description: Shows all atoms in the input Atomspace
- Parameters:
- Space: Reference to the space
- Return: List of all atoms in the input space
- Description: Searches for all declared atoms corresponding to the given pattern inside space and returns the output template
- Parameters:
- Space: Atomspace to search pattern
- Pattern: Pattern atom to be searched
- Output: Output template typically containing variables from the input pattern
- Return: If match was successfull it outputs template with filled variables using matched pattern. Empty - otherwise
Description: Prevents an atom from being reduced.
- Atom: The atom to quote.
Return: The quoted atom (which will not be evaluated).
!(eval (quote (+ 1 2))) ; Returns (+ 1 2) instead of 3
Description: Removes the quote from a quoted atom.
- QuotedAtom: The atom to unquote.
Return: The original, unquoted atom.
!(unquote (quote (+ 1 2))) ; Returns (+ 1 2)
Description: Checks equality of two atoms without reducing them.
- A: First atom
- B: Second atom
Return: True if not reduced atoms are equal, False - otherwise
!(noreduce-eq (+ 1 2) (+ 1 2)) ; Returns True !(noreduce-eq (+ 1 2) 3) ; Returns False
Description: Returns unique entities from non-deterministic input.
- Arg: Non-deterministic set of values
Return: Unique values from input set
!(unique (superpose (a b c d d))) ; Returns [a, b, c, d]
Description: Returns union of two non-deterministic inputs.
- Arg1: Non-deterministic set of values
- Arg2: Another non-deterministic set of values
Return: Union of sets
!(union (superpose (a b b c)) (superpose (b c c d))) ; Returns [a, b, b, c, b, c, c, d]
Description: Returns intersection of two non-deterministic inputs.
- Arg1: Non-deterministic set of values
- Arg2: Another non-deterministic set of values
Return: Intersection of sets
!(intersection (superpose (a b c c)) (superpose (b c c c d))) ; Returns [b, c, c]
Description: Returns subtraction of two non-deterministic inputs.
- Arg1: Non-deterministic set of values
- Arg2: Another non-deterministic set of values
Return: Subtraction of sets
!(subtraction (superpose (a b b c)) (superpose (b c c d))) ; Returns [a, b]
Description: Function takes tuple and returns only unique entities
- List: List of values
Return: Unique values from input set
!(unique-atom (a b c d d)) ; Returns (a b c d)
Description: Function takes two tuples and returns their union
- List1: List of values
- List2: List of values
Return: Union of sets
!(union-atom (a b b c) (b c c d)) ; Returns (a b b c b c c d)
Description: Function takes two tuples and returns their intersection
- List1: List of values
- List2: List of values
Return: Intersection of sets
!(intersection-atom (a b c c) (b c c c d)) ; Returns (b c c)
Description: Function takes two tuples and returns their subtraction
- List1: List of values
- List2: List of values
Return: Subtraction of sets
!(subtraction-atom (a b b c) (b c c d)) ; Returns (a b)