- Migrate math to NumPy
- Run solver with args
- play
- logs
- noanimation
- run exact games count
- job notes
- debug
- Version log
- Games results logging into csv
- ver
- date
- time
- turns
- score
- max tile
- final Garden flatten
- def getScore()
- Internal scoring system for decision maker
- Spacebar pause
- show current game stats
- temporary manual handling
- def printMatrix()
- Turns percentage
- Avoid eval() for proper public scoring
- def printSummary()
- Turns per sec analytics
- Criteria: Numb of identical tiles on one line after turn
- Criteria: Max board tile is in a corner
- Criteria: Max 8 board tiles is in one sector or idealGarden match
- Unified cosmo credit system based on max turn score
- Loglevel
- Wait until page loading?? OK fuck this shit
- Remove animation to improve speed
- Force close new mobile apps banner
- Coefs thru args
- Batch laucher
- Run multiple thru subprocess
- MOD for GamesCounter
- Gitignore for Py
###To fix
- Fix: TPS in multiple games
- Fix: remove commas from note before csv write
- Fix: use unicode for notes
- Fix: internal score counter
- Fix: Perspective scores should apply only in case bot get real scores on this turn!
- Refactor: put all Mod to weightLifter, put all scoring to turnEmulator
- Remove intertools
- Fix csv EOL for WIN