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2020, 2024


Accessing log fields

{: #log-fields}

If fields are not specified in the request, a limited set of default fields are returned. Find the full list of all available fields using the following request.

ibmcloud cis logpull DNS_DOMAIN_ID --available-fields

{: pre}

Fields are passed as a comma-separated list. For example, to have "ZoneID" and "RayID", use:

ibmcloud cis logpull DNS_DOMAIN_ID --start 2019-01-02T01:00:00+00:00 --end 2019-01-02T01:00:00+00:00 --fields ZoneId,RayID

{: pre}

Available Fields

{: #logpull-available-fields}

The following tables describe the fields available by log category.

HTTP requests

{: #http-requests}

This table contains the fields available for HTTP requests.

Fields marked [Deprecated]{: tag-deprecated} are deprecated and will be removed from the dataset on 1 September, 2023. {: note}

Field Value Type
BotScore Cloudflare Bot Score (available for Bot Management customers; please contact your account team to enable) int
BotScoreSrc Underlying detection engine or source on where a Bot Score is calculated. Possible values are Not Computed Heuristics Machine Learning Behavioral Analysis Verified Bot string
CacheCacheStatus unknown miss expired updating stale hit ignored bypass revalidated string
CacheResponseBytes Number of bytes returned by the cache int
CacheResponseStatus HTTP status code returned by the cache to the edge; all requests (including non-cacheable ones) go through the cache; also see CacheStatus field int
CacheTieredFill Tiered Cache was used to serve this request bool
ClientASN Client AS number int
ClientCountry Country of the client IP address string
ClientDeviceType Client device type string
ClientIP IP address of the client string
ClientIPClass unknown clean badHost searchEngine whitelist greylist monitoringService securityScanner noRecord scan backupService mobilePlatform tor string
ClientRequestBytes Number of bytes in the client request int
ClientRequestHost Host requested by the client string
ClientRequestMethod HTTP method of client request string
ClientRequestPath URI path requested by the client string
ClientRequestProtocol HTTP protocol of client request string
ClientRequestReferer HTTP request referrer string
ClientRequestURI URI requested by the client string
ClientRequestUserAgent User agent reported by the client string
ClientSSLCipher Client SSL cipher string
ClientSSLProtocol Client SSL (TLS) protocol string
ClientSrcPort Client source port int
ClientXRequestedWith X-Requested-With HTTP header string
EdgeColoCode IATA airport code of data center that received the request string
EdgeColoID Cloudflare edge colo id int
EdgeEndTimestamp Timestamp at which the edge finished sending response to the client int or string
EdgePathingOp Indicates what type of response was issued for this request (unknown = no specific action) string
EdgePathingSrc Details how the request was classified based on security checks (unknown = no specific classification) string
EdgePathingStatus Indicates what data was used to determine the handling of this request (unknown = no data) string
EdgeRateLimitAction [Deprecated]{: tag-deprecated} The action taken by the blocking rule; empty if no action taken string
EdgeRateLimitID [Deprecated]{: tag-deprecated} The internal rule ID of the rate-limiting rule that triggered a block (ban) or simulate action. 0 if no action taken int
EdgeRequestHost Host header on the request from the edge to the origin string
EdgeResponseBytes Number of bytes returned by the edge to the client int
EdgeResponseCompressionRatio Edge response compression ratio float
EdgeResponseContentType Edge response Content-Type header value string
EdgeResponseStatus HTTP status code returned by Cloudflare to the client int
EdgeServerIP IP of the edge server making a request to the origin string
EdgeStartTimestamp Timestamp at which the edge received request from the client int or string
FirewallMatchesActions [Deprecated]{: tag-deprecated} Array of actions the Cloudflare firewall products performed on this request. The individual firewall products associated with this action be found in FirewallMatchesSources and their respective RuleIds can be found in FirewallMatchesRuleIDs. The length of the array is the same as FirewallMatchesRuleIDs and FirewallMatchesSources. Possible actions are allow log simulate drop challenge jschallenge connectionClose challengeSolved challengeFailed challengeBypassed jschallengeSolved jschallengeFailed jschallengeBypassed bypass array of actions (strings)
FirewallMatchesRuleIDs [Deprecated]{: tag-deprecated} Array of RuleIDs of the firewall product that has matched the request. The firewall product associated with the RuleID can be found in FirewallMatchesSources. The length of the array is the same as FirewallMatchesActions and FirewallMatchesSources. array of RuleIDs (strings)
FirewallMatchesSources [Deprecated]{: tag-deprecated} The firewall products that matched the request. The same product can appear multiple times, which indicates different rules or actions that were activated. The RuleIDs can be found in FirewallMatchesRuleIDs, the actions can be found in FirewallMatchesActions. The length of the array is the same as FirewallMatchesRuleIDs and FirewallMatchesActions. Possible sources are asn country ip ipRange securityLevel zoneLockdown waf firewallRules uaBlock rateLimit bic hot l7ddos sanitycheck protect array of product names (strings)
OriginIP IP of the origin server string
OriginResponseHTTPExpires Value of the origin 'expires' header in RFC1123 format string
OriginResponseHTTPLastModified Value of the origin 'last-modified' header in RFC1123 format string
OriginResponseStatus Status returned by the origin server int
OriginResponseTime Number of nanoseconds it took the origin to return the response to edge int
OriginSSLProtocol SSL (TLS) protocol used to connect to the origin string
ParentRayID Ray ID of the parent request if this request was made using a Worker script string
RayID ID of the request string
SecurityAction (replaces WAFAction) Rule action of the security rule that triggered a terminating action, if any. string
SecurityActions (replaces FirewallMatchesActions) Array of actions that Cloudflare security products performed on the request string array
SecurityLevel [Deprecated]{: tag-deprecated} The security level configured at the time of this request. This is used to determine the sensitivity of the IP Reputation system string
SecurityRuleID (replaces WAFRuleID) Rule ID of the security rule that triggered a terminating action, if any. string
SecurityRuleIDs (replaces FirewallMatchesRuleIDs) Rule ID of the security rule that triggered a terminating action, if any. string array
SecurityRuleDescription (replaces WAFRuleMessage) Rule description of the security rule that triggered a terminating action, if any. string
SecuritySources (replaces FirewallMatchesSources) Array of Cloudflare security products that matched the request string array
WAFAction [Deprecated]{: tag-deprecated} Action taken by the WAF, if triggered string
WAFFlags Additional configuration flags: simulate (0x1) null string
WAFMatchedVar The full name of the most-recently matched variable string
WAFProfile [Deprecated]{: tag-deprecated} low med high string
WAFRuleID [Deprecated]{: tag-deprecated} ID of the applied WAF rule string
WAFRuleMessage [Deprecated]{: tag-deprecated} Rule message associated with the triggered rule string
WorkerCPUTime Amount of time in microseconds spent executing a worker, if any int
WorkerStatus Status returned from worker daemon string
WorkerSubrequest Whether or not this request was a worker subrequest bool
WorkerSubrequestCount Number of subrequests issued by a worker when handling this request int
ZoneID Internal zone ID int
{: caption="HTTP events" caption-side="bottom"}

"Security rule" refers to one of these rule types: WAF managed rule, WAF custom rule, or WAF rate limiting rule. {: note}

Range requests

{: #range-requests}

The following table contains the fields available for Range requests.

Field Value Type
Application The unique public ID of the application on which the event occurred string
ClientAsn Client AS number int
ClientBytes The number of bytes read from the client by the Spectrum service int
ClientCountry Country of the client IP address string
ClientIP Client IP address string
ClientPort Client port int
ClientProto Transport protocol used by client; tcp udp unix string
ClientTcpRtt The TCP round-trip time in nanoseconds between the client and Spectrum int
ClientTlsCipher The cipher negotiated between the client and Spectrum string
ClientTlsClientHelloServerName The server name in the Client Hello message from client to Spectrum string
ClientTlsProtocol The TLS version negotiated between the client and Spectrum; unknown none SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3 string
ClientTlsStatus Indicates state of TLS session from the client to Spectrum; UNKNOWN OK INTERNAL_ERROR INVALID_CONFIG INVALID_SNI HANDSHAKE_FAILED KEYLESS_RPC string
ColoCode IATA airport code of data center that received the request string
ConnectTimestamp Timestamp at which both legs of the connection (client/edge, edge/origin or nexthop) were established int or string
DisconnectTimestamp Timestamp at which the connection was closed int or string
Event connect disconnect clientFiltered tlsError resolveOrigin originError string
IpFirewall Whether IP Firewall was enabled at time of connection bool
OriginBytes The number of bytes read from the origin by Spectrum int
OriginIP Origin IP address string
OriginPort Origin port int
OriginProto Transport protocol used by origin; tcp udp unix string
OriginTcpRtt The TCP round-trip time in nanoseconds between Spectrum and the origin int
OriginTlsCipher The cipher negotiated between Spectrum and the origin string
OriginTlsFingerprint SHA256 hash of origin certificate string
OriginTlsMode If and how the upstream connection is encrypted; unknown off flexible full strict string
OriginTlsProtocol The TLS version negotiated between Spectrum and the origin; unknown none SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3 string
OriginTlsStatus The state of the TLS session from Spectrum to the origin; UNKNOWN OK INTERNAL_ERROR INVALID_CONFIG INVALID_SNI HANDSHAKE_FAILED KEYLESS_RPC string
ProxyProtocol Which form of proxy protocol is applied to the given connection; off v1 v2 simple string
Status A code indicating reason for connection closure int
Timestamp Timestamp at which the event took place string
{: caption="Range events" caption-side="bottom"}

Firewall events

{: #firewall-events}

Field Value Type
Action The code of the first-class action the Cloudflare Firewall took on this request string
ClientASN The ASN number of the visitor int
ClientASNDescription The ASN of the visitor as string string
ClientCountry Country from which request originated string
ClientIP The visitor's IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) string
ClientIPClass The classification of the visitor's IP address, possible values are: unknown clean badHost searchEngine whitelist greylist monitoringService securityScanner noRecord scan backupService mobilePlatform tor string
ClientRefererHost The referer host string
ClientRefererPath The referer path requested by visitor string
ClientRefererQuery The referer query-string was requested by the visitor string
ClientRefererScheme The referer url scheme requested by the visitor string
ClientRequestHost The HTTP hostname requested by the visitor string
ClientRequestMethod The HTTP method used by the visitor string
ClientRequestPath The path requested by visitor string
ClientRequestProtocol The version of HTTP protocol requested by the visitor string
ClientRequestQuery The query-string was requested by the visitor string
ClientRequestScheme The url scheme requested by the visitor string
ClientRequestUserAgent Visitor's user-agent string string
Datetime The date and time the event occurred at the edge int or string
Description The description of the rule triggered by the request string
EdgeColoCode The airport code of the Cloudflare datacenter that served this request string
EdgeResponseStatus HTTP response status code returned to browser int
Kind The kind of event, currently the only possible value is firewall string
MatchIndex Rules match index in the chain int
Metadata Additional product-specific information. Metadata is organized in key:value pairs. Key and Value formats can vary by Cloudflare security product and can change over time object
OriginResponseStatus HTTP origin response status code returned to browser int
OriginatorRayID The RayID of the request that issued the challenge/jschallenge string
RayID The RayID of the request string
Ref The user-defined identifier for the rule triggered by the request string
RuleID The Cloudflare security product-specific RuleID triggered by this request string
Source The Cloudflare security product triggered by this request string
{: caption="Firewall events" caption-side="bottom"}

DNS logs

{: #dns-logs}

Field Value Type
ColoCode IATA airport code of data center that received the request string
EDNSSubnet EDNS Client Subnet (IPv4 or IPv6) string
EDNSSubnetLength EDNS Client Subnet length int
QueryName Name of the query that was sent string
QueryType Integer value of query type int
ResponseCached Whether the response was cached or not bool
ResponseCode Integer value of response code int
SourceIP IP address of the client (IPv4 or IPv6) string
Timestamp Timestamp at which the query occurred int or string
{: caption="DNS logs" caption-side="bottom"}