Here you will find all the steps to build on the results from
. If you did not run the
previous scripts, you should run them before starting this one.
Read the .env
file and make sure you have all the required environment variables set.
source .env
Do not leave the terminal where you sourced the .env
file, as we will use the environment variables in the following
steps and also use the output from some steps to continue with the next ones.
First, we will deploy CloudNativePG operator to the cluster. This operator will take care to deploy a PostgreSQL instance for our Backstage application.
cat argocd/cnpg.yaml
cp argocd/cnpg.yaml infra/.
git add infra
git commit -m "CPNG"
git push
Observe CNPG rollout in Argo CD UI
kubectl --namespace cnpg-system get all
cat argocd/backstage-postgresql.yaml
cp argocd/backstage-postgresql.yaml infra/.
git add .
git commit -m "Backstage PostgreSQL"
git push
Observe PostgreSQL rollout in Argo CD UI
Check the status of the PostgreSQL deployment and get the password for the database.
kubectl --namespace backstage get clusters
# The the login credentials for Backstage
export DB_PASS=$(kubectl --namespace backstage \
get secret backstage-app \
--output jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode)
# Wait for the DB to be created
kubectl --namespace backstage wait pod backstage-1 \
--for=condition=Ready --timeout=90s
# Repeat the previous command if it errored claiming that the
# Pod does not exist since that probably means that the Pod
# was not yet created.
kubectl exec -it --namespace=backstage backstage-1 -- \
psql -c "\du"
Now we will deploy the SealedSecrets controller to the cluster.
cat argocd/sealed-secrets-app.yaml
cp argocd/sealed-secrets-app.yaml infra/.
git add infra
git commit -m "Deploy sealed secrets controller"
git push
Observe SealedSecrets rollout in Argo CD UI
Next, we will deploy Backstage to the cluster. For this, we will create a secret with the required environment variables and use the sealed secret controller to encrypt it so we can check it into the repository and let Argo CD deploy it.
cat backstage-resources/*.yaml
kubectl --namespace backstage \
create secret generic backstage-secrets \
--from-literal POSTGRES_USER=app \
--dry-run=client --output json
kubectl --namespace backstage \
create secret generic backstage-secrets \
--from-literal POSTGRES_USER=app \
--dry-run=client --output yaml \
| kubeseal --controller-namespace kubeseal --format yaml \
| tee backstage-resources/bs-secret.yaml
cat argocd/backstage.yaml
#yq --inplace \
# ".spec.rules[0].host = \"backstage.$\"" \
# backstage-resources/bs-ingress.yaml
cp argocd/backstage.yaml infra/.
git add .
git commit -m "Deploy Backstage"
git push
# Observe the Backstage rollout in ArgoCD
kubectl --namespace backstage get all,secrets
echo "https://$BACKSTAGE_URL"
Open the URL from the output in a browser
Now we will deploy the Users API application to the cluster.
cat users-api/deployment.yaml
cat argocd/users-api.yaml
cp argocd/users-api.yaml apps/.
git add .
git commit -m "deploy users-api"
git push
kubectl get all
As a final step, we will add the Users API to the Backstage catalog.
cat users-api/users-app-component.yaml
cp users-api/users-app-component.yaml catalog/
yq --inplace \
".spec.targets += \"./users-app-component.yaml\"" \
git add catalog
git commit -m "add users-api to the catalog"
git push
Head over top Backstage and check the new component in the catalog and how the Kubernetes and Argo CD plugins work.