All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep a changelog.
- #12 (2024-01-17)- Add ".gitattributes" file for linguist detection. @ygomezsaiz
- Add Debian 12 support
- Change molecule priviliged to false
- Add Debian 11 bullseye support
- Dockerfiles update to accomodate Debian 11
- Update .ansible-lint
- Update .yamllint
- Update .travis.yml dist
- Add scenarios for bullseye
- Upgrade test requirements and pipfile
- Update molecule.yml for different scenarios
- Update some verify tasks
- #4 [BUG] Error in logrotate installation on Debian 10 @emepege
- #1 [SUPPORT] Logrotate in Debian 10 (Buster) @emepege
- Cleanup of legacy stuff. Upgraded to molecule 3.0, goss 0.13, etc
- First release