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Historic: Requirements : RefinedIetfSearch

Robert Sparks edited this page May 1, 2023 · 1 revision

Refined IETF Search

Marshall Eubanks wrote:
> Dear Glenn;
> I know that you are busy - and I think that you and the AMS crew have 
> been doing heroic work,
> above and beyond the call of duty. However, I wanted to make a 
> suggestion, and I
> am not sure where to send it, so I will send it to you and Ray. (Maybe I 
> should make two suggestions - the first being a place to make 
> suggestions !)
> IETF Searches are frequently harder than they should be. If you know the 
> RFC Number, you can find it. If you know the name of the ID, you may 
> have to wade through a lot of extraneous stuff, like email postings. If 
> you know one author, or part of the name, it can be very hard. And, if 
> you don't really know what you are doing, you may well get
> an old version, or not find out if an I-D is now a RFC. To use jargon, 
> we do well on the forward problem, poorly on the inverse problem.
> Just enter, say, "Bill Fenner" in the IETF search box and see how deep 
> you have to go to find some of his RFC's.
> I would like to see the IETF Search work as follows :
> If I put in a person's name, it would return
> - a list of the RFC's they are co-author's on. (Or, maybe the 5 most 
> recent with a "click here for more" button.)
> followed by
> - a list of the _most recent version_ of any I-D's they are co-author's 
> on (as long as such haven't turned into RFC's)
> (Or, maybe the 5 most recent with a "click here for more" button.)
> followed by
> - the current web search.
> If I enter the full name of a I-D, I would like to see
> - Either the most recent version, or the RFC it turned into, followed by 
> the current web search.
> If I enter a partial I-D name (especially a partial beginning like 
> "draft-ietf-mboned-blah" I would like to see
> the set of active I-D's that match that partial name, again followed by 
> the current web search.
> If I enter an RFC name or number, and if that RFC has been superseded by 
> another, the search should tell me that.
> Again, these are just suggestions to put into your hopper. There is no 
> need to put this at high priority.
> Regards
> Marshall
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