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API documentation


The AlexSDK class includes the following functions:

export declare class AlexSDK {
  fetchSwappableCurrency(): Promise<TokenInfo[]>;
  getAllPossibleRoutes(from: Currency, to: Currency): Promise<AMMRoute[]>;   
  getAmountTo(from: Currency, fromAmount: bigint, to: Currency): Promise<bigint>;
  getBalances(stxAddress: string): Promise<Partial<{ [currency in Currency]: bigint }>>;
  getFeeRate(from: Currency, to: Currency): Promise<bigint>;
  getLatestPrices(): Promise<Partial<{ [currency in Currency]: number }>>;
  getRoute(from: Currency, to: Currency): Promise<AMMRoute>;
  getRouter(from: Currency, to: Currency): Promise<Currency[]>; // deprecated
  getWayPoints(route: AMMRoute): Promise<TokenInfo[]>;
  runSwap(stxAddress: string, currencyX: Currency, 
          currencyY: Currency, fromAmount: bigint, 
          minDy: bigint, customRoute: AMMRoute): Promise<TxToBroadCast>;


This function returns an array of TokenInfo objects, each containing detailed information about a supported swappable currency.

function fetchSwappableCurrency(): Promise<TokenInfo[]>;

Possible exceptions: Failed to fetch token mappings.


This function returns all possible routes for swapping between two specified currencies. It returns an array of AMMRoute, representing possible swap routes.

async function getAllPossibleRoutes(from: Currency, to: Currency): Promise<AMMRoute[]>;

Possible exceptions: Failed to fetch token mappings, Can't find route.


Get the amount of destination currency that will be received when swapping from one currency to another.

async function getAmountTo(from: Currency, fromAmount: bigint, to: Currency): Promise<bigint>;

Possible exceptions: Failed to fetch token mappings, No AMM pool found for the given route, Too many AMM pools in route, Error calling read-only function.


This function fetches the current balances of all supported tokens for a specified STX address. It returns an object where the keys are the currency identifiers (as defined in the Currency enum) and the values are the corresponding balances as bigint values.

async function getBalances(stxAddress: string): Promise<Partial<{ [currency in Currency]: bigint }>>;

Possible exceptions: Failed to fetch token mappings.


Get the swap fee (liquidity provider fee) between two currencies.

async function getFeeRate(from: Currency, to: Currency): Promise<bigint>;

Possible exceptions: Failed to fetch token mappings, No AMM pools in route, Too many AMM pools in route, Error calling read-only function.


This function fetches the current price data for all supported tokens. It returns an object where the keys are the currency identifiers (as defined in the Currency enum) and the values are the corresponding prices in USD.

async function getLatestPrices(): Promise<Partial<{ [currency in Currency]: number }>>;

Possible exceptions: Failed to fetch token mappings.


Get the router path for swapping between two currencies.

async function getRoute(from: Currency, to: Currency): Promise<Currency[]>;

Possible exceptions: Failed to fetch token mappings, Can't find route.


This function takes an AMMRoute and returns an array of TokenInfo objects representing the tokens involved in each step of the route, including the origin token.

async function getWayPoints(route: AMMRoute): Promise<TokenInfo[]>;

Possible exceptions: Failed to fetch token mappings.


Perform a swap between two currencies using the specified route and amount.

async function runSwap(stxAddress: string, currencyX: Currency, currencyY: Currency, 
                  fromAmount: bigint, minDy: bigint, customRoute: Currency[]): Promise<TxToBroadCast>;

Possible exceptions: Failed to fetch token mappings, Can't find AMM route, Token mapping not found, Too many AMM pools in route.


export type TokenInfo = { // TokenInfo represents the details of a token that can be used in the AlexSDK.
  id: Currency; // The unique identifier of the currency.
  name: string; // The display name of the token that ALEX maintains, usually the token symbol.
  icon: string; // The URL to the icon image of the token, maintained by ALEX.
  wrapToken: string; // The full asset id of the alex wrapped token in the format of "{deployer}.{contract}::{asset}".
  wrapTokenDecimals: number; // The number of decimal places for the wrapped token.
  underlyingToken: string; // The full asset id of the underlying token in the format of "{deployer}.{contract}::{asset}".
  underlyingTokenDecimals: number; // The number of decimal places for the underlying token.
  isRebaseToken: boolean; // A boolean flag indicating whether the token is a rebase token.
   * In a rebase token, getBalance is different from ft-balance
   * Also postcondition would need to be adjusted since amount is different from ft-events