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XLink is designed to facilitate the transfer of digital tokens between different blockchains. Its primary purpose is to act as a bridge, enabling users to move and swap their tokens seamlessly across various blockchain ecosystems.

System Type and Purpose

XLinkSDK allows users to interact with XLink. It can be used in backend environments as well as in browsers and mobile applications. The SDK enables bidirectional transfer of coins/tokens between Bitcoin, Stacks, and various EVM including Bitcoin Layer 2s networks. Also, provides information on transfer fees, route planning, transaction size calculations and implements security features for safe transfers.


  • Bitcoin <> EVM
  • Bitcoin <> Stacks
  • Runes <> Stacks
  • BRC-20 <> Stacks
  • EVM <> EVM
  • EVM <> Bitcoin
  • EVM <> Stacks



Ensure you have the following installed:


To install the XLink SDK, use the following command:

pnpm install @xlink-project/xlink-sdk


Supported Blockchains and Tokens


The KnownChainId namespace encapsulates types and utility functions to validate blockchain networks supported by the SDK. It ensures that only recognized chain IDs across Bitcoin, EVM-compatible chains, and Stacks are used.

Namespace mainnet testnet
Bitcoin Mainnet Testnet
Stacks Mainnet Testnet
EVM Ethereum, BSC, CoreDAO, Bsquared, BOB, Bitlayer, Lorenzo, Merlin, AILayer, Mode Sepolia, BSCTestnet, CoreDAOTestnet, BsquaredTestnet, BOBTestnet, BitlayerTestnet, LorenzoTestnet, MerlinTestnet, AILayerTestnet, ModeTestnet


The KnownTokenId namespace manages the token IDs of supported cryptocurrencies across different blockchain networks within the SDK. It ensures that only recognized tokens specific to Bitcoin, EVM-compatible chains, and Stacks are used.

Namespace Token
Bitcoin BTC

Future Support: Support for Runes and BR20 tokens on the Bitcoin network is planned for a future update.

Note: Users can transfer between different coins/tokens, not just the same token on different blockchains. For example, it's possible to convert BTC to WBTC when moving from Bitcoin to an EVM network.


The XLinkSDK object contains the most important functions of this library, all grouped together. To create it:

const theSdk = new XLinkSDK();

These functions are part of the XLinkSDK object:


This function facilitates the transfer of tokens from the Bitcoin network to other supported blockchain networks. It checks the validity of the route and then calls the appropriate bridging function based on the destination chain.

bridgeFromBitcoin(input: BridgeFromBitcoinInput): Promise<BridgeFromBitcoinOutput> 

Possible exceptions: UnsupportedBridgeRouteError.


This function facilitates the transfer of tokens from an EVM-compatible blockchain to other supported blockchain networks, including Stacks, Bitcoin, and other EVM-compatible chains. It validates the route and calls the appropriate bridging function based on the destination chain and tokens involved.

bridgeFromEVM(input: BridgeFromEVMInput): Promise<BridgeFromEVMOutput>

Possible exceptions: UnsupportedBridgeRouteError.


This function facilitates the transfer of tokens from the Stacks network to other supported blockchain networks, including Bitcoin and EVM-compatible chains. It validates the route and calls the appropriate bridging function based on the destination chain and tokens involved.

bridgeFromStacks(input: BridgeFromStacksInput): Promise<BridgeFromStacksOutput>

Possible exceptions: UnsupportedBridgeRouteError.


This function provides detailed information about token transfers from the Bitcoin network to other supported blockchain networks, including Stacks and EVM-compatible chains. It verifies the validity of the transfer route and retrieves bridge information based on the destination chain.

const bridgeInfoFromBitcoin = async (info: BridgeInfoFromBitcoinInput): Promise<BridgeInfoFromBitcoinOutput>

Possible exceptions: UnsupportedBridgeRouteError.


This function provides detailed information about token transfers from an EVM-compatible blockchain to other supported blockchain networks, including Stacks, Bitcoin, and other EVM-compatible chains. It verifies the validity of the transfer route and retrieves bridge information based on the destination chain and tokens.

bridgeInfoFromEVM(input: BridgeInfoFromEVMInput): Promise<BridgeInfoFromEVMOutput> 

Possible exceptions: UnsupportedBridgeRouteError.


This function provides detailed information about token transfers from the Stacks network to other supported blockchain networks, including Bitcoin and EVM-compatible chains. It verifies the validity of the transfer route and retrieves bridge information based on the destination chain and tokens.

bridgeInfoFromStacks(input: BridgeInfoFromStacksInput): Promise<BridgeInfoFromStacksOutput>

Possible exceptions: UnsupportedBridgeRouteError.


This function facilitates the claiming of time-locked assets on EVM-compatible chains. It uses smart contract functions to execute the release of locked assets based on predefined conditions.

claimTimeLockedAssetsFromEVM(input: ClaimTimeLockedAssetsInput): Promise<undefined | ClaimTimeLockedAssetsOutput> 

Possible exceptions: UnsupportedChainError.


This function retrieves a list of time-locked assets for a given wallet address across multiple EVM-compatible blockchain networks. It queries smart contracts to find and return information about the assets that are currently locked in time-based agreements.

getTimeLockedAssetsFromEVM(input: GetTimeLockedAssetsInput): Promise<GetTimeLockedAssetsOutput> 

Possible exceptions: UnsupportedChainError.


This function estimates the transaction fee and vSize for move or swap tokens from the Bitcoin network to other supported blockchain networks, including Stacks and EVM-compatible chains.

estimateBridgeTransactionFromBitcoin(input: EstimateBridgeTransactionFromBitcoinInput): Promise<EstimateBridgeTransactionFromBitcoinOutput> 

Possible exceptions: UnsupportedBridgeRouteError


This function retrieves the contract address of a specific token on a given EVM-compatible blockchain.

async evmAddressFromEVMToken(chain: ChainId, token: KnownTokenId.EVMToken): Promise<undefined | EVMAddress>

Possible exceptions: None. The function returns undefined if the chain is not EVM-compatible or if the contract address cannot be retrieved.


This function maps a given contract address on an EVM-compatible blockchain to its corresponding known token ID.

async evmAddressToEVMToken(chain: ChainId, address: EVMAddress): Promise<undefined | KnownTokenId.EVMToken>

Possible exceptions: None. The function returns undefined if the chain is not EVM-compatible or if the address cannot be matched.


This function retrieves the contract address of a specific type of contract (e.g., a bridge endpoint) on a given EVM-compatible blockchain.

async getEVMContractAddress(chain: ChainId, contractType: PublicEVMContractType): Promise<undefined | EVMAddress>

Possible exceptions: None. The function returns undefined if the chain is not EVM-compatible or if the address cannot be matched.


This function retrieves the list of supported routes for token transfers between blockchain networks, filtered based on optional conditions. It aggregates the results from different blockchain networks (Stacks, EVM, Bitcoin) to return a list of possible routes.

async getSupportedRoutes(conditions?: GetSupportedRoutesFn_Conditions): Promise<KnownRoute[]> 

Possible exceptions: None.


This function retrieves the contract address associated with a specific token on the Stacks blockchain.

async function stacksAddressFromStacksToken(chain: ChainId, token: KnownTokenId.StacksToken): Promise<undefined | StacksContractAddress>

Possible exceptions: None. The function returns undefined if the chainId or token is not valid.


This function maps a given Stacks contract address to its corresponding known token ID.

async function stacksAddressToStacksToken(chain: ChainId, address: StacksContractAddress): Promise<undefined | KnownTokenId.StacksToken>

Possible exceptions: None. The function returns undefined if the chainId or address is not valid.


  • InvalidMethodParametersError: It is thrown when a method in the SDK receives invalid parameters.
  • UnsupportedBridgeRouteError: It is thrown when an attempt is made to bridge tokens between unsupported chains in the SDK.
  • UnsupportedChainError: It is thrown when a method in the SDK receives an unknown chain.
  • UnsupportedContractAssignedChainIdError: It is thrown when a smart contract is assigned an unknown or unsupported chain ID.
  • XLinkSDKErrorBase: Extends the Error class and serves as the base for all custom errors within the SDK.