When both a regular and an XML property is defined, then the XML property value will take precedence.
Configuration admin page
+ To support the administration, an admin page has been provided which can be found at Server - Server settings -
+ Http File Upload Settings. The page does not support all available settings but compares the configured announced URL with the actual URL.
Storage of data on filesystem
diff --git a/src/i18n/httpfileupload_i18n.properties b/src/i18n/httpfileupload_i18n.properties
index de3a991..21f53ff 100644
--- a/src/i18n/httpfileupload_i18n.properties
+++ b/src/i18n/httpfileupload_i18n.properties
@@ -23,15 +23,17 @@ httpfileupload.settings.announcedPort.title=Announced TCP Port
httpfileupload.settings.announcedContextRoot.title=Announced Context root
httpfileupload.settings.fileRepo.title=File Directory
httpfileupload.settings.maxFileSize.title=Maximum File size
+httpfileupload.settings.fileRepo.cluster.desc=In case of a Cluster using a centralized file storage, all cluster nodes should use the same shared network folder for file storage. Also make sure the service account(s) used to run the Openfire server node(s) have the correct privileges to access this network share.
httpfileupload.settings.logs.title=Web Binding Settings.
httpfileupload.settings.logs.description=File Uploads are shared through a web interface.
-httpfileupload.settings.logs.redirect=The {0}HTTP Binding service{1} has to be used to change the actual port on which the Http File Upload service is hosted. If the external address is different for the external users, the values below should be adjusted.
+httpfileupload.settings.logs.redirect=The {0}Web Binding settings{1} has to be used to change the actual port on which the Http File Upload service is hosted. If the external address is different for the external users, the values below should be adjusted.
httpfileupload.settings.logs.link.announced=File Uploads are shared through a external web interface at the following announced address: {0}.
-httpfileupload.settings.logs.link.unsecure=The announced address is not the same as the internal address: {0}. This can be corrected by setting the proper values below. However, These values are ignored if XML properties ''plugin.httpfileupload.serverspecific'' are defined.
-httpfileupload.settings.logs.link.secure=The announced address is not the same as the internal secure Web address: {0}. This can be corrected by setting the proper values below. However, These values are ignored if XML properties ''plugin.httpfileupload.serverspecific'' are defined.
+httpfileupload.settings.logs.link.unsecure=The announced address is not the same as the internal address: {0}. This can be corrected by setting the proper values below. However, the values below are ignored if XML properties ''plugin.httpfileupload.serverspecific'' are defined.
+httpfileupload.settings.logs.link.secure=The announced address is not the same as the internal secure Web address: {0}. This can be corrected by setting the proper values below. However, these values below are ignored if XML properties ''plugin.httpfileupload.serverspecific'' are defined.
+httpfileupload.settings.logs.link.cluster=This node is part of an active cluster. Depending on the configuration chosen, the announced address should be the cluster address: {0}. This can be corrected by setting the proper values below. However, these values below are ignored if XML properties ''plugin.httpfileupload.serverspecific'' are defined.
httpfileupload.sidebar.settings=Http File Upload Settings
httpfileupload.sidebar.settings.desc=Manage Http File Upload Settings.
-warning.httpbinding.disabled=The HTTP Binding service appears to be disabled! File Uploads will not be accessible without this service. {0}Please enable the HTTP Binding service here!{1}
+warning.httpbinding.disabled=The Web Binding service appears to be disabled! File Uploads will not be accessible without this service. {0}Please enable the Web Binding service here!{1}
diff --git a/src/i18n/httpfileupload_i18n_nl.properties b/src/i18n/httpfileupload_i18n_nl.properties
index e59839d..2132cb3 100644
--- a/src/i18n/httpfileupload_i18n_nl.properties
+++ b/src/i18n/httpfileupload_i18n_nl.properties
@@ -8,3 +8,32 @@ system_property.plugin.httpfileupload.clamavPort=Definieert de TCP poort die geb
system_property.plugin.httpfileupload.clamavConnectionTimeout=Bepaald de timeout die wordt gebruikt als een connectiepoging naar de (third-party) ClamAV malware scanner daemon wordt opgezet.
system_property.plugin.httpfileupload.fileRepo=Definieert het pad op het bestandssysteem (directory) waarin data op de server wordt opgeslagen. Als dit pad niet wordt opgegeven of ongeldig is, dan wordt een tijdelijke directory gebruikt.
system_property.plugin.httpfileupload.maxFileSize=Definieert de maximale grootte (in bytes) van een bestand dat kan worden geupload.
+# admin page setting
+httpfileupload.settings.title = Http File Upload instellingen
+httpfileupload.settings.success = Http File Upload instellingen zijn opgeslagen.
+httpfileupload.settings.message.metadata.title = Upload instellingen
+httpfileupload.settings.message.metadata.description =
+httpfileupload.settings.description = Gebruik het onderstaande formulier om de HTTP File Upload instellingen aan te passen.
+httpfileupload.settings.cancel = Cancel
+httpfileupload.settings.update.settings = Instellingen opslaan
+httpfileupload.settings.announcedProtocol.title=Geadverteerd protocol
+httpfileupload.settings.announcedWebHost.title=Geadverteerde serveradres
+httpfileupload.settings.announcedPort.title=Geadverteerde TCP poort
+httpfileupload.settings.announcedContextRoot.title=Geadverteerde context root
+httpfileupload.settings.fileRepo.title=Bestanden directory
+httpfileupload.settings.maxFileSize.title=Maximum bestandsgrootte
+httpfileupload.settings.fileRepo.cluster.desc=In het geval van een cluster die een gecentraliseerde bestandsopslag gebruikt, moeten alle clusterknooppunten dezelfde gedeelde netwerkmap gebruiken voor bestandsopslag. Zorg er ook voor dat de serviceaccount(s) die worden gebruikt om de Openfire-serverknooppunt(en) uit te voeren, de juiste rechten hebben om toegang te krijgen tot deze netwerkshare.
+httpfileupload.settings.logs.title=Web Binding instellingen.
+httpfileupload.settings.logs.description=Bestandsuploads worden gedeeld via een web interface.
+httpfileupload.settings.logs.redirect=The {0}Web Binding instellingen{1} moet worden gebruikt om de werkelijke poort te wijzigen waarop de Http File Upload-service wordt gehost. Als het externe adres voor de externe gebruikers anders is, moeten de onderstaande waarden worden aangepast.
+httpfileupload.settings.logs.link.announced=Bestandsuploads worden gedeeld via een externe webinterface op het volgende geadverteerde URL: {0}.
+httpfileupload.settings.logs.link.unsecure=De geadverteerde URL is niet hetzelfde als de interne URL: {0}. U kunt dit oplossen door de onderstaande waarden in te stellen. De onderstaande waarden worden echter genegeerd als XML-eigenschappen ''plugin.httpfileupload.serverspecific'' zijn gedefinieerd.
+httpfileupload.settings.logs.link.secure=De geadverteerde URL is niet hetzelfde als de interne beveiligde URL: {0}. U kunt dit oplossen door de onderstaande waarden in te stellen. De onderstaande waarden worden echter genegeerd als XML-eigenschappen ''plugin.httpfileupload.serverspecific'' zijn gedefinieerd.
+httpfileupload.settings.logs.link.cluster=This node is part of an active cluster. Depending on the configuration chosen, the announced address should be the cluster address: {0}. U kunt dit oplossen door de onderstaande waarden in te stellen. De onderstaande waarden worden echter genegeerd als XML-eigenschappen ''plugin.httpfileupload.serverspecific'' zijn gedefinieerd.
+httpfileupload.sidebar.settings=Http File Upload instellingen
+httpfileupload.sidebar.settings.desc=Aanpassen van de Http File Upload instellingen.
+warning.httpbinding.disabled=De Web Binding-service lijkt uitgeschakeld te zijn! Bestandsuploads zijn niet mogelijk zonder deze service. {0}Schakel hier de Web Binding-service in!{1}
diff --git a/src/web/httpfileupload-settings.jsp b/src/web/httpfileupload-settings.jsp
index 2f65335..cb26f45 100644
--- a/src/web/httpfileupload-settings.jsp
+++ b/src/web/httpfileupload-settings.jsp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<%@page import="org.jivesoftware.openfire.cluster.ClusterManager"%>
<%@page import="java.net.URI"%>
<%@page import="java.net.URISyntaxException"%>
<%@page import="java.io.IOException"%>
@@ -153,29 +154,25 @@
- if ( HttpFileUploadPlugin.ANNOUNCED_WEB_PROTOCOL.getValue().equals("https") ) {
- final String securedAddress = "https://" + XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getHostname() + ":" + HttpBindManager.HTTP_BIND_SECURE_PORT.getValue() + "/httpfileupload";
- if ( !announcedAddress.equals(securedAddress)) { %>