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Now MkFree requires monadic instance
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ijaketak committed Oct 4, 2023
1 parent 8139c6e commit 3802d68
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,11 @@

## version 0

### 0.2 -- still not released

* Now MkFree requires monadic instance.
* Binder requires Monad typeclass.

### 0.1 -- 2023-10-04

Initial release.
61 changes: 32 additions & 29 deletions src/Data/Binder.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,20 +88,20 @@ data Box m a

-- | Typeclass for free variable constructor.
class MkFree m a where
mkFree :: Var m a -> a
mkFree :: Var m a -> m a

data AnyVar m = forall a. MkFree m a => AnyVar (Var m a)
type EnvVar m = M.Map (Numbering m) (AnyVar m)
data AnyMkFree m = forall a. MkFree m a => AnyMkFree a
type EnvMkFree m = M.Map (Numbering m) (AnyMkFree m)
newtype Closure m a = Closure { unClosure :: (EnvMkFree m) -> a }
newtype Closure m a = Closure { unClosure :: (EnvMkFree m) -> m a }

instance Functor (Closure m) where
fmap f cla = Closure $ f . unClosure cla
instance Functor m => Functor (Closure m) where
fmap f cla = Closure $ fmap f . unClosure cla

instance Applicative (Closure m) where
pure a = Closure $ const a
clf <*> cla = Closure $ \env -> unClosure clf env $ unClosure cla env
instance Applicative m => Applicative (Closure m) where
pure a = Closure $ const $ pure a
clf <*> cla = Closure $ \env -> unClosure clf env <*> unClosure cla env

instance MonadNumbering m => Eq (Var m a) where
Var x _ == Var y _ = x == y
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ newVar name = do
let x = let b = Box'Env
(M.singleton i $ AnyVar x)
(Closure $ \env ->
let f (AnyMkFree y) = unsafeCoerce y
let f (AnyMkFree y) = pure $ unsafeCoerce y
in f $ fromJust $ M.lookup i env)
in Var i $ VarBody name b
return x
Expand All @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ occur _ (Box'Closed _) = False
occur v (Box'Env vs _) = M.member (v ^. var'Key) vs

instance Functor (Box m) where
instance Functor m => Functor (Box m) where
fmap f (Box'Closed a) = Box'Closed (f a)
fmap f (Box'Env vs ta) = Box'Env vs (f <$> ta)

Expand All @@ -167,21 +167,21 @@ instance (MonadNumbering m) => Applicative (Box m) where
Box'Closed f <*> Box'Env va ta = Box'Env va (f <$> ta)
Box'Env vf tf <*> Box'Closed a = Box'Env vf (appClosure tf a)
appClosure clf x = Closure $ \env -> unClosure clf env x
appClosure clf x = Closure $ \env -> unClosure clf env <*> pure x
Box'Env vf tf <*> Box'Env va ta = Box'Env (M.union vf va) (tf <*> ta)

-- | Pick out and complete the construction of @a@.
unbox :: forall m a. Box m a -> a
unbox (Box'Closed t) = t
unbox (Box'Env env cl) = unClosure cl $ f <$> env
unbox :: forall m a. Monad m => Box m a -> m a
unbox (Box'Closed t) = pure t
unbox (Box'Env env cl) = unClosure cl =<< traverse f env
f (AnyVar x) = AnyMkFree @m $ mkFree x
f (AnyVar x) = AnyMkFree @m <$> mkFree x

box :: MonadNumbering m => a -> Box m a
box = pure
apBox :: MonadNumbering m => Box m (a -> b) -> Box m a -> Box m b
apBox = (<*>)
boxApply :: (a -> b) -> Box m a -> Box m b
boxApply :: Functor m => (a -> b) -> Box m a -> Box m b
boxApply = fmap
boxApply2 :: MonadNumbering m => (a -> b -> c) -> Box m a -> Box m b -> Box m c
boxApply2 f ta tb = f <$> ta <*> tb
Expand All @@ -198,57 +198,60 @@ boxT = sequenceA

-- | Variable binding.
-- Essentially, @Binder a b@ means @a -> b@.
data Binder a b = Binder
-- Essentially, @Binder a m b@ means @a -> m b@.
data Binder a m b = Binder
{ _binder'Name :: Text
, _binder'Body :: a -> b
, _binder'Body :: a -> m b

$(makeLenses ''Binder)

-- | Variable substitution.
subst :: Binder a b -> a -> b
subst :: Binder a m b -> a -> m b
subst b = b ^. binder'Body

-- | unbinding
unbind :: (MkFree m a, MonadNumbering m) => Binder a b -> m (Var m a, b)
unbind :: (MkFree m a, MonadNumbering m) => Binder a m b -> m (Var m a, b)
unbind b = do
x <- newVar $ b ^. binder'Name
return (x, subst b $ mkFree x)
y <- subst b =<< mkFree x
return (x, y)

unbind2 :: (MkFree m a, MonadNumbering m)
=> Binder a b1 -> Binder a b2 -> m (Var m a, b1, b2)
=> Binder a m b1 -> Binder a m b2 -> m (Var m a, b1, b2)
unbind2 b1 b2 = do
x <- newVar $ b1 ^. binder'Name
let v = mkFree x
return (x, subst b1 v, subst b2 v)
y1 <- subst b1 =<< v
y2 <- subst b2 =<< v
return (x, y1, y2)

-- | Check if two bindings are equal.
eqBinder :: (MkFree m a, MonadNumbering m)
=> (b -> b -> m Bool) -> Binder a b -> Binder a b -> m Bool
=> (b -> b -> m Bool) -> Binder a m b -> Binder a m b -> m Bool
eqBinder eq f g = do
(_, t, u) <- unbind2 f g
eq t u

-- | Smart constructor for 'Binder'.
buildBinder :: Var m a -> (a -> b) -> Binder a b
buildBinder :: Var m a -> (a -> m b) -> Binder a m b
buildBinder x body = Binder (x ^. var'Name) body

-- | binding
bind :: (MkFree m a, MonadNumbering m)
=> Var m a -> Box m b -> Box m (Binder a b)
bind x (Box'Closed t) = Box'Closed $ buildBinder x $ const t
=> Var m a -> Box m b -> Box m (Binder a m b)
bind x (Box'Closed t) = Box'Closed $ buildBinder x $ const $ return t
bind x (Box'Env vs t) =
let vs' = M.delete (x ^. var'Key) vs in if length vs' == 0
then Box'Closed $ buildBinder x $
\arg -> unClosure t $ M.singleton (x ^. var'Key) (AnyMkFree arg)
else Box'Env vs' $ Closure $
\ms -> buildBinder x $
\ms -> return $ buildBinder x $
\arg -> unClosure t $ M.insert (x ^. var'Key) (AnyMkFree arg) ms

boxBinder :: (MkFree m a, MonadNumbering m)
=> (b -> m (Box m b)) -> Binder a b -> m (Box m (Binder a b))
=> (b -> m (Box m b)) -> Binder a m b -> m (Box m (Binder a m b))
boxBinder f b = do
(x, t) <- unbind b
ft <- f t
Expand Down
26 changes: 14 additions & 12 deletions test/Binder1Spec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,15 +37,15 @@ instance MonadNumbering S where

data Term
= Term'Var (Var S Term)
| Term'Abs (Binder Term Term)
| Term'Abs (Binder Term S Term)
| Term'App Term Term

instance MkFree S Term where
mkFree = Term'Var
mkFree = return . Term'Var

var :: Var S Term -> Box S Term
var = boxVar
absRaw :: Box S (Binder Term Term) -> Box S Term
absRaw :: Box S (Binder Term S Term) -> Box S Term
absRaw = fmap Term'Abs
abs :: Var S Term -> Box S Term -> Box S Term
abs x t = absRaw $ bind x t
Expand All @@ -56,11 +56,13 @@ boxTerm (Term'Var x) = return $ var x
boxTerm (Term'Abs b) = absRaw <$> boxBinder boxTerm b
boxTerm (Term'App t u) = app <$> boxTerm t <*> boxTerm u

eval :: Term -> Term
eval t@(Term'App f a) = case eval f of
Term'Abs b -> eval (subst b a)
_ -> t
eval t = t
eval :: Term -> S Term
eval t@(Term'App f a) = do
ef <- eval f
case ef of
Term'Abs b -> eval =<< subst b a
_ -> return t
eval t = return t

size :: Term -> S Int
size (Term'Var _) = return 0
Expand All @@ -87,17 +89,17 @@ showTerm (Term'App t u) = do
termIdentity, termFst, termDelta, termOmega :: S Term
termIdentity = do
x <- newVar "x"
return $ unbox $ abs x $ var x
unbox $ abs x $ var x
termFst = do
x <- newVar "x"
y <- newVar "y"
return $ unbox $ abs x $ abs y $ var x
unbox $ abs x $ abs y $ var x
termDelta = do
x <- newVar "x"
return $ unbox $ abs x $ app (var x) (var x)
unbox $ abs x $ app (var x) (var x)
termOmega = do
delta <- box <$> termDelta
return $ unbox $ app delta delta
unbox $ app delta delta

spec :: Spec
spec = do
Expand Down
55 changes: 30 additions & 25 deletions test/Binder2Spec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,38 +39,38 @@ instance MonadNumbering S where
data Ty
= Ty'Var (Var S Ty)
| Ty'Arr Ty Ty
| Ty'All (Binder Ty Ty)
| Ty'All (Binder Ty S Ty)

data Te
= Te'Var (Var S Te)
| Te'Abs Ty (Binder Te Te)
| Te'Abs Ty (Binder Te S Te)
| Te'App Te Te
| Te'Lam (Binder Ty Te)
| Te'Lam (Binder Ty S Te)
| Te'Spe Te Ty

instance MkFree S Ty where
mkFree = Ty'Var
mkFree = return . Ty'Var
instance MkFree S Te where
mkFree = Te'Var
mkFree = return . Te'Var

ty'Var :: Var S Ty -> Box S Ty
ty'Var = boxVar
ty'Arr :: Box S Ty -> Box S Ty -> Box S Ty
ty'Arr a b = Ty'Arr <$> a <*> b
ty'AllRaw :: Box S (Binder Ty Ty) -> Box S Ty
ty'AllRaw :: Box S (Binder Ty S Ty) -> Box S Ty
ty'AllRaw = fmap Ty'All
ty'All :: Var S Ty -> Box S Ty -> Box S Ty
ty'All x t = ty'AllRaw $ bind x t

te'Var :: Var S Te -> Box S Te
te'Var = boxVar
te'AbsRaw :: Box S Ty -> Box S (Binder Te Te) -> Box S Te
te'AbsRaw :: Box S Ty -> Box S (Binder Te S Te) -> Box S Te
te'AbsRaw a f = Te'Abs <$> a <*> f
te'Abs :: Box S Ty -> Var S Te -> Box S Te -> Box S Te
te'Abs a x t = te'AbsRaw a $ bind x t
te'App :: Box S Te -> Box S Te -> Box S Te
te'App t u = Te'App <$> t <*> u
te'LamRaw :: Box S (Binder Ty Te) -> Box S Te
te'LamRaw :: Box S (Binder Ty S Te) -> Box S Te
te'LamRaw = fmap Te'Lam
te'Lam :: Var S Ty -> Box S Te -> Box S Te
te'Lam x t = te'LamRaw $ bind x t
Expand All @@ -88,36 +88,41 @@ boxTe (Te'App t u) = te'App <$> boxTe t <*> boxTe u
boxTe (Te'Lam f) = te'LamRaw <$> boxBinder boxTe f
boxTe (Te'Spe t a) = te'Spe <$> boxTe t <*> boxTy a

hnf :: Te -> Te
hnf (Te'App t u) = let v = hnf u in case hnf t of
Te'Abs _ b -> hnf $ subst b v
h -> Te'App h v
hnf (Te'Spe t a) = case hnf t of
Te'Lam b -> hnf $ subst b a
h -> Te'Spe h a
hnf t = t
hnf :: Te -> S Te
hnf (Te'App t u) = do
hu <- hnf u
ht <- hnf t
case ht of
Te'Abs _ b -> hnf =<< subst b hu
_ -> return $ Te'App ht hu
hnf (Te'Spe t a) = do
ht <- hnf t
case ht of
Te'Lam b -> hnf =<< subst b a
_ -> return $ Te'Spe ht a
hnf t = return t

nf :: Te -> S Te
nf (Te'Abs a f) = do
(x, t) <- unbind f
nt <- nf t
bt <- boxTe nt
return $ Te'Abs a $ unbox $ bind x bt
fmap (Te'Abs a) $ unbox $ bind x bt
nf (Te'App t u) = do
nt <- nf t
nu <- nf u
case nt of
Te'Abs _ f -> nf $ subst f u
Te'Abs _ f -> nf =<< subst f u
_ -> return $ Te'App nt nu
nf (Te'Lam f) = do
(x, t) <- unbind f
nt <- nf t
bt <- boxTe nt
return $ Te'Lam $ unbox $ bind x bt
fmap Te'Lam $ unbox $ bind x bt
nf (Te'Spe t a) = do
nt <- nf t
case nt of
Te'Lam f -> nf $ subst f a
Te'Lam f -> nf =<< subst f a
_ -> return $ Te'Spe nt a
nf t = return t

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,12 +160,12 @@ infer ctxt (Te'Lam f) = do
case mtyt of
Just tyt -> do
bt <- boxTy tyt
return $ Just $ Ty'All $ unbox $ bind x bt
fmap (Just . Ty'All) $ unbox $ bind x bt
Nothing -> return Nothing
infer ctxt (Te'Spe t a) = do
mtyt <- infer ctxt t
case mtyt of
Just (Ty'All f) -> return $ Just $ subst f a
Just (Ty'All f) -> Just <$> subst f a
_ -> return Nothing

check :: Ctxt -> Te -> Ty -> S Bool
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,19 +211,19 @@ term1 :: S Te
type1 = do
x <- newVar "X"
y <- newVar "Y"
return $ unbox $ ty'Arr (ty'Var x) (ty'Var y)
unbox $ ty'Arr (ty'Var x) (ty'Var y)
type2 = do
x <- newVar "X"
y <- newVar "Y"
let arr = ty'Arr (ty'Var x) (ty'Var y)
return $ unbox $ ty'All x $ ty'All y $ ty'Arr arr arr
unbox $ ty'All x $ ty'All y $ ty'Arr arr arr
term1 = do
x <- newVar "X"
y <- newVar "Y"
f <- newVar "f"
a <- newVar "a"
let arr = ty'Arr (ty'Var x) (ty'Var y)
return $ unbox $ te'Lam x $ te'Lam y $ te'Abs arr f $ te'Abs (ty'Var x) a $
unbox $ te'Lam x $ te'Lam y $ te'Abs arr f $ te'Abs (ty'Var x) a $
te'App (te'Var f) (te'Var a)

spec :: Spec
Expand Down

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