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Releases: ije/md4w


21 Feb 18:51
@ije ije
Choose a tag to compare

md4w now provides two webassembly binary files:

  • md4w-fast.wasm: Faster but larger binary file. (270KB gzipped)
  • md4w-small.wasm: Smaller but slower binary file. (27KB gzipped)

By default, md4w uses the md4w-fast.wasm binary from file system, uses the md4w-small.wasm binary from CDN. You can also specify the wasm file by adding the wasmMode option.

import { init } from "md4w";

init("fast"); // or "small"

Other changes:

  • Add mdToJSON function to parse markdown to JSON (#4)
    const traverse = (node) => {
      // text node
      if (typeof node === "string") {
      // element type
      // element attributes (may be undefined)
      // element children (may be undefined)
    const tree = mdToJSON("Stay _foolish_, stay **hungry**!");
  • Fix html/url escaping
  • Fix code block highlighting by lines


07 Feb 18:14
@ije ije
Choose a tag to compare

By implementing a html renderer in Zig, we removed the dependency on md4c-html.c and some libc functions. The compiled wasm binary is now 50% smaller (from 98KB to 52KB).

Since we are now using a custom html renderer, we can also add some features that are not supported by md4c-html.c, such as:

  • Add anchor to the headers
    '# Hello World!' -> <h1>Hello World! <a class="anchor" id="hello-world" href="#hello-world"></h1>
  • Sync the buffer between the host and the wasm module that introduces a streaming API for large markdown files or a http server to stream the response.
    import { mdToReadableHtml } from "md4w";
    const largeMarkdown = `# Hello, World!\n`.repeat(1_000_000);
    const readable = mdToReadableHtml(largeMarkdown);
    // write to file
    const file = await"/foo/bar.html", { write: true, create: true });
    // or send to client
    const response = new Response(readable, {
      headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html" },
  • And we can now send the code blocks to the host to highlight it. You can call the setCodeHighlighter function to add any code highlighter you like.
    import { setCodeHighlighter } from "md4w";
    setCodeHighlighter((code, lang) => {
      return `<pre><code class="language-js"><span style="color:#green">...<span></code></pre>`;