- Since this is a Makefile-driven build, just install make for your particular operation system
- If previous install, Uninstall docker via snap
snap remove docker
- Follow the directions on the site (https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/ubuntu/)
- Install make and curl
sudo apt install -y make curl
Multiple options exists, i.e., https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/373888/how-do-i-start-the-docker-daemon-on-macos
This is the only one that worked in my case ...
brew install --cask docker
brew install docker-machine
brew install colima
colima start
docker ps -a
- Run the command:
make docker-image
- Run the command in one terminal:
make docker-server
- Run the request command in another terminal
If it returns the payload as specified in config.json, woot! Profit!
make docker-server-test
- Press ctrl-C in the first terminal to stop the server.
- Run the command:
make clean