- Spring configuration server
- Spring admin server
- 3 business services
- Jaeger distributed tracing
- docker-compose with Make automation
Starts configuration service first. make clean && make
. Business services are in a fail state now - configuration server has started first. You need to restart business services with make rs
- Spring admin server http://localhost:8099
- Jaeger WebUI http://localhost:16686
- Order service
curl -XPOST http://localhost:8082/api/order
- Linkerd admin http://localhost:9990
Access to order service via Linkerd.
export http_proxy=http://localhost:4140
curl -v http://service-order-l5d/actuator/health
curl -XPOST http://service-order-l5d/api/order
ab -X localhost:4140 -c10 -n1000 http://service-order-l5d/actuator/health