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File metadata and controls

78 lines (61 loc) · 3.34 KB
layout title learning_objectives
Terrifying TODO lists
Understanding coreutils
Parsing text
Learning a scripting language

Welcome to CS 296's first lab! Unlike CS 241, this course only has labs (and not every week!). Each lab will usually involve getting some hands on experience related to our lectures. You will be given time in class to complete this assignment. If you are unable to finish it by the end of the period, you have until the end of this week to complete and submit your lab implementation. This week, the lab is due at the end of this lab period. Your grade will be determined based off of whether or not you made an attempt in good faith.

Today's lab is inteded to help you explore the concepts you have been learning in CS 241 and also introduce, processing binary data and how to analyze a program like a systems programmer!

Obtaining honors labs

We have a seperate repo set up for honors labs which you can add a remote to your own repository.

git remote add honors
git pull honors master --allow-unrelated-histories
git push origin master

You can then pull future labs by running git pull honors master.

The task at hand

For starters, please read the todo.txt format that can be found here:

Start by implementing a program that can parse the todo.txt format and display tasks, sorting them by a user's choice of completion, due date, priority, project, or tag. You must implement this parser/browser in bash, go or perl. Course staff will officially support bash. You may use any standard utilities installed on the VM.

Be sure to consider how your program will handle invalid inputs, how your program provides a clean and usable interface to a user, and how the data will be formated and displayed to a user.

To submit, push your code with git push origin master and we will grade this assignment manually.

The goal of this assignment is to get you familiar with the environment systems programmers work with. A large part of systems programming is being able to work with various formats of data to analyse a scenario, such as sifting through logs to find out why a kernel crashed or sorting through some timed output to find which inputs to a program give you the best performance. To be able to work with this kind of data efficiently, having mastery over a scripting languages such as bash, awk, perl, sed (to a certain extent), is incredibly useful. Furthermore, we hope that if you do this week's assignment in bash you will explore the utilities availible on your machine which may help you throughout the semester in 241 or in your project.

Optional task

If you finish, continue onwards to design and implement a more 'effecient' version of todo.txt. Efficiency can be determined based off of the following criteria:

  • Size of file vs number of entries
  • Time taken to retrieve an entry based on some criteria
  • Time taken to insert entries into the file

Here are some hints to get you started:

  • Calling read frequently can impact performance due to the system call overhead.
  • When storing any data in a file, do you need to store a string representation?
  • What data structures have the least overhead when serialized to a file?
  • Can you compress the data you are storing?