Releases: ilovepdf/iloveimg-wp-watermark
Releases · ilovepdf/iloveimg-wp-watermark
- Formatting and comment files according to php/wordpress standards.
- remove comments.
- dirname() to DIR constant.
- constant names in uppercase.
- function names is not snake case format.
- classes name with prefix and capital letter.
- variables name is not snake case format and include prefix.
- classes files rename.
- Use Yoda Conditions to check.
- hook names with prefix.
- Increment operators.
- gmdate() instead date().
- change from json_encode() to wp_json_encode().
- change from unlink() to wp_delete_file().
- Use WP_Filesystem.
- Update iloveimg-php library to V1.1.16
- missing documentation.
- Missing Domain text.
- Escape/sanitize data.
- using strict comparison for in_array.
- Logical operator "and" changed to "&&"
- Logical operator "or" changed to "||"
- Visibility must be declared on method.
- Assignments must be the first block of code on a line.
- Loose comparisons are not allowed.
- Fix conversion from number string to int.
- Check if superglobal variables exist.
- name of function.
- Error checking.
- Noce verification.
- Serialized data has known vulnerability problems with Object Injection. Changed to JSON Encode.
- Variables $height, $width, $options_value, $ilove_img_wm_is_logged not be defined.
- Negated boolean expression is always true.
- An infinite loop was generated. The method itself called itself every time the process failed.
- on some servers, the $path_file variable did not contain the correct url.
- Synchronize repositories