in_use |
label_id |
first_rel_id |
first_prop_id |
1 byte |
4 bytes |
4 bytes |
4 bytes |
in_use |
start_node |
end_node |
label_id |
start_prev_id |
start_next_id |
end_prev_id |
end_next_id |
first_prop_id |
1 byte |
4 bytes |
4 bytes |
4 bytes |
4 bytes |
4 bytes |
4 bytes |
4 bytes |
4 bytes |
in_use |
dynamic_id |
1 byte |
4 bytes |
in_use |
key_id |
value_id |
next_prop_id |
1 byte |
4 bytes |
4 bytes |
4 bytes |
real data length |
data |
next_chunk_id |
1 byte |
27 bytes |
4 bytes |
- 4 bytes
- 1 byte
- depends on the length
Following graph operations are supported:
- Creation of graph
- Creation of nodes, relationships with label and properties
- Match (selection) of nodes, relationships, labels and all graph objects together
- Deletion of nodes and relationships
- Addition of new properties to nodes adn relationships
Graph Database not4oundQL supports the following queries:
create graph: label
create node: label
create node: label key:value
create node: label key:value key:value key:value
create relationship: label from label1 to label2
create relationship: label from label1 to label2 key:value
create relationship: label from id:0 to id:1 key:value
match node: label
match node: id:0
match relationship: label
match relationship: id:1
match node: key=value
match node: key<value
match relationship: key>=value
match graph: label
delete node: id:0
delete relationship: id:0