This is the repository of provisioning Azure Cognitive services with Hashicorp Terraform
The repo contains the Terraform configurations for provisioning Azure cognitive services like
- Azure Computer Vision
- Azure Face API
- Azure Text Analytics
- Azure Text Translator
- Azure QnA Maker
- Azure Personalizer
- Azure Custom Vision
- Azure LUIS API
- Azure Immersive reader
- Azure Form recognizer
- Azure Content Moderator
- Azure Anomaly Detector
- Azure Speech
Pre-requisites: Terraform 0.12+ Azurerm ~> 2.0
The Terraform commands to be executed for provisioning the services -
Initialization of terraform backend & plugins with the command
Terraform init
Planning of the terraform workflow & resources to be provisioned -
Terraform plan -out="nameofyourtfplan.tfplan"
Execution of resources provisioning -
Terraform Apply "yourtfplan.tfplan"
Destroy of the resources once required -
Terraform destroy