- Design
- Correct fonts are connected.
- Sections are laid out.
- Images have good quality.
- Background images are covering backgrounds of sections (if it is possible).
- Images have version for high density screen (>144 ppi)
- Links have correct colors (in common and visited state).
- Elements are arranged on grid, no scarcements.
- No disproportionate font sizes and images.
- Theme for mobile browsers set.
- Correct fonts are connected.
- Responsiveness
- For 2К, 4К, 21:9
- For 16:9
- For 4:3 и 5:4
- For tablets
- For phones (5"+)
- For phones (<5")
- Crossbrowser compability
- Edge
- Mozilla Firefox
- Chrome
- Safari
- Edge
- Social networks and SEO
- Title set.
- Description set.
- Keywords set.
- og-image set.
- favicon set.
- Links to social networks are correct.
- Links to other resources and web pages open in new tab.
- Features
- When you click on the phone, a window appears (in the PC version) or there is a notification for the call (on phones).
- Links in menu work (if menu exists).
- Menu has mobile version (if menu exists).
- Privacy policy set.
- Up button set and works.
- Forms successfully send request (test on test e-mail).
- The script for sending an application is configured for the client's mail.
- If the site was moved to the client's hosting, need to check the ability to sending script.
- Analytics
- All forms have a record from which form the letter came.
- Metrics are connected.
- Content
- No duplicate images.
- Photogallery is full, no rotated images (if photogallery exists).
- Sliders work correct (if sliders exist), correct view on phones.
- No typo.
- No punctuation and spelling errors.
- Privacy policy has data of client.
- Phone numbers are correct.
- Optimization
- Sources of project was uploaded to hosting of project.
- Availability
- .htaccess and robots.txt set.
- HTTPS works.
This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 19, 2024. It is now read-only.