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Ralph Soika edited this page Jul 27, 2014 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the imixs-adapters wiki!

The 'imixs-adapers' project contains different technolgies to adapt services and software platforms into the imixs-workflow. The project is split into severals modules. Each modul provides differnt connectors and technolgies. The common-adapers provide some general technologies to be used for defelopment.


The 'imixs-adapters' project provides several default settings for an easy setup of junit tests. The parent pom.xml contains the JUnit and Mockito Dependencies.

The module 'imixs-adapters-testing' provides additional basic classes to be used for junit tests.


To test a Imixs Workflow Plugin for the imixs-marty project in most cases it is necessary to mock some of the marty service EJBs. To simplify the setup the class 'MartyInitialContextFactory' provides a mock for the EJB inital context used by most plugins. To activate this class add the following VM argument:


Using Eclipse IDE this can be done by defining a Run-Configuration for each test case.

Magento Adapter

The module 'imixs-adapters-magento-ejb' provides several classes to connect to magento. The module uses the magento Rest API with the oAuth authentification.

The file contains sections to configure the magento plugin.

# Magent REST Service Configuration 

# api token

# access token... (use testRequestNewToken to generate a new one)

Generating an Access-Token

For testing the Magento Adapter it is necessary to generate a Access Tocken first. The junit Test 'org.imixs.workflow.magento.test.TestMagentoPlugin' provides a separate test case called 'testRequestNewToken'. If you run this test the MagentoPlugin requests a new access token in an interactive way. Running the test will print a request URL to call from a web Browser. Then you can authenticate into magento and gain the access. The verifier need to be entered into the live console:

Open Browser Window and authorize the Imixs MagentoPlugin here:
And paste the verifier here
Got the Access Token!

The access-key and access-secret need to be entered into the imixs.porperties file to run further tests.

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