duck can be customized with with a .duck.toml
file in your project's directory.
To create a new configuration file, navigate in your terminal to the directory of your project and run the following command:
duck new-config
This will create a file called .duck.toml
in your project's directory that will be used on subsequent runs of duck. Opening this file will reveal many pre-set properties, some of which you may be able to able to adjust without any instruction. Either way, a full list of the possible values your config can hold are below.
You can additionally section called [lint_levels]
to specify global lint levels for specific lints. You can see a working example of this here.
Property | Possible Values | Explanation |
todo_keyword | Any string | The name of a function in your code base used to mark something as unfinished. Used by todo . |
max_arguments | Any number | The maximum number of arguments the associated lint will allow. Used by too_many_arguments . |
statement_parentheticals | true, false | Whether or not statements should have parenthesis over their condition (ex: if (foo) vs if foo ). Used by statement_parenthetical_violation . |
var_prefixes | true, false | Whether or not local variables should be prefixed with an underscore (ex: var _foo vs var foo ). Used by var_prefix_violation . |
english_flavor | "american", "british" | The spelling of English words you prefer for GameMaker functions (ex: color vs colour ). Used by english_flavor_violation . |
length_enum_member_name | Any string | A name to ignore in enums that denote its length (ie: Len , Count ). Used by missing_case_member . |
prefer_and_keyword | true, false | Whether or not the and_preference lint should require the and keyword or the && symbol. |
prefer_or_keyword | true, false | Whether or not the or_preference lint should require the or keyword or the || symbol |
prefer_mod_keyword | true, false | Whether or not the mod_preference lint should require the mod keyword or the % symbol. |
prefer_not_keyword | true, false | Whether or not the not_preference lint should require the not keyword or the ! symbol. |