WebSocket-based APIs are bidirectional in nature. This means that a client can send messages to a service and services can independently send messages to its clients.
This bidirectional behavior allows for richer types of client/service interactions because services can push data to clients without a client needing to make an explicit request.
WebSocket APIs are often used in real-time applications such as chat applications, collaboration platforms, multiplayer games, and financial trading platforms.
There are three special routeKey values that API Gateway allows you to use for a route:
: Used when the route selection expression produces a value that does not match any of the other route keys in your API routes. This can be used, for example, to implement a generic error handling mechanism.$connect
: The associated route is used when a client first connects to your WebSocket API.$disconnect
: The associated route is used when a client disconnects from your API. This call is made on a best-effort basis.
In the API Gateway console, create a new api:
select WebSocket
API name:
Route selection expression:
echo websocket information
Add new route key
to handle$request.body.action
We will park here. Create lambda functions to handle different routes.
In IAM console, click on create role.
service -
- AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole
- AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole
- AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess
service: api gateway
policy: AmazonAPIGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogs
copy the arn and put in the api gateway setting to enable cloudwatch log.
Create a cloud9 environment
click on AWS Resources and then create a local lambda function
Setup the Applicaiton and Lambda Function
- Application name:
- Function name:
- runtime:
node.js 6.10
- blueprint
- Function trigger:
- Role: select existing role:
- Application name:
In the right panel, right click on
and selectCreate Here
:- Function name:
, andwsDefault
- runtime:
node.js 6.10
- blueprint
- Function trigger:
- Role: select existing role:
- Function name:
Modify template.yaml
All runtime: nodejs8.10
change hander name:
- Handler: wsEcho/echo.handler
- Handler: wsConnect/connect.handler
- Handler: wsDisconnect/disconnect.handler
- Handler: wsDefault/default.handler
You can reference template.yaml sample
Rename index.js file name to the meaningful file names:
- wsEcho/echo.js
- wsConnect/connect.js
- wsDisconnect/disconnect.js
- wsDefault/default.js
Copy the source code to related files:
Create a package.json:
In the cloud9, open a new terminal. Go to wsEcho to install related package.
In lambda console, you will see the functions. If error, please check the cloudformation for detail information.
Click on the
Integration Request
for theecho
routes. Then bind to echo lambda function. -
follow the same process to bind
, and$default
. -
Click on the
then deploy api to stagedev
Copy the web socket end points. Setting Logs/Tracing.
Then, in the cosonle, use the command
wscat -c wss://<endpoint-id>.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev
Check cloud watch for api and lamdba.