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AWS IAM Policy Ninja Workshop - EC2

Create users and group

Adminstor's works:

  1. create a dev account without any access: [email protected]
  2. create a group eva-developers-sd1 and add [email protected] to this group

Setting EC2

Define the Resource tags

Adminstor's works:

  • Read AWS Tagging Strategies
  • Admin: create an EC2 with the following tags:
    • Business Tags:
      • eva:project: starAlliance
      • eva:costCenter: softwareDept1
    • Technical Tags:
      • Name: eva-demo-ec2
      • eva:applicationID: admPortal
      • eva:appRole: webServer
      • eva:environment: dev

[email protected] works:

  • login aws console
  • switch to ec2 > instances. dev does not see any ec2 instances.

EC2 with different groups and different permissions:

Ref IAM_UseCases, Usually, define the following three groups for EC2:

  • System administrators – Need permission to create and manage AMIs, instances, snapshots, volumes, security groups, and so on.

  • Developers – Need the ability to work with instances only. Attaches a policy to the Developers group that allows developers to call DescribeInstances, RunInstances, StopInstances, StartInstances, and TerminateInstances.

  • Managers – Should not be able to perform any Amazon EC2 actions except listing the Amazon EC2 resources currently available.

Setting EC2 developers IAM policy

Admin's works: IAM > Create policy

  • search the following actions:
    • TerminateInstances
    • StartInstances
    • RebootInstances
    • StopInstances
    • DescribeInstances
    • DescribeTags
    • DescribeInstanceStatus

  • Add request condition
    • key: ec2:ResourceTag
    • Tag key: eva:costCenter
    • Operator: StringEquals
    • Value: softwareDept1

In the next page:

  • policy name: eva-dev-sd1
  • Decription: Eva Airline Software Developer Div 1.

After saved, view the eva-dev-sd1 again, you will see the warning message There are no actions in your policy that support this condition key.

  • Remove the request conditions for DescribeInstances, DescribeTags, DescribeInstanceStatus

Attach policy to developer gourp

  • Select groups: eva-developers-sd1 > Permissions tab > Attach Policy > eva-dev-sd1
  • In the EC2 Dashboard, navigate to Tags and type eva: in the Filter You will see the numbers of instances

  • Navigate to Instances, and filter with tags eva:costCenter value softwareDept1

  • select eva-demo-ec2 instances. In the actions drop down menu, you can change instance state to stop.

  • If you stop other ec2 instances whithout tag: eva:costCenter and value: softwareDept1, you will get error messages: You are not authorized to perform this operation.

Grant [email protected] to create ec2

Goal: let developer can open ec2 machines but only for t2.* t3.* family and must with tag eva:costCenter, Name, and eva:project.

  • edit policy eva-dev-sd1
  • Add additional permissions
    • Service: EC2
    • Actions: RunInstances
    • Resources: related all

Condition 1:

When machine creates must has 3 tags: eva:costCenter, Name, and eva:project :

  • Condition key: aws:TagKeys
  • Qualifier: For all values in request
  • Operator: StringEquals
  • Value: eva:costCenter, Name, and eva:project.

Condition 2:

limited ec2 instance types to t2* and t3*

Condition 3:

Cost center eva:costCenter, value softwareDept1

Confirmed you will have the following three condistions

Click on review policy and finish.

Debug launch failures - Configure Instance

Login [email protected] account and launch ec2 instance. You will stop at the step 2. You can't go to Step 3. Configure Instance. Turn on the browser debug mode, you will see the follow HTTP 403 forbidden.

Switch to admin account and fixed the IAM policy

  • edit policy eva-dev-sd1
  • Modify policy
    • Service: EC2
    • Actions:
      • List
        • DescribeAddresses
        • DescribeAvailabilityZones
        • DescribeImages
        • DescribeInstances
        • DescribeInstanceStatus
        • DescribeKeyPairs
        • DescribeRegions
        • DescribeSecurityGroups
        • DescribeSubnets
        • DescribeVolumes
        • DescribeVpcs
      • Read
        • DescribeTags
        • GetPasswordData
    • Resources: related all

Debug launch failures - Run Instnace

Login [email protected] account and in the last steps, you still see the following error screen.

The error message is encoded and need to use the following command to decode the error messages with Admin role

aws sts decode-authorization-message --encoded-message

Switch back to Adminstrator

You can use cloud9 bash shell and decode the error message:

The error message is about actions:ec2:RunInstances. If you put into the json formatter, you will see that:

Because you don't allow for the resource arn:aws:ec2:*:*:instance/*

Fix IAM Policy

Add addtional permission

We need to add additional permissions for EC2 RunInstnaces with resource arn:aws:ec2:*:*:instance/*. Put the instanceType t2.* or t3.* in a seperate rule.

Modify original permission

Remove resources arn:aws:ec2:*:*:instance/* and request conditions for t2.* or t3.* from previous RunInstance permissions statement. Maker sure it likes the following screen:

Click on the review policy and then save it.

Fix other resouces in the run instances

Check the ec2 supported iam actions reouces link

Modify permissions statement. The following resouces supports aws:TagKeys and ec2:ResourceTag


So, the original runInstances policy statement becomes the following:

Create new run instances statement

With a run instances actions with the following resources:


So that, you will have 3 RunInstances policy statmes:

  1. Allow to create t2.* and t3.* instance type
  2. Allow to create with tags (eva:costCenter, Name, and eva:project) and (eva:costCenter value is softwareDept1)
  3. Allow to use any resources: images, key-pair, network-interface, security group, subnet, and volume.

Let us try fails again

Login [email protected] account and in the last steps, you still see the following error screen. Yes, again...

The error message is encoded and need to use the following command to decode the error messages.

aws sts decode-authorization-message --encoded-message

Switch back to Adminstrator

You can use cloud9 bash shell and decode the error message: You will found the error at "action\":\"ec2:CreateTags\"

Debug launch failures - Tags

Back to IAM, edit policy eva-dev-sd1. click onAdd additional permissions

  • Services: EC2
  • Actions: CreateTags
  • Resources: click any on instance and volume

Conditions 1 Cost Center:

When create the instance, the eva:costCenter must be softwareDept1

Conditions 2 Project Name:

Project name should be starAlliance or cloudTeam

Conditions 3 Tag Keys:

When create must contains 3 keys: Name, eva:

The CreateTags configuration is as the following:

Switch to dev1 account

Now, you can create a EC2 instance successfully with tags: Name, eva:costCenter, and eva:project

Oh! Yes, You can Launch EC2.

Futher challenge

if you want to change ec2 instance project name. How can you do?

Change launched EC2 instance project name

If you change existing EC2 instance tag eva:project from starAlliance to cloudTeam, you will get the following error screen.

Fix the modification issue.

Add a new additional permissions:

Now you can modify the launched EC2 instance project name.


For the all workshop answers, you can reference this policy json file
