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Releases: inaturalist/SeekReactNative


05 Feb 20:44
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  • Minor performance improvements throughout app, including removing ImageBackground which was loading an iconic taxon image under each SpeciesNearby image, switching FullPhotoLoading to Image instead of ImageBackground, and moving a number of function definitions out of React components to avoid unnecessary re-renders
  • Added a bunch of Flow types
  • Side menu uses new Pressable React Native API instead of TouchableOpacity
  • LoginScreen text indicates that users can log in with email address, not only username
  • SpeciesDetail has text to tell users when no photos are available (no user photo and no licensed photos) instead of never-ending loading wheel


  • Created Realm model to store information about whether a photo has successfully been added to an iNat observation. When an observation has been created but the photo was not appended, Seek will try to append this photo on the next app open (#281)
  • Changed error screen in ARCamera to an alert instead of an error screen when there are problems saving a photo to the camera roll (#289). This alert will show on Android too, but the issue was only affecting iOS users.
  • Navigation fixed between ChallengeDetails and SpeciesDetails (before it was possible to go back and forth between them infinitely while tapping the back button)
  • Hide SpeciesNearby on ancestor match screen when no latlng is available


  • Revert Google Maps-related code to v2.11.0, since onMapReady callback doesn't seem to be implemented on Android and returns undefined even when maps are working

v2.11.1 (Android-only)

02 Feb 19:17
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  • Show Google Maps error screen when onMapReady returns undefined instead of a native event


27 Jan 19:27
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  • Indicator lines in camera / gallery tab are animating without jank; made a custom React indicator (#291)
  • Overhauled the results / match screens to pull functionality into helper files; addresses #293 since the commonAncestor variable no longer needs to be passed to the Match screen at all
  • Adjusted letterSpacing on Android pickers (camera roll and language settings) to make sure the padding on left and right doesn't cut off the text
  • Moved loading screen for Gallery out of ListEmptyComponent and into GalleryScreen to address (#288) where screen is stuck on loading wheel
  • Custom hooks have cleanup effects to help avoid memory leaks


  • Social sharing functionality (square cropping, share to FB, save to camera roll, add watermark) when a user identifies a species. Watermark available only for square images.
  • Error messages when saving a photo from AR Camera will include the photo size; this should help us understand if large photo size is causing the error in #289


  • Almost all third-party libraries were upgraded, including Realm
  • Lots of small performance fixes across the app, particularly in the way Species Detail loads and moving functions out of render to avoid unnecessary re-renders


16 Dec 19:21
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  • Specify locale when fetching common names (revert to previous code which includes searchLocale, but with specific checks to remove hyphen for ptBR and use two-character locale for es-MX
  • Added cleanup functions for custom hooks (and replaced isFocused which was not useful for cleanup functions)


  • Android devices include metadata when posting to iNat (required piexifjs library and an upgrade to react-native-image-resizer to keep the exif object attached & update the Software field to React Native iNat Camera 1.0.0


  • Move functions in App.js and LanguagePicker.js to helper files to better separate concerns & keep code related to toggling languages in a single file languageHelpers.js


09 Dec 18:26
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  • Revamped Achievements screen to programmatically generate challenge placeholders for upcoming challenges and display all existing challenges
  • Contain full photo loading screen between AR camera and Match screen to the size of the screen to improve performance
  • Improve performance on Species Detail screen by waiting for species id and data to load before rendering Species Container


  • More complete fix for previous language issue where a user whose device was set to a language unsupported by Seek would only see scientific names (now works for existing users, not only new Seek users)
  • Fix issue where badge modal wasn't updating index for first badge
  • Fix occasional crash in ChallengeMission in mapping over challenges with subbullets (only map over list when there's at least one subbullet)
  • Various Flow issues
  • Simplify iNatStats useEffect hook so data is only fetched once
  • Simplify ChallengeScreen so data only renders once
  • Fix padding on iOS buttons (which changed after upgrading to React Native 0.63.x)


24 Nov 18:52
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  • December challenge


  • Offline common names (removed duplicate esMX names and added more Sinhala names)
  • Simplified Match Screen to remove unused states


  • Photos on Species Detail screen use medium_url and therefore load faster / take up less cellular data (#264)
  • Species List and Similar Species lists use offline common names for consistency; taxonomy list on Species Detail now displays even when species has no common name (#275)
  • Language issue where a user whose device was set to a language unsupported by Seek would only see scientific names; now, Seek automatically falls back to English for common names when the device is not supported


22 Oct 00:12
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  • November challenge


  • React Native upgraded to 0.63.3


  • Remove {{about}} from Source: Wikipedia non-English translation strings since it's no longer needed with HTML renderer


  • Additional log files in react-native-inat-camera to narrow down Xiaomi/Redmi getSize errors
  • Fix for Xiaomi devices


02 Oct 17:58
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  • Bug fix for October challenge


29 Sep 18:42
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  • October challenge


  • Removed children components from Album Picker and Language Picker to limit unnecessary rerenders


  • Upgraded react-native-inat-camera to fix the latest getSize null crash and to account for non-integer values in the sample taxonomy file and future taxonomy files
  • Update target sdk to 29 and request legacy external storage in AndroidManifest.xml to address Android 11 permission issues
  • Remove two unnecessary permissions from release builds


23 Sep 18:05
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  • Revert code to load model/taxonomy file to fix bug where camera didn't open on fresh installs of Seek
  • Remove links to open iOS settings in Species Nearby, AR Camera, Gallery, and location alert on species Match screen to comply with Apple Kids Category policies