diff --git a/sa-head/en-entries/MT-paribhAShA/MT-paribhAShA.babylon b/sa-head/en-entries/MT-paribhAShA/MT-paribhAShA.babylon index 856b2254..6177bbe0 100644 --- a/sa-head/en-entries/MT-paribhAShA/MT-paribhAShA.babylon +++ b/sa-head/en-entries/MT-paribhAShA/MT-paribhAShA.babylon @@ -734,13 +734,13 @@ Piṇḍaka’s shadowy backers, like Sora, Navyāṅka, Karmakapatnī and Sabh Peter Thiel?? "The Varṣapuruṣa was also working on getting his friend Muṣkavān over to the Nāriṅga’s camp" सुरसा -?? His ranks were now swelling with several other able anuyāyin-s like Surasā, Unmatta-karṇāṭi and some Uparimarkata elites +Kari Lake?? सुल्लक|Jake Sullivan Jake Sullivan, U.S. National Security Advisor under Biden जरिलोन्मत्त -charles kirk? "his most important assets were the warriors on the ground like Jarilonmatta (not to be confused with his other anuyāyin duṣṭa-Jarilaputra) and Samaliṅgaka," "jarilonmatta the u2 is doing everything to get surasA past the finish line." ?? +charlie kirk समलिङ्गक Richard Grenell?? Peter Boykin?? his most important assets were the warriors on the ground like Jarilonmatta (not to be confused with his other anuyāyin duṣṭa-Jarilaputra) and Samaliṅgaka, ??