This module automatically generate Product Reference (default_code) according to attributes data with a configurable behavior.
It defines a reference mask on the product templates so the variants references are automatically set. For example:
- Product template: Jacket
- Attributes: - Color(C): White(Wh), Black(Bl) - Size(S): M(M), L(L)
- Reference mask: JKT01-[Color]-[Size]
- Reference on variants:
- JKT01-CWh-SM Jacket White M
- JKT01-CBl-SM Jacket Black M
- JKT01-CWh-SL Jacket White L
- JKT01-CBl-SL Jacket Black L
Table of contents
To set the reference mask up on any product template 'Variant reference mask' new field.
When creating a new product template without specifying the Variant reference mask, a default value for Variant reference mask will be automatically generated according to the attribute line settings on the product template (if any). The mask will then be used as an instruction to generate default code of each product variant of the product template with the corresponding Attribute Code (of the attribute value) inserted. Besides the default value, Variant reference mask can be configured to your liking, make sure putting the Attribute Name inside [] marks (it is case sensitive).
Creating a product named Jacket with two attributes, Size and Color:
Product: Jacket Color: Black(Bl), White(Wh) # Black and White are the attribute values; 'Bl' and 'Wh' are the corresponding codes Size: L (L), XL(XL)
The automatically generated default value for the Variant reference mask will be [Color]-[Size] and so the 'default code' on the variants will be Bl-L, Wh-L, Bl-XL and Wh-XL.
The mask value can be fully customized whatever you like. You can even have the attribute name appear more than once in the mask such as, Jacket/[Size]~[Color]~[Size], and the generated code on variants will be something like Jacket/L~Bl~L (for variant with Color "Black" and Size "L").
When the code attribute is changed, it automatically regenerates the 'default code' on all variants affected.
Aditionally, a product attribute can be set and so it will be prepended to the product default_code. In the first example, setting a Color code to CO would give default_code like this: COBl-L, COWh-L, COBl-XL and COWh-XL.
You can avoid this behavior or force a manual default_code on variant. To do so, go to Product Variants > [any variant you want to set up] and set manually its reference code. The field manual code will be set to on and the variant internal reference will no longer be changed by this module.
Unset manual code and the reference code will be unlocked again.
- In case of attribute name update, related mask are not updated.
Bugs are tracked on GitHub Issues. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us smashing it by providing a detailed and welcomed feedback.
Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues.
- AvancOSC
- Shine IT
- Tecnativa
- Alfredo de la Fuente <[email protected]>
- Tony Gu <[email protected]>
- David Beal <[email protected]>
- Daniel Campos <[email protected]>
- Radovan Skolnik <[email protected]>
- Tecnativa <>: * David Vidal * Pedro M. Baeza * João Marques
This module is maintained by the OCA.
OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.
This module is part of the OCA/product-variant project on GitHub.
You are welcome to contribute. To learn how please visit