diff --git a/agent/adapters/tensorflow/imagenet/__init__.py b/agent/adapters/tensorflow/imagenet/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bee08f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/agent/adapters/tensorflow/imagenet/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# adapters/tensorflow/imagenet/__init__.py - a service adapter for the tensorflow ImageNet pre-trained graph
+# Copyright (c) 2017 SingularityNET
+# Distributed under the MIT software license, see LICENSE file.
+from typing import List
+from sn_agent.job.job_descriptor import JobDescriptor
+from sn_agent.service_adapter import ServiceManager, ServiceAdapterABC
+from sn_agent.ontology import Service
+from adapters.tensorflow.imagenet.node_lookup import NodeLookup
+import tensorflow as tf
+import os
+import base64
+from pathlib import Path
+import logging
+IMAGENET_CLASSIFIER_ID = 'deadbeef-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-111111111102'
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+FLAGS = None
+AGENT_DIRECTORY = Path(__file__).parent
+class TensorflowImageNet(ServiceAdapterABC):
+ type_name = "TensorflowImageNet"
+ def __init__(self, app, service: Service, required_services: List[Service] = None):
+ super().__init__(app, service, required_services)
+ if not service.node_id == IMAGENET_CLASSIFIER_ID:
+ raise RuntimeError("TensorflowImageNet cannot perform service %s", service.node_id)
+ def post_load_initialize(self, service_manager: ServiceManager):
+ # Load the graph model.
+ graph_path = os.path.join(AGENT_DIRECTORY, 'model_data', 'classify_image_graph_def.pb')
+ with tf.gfile.FastGFile(graph_path, 'rb') as f:
+ self.graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
+ self.graph_def.ParseFromString(f.read())
+ tf.import_graph_def(self.graph_def, name='')
+ # Create our long-running Tensorflow session
+ self.session = tf.Session()
+ # Save the softmax tensor which will run the model.
+ self.softmax_tensor = self.session.graph.get_tensor_by_name('softmax:0')
+ # Creates node ID --> English string lookup.
+ self.node_lookup = NodeLookup()
+ def perform(self, job: JobDescriptor):
+ # Process the items in the job. A single job may include a request to classify
+ # many different images. Each item, in turn, may include an array of images.
+ results = []
+ for job_item in job:
+ # Make sure the input type is one we can handle...
+ input_type = job_item['input_type']
+ if input_type != 'attached':
+ logger.error("BAD input dict %s", str(job_item))
+ raise RuntimeError("TensorflowImageNet - job item 'input_type' must be 'attached'.")
+ # Get the images to classify, while making sure our job item dict is of the appropriate format.
+ input_data = job_item['input_data']
+ if input_data is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("TensorflowImageNet - job item 'input_data' must be defined.")
+ images_to_classify = input_data.get('images')
+ if images_to_classify is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("TensorflowImageNet - job item 'input_data' missing 'images'")
+ image_types = input_data.get('image_types')
+ if image_types is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("TensorflowImageNet - job item 'input_data' missing 'image_types'")
+ # Clear the predictions for the new job item.
+ predictions = []
+ prediction_confidences = []
+ # Classify all the images for this job item.
+ for image, image_type in zip(images_to_classify, image_types):
+ binary_image = base64.b64decode(image)
+ if (image_type == 'jpeg' or image_type == 'jpg'):
+ decoder_key = 'DecodeJpeg/contents:0'
+ elif (image_type == 'png'):
+ decoder_key = 'DecodeJpeg/contents:0'
+ elif (image_type == 'gif'):
+ decoder_key = 'DecodeGif/contents:0'
+ raise RuntimeError("TensorflowImageNet - cannot decode gif images")
+ elif (image_type == 'bmp'):
+ decoder_key = 'DecodeBmp/contents:0'
+ raise RuntimeError("TensorflowImageNet - cannot decode bmp images")
+ else:
+ decoder_key = 'DecodeJpeg/contents:0'
+ logger.warn("Missing image type {0}".format(image_type))
+ raw_predictions = self.session.run(self.softmax_tensor, {decoder_key: binary_image})
+ logger.debug("classifying '{0}' image".format(image_type))
+ # Pull the predicted scorces out of the raw predictions.
+ predicted_scores = raw_predictions[0]
+ # Sort and strip off the top 5 predictions.
+ top_predictions = predicted_scores.argsort()[-5:][::-1]
+ image_predictions = []
+ image_scores = []
+ for predicted_node_id in top_predictions:
+ # Get a text description for the top predicted node.
+ description = self.node_lookup.id_to_string(predicted_node_id)
+ # Cast to a float so JSON can serialize it. Normal Tensorflow float32 are not serializable.
+ score = float(predicted_scores[predicted_node_id])
+ logger.debug(" prediction = '{0}', score = {1}".format(description, score))
+ # Add only those that exceed our minimum score to the predictions and scores lists.
+ if (score > MINIMUM_SCORE):
+ image_predictions.append(description)
+ image_scores.append(score)
+ # Append the filtered predictions and scores for this image.
+ predictions.append(image_predictions)
+ prediction_confidences.append(image_scores)
+ # Add the job results to our combined results array for all job items.
+ single_job_result = {
+ 'predictions': predictions,
+ 'confidences': prediction_confidences,
+ }
+ results.append(single_job_result)
+ return results
diff --git a/agent/adapters/tensorflow/imagenet/model_data/classify_image_graph_def.pb b/agent/adapters/tensorflow/imagenet/model_data/classify_image_graph_def.pb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f34cb9b
Binary files /dev/null and b/agent/adapters/tensorflow/imagenet/model_data/classify_image_graph_def.pb differ
diff --git a/agent/adapters/tensorflow/imagenet/model_data/imagenet_2012_challenge_label_map_proto.pbtxt b/agent/adapters/tensorflow/imagenet/model_data/imagenet_2012_challenge_label_map_proto.pbtxt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14c48d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/agent/adapters/tensorflow/imagenet/model_data/imagenet_2012_challenge_label_map_proto.pbtxt
@@ -0,0 +1,4002 @@
+# -*- protobuffer -*-
+# LabelMap from ImageNet 2012 full data set UID to int32 target class.
+entry {
+ target_class: 449
+ target_class_string: "n01440764"
+entry {
+ target_class: 450
+ target_class_string: "n01443537"
+entry {
+ target_class: 442
+ target_class_string: "n01484850"
+entry {
+ target_class: 443
+ target_class_string: "n01491361"
+entry {
+ target_class: 444
+ target_class_string: "n01494475"
+entry {
+ target_class: 445
+ target_class_string: "n01496331"
+entry {
+ target_class: 446
+ target_class_string: "n01498041"
+entry {
+ target_class: 383
+ target_class_string: "n01514668"
+entry {
+ target_class: 384
+ target_class_string: "n01514859"
+entry {
+ target_class: 385
+ target_class_string: "n01518878"
+entry {
+ target_class: 386
+ target_class_string: "n01530575"
+entry {
+ target_class: 387
+ target_class_string: "n01531178"
+entry {
+ target_class: 388
+ target_class_string: "n01532829"
+entry {
+ target_class: 389
+ target_class_string: "n01534433"
+entry {
+ target_class: 390
+ target_class_string: "n01537544"
+entry {
+ target_class: 391
+ target_class_string: "n01558993"
+entry {
+ target_class: 392
+ target_class_string: "n01560419"
+entry {
+ target_class: 393
+ target_class_string: "n01580077"
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+ target_class: 394
+ target_class_string: "n01582220"
+entry {
+ target_class: 395
+ target_class_string: "n01592084"
+entry {
+ target_class: 396
+ target_class_string: "n01601694"
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+ target_class: 397
+ target_class_string: "n01608432"
+entry {
+ target_class: 398
+ target_class_string: "n01614925"
+entry {
+ target_class: 399
+ target_class_string: "n01616318"
+entry {
+ target_class: 400
+ target_class_string: "n01622779"
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+ target_class: 494
+ target_class_string: "n01629819"
+entry {
+ target_class: 495
+ target_class_string: "n01630670"
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+ target_class: 496
+ target_class_string: "n01631663"
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+ target_class: 497
+ target_class_string: "n01632458"
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+ target_class: 498
+ target_class_string: "n01632777"
+entry {
+ target_class: 499
+ target_class_string: "n01641577"
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+ target_class: 500
+ target_class_string: "n01644373"
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+ target_class: 501
+ target_class_string: "n01644900"
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+ target_class: 458
+ target_class_string: "n01664065"
+entry {
+ target_class: 459
+ target_class_string: "n01665541"
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+ target_class: 460
+ target_class_string: "n01667114"
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+ target_class: 461
+ target_class_string: "n01667778"
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+ target_class: 462
+ target_class_string: "n01669191"
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+ target_class: 463
+ target_class_string: "n01675722"
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+ target_class: 464
+ target_class_string: "n01677366"
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+ target_class: 465
+ target_class_string: "n01682714"
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+ target_class: 466
+ target_class_string: "n01685808"
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+ target_class: 467
+ target_class_string: "n01687978"
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+ target_class: 468
+ target_class_string: "n01688243"
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+ target_class: 469
+ target_class_string: "n01689811"
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+ target_class: 470
+ target_class_string: "n01692333"
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+ target_class: 471
+ target_class_string: "n01693334"
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+ target_class: 472
+ target_class_string: "n01694178"
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+ target_class: 473
+ target_class_string: "n01695060"
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+ target_class: 475
+ target_class_string: "n01697457"
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+ target_class: 476
+ target_class_string: "n01698640"
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+ target_class_string: "n01704323"
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+ target_class: 4
+ target_class_string: "n02096294"
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+ target_class_string: "n02096585"
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+ target_class_string: "n02097474"
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+ target_class_string: "n02097658"
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+ target_class: 26
+ target_class_string: "n02098105"
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+ target_class_string: "n02098286"
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+ target_class: 56
+ target_class_string: "n02098413"
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+ target_class_string: "n02099267"
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+ target_class: 144
+ target_class_string: "n02099429"
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+ target_class: 125
+ target_class_string: "n02099601"
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+ target_class: 176
+ target_class_string: "n02099712"
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+ target_class: 139
+ target_class_string: "n02099849"
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+ target_class: 134
+ target_class_string: "n02100236"
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+ target_class: 90
+ target_class_string: "n02100583"
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+ target_class: 2
+ target_class_string: "n02100735"
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+ target_class: 192
+ target_class_string: "n02100877"
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+ target_class: 154
+ target_class_string: "n02101006"
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+ target_class: 150
+ target_class_string: "n02101388"
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+ target_class: 94
+ target_class_string: "n02101556"
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+ target_class_string: "n04192698"
+entry {
+ target_class: 709
+ target_class_string: "n04200800"
+entry {
+ target_class: 832
+ target_class_string: "n04201297"
+entry {
+ target_class: 950
+ target_class_string: "n04204238"
+entry {
+ target_class: 259
+ target_class_string: "n04204347"
+entry {
+ target_class: 380
+ target_class_string: "n04208210"
+entry {
+ target_class: 868
+ target_class_string: "n04209133"
+entry {
+ target_class: 747
+ target_class_string: "n04209239"
+entry {
+ target_class: 590
+ target_class_string: "n04228054"
+entry {
+ target_class: 776
+ target_class_string: "n04229816"
+entry {
+ target_class: 943
+ target_class_string: "n04235860"
+entry {
+ target_class: 549
+ target_class_string: "n04238763"
+entry {
+ target_class: 726
+ target_class_string: "n04239074"
+entry {
+ target_class: 557
+ target_class_string: "n04243546"
+entry {
+ target_class: 507
+ target_class_string: "n04251144"
+entry {
+ target_class: 288
+ target_class_string: "n04252077"
+entry {
+ target_class: 278
+ target_class_string: "n04252225"
+entry {
+ target_class: 960
+ target_class_string: "n04254120"
+entry {
+ target_class: 222
+ target_class_string: "n04254680"
+entry {
+ target_class: 986
+ target_class_string: "n04254777"
+entry {
+ target_class: 577
+ target_class_string: "n04258138"
+entry {
+ target_class: 925
+ target_class_string: "n04259630"
+entry {
+ target_class: 822
+ target_class_string: "n04263257"
+entry {
+ target_class: 858
+ target_class_string: "n04264628"
+entry {
+ target_class: 515
+ target_class_string: "n04265275"
+entry {
+ target_class: 234
+ target_class_string: "n04266014"
+entry {
+ target_class: 676
+ target_class_string: "n04270147"
+entry {
+ target_class: 237
+ target_class_string: "n04273569"
+entry {
+ target_class: 600
+ target_class_string: "n04275548"
+entry {
+ target_class: 775
+ target_class_string: "n04277352"
+entry {
+ target_class: 274
+ target_class_string: "n04285008"
+entry {
+ target_class: 593
+ target_class_string: "n04286575"
+entry {
+ target_class: 804
+ target_class_string: "n04296562"
+entry {
+ target_class: 263
+ target_class_string: "n04310018"
+entry {
+ target_class: 680
+ target_class_string: "n04311004"
+entry {
+ target_class: 340
+ target_class_string: "n04311174"
+entry {
+ target_class: 530
+ target_class_string: "n04317175"
+entry {
+ target_class: 998
+ target_class_string: "n04325704"
+entry {
+ target_class: 724
+ target_class_string: "n04326547"
+entry {
+ target_class: 528
+ target_class_string: "n04328186"
+entry {
+ target_class: 516
+ target_class_string: "n04330267"
+entry {
+ target_class: 514
+ target_class_string: "n04332243"
+entry {
+ target_class: 287
+ target_class_string: "n04335435"
+entry {
+ target_class: 957
+ target_class_string: "n04336792"
+entry {
+ target_class: 311
+ target_class_string: "n04344873"
+entry {
+ target_class: 692
+ target_class_string: "n04346328"
+entry {
+ target_class: 247
+ target_class_string: "n04347754"
+entry {
+ target_class: 794
+ target_class_string: "n04350905"
+entry {
+ target_class: 526
+ target_class_string: "n04355338"
+entry {
+ target_class: 574
+ target_class_string: "n04355933"
+entry {
+ target_class: 535
+ target_class_string: "n04356056"
+entry {
+ target_class: 810
+ target_class_string: "n04357314"
+entry {
+ target_class: 681
+ target_class_string: "n04366367"
+entry {
+ target_class: 828
+ target_class_string: "n04367480"
+entry {
+ target_class: 837
+ target_class_string: "n04370456"
+entry {
+ target_class: 945
+ target_class_string: "n04371430"
+entry {
+ target_class: 569
+ target_class_string: "n04371774"
+entry {
+ target_class: 561
+ target_class_string: "n04372370"
+entry {
+ target_class: 531
+ target_class_string: "n04376876"
+entry {
+ target_class: 304
+ target_class_string: "n04380533"
+entry {
+ target_class: 250
+ target_class_string: "n04389033"
+entry {
+ target_class: 978
+ target_class_string: "n04392985"
+entry {
+ target_class: 675
+ target_class_string: "n04398044"
+entry {
+ target_class: 786
+ target_class_string: "n04399382"
+entry {
+ target_class: 944
+ target_class_string: "n04404412"
+entry {
+ target_class: 970
+ target_class_string: "n04409515"
+entry {
+ target_class: 989
+ target_class_string: "n04417672"
+entry {
+ target_class: 903
+ target_class_string: "n04418357"
+entry {
+ target_class: 758
+ target_class_string: "n04423845"
+entry {
+ target_class: 555
+ target_class_string: "n04428191"
+entry {
+ target_class: 308
+ target_class_string: "n04429376"
+entry {
+ target_class: 780
+ target_class_string: "n04435653"
+entry {
+ target_class: 664
+ target_class_string: "n04442312"
+entry {
+ target_class: 710
+ target_class_string: "n04443257"
+entry {
+ target_class: 312
+ target_class_string: "n04447861"
+entry {
+ target_class: 594
+ target_class_string: "n04456115"
+entry {
+ target_class: 700
+ target_class_string: "n04458633"
+entry {
+ target_class: 282
+ target_class_string: "n04461696"
+entry {
+ target_class: 711
+ target_class_string: "n04462240"
+entry {
+ target_class: 289
+ target_class_string: "n04465501"
+entry {
+ target_class: 283
+ target_class_string: "n04467665"
+entry {
+ target_class: 766
+ target_class_string: "n04476259"
+entry {
+ target_class: 825
+ target_class_string: "n04479046"
+entry {
+ target_class: 291
+ target_class_string: "n04482393"
+entry {
+ target_class: 242
+ target_class_string: "n04483307"
+entry {
+ target_class: 597
+ target_class_string: "n04485082"
+entry {
+ target_class: 678
+ target_class_string: "n04486054"
+entry {
+ target_class: 882
+ target_class_string: "n04487081"
+entry {
+ target_class: 349
+ target_class_string: "n04487394"
+entry {
+ target_class: 765
+ target_class_string: "n04493381"
+entry {
+ target_class: 727
+ target_class_string: "n04501370"
+entry {
+ target_class: 544
+ target_class_string: "n04505470"
+entry {
+ target_class: 220
+ target_class_string: "n04507155"
+entry {
+ target_class: 292
+ target_class_string: "n04509417"
+entry {
+ target_class: 334
+ target_class_string: "n04515003"
+entry {
+ target_class: 666
+ target_class_string: "n04517823"
+entry {
+ target_class: 874
+ target_class_string: "n04522168"
+entry {
+ target_class: 990
+ target_class_string: "n04523525"
+entry {
+ target_class: 969
+ target_class_string: "n04525038"
+entry {
+ target_class: 558
+ target_class_string: "n04525305"
+entry {
+ target_class: 790
+ target_class_string: "n04532106"
+entry {
+ target_class: 682
+ target_class_string: "n04532670"
+entry {
+ target_class: 343
+ target_class_string: "n04536866"
+entry {
+ target_class: 936
+ target_class_string: "n04540053"
+entry {
+ target_class: 665
+ target_class_string: "n04542943"
+entry {
+ target_class: 524
+ target_class_string: "n04548280"
+entry {
+ target_class: 928
+ target_class_string: "n04548362"
+entry {
+ target_class: 317
+ target_class_string: "n04550184"
+entry {
+ target_class: 231
+ target_class_string: "n04552348"
+entry {
+ target_class: 906
+ target_class_string: "n04553703"
+entry {
+ target_class: 669
+ target_class_string: "n04554684"
+entry {
+ target_class: 958
+ target_class_string: "n04557648"
+entry {
+ target_class: 819
+ target_class_string: "n04560804"
+entry {
+ target_class: 795
+ target_class_string: "n04562935"
+entry {
+ target_class: 772
+ target_class_string: "n04579145"
+entry {
+ target_class: 502
+ target_class_string: "n04579432"
+entry {
+ target_class: 899
+ target_class_string: "n04584207"
+entry {
+ target_class: 912
+ target_class_string: "n04589890"
+entry {
+ target_class: 904
+ target_class_string: "n04590129"
+entry {
+ target_class: 935
+ target_class_string: "n04591157"
+entry {
+ target_class: 831
+ target_class_string: "n04591713"
+entry {
+ target_class: 503
+ target_class_string: "n04592741"
+entry {
+ target_class: 672
+ target_class_string: "n04596742"
+entry {
+ target_class: 951
+ target_class_string: "n04597913"
+entry {
+ target_class: 815
+ target_class_string: "n04599235"
+entry {
+ target_class: 723
+ target_class_string: "n04604644"
+entry {
+ target_class: 248
+ target_class_string: "n04606251"
+entry {
+ target_class: 240
+ target_class_string: "n04612504"
+entry {
+ target_class: 714
+ target_class_string: "n04613696"
+entry {
+ target_class: 553
+ target_class_string: "n06359193"
+entry {
+ target_class: 930
+ target_class_string: "n06596364"
+entry {
+ target_class: 791
+ target_class_string: "n06785654"
+entry {
+ target_class: 932
+ target_class_string: "n06794110"
+entry {
+ target_class: 861
+ target_class_string: "n06874185"
+entry {
+ target_class: 774
+ target_class_string: "n07248320"
+entry {
+ target_class: 803
+ target_class_string: "n07565083"
+entry {
+ target_class: 754
+ target_class_string: "n07579787"
+entry {
+ target_class: 813
+ target_class_string: "n07583066"
+entry {
+ target_class: 844
+ target_class_string: "n07584110"
+entry {
+ target_class: 771
+ target_class_string: "n07590611"
+entry {
+ target_class: 793
+ target_class_string: "n07613480"
+entry {
+ target_class: 974
+ target_class_string: "n07614500"
+entry {
+ target_class: 968
+ target_class_string: "n07615774"
+entry {
+ target_class: 873
+ target_class_string: "n07684084"
+entry {
+ target_class: 768
+ target_class_string: "n07693725"
+entry {
+ target_class: 975
+ target_class_string: "n07695742"
+entry {
+ target_class: 993
+ target_class_string: "n07697313"
+entry {
+ target_class: 885
+ target_class_string: "n07697537"
+entry {
+ target_class: 734
+ target_class_string: "n07711569"
+entry {
+ target_class: 736
+ target_class_string: "n07714571"
+entry {
+ target_class: 737
+ target_class_string: "n07714990"
+entry {
+ target_class: 738
+ target_class_string: "n07715103"
+entry {
+ target_class: 739
+ target_class_string: "n07716358"
+entry {
+ target_class: 740
+ target_class_string: "n07716906"
+entry {
+ target_class: 741
+ target_class_string: "n07717410"
+entry {
+ target_class: 742
+ target_class_string: "n07717556"
+entry {
+ target_class: 743
+ target_class_string: "n07718472"
+entry {
+ target_class: 744
+ target_class_string: "n07718747"
+entry {
+ target_class: 735
+ target_class_string: "n07720875"
+entry {
+ target_class: 745
+ target_class_string: "n07730033"
+entry {
+ target_class: 746
+ target_class_string: "n07734744"
+entry {
+ target_class: 318
+ target_class_string: "n07742313"
+entry {
+ target_class: 229
+ target_class_string: "n07745940"
+entry {
+ target_class: 319
+ target_class_string: "n07747607"
+entry {
+ target_class: 320
+ target_class_string: "n07749582"
+entry {
+ target_class: 321
+ target_class_string: "n07753113"
+entry {
+ target_class: 322
+ target_class_string: "n07753275"
+entry {
+ target_class: 323
+ target_class_string: "n07753592"
+entry {
+ target_class: 324
+ target_class_string: "n07754684"
+entry {
+ target_class: 325
+ target_class_string: "n07760859"
+entry {
+ target_class: 326
+ target_class_string: "n07768694"
+entry {
+ target_class: 816
+ target_class_string: "n07802026"
+entry {
+ target_class: 999
+ target_class_string: "n07831146"
+entry {
+ target_class: 953
+ target_class_string: "n07836838"
+entry {
+ target_class: 864
+ target_class_string: "n07860988"
+entry {
+ target_class: 806
+ target_class_string: "n07871810"
+entry {
+ target_class: 948
+ target_class_string: "n07873807"
+entry {
+ target_class: 830
+ target_class_string: "n07875152"
+entry {
+ target_class: 900
+ target_class_string: "n07880968"
+entry {
+ target_class: 798
+ target_class_string: "n07892512"
+entry {
+ target_class: 947
+ target_class_string: "n07920052"
+entry {
+ target_class: 859
+ target_class_string: "n07930864"
+entry {
+ target_class: 823
+ target_class_string: "n07932039"
+entry {
+ target_class: 361
+ target_class_string: "n09193705"
+entry {
+ target_class: 992
+ target_class_string: "n09229709"
+entry {
+ target_class: 359
+ target_class_string: "n09246464"
+entry {
+ target_class: 365
+ target_class_string: "n09256479"
+entry {
+ target_class: 368
+ target_class_string: "n09288635"
+entry {
+ target_class: 366
+ target_class_string: "n09332890"
+entry {
+ target_class: 363
+ target_class_string: "n09399592"
+entry {
+ target_class: 364
+ target_class_string: "n09421951"
+entry {
+ target_class: 367
+ target_class_string: "n09428293"
+entry {
+ target_class: 360
+ target_class_string: "n09468604"
+entry {
+ target_class: 362
+ target_class_string: "n09472597"
+entry {
+ target_class: 954
+ target_class_string: "n09835506"
+entry {
+ target_class: 848
+ target_class_string: "n10148035"
+entry {
+ target_class: 982
+ target_class_string: "n10565667"
+entry {
+ target_class: 330
+ target_class_string: "n11879895"
+entry {
+ target_class: 357
+ target_class_string: "n11939491"
+entry {
+ target_class: 358
+ target_class_string: "n12057211"
+entry {
+ target_class: 331
+ target_class_string: "n12144580"
+entry {
+ target_class: 327
+ target_class_string: "n12267677"
+entry {
+ target_class: 328
+ target_class_string: "n12620546"
+entry {
+ target_class: 332
+ target_class_string: "n12768682"
+entry {
+ target_class: 886
+ target_class_string: "n12985857"
+entry {
+ target_class: 913
+ target_class_string: "n12998815"
+entry {
+ target_class: 956
+ target_class_string: "n13037406"
+entry {
+ target_class: 893
+ target_class_string: "n13040303"
+entry {
+ target_class: 878
+ target_class_string: "n13044778"
+entry {
+ target_class: 812
+ target_class_string: "n13052670"
+entry {
+ target_class: 981
+ target_class_string: "n13054560"
+entry {
+ target_class: 329
+ target_class_string: "n13133613"
+entry {
+ target_class: 889
+ target_class_string: "n15075141"
diff --git a/agent/adapters/tensorflow/imagenet/model_data/imagenet_synset_to_human_label_map.txt b/agent/adapters/tensorflow/imagenet/model_data/imagenet_synset_to_human_label_map.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..913a237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/agent/adapters/tensorflow/imagenet/model_data/imagenet_synset_to_human_label_map.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21842 @@
+n00004475 organism, being
+n00005787 benthos
+n00006024 heterotroph
+n00006484 cell
+n00007846 person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, soul
+n00015388 animal, animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna
+n00017222 plant, flora, plant life
+n00021265 food, nutrient
+n00021939 artifact, artefact
+n00120010 hop
+n00141669 check-in
+n00288000 dressage
+n00288190 curvet, vaulting
+n00288384 piaffe
+n00324978 funambulism, tightrope walking
+n00326094 rock climbing
+n00433458 contact sport
+n00433661 outdoor sport, field sport
+n00433802 gymnastics, gymnastic exercise
+n00434075 acrobatics, tumbling
+n00439826 track and field
+n00440039 track, running
+n00440218 jumping
+n00440382 broad jump, long jump
+n00440509 high jump
+n00440643 Fosbury flop
+n00440747 skiing
+n00440941 cross-country skiing
+n00441073 ski jumping
+n00441824 water sport, aquatics
+n00442115 swimming, swim
+n00442437 bathe
+n00442847 dip, plunge
+n00442981 dive, diving
+n00443231 floating, natation
+n00443375 dead-man's float, prone float
+n00443517 belly flop, belly flopper, belly whop, belly whopper
+n00443692 cliff diving
+n00443803 flip
+n00443917 gainer, full gainer
+n00444142 half gainer
+n00444340 jackknife
+n00444490 swan dive, swallow dive
+n00444651 skin diving, skin-dive
+n00444846 scuba diving
+n00444937 snorkeling, snorkel diving
+n00445055 surfing, surfboarding, surfriding
+n00445226 water-skiing
+n00445351 rowing, row
+n00445685 sculling
+n00445802 boxing, pugilism, fisticuffs
+n00446311 professional boxing
+n00446411 in-fighting
+n00446493 fight
+n00446632 rope-a-dope
+n00446804 spar, sparring
+n00446980 archery
+n00447073 sledding
+n00447221 tobogganing
+n00447361 luging
+n00447463 bobsledding
+n00447540 wrestling, rassling, grappling
+n00447957 Greco-Roman wrestling
+n00448126 professional wrestling
+n00448232 sumo
+n00448466 skating
+n00448640 ice skating
+n00448748 figure skating
+n00448872 rollerblading
+n00448958 roller skating
+n00449054 skateboarding
+n00449168 speed skating
+n00449295 racing
+n00449517 auto racing, car racing
+n00449695 boat racing
+n00449796 hydroplane racing
+n00449892 camel racing
+n00449977 greyhound racing
+n00450070 horse racing
+n00450335 riding, horseback riding, equitation
+n00450700 equestrian sport
+n00450866 pony-trekking
+n00450998 showjumping, stadium jumping
+n00451186 cross-country riding, cross-country jumping
+n00451370 cycling
+n00451563 bicycling
+n00451635 motorcycling
+n00451768 dune cycling
+n00451866 blood sport
+n00452034 bullfighting, tauromachy
+n00452152 cockfighting
+n00452293 hunt, hunting
+n00452734 battue
+n00452864 beagling
+n00453126 coursing
+n00453313 deer hunting, deer hunt
+n00453396 ducking, duck hunting
+n00453478 fox hunting, foxhunt
+n00453631 pigsticking
+n00453935 fishing, sportfishing
+n00454237 angling
+n00454395 fly-fishing
+n00454493 troll, trolling
+n00454624 casting, cast
+n00454855 bait casting
+n00454983 fly casting
+n00455076 overcast
+n00455173 surf casting, surf fishing
+n00456465 day game
+n00463246 athletic game
+n00463543 ice hockey, hockey, hockey game
+n00464277 tetherball
+n00464478 water polo
+n00464651 outdoor game
+n00464894 golf, golf game
+n00466273 professional golf
+n00466377 round of golf, round
+n00466524 medal play, stroke play
+n00466630 match play
+n00466712 miniature golf
+n00466880 croquet
+n00467320 quoits, horseshoes
+n00467536 shuffleboard, shovelboard
+n00467719 field game
+n00467995 field hockey, hockey
+n00468299 shinny, shinney
+n00468480 football, football game
+n00469651 American football, American football game
+n00470554 professional football
+n00470682 touch football
+n00470830 hurling
+n00470966 rugby, rugby football, rugger
+n00471437 ball game, ballgame
+n00471613 baseball, baseball game
+n00474568 ball
+n00474657 professional baseball
+n00474769 hardball
+n00474881 perfect game
+n00475014 no-hit game, no-hitter
+n00475142 one-hitter, 1-hitter
+n00475273 two-hitter, 2-hitter
+n00475403 three-hitter, 3-hitter
+n00475535 four-hitter, 4-hitter
+n00475661 five-hitter, 5-hitter
+n00475787 softball, softball game
+n00476140 rounders
+n00476235 stickball, stickball game
+n00476389 cricket
+n00477392 lacrosse
+n00477639 polo
+n00477827 pushball
+n00478262 soccer, association football
+n00479076 court game
+n00479440 handball
+n00479616 racquetball
+n00479734 fives
+n00479887 squash, squash racquets, squash rackets
+n00480211 volleyball, volleyball game
+n00480366 jai alai, pelota
+n00480508 badminton
+n00480885 battledore, battledore and shuttlecock
+n00480993 basketball, basketball game, hoops
+n00481803 professional basketball
+n00481938 deck tennis
+n00482122 netball
+n00482298 tennis, lawn tennis
+n00483205 professional tennis
+n00483313 singles
+n00483409 singles
+n00483508 doubles
+n00483605 doubles
+n00483705 royal tennis, real tennis, court tennis
+n00483848 pallone
+n00523513 sport, athletics
+n00812526 clasp, clench, clutch, clutches, grasp, grip, hold
+n00825773 judo
+n00887544 team sport
+n01035504 Last Supper, Lord's Supper
+n01035667 Seder, Passover supper
+n01055165 camping, encampment, bivouacking, tenting
+n01314388 pest
+n01314663 critter
+n01314781 creepy-crawly
+n01314910 darter
+n01315213 peeper
+n01315330 homeotherm, homoiotherm, homotherm
+n01315581 poikilotherm, ectotherm
+n01315805 range animal
+n01316422 scavenger
+n01316579 bottom-feeder, bottom-dweller
+n01316734 bottom-feeder
+n01316949 work animal
+n01317089 beast of burden, jument
+n01317294 draft animal
+n01317391 pack animal, sumpter
+n01317541 domestic animal, domesticated animal
+n01317813 feeder
+n01317916 feeder
+n01318053 stocker
+n01318279 hatchling
+n01318381 head
+n01318478 migrator
+n01318660 molter, moulter
+n01318894 pet
+n01319001 stayer
+n01319187 stunt
+n01319467 marine animal, marine creature, sea animal, sea creature
+n01319685 by-catch, bycatch
+n01320872 female
+n01321123 hen
+n01321230 male
+n01321456 adult
+n01321579 young, offspring
+n01321770 orphan
+n01321854 young mammal
+n01322221 baby
+n01322343 pup, whelp
+n01322508 wolf pup, wolf cub
+n01322604 puppy
+n01322685 cub, young carnivore
+n01322898 lion cub
+n01322983 bear cub
+n01323068 tiger cub
+n01323155 kit
+n01323261 suckling
+n01323355 sire
+n01323493 dam
+n01323599 thoroughbred, purebred, pureblood
+n01323781 giant
+n01324305 mutant
+n01324431 carnivore
+n01324610 herbivore
+n01324799 insectivore
+n01324916 acrodont
+n01325060 pleurodont
+n01326291 microorganism, micro-organism
+n01327909 monohybrid
+n01329186 arbovirus, arborvirus
+n01330126 adenovirus
+n01330497 arenavirus
+n01332181 Marburg virus
+n01333082 Arenaviridae
+n01333483 vesiculovirus
+n01333610 Reoviridae
+n01334217 variola major, variola major virus
+n01334690 viroid, virusoid
+n01335218 coliphage
+n01337191 paramyxovirus
+n01337734 poliovirus
+n01338685 herpes, herpes virus
+n01339083 herpes simplex 1, HS1, HSV-1, HSV-I
+n01339336 herpes zoster, herpes zoster virus
+n01339471 herpes varicella zoster, herpes varicella zoster virus
+n01339801 cytomegalovirus, CMV
+n01340014 varicella zoster virus
+n01340522 polyoma, polyoma virus
+n01340785 lyssavirus
+n01340935 reovirus
+n01341090 rotavirus
+n01342269 moneran, moneron
+n01347583 archaebacteria, archaebacterium, archaeobacteria, archeobacteria
+n01349735 bacteroid
+n01350226 Bacillus anthracis, anthrax bacillus
+n01350701 Yersinia pestis
+n01351170 Brucella
+n01351315 spirillum, spirilla
+n01357328 botulinus, botulinum, Clostridium botulinum
+n01357507 clostridium perfringens
+n01358572 cyanobacteria, blue-green algae
+n01359762 trichodesmium
+n01362336 nitric bacteria, nitrobacteria
+n01363719 spirillum
+n01365474 Francisella, genus Francisella
+n01365885 gonococcus, Neisseria gonorrhoeae
+n01366700 Corynebacterium diphtheriae, C. diphtheriae, Klebs-Loeffler bacillus
+n01367772 enteric bacteria, enterobacteria, enterics, entric
+n01368672 klebsiella
+n01369358 Salmonella typhimurium
+n01369484 typhoid bacillus, Salmonella typhosa, Salmonella typhi
+n01374703 nitrate bacterium, nitric bacterium
+n01374846 nitrite bacterium, nitrous bacterium
+n01375204 actinomycete
+n01376237 streptomyces
+n01376437 Streptomyces erythreus
+n01376543 Streptomyces griseus
+n01377278 tubercle bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis
+n01377510 pus-forming bacteria
+n01377694 streptobacillus
+n01378545 myxobacteria, myxobacterium, myxobacter, gliding bacteria, slime bacteria
+n01379389 staphylococcus, staphylococci, staph
+n01380610 diplococcus
+n01380754 pneumococcus, Diplococcus pneumoniae
+n01381044 streptococcus, streptococci, strep
+n01382033 spirochete, spirochaete
+n01384084 planktonic algae
+n01384164 zooplankton
+n01384687 parasite
+n01385017 endoparasite, entoparasite, entozoan, entozoon, endozoan
+n01385330 ectoparasite, ectozoan, ectozoon, epizoan, epizoon
+n01386007 pathogen
+n01386182 commensal
+n01386354 myrmecophile
+n01387065 protoctist
+n01389507 protozoan, protozoon
+n01390123 sarcodinian, sarcodine
+n01390763 heliozoan
+n01392275 endameba
+n01392380 ameba, amoeba
+n01393486 globigerina
+n01394040 testacean
+n01394492 arcella
+n01394771 difflugia
+n01395254 ciliate, ciliated protozoan, ciliophoran
+n01396048 paramecium, paramecia
+n01396617 stentor
+n01397114 alga, algae
+n01397690 arame
+n01397871 seagrass
+n01400247 golden algae
+n01400391 yellow-green algae
+n01402600 brown algae
+n01403457 kelp
+n01404365 fucoid, fucoid algae
+n01404495 fucoid
+n01405007 fucus
+n01405616 bladderwrack, Ascophyllum nodosum
+n01407798 green algae, chlorophyte
+n01410457 pond scum
+n01411450 chlorella
+n01412694 stonewort
+n01413457 desmid
+n01414216 sea moss
+n01415626 eukaryote, eucaryote
+n01415920 prokaryote, procaryote
+n01416213 zooid
+n01418498 Leishmania, genus Leishmania
+n01418620 zoomastigote, zooflagellate
+n01419332 polymastigote
+n01419573 costia, Costia necatrix
+n01419888 giardia
+n01421333 cryptomonad, cryptophyte
+n01421807 sporozoan
+n01422185 sporozoite
+n01422335 trophozoite
+n01422450 merozoite
+n01423302 coccidium, eimeria
+n01423617 gregarine
+n01424420 plasmodium, Plasmodium vivax, malaria parasite
+n01425223 leucocytozoan, leucocytozoon
+n01427399 microsporidian
+n01429172 Ostariophysi, order Ostariophysi
+n01438208 cypriniform fish
+n01438581 loach
+n01439121 cyprinid, cyprinid fish
+n01439514 carp
+n01439808 domestic carp, Cyprinus carpio
+n01440160 leather carp
+n01440242 mirror carp
+n01440467 European bream, Abramis brama
+n01440764 tench, Tinca tinca
+n01441117 dace, Leuciscus leuciscus
+n01441272 chub, Leuciscus cephalus
+n01441425 shiner
+n01441910 common shiner, silversides, Notropis cornutus
+n01442450 roach, Rutilus rutilus
+n01442710 rudd, Scardinius erythrophthalmus
+n01442972 minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus
+n01443243 gudgeon, Gobio gobio
+n01443537 goldfish, Carassius auratus
+n01443831 crucian carp, Carassius carassius, Carassius vulgaris
+n01444339 electric eel, Electrophorus electric
+n01444783 catostomid
+n01445429 buffalo fish, buffalofish
+n01445593 black buffalo, Ictiobus niger
+n01445857 hog sucker, hog molly, Hypentelium nigricans
+n01446152 redhorse, redhorse sucker
+n01446589 cyprinodont
+n01446760 killifish
+n01447139 mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus
+n01447331 striped killifish, mayfish, may fish, Fundulus majalis
+n01447658 rivulus
+n01447946 flagfish, American flagfish, Jordanella floridae
+n01448291 swordtail, helleri, topminnow, Xyphophorus helleri
+n01448594 guppy, rainbow fish, Lebistes reticulatus
+n01448951 topminnow, poeciliid fish, poeciliid, live-bearer
+n01449374 mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis
+n01449712 platy, Platypoecilus maculatus
+n01449980 mollie, molly
+n01450661 squirrelfish
+n01450950 reef squirrelfish, Holocentrus coruscus
+n01451115 deepwater squirrelfish, Holocentrus bullisi
+n01451295 Holocentrus ascensionis
+n01451426 soldierfish, soldier-fish
+n01451863 anomalops, flashlight fish
+n01452345 flashlight fish, Photoblepharon palpebratus
+n01453087 John Dory, Zeus faber
+n01453475 boarfish, Capros aper
+n01453742 boarfish
+n01454545 cornetfish
+n01454856 stickleback, prickleback
+n01455317 three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus
+n01455461 ten-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus pungitius
+n01455778 pipefish, needlefish
+n01456137 dwarf pipefish, Syngnathus hildebrandi
+n01456454 deepwater pipefish, Cosmocampus profundus
+n01456756 seahorse, sea horse
+n01457082 snipefish, bellows fish
+n01457407 shrimpfish, shrimp-fish
+n01457852 trumpetfish, Aulostomus maculatus
+n01458746 pellicle
+n01458842 embryo, conceptus, fertilized egg
+n01459791 fetus, foetus
+n01460303 abortus
+n01461315 spawn
+n01461646 blastula, blastosphere
+n01462042 blastocyst, blastodermic vessicle
+n01462544 gastrula
+n01462803 morula
+n01464844 yolk, vitellus
+n01466257 chordate
+n01467336 cephalochordate
+n01467804 lancelet, amphioxus
+n01468238 tunicate, urochordate, urochord
+n01468712 ascidian
+n01469103 sea squirt
+n01469723 salp, salpa
+n01470145 doliolum
+n01470479 larvacean
+n01470733 appendicularia
+n01470895 ascidian tadpole
+n01471682 vertebrate, craniate
+n01472303 Amniota
+n01472502 amniote
+n01473806 aquatic vertebrate
+n01474283 jawless vertebrate, jawless fish, agnathan
+n01474864 ostracoderm
+n01475232 heterostracan
+n01475940 anaspid
+n01476418 conodont
+n01477080 cyclostome
+n01477525 lamprey, lamprey eel, lamper eel
+n01477875 sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus
+n01478511 hagfish, hag, slime eels
+n01478969 Myxine glutinosa
+n01479213 eptatretus
+n01479820 gnathostome
+n01480106 placoderm
+n01480516 cartilaginous fish, chondrichthian
+n01480880 holocephalan, holocephalian
+n01481331 chimaera
+n01481498 rabbitfish, Chimaera monstrosa
+n01482071 elasmobranch, selachian
+n01482330 shark
+n01483021 cow shark, six-gilled shark, Hexanchus griseus
+n01483522 mackerel shark
+n01483830 porbeagle, Lamna nasus
+n01484097 mako, mako shark
+n01484285 shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrhincus
+n01484447 longfin mako, Isurus paucus
+n01484562 bonito shark, blue pointed, Isurus glaucus
+n01484850 great white shark, white shark, man-eater, man-eating shark, Carcharodon carcharias
+n01485479 basking shark, Cetorhinus maximus
+n01486010 thresher, thrasher, thresher shark, fox shark, Alopius vulpinus
+n01486540 carpet shark, Orectolobus barbatus
+n01486838 nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum
+n01487506 sand tiger, sand shark, Carcharias taurus, Odontaspis taurus
+n01488038 whale shark, Rhincodon typus
+n01488918 requiem shark
+n01489501 bull shark, cub shark, Carcharhinus leucas
+n01489709 sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus
+n01489920 blacktip shark, sandbar shark, Carcharhinus limbatus
+n01490112 whitetip shark, oceanic whitetip shark, white-tipped shark, Carcharinus longimanus
+n01490360 dusky shark, Carcharhinus obscurus
+n01490670 lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris
+n01491006 blue shark, great blue shark, Prionace glauca
+n01491361 tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvieri
+n01491661 soupfin shark, soupfin, soup-fin, Galeorhinus zyopterus
+n01491874 dogfish
+n01492357 smooth dogfish
+n01492569 smoothhound, smoothhound shark, Mustelus mustelus
+n01492708 American smooth dogfish, Mustelus canis
+n01492860 Florida smoothhound, Mustelus norrisi
+n01493146 whitetip shark, reef whitetip shark, Triaenodon obseus
+n01493541 spiny dogfish
+n01493829 Atlantic spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias
+n01494041 Pacific spiny dogfish, Squalus suckleyi
+n01494475 hammerhead, hammerhead shark
+n01494757 smooth hammerhead, Sphyrna zygaena
+n01494882 smalleye hammerhead, Sphyrna tudes
+n01495006 shovelhead, bonnethead, bonnet shark, Sphyrna tiburo
+n01495493 angel shark, angelfish, Squatina squatina, monkfish
+n01495701 ray
+n01496331 electric ray, crampfish, numbfish, torpedo
+n01497118 sawfish
+n01497413 smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinatus
+n01497738 guitarfish
+n01498041 stingray
+n01498406 roughtail stingray, Dasyatis centroura
+n01498699 butterfly ray
+n01498989 eagle ray
+n01499396 spotted eagle ray, spotted ray, Aetobatus narinari
+n01499732 cownose ray, cow-nosed ray, Rhinoptera bonasus
+n01500091 manta, manta ray, devilfish
+n01500476 Atlantic manta, Manta birostris
+n01500854 devil ray, Mobula hypostoma
+n01501160 skate
+n01501641 grey skate, gray skate, Raja batis
+n01501777 little skate, Raja erinacea
+n01501948 thorny skate, Raja radiata
+n01502101 barndoor skate, Raja laevis
+n01503061 bird
+n01503976 dickeybird, dickey-bird, dickybird, dicky-bird
+n01504179 fledgling, fledgeling
+n01504344 nestling, baby bird
+n01514668 cock
+n01514752 gamecock, fighting cock
+n01514859 hen
+n01514926 nester
+n01515078 night bird
+n01515217 night raven
+n01515303 bird of passage
+n01516212 archaeopteryx, archeopteryx, Archaeopteryx lithographica
+n01517389 archaeornis
+n01517565 ratite, ratite bird, flightless bird
+n01517966 carinate, carinate bird, flying bird
+n01518878 ostrich, Struthio camelus
+n01519563 cassowary
+n01519873 emu, Dromaius novaehollandiae, Emu novaehollandiae
+n01520576 kiwi, apteryx
+n01521399 rhea, Rhea americana
+n01521756 rhea, nandu, Pterocnemia pennata
+n01522450 elephant bird, aepyornis
+n01523105 moa
+n01524359 passerine, passeriform bird
+n01524761 nonpasserine bird
+n01525720 oscine, oscine bird
+n01526521 songbird, songster
+n01526766 honey eater, honeysucker
+n01527194 accentor
+n01527347 hedge sparrow, sparrow, dunnock, Prunella modularis
+n01527617 lark
+n01527917 skylark, Alauda arvensis
+n01528396 wagtail
+n01528654 pipit, titlark, lark
+n01528845 meadow pipit, Anthus pratensis
+n01529672 finch
+n01530439 chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs
+n01530575 brambling, Fringilla montifringilla
+n01531178 goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis
+n01531344 linnet, lintwhite, Carduelis cannabina
+n01531512 siskin, Carduelis spinus
+n01531639 red siskin, Carduelis cucullata
+n01531811 redpoll, Carduelis flammea
+n01531971 redpoll, Carduelis hornemanni
+n01532325 New World goldfinch, goldfinch, yellowbird, Spinus tristis
+n01532511 pine siskin, pine finch, Spinus pinus
+n01532829 house finch, linnet, Carpodacus mexicanus
+n01533000 purple finch, Carpodacus purpureus
+n01533339 canary, canary bird
+n01533481 common canary, Serinus canaria
+n01533651 serin
+n01533893 crossbill, Loxia curvirostra
+n01534155 bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula
+n01534433 junco, snowbird
+n01534582 dark-eyed junco, slate-colored junco, Junco hyemalis
+n01534762 New World sparrow
+n01535140 vesper sparrow, grass finch, Pooecetes gramineus
+n01535469 white-throated sparrow, whitethroat, Zonotrichia albicollis
+n01535690 white-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys
+n01536035 chipping sparrow, Spizella passerina
+n01536186 field sparrow, Spizella pusilla
+n01536334 tree sparrow, Spizella arborea
+n01536644 song sparrow, Melospiza melodia
+n01536780 swamp sparrow, Melospiza georgiana
+n01537134 bunting
+n01537544 indigo bunting, indigo finch, indigo bird, Passerina cyanea
+n01537895 ortolan, ortolan bunting, Emberiza hortulana
+n01538059 reed bunting, Emberiza schoeniclus
+n01538200 yellowhammer, yellow bunting, Emberiza citrinella
+n01538362 yellow-breasted bunting, Emberiza aureola
+n01538630 snow bunting, snowbird, snowflake, Plectrophenax nivalis
+n01538955 honeycreeper
+n01539272 banana quit
+n01539573 sparrow, true sparrow
+n01539925 English sparrow, house sparrow, Passer domesticus
+n01540090 tree sparrow, Passer montanus
+n01540233 grosbeak, grossbeak
+n01540566 evening grosbeak, Hesperiphona vespertina
+n01540832 hawfinch, Coccothraustes coccothraustes
+n01541102 pine grosbeak, Pinicola enucleator
+n01541386 cardinal, cardinal grosbeak, Richmondena Cardinalis, Cardinalis cardinalis, redbird
+n01541760 pyrrhuloxia, Pyrrhuloxia sinuata
+n01541922 towhee
+n01542168 chewink, cheewink, Pipilo erythrophthalmus
+n01542433 green-tailed towhee, Chlorura chlorura
+n01542786 weaver, weaverbird, weaver finch
+n01543175 baya, Ploceus philippinus
+n01543383 whydah, whidah, widow bird
+n01543632 Java sparrow, Java finch, ricebird, Padda oryzivora
+n01543936 avadavat, amadavat
+n01544208 grassfinch, grass finch
+n01544389 zebra finch, Poephila castanotis
+n01544704 honeycreeper, Hawaiian honeycreeper
+n01545574 lyrebird
+n01546039 scrubbird, scrub-bird, scrub bird
+n01546506 broadbill
+n01546921 tyrannid
+n01547832 New World flycatcher, flycatcher, tyrant flycatcher, tyrant bird
+n01548301 kingbird, Tyrannus tyrannus
+n01548492 Arkansas kingbird, western kingbird
+n01548694 Cassin's kingbird, Tyrannus vociferans
+n01548865 eastern kingbird
+n01549053 grey kingbird, gray kingbird, petchary, Tyrannus domenicensis domenicensis
+n01549430 pewee, peewee, peewit, pewit, wood pewee, Contopus virens
+n01549641 western wood pewee, Contopus sordidulus
+n01549886 phoebe, phoebe bird, Sayornis phoebe
+n01550172 vermillion flycatcher, firebird, Pyrocephalus rubinus mexicanus
+n01550761 cotinga, chatterer
+n01551080 cock of the rock, Rupicola rupicola
+n01551300 cock of the rock, Rupicola peruviana
+n01551711 manakin
+n01552034 bellbird
+n01552333 umbrella bird, Cephalopterus ornatus
+n01552813 ovenbird
+n01553142 antbird, ant bird
+n01553527 ant thrush
+n01553762 ant shrike
+n01554017 spotted antbird, Hylophylax naevioides
+n01554448 woodhewer, woodcreeper, wood-creeper, tree creeper
+n01555004 pitta
+n01555305 scissortail, scissortailed flycatcher, Muscivora-forficata
+n01555809 Old World flycatcher, true flycatcher, flycatcher
+n01556182 spotted flycatcher, Muscicapa striata, Muscicapa grisola
+n01556514 thickhead, whistler
+n01557185 thrush
+n01557962 missel thrush, mistle thrush, mistletoe thrush, Turdus viscivorus
+n01558149 song thrush, mavis, throstle, Turdus philomelos
+n01558307 fieldfare, snowbird, Turdus pilaris
+n01558461 redwing, Turdus iliacus
+n01558594 blackbird, merl, merle, ouzel, ousel, European blackbird, Turdus merula
+n01558765 ring ouzel, ring blackbird, ring thrush, Turdus torquatus
+n01558993 robin, American robin, Turdus migratorius
+n01559160 clay-colored robin, Turdus greyi
+n01559477 hermit thrush, Hylocichla guttata
+n01559639 veery, Wilson's thrush, Hylocichla fuscescens
+n01559804 wood thrush, Hylocichla mustelina
+n01560105 nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos
+n01560280 thrush nightingale, Luscinia luscinia
+n01560419 bulbul
+n01560636 Old World chat, chat
+n01560793 stonechat, Saxicola torquata
+n01560935 whinchat, Saxicola rubetra
+n01561181 solitaire
+n01561452 redstart, redtail
+n01561732 wheatear
+n01562014 bluebird
+n01562265 robin, redbreast, robin redbreast, Old World robin, Erithacus rubecola
+n01562451 bluethroat, Erithacus svecicus
+n01563128 warbler
+n01563449 gnatcatcher
+n01563746 kinglet
+n01563945 goldcrest, golden-crested kinglet, Regulus regulus
+n01564101 gold-crowned kinglet, Regulus satrata
+n01564217 ruby-crowned kinglet, ruby-crowned wren, Regulus calendula
+n01564394 Old World warbler, true warbler
+n01564773 blackcap, Silvia atricapilla
+n01564914 greater whitethroat, whitethroat, Sylvia communis
+n01565078 lesser whitethroat, whitethroat, Sylvia curruca
+n01565345 wood warbler, Phylloscopus sibilatrix
+n01565599 sedge warbler, sedge bird, sedge wren, reedbird, Acrocephalus schoenobaenus
+n01565930 wren warbler
+n01566207 tailorbird, Orthotomus sutorius
+n01566645 babbler, cackler
+n01567133 New World warbler, wood warbler
+n01567678 parula warbler, northern parula, Parula americana
+n01567879 Wilson's warbler, Wilson's blackcap, Wilsonia pusilla
+n01568132 flycatching warbler
+n01568294 American redstart, redstart, Setophaga ruticilla
+n01568720 Cape May warbler, Dendroica tigrina
+n01568892 yellow warbler, golden warbler, yellowbird, Dendroica petechia
+n01569060 Blackburn, Blackburnian warbler, Dendroica fusca
+n01569262 Audubon's warbler, Audubon warbler, Dendroica auduboni
+n01569423 myrtle warbler, myrtle bird, Dendroica coronata
+n01569566 blackpoll, Dendroica striate
+n01569836 New World chat, chat
+n01569971 yellow-breasted chat, Icteria virens
+n01570267 ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapillus
+n01570421 water thrush
+n01570676 yellowthroat
+n01570839 common yellowthroat, Maryland yellowthroat, Geothlypis trichas
+n01571410 riflebird, Ptloris paradisea
+n01571904 New World oriole, American oriole, oriole
+n01572328 northern oriole, Icterus galbula
+n01572489 Baltimore oriole, Baltimore bird, hangbird, firebird, Icterus galbula galbula
+n01572654 Bullock's oriole, Icterus galbula bullockii
+n01572782 orchard oriole, Icterus spurius
+n01573074 meadowlark, lark
+n01573240 eastern meadowlark, Sturnella magna
+n01573360 western meadowlark, Sturnella neglecta
+n01573627 cacique, cazique
+n01573898 bobolink, ricebird, reedbird, Dolichonyx oryzivorus
+n01574045 New World blackbird, blackbird
+n01574390 grackle, crow blackbird
+n01574560 purple grackle, Quiscalus quiscula
+n01574801 rusty blackbird, rusty grackle, Euphagus carilonus
+n01575117 cowbird
+n01575401 red-winged blackbird, redwing, Agelaius phoeniceus
+n01575745 Old World oriole, oriole
+n01576076 golden oriole, Oriolus oriolus
+n01576358 fig-bird
+n01576695 starling
+n01577035 common starling, Sturnus vulgaris
+n01577458 rose-colored starling, rose-colored pastor, Pastor sturnus, Pastor roseus
+n01577659 myna, mynah, mina, minah, myna bird, mynah bird
+n01577941 crested myna, Acridotheres tristis
+n01578180 hill myna, Indian grackle, grackle, Gracula religiosa
+n01578575 corvine bird
+n01579028 crow
+n01579149 American crow, Corvus brachyrhyncos
+n01579260 raven, Corvus corax
+n01579410 rook, Corvus frugilegus
+n01579578 jackdaw, daw, Corvus monedula
+n01579729 chough
+n01580077 jay
+n01580379 Old World jay
+n01580490 common European jay, Garullus garullus
+n01580772 New World jay
+n01580870 blue jay, jaybird, Cyanocitta cristata
+n01581166 Canada jay, grey jay, gray jay, camp robber, whisker jack, Perisoreus canadensis
+n01581434 Rocky Mountain jay, Perisoreus canadensis capitalis
+n01581730 nutcracker
+n01581874 common nutcracker, Nucifraga caryocatactes
+n01581984 Clark's nutcracker, Nucifraga columbiana
+n01582220 magpie
+n01582398 European magpie, Pica pica
+n01582498 American magpie, Pica pica hudsonia
+n01582856 Australian magpie
+n01583209 butcherbird
+n01583495 currawong, bell magpie
+n01583828 piping crow, piping crow-shrike, Gymnorhina tibicen
+n01584225 wren, jenny wren
+n01584695 winter wren, Troglodytes troglodytes
+n01584853 house wren, Troglodytes aedon
+n01585121 marsh wren
+n01585287 long-billed marsh wren, Cistothorus palustris
+n01585422 sedge wren, short-billed marsh wren, Cistothorus platensis
+n01585715 rock wren, Salpinctes obsoletus
+n01586020 Carolina wren, Thryothorus ludovicianus
+n01586374 cactus wren
+n01586941 mockingbird, mocker, Mimus polyglotktos
+n01587278 blue mockingbird, Melanotis caerulescens
+n01587526 catbird, grey catbird, gray catbird, Dumetella carolinensis
+n01587834 thrasher, mocking thrush
+n01588002 brown thrasher, brown thrush, Toxostoma rufums
+n01588431 New Zealand wren
+n01588725 rock wren, Xenicus gilviventris
+n01588996 rifleman bird, Acanthisitta chloris
+n01589286 creeper, tree creeper
+n01589718 brown creeper, American creeper, Certhia americana
+n01589893 European creeper, Certhia familiaris
+n01590220 wall creeper, tichodrome, Tichodroma muriaria
+n01591005 European nuthatch, Sitta europaea
+n01591123 red-breasted nuthatch, Sitta canadensis
+n01591301 white-breasted nuthatch, Sitta carolinensis
+n01591697 titmouse, tit
+n01592084 chickadee
+n01592257 black-capped chickadee, blackcap, Parus atricapillus
+n01592387 tufted titmouse, Parus bicolor
+n01592540 Carolina chickadee, Parus carolinensis
+n01592694 blue tit, tomtit, Parus caeruleus
+n01593028 bushtit, bush tit
+n01593282 wren-tit, Chamaea fasciata
+n01593553 verdin, Auriparus flaviceps
+n01594004 fairy bluebird, bluebird
+n01594372 swallow
+n01594787 barn swallow, chimney swallow, Hirundo rustica
+n01594968 cliff swallow, Hirundo pyrrhonota
+n01595168 tree swallow, tree martin, Hirundo nigricans
+n01595450 white-bellied swallow, tree swallow, Iridoprocne bicolor
+n01595624 martin
+n01595974 house martin, Delichon urbica
+n01596273 bank martin, bank swallow, sand martin, Riparia riparia
+n01596608 purple martin, Progne subis
+n01597022 wood swallow, swallow shrike
+n01597336 tanager
+n01597737 scarlet tanager, Piranga olivacea, redbird, firebird
+n01597906 western tanager, Piranga ludoviciana
+n01598074 summer tanager, summer redbird, Piranga rubra
+n01598271 hepatic tanager, Piranga flava hepatica
+n01598588 shrike
+n01598988 butcherbird
+n01599159 European shrike, Lanius excubitor
+n01599269 northern shrike, Lanius borealis
+n01599388 white-rumped shrike, Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides
+n01599556 loggerhead shrike, Lanius lucovicianus
+n01599741 migrant shrike, Lanius ludovicianus migrans
+n01600085 bush shrike
+n01600341 black-fronted bush shrike, Chlorophoneus nigrifrons
+n01600657 bowerbird, catbird
+n01601068 satin bowerbird, satin bird, Ptilonorhynchus violaceus
+n01601410 great bowerbird, Chlamydera nuchalis
+n01601694 water ouzel, dipper
+n01602080 European water ouzel, Cinclus aquaticus
+n01602209 American water ouzel, Cinclus mexicanus
+n01602630 vireo
+n01602832 red-eyed vireo, Vireo olivaceous
+n01603000 solitary vireo, Vireo solitarius
+n01603152 blue-headed vireo, Vireo solitarius solitarius
+n01603600 waxwing
+n01603812 cedar waxwing, cedarbird, Bombycilla cedrorun
+n01603953 Bohemian waxwing, Bombycilla garrulus
+n01604330 bird of prey, raptor, raptorial bird
+n01604968 Accipitriformes, order Accipitriformes
+n01605630 hawk
+n01606097 eyas
+n01606177 tiercel, tercel, tercelet
+n01606522 goshawk, Accipiter gentilis
+n01606672 sparrow hawk, Accipiter nisus
+n01606809 Cooper's hawk, blue darter, Accipiter cooperii
+n01606978 chicken hawk, hen hawk
+n01607309 buteonine
+n01607429 redtail, red-tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis
+n01607600 rough-legged hawk, roughleg, Buteo lagopus
+n01607812 red-shouldered hawk, Buteo lineatus
+n01607962 buzzard, Buteo buteo
+n01608265 honey buzzard, Pernis apivorus
+n01608432 kite
+n01608814 black kite, Milvus migrans
+n01609062 swallow-tailed kite, swallow-tailed hawk, Elanoides forficatus
+n01609391 white-tailed kite, Elanus leucurus
+n01609751 harrier
+n01609956 marsh harrier, Circus Aeruginosus
+n01610100 Montagu's harrier, Circus pygargus
+n01610226 marsh hawk, northern harrier, hen harrier, Circus cyaneus
+n01610552 harrier eagle, short-toed eagle
+n01610955 falcon
+n01611472 peregrine, peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus
+n01611674 falcon-gentle, falcon-gentil
+n01611800 gyrfalcon, gerfalcon, Falco rusticolus
+n01611969 kestrel, Falco tinnunculus
+n01612122 sparrow hawk, American kestrel, kestrel, Falco sparverius
+n01612275 pigeon hawk, merlin, Falco columbarius
+n01612476 hobby, Falco subbuteo
+n01612628 caracara
+n01612955 Audubon's caracara, Polyborus cheriway audubonii
+n01613177 carancha, Polyborus plancus
+n01613294 eagle, bird of Jove
+n01613615 young bird
+n01613807 eaglet
+n01614038 harpy, harpy eagle, Harpia harpyja
+n01614343 golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos
+n01614556 tawny eagle, Aquila rapax
+n01614925 bald eagle, American eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus
+n01615121 sea eagle
+n01615303 Kamchatkan sea eagle, Stellar's sea eagle, Haliaeetus pelagicus
+n01615458 ern, erne, grey sea eagle, gray sea eagle, European sea eagle, white-tailed sea eagle, Haliatus albicilla
+n01615703 fishing eagle, Haliaeetus leucorhyphus
+n01616086 osprey, fish hawk, fish eagle, sea eagle, Pandion haliaetus
+n01616318 vulture
+n01616551 Aegypiidae, family Aegypiidae
+n01616764 Old World vulture
+n01617095 griffon vulture, griffon, Gyps fulvus
+n01617443 bearded vulture, lammergeier, lammergeyer, Gypaetus barbatus
+n01617766 Egyptian vulture, Pharaoh's chicken, Neophron percnopterus
+n01618082 black vulture, Aegypius monachus
+n01618503 secretary bird, Sagittarius serpentarius
+n01618922 New World vulture, cathartid
+n01619310 buzzard, turkey buzzard, turkey vulture, Cathartes aura
+n01619536 condor
+n01619835 Andean condor, Vultur gryphus
+n01620135 California condor, Gymnogyps californianus
+n01620414 black vulture, carrion crow, Coragyps atratus
+n01620735 king vulture, Sarcorhamphus papa
+n01621127 owl, bird of Minerva, bird of night, hooter
+n01621635 owlet
+n01622120 little owl, Athene noctua
+n01622352 horned owl
+n01622483 great horned owl, Bubo virginianus
+n01622779 great grey owl, great gray owl, Strix nebulosa
+n01622959 tawny owl, Strix aluco
+n01623110 barred owl, Strix varia
+n01623425 screech owl, Otus asio
+n01623615 screech owl
+n01623706 scops owl
+n01623880 spotted owl, Strix occidentalis
+n01624115 Old World scops owl, Otus scops
+n01624212 Oriental scops owl, Otus sunia
+n01624305 hoot owl
+n01624537 hawk owl, Surnia ulula
+n01624833 long-eared owl, Asio otus
+n01625121 laughing owl, laughing jackass, Sceloglaux albifacies
+n01625562 barn owl, Tyto alba
+n01627424 amphibian
+n01628331 Ichyostega
+n01628770 urodele, caudate
+n01629276 salamander
+n01629819 European fire salamander, Salamandra salamandra
+n01629962 spotted salamander, fire salamander, Salamandra maculosa
+n01630148 alpine salamander, Salamandra atra
+n01630284 newt, triton
+n01630670 common newt, Triturus vulgaris
+n01630901 red eft, Notophthalmus viridescens
+n01631175 Pacific newt
+n01631354 rough-skinned newt, Taricha granulosa
+n01631512 California newt, Taricha torosa
+n01631663 eft
+n01632047 ambystomid, ambystomid salamander
+n01632308 mole salamander, Ambystoma talpoideum
+n01632458 spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum
+n01632601 tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum
+n01632777 axolotl, mud puppy, Ambystoma mexicanum
+n01632952 waterdog
+n01633406 hellbender, mud puppy, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis
+n01633781 giant salamander, Megalobatrachus maximus
+n01634227 olm, Proteus anguinus
+n01634522 mud puppy, Necturus maculosus
+n01635027 dicamptodon, dicamptodontid
+n01635176 Pacific giant salamander, Dicamptodon ensatus
+n01635480 olympic salamander, Rhyacotriton olympicus
+n01636127 lungless salamander, plethodont
+n01636352 eastern red-backed salamander, Plethodon cinereus
+n01636510 western red-backed salamander, Plethodon vehiculum
+n01636829 dusky salamander
+n01637112 climbing salamander
+n01637338 arboreal salamander, Aneides lugubris
+n01637615 slender salamander, worm salamander
+n01637932 web-toed salamander
+n01638194 Shasta salamander, Hydromantes shastae
+n01638329 limestone salamander, Hydromantes brunus
+n01638722 amphiuma, congo snake, congo eel, blind eel
+n01639187 siren
+n01639765 frog, toad, toad frog, anuran, batrachian, salientian
+n01640846 true frog, ranid
+n01641206 wood-frog, wood frog, Rana sylvatica
+n01641391 leopard frog, spring frog, Rana pipiens
+n01641577 bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana
+n01641739 green frog, spring frog, Rana clamitans
+n01641930 cascades frog, Rana cascadae
+n01642097 goliath frog, Rana goliath
+n01642257 pickerel frog, Rana palustris
+n01642391 tarahumara frog, Rana tarahumarae
+n01642539 grass frog, Rana temporaria
+n01642943 leptodactylid frog, leptodactylid
+n01643255 robber frog
+n01643507 barking frog, robber frog, Hylactophryne augusti
+n01643896 crapaud, South American bullfrog, Leptodactylus pentadactylus
+n01644373 tree frog, tree-frog
+n01644900 tailed frog, bell toad, ribbed toad, tailed toad, Ascaphus trui
+n01645466 Liopelma hamiltoni
+n01645776 true toad
+n01646292 bufo
+n01646388 agua, agua toad, Bufo marinus
+n01646555 European toad, Bufo bufo
+n01646648 natterjack, Bufo calamita
+n01646802 American toad, Bufo americanus
+n01646902 Eurasian green toad, Bufo viridis
+n01647033 American green toad, Bufo debilis
+n01647180 Yosemite toad, Bufo canorus
+n01647303 Texas toad, Bufo speciosus
+n01647466 southwestern toad, Bufo microscaphus
+n01647640 western toad, Bufo boreas
+n01648139 obstetrical toad, midwife toad, Alytes obstetricans
+n01648356 midwife toad, Alytes cisternasi
+n01648620 fire-bellied toad, Bombina bombina
+n01649170 spadefoot, spadefoot toad
+n01649412 western spadefoot, Scaphiopus hammondii
+n01649556 southern spadefoot, Scaphiopus multiplicatus
+n01649726 plains spadefoot, Scaphiopus bombifrons
+n01650167 tree toad, tree frog, tree-frog
+n01650690 spring peeper, Hyla crucifer
+n01650901 Pacific tree toad, Hyla regilla
+n01651059 canyon treefrog, Hyla arenicolor
+n01651285 chameleon tree frog
+n01651487 cricket frog
+n01651641 northern cricket frog, Acris crepitans
+n01651778 eastern cricket frog, Acris gryllus
+n01652026 chorus frog
+n01652297 lowland burrowing treefrog, northern casque-headed frog, Pternohyla fodiens
+n01653026 western narrow-mouthed toad, Gastrophryne olivacea
+n01653223 eastern narrow-mouthed toad, Gastrophryne carolinensis
+n01653509 sheep frog
+n01653773 tongueless frog
+n01654083 Surinam toad, Pipa pipa, Pipa americana
+n01654637 African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis
+n01654863 South American poison toad
+n01655344 caecilian, blindworm
+n01661091 reptile, reptilian
+n01661592 anapsid, anapsid reptile
+n01661818 diapsid, diapsid reptile
+n01662060 Diapsida, subclass Diapsida
+n01662622 chelonian, chelonian reptile
+n01662784 turtle
+n01663401 sea turtle, marine turtle
+n01663782 green turtle, Chelonia mydas
+n01664065 loggerhead, loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta
+n01664369 ridley
+n01664492 Atlantic ridley, bastard ridley, bastard turtle, Lepidochelys kempii
+n01664674 Pacific ridley, olive ridley, Lepidochelys olivacea
+n01664990 hawksbill turtle, hawksbill, hawkbill, tortoiseshell turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata
+n01665541 leatherback turtle, leatherback, leathery turtle, Dermochelys coriacea
+n01665932 snapping turtle
+n01666228 common snapping turtle, snapper, Chelydra serpentina
+n01666585 alligator snapping turtle, alligator snapper, Macroclemys temmincki
+n01667114 mud turtle
+n01667432 musk turtle, stinkpot
+n01667778 terrapin
+n01668091 diamondback terrapin, Malaclemys centrata
+n01668436 red-bellied terrapin, red-bellied turtle, redbelly, Pseudemys rubriventris
+n01668665 slider, yellow-bellied terrapin, Pseudemys scripta
+n01668892 cooter, river cooter, Pseudemys concinna
+n01669191 box turtle, box tortoise
+n01669372 Western box turtle, Terrapene ornata
+n01669654 painted turtle, painted terrapin, painted tortoise, Chrysemys picta
+n01670092 tortoise
+n01670535 European tortoise, Testudo graeca
+n01670802 giant tortoise
+n01671125 gopher tortoise, gopher turtle, gopher, Gopherus polypemus
+n01671479 desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii
+n01671705 Texas tortoise
+n01672032 soft-shelled turtle, pancake turtle
+n01672432 spiny softshell, Trionyx spiniferus
+n01672611 smooth softshell, Trionyx muticus
+n01673282 tuatara, Sphenodon punctatum
+n01674216 saurian
+n01674464 lizard
+n01674990 gecko
+n01675352 flying gecko, fringed gecko, Ptychozoon homalocephalum
+n01675722 banded gecko
+n01676755 iguanid, iguanid lizard
+n01677366 common iguana, iguana, Iguana iguana
+n01677747 marine iguana, Amblyrhynchus cristatus
+n01678043 desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis
+n01678343 chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus
+n01678657 zebra-tailed lizard, gridiron-tailed lizard, Callisaurus draconoides
+n01679005 fringe-toed lizard, Uma notata
+n01679307 earless lizard
+n01679626 collared lizard
+n01679962 leopard lizard
+n01680264 spiny lizard
+n01680478 fence lizard
+n01680655 western fence lizard, swift, blue-belly, Sceloporus occidentalis
+n01680813 eastern fence lizard, pine lizard, Sceloporus undulatus
+n01680983 sagebrush lizard, Sceloporus graciosus
+n01681328 side-blotched lizard, sand lizard, Uta stansburiana
+n01681653 tree lizard, Urosaurus ornatus
+n01681940 horned lizard, horned toad, horny frog
+n01682172 Texas horned lizard, Phrynosoma cornutum
+n01682435 basilisk
+n01682714 American chameleon, anole, Anolis carolinensis
+n01683201 worm lizard
+n01683558 night lizard
+n01684133 skink, scincid, scincid lizard
+n01684578 western skink, Eumeces skiltonianus
+n01684741 mountain skink, Eumeces callicephalus
+n01685439 teiid lizard, teiid
+n01685808 whiptail, whiptail lizard
+n01686044 racerunner, race runner, six-lined racerunner, Cnemidophorus sexlineatus
+n01686220 plateau striped whiptail, Cnemidophorus velox
+n01686403 Chihuahuan spotted whiptail, Cnemidophorus exsanguis
+n01686609 western whiptail, Cnemidophorus tigris
+n01686808 checkered whiptail, Cnemidophorus tesselatus
+n01687128 teju
+n01687290 caiman lizard
+n01687665 agamid, agamid lizard
+n01687978 agama
+n01688243 frilled lizard, Chlamydosaurus kingi
+n01688961 moloch
+n01689081 mountain devil, spiny lizard, Moloch horridus
+n01689411 anguid lizard
+n01689811 alligator lizard
+n01690149 blindworm, slowworm, Anguis fragilis
+n01690466 glass lizard, glass snake, joint snake
+n01691217 legless lizard
+n01691652 Lanthanotus borneensis
+n01691951 venomous lizard
+n01692333 Gila monster, Heloderma suspectum
+n01692523 beaded lizard, Mexican beaded lizard, Heloderma horridum
+n01692864 lacertid lizard, lacertid
+n01693175 sand lizard, Lacerta agilis
+n01693334 green lizard, Lacerta viridis
+n01693783 chameleon, chamaeleon
+n01694178 African chameleon, Chamaeleo chamaeleon
+n01694311 horned chameleon, Chamaeleo oweni
+n01694709 monitor, monitor lizard, varan
+n01694955 African monitor, Varanus niloticus
+n01695060 Komodo dragon, Komodo lizard, dragon lizard, giant lizard, Varanus komodoensis
+n01696633 crocodilian reptile, crocodilian
+n01697178 crocodile
+n01697457 African crocodile, Nile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus
+n01697611 Asian crocodile, Crocodylus porosus
+n01697749 Morlett's crocodile
+n01697978 false gavial, Tomistoma schlegeli
+n01698434 alligator, gator
+n01698640 American alligator, Alligator mississipiensis
+n01698782 Chinese alligator, Alligator sinensis
+n01699040 caiman, cayman
+n01699254 spectacled caiman, Caiman sclerops
+n01699675 gavial, Gavialis gangeticus
+n01701551 armored dinosaur
+n01701859 stegosaur, stegosaurus, Stegosaur stenops
+n01702256 ankylosaur, ankylosaurus
+n01702479 Edmontonia
+n01703011 bone-headed dinosaur
+n01703161 pachycephalosaur, pachycephalosaurus
+n01703569 ceratopsian, horned dinosaur
+n01704103 protoceratops
+n01704323 triceratops
+n01704626 styracosaur, styracosaurus
+n01705010 psittacosaur, psittacosaurus
+n01705591 ornithopod, ornithopod dinosaur
+n01705934 hadrosaur, hadrosaurus, duck-billed dinosaur
+n01707294 trachodon, trachodont
+n01708106 saurischian, saurischian dinosaur
+n01708998 sauropod, sauropod dinosaur
+n01709484 apatosaur, apatosaurus, brontosaur, brontosaurus, thunder lizard, Apatosaurus excelsus
+n01709876 barosaur, barosaurus
+n01710177 diplodocus
+n01711160 argentinosaur
+n01712008 theropod, theropod dinosaur, bird-footed dinosaur
+n01712752 ceratosaur, ceratosaurus
+n01713170 coelophysis
+n01713764 tyrannosaur, tyrannosaurus, Tyrannosaurus rex
+n01714231 allosaur, allosaurus
+n01715888 ornithomimid
+n01717016 maniraptor
+n01717229 oviraptorid
+n01717467 velociraptor
+n01718096 deinonychus
+n01718414 utahraptor, superslasher
+n01719403 synapsid, synapsid reptile
+n01721174 dicynodont
+n01721898 pelycosaur
+n01722670 dimetrodon
+n01722998 pterosaur, flying reptile
+n01723579 pterodactyl
+n01724231 ichthyosaur
+n01724840 ichthyosaurus
+n01725086 stenopterygius, Stenopterygius quadrisicissus
+n01725713 plesiosaur, plesiosaurus
+n01726203 nothosaur
+n01726692 snake, serpent, ophidian
+n01727646 colubrid snake, colubrid
+n01728266 hoop snake
+n01728572 thunder snake, worm snake, Carphophis amoenus
+n01728920 ringneck snake, ring-necked snake, ring snake
+n01729322 hognose snake, puff adder, sand viper
+n01729672 leaf-nosed snake
+n01729977 green snake, grass snake
+n01730185 smooth green snake, Opheodrys vernalis
+n01730307 rough green snake, Opheodrys aestivus
+n01730563 green snake
+n01730812 racer
+n01730960 blacksnake, black racer, Coluber constrictor
+n01731137 blue racer, Coluber constrictor flaviventris
+n01731277 horseshoe whipsnake, Coluber hippocrepis
+n01731545 whip-snake, whip snake, whipsnake
+n01731764 coachwhip, coachwhip snake, Masticophis flagellum
+n01731941 California whipsnake, striped racer, Masticophis lateralis
+n01732093 Sonoran whipsnake, Masticophis bilineatus
+n01732244 rat snake
+n01732614 corn snake, red rat snake, Elaphe guttata
+n01732789 black rat snake, blacksnake, pilot blacksnake, mountain blacksnake, Elaphe obsoleta
+n01732989 chicken snake
+n01733214 Indian rat snake, Ptyas mucosus
+n01733466 glossy snake, Arizona elegans
+n01733757 bull snake, bull-snake
+n01733957 gopher snake, Pituophis melanoleucus
+n01734104 pine snake
+n01734418 king snake, kingsnake
+n01734637 common kingsnake, Lampropeltis getulus
+n01734808 milk snake, house snake, milk adder, checkered adder, Lampropeltis triangulum
+n01735189 garter snake, grass snake
+n01735439 common garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis
+n01735577 ribbon snake, Thamnophis sauritus
+n01735728 Western ribbon snake, Thamnophis proximus
+n01736032 lined snake, Tropidoclonion lineatum
+n01736375 ground snake, Sonora semiannulata
+n01736796 eastern ground snake, Potamophis striatula, Haldea striatula
+n01737021 water snake
+n01737472 common water snake, banded water snake, Natrix sipedon, Nerodia sipedon
+n01737728 water moccasin
+n01737875 grass snake, ring snake, ringed snake, Natrix natrix
+n01738065 viperine grass snake, Natrix maura
+n01738306 red-bellied snake, Storeria occipitamaculata
+n01738601 sand snake
+n01738731 banded sand snake, Chilomeniscus cinctus
+n01739094 black-headed snake
+n01739381 vine snake
+n01739647 lyre snake
+n01739871 Sonoran lyre snake, Trimorphodon lambda
+n01740131 night snake, Hypsiglena torquata
+n01740551 blind snake, worm snake
+n01740885 western blind snake, Leptotyphlops humilis
+n01741232 indigo snake, gopher snake, Drymarchon corais
+n01741442 eastern indigo snake, Drymarchon corais couperi
+n01741562 constrictor
+n01741943 boa
+n01742172 boa constrictor, Constrictor constrictor
+n01742447 rubber boa, tow-headed snake, Charina bottae
+n01742821 rosy boa, Lichanura trivirgata
+n01743086 anaconda, Eunectes murinus
+n01743605 python
+n01743936 carpet snake, Python variegatus, Morelia spilotes variegatus
+n01744100 reticulated python, Python reticulatus
+n01744270 Indian python, Python molurus
+n01744401 rock python, rock snake, Python sebae
+n01744555 amethystine python
+n01745125 elapid, elapid snake
+n01745484 coral snake, harlequin-snake, New World coral snake
+n01745902 eastern coral snake, Micrurus fulvius
+n01746191 western coral snake, Micruroides euryxanthus
+n01746359 coral snake, Old World coral snake
+n01746952 African coral snake, Aspidelaps lubricus
+n01747285 Australian coral snake, Rhynchoelaps australis
+n01747589 copperhead, Denisonia superba
+n01747885 cobra
+n01748264 Indian cobra, Naja naja
+n01748389 asp, Egyptian cobra, Naja haje
+n01748686 black-necked cobra, spitting cobra, Naja nigricollis
+n01748906 hamadryad, king cobra, Ophiophagus hannah, Naja hannah
+n01749244 ringhals, rinkhals, spitting snake, Hemachatus haemachatus
+n01749582 mamba
+n01749742 black mamba, Dendroaspis augusticeps
+n01749939 green mamba
+n01750167 death adder, Acanthophis antarcticus
+n01750437 tiger snake, Notechis scutatus
+n01750743 Australian blacksnake, Pseudechis porphyriacus
+n01751036 krait
+n01751215 banded krait, banded adder, Bungarus fasciatus
+n01751472 taipan, Oxyuranus scutellatus
+n01751748 sea snake
+n01752165 viper
+n01752585 adder, common viper, Vipera berus
+n01752736 asp, asp viper, Vipera aspis
+n01753032 puff adder, Bitis arietans
+n01753180 gaboon viper, Bitis gabonica
+n01753488 horned viper, cerastes, sand viper, horned asp, Cerastes cornutus
+n01753959 pit viper
+n01754370 copperhead, Agkistrodon contortrix
+n01754533 water moccasin, cottonmouth, cottonmouth moccasin, Agkistrodon piscivorus
+n01754876 rattlesnake, rattler
+n01755581 diamondback, diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus adamanteus
+n01755740 timber rattlesnake, banded rattlesnake, Crotalus horridus horridus
+n01755952 canebrake rattlesnake, canebrake rattler, Crotalus horridus atricaudatus
+n01756089 prairie rattlesnake, prairie rattler, Western rattlesnake, Crotalus viridis
+n01756291 sidewinder, horned rattlesnake, Crotalus cerastes
+n01756508 Western diamondback, Western diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus atrox
+n01756733 rock rattlesnake, Crotalus lepidus
+n01756916 tiger rattlesnake, Crotalus tigris
+n01757115 Mojave rattlesnake, Crotalus scutulatus
+n01757343 speckled rattlesnake, Crotalus mitchellii
+n01757677 massasauga, massasauga rattler, Sistrurus catenatus
+n01757901 ground rattler, massasauga, Sistrurus miliaris
+n01758141 fer-de-lance, Bothrops atrops
+n01758757 carcase, carcass
+n01758895 carrion
+n01767661 arthropod
+n01768244 trilobite
+n01769347 arachnid, arachnoid
+n01770081 harvestman, daddy longlegs, Phalangium opilio
+n01770393 scorpion
+n01770795 false scorpion, pseudoscorpion
+n01771100 book scorpion, Chelifer cancroides
+n01771417 whip-scorpion, whip scorpion
+n01771766 vinegarroon, Mastigoproctus giganteus
+n01772222 spider
+n01772664 orb-weaving spider
+n01773157 black and gold garden spider, Argiope aurantia
+n01773549 barn spider, Araneus cavaticus
+n01773797 garden spider, Aranea diademata
+n01774097 comb-footed spider, theridiid
+n01774384 black widow, Latrodectus mactans
+n01774750 tarantula
+n01775062 wolf spider, hunting spider
+n01775370 European wolf spider, tarantula, Lycosa tarentula
+n01775730 trap-door spider
+n01776192 acarine
+n01776313 tick
+n01776705 hard tick, ixodid
+n01777304 Ixodes dammini, deer tick
+n01777467 Ixodes neotomae
+n01777649 Ixodes pacificus, western black-legged tick
+n01777909 Ixodes scapularis, black-legged tick
+n01778217 sheep-tick, sheep tick, Ixodes ricinus
+n01778487 Ixodes persulcatus
+n01778621 Ixodes dentatus
+n01778801 Ixodes spinipalpis
+n01779148 wood tick, American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis
+n01779463 soft tick, argasid
+n01779629 mite
+n01779939 web-spinning mite
+n01780142 acarid
+n01780426 trombidiid
+n01780696 trombiculid
+n01781071 harvest mite, chigger, jigger, redbug
+n01781570 acarus, genus Acarus
+n01781698 itch mite, sarcoptid
+n01781875 rust mite
+n01782209 spider mite, tetranychid
+n01782516 red spider, red spider mite, Panonychus ulmi
+n01783017 myriapod
+n01783706 garden centipede, garden symphilid, symphilid, Scutigerella immaculata
+n01784293 tardigrade
+n01784675 centipede
+n01785667 house centipede, Scutigera coleoptrata
+n01786646 millipede, millepede, milliped
+n01787006 sea spider, pycnogonid
+n01787191 Merostomata, class Merostomata
+n01787835 horseshoe crab, king crab, Limulus polyphemus, Xiphosurus polyphemus
+n01788291 Asian horseshoe crab
+n01788579 eurypterid
+n01788864 tongue worm, pentastomid
+n01789386 gallinaceous bird, gallinacean
+n01789740 domestic fowl, fowl, poultry
+n01790171 Dorking
+n01790304 Plymouth Rock
+n01790398 Cornish, Cornish fowl
+n01790557 Rock Cornish
+n01790711 game fowl
+n01790812 cochin, cochin china
+n01791107 jungle fowl, gallina
+n01791314 jungle cock
+n01791388 jungle hen
+n01791463 red jungle fowl, Gallus gallus
+n01791625 chicken, Gallus gallus
+n01791954 bantam
+n01792042 chick, biddy
+n01792158 cock, rooster
+n01792429 cockerel
+n01792530 capon
+n01792640 hen, biddy
+n01792808 cackler
+n01792955 brood hen, broody, broody hen, setting hen, sitter
+n01793085 mother hen
+n01793159 layer
+n01793249 pullet
+n01793340 spring chicken
+n01793435 Rhode Island red
+n01793565 Dominique, Dominick
+n01793715 Orpington
+n01794158 turkey, Meleagris gallopavo
+n01794344 turkey cock, gobbler, tom, tom turkey
+n01794651 ocellated turkey, Agriocharis ocellata
+n01795088 grouse
+n01795545 black grouse
+n01795735 European black grouse, heathfowl, Lyrurus tetrix
+n01795900 Asian black grouse, Lyrurus mlokosiewiczi
+n01796019 blackcock, black cock
+n01796105 greyhen, grayhen, grey hen, gray hen, heath hen
+n01796340 ptarmigan
+n01796519 red grouse, moorfowl, moorbird, moor-bird, moorgame, Lagopus scoticus
+n01796729 moorhen
+n01797020 capercaillie, capercailzie, horse of the wood, Tetrao urogallus
+n01797307 spruce grouse, Canachites canadensis
+n01797601 sage grouse, sage hen, Centrocercus urophasianus
+n01797886 ruffed grouse, partridge, Bonasa umbellus
+n01798168 sharp-tailed grouse, sprigtail, sprig tail, Pedioecetes phasianellus
+n01798484 prairie chicken, prairie grouse, prairie fowl
+n01798706 greater prairie chicken, Tympanuchus cupido
+n01798839 lesser prairie chicken, Tympanuchus pallidicinctus
+n01798979 heath hen, Tympanuchus cupido cupido
+n01799302 guan
+n01799679 curassow
+n01800195 piping guan
+n01800424 chachalaca
+n01800633 Texas chachalaca, Ortilis vetula macalli
+n01801088 megapode, mound bird, mound-bird, mound builder, scrub fowl
+n01801479 mallee fowl, leipoa, lowan, Leipoa ocellata
+n01801672 mallee hen
+n01801876 brush turkey, Alectura lathami
+n01802159 maleo, Macrocephalon maleo
+n01802721 phasianid
+n01803078 pheasant
+n01803362 ring-necked pheasant, Phasianus colchicus
+n01803641 afropavo, Congo peafowl, Afropavo congensis
+n01803893 argus, argus pheasant
+n01804163 golden pheasant, Chrysolophus pictus
+n01804478 bobwhite, bobwhite quail, partridge
+n01804653 northern bobwhite, Colinus virginianus
+n01804921 Old World quail
+n01805070 migratory quail, Coturnix coturnix, Coturnix communis
+n01805321 monal, monaul
+n01805801 peafowl, bird of Juno
+n01806061 peachick, pea-chick
+n01806143 peacock
+n01806297 peahen
+n01806364 blue peafowl, Pavo cristatus
+n01806467 green peafowl, Pavo muticus
+n01806567 quail
+n01806847 California quail, Lofortyx californicus
+n01807105 tragopan
+n01807496 partridge
+n01807828 Hungarian partridge, grey partridge, gray partridge, Perdix perdix
+n01808140 red-legged partridge, Alectoris ruffa
+n01808291 Greek partridge, rock partridge, Alectoris graeca
+n01808596 mountain quail, mountain partridge, Oreortyx picta palmeri
+n01809106 guinea fowl, guinea, Numida meleagris
+n01809371 guinea hen
+n01809752 hoatzin, hoactzin, stinkbird, Opisthocomus hoazin
+n01810268 tinamou, partridge
+n01810700 columbiform bird
+n01811243 dodo, Raphus cucullatus
+n01811909 pigeon
+n01812187 pouter pigeon, pouter
+n01812337 dove
+n01812662 rock dove, rock pigeon, Columba livia
+n01812866 band-tailed pigeon, band-tail pigeon, bandtail, Columba fasciata
+n01813088 wood pigeon, ringdove, cushat, Columba palumbus
+n01813385 turtledove
+n01813532 Streptopelia turtur
+n01813658 ringdove, Streptopelia risoria
+n01813948 Australian turtledove, turtledove, Stictopelia cuneata
+n01814217 mourning dove, Zenaidura macroura
+n01814370 domestic pigeon
+n01814549 squab
+n01814620 fairy swallow
+n01814755 roller, tumbler, tumbler pigeon
+n01814921 homing pigeon, homer
+n01815036 carrier pigeon
+n01815270 passenger pigeon, Ectopistes migratorius
+n01815601 sandgrouse, sand grouse
+n01816017 painted sandgrouse, Pterocles indicus
+n01816140 pin-tailed sandgrouse, pin-tailed grouse, Pterocles alchata
+n01816474 pallas's sandgrouse, Syrrhaptes paradoxus
+n01816887 parrot
+n01817263 popinjay
+n01817346 poll, poll parrot
+n01817953 African grey, African gray, Psittacus erithacus
+n01818299 amazon
+n01818515 macaw
+n01818832 kea, Nestor notabilis
+n01819115 cockatoo
+n01819313 sulphur-crested cockatoo, Kakatoe galerita, Cacatua galerita
+n01819465 pink cockatoo, Kakatoe leadbeateri
+n01819734 cockateel, cockatiel, cockatoo parrot, Nymphicus hollandicus
+n01820052 lovebird
+n01820348 lory
+n01820546 lorikeet
+n01820801 varied Lorikeet, Glossopsitta versicolor
+n01821076 rainbow lorikeet, Trichoglossus moluccanus
+n01821203 parakeet, parrakeet, parroket, paraquet, paroquet, parroquet
+n01821554 Carolina parakeet, Conuropsis carolinensis
+n01821869 budgerigar, budgereegah, budgerygah, budgie, grass parakeet, lovebird, shell parakeet, Melopsittacus undulatus
+n01822300 ring-necked parakeet, Psittacula krameri
+n01822602 cuculiform bird
+n01823013 cuckoo
+n01823414 European cuckoo, Cuculus canorus
+n01823740 black-billed cuckoo, Coccyzus erythropthalmus
+n01824035 roadrunner, chaparral cock, Geococcyx californianus
+n01824344 ani
+n01824575 coucal
+n01824749 crow pheasant, Centropus sinensis
+n01825278 touraco, turaco, turacou, turakoo
+n01825930 coraciiform bird
+n01826364 roller
+n01826680 European roller, Coracias garrulus
+n01826844 ground roller
+n01827403 kingfisher
+n01827793 Eurasian kingfisher, Alcedo atthis
+n01828096 belted kingfisher, Ceryle alcyon
+n01828556 kookaburra, laughing jackass, Dacelo gigas
+n01828970 bee eater
+n01829413 hornbill
+n01829869 hoopoe, hoopoo
+n01830042 Euopean hoopoe, Upupa epops
+n01830479 wood hoopoe
+n01830915 motmot, momot
+n01831360 tody
+n01831712 apodiform bird
+n01832167 swift
+n01832493 European swift, Apus apus
+n01832813 chimney swift, chimney swallow, Chateura pelagica
+n01833112 swiftlet, Collocalia inexpectata
+n01833415 tree swift, crested swift
+n01833805 hummingbird
+n01834177 Archilochus colubris
+n01834540 thornbill
+n01835276 goatsucker, nightjar, caprimulgid
+n01835769 European goatsucker, European nightjar, Caprimulgus europaeus
+n01835918 chuck-will's-widow, Caprimulgus carolinensis
+n01836087 whippoorwill, Caprimulgus vociferus
+n01836673 poorwill, Phalaenoptilus nuttallii
+n01837072 frogmouth
+n01837526 oilbird, guacharo, Steatornis caripensis
+n01838038 piciform bird
+n01838598 woodpecker, peckerwood, pecker
+n01839086 green woodpecker, Picus viridis
+n01839330 downy woodpecker
+n01839598 flicker
+n01839750 yellow-shafted flicker, Colaptes auratus, yellowhammer
+n01839949 gilded flicker, Colaptes chrysoides
+n01840120 red-shafted flicker, Colaptes caper collaris
+n01840412 ivorybill, ivory-billed woodpecker, Campephilus principalis
+n01840775 redheaded woodpecker, redhead, Melanerpes erythrocephalus
+n01841102 sapsucker
+n01841288 yellow-bellied sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius
+n01841441 red-breasted sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius ruber
+n01841679 wryneck
+n01841943 piculet
+n01842235 barbet
+n01842504 puffbird
+n01842788 honey guide
+n01843065 jacamar
+n01843383 toucan
+n01843719 toucanet
+n01844231 trogon
+n01844551 quetzal, quetzal bird
+n01844746 resplendent quetzel, resplendent trogon, Pharomacrus mocino
+n01844917 aquatic bird
+n01845132 waterfowl, water bird, waterbird
+n01845477 anseriform bird
+n01846331 duck
+n01847000 drake
+n01847089 quack-quack
+n01847170 duckling
+n01847253 diving duck
+n01847407 dabbling duck, dabbler
+n01847806 mallard, Anas platyrhynchos
+n01847978 black duck, Anas rubripes
+n01848123 teal
+n01848323 greenwing, green-winged teal, Anas crecca
+n01848453 bluewing, blue-winged teal, Anas discors
+n01848555 garganey, Anas querquedula
+n01848648 widgeon, wigeon, Anas penelope
+n01848840 American widgeon, baldpate, Anas americana
+n01848976 shoveler, shoveller, broadbill, Anas clypeata
+n01849157 pintail, pin-tailed duck, Anas acuta
+n01849466 sheldrake
+n01849676 shelduck
+n01849863 ruddy duck, Oxyura jamaicensis
+n01850192 bufflehead, butterball, dipper, Bucephela albeola
+n01850373 goldeneye, whistler, Bucephela clangula
+n01850553 Barrow's goldeneye, Bucephala islandica
+n01850873 canvasback, canvasback duck, Aythya valisineria
+n01851038 pochard, Aythya ferina
+n01851207 redhead, Aythya americana
+n01851375 scaup, scaup duck, bluebill, broadbill
+n01851573 greater scaup, Aythya marila
+n01851731 lesser scaup, lesser scaup duck, lake duck, Aythya affinis
+n01851895 wild duck
+n01852142 wood duck, summer duck, wood widgeon, Aix sponsa
+n01852329 wood drake
+n01852400 mandarin duck, Aix galericulata
+n01852671 muscovy duck, musk duck, Cairina moschata
+n01852861 sea duck
+n01853195 eider, eider duck
+n01853498 scoter, scooter
+n01853666 common scoter, Melanitta nigra
+n01853870 old squaw, oldwife, Clangula hyemalis
+n01854415 merganser, fish duck, sawbill, sheldrake
+n01854700 goosander, Mergus merganser
+n01854838 American merganser, Mergus merganser americanus
+n01855032 red-breasted merganser, Mergus serrator
+n01855188 smew, Mergus albellus
+n01855476 hooded merganser, hooded sheldrake, Lophodytes cucullatus
+n01855672 goose
+n01856072 gosling
+n01856155 gander
+n01856380 Chinese goose, Anser cygnoides
+n01856553 greylag, graylag, greylag goose, graylag goose, Anser anser
+n01856890 blue goose, Chen caerulescens
+n01857079 snow goose
+n01857325 brant, brant goose, brent, brent goose
+n01857512 common brant goose, Branta bernicla
+n01857632 honker, Canada goose, Canadian goose, Branta canadensis
+n01857851 barnacle goose, barnacle, Branta leucopsis
+n01858281 coscoroba
+n01858441 swan
+n01858780 cob
+n01858845 pen
+n01858906 cygnet
+n01859190 mute swan, Cygnus olor
+n01859325 whooper, whooper swan, Cygnus cygnus
+n01859496 tundra swan, Cygnus columbianus
+n01859689 whistling swan, Cygnus columbianus columbianus
+n01859852 Bewick's swan, Cygnus columbianus bewickii
+n01860002 trumpeter, trumpeter swan, Cygnus buccinator
+n01860187 black swan, Cygnus atratus
+n01860497 screamer
+n01860864 horned screamer, Anhima cornuta
+n01861148 crested screamer
+n01861330 chaja, Chauna torquata
+n01861778 mammal, mammalian
+n01862399 female mammal
+n01871265 tusker
+n01871543 prototherian
+n01871875 monotreme, egg-laying mammal
+n01872401 echidna, spiny anteater, anteater
+n01872772 echidna, spiny anteater, anteater
+n01873310 platypus, duckbill, duckbilled platypus, duck-billed platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus
+n01874434 marsupial, pouched mammal
+n01874928 opossum, possum
+n01875313 common opossum, Didelphis virginiana, Didelphis marsupialis
+n01875610 crab-eating opossum
+n01876034 opossum rat
+n01876326 bandicoot
+n01876667 rabbit-eared bandicoot, rabbit bandicoot, bilby, Macrotis lagotis
+n01877134 kangaroo
+n01877606 giant kangaroo, great grey kangaroo, Macropus giganteus
+n01877812 wallaby, brush kangaroo
+n01878061 common wallaby, Macropus agiles
+n01878335 hare wallaby, kangaroo hare
+n01878639 nail-tailed wallaby, nail-tailed kangaroo
+n01878929 rock wallaby, rock kangaroo
+n01879217 pademelon, paddymelon
+n01879509 tree wallaby, tree kangaroo
+n01879837 musk kangaroo, Hypsiprymnodon moschatus
+n01880152 rat kangaroo, kangaroo rat
+n01880473 potoroo
+n01880716 bettong
+n01880813 jerboa kangaroo, kangaroo jerboa
+n01881171 phalanger, opossum, possum
+n01881564 cuscus
+n01881857 brush-tailed phalanger, Trichosurus vulpecula
+n01882125 flying phalanger, flying opossum, flying squirrel
+n01882714 koala, koala bear, kangaroo bear, native bear, Phascolarctos cinereus
+n01883070 wombat
+n01883513 dasyurid marsupial, dasyurid
+n01883920 dasyure
+n01884104 eastern dasyure, Dasyurus quoll
+n01884203 native cat, Dasyurus viverrinus
+n01884476 thylacine, Tasmanian wolf, Tasmanian tiger, Thylacinus cynocephalus
+n01884834 Tasmanian devil, ursine dasyure, Sarcophilus hariisi
+n01885158 pouched mouse, marsupial mouse, marsupial rat
+n01885498 numbat, banded anteater, anteater, Myrmecobius fasciatus
+n01886045 pouched mole, marsupial mole, Notoryctus typhlops
+n01886756 placental, placental mammal, eutherian, eutherian mammal
+n01887474 livestock, stock, farm animal
+n01887623 bull
+n01887787 cow
+n01887896 calf
+n01888045 calf
+n01888181 yearling
+n01888264 buck
+n01888411 doe
+n01889074 insectivore
+n01889520 mole
+n01889849 starnose mole, star-nosed mole, Condylura cristata
+n01890144 brewer's mole, hair-tailed mole, Parascalops breweri
+n01890564 golden mole
+n01890860 shrew mole
+n01891013 Asiatic shrew mole, Uropsilus soricipes
+n01891274 American shrew mole, Neurotrichus gibbsii
+n01891633 shrew, shrewmouse
+n01892030 common shrew, Sorex araneus
+n01892145 masked shrew, Sorex cinereus
+n01892385 short-tailed shrew, Blarina brevicauda
+n01892551 water shrew
+n01892744 American water shrew, Sorex palustris
+n01893021 European water shrew, Neomys fodiens
+n01893164 Mediterranean water shrew, Neomys anomalus
+n01893399 least shrew, Cryptotis parva
+n01893825 hedgehog, Erinaceus europaeus, Erinaceus europeaeus
+n01894207 tenrec, tendrac
+n01894522 tailless tenrec, Tenrec ecaudatus
+n01894956 otter shrew, potamogale, Potamogale velox
+n01896844 eiderdown
+n01897257 aftershaft
+n01897426 sickle feather
+n01897536 contour feather
+n01897667 bastard wing, alula, spurious wing
+n01898593 saddle hackle, saddle feather
+n01899894 encolure
+n01900150 hair
+n01903234 squama
+n01903346 scute
+n01903498 sclerite
+n01904029 plastron
+n01904806 scallop shell
+n01904886 oyster shell
+n01905321 theca
+n01905661 invertebrate
+n01906749 sponge, poriferan, parazoan
+n01907287 choanocyte, collar cell
+n01907738 glass sponge
+n01908042 Venus's flower basket
+n01908958 metazoan
+n01909422 coelenterate, cnidarian
+n01909788 planula
+n01909906 polyp
+n01910252 medusa, medusoid, medusan
+n01910747 jellyfish
+n01911063 scyphozoan
+n01911403 Chrysaora quinquecirrha
+n01911839 hydrozoan, hydroid
+n01912152 hydra
+n01912454 siphonophore
+n01912809 nanomia
+n01913166 Portuguese man-of-war, man-of-war, jellyfish
+n01913346 praya
+n01913440 apolemia
+n01914163 anthozoan, actinozoan
+n01914609 sea anemone, anemone
+n01914830 actinia, actinian, actiniarian
+n01915700 sea pen
+n01915811 coral
+n01916187 gorgonian, gorgonian coral
+n01916388 sea feather
+n01916481 sea fan
+n01916588 red coral
+n01916925 stony coral, madrepore, madriporian coral
+n01917289 brain coral
+n01917611 staghorn coral, stag's-horn coral
+n01917882 mushroom coral
+n01918744 ctenophore, comb jelly
+n01919385 beroe
+n01920051 platyctenean
+n01920438 sea gooseberry
+n01921059 Venus's girdle, Cestum veneris
+n01922303 worm
+n01922717 helminth, parasitic worm
+n01922948 woodworm
+n01923025 woodborer, borer
+n01923404 acanthocephalan, spiny-headed worm
+n01923890 arrowworm, chaetognath
+n01924800 bladder worm
+n01924916 flatworm, platyhelminth
+n01925270 planarian, planaria
+n01925695 fluke, trematode, trematode worm
+n01925916 cercaria
+n01926379 liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica
+n01926689 Fasciolopsis buski
+n01927159 schistosome, blood fluke
+n01927456 tapeworm, cestode
+n01927928 echinococcus
+n01928215 taenia
+n01928517 ribbon worm, nemertean, nemertine, proboscis worm
+n01928865 beard worm, pogonophoran
+n01929186 rotifer
+n01930112 nematode, nematode worm, roundworm
+n01930852 common roundworm, Ascaris lumbricoides
+n01931140 chicken roundworm, Ascaridia galli
+n01931520 pinworm, threadworm, Enterobius vermicularis
+n01931714 eelworm
+n01932151 vinegar eel, vinegar worm, Anguillula aceti, Turbatrix aceti
+n01932936 trichina, Trichinella spiralis
+n01933151 hookworm
+n01933478 filaria
+n01933988 Guinea worm, Dracunculus medinensis
+n01934440 annelid, annelid worm, segmented worm
+n01934844 archiannelid
+n01935176 oligochaete, oligochaete worm
+n01935395 earthworm, angleworm, fishworm, fishing worm, wiggler, nightwalker, nightcrawler, crawler, dew worm, red worm
+n01936391 polychaete, polychete, polychaete worm, polychete worm
+n01936671 lugworm, lug, lobworm
+n01936858 sea mouse
+n01937579 bloodworm
+n01937909 leech, bloodsucker, hirudinean
+n01938454 medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis
+n01938735 horseleech
+n01940736 mollusk, mollusc, shellfish
+n01941223 scaphopod
+n01941340 tooth shell, tusk shell
+n01942177 gastropod, univalve
+n01942869 abalone, ear-shell
+n01943087 ormer, sea-ear, Haliotis tuberculata
+n01943541 scorpion shell
+n01943899 conch
+n01944118 giant conch, Strombus gigas
+n01944390 snail
+n01944812 edible snail, Helix pomatia
+n01944955 garden snail
+n01945143 brown snail, Helix aspersa
+n01945340 Helix hortensis
+n01945685 slug
+n01945845 seasnail
+n01946277 neritid, neritid gastropod
+n01946630 nerita
+n01946827 bleeding tooth, Nerita peloronta
+n01947139 neritina
+n01947396 whelk
+n01947997 moon shell, moonshell
+n01948446 periwinkle, winkle
+n01948573 limpet
+n01949085 common limpet, Patella vulgata
+n01949499 keyhole limpet, Fissurella apertura, Diodora apertura
+n01949973 river limpet, freshwater limpet, Ancylus fluviatilis
+n01950731 sea slug, nudibranch
+n01951274 sea hare, Aplysia punctata
+n01951613 Hermissenda crassicornis
+n01952029 bubble shell
+n01952712 physa
+n01953361 cowrie, cowry
+n01953594 money cowrie, Cypraea moneta
+n01953762 tiger cowrie, Cypraea tigris
+n01954516 solenogaster, aplacophoran
+n01955084 chiton, coat-of-mail shell, sea cradle, polyplacophore
+n01955933 bivalve, pelecypod, lamellibranch
+n01956344 spat
+n01956481 clam
+n01956764 seashell
+n01957335 soft-shell clam, steamer, steamer clam, long-neck clam, Mya arenaria
+n01958038 quahog, quahaug, hard-shell clam, hard clam, round clam, Venus mercenaria, Mercenaria mercenaria
+n01958346 littleneck, littleneck clam
+n01958435 cherrystone, cherrystone clam
+n01958531 geoduck
+n01959029 razor clam, jackknife clam, knife-handle
+n01959492 giant clam, Tridacna gigas
+n01959985 cockle
+n01960177 edible cockle, Cardium edule
+n01960459 oyster
+n01961234 Japanese oyster, Ostrea gigas
+n01961600 Virginia oyster
+n01961985 pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera
+n01962506 saddle oyster, Anomia ephippium
+n01962788 window oyster, windowpane oyster, capiz, Placuna placenta
+n01963317 ark shell
+n01963479 blood clam
+n01963571 mussel
+n01964049 marine mussel, mytilid
+n01964271 edible mussel, Mytilus edulis
+n01964441 freshwater mussel, freshwater clam
+n01964957 pearly-shelled mussel
+n01965252 thin-shelled mussel
+n01965529 zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha
+n01965889 scallop, scollop, escallop
+n01966377 bay scallop, Pecten irradians
+n01966586 sea scallop, giant scallop, Pecten magellanicus
+n01967094 shipworm, teredinid
+n01967308 teredo
+n01967963 piddock
+n01968315 cephalopod, cephalopod mollusk
+n01968897 chambered nautilus, pearly nautilus, nautilus
+n01969726 octopod
+n01970164 octopus, devilfish
+n01970667 paper nautilus, nautilus, Argonaut, Argonauta argo
+n01971094 decapod
+n01971280 squid
+n01971620 loligo
+n01971850 ommastrephes
+n01972131 architeuthis, giant squid
+n01972541 cuttlefish, cuttle
+n01973148 spirula, Spirula peronii
+n01974773 crustacean
+n01975687 malacostracan crustacean
+n01976146 decapod crustacean, decapod
+n01976868 brachyuran
+n01976957 crab
+n01977485 stone crab, Menippe mercenaria
+n01978010 hard-shell crab
+n01978136 soft-shell crab, soft-shelled crab
+n01978287 Dungeness crab, Cancer magister
+n01978455 rock crab, Cancer irroratus
+n01978587 Jonah crab, Cancer borealis
+n01978930 swimming crab
+n01979269 English lady crab, Portunus puber
+n01979526 American lady crab, lady crab, calico crab, Ovalipes ocellatus
+n01979874 blue crab, Callinectes sapidus
+n01980166 fiddler crab
+n01980655 pea crab
+n01981276 king crab, Alaska crab, Alaskan king crab, Alaska king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica
+n01981702 spider crab
+n01982068 European spider crab, king crab, Maja squinado
+n01982347 giant crab, Macrocheira kaempferi
+n01982650 lobster
+n01983048 true lobster
+n01983481 American lobster, Northern lobster, Maine lobster, Homarus americanus
+n01983674 European lobster, Homarus vulgaris
+n01983829 Cape lobster, Homarus capensis
+n01984245 Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus
+n01984695 spiny lobster, langouste, rock lobster, crawfish, crayfish, sea crawfish
+n01985128 crayfish, crawfish, crawdad, crawdaddy
+n01985493 Old World crayfish, ecrevisse
+n01985797 American crayfish
+n01986214 hermit crab
+n01986806 shrimp
+n01987076 snapping shrimp, pistol shrimp
+n01987545 prawn
+n01987727 long-clawed prawn, river prawn, Palaemon australis
+n01988203 tropical prawn
+n01988701 krill
+n01988869 Euphausia pacifica
+n01989516 opossum shrimp
+n01989869 stomatopod, stomatopod crustacean
+n01990007 mantis shrimp, mantis crab
+n01990516 squilla, mantis prawn
+n01990800 isopod
+n01991028 woodlouse, slater
+n01991520 pill bug
+n01992262 sow bug
+n01992423 sea louse, sea slater
+n01992773 amphipod
+n01993525 skeleton shrimp
+n01993830 whale louse
+n01994910 daphnia, water flea
+n01995514 fairy shrimp
+n01995686 brine shrimp, Artemia salina
+n01996280 tadpole shrimp
+n01996585 copepod, copepod crustacean
+n01997119 cyclops, water flea
+n01997825 seed shrimp, mussel shrimp, ostracod
+n01998183 barnacle, cirriped, cirripede
+n01998741 acorn barnacle, rock barnacle, Balanus balanoides
+n01999186 goose barnacle, gooseneck barnacle, Lepas fascicularis
+n01999767 onychophoran, velvet worm, peripatus
+n02000954 wading bird, wader
+n02002075 stork
+n02002556 white stork, Ciconia ciconia
+n02002724 black stork, Ciconia nigra
+n02003037 adjutant bird, adjutant, adjutant stork, Leptoptilus dubius
+n02003204 marabou, marabout, marabou stork, Leptoptilus crumeniferus
+n02003577 openbill
+n02003839 jabiru, Jabiru mycteria
+n02004131 saddlebill, jabiru, Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis
+n02004492 policeman bird, black-necked stork, jabiru, Xenorhyncus asiaticus
+n02004855 wood ibis, wood stork, flinthead, Mycteria americana
+n02005399 shoebill, shoebird, Balaeniceps rex
+n02005790 ibis
+n02006063 wood ibis, wood stork, Ibis ibis
+n02006364 sacred ibis, Threskiornis aethiopica
+n02006656 spoonbill
+n02006985 common spoonbill, Platalea leucorodia
+n02007284 roseate spoonbill, Ajaia ajaja
+n02007558 flamingo
+n02008041 heron
+n02008497 great blue heron, Ardea herodius
+n02008643 great white heron, Ardea occidentalis
+n02008796 egret
+n02009229 little blue heron, Egretta caerulea
+n02009380 snowy egret, snowy heron, Egretta thula
+n02009508 little egret, Egretta garzetta
+n02009750 great white heron, Casmerodius albus
+n02009912 American egret, great white heron, Egretta albus
+n02010272 cattle egret, Bubulcus ibis
+n02010453 night heron, night raven
+n02010728 black-crowned night heron, Nycticorax nycticorax
+n02011016 yellow-crowned night heron, Nyctanassa violacea
+n02011281 boatbill, boat-billed heron, broadbill, Cochlearius cochlearius
+n02011460 bittern
+n02011805 American bittern, stake driver, Botaurus lentiginosus
+n02011943 European bittern, Botaurus stellaris
+n02012185 least bittern, Ixobrychus exilis
+n02012849 crane
+n02013177 whooping crane, whooper, Grus americana
+n02013567 courlan, Aramus guarauna
+n02013706 limpkin, Aramus pictus
+n02014237 crested cariama, seriema, Cariama cristata
+n02014524 chunga, seriema, Chunga burmeisteri
+n02014941 rail
+n02015357 weka, maori hen, wood hen
+n02015554 crake
+n02015797 corncrake, land rail, Crex crex
+n02016066 spotted crake, Porzana porzana
+n02016358 gallinule, marsh hen, water hen, swamphen
+n02016659 Florida gallinule, Gallinula chloropus cachinnans
+n02016816 moorhen, Gallinula chloropus
+n02016956 purple gallinule
+n02017213 European gallinule, Porphyrio porphyrio
+n02017475 American gallinule, Porphyrula martinica
+n02017725 notornis, takahe, Notornis mantelli
+n02018027 coot
+n02018207 American coot, marsh hen, mud hen, water hen, Fulica americana
+n02018368 Old World coot, Fulica atra
+n02018795 bustard
+n02019190 great bustard, Otis tarda
+n02019438 plain turkey, Choriotis australis
+n02019929 button quail, button-quail, bustard quail, hemipode
+n02020219 striped button quail, Turnix sylvatica
+n02020578 plain wanderer, Pedionomus torquatus
+n02021050 trumpeter
+n02021281 Brazilian trumpeter, Psophia crepitans
+n02021795 seabird, sea bird, seafowl
+n02022684 shorebird, shore bird, limicoline bird
+n02023341 plover
+n02023855 piping plover, Charadrius melodus
+n02023992 killdeer, kildeer, killdeer plover, Charadrius vociferus
+n02024185 dotterel, dotrel, Charadrius morinellus, Eudromias morinellus
+n02024479 golden plover
+n02024763 lapwing, green plover, peewit, pewit
+n02025043 turnstone
+n02025239 ruddy turnstone, Arenaria interpres
+n02025389 black turnstone, Arenaria-Melanocephala
+n02026059 sandpiper
+n02026629 surfbird, Aphriza virgata
+n02026948 European sandpiper, Actitis hypoleucos
+n02027075 spotted sandpiper, Actitis macularia
+n02027357 least sandpiper, stint, Erolia minutilla
+n02027492 red-backed sandpiper, dunlin, Erolia alpina
+n02027897 greenshank, Tringa nebularia
+n02028035 redshank, Tringa totanus
+n02028175 yellowlegs
+n02028342 greater yellowlegs, Tringa melanoleuca
+n02028451 lesser yellowlegs, Tringa flavipes
+n02028727 pectoral sandpiper, jacksnipe, Calidris melanotos
+n02028900 knot, greyback, grayback, Calidris canutus
+n02029087 curlew sandpiper, Calidris Ferruginea
+n02029378 sanderling, Crocethia alba
+n02029706 upland sandpiper, upland plover, Bartramian sandpiper, Bartramia longicauda
+n02030035 ruff, Philomachus pugnax
+n02030224 reeve
+n02030287 tattler
+n02030568 Polynesian tattler, Heteroscelus incanus
+n02030837 willet, Catoptrophorus semipalmatus
+n02030996 woodcock
+n02031298 Eurasian woodcock, Scolopax rusticola
+n02031585 American woodcock, woodcock snipe, Philohela minor
+n02031934 snipe
+n02032222 whole snipe, Gallinago gallinago
+n02032355 Wilson's snipe, Gallinago gallinago delicata
+n02032480 great snipe, woodcock snipe, Gallinago media
+n02032769 jacksnipe, half snipe, Limnocryptes minima
+n02033041 dowitcher
+n02033208 greyback, grayback, Limnodromus griseus
+n02033324 red-breasted snipe, Limnodromus scolopaceus
+n02033561 curlew
+n02033779 European curlew, Numenius arquata
+n02033882 Eskimo curlew, Numenius borealis
+n02034129 godwit
+n02034295 Hudsonian godwit, Limosa haemastica
+n02034661 stilt, stiltbird, longlegs, long-legs, stilt plover, Himantopus stilt
+n02034971 black-necked stilt, Himantopus mexicanus
+n02035210 black-winged stilt, Himantopus himantopus
+n02035402 white-headed stilt, Himantopus himantopus leucocephalus
+n02035656 kaki, Himantopus novae-zelandiae
+n02036053 stilt, Australian stilt
+n02036228 banded stilt, Cladorhyncus leucocephalum
+n02036711 avocet
+n02037110 oystercatcher, oyster catcher
+n02037464 phalarope
+n02037869 red phalarope, Phalaropus fulicarius
+n02038141 northern phalarope, Lobipes lobatus
+n02038466 Wilson's phalarope, Steganopus tricolor
+n02038993 pratincole, glareole
+n02039171 courser
+n02039497 cream-colored courser, Cursorius cursor
+n02039780 crocodile bird, Pluvianus aegyptius
+n02040266 stone curlew, thick-knee, Burhinus oedicnemus
+n02040505 coastal diving bird
+n02041085 larid
+n02041246 gull, seagull, sea gull
+n02041678 mew, mew gull, sea mew, Larus canus
+n02041875 black-backed gull, great black-backed gull, cob, Larus marinus
+n02042046 herring gull, Larus argentatus
+n02042180 laughing gull, blackcap, pewit, pewit gull, Larus ridibundus
+n02042472 ivory gull, Pagophila eburnea
+n02042759 kittiwake
+n02043063 tern
+n02043333 sea swallow, Sterna hirundo
+n02043808 skimmer
+n02044178 jaeger
+n02044517 parasitic jaeger, arctic skua, Stercorarius parasiticus
+n02044778 skua, bonxie
+n02044908 great skua, Catharacta skua
+n02045369 auk
+n02045596 auklet
+n02045864 razorbill, razor-billed auk, Alca torda
+n02046171 little auk, dovekie, Plautus alle
+n02046759 guillemot
+n02046939 black guillemot, Cepphus grylle
+n02047045 pigeon guillemot, Cepphus columba
+n02047260 murre
+n02047411 common murre, Uria aalge
+n02047517 thick-billed murre, Uria lomvia
+n02047614 puffin
+n02047975 Atlantic puffin, Fratercula arctica
+n02048115 horned puffin, Fratercula corniculata
+n02048353 tufted puffin, Lunda cirrhata
+n02048698 gaviiform seabird
+n02049088 loon, diver
+n02049532 podicipitiform seabird
+n02050004 grebe
+n02050313 great crested grebe, Podiceps cristatus
+n02050442 red-necked grebe, Podiceps grisegena
+n02050586 black-necked grebe, eared grebe, Podiceps nigricollis
+n02050809 dabchick, little grebe, Podiceps ruficollis
+n02051059 pied-billed grebe, Podilymbus podiceps
+n02051474 pelecaniform seabird
+n02051845 pelican
+n02052204 white pelican, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
+n02052365 Old world white pelican, Pelecanus onocrotalus
+n02052775 frigate bird, man-of-war bird
+n02053083 gannet
+n02053425 solan, solan goose, solant goose, Sula bassana
+n02053584 booby
+n02054036 cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo
+n02054502 snakebird, anhinga, darter
+n02054711 water turkey, Anhinga anhinga
+n02055107 tropic bird, tropicbird, boatswain bird
+n02055658 sphenisciform seabird
+n02055803 penguin
+n02056228 Adelie, Adelie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae
+n02056570 king penguin, Aptenodytes patagonica
+n02056728 emperor penguin, Aptenodytes forsteri
+n02057035 jackass penguin, Spheniscus demersus
+n02057330 rock hopper, crested penguin
+n02057731 pelagic bird, oceanic bird
+n02057898 procellariiform seabird
+n02058221 albatross, mollymawk
+n02058594 wandering albatross, Diomedea exulans
+n02058747 black-footed albatross, gooney, gooney bird, goonie, goony, Diomedea nigripes
+n02059162 petrel
+n02059541 white-chinned petrel, Procellaria aequinoctialis
+n02059852 giant petrel, giant fulmar, Macronectes giganteus
+n02060133 fulmar, fulmar petrel, Fulmarus glacialis
+n02060411 shearwater
+n02060569 Manx shearwater, Puffinus puffinus
+n02060889 storm petrel
+n02061217 stormy petrel, northern storm petrel, Hydrobates pelagicus
+n02061560 Mother Carey's chicken, Mother Carey's hen, Oceanites oceanicus
+n02061853 diving petrel
+n02062017 aquatic mammal
+n02062430 cetacean, cetacean mammal, blower
+n02062744 whale
+n02063224 baleen whale, whalebone whale
+n02063662 right whale
+n02064000 bowhead, bowhead whale, Greenland whale, Balaena mysticetus
+n02064338 rorqual, razorback
+n02064816 blue whale, sulfur bottom, Balaenoptera musculus
+n02065026 finback, finback whale, fin whale, common rorqual, Balaenoptera physalus
+n02065263 sei whale, Balaenoptera borealis
+n02065407 lesser rorqual, piked whale, minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata
+n02065726 humpback, humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
+n02066245 grey whale, gray whale, devilfish, Eschrichtius gibbosus, Eschrichtius robustus
+n02066707 toothed whale
+n02067240 sperm whale, cachalot, black whale, Physeter catodon
+n02067603 pygmy sperm whale, Kogia breviceps
+n02067768 dwarf sperm whale, Kogia simus
+n02068206 beaked whale
+n02068541 bottle-nosed whale, bottlenose whale, bottlenose, Hyperoodon ampullatus
+n02068974 dolphin
+n02069412 common dolphin, Delphinus delphis
+n02069701 bottlenose dolphin, bottle-nosed dolphin, bottlenose
+n02069974 Atlantic bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus
+n02070174 Pacific bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops gilli
+n02070430 porpoise
+n02070624 harbor porpoise, herring hog, Phocoena phocoena
+n02070776 vaquita, Phocoena sinus
+n02071028 grampus, Grampus griseus
+n02071294 killer whale, killer, orca, grampus, sea wolf, Orcinus orca
+n02071636 pilot whale, black whale, common blackfish, blackfish, Globicephala melaena
+n02072040 river dolphin
+n02072493 narwhal, narwal, narwhale, Monodon monoceros
+n02072798 white whale, beluga, Delphinapterus leucas
+n02073250 sea cow, sirenian mammal, sirenian
+n02073831 manatee, Trichechus manatus
+n02074367 dugong, Dugong dugon
+n02074726 Steller's sea cow, Hydrodamalis gigas
+n02075296 carnivore
+n02075612 omnivore
+n02075927 pinniped mammal, pinniped, pinnatiped
+n02076196 seal
+n02076402 crabeater seal, crab-eating seal
+n02076779 eared seal
+n02077152 fur seal
+n02077384 guadalupe fur seal, Arctocephalus philippi
+n02077658 fur seal
+n02077787 Alaska fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus
+n02077923 sea lion
+n02078292 South American sea lion, Otaria Byronia
+n02078574 California sea lion, Zalophus californianus, Zalophus californicus
+n02078738 Australian sea lion, Zalophus lobatus
+n02079005 Steller sea lion, Steller's sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus
+n02079389 earless seal, true seal, hair seal
+n02079851 harbor seal, common seal, Phoca vitulina
+n02080146 harp seal, Pagophilus groenlandicus
+n02080415 elephant seal, sea elephant
+n02080713 bearded seal, squareflipper square flipper, Erignathus barbatus
+n02081060 hooded seal, bladdernose, Cystophora cristata
+n02081571 walrus, seahorse, sea horse
+n02081798 Atlantic walrus, Odobenus rosmarus
+n02081927 Pacific walrus, Odobenus divergens
+n02082056 Fissipedia
+n02082190 fissiped mammal, fissiped
+n02082791 aardvark, ant bear, anteater, Orycteropus afer
+n02083346 canine, canid
+n02083672 bitch
+n02083780 brood bitch
+n02084071 dog, domestic dog, Canis familiaris
+n02084732 pooch, doggie, doggy, barker, bow-wow
+n02084861 cur, mongrel, mutt
+n02085019 feist, fice
+n02085118 pariah dog, pye-dog, pie-dog
+n02085272 lapdog
+n02085374 toy dog, toy
+n02085620 Chihuahua
+n02085782 Japanese spaniel
+n02085936 Maltese dog, Maltese terrier, Maltese
+n02086079 Pekinese, Pekingese, Peke
+n02086240 Shih-Tzu
+n02086346 toy spaniel
+n02086478 English toy spaniel
+n02086646 Blenheim spaniel
+n02086753 King Charles spaniel
+n02086910 papillon
+n02087046 toy terrier
+n02087122 hunting dog
+n02087314 courser
+n02087394 Rhodesian ridgeback
+n02087551 hound, hound dog
+n02088094 Afghan hound, Afghan
+n02088238 basset, basset hound
+n02088364 beagle
+n02088466 bloodhound, sleuthhound
+n02088632 bluetick
+n02088745 boarhound
+n02088839 coonhound
+n02088992 coondog
+n02089078 black-and-tan coonhound
+n02089232 dachshund, dachsie, badger dog
+n02089468 sausage dog, sausage hound
+n02089555 foxhound
+n02089725 American foxhound
+n02089867 Walker hound, Walker foxhound
+n02089973 English foxhound
+n02090129 harrier
+n02090253 Plott hound
+n02090379 redbone
+n02090475 wolfhound
+n02090622 borzoi, Russian wolfhound
+n02090721 Irish wolfhound
+n02090827 greyhound
+n02091032 Italian greyhound
+n02091134 whippet
+n02091244 Ibizan hound, Ibizan Podenco
+n02091467 Norwegian elkhound, elkhound
+n02091635 otterhound, otter hound
+n02091831 Saluki, gazelle hound
+n02092002 Scottish deerhound, deerhound
+n02092173 staghound
+n02092339 Weimaraner
+n02092468 terrier
+n02093056 bullterrier, bull terrier
+n02093256 Staffordshire bullterrier, Staffordshire bull terrier
+n02093428 American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire terrier, American pit bull terrier, pit bull terrier
+n02093647 Bedlington terrier
+n02093754 Border terrier
+n02093859 Kerry blue terrier
+n02093991 Irish terrier
+n02094114 Norfolk terrier
+n02094258 Norwich terrier
+n02094433 Yorkshire terrier
+n02094562 rat terrier, ratter
+n02094721 Manchester terrier, black-and-tan terrier
+n02094931 toy Manchester, toy Manchester terrier
+n02095050 fox terrier
+n02095212 smooth-haired fox terrier
+n02095314 wire-haired fox terrier
+n02095412 wirehair, wirehaired terrier, wire-haired terrier
+n02095570 Lakeland terrier
+n02095727 Welsh terrier
+n02095889 Sealyham terrier, Sealyham
+n02096051 Airedale, Airedale terrier
+n02096177 cairn, cairn terrier
+n02096294 Australian terrier
+n02096437 Dandie Dinmont, Dandie Dinmont terrier
+n02096585 Boston bull, Boston terrier
+n02096756 schnauzer
+n02097047 miniature schnauzer
+n02097130 giant schnauzer
+n02097209 standard schnauzer
+n02097298 Scotch terrier, Scottish terrier, Scottie
+n02097474 Tibetan terrier, chrysanthemum dog
+n02097658 silky terrier, Sydney silky
+n02097786 Skye terrier
+n02097967 Clydesdale terrier
+n02098105 soft-coated wheaten terrier
+n02098286 West Highland white terrier
+n02098413 Lhasa, Lhasa apso
+n02098550 sporting dog, gun dog
+n02098806 bird dog
+n02098906 water dog
+n02099029 retriever
+n02099267 flat-coated retriever
+n02099429 curly-coated retriever
+n02099601 golden retriever
+n02099712 Labrador retriever
+n02099849 Chesapeake Bay retriever
+n02099997 pointer, Spanish pointer
+n02100236 German short-haired pointer
+n02100399 setter
+n02100583 vizsla, Hungarian pointer
+n02100735 English setter
+n02100877 Irish setter, red setter
+n02101006 Gordon setter
+n02101108 spaniel
+n02101388 Brittany spaniel
+n02101556 clumber, clumber spaniel
+n02101670 field spaniel
+n02101861 springer spaniel, springer
+n02102040 English springer, English springer spaniel
+n02102177 Welsh springer spaniel
+n02102318 cocker spaniel, English cocker spaniel, cocker
+n02102480 Sussex spaniel
+n02102605 water spaniel
+n02102806 American water spaniel
+n02102973 Irish water spaniel
+n02103181 griffon, wire-haired pointing griffon
+n02103406 working dog
+n02103841 watchdog, guard dog
+n02104029 kuvasz
+n02104184 attack dog
+n02104280 housedog
+n02104365 schipperke
+n02104523 shepherd dog, sheepdog, sheep dog
+n02104882 Belgian sheepdog, Belgian shepherd
+n02105056 groenendael
+n02105162 malinois
+n02105251 briard
+n02105412 kelpie
+n02105505 komondor
+n02105641 Old English sheepdog, bobtail
+n02105855 Shetland sheepdog, Shetland sheep dog, Shetland
+n02106030 collie
+n02106166 Border collie
+n02106382 Bouvier des Flandres, Bouviers des Flandres
+n02106550 Rottweiler
+n02106662 German shepherd, German shepherd dog, German police dog, alsatian
+n02106854 police dog
+n02106966 pinscher
+n02107142 Doberman, Doberman pinscher
+n02107312 miniature pinscher
+n02107420 Sennenhunde
+n02107574 Greater Swiss Mountain dog
+n02107683 Bernese mountain dog
+n02107908 Appenzeller
+n02108000 EntleBucher
+n02108089 boxer
+n02108254 mastiff
+n02108422 bull mastiff
+n02108551 Tibetan mastiff
+n02108672 bulldog, English bulldog
+n02108915 French bulldog
+n02109047 Great Dane
+n02109150 guide dog
+n02109256 Seeing Eye dog
+n02109391 hearing dog
+n02109525 Saint Bernard, St Bernard
+n02109687 seizure-alert dog
+n02109811 sled dog, sledge dog
+n02109961 Eskimo dog, husky
+n02110063 malamute, malemute, Alaskan malamute
+n02110185 Siberian husky
+n02110341 dalmatian, coach dog, carriage dog
+n02110532 liver-spotted dalmatian
+n02110627 affenpinscher, monkey pinscher, monkey dog
+n02110806 basenji
+n02110958 pug, pug-dog
+n02111129 Leonberg
+n02111277 Newfoundland, Newfoundland dog
+n02111500 Great Pyrenees
+n02111626 spitz
+n02111889 Samoyed, Samoyede
+n02112018 Pomeranian
+n02112137 chow, chow chow
+n02112350 keeshond
+n02112497 griffon, Brussels griffon, Belgian griffon
+n02112706 Brabancon griffon
+n02112826 corgi, Welsh corgi
+n02113023 Pembroke, Pembroke Welsh corgi
+n02113186 Cardigan, Cardigan Welsh corgi
+n02113335 poodle, poodle dog
+n02113624 toy poodle
+n02113712 miniature poodle
+n02113799 standard poodle
+n02113892 large poodle
+n02113978 Mexican hairless
+n02114100 wolf
+n02114367 timber wolf, grey wolf, gray wolf, Canis lupus
+n02114548 white wolf, Arctic wolf, Canis lupus tundrarum
+n02114712 red wolf, maned wolf, Canis rufus, Canis niger
+n02114855 coyote, prairie wolf, brush wolf, Canis latrans
+n02115012 coydog
+n02115096 jackal, Canis aureus
+n02115335 wild dog
+n02115641 dingo, warrigal, warragal, Canis dingo
+n02115913 dhole, Cuon alpinus
+n02116185 crab-eating dog, crab-eating fox, Dusicyon cancrivorus
+n02116450 raccoon dog, Nyctereutes procyonides
+n02116738 African hunting dog, hyena dog, Cape hunting dog, Lycaon pictus
+n02117135 hyena, hyaena
+n02117512 striped hyena, Hyaena hyaena
+n02117646 brown hyena, strand wolf, Hyaena brunnea
+n02117900 spotted hyena, laughing hyena, Crocuta crocuta
+n02118176 aardwolf, Proteles cristata
+n02118333 fox
+n02118643 vixen
+n02118707 Reynard
+n02119022 red fox, Vulpes vulpes
+n02119247 black fox
+n02119359 silver fox
+n02119477 red fox, Vulpes fulva
+n02119634 kit fox, prairie fox, Vulpes velox
+n02119789 kit fox, Vulpes macrotis
+n02120079 Arctic fox, white fox, Alopex lagopus
+n02120278 blue fox
+n02120505 grey fox, gray fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus
+n02120997 feline, felid
+n02121620 cat, true cat
+n02121808 domestic cat, house cat, Felis domesticus, Felis catus
+n02122298 kitty, kitty-cat, puss, pussy, pussycat
+n02122430 mouser
+n02122510 alley cat
+n02122580 stray
+n02122725 tom, tomcat
+n02122810 gib
+n02122878 tabby, queen
+n02122948 kitten, kitty
+n02123045 tabby, tabby cat
+n02123159 tiger cat
+n02123242 tortoiseshell, tortoiseshell-cat, calico cat
+n02123394 Persian cat
+n02123478 Angora, Angora cat
+n02123597 Siamese cat, Siamese
+n02123785 blue point Siamese
+n02123917 Burmese cat
+n02124075 Egyptian cat
+n02124157 Maltese, Maltese cat
+n02124313 Abyssinian, Abyssinian cat
+n02124484 Manx, Manx cat
+n02124623 wildcat
+n02125010 sand cat
+n02125081 European wildcat, catamountain, Felis silvestris
+n02125311 cougar, puma, catamount, mountain lion, painter, panther, Felis concolor
+n02125494 ocelot, panther cat, Felis pardalis
+n02125689 jaguarundi, jaguarundi cat, jaguarondi, eyra, Felis yagouaroundi
+n02125872 kaffir cat, caffer cat, Felis ocreata
+n02126028 jungle cat, Felis chaus
+n02126139 serval, Felis serval
+n02126317 leopard cat, Felis bengalensis
+n02126640 margay, margay cat, Felis wiedi
+n02126787 manul, Pallas's cat, Felis manul
+n02127052 lynx, catamount
+n02127292 common lynx, Lynx lynx
+n02127381 Canada lynx, Lynx canadensis
+n02127482 bobcat, bay lynx, Lynx rufus
+n02127586 spotted lynx, Lynx pardina
+n02127678 caracal, desert lynx, Lynx caracal
+n02127808 big cat, cat
+n02128385 leopard, Panthera pardus
+n02128598 leopardess
+n02128669 panther
+n02128757 snow leopard, ounce, Panthera uncia
+n02128925 jaguar, panther, Panthera onca, Felis onca
+n02129165 lion, king of beasts, Panthera leo
+n02129463 lioness
+n02129530 lionet
+n02129604 tiger, Panthera tigris
+n02129837 Bengal tiger
+n02129923 tigress
+n02129991 liger
+n02130086 tiglon, tigon
+n02130308 cheetah, chetah, Acinonyx jubatus
+n02130545 saber-toothed tiger, sabertooth
+n02130925 Smiledon californicus
+n02131653 bear
+n02132136 brown bear, bruin, Ursus arctos
+n02132320 bruin
+n02132466 Syrian bear, Ursus arctos syriacus
+n02132580 grizzly, grizzly bear, silvertip, silver-tip, Ursus horribilis, Ursus arctos horribilis
+n02132788 Alaskan brown bear, Kodiak bear, Kodiak, Ursus middendorffi, Ursus arctos middendorffi
+n02133161 American black bear, black bear, Ursus americanus, Euarctos americanus
+n02133400 cinnamon bear
+n02133704 Asiatic black bear, black bear, Ursus thibetanus, Selenarctos thibetanus
+n02134084 ice bear, polar bear, Ursus Maritimus, Thalarctos maritimus
+n02134418 sloth bear, Melursus ursinus, Ursus ursinus
+n02134971 viverrine, viverrine mammal
+n02135220 civet, civet cat
+n02135610 large civet, Viverra zibetha
+n02135844 small civet, Viverricula indica, Viverricula malaccensis
+n02136103 binturong, bearcat, Arctictis bintourong
+n02136285 Cryptoprocta, genus Cryptoprocta
+n02136452 fossa, fossa cat, Cryptoprocta ferox
+n02136794 fanaloka, Fossa fossa
+n02137015 genet, Genetta genetta
+n02137302 banded palm civet, Hemigalus hardwickii
+n02137549 mongoose
+n02137722 Indian mongoose, Herpestes nyula
+n02137888 ichneumon, Herpestes ichneumon
+n02138169 palm cat, palm civet
+n02138441 meerkat, mierkat
+n02138647 slender-tailed meerkat, Suricata suricatta
+n02138777 suricate, Suricata tetradactyla
+n02139199 bat, chiropteran
+n02139671 fruit bat, megabat
+n02140049 flying fox
+n02140179 Pteropus capestratus
+n02140268 Pteropus hypomelanus
+n02140491 harpy, harpy bat, tube-nosed bat, tube-nosed fruit bat
+n02140858 Cynopterus sphinx
+n02141306 carnivorous bat, microbat
+n02141611 mouse-eared bat
+n02141713 leafnose bat, leaf-nosed bat
+n02142407 macrotus, Macrotus californicus
+n02142734 spearnose bat
+n02142898 Phyllostomus hastatus
+n02143142 hognose bat, Choeronycteris mexicana
+n02143439 horseshoe bat
+n02143891 horseshoe bat
+n02144251 orange bat, orange horseshoe bat, Rhinonicteris aurantius
+n02144593 false vampire, false vampire bat
+n02144936 big-eared bat, Megaderma lyra
+n02145424 vespertilian bat, vespertilionid
+n02145910 frosted bat, Vespertilio murinus
+n02146201 red bat, Lasiurus borealis
+n02146371 brown bat
+n02146700 little brown bat, little brown myotis, Myotis leucifugus
+n02146879 cave myotis, Myotis velifer
+n02147173 big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus
+n02147328 serotine, European brown bat, Eptesicus serotinus
+n02147591 pallid bat, cave bat, Antrozous pallidus
+n02147947 pipistrelle, pipistrel, Pipistrellus pipistrellus
+n02148088 eastern pipistrel, Pipistrellus subflavus
+n02148512 jackass bat, spotted bat, Euderma maculata
+n02148835 long-eared bat
+n02148991 western big-eared bat, Plecotus townsendi
+n02149420 freetail, free-tailed bat, freetailed bat
+n02149653 guano bat, Mexican freetail bat, Tadarida brasiliensis
+n02149861 pocketed bat, pocketed freetail bat, Tadirida femorosacca
+n02150134 mastiff bat
+n02150482 vampire bat, true vampire bat
+n02150885 Desmodus rotundus
+n02151230 hairy-legged vampire bat, Diphylla ecaudata
+n02152740 predator, predatory animal
+n02152881 prey, quarry
+n02152991 game
+n02153109 big game
+n02153203 game bird
+n02153809 fossorial mammal
+n02156732 tetrapod
+n02156871 quadruped
+n02157206 hexapod
+n02157285 biped
+n02159955 insect
+n02160947 social insect
+n02161225 holometabola, metabola
+n02161338 defoliator
+n02161457 pollinator
+n02161588 gallfly
+n02162561 scorpion fly
+n02163008 hanging fly
+n02163297 collembolan, springtail
+n02164464 beetle
+n02165105 tiger beetle
+n02165456 ladybug, ladybeetle, lady beetle, ladybird, ladybird beetle
+n02165877 two-spotted ladybug, Adalia bipunctata
+n02166229 Mexican bean beetle, bean beetle, Epilachna varivestis
+n02166567 Hippodamia convergens
+n02166826 vedalia, Rodolia cardinalis
+n02167151 ground beetle, carabid beetle
+n02167505 bombardier beetle
+n02167820 calosoma
+n02167944 searcher, searcher beetle, Calosoma scrutator
+n02168245 firefly, lightning bug
+n02168427 glowworm
+n02168699 long-horned beetle, longicorn, longicorn beetle
+n02169023 sawyer, sawyer beetle
+n02169218 pine sawyer
+n02169497 leaf beetle, chrysomelid
+n02169705 flea beetle
+n02169974 Colorado potato beetle, Colorado beetle, potato bug, potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata
+n02170400 carpet beetle, carpet bug
+n02170599 buffalo carpet beetle, Anthrenus scrophulariae
+n02170738 black carpet beetle
+n02170993 clerid beetle, clerid
+n02171164 bee beetle
+n02171453 lamellicorn beetle
+n02171869 scarabaeid beetle, scarabaeid, scarabaean
+n02172182 dung beetle
+n02172518 scarab, scarabaeus, Scarabaeus sacer
+n02172678 tumblebug
+n02172761 dorbeetle
+n02172870 June beetle, June bug, May bug, May beetle
+n02173113 green June beetle, figeater
+n02173373 Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica
+n02173784 Oriental beetle, Asiatic beetle, Anomala orientalis
+n02174001 rhinoceros beetle
+n02174355 melolonthid beetle
+n02174659 cockchafer, May bug, May beetle, Melolontha melolontha
+n02175014 rose chafer, rose bug, Macrodactylus subspinosus
+n02175569 rose chafer, rose beetle, Cetonia aurata
+n02175916 stag beetle
+n02176261 elaterid beetle, elater, elaterid
+n02176439 click beetle, skipjack, snapping beetle
+n02176747 firefly, fire beetle, Pyrophorus noctiluca
+n02176916 wireworm
+n02177196 water beetle
+n02177506 whirligig beetle
+n02177775 deathwatch beetle, deathwatch, Xestobium rufovillosum
+n02177972 weevil
+n02178411 snout beetle
+n02178717 boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis
+n02179012 blister beetle, meloid
+n02179192 oil beetle
+n02179340 Spanish fly
+n02179891 Dutch-elm beetle, Scolytus multistriatus
+n02180233 bark beetle
+n02180427 spruce bark beetle, Dendroctonus rufipennis
+n02180875 rove beetle
+n02181235 darkling beetle, darkling groung beetle, tenebrionid
+n02181477 mealworm
+n02181724 flour beetle, flour weevil
+n02182045 seed beetle, seed weevil
+n02182355 pea weevil, Bruchus pisorum
+n02182642 bean weevil, Acanthoscelides obtectus
+n02182930 rice weevil, black weevil, Sitophylus oryzae
+n02183096 Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis
+n02183507 web spinner
+n02183857 louse, sucking louse
+n02184473 common louse, Pediculus humanus
+n02184589 head louse, Pediculus capitis
+n02184720 body louse, cootie, Pediculus corporis
+n02185167 crab louse, pubic louse, crab, Phthirius pubis
+n02185481 bird louse, biting louse, louse
+n02186153 flea
+n02186717 Pulex irritans
+n02187150 dog flea, Ctenocephalides canis
+n02187279 cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis
+n02187554 chigoe, chigger, chigoe flea, Tunga penetrans
+n02187900 sticktight, sticktight flea, Echidnophaga gallinacea
+n02188699 dipterous insect, two-winged insects, dipteran, dipteron
+n02189363 gall midge, gallfly, gall gnat
+n02189670 Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor
+n02190166 fly
+n02190790 housefly, house fly, Musca domestica
+n02191273 tsetse fly, tsetse, tzetze fly, tzetze, glossina
+n02191773 blowfly, blow fly
+n02191979 bluebottle, Calliphora vicina
+n02192252 greenbottle, greenbottle fly
+n02192513 flesh fly, Sarcophaga carnaria
+n02192814 tachina fly
+n02193009 gadfly
+n02193163 botfly
+n02194249 human botfly, Dermatobia hominis
+n02194750 sheep botfly, sheep gadfly, Oestrus ovis
+n02195091 warble fly
+n02195526 horsefly, cleg, clegg, horse fly
+n02195819 bee fly
+n02196119 robber fly, bee killer
+n02196344 fruit fly, pomace fly
+n02196896 apple maggot, railroad worm, Rhagoletis pomonella
+n02197185 Mediterranean fruit fly, medfly, Ceratitis capitata
+n02197689 drosophila, Drosophila melanogaster
+n02197877 vinegar fly
+n02198129 leaf miner, leaf-miner
+n02198532 louse fly, hippoboscid
+n02198859 horse tick, horsefly, Hippobosca equina
+n02199170 sheep ked, sheep-tick, sheep tick, Melophagus Ovinus
+n02199502 horn fly, Haematobia irritans
+n02200198 mosquito
+n02200509 wiggler, wriggler
+n02200630 gnat
+n02200850 yellow-fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti
+n02201000 Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus
+n02201497 anopheline
+n02201626 malarial mosquito, malaria mosquito
+n02202006 common mosquito, Culex pipiens
+n02202124 Culex quinquefasciatus, Culex fatigans
+n02202287 gnat
+n02202678 punkie, punky, punkey, no-see-um, biting midge
+n02203152 midge
+n02203592 fungus gnat
+n02203978 psychodid
+n02204249 sand fly, sandfly, Phlebotomus papatasii
+n02204722 fungus gnat, sciara, sciarid
+n02204907 armyworm
+n02205219 crane fly, daddy longlegs
+n02205673 blackfly, black fly, buffalo gnat
+n02206270 hymenopterous insect, hymenopteran, hymenopteron, hymenopter
+n02206856 bee
+n02207179 drone
+n02207345 queen bee
+n02207449 worker
+n02207647 soldier
+n02207805 worker bee
+n02208280 honeybee, Apis mellifera
+n02208498 Africanized bee, Africanized honey bee, killer bee, Apis mellifera scutellata, Apis mellifera adansonii
+n02208848 black bee, German bee
+n02208979 Carniolan bee
+n02209111 Italian bee
+n02209354 carpenter bee
+n02209624 bumblebee, humblebee
+n02209964 cuckoo-bumblebee
+n02210427 andrena, andrenid, mining bee
+n02210921 Nomia melanderi, alkali bee
+n02211444 leaf-cutting bee, leaf-cutter, leaf-cutter bee
+n02211627 mason bee
+n02211896 potter bee
+n02212062 wasp
+n02212602 vespid, vespid wasp
+n02212958 paper wasp
+n02213107 hornet
+n02213239 giant hornet, Vespa crabro
+n02213543 common wasp, Vespula vulgaris
+n02213663 bald-faced hornet, white-faced hornet, Vespula maculata
+n02213788 yellow jacket, yellow hornet, Vespula maculifrons
+n02214096 Polistes annularis
+n02214341 mason wasp
+n02214499 potter wasp
+n02214660 Mutillidae, family Mutillidae
+n02214773 velvet ant
+n02215161 sphecoid wasp, sphecoid
+n02215621 mason wasp
+n02215770 digger wasp
+n02216211 cicada killer, Sphecius speciosis
+n02216365 mud dauber
+n02216740 gall wasp, gallfly, cynipid wasp, cynipid gall wasp
+n02217563 chalcid fly, chalcidfly, chalcid, chalcid wasp
+n02217839 strawworm, jointworm
+n02218134 chalcis fly
+n02218371 ichneumon fly
+n02218713 sawfly
+n02219015 birch leaf miner, Fenusa pusilla
+n02219486 ant, emmet, pismire
+n02220055 pharaoh ant, pharaoh's ant, Monomorium pharaonis
+n02220225 little black ant, Monomorium minimum
+n02220518 army ant, driver ant, legionary ant
+n02220804 carpenter ant
+n02221083 fire ant
+n02221414 wood ant, Formica rufa
+n02221571 slave ant
+n02221715 Formica fusca
+n02221820 slave-making ant, slave-maker
+n02222035 sanguinary ant, Formica sanguinea
+n02222321 bulldog ant
+n02222582 Amazon ant, Polyergus rufescens
+n02223266 termite, white ant
+n02223520 dry-wood termite
+n02224023 Reticulitermes lucifugus
+n02224713 Mastotermes darwiniensis
+n02225081 Mastotermes electrodominicus
+n02225798 powder-post termite, Cryptotermes brevis
+n02226183 orthopterous insect, orthopteron, orthopteran
+n02226429 grasshopper, hopper
+n02226821 short-horned grasshopper, acridid
+n02226970 locust
+n02227247 migratory locust, Locusta migratoria
+n02227604 migratory grasshopper
+n02227966 long-horned grasshopper, tettigoniid
+n02228341 katydid
+n02228697 mormon cricket, Anabrus simplex
+n02229156 sand cricket, Jerusalem cricket, Stenopelmatus fuscus
+n02229544 cricket
+n02229765 mole cricket
+n02230023 European house cricket, Acheta domestica
+n02230187 field cricket, Acheta assimilis
+n02230480 tree cricket
+n02230634 snowy tree cricket, Oecanthus fultoni
+n02231052 phasmid, phasmid insect
+n02231487 walking stick, walkingstick, stick insect
+n02231803 diapheromera, Diapheromera femorata
+n02232223 walking leaf, leaf insect
+n02233338 cockroach, roach
+n02233943 oriental cockroach, oriental roach, Asiatic cockroach, blackbeetle, Blatta orientalis
+n02234355 American cockroach, Periplaneta americana
+n02234570 Australian cockroach, Periplaneta australasiae
+n02234848 German cockroach, Croton bug, crotonbug, water bug, Blattella germanica
+n02235205 giant cockroach
+n02236044 mantis, mantid
+n02236241 praying mantis, praying mantid, Mantis religioso
+n02236355 bug
+n02236896 hemipterous insect, bug, hemipteran, hemipteron
+n02237424 leaf bug, plant bug
+n02237581 mirid bug, mirid, capsid
+n02237868 four-lined plant bug, four-lined leaf bug, Poecilocapsus lineatus
+n02238235 lygus bug
+n02238358 tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris
+n02238594 lace bug
+n02238887 lygaeid, lygaeid bug
+n02239192 chinch bug, Blissus leucopterus
+n02239528 coreid bug, coreid
+n02239774 squash bug, Anasa tristis
+n02240068 leaf-footed bug, leaf-foot bug
+n02240517 bedbug, bed bug, chinch, Cimex lectularius
+n02241008 backswimmer, Notonecta undulata
+n02241426 true bug
+n02241569 heteropterous insect
+n02241799 water bug
+n02242137 giant water bug
+n02242455 water scorpion
+n02243209 water boatman, boat bug
+n02243562 water strider, pond-skater, water skater
+n02243878 common pond-skater, Gerris lacustris
+n02244173 assassin bug, reduviid
+n02244515 conenose, cone-nosed bug, conenose bug, big bedbug, kissing bug
+n02244797 wheel bug, Arilus cristatus
+n02245111 firebug
+n02245443 cotton stainer
+n02246011 homopterous insect, homopteran
+n02246628 whitefly
+n02246941 citrus whitefly, Dialeurodes citri
+n02247216 greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum
+n02247511 sweet-potato whitefly
+n02247655 superbug, Bemisia tabaci, poinsettia strain
+n02248062 cotton strain
+n02248368 coccid insect
+n02248510 scale insect
+n02248887 soft scale
+n02249134 brown soft scale, Coccus hesperidum
+n02249515 armored scale
+n02249809 San Jose scale, Aspidiotus perniciosus
+n02250280 cochineal insect, cochineal, Dactylopius coccus
+n02250822 mealybug, mealy bug
+n02251067 citrophilous mealybug, citrophilus mealybug, Pseudococcus fragilis
+n02251233 Comstock mealybug, Comstock's mealybug, Pseudococcus comstocki
+n02251593 citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri
+n02251775 plant louse, louse
+n02252226 aphid
+n02252799 apple aphid, green apple aphid, Aphis pomi
+n02252972 blackfly, bean aphid, Aphis fabae
+n02253127 greenfly
+n02253264 green peach aphid
+n02253494 ant cow
+n02253715 woolly aphid, woolly plant louse
+n02253913 woolly apple aphid, American blight, Eriosoma lanigerum
+n02254246 woolly alder aphid, Prociphilus tessellatus
+n02254697 adelgid
+n02254901 balsam woolly aphid, Adelges piceae
+n02255023 spruce gall aphid, Adelges abietis
+n02255391 woolly adelgid
+n02256172 jumping plant louse, psylla, psyllid
+n02256656 cicada, cicala
+n02257003 dog-day cicada, harvest fly
+n02257284 seventeen-year locust, periodical cicada, Magicicada septendecim
+n02257715 spittle insect, spittlebug
+n02257985 froghopper
+n02258198 meadow spittlebug, Philaenus spumarius
+n02258508 pine spittlebug
+n02258629 Saratoga spittlebug, Aphrophora saratogensis
+n02259212 leafhopper
+n02259377 plant hopper, planthopper
+n02259708 treehopper
+n02259987 lantern fly, lantern-fly
+n02260421 psocopterous insect
+n02260863 psocid
+n02261063 bark-louse, bark louse
+n02261419 booklouse, book louse, deathwatch, Liposcelis divinatorius
+n02261757 common booklouse, Trogium pulsatorium
+n02262178 ephemerid, ephemeropteran
+n02262449 mayfly, dayfly, shadfly
+n02262803 stonefly, stone fly, plecopteran
+n02263378 neuropteron, neuropteran, neuropterous insect
+n02264021 ant lion, antlion, antlion fly
+n02264232 doodlebug, ant lion, antlion
+n02264363 lacewing, lacewing fly
+n02264591 aphid lion, aphis lion
+n02264885 green lacewing, chrysopid, stink fly
+n02265330 brown lacewing, hemerobiid, hemerobiid fly
+n02266050 dobson, dobsonfly, dobson fly, Corydalus cornutus
+n02266269 hellgrammiate, dobson
+n02266421 fish fly, fish-fly
+n02266864 alderfly, alder fly, Sialis lutaria
+n02267208 snakefly
+n02267483 mantispid
+n02268148 odonate
+n02268443 dragonfly, darning needle, devil's darning needle, sewing needle, snake feeder, snake doctor, mosquito hawk, skeeter hawk
+n02268853 damselfly
+n02269196 trichopterous insect, trichopteran, trichopteron
+n02269340 caddis fly, caddis-fly, caddice fly, caddice-fly
+n02269522 caseworm
+n02269657 caddisworm, strawworm
+n02270011 thysanuran insect, thysanuron
+n02270200 bristletail
+n02270623 silverfish, Lepisma saccharina
+n02270945 firebrat, Thermobia domestica
+n02271222 jumping bristletail, machilid
+n02271570 thysanopter, thysanopteron, thysanopterous insect
+n02271897 thrips, thrip, thripid
+n02272286 tobacco thrips, Frankliniella fusca
+n02272552 onion thrips, onion louse, Thrips tobaci
+n02272871 earwig
+n02273392 common European earwig, Forficula auricularia
+n02274024 lepidopterous insect, lepidopteron, lepidopteran
+n02274259 butterfly
+n02274822 nymphalid, nymphalid butterfly, brush-footed butterfly, four-footed butterfly
+n02275560 mourning cloak, mourning cloak butterfly, Camberwell beauty, Nymphalis antiopa
+n02275773 tortoiseshell, tortoiseshell butterfly
+n02276078 painted beauty, Vanessa virginiensis
+n02276258 admiral
+n02276355 red admiral, Vanessa atalanta
+n02276749 white admiral, Limenitis camilla
+n02276902 banded purple, white admiral, Limenitis arthemis
+n02277094 red-spotted purple, Limenitis astyanax
+n02277268 viceroy, Limenitis archippus
+n02277422 anglewing
+n02277742 ringlet, ringlet butterfly
+n02278024 comma, comma butterfly, Polygonia comma
+n02278210 fritillary
+n02278463 silverspot
+n02278839 emperor butterfly, emperor
+n02278980 purple emperor, Apatura iris
+n02279257 peacock, peacock butterfly, Inachis io
+n02279637 danaid, danaid butterfly
+n02279972 monarch, monarch butterfly, milkweed butterfly, Danaus plexippus
+n02280458 pierid, pierid butterfly
+n02280649 cabbage butterfly
+n02281015 small white, Pieris rapae
+n02281136 large white, Pieris brassicae
+n02281267 southern cabbage butterfly, Pieris protodice
+n02281406 sulphur butterfly, sulfur butterfly
+n02281787 lycaenid, lycaenid butterfly
+n02282257 blue
+n02282385 copper
+n02282553 American copper, Lycaena hypophlaeas
+n02282903 hairstreak, hairstreak butterfly
+n02283077 Strymon melinus
+n02283201 moth
+n02283617 moth miller, miller
+n02283951 tortricid, tortricid moth
+n02284224 leaf roller, leaf-roller
+n02284611 tea tortrix, tortrix, Homona coffearia
+n02284884 orange tortrix, tortrix, Argyrotaenia citrana
+n02285179 codling moth, codlin moth, Carpocapsa pomonella
+n02285548 lymantriid, tussock moth
+n02285801 tussock caterpillar
+n02286089 gypsy moth, gipsy moth, Lymantria dispar
+n02286425 browntail, brown-tail moth, Euproctis phaeorrhoea
+n02286654 gold-tail moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea
+n02287004 geometrid, geometrid moth
+n02287352 Paleacrita vernata
+n02287622 Alsophila pometaria
+n02287799 cankerworm
+n02287987 spring cankerworm
+n02288122 fall cankerworm
+n02288268 measuring worm, inchworm, looper
+n02288789 pyralid, pyralid moth
+n02289307 bee moth, wax moth, Galleria mellonella
+n02289610 corn borer, European corn borer moth, corn borer moth, Pyrausta nubilalis
+n02289988 Mediterranean flour moth, Anagasta kuehniella
+n02290340 tobacco moth, cacao moth, Ephestia elutella
+n02290664 almond moth, fig moth, Cadra cautella
+n02290870 raisin moth, Cadra figulilella
+n02291220 tineoid, tineoid moth
+n02291572 tineid, tineid moth
+n02291748 clothes moth
+n02292085 casemaking clothes moth, Tinea pellionella
+n02292401 webbing clothes moth, webbing moth, Tineola bisselliella
+n02292692 carpet moth, tapestry moth, Trichophaga tapetzella
+n02293352 gelechiid, gelechiid moth
+n02293868 grain moth
+n02294097 angoumois moth, angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella
+n02294407 potato moth, potato tuber moth, splitworm, Phthorimaea operculella
+n02294577 potato tuberworm, Phthorimaea operculella
+n02295064 noctuid moth, noctuid, owlet moth
+n02295390 cutworm
+n02295870 underwing
+n02296021 red underwing, Catocala nupta
+n02296276 antler moth, Cerapteryx graminis
+n02296612 heliothis moth, Heliothis zia
+n02296912 army cutworm, Chorizagrotis auxiliaris
+n02297294 armyworm, Pseudaletia unipuncta
+n02297442 armyworm, army worm, Pseudaletia unipuncta
+n02297819 Spodoptera exigua
+n02297938 beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua
+n02298095 Spodoptera frugiperda
+n02298218 fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda
+n02298541 hawkmoth, hawk moth, sphingid, sphinx moth, hummingbird moth
+n02299039 Manduca sexta
+n02299157 tobacco hornworm, tomato worm, Manduca sexta
+n02299378 Manduca quinquemaculata
+n02299505 tomato hornworm, potato worm, Manduca quinquemaculata
+n02299846 death's-head moth, Acherontia atropos
+n02300173 bombycid, bombycid moth, silkworm moth
+n02300554 domestic silkworm moth, domesticated silkworm moth, Bombyx mori
+n02300797 silkworm
+n02301452 saturniid, saturniid moth
+n02301935 emperor, emperor moth, Saturnia pavonia
+n02302244 imperial moth, Eacles imperialis
+n02302459 giant silkworm moth, silkworm moth
+n02302620 silkworm, giant silkworm, wild wilkworm
+n02302969 luna moth, Actias luna
+n02303284 cecropia, cecropia moth, Hyalophora cecropia
+n02303585 cynthia moth, Samia cynthia, Samia walkeri
+n02303777 ailanthus silkworm, Samia cynthia
+n02304036 io moth, Automeris io
+n02304432 polyphemus moth, Antheraea polyphemus
+n02304657 pernyi moth, Antheraea pernyi
+n02304797 tussah, tusseh, tussur, tussore, tusser, Antheraea mylitta
+n02305085 atlas moth, Atticus atlas
+n02305407 arctiid, arctiid moth
+n02305636 tiger moth
+n02305929 cinnabar, cinnabar moth, Callimorpha jacobeae
+n02306433 lasiocampid, lasiocampid moth
+n02306825 eggar, egger
+n02307176 tent-caterpillar moth, Malacosoma americana
+n02307325 tent caterpillar
+n02307515 tent-caterpillar moth, Malacosoma disstria
+n02307681 forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria
+n02307910 lappet, lappet moth
+n02308033 lappet caterpillar
+n02308139 webworm
+n02308471 webworm moth
+n02308618 Hyphantria cunea
+n02308735 fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea
+n02309120 garden webworm, Loxostege similalis
+n02309242 instar
+n02309337 caterpillar
+n02309841 corn borer, Pyrausta nubilalis
+n02310000 bollworm
+n02310149 pink bollworm, Gelechia gossypiella
+n02310334 corn earworm, cotton bollworm, tomato fruitworm, tobacco budworm, vetchworm, Heliothis zia
+n02310585 cabbageworm, Pieris rapae
+n02310717 woolly bear, woolly bear caterpillar
+n02310941 woolly bear moth
+n02311060 larva
+n02311617 nymph
+n02311748 leptocephalus
+n02312006 grub
+n02312175 maggot
+n02312325 leatherjacket
+n02312427 pupa
+n02312640 chrysalis
+n02312912 imago
+n02313008 queen
+n02313360 phoronid
+n02313709 bryozoan, polyzoan, sea mat, sea moss, moss animal
+n02315487 brachiopod, lamp shell, lampshell
+n02315821 peanut worm, sipunculid
+n02316707 echinoderm
+n02317335 starfish, sea star
+n02317781 brittle star, brittle-star, serpent star
+n02318167 basket star, basket fish
+n02318687 Astrophyton muricatum
+n02319095 sea urchin
+n02319308 edible sea urchin, Echinus esculentus
+n02319555 sand dollar
+n02319829 heart urchin
+n02320127 crinoid
+n02320465 sea lily
+n02321170 feather star, comatulid
+n02321529 sea cucumber, holothurian
+n02322047 trepang, Holothuria edulis
+n02322992 Duplicidentata
+n02323449 lagomorph, gnawing mammal
+n02323902 leporid, leporid mammal
+n02324045 rabbit, coney, cony
+n02324431 rabbit ears
+n02324514 lapin
+n02324587 bunny, bunny rabbit
+n02324850 European rabbit, Old World rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus
+n02325366 wood rabbit, cottontail, cottontail rabbit
+n02325722 eastern cottontail, Sylvilagus floridanus
+n02325884 swamp rabbit, canecutter, swamp hare, Sylvilagus aquaticus
+n02326074 marsh hare, swamp rabbit, Sylvilagus palustris
+n02326432 hare
+n02326763 leveret
+n02326862 European hare, Lepus europaeus
+n02327028 jackrabbit
+n02327175 white-tailed jackrabbit, whitetail jackrabbit, Lepus townsendi
+n02327435 blacktail jackrabbit, Lepus californicus
+n02327656 polar hare, Arctic hare, Lepus arcticus
+n02327842 snowshoe hare, snowshoe rabbit, varying hare, Lepus americanus
+n02328009 Belgian hare, leporide
+n02328150 Angora, Angora rabbit
+n02328429 pika, mouse hare, rock rabbit, coney, cony
+n02328820 little chief hare, Ochotona princeps
+n02328942 collared pika, Ochotona collaris
+n02329401 rodent, gnawer
+n02330245 mouse
+n02331046 rat
+n02331309 pocket rat
+n02331842 murine
+n02332156 house mouse, Mus musculus
+n02332447 harvest mouse, Micromyx minutus
+n02332755 field mouse, fieldmouse
+n02332954 nude mouse
+n02333190 European wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus
+n02333546 brown rat, Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus
+n02333733 wharf rat
+n02333819 sewer rat
+n02333909 black rat, roof rat, Rattus rattus
+n02334201 bandicoot rat, mole rat
+n02334460 jerboa rat
+n02334728 kangaroo mouse
+n02335127 water rat
+n02335231 beaver rat
+n02336011 New World mouse
+n02336275 American harvest mouse, harvest mouse
+n02336641 wood mouse
+n02336826 white-footed mouse, vesper mouse, Peromyscus leucopus
+n02337001 deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus
+n02337171 cactus mouse, Peromyscus eremicus
+n02337332 cotton mouse, Peromyscus gossypinus
+n02337598 pygmy mouse, Baiomys taylori
+n02337902 grasshopper mouse
+n02338145 muskrat, musquash, Ondatra zibethica
+n02338449 round-tailed muskrat, Florida water rat, Neofiber alleni
+n02338722 cotton rat, Sigmodon hispidus
+n02338901 wood rat, wood-rat
+n02339282 dusky-footed wood rat
+n02339376 vole, field mouse
+n02339922 packrat, pack rat, trade rat, bushytail woodrat, Neotoma cinerea
+n02340186 dusky-footed woodrat, Neotoma fuscipes
+n02340358 eastern woodrat, Neotoma floridana
+n02340640 rice rat, Oryzomys palustris
+n02340930 pine vole, pine mouse, Pitymys pinetorum
+n02341288 meadow vole, meadow mouse, Microtus pennsylvaticus
+n02341475 water vole, Richardson vole, Microtus richardsoni
+n02341616 prairie vole, Microtus ochrogaster
+n02341974 water vole, water rat, Arvicola amphibius
+n02342250 red-backed mouse, redback vole
+n02342534 phenacomys
+n02342885 hamster
+n02343058 Eurasian hamster, Cricetus cricetus
+n02343320 golden hamster, Syrian hamster, Mesocricetus auratus
+n02343772 gerbil, gerbille
+n02344175 jird
+n02344270 tamarisk gerbil, Meriones unguiculatus
+n02344408 sand rat, Meriones longifrons
+n02344528 lemming
+n02344918 European lemming, Lemmus lemmus
+n02345078 brown lemming, Lemmus trimucronatus
+n02345340 grey lemming, gray lemming, red-backed lemming
+n02345600 pied lemming
+n02345774 Hudson bay collared lemming, Dicrostonyx hudsonius
+n02345997 southern bog lemming, Synaptomys cooperi
+n02346170 northern bog lemming, Synaptomys borealis
+n02346627 porcupine, hedgehog
+n02346998 Old World porcupine
+n02347274 brush-tailed porcupine, brush-tail porcupine
+n02347573 long-tailed porcupine, Trichys lipura
+n02347744 New World porcupine
+n02348173 Canada porcupine, Erethizon dorsatum
+n02348788 pocket mouse
+n02349205 silky pocket mouse, Perognathus flavus
+n02349390 plains pocket mouse, Perognathus flavescens
+n02349557 hispid pocket mouse, Perognathus hispidus
+n02349847 Mexican pocket mouse, Liomys irroratus
+n02350105 kangaroo rat, desert rat, Dipodomys phillipsii
+n02350357 Ord kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ordi
+n02350670 kangaroo mouse, dwarf pocket rat
+n02350989 jumping mouse
+n02351343 meadow jumping mouse, Zapus hudsonius
+n02351870 jerboa
+n02352002 typical jerboa
+n02352290 Jaculus jaculus
+n02352591 dormouse
+n02352932 loir, Glis glis
+n02353172 hazel mouse, Muscardinus avellanarius
+n02353411 lerot
+n02353861 gopher, pocket gopher, pouched rat
+n02354162 plains pocket gopher, Geomys bursarius
+n02354320 southeastern pocket gopher, Geomys pinetis
+n02354621 valley pocket gopher, Thomomys bottae
+n02354781 northern pocket gopher, Thomomys talpoides
+n02355227 squirrel
+n02355477 tree squirrel
+n02356381 eastern grey squirrel, eastern gray squirrel, cat squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis
+n02356612 western grey squirrel, western gray squirrel, Sciurus griseus
+n02356798 fox squirrel, eastern fox squirrel, Sciurus niger
+n02356977 black squirrel
+n02357111 red squirrel, cat squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris
+n02357401 American red squirrel, spruce squirrel, red squirrel, Sciurus hudsonicus, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
+n02357585 chickeree, Douglas squirrel, Tamiasciurus douglasi
+n02357911 antelope squirrel, whitetail antelope squirrel, antelope chipmunk, Citellus leucurus
+n02358091 ground squirrel, gopher, spermophile
+n02358390 mantled ground squirrel, Citellus lateralis
+n02358584 suslik, souslik, Citellus citellus
+n02358712 flickertail, Richardson ground squirrel, Citellus richardsoni
+n02358890 rock squirrel, Citellus variegatus
+n02359047 Arctic ground squirrel, parka squirrel, Citellus parryi
+n02359324 prairie dog, prairie marmot
+n02359556 blacktail prairie dog, Cynomys ludovicianus
+n02359667 whitetail prairie dog, Cynomys gunnisoni
+n02359915 eastern chipmunk, hackee, striped squirrel, ground squirrel, Tamias striatus
+n02360282 chipmunk
+n02360480 baronduki, baranduki, barunduki, burunduki, Eutamius asiaticus, Eutamius sibiricus
+n02360781 American flying squirrel
+n02360933 southern flying squirrel, Glaucomys volans
+n02361090 northern flying squirrel, Glaucomys sabrinus
+n02361337 marmot
+n02361587 groundhog, woodchuck, Marmota monax
+n02361706 hoary marmot, whistler, whistling marmot, Marmota caligata
+n02361850 yellowbelly marmot, rockchuck, Marmota flaviventris
+n02362194 Asiatic flying squirrel
+n02363005 beaver
+n02363245 Old World beaver, Castor fiber
+n02363351 New World beaver, Castor canadensis
+n02363996 mountain beaver, sewellel, Aplodontia rufa
+n02364520 cavy
+n02364673 guinea pig, Cavia cobaya
+n02364840 aperea, wild cavy, Cavia porcellus
+n02365108 mara, Dolichotis patagonum
+n02365480 capybara, capibara, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris
+n02366002 agouti, Dasyprocta aguti
+n02366301 paca, Cuniculus paca
+n02366579 mountain paca
+n02366959 coypu, nutria, Myocastor coypus
+n02367492 chinchilla, Chinchilla laniger
+n02367812 mountain chinchilla, mountain viscacha
+n02368116 viscacha, chinchillon, Lagostomus maximus
+n02368399 abrocome, chinchilla rat, rat chinchilla
+n02368821 mole rat
+n02369293 mole rat
+n02369555 sand rat
+n02369680 naked mole rat
+n02369935 queen, queen mole rat
+n02370137 Damaraland mole rat
+n02370525 Ungulata
+n02370806 ungulate, hoofed mammal
+n02371344 unguiculate, unguiculate mammal
+n02372140 dinoceras, uintathere
+n02372584 hyrax, coney, cony, dassie, das
+n02372952 rock hyrax, rock rabbit, Procavia capensis
+n02373336 odd-toed ungulate, perissodactyl, perissodactyl mammal
+n02374149 equine, equid
+n02374451 horse, Equus caballus
+n02375302 roan
+n02375438 stablemate, stable companion
+n02375757 gee-gee
+n02375862 eohippus, dawn horse
+n02376542 foal
+n02376679 filly
+n02376791 colt
+n02376918 male horse
+n02377063 ridgeling, ridgling, ridgel, ridgil
+n02377181 stallion, entire
+n02377291 stud, studhorse
+n02377388 gelding
+n02377480 mare, female horse
+n02377603 broodmare, stud mare
+n02377703 saddle horse, riding horse, mount
+n02378149 remount
+n02378299 palfrey
+n02378415 warhorse
+n02378541 cavalry horse
+n02378625 charger, courser
+n02378755 steed
+n02378870 prancer
+n02378969 hack
+n02379081 cow pony
+n02379183 quarter horse
+n02379329 Morgan
+n02379430 Tennessee walker, Tennessee walking horse, Walking horse, Plantation walking horse
+n02379630 American saddle horse
+n02379743 Appaloosa
+n02379908 Arabian, Arab
+n02380052 Lippizan, Lipizzan, Lippizaner
+n02380335 pony
+n02380464 polo pony
+n02380583 mustang
+n02380745 bronco, bronc, broncho
+n02380875 bucking bronco
+n02381004 buckskin
+n02381119 crowbait, crow-bait
+n02381261 dun
+n02381364 grey, gray
+n02381460 wild horse
+n02381609 tarpan, Equus caballus gomelini
+n02381831 Przewalski's horse, Przevalski's horse, Equus caballus przewalskii, Equus caballus przevalskii
+n02382039 cayuse, Indian pony
+n02382132 hack
+n02382204 hack, jade, nag, plug
+n02382338 plow horse, plough horse
+n02382437 pony
+n02382635 Shetland pony
+n02382750 Welsh pony
+n02382850 Exmoor
+n02382948 racehorse, race horse, bangtail
+n02383231 thoroughbred
+n02384741 steeplechaser
+n02384858 racer
+n02385002 finisher
+n02385098 pony
+n02385214 yearling
+n02385580 dark horse
+n02385676 mudder
+n02385776 nonstarter
+n02385898 stalking-horse
+n02386014 harness horse
+n02386141 cob
+n02386224 hackney
+n02386310 workhorse
+n02386496 draft horse, draught horse, dray horse
+n02386746 packhorse
+n02386853 carthorse, cart horse, drayhorse
+n02386968 Clydesdale
+n02387093 Percheron
+n02387254 farm horse, dobbin
+n02387346 shire, shire horse
+n02387452 pole horse, poler
+n02387722 post horse, post-horse, poster
+n02387887 coach horse
+n02387983 pacer
+n02388143 pacer, pacemaker, pacesetter
+n02388276 trotting horse, trotter
+n02388453 pole horse
+n02388588 stepper, high stepper
+n02388735 chestnut
+n02388832 liver chestnut
+n02388917 bay
+n02389026 sorrel
+n02389128 palomino
+n02389261 pinto
+n02389346 ass
+n02389559 domestic ass, donkey, Equus asinus
+n02389779 burro
+n02389865 moke
+n02389943 jack, jackass
+n02390015 jennet, jenny, jenny ass
+n02390101 mule
+n02390258 hinny
+n02390454 wild ass
+n02390640 African wild ass, Equus asinus
+n02390738 kiang, Equus kiang
+n02390834 onager, Equus hemionus
+n02390938 chigetai, dziggetai, Equus hemionus hemionus
+n02391049 zebra
+n02391234 common zebra, Burchell's zebra, Equus Burchelli
+n02391373 mountain zebra, Equus zebra zebra
+n02391508 grevy's zebra, Equus grevyi
+n02391617 quagga, Equus quagga
+n02391994 rhinoceros, rhino
+n02392434 Indian rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis
+n02392555 woolly rhinoceros, Rhinoceros antiquitatis
+n02392824 white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum, Diceros simus
+n02393161 black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis
+n02393580 tapir
+n02393807 New World tapir, Tapirus terrestris
+n02393940 Malayan tapir, Indian tapir, Tapirus indicus
+n02394477 even-toed ungulate, artiodactyl, artiodactyl mammal
+n02395003 swine
+n02395406 hog, pig, grunter, squealer, Sus scrofa
+n02395694 piglet, piggy, shoat, shote
+n02395855 sucking pig
+n02395931 porker
+n02396014 boar
+n02396088 sow
+n02396157 razorback, razorback hog, razorbacked hog
+n02396427 wild boar, boar, Sus scrofa
+n02396796 babirusa, babiroussa, babirussa, Babyrousa Babyrussa
+n02397096 warthog
+n02397529 peccary, musk hog
+n02397744 collared peccary, javelina, Tayassu angulatus, Tayassu tajacu, Peccari angulatus
+n02397987 white-lipped peccary, Tayassu pecari
+n02398521 hippopotamus, hippo, river horse, Hippopotamus amphibius
+n02399000 ruminant
+n02401031 bovid
+n02402010 bovine
+n02402175 ox, wild ox
+n02402425 cattle, cows, kine, oxen, Bos taurus
+n02403003 ox
+n02403153 stirk
+n02403231 bullock, steer
+n02403325 bull
+n02403454 cow, moo-cow
+n02403740 heifer
+n02403820 bullock
+n02403920 dogie, dogy, leppy
+n02404028 maverick
+n02404186 beef, beef cattle
+n02404432 longhorn, Texas longhorn
+n02404573 Brahman, Brahma, Brahmin, Bos indicus
+n02404906 zebu
+n02405101 aurochs, urus, Bos primigenius
+n02405302 yak, Bos grunniens
+n02405440 banteng, banting, tsine, Bos banteng
+n02405577 Welsh, Welsh Black
+n02405692 red poll
+n02405799 Santa Gertrudis
+n02405929 Aberdeen Angus, Angus, black Angus
+n02406046 Africander
+n02406174 dairy cattle, dairy cow, milch cow, milk cow, milcher, milker
+n02406432 Ayrshire
+n02406533 Brown Swiss
+n02406647 Charolais
+n02406749 Jersey
+n02406859 Devon
+n02406952 grade
+n02407071 Durham, shorthorn
+n02407172 milking shorthorn
+n02407276 Galloway
+n02407390 Friesian, Holstein, Holstein-Friesian
+n02407521 Guernsey
+n02407625 Hereford, whiteface
+n02407763 cattalo, beefalo
+n02407959 Old World buffalo, buffalo
+n02408429 water buffalo, water ox, Asiatic buffalo, Bubalus bubalis
+n02408660 Indian buffalo
+n02408817 carabao
+n02409038 anoa, dwarf buffalo, Anoa depressicornis
+n02409202 tamarau, tamarao, Bubalus mindorensis, Anoa mindorensis
+n02409508 Cape buffalo, Synercus caffer
+n02409870 Asian wild ox
+n02410011 gaur, Bibos gaurus
+n02410141 gayal, mithan, Bibos frontalis
+n02410509 bison
+n02410702 American bison, American buffalo, buffalo, Bison bison
+n02410900 wisent, aurochs, Bison bonasus
+n02411206 musk ox, musk sheep, Ovibos moschatus
+n02411705 sheep
+n02411999 ewe
+n02412080 ram, tup
+n02412210 wether
+n02412440 lamb
+n02412629 lambkin
+n02412700 baa-lamb
+n02412787 hog, hogget, hogg
+n02412909 teg
+n02412977 Persian lamb
+n02413050 black sheep
+n02413131 domestic sheep, Ovis aries
+n02413484 Cotswold
+n02413593 Hampshire, Hampshire down
+n02413717 Lincoln
+n02413824 Exmoor
+n02413917 Cheviot
+n02414043 broadtail, caracul, karakul
+n02414209 longwool
+n02414290 merino, merino sheep
+n02414442 Rambouillet
+n02414578 wild sheep
+n02414763 argali, argal, Ovis ammon
+n02414904 Marco Polo sheep, Marco Polo's sheep, Ovis poli
+n02415130 urial, Ovis vignei
+n02415253 Dall sheep, Dall's sheep, white sheep, Ovis montana dalli
+n02415435 mountain sheep
+n02415577 bighorn, bighorn sheep, cimarron, Rocky Mountain bighorn, Rocky Mountain sheep, Ovis canadensis
+n02415829 mouflon, moufflon, Ovis musimon
+n02416104 aoudad, arui, audad, Barbary sheep, maned sheep, Ammotragus lervia
+n02416519 goat, caprine animal
+n02416820 kid
+n02416880 billy, billy goat, he-goat
+n02416964 nanny, nanny-goat, she-goat
+n02417070 domestic goat, Capra hircus
+n02417242 Cashmere goat, Kashmir goat
+n02417387 Angora, Angora goat
+n02417534 wild goat
+n02417663 bezoar goat, pasang, Capra aegagrus
+n02417785 markhor, markhoor, Capra falconeri
+n02417914 ibex, Capra ibex
+n02418064 goat antelope
+n02418465 mountain goat, Rocky Mountain goat, Oreamnos americanus
+n02418770 goral, Naemorhedus goral
+n02419056 serow
+n02419336 chamois, Rupicapra rupicapra
+n02419634 takin, gnu goat, Budorcas taxicolor
+n02419796 antelope
+n02420509 blackbuck, black buck, Antilope cervicapra
+n02420828 gerenuk, Litocranius walleri
+n02421136 addax, Addax nasomaculatus
+n02421449 gnu, wildebeest
+n02421792 dik-dik
+n02422106 hartebeest
+n02422391 sassaby, topi, Damaliscus lunatus
+n02422699 impala, Aepyceros melampus
+n02423022 gazelle
+n02423218 Thomson's gazelle, Gazella thomsoni
+n02423362 Gazella subgutturosa
+n02423589 springbok, springbuck, Antidorcas marsupialis, Antidorcas euchore
+n02424085 bongo, Tragelaphus eurycerus, Boocercus eurycerus
+n02424305 kudu, koodoo, koudou
+n02424486 greater kudu, Tragelaphus strepsiceros
+n02424589 lesser kudu, Tragelaphus imberbis
+n02424695 harnessed antelope
+n02424909 nyala, Tragelaphus angasi
+n02425086 mountain nyala, Tragelaphus buxtoni
+n02425228 bushbuck, guib, Tragelaphus scriptus
+n02425532 nilgai, nylghai, nylghau, blue bull, Boselaphus tragocamelus
+n02425887 sable antelope, Hippotragus niger
+n02426176 saiga, Saiga tatarica
+n02426481 steenbok, steinbok, Raphicerus campestris
+n02426813 eland
+n02427032 common eland, Taurotragus oryx
+n02427183 giant eland, Taurotragus derbianus
+n02427470 kob, Kobus kob
+n02427576 lechwe, Kobus leche
+n02427724 waterbuck
+n02428089 puku, Adenota vardoni
+n02428349 oryx, pasang
+n02428508 gemsbok, gemsbuck, Oryx gazella
+n02428842 forest goat, spindle horn, Pseudoryx nghetinhensis
+n02429456 pronghorn, prongbuck, pronghorn antelope, American antelope, Antilocapra americana
+n02430045 deer, cervid
+n02430559 stag
+n02430643 royal, royal stag
+n02430748 pricket
+n02430830 fawn
+n02431122 red deer, elk, American elk, wapiti, Cervus elaphus
+n02431337 hart, stag
+n02431441 hind
+n02431542 brocket
+n02431628 sambar, sambur, Cervus unicolor
+n02431785 wapiti, elk, American elk, Cervus elaphus canadensis
+n02431976 Japanese deer, sika, Cervus nipon, Cervus sika
+n02432291 Virginia deer, white tail, whitetail, white-tailed deer, whitetail deer, Odocoileus Virginianus
+n02432511 mule deer, burro deer, Odocoileus hemionus
+n02432704 black-tailed deer, blacktail deer, blacktail, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus
+n02432983 elk, European elk, moose, Alces alces
+n02433318 fallow deer, Dama dama
+n02433546 roe deer, Capreolus capreolus
+n02433729 roebuck
+n02433925 caribou, reindeer, Greenland caribou, Rangifer tarandus
+n02434190 woodland caribou, Rangifer caribou
+n02434415 barren ground caribou, Rangifer arcticus
+n02434712 brocket
+n02434954 muntjac, barking deer
+n02435216 musk deer, Moschus moschiferus
+n02435517 pere david's deer, elaphure, Elaphurus davidianus
+n02435853 chevrotain, mouse deer
+n02436224 kanchil, Tragulus kanchil
+n02436353 napu, Tragulus Javanicus
+n02436645 water chevrotain, water deer, Hyemoschus aquaticus
+n02437136 camel
+n02437312 Arabian camel, dromedary, Camelus dromedarius
+n02437482 Bactrian camel, Camelus bactrianus
+n02437616 llama
+n02437971 domestic llama, Lama peruana
+n02438173 guanaco, Lama guanicoe
+n02438272 alpaca, Lama pacos
+n02438580 vicuna, Vicugna vicugna
+n02439033 giraffe, camelopard, Giraffa camelopardalis
+n02439398 okapi, Okapia johnstoni
+n02441326 musteline mammal, mustelid, musteline
+n02441942 weasel
+n02442172 ermine, shorttail weasel, Mustela erminea
+n02442336 stoat
+n02442446 New World least weasel, Mustela rixosa
+n02442572 Old World least weasel, Mustela nivalis
+n02442668 longtail weasel, long-tailed weasel, Mustela frenata
+n02442845 mink
+n02443015 American mink, Mustela vison
+n02443114 polecat, fitch, foulmart, foumart, Mustela putorius
+n02443346 ferret
+n02443484 black-footed ferret, ferret, Mustela nigripes
+n02443808 muishond
+n02443959 snake muishond, Poecilogale albinucha
+n02444251 striped muishond, Ictonyx striata
+n02444819 otter
+n02445004 river otter, Lutra canadensis
+n02445171 Eurasian otter, Lutra lutra
+n02445394 sea otter, Enhydra lutris
+n02445715 skunk, polecat, wood pussy
+n02446206 striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis
+n02446352 hooded skunk, Mephitis macroura
+n02446645 hog-nosed skunk, hognosed skunk, badger skunk, rooter skunk, Conepatus leuconotus
+n02447021 spotted skunk, little spotted skunk, Spilogale putorius
+n02447366 badger
+n02447762 American badger, Taxidea taxus
+n02448060 Eurasian badger, Meles meles
+n02448318 ratel, honey badger, Mellivora capensis
+n02448633 ferret badger
+n02448885 hog badger, hog-nosed badger, sand badger, Arctonyx collaris
+n02449183 wolverine, carcajou, skunk bear, Gulo luscus
+n02449350 glutton, Gulo gulo, wolverine
+n02449699 grison, Grison vittatus, Galictis vittatus
+n02450034 marten, marten cat
+n02450295 pine marten, Martes martes
+n02450426 sable, Martes zibellina
+n02450561 American marten, American sable, Martes americana
+n02450677 stone marten, beech marten, Martes foina
+n02450829 fisher, pekan, fisher cat, black cat, Martes pennanti
+n02451125 yellow-throated marten, Charronia flavigula
+n02451415 tayra, taira, Eira barbara
+n02451575 fictional animal
+n02453108 pachyderm
+n02453611 edentate
+n02454379 armadillo
+n02454794 peba, nine-banded armadillo, Texas armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus
+n02455135 apar, three-banded armadillo, Tolypeutes tricinctus
+n02455428 tatouay, cabassous, Cabassous unicinctus
+n02455720 peludo, poyou, Euphractus sexcinctus
+n02456008 giant armadillo, tatou, tatu, Priodontes giganteus
+n02456275 pichiciago, pichiciego, fairy armadillo, chlamyphore, Chlamyphorus truncatus
+n02456962 sloth, tree sloth
+n02457408 three-toed sloth, ai, Bradypus tridactylus
+n02457945 two-toed sloth, unau, unai, Choloepus didactylus
+n02458135 two-toed sloth, unau, unai, Choloepus hoffmanni
+n02458517 megatherian, megatheriid, megatherian mammal
+n02459190 mylodontid
+n02460009 anteater, New World anteater
+n02460451 ant bear, giant anteater, great anteater, tamanoir, Myrmecophaga jubata
+n02460817 silky anteater, two-toed anteater, Cyclopes didactylus
+n02461128 tamandua, tamandu, lesser anteater, Tamandua tetradactyla
+n02461830 pangolin, scaly anteater, anteater
+n02462213 coronet
+n02469248 scapular
+n02469472 tadpole, polliwog, pollywog
+n02469914 primate
+n02470238 simian
+n02470325 ape
+n02470709 anthropoid
+n02470899 anthropoid ape
+n02471300 hominoid
+n02471762 hominid
+n02472293 homo, man, human being, human
+n02472987 world, human race, humanity, humankind, human beings, humans, mankind, man
+n02473307 Homo erectus
+n02473554 Pithecanthropus, Pithecanthropus erectus, genus Pithecanthropus
+n02473720 Java man, Trinil man
+n02473857 Peking man
+n02473983 Sinanthropus, genus Sinanthropus
+n02474110 Homo soloensis
+n02474282 Javanthropus, genus Javanthropus
+n02474605 Homo habilis
+n02474777 Homo sapiens
+n02475078 Neandertal man, Neanderthal man, Neandertal, Neanderthal, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
+n02475358 Cro-magnon
+n02475669 Homo sapiens sapiens, modern man
+n02476219 australopithecine
+n02476567 Australopithecus afarensis
+n02476870 Australopithecus africanus
+n02477028 Australopithecus boisei
+n02477187 Zinjanthropus, genus Zinjanthropus
+n02477329 Australopithecus robustus
+n02477516 Paranthropus, genus Paranthropus
+n02477782 Sivapithecus
+n02478239 rudapithecus, Dryopithecus Rudapithecus hungaricus
+n02478875 proconsul
+n02479332 Aegyptopithecus
+n02480153 great ape, pongid
+n02480495 orangutan, orang, orangutang, Pongo pygmaeus
+n02480855 gorilla, Gorilla gorilla
+n02481103 western lowland gorilla, Gorilla gorilla gorilla
+n02481235 eastern lowland gorilla, Gorilla gorilla grauri
+n02481366 mountain gorilla, Gorilla gorilla beringei
+n02481500 silverback
+n02481823 chimpanzee, chimp, Pan troglodytes
+n02482060 western chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes verus
+n02482286 eastern chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii
+n02482474 central chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes troglodytes
+n02482650 pygmy chimpanzee, bonobo, Pan paniscus
+n02483092 lesser ape
+n02483362 gibbon, Hylobates lar
+n02483708 siamang, Hylobates syndactylus, Symphalangus syndactylus
+n02484322 monkey
+n02484473 Old World monkey, catarrhine
+n02484975 guenon, guenon monkey
+n02485225 talapoin, Cercopithecus talapoin
+n02485371 grivet, Cercopithecus aethiops
+n02485536 vervet, vervet monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus
+n02485688 green monkey, African green monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus
+n02485988 mangabey
+n02486261 patas, hussar monkey, Erythrocebus patas
+n02486410 baboon
+n02486657 chacma, chacma baboon, Papio ursinus
+n02486908 mandrill, Mandrillus sphinx
+n02487079 drill, Mandrillus leucophaeus
+n02487347 macaque
+n02487547 rhesus, rhesus monkey, Macaca mulatta
+n02487675 bonnet macaque, bonnet monkey, capped macaque, crown monkey, Macaca radiata
+n02487847 Barbary ape, Macaca sylvana
+n02488003 crab-eating macaque, croo monkey, Macaca irus
+n02488291 langur
+n02488415 entellus, hanuman, Presbytes entellus, Semnopithecus entellus
+n02488702 colobus, colobus monkey
+n02488894 guereza, Colobus guereza
+n02489166 proboscis monkey, Nasalis larvatus
+n02489589 New World monkey, platyrrhine, platyrrhinian
+n02490219 marmoset
+n02490597 true marmoset
+n02490811 pygmy marmoset, Cebuella pygmaea
+n02491107 tamarin, lion monkey, lion marmoset, leoncita
+n02491329 silky tamarin, Leontocebus rosalia
+n02491474 pinche, Leontocebus oedipus
+n02492035 capuchin, ringtail, Cebus capucinus
+n02492356 douroucouli, Aotus trivirgatus
+n02492660 howler monkey, howler
+n02492948 saki
+n02493224 uakari
+n02493509 titi, titi monkey
+n02493793 spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi
+n02494079 squirrel monkey, Saimiri sciureus
+n02494383 woolly monkey
+n02495242 tree shrew
+n02496052 prosimian
+n02496913 lemur
+n02497673 Madagascar cat, ring-tailed lemur, Lemur catta
+n02498153 aye-aye, Daubentonia madagascariensis
+n02498743 slender loris, Loris gracilis
+n02499022 slow loris, Nycticebus tardigradua, Nycticebus pygmaeus
+n02499316 potto, kinkajou, Perodicticus potto
+n02499568 angwantibo, golden potto, Arctocebus calabarensis
+n02499808 galago, bushbaby, bush baby
+n02500267 indri, indris, Indri indri, Indri brevicaudatus
+n02500596 woolly indris, Avahi laniger
+n02501583 tarsier
+n02501923 Tarsius syrichta
+n02502006 Tarsius glis
+n02502514 flying lemur, flying cat, colugo
+n02502807 Cynocephalus variegatus
+n02503127 proboscidean, proboscidian
+n02503517 elephant
+n02503756 rogue elephant
+n02504013 Indian elephant, Elephas maximus
+n02504458 African elephant, Loxodonta africana
+n02504770 mammoth
+n02505063 woolly mammoth, northern mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius
+n02505238 columbian mammoth, Mammuthus columbi
+n02505485 imperial mammoth, imperial elephant, Archidiskidon imperator
+n02505998 mastodon, mastodont
+n02506947 plantigrade mammal, plantigrade
+n02507148 digitigrade mammal, digitigrade
+n02507649 procyonid
+n02508021 raccoon, racoon
+n02508213 common raccoon, common racoon, coon, ringtail, Procyon lotor
+n02508346 crab-eating raccoon, Procyon cancrivorus
+n02508742 bassarisk, cacomistle, cacomixle, coon cat, raccoon fox, ringtail, ring-tailed cat, civet cat, miner's cat, Bassariscus astutus
+n02509197 kinkajou, honey bear, potto, Potos flavus, Potos caudivolvulus
+n02509515 coati, coati-mondi, coati-mundi, coon cat, Nasua narica
+n02509815 lesser panda, red panda, panda, bear cat, cat bear, Ailurus fulgens
+n02510455 giant panda, panda, panda bear, coon bear, Ailuropoda melanoleuca
+n02511730 twitterer
+n02512053 fish
+n02512752 fingerling
+n02512830 game fish, sport fish
+n02512938 food fish
+n02513248 rough fish
+n02513355 groundfish, bottom fish
+n02513560 young fish
+n02513727 parr
+n02513805 mouthbreeder
+n02513939 spawner
+n02514041 barracouta, snoek
+n02515214 crossopterygian, lobefin, lobe-finned fish
+n02515713 coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae
+n02516188 lungfish
+n02516776 ceratodus
+n02517442 catfish, siluriform fish
+n02517938 silurid, silurid fish
+n02518324 European catfish, sheatfish, Silurus glanis
+n02518622 electric catfish, Malopterurus electricus
+n02519148 bullhead, bullhead catfish
+n02519340 horned pout, hornpout, pout, Ameiurus Melas
+n02519472 brown bullhead
+n02519686 channel catfish, channel cat, Ictalurus punctatus
+n02519862 blue catfish, blue cat, blue channel catfish, blue channel cat
+n02520147 flathead catfish, mudcat, goujon, shovelnose catfish, spoonbill catfish, Pylodictus olivaris
+n02520525 armored catfish
+n02520810 sea catfish
+n02521646 gadoid, gadoid fish
+n02522399 cod, codfish
+n02522637 codling
+n02522722 Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua
+n02522866 Pacific cod, Alaska cod, Gadus macrocephalus
+n02523110 whiting, Merlangus merlangus, Gadus merlangus
+n02523427 burbot, eelpout, ling, cusk, Lota lota
+n02523877 haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus
+n02524202 pollack, pollock, Pollachius pollachius
+n02524524 hake
+n02524659 silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis, whiting
+n02524928 ling
+n02525382 cusk, torsk, Brosme brosme
+n02525703 grenadier, rattail, rattail fish
+n02526121 eel
+n02526425 elver
+n02526818 common eel, freshwater eel
+n02527057 tuna, Anguilla sucklandii
+n02527271 moray, moray eel
+n02527622 conger, conger eel
+n02528163 teleost fish, teleost, teleostan
+n02529293 beaked salmon, sandfish, Gonorhynchus gonorhynchus
+n02529772 clupeid fish, clupeid
+n02530052 whitebait
+n02530188 brit, britt
+n02530421 shad
+n02530637 common American shad, Alosa sapidissima
+n02530831 river shad, Alosa chrysocloris
+n02530999 allice shad, allis shad, allice, allis, Alosa alosa
+n02531114 alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, Pomolobus pseudoharengus
+n02531625 menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannis
+n02532028 herring, Clupea harangus
+n02532272 Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus harengus
+n02532451 Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasii
+n02532602 sardine
+n02532786 sild
+n02532918 brisling, sprat, Clupea sprattus
+n02533209 pilchard, sardine, Sardina pilchardus
+n02533545 Pacific sardine, Sardinops caerulea
+n02533834 anchovy
+n02534165 mediterranean anchovy, Engraulis encrasicholus
+n02534559 salmonid
+n02534734 salmon
+n02535080 parr
+n02535163 blackfish
+n02535258 redfish
+n02535537 Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar
+n02535759 landlocked salmon, lake salmon
+n02536165 sockeye, sockeye salmon, red salmon, blueback salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka
+n02536456 chinook, chinook salmon, king salmon, quinnat salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
+n02536864 coho, cohoe, coho salmon, blue jack, silver salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch
+n02537085 trout
+n02537319 brown trout, salmon trout, Salmo trutta
+n02537525 rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri
+n02537716 sea trout
+n02538010 lake trout, salmon trout, Salvelinus namaycush
+n02538216 brook trout, speckled trout, Salvelinus fontinalis
+n02538406 char, charr
+n02538562 Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus
+n02538985 whitefish
+n02539424 lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis
+n02539573 cisco, lake herring, Coregonus artedi
+n02539894 round whitefish, Menominee whitefish, Prosopium cylindraceum
+n02540412 smelt
+n02540983 sparling, European smelt, Osmerus eperlanus
+n02541257 capelin, capelan, caplin
+n02541687 tarpon, Tarpon atlanticus
+n02542017 ladyfish, tenpounder, Elops saurus
+n02542432 bonefish, Albula vulpes
+n02542958 argentine
+n02543255 lanternfish
+n02543565 lizardfish, snakefish, snake-fish
+n02544274 lancetfish, lancet fish, wolffish
+n02545841 opah, moonfish, Lampris regius
+n02546028 New World opah, Lampris guttatus
+n02546331 ribbonfish
+n02546627 dealfish, Trachipterus arcticus
+n02547014 oarfish, king of the herring, ribbonfish, Regalecus glesne
+n02547733 batfish
+n02548247 goosefish, angler, anglerfish, angler fish, monkfish, lotte, allmouth, Lophius Americanus
+n02548689 toadfish, Opsanus tau
+n02548884 oyster fish, oyster-fish, oysterfish
+n02549248 frogfish
+n02549376 sargassum fish
+n02549989 needlefish, gar, billfish
+n02550203 timucu
+n02550460 flying fish
+n02550655 monoplane flying fish, two-wing flying fish
+n02551134 halfbeak
+n02551668 saury, billfish, Scomberesox saurus
+n02552171 spiny-finned fish, acanthopterygian
+n02553028 lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus
+n02554730 percoid fish, percoid, percoidean
+n02555863 perch
+n02556373 climbing perch, Anabas testudineus, A. testudineus
+n02556846 perch
+n02557182 yellow perch, Perca flavescens
+n02557318 European perch, Perca fluviatilis
+n02557591 pike-perch, pike perch
+n02557749 walleye, walleyed pike, jack salmon, dory, Stizostedion vitreum
+n02557909 blue pike, blue pickerel, blue pikeperch, blue walleye, Strizostedion vitreum glaucum
+n02558206 snail darter, Percina tanasi
+n02558860 cusk-eel
+n02559144 brotula
+n02559383 pearlfish, pearl-fish
+n02559862 robalo
+n02560110 snook
+n02561108 pike
+n02561381 northern pike, Esox lucius
+n02561514 muskellunge, Esox masquinongy
+n02561661 pickerel
+n02561803 chain pickerel, chain pike, Esox niger
+n02561937 redfin pickerel, barred pickerel, Esox americanus
+n02562315 sunfish, centrarchid
+n02562796 crappie
+n02562971 black crappie, Pomoxis nigromaculatus
+n02563079 white crappie, Pomoxis annularis
+n02563182 freshwater bream, bream
+n02563648 pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus
+n02563792 bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus
+n02563949 spotted sunfish, stumpknocker, Lepomis punctatus
+n02564270 freshwater bass
+n02564403 rock bass, rock sunfish, Ambloplites rupestris
+n02564720 black bass
+n02564935 Kentucky black bass, spotted black bass, Micropterus pseudoplites
+n02565072 smallmouth, smallmouth bass, smallmouthed bass, smallmouth black bass, smallmouthed black bass, Micropterus dolomieu
+n02565324 largemouth, largemouth bass, largemouthed bass, largemouth black bass, largemouthed black bass, Micropterus salmoides
+n02565573 bass
+n02566109 serranid fish, serranid
+n02566489 white perch, silver perch, Morone americana
+n02566665 yellow bass, Morone interrupta
+n02567334 blackmouth bass, Synagrops bellus
+n02567633 rock sea bass, rock bass, Centropristis philadelphica
+n02568087 striped bass, striper, Roccus saxatilis, rockfish
+n02568447 stone bass, wreckfish, Polyprion americanus
+n02568959 grouper
+n02569484 hind
+n02569631 rock hind, Epinephelus adscensionis
+n02569905 creole-fish, Paranthias furcifer
+n02570164 jewfish, Mycteroperca bonaci
+n02570484 soapfish
+n02570838 surfperch, surffish, surf fish
+n02571167 rainbow seaperch, rainbow perch, Hipsurus caryi
+n02571652 bigeye
+n02571810 catalufa, Priacanthus arenatus
+n02572196 cardinalfish
+n02572484 flame fish, flamefish, Apogon maculatus
+n02573249 tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps
+n02573704 bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix
+n02574271 cobia, Rachycentron canadum, sergeant fish
+n02574910 remora, suckerfish, sucking fish
+n02575325 sharksucker, Echeneis naucrates
+n02575590 whale sucker, whalesucker, Remilegia australis
+n02576223 carangid fish, carangid
+n02576575 jack
+n02576906 crevalle jack, jack crevalle, Caranx hippos
+n02577041 yellow jack, Caranx bartholomaei
+n02577164 runner, blue runner, Caranx crysos
+n02577403 rainbow runner, Elagatis bipinnulata
+n02577662 leatherjacket, leatherjack
+n02577952 threadfish, thread-fish, Alectis ciliaris
+n02578233 moonfish, Atlantic moonfish, horsefish, horsehead, horse-head, dollarfish, Selene setapinnis
+n02578454 lookdown, lookdown fish, Selene vomer
+n02578771 amberjack, amberfish
+n02578928 yellowtail, Seriola dorsalis
+n02579303 kingfish, Seriola grandis
+n02579557 pompano
+n02579762 Florida pompano, Trachinotus carolinus
+n02579928 permit, Trachinotus falcatus
+n02580336 scad
+n02580679 horse mackerel, jack mackerel, Spanish mackerel, saurel, Trachurus symmetricus
+n02580830 horse mackerel, saurel, Trachurus trachurus
+n02581108 bigeye scad, big-eyed scad, goggle-eye, Selar crumenophthalmus
+n02581482 mackerel scad, mackerel shad, Decapterus macarellus
+n02581642 round scad, cigarfish, quiaquia, Decapterus punctatus
+n02581957 dolphinfish, dolphin, mahimahi
+n02582220 Coryphaena hippurus
+n02582349 Coryphaena equisetis
+n02582721 pomfret, Brama raii
+n02583567 characin, characin fish, characid
+n02583890 tetra
+n02584145 cardinal tetra, Paracheirodon axelrodi
+n02584449 piranha, pirana, caribe
+n02585872 cichlid, cichlid fish
+n02586238 bolti, Tilapia nilotica
+n02586543 snapper
+n02587051 red snapper, Lutjanus blackfordi
+n02587300 grey snapper, gray snapper, mangrove snapper, Lutjanus griseus
+n02587479 mutton snapper, muttonfish, Lutjanus analis
+n02587618 schoolmaster, Lutjanus apodus
+n02587877 yellowtail, yellowtail snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus
+n02588286 grunt
+n02588794 margate, Haemulon album
+n02588945 Spanish grunt, Haemulon macrostomum
+n02589062 tomtate, Haemulon aurolineatum
+n02589196 cottonwick, Haemulon malanurum
+n02589316 sailor's-choice, sailors choice, Haemulon parra
+n02589623 porkfish, pork-fish, Anisotremus virginicus
+n02589796 pompon, black margate, Anisotremus surinamensis
+n02590094 pigfish, hogfish, Orthopristis chrysopterus
+n02590495 sparid, sparid fish
+n02590702 sea bream, bream
+n02590987 porgy
+n02591330 red porgy, Pagrus pagrus
+n02591613 European sea bream, Pagellus centrodontus
+n02591911 Atlantic sea bream, Archosargus rhomboidalis
+n02592055 sheepshead, Archosargus probatocephalus
+n02592371 pinfish, sailor's-choice, squirrelfish, Lagodon rhomboides
+n02592734 sheepshead porgy, Calamus penna
+n02593019 snapper, Chrysophrys auratus
+n02593191 black bream, Chrysophrys australis
+n02593453 scup, northern porgy, northern scup, Stenotomus chrysops
+n02593679 scup, southern porgy, southern scup, Stenotomus aculeatus
+n02594250 sciaenid fish, sciaenid
+n02594942 striped drum, Equetus pulcher
+n02595056 jackknife-fish, Equetus lanceolatus
+n02595339 silver perch, mademoiselle, Bairdiella chrysoura
+n02595702 red drum, channel bass, redfish, Sciaenops ocellatus
+n02596067 mulloway, jewfish, Sciaena antarctica
+n02596252 maigre, maiger, Sciaena aquila
+n02596381 croaker
+n02596720 Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus
+n02597004 yellowfin croaker, surffish, surf fish, Umbrina roncador
+n02597367 whiting
+n02597608 kingfish
+n02597818 king whiting, Menticirrhus americanus
+n02597972 northern whiting, Menticirrhus saxatilis
+n02598134 corbina, Menticirrhus undulatus
+n02598573 white croaker, chenfish, kingfish, Genyonemus lineatus
+n02598878 white croaker, queenfish, Seriphus politus
+n02599052 sea trout
+n02599347 weakfish, Cynoscion regalis
+n02599557 spotted weakfish, spotted sea trout, spotted squeateague, Cynoscion nebulosus
+n02599958 mullet
+n02600298 goatfish, red mullet, surmullet, Mullus surmuletus
+n02600503 red goatfish, Mullus auratus
+n02600798 yellow goatfish, Mulloidichthys martinicus
+n02601344 mullet, grey mullet, gray mullet
+n02601767 striped mullet, Mugil cephalus
+n02601921 white mullet, Mugil curema
+n02602059 liza, Mugil liza
+n02602405 silversides, silverside
+n02602760 jacksmelt, Atherinopsis californiensis
+n02603317 barracuda
+n02603540 great barracuda, Sphyraena barracuda
+n02603862 sweeper
+n02604157 sea chub
+n02604480 Bermuda chub, rudderfish, Kyphosus sectatrix
+n02604954 spadefish, angelfish, Chaetodipterus faber
+n02605316 butterfly fish
+n02605703 chaetodon
+n02605936 angelfish
+n02606052 rock beauty, Holocanthus tricolor
+n02606384 damselfish, demoiselle
+n02606751 beaugregory, Pomacentrus leucostictus
+n02607072 anemone fish
+n02607201 clown anemone fish, Amphiprion percula
+n02607470 sergeant major, Abudefduf saxatilis
+n02607862 wrasse
+n02608284 pigfish, giant pigfish, Achoerodus gouldii
+n02608547 hogfish, hog snapper, Lachnolaimus maximus
+n02608860 slippery dick, Halicoeres bivittatus
+n02608996 puddingwife, pudding-wife, Halicoeres radiatus
+n02609302 bluehead, Thalassoma bifasciatum
+n02609823 pearly razorfish, Hemipteronatus novacula
+n02610066 tautog, blackfish, Tautoga onitis
+n02610373 cunner, bergall, Tautogolabrus adspersus
+n02610664 parrotfish, polly fish, pollyfish
+n02610980 threadfin
+n02611561 jawfish
+n02611898 stargazer
+n02612167 sand stargazer
+n02613181 blenny, combtooth blenny
+n02613572 shanny, Blennius pholis
+n02613820 Molly Miller, Scartella cristata
+n02614140 clinid, clinid fish
+n02614482 pikeblenny
+n02614653 bluethroat pikeblenny, Chaenopsis ocellata
+n02614978 gunnel, bracketed blenny
+n02615298 rock gunnel, butterfish, Pholis gunnellus
+n02616128 eelblenny
+n02616397 wrymouth, ghostfish, Cryptacanthodes maculatus
+n02616851 wolffish, wolf fish, catfish
+n02617537 viviparous eelpout, Zoarces viviparus
+n02618094 ocean pout, Macrozoarces americanus
+n02618513 sand lance, sand launce, sand eel, launce
+n02618827 dragonet
+n02619165 goby, gudgeon
+n02619550 mudskipper, mudspringer
+n02619861 sleeper, sleeper goby
+n02620167 flathead
+n02620578 archerfish, Toxotes jaculatrix
+n02621258 surgeonfish
+n02621908 gempylid
+n02622249 snake mackerel, Gempylus serpens
+n02622547 escolar, Lepidocybium flavobrunneum
+n02622712 oilfish, Ruvettus pretiosus
+n02622955 cutlassfish, frost fish, hairtail
+n02623445 scombroid, scombroid fish
+n02624167 mackerel
+n02624551 common mackerel, shiner, Scomber scombrus
+n02624807 Spanish mackerel, Scomber colias
+n02624987 chub mackerel, tinker, Scomber japonicus
+n02625258 wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri
+n02625612 Spanish mackerel
+n02625851 king mackerel, cavalla, cero, Scomberomorus cavalla
+n02626089 Scomberomorus maculatus
+n02626265 cero, pintado, kingfish, Scomberomorus regalis
+n02626471 sierra, Scomberomorus sierra
+n02626762 tuna, tunny
+n02627037 albacore, long-fin tunny, Thunnus alalunga
+n02627292 bluefin, bluefin tuna, horse mackerel, Thunnus thynnus
+n02627532 yellowfin, yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares
+n02627835 bonito
+n02628062 skipjack, Atlantic bonito, Sarda sarda
+n02628259 Chile bonito, Chilean bonito, Pacific bonito, Sarda chiliensis
+n02628600 skipjack, skipjack tuna, Euthynnus pelamis
+n02629230 bonito, oceanic bonito, Katsuwonus pelamis
+n02629716 swordfish, Xiphias gladius
+n02630281 sailfish
+n02630615 Atlantic sailfish, Istiophorus albicans
+n02630739 billfish
+n02631041 marlin
+n02631330 blue marlin, Makaira nigricans
+n02631475 black marlin, Makaira mazara, Makaira marlina
+n02631628 striped marlin, Makaira mitsukurii
+n02631775 white marlin, Makaira albida
+n02632039 spearfish
+n02632494 louvar, Luvarus imperialis
+n02633422 dollarfish, Poronotus triacanthus
+n02633677 palometa, California pompano, Palometa simillima
+n02633977 harvestfish, Paprilus alepidotus
+n02634545 driftfish
+n02635154 barrelfish, black rudderfish, Hyperglyphe perciformis
+n02635580 clingfish
+n02636170 tripletail
+n02636405 Atlantic tripletail, Lobotes surinamensis
+n02636550 Pacific tripletail, Lobotes pacificus
+n02636854 mojarra
+n02637179 yellowfin mojarra, Gerres cinereus
+n02637475 silver jenny, Eucinostomus gula
+n02637977 whiting
+n02638596 ganoid, ganoid fish
+n02639087 bowfin, grindle, dogfish, Amia calva
+n02639605 paddlefish, duckbill, Polyodon spathula
+n02639922 Chinese paddlefish, Psephurus gladis
+n02640242 sturgeon
+n02640626 Pacific sturgeon, white sturgeon, Sacramento sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus
+n02640857 beluga, hausen, white sturgeon, Acipenser huso
+n02641379 gar, garfish, garpike, billfish, Lepisosteus osseus
+n02642107 scorpaenoid, scorpaenoid fish
+n02642644 scorpaenid, scorpaenid fish
+n02643112 scorpionfish, scorpion fish, sea scorpion
+n02643316 plumed scorpionfish, Scorpaena grandicornis
+n02643566 lionfish
+n02643836 stonefish, Synanceja verrucosa
+n02644113 rockfish
+n02644360 copper rockfish, Sebastodes caurinus
+n02644501 vermillion rockfish, rasher, Sebastodes miniatus
+n02644665 red rockfish, Sebastodes ruberrimus
+n02644817 rosefish, ocean perch, Sebastodes marinus
+n02645538 bullhead
+n02645691 miller's-thumb
+n02645953 sea raven, Hemitripterus americanus
+n02646667 lumpfish, Cyclopterus lumpus
+n02646892 lumpsucker
+n02648035 pogge, armed bullhead, Agonus cataphractus
+n02648625 greenling
+n02648916 kelp greenling, Hexagrammos decagrammus
+n02649218 painted greenling, convict fish, convictfish, Oxylebius pictus
+n02649546 flathead
+n02650050 gurnard
+n02650413 tub gurnard, yellow gurnard, Trigla lucerna
+n02650541 sea robin, searobin
+n02651060 northern sea robin, Prionotus carolinus
+n02652132 flying gurnard, flying robin, butterflyfish
+n02652668 plectognath, plectognath fish
+n02653145 triggerfish
+n02653497 queen triggerfish, Bessy cerca, oldwench, oldwife, Balistes vetula
+n02653786 filefish
+n02654112 leatherjacket, leatherfish
+n02654425 boxfish, trunkfish
+n02654745 cowfish, Lactophrys quadricornis
+n02655020 puffer, pufferfish, blowfish, globefish
+n02655523 spiny puffer
+n02655848 porcupinefish, porcupine fish, Diodon hystrix
+n02656032 balloonfish, Diodon holocanthus
+n02656301 burrfish
+n02656670 ocean sunfish, sunfish, mola, headfish
+n02656969 sharptail mola, Mola lanceolata
+n02657368 flatfish
+n02657694 flounder
+n02658079 righteye flounder, righteyed flounder
+n02658531 plaice, Pleuronectes platessa
+n02658811 European flatfish, Platichthys flesus
+n02659176 yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea
+n02659478 winter flounder, blackback flounder, lemon sole, Pseudopleuronectes americanus
+n02659808 lemon sole, Microstomus kitt
+n02660091 American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides
+n02660208 halibut, holibut
+n02660519 Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus
+n02660640 Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepsis
+n02661017 lefteye flounder, lefteyed flounder
+n02661473 southern flounder, Paralichthys lethostigmus
+n02661618 summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus
+n02662239 whiff
+n02662397 horned whiff, Citharichthys cornutus
+n02662559 sand dab
+n02662825 windowpane, Scophthalmus aquosus
+n02662993 brill, Scophthalmus rhombus
+n02663211 turbot, Psetta maxima
+n02663485 tonguefish, tongue-fish
+n02663849 sole
+n02664285 European sole, Solea solea
+n02664642 English sole, lemon sole, Parophrys vitulus
+n02665250 hogchoker, Trinectes maculatus
+n02665985 aba
+n02666196 abacus
+n02666501 abandoned ship, derelict
+n02666624 A battery
+n02666943 abattoir, butchery, shambles, slaughterhouse
+n02667093 abaya
+n02667244 Abbe condenser
+n02667379 abbey
+n02667478 abbey
+n02667576 abbey
+n02667693 Abney level
+n02668393 abrader, abradant
+n02668613 abrading stone
+n02669295 abutment
+n02669442 abutment arch
+n02669534 academic costume
+n02669723 academic gown, academic robe, judge's robe
+n02670186 accelerator, throttle, throttle valve
+n02670382 accelerator, particle accelerator, atom smasher
+n02670683 accelerator, accelerator pedal, gas pedal, gas, throttle, gun
+n02670935 accelerometer
+n02671780 accessory, accoutrement, accouterment
+n02672152 accommodating lens implant, accommodating IOL
+n02672371 accommodation
+n02672831 accordion, piano accordion, squeeze box
+n02675077 acetate disk, phonograph recording disk
+n02675219 acetate rayon, acetate
+n02675522 achromatic lens
+n02676097 acoustic delay line, sonic delay line
+n02676261 acoustic device
+n02676566 acoustic guitar
+n02676670 acoustic modem
+n02676938 acropolis
+n02677028 acrylic
+n02677136 acrylic, acrylic paint
+n02677436 actinometer
+n02677718 action, action mechanism
+n02678010 active matrix screen
+n02678384 actuator
+n02678897 adapter, adaptor
+n02679142 adder
+n02679257 adding machine, totalizer, totaliser
+n02679961 addressing machine, Addressograph
+n02680110 adhesive bandage
+n02680512 adit
+n02680638 adjoining room
+n02680754 adjustable wrench, adjustable spanner
+n02681392 adobe, adobe brick
+n02682311 adz, adze
+n02682407 aeolian harp, aeolian lyre, wind harp
+n02682569 aerator
+n02682811 aerial torpedo
+n02682922 aerosol, aerosol container, aerosol can, aerosol bomb, spray can
+n02683183 Aertex
+n02683323 afghan
+n02683454 Afro-wig
+n02683558 afterburner
+n02683791 after-shave, after-shave lotion
+n02684248 agateware
+n02684356 agglomerator
+n02684515 aglet, aiglet, aiguilette
+n02684649 aglet, aiglet
+n02684962 agora, public square
+n02685082 aigrette, aigret
+n02685253 aileron
+n02685365 air bag
+n02685701 airbrake
+n02685995 airbrush
+n02686121 airbus
+n02686227 air compressor
+n02686379 air conditioner, air conditioning
+n02686568 aircraft
+n02687172 aircraft carrier, carrier, flattop, attack aircraft carrier
+n02687423 aircraft engine
+n02687682 air cushion, air spring
+n02687821 airdock, hangar, repair shed
+n02687992 airfield, landing field, flying field, field
+n02688273 air filter, air cleaner
+n02688443 airfoil, aerofoil, control surface, surface
+n02689144 airframe
+n02689274 air gun, airgun, air rifle
+n02689434 air hammer, jackhammer, pneumatic hammer
+n02689748 air horn
+n02689819 airing cupboard
+n02690373 airliner
+n02690715 airmailer
+n02691156 airplane, aeroplane, plane
+n02692086 airplane propeller, airscrew, prop
+n02692232 airport, airdrome, aerodrome, drome
+n02692513 air pump, vacuum pump
+n02692680 air search radar
+n02692877 airship, dirigible
+n02693246 air terminal, airport terminal
+n02693413 air-to-air missile
+n02693540 air-to-ground missile, air-to-surface missile
+n02694045 aisle
+n02694279 Aladdin's lamp
+n02694426 alarm, warning device, alarm system
+n02694662 alarm clock, alarm
+n02694966 alb
+n02695627 alcazar
+n02695762 alcohol thermometer, alcohol-in-glass thermometer
+n02696165 alehouse
+n02696246 alembic
+n02696569 algometer
+n02696843 alidade, alidad
+n02697022 alidade, alidad
+n02697221 A-line
+n02697576 Allen screw
+n02697675 Allen wrench
+n02697876 alligator wrench
+n02698244 alms dish, alms tray
+n02698473 alpaca
+n02698634 alpenstock
+n02699494 altar
+n02699629 altar, communion table, Lord's table
+n02699770 altarpiece, reredos
+n02699915 altazimuth
+n02700064 alternator
+n02700258 altimeter
+n02700895 Amati
+n02701002 ambulance
+n02701260 amen corner
+n02701730 American organ
+n02702989 ammeter
+n02703124 ammonia clock
+n02703275 ammunition, ammo
+n02704645 amphibian, amphibious aircraft
+n02704792 amphibian, amphibious vehicle
+n02704949 amphitheater, amphitheatre, coliseum
+n02705201 amphitheater, amphitheatre
+n02705429 amphora
+n02705944 amplifier
+n02706221 ampulla
+n02706806 amusement arcade
+n02708093 analog clock
+n02708224 analog computer, analogue computer
+n02708433 analog watch
+n02708555 analytical balance, chemical balance
+n02708711 analyzer, analyser
+n02708885 anamorphosis, anamorphism
+n02709101 anastigmat
+n02709367 anchor, ground tackle
+n02709637 anchor chain, anchor rope
+n02709763 anchor light, riding light, riding lamp
+n02709908 AND circuit, AND gate
+n02710044 andiron, firedog, dog, dog-iron
+n02710201 android, humanoid, mechanical man
+n02710324 anechoic chamber
+n02710429 anemometer, wind gauge, wind gage
+n02710600 aneroid barometer, aneroid
+n02711237 angiocardiogram
+n02711780 angioscope
+n02712545 angle bracket, angle iron
+n02712643 angledozer
+n02713003 ankle brace
+n02713218 anklet, anklets, bobbysock, bobbysocks
+n02713364 anklet
+n02713496 ankus
+n02714315 anode
+n02714535 anode
+n02714751 answering machine
+n02715229 antenna, aerial, transmitting aerial
+n02715513 anteroom, antechamber, entrance hall, hall, foyer, lobby, vestibule
+n02715712 antiaircraft, antiaircraft gun, flak, flack, pom-pom, ack-ack, ack-ack gun
+n02716626 antiballistic missile, ABM
+n02720048 antifouling paint
+n02720576 anti-G suit, G suit
+n02721813 antimacassar
+n02723165 antiperspirant
+n02724722 anti-submarine rocket
+n02725872 anvil
+n02726017 ao dai
+n02726210 apadana
+n02726305 apartment, flat
+n02726681 apartment building, apartment house
+n02727016 aperture
+n02727141 aperture
+n02727426 apiary, bee house
+n02727825 apparatus, setup
+n02728440 apparel, wearing apparel, dress, clothes
+n02729222 applecart
+n02729837 appliance
+n02729965 appliance, contraption, contrivance, convenience, gadget, gizmo, gismo, widget
+n02730265 applicator, applier
+n02730568 appointment, fitting
+n02730930 apron
+n02731251 apron string
+n02731398 apse, apsis
+n02731629 aqualung, Aqua-Lung, scuba
+n02731900 aquaplane
+n02732072 aquarium, fish tank, marine museum
+n02732572 arabesque
+n02732827 arbor, arbour, bower, pergola
+n02733213 arcade, colonnade
+n02733524 arch
+n02734725 architecture
+n02734835 architrave
+n02735268 arch support
+n02735361 arc lamp, arc light
+n02735538 arctic, galosh, golosh, rubber, gumshoe
+n02735688 area
+n02736396 areaway
+n02736798 argyle, argyll
+n02737351 ark
+n02737660 arm
+n02738031 armament
+n02738271 armature
+n02738449 armband
+n02738535 armchair
+n02738741 armet
+n02738859 arm guard, arm pad
+n02738978 armhole
+n02739123 armilla
+n02739427 armlet, arm band
+n02739550 armoire
+n02739668 armor, armour
+n02739889 armored car, armoured car
+n02740061 armored car, armoured car
+n02740300 armored personnel carrier, armoured personnel carrier, APC
+n02740533 armored vehicle, armoured vehicle
+n02740764 armor plate, armour plate, armor plating, plate armor, plate armour
+n02741367 armory, armoury, arsenal
+n02741475 armrest
+n02742070 arquebus, harquebus, hackbut, hagbut
+n02742194 array
+n02742322 array, raiment, regalia
+n02742468 arrester, arrester hook
+n02742753 arrow
+n02743426 arsenal, armory, armoury
+n02744323 arterial road
+n02744844 arthrogram
+n02744961 arthroscope
+n02745492 artificial heart
+n02745611 artificial horizon, gyro horizon, flight indicator
+n02745816 artificial joint
+n02746008 artificial kidney, hemodialyzer
+n02746225 artificial skin
+n02746365 artillery, heavy weapon, gun, ordnance
+n02746595 artillery shell
+n02746683 artist's loft
+n02746978 art school
+n02747063 ascot
+n02747177 ashcan, trash can, garbage can, wastebin, ash bin, ash-bin, ashbin, dustbin, trash barrel, trash bin
+n02747672 ash-pan
+n02747802 ashtray
+n02748183 aspergill, aspersorium
+n02748359 aspersorium
+n02748491 aspirator
+n02749169 aspirin powder, headache powder
+n02749292 assault gun
+n02749479 assault rifle, assault gun
+n02749670 assegai, assagai
+n02749790 assembly
+n02749953 assembly
+n02750070 assembly hall
+n02750169 assembly plant
+n02750320 astatic coils
+n02750652 astatic galvanometer
+n02751067 astrodome
+n02751215 astrolabe
+n02751295 astronomical telescope
+n02751490 astronomy satellite
+n02752199 athenaeum, atheneum
+n02752496 athletic sock, sweat sock, varsity sock
+n02752615 athletic supporter, supporter, suspensor, jockstrap, jock
+n02752810 atlas, telamon
+n02752917 atmometer, evaporometer
+n02753044 atom bomb, atomic bomb, A-bomb, fission bomb, plutonium bomb
+n02753394 atomic clock
+n02753710 atomic pile, atomic reactor, pile, chain reactor
+n02754103 atomizer, atomiser, spray, sprayer, nebulizer, nebuliser
+n02754656 atrium
+n02755140 attache case, attache
+n02755352 attachment, bond
+n02755529 attack submarine
+n02755675 attenuator
+n02755823 attic
+n02755984 attic fan
+n02756098 attire, garb, dress
+n02756854 audio amplifier
+n02756977 audiocassette
+n02757061 audio CD, audio compact disc
+n02757337 audiometer, sonometer
+n02757462 audio system, sound system
+n02757714 audiotape
+n02757810 audiotape
+n02757927 audiovisual, audiovisual aid
+n02758134 auditorium
+n02758490 auger, gimlet, screw auger, wimble
+n02758863 autobahn
+n02758960 autoclave, sterilizer, steriliser
+n02759257 autofocus
+n02759387 autogiro, autogyro, gyroplane
+n02759700 autoinjector
+n02759963 autoloader, self-loader
+n02760099 automat
+n02760199 automat
+n02760298 automatic choke
+n02760429 automatic firearm, automatic gun, automatic weapon
+n02760658 automatic pistol, automatic
+n02760855 automatic rifle, automatic, machine rifle
+n02761034 automatic transmission, automatic drive
+n02761206 automation
+n02761392 automaton, robot, golem
+n02761557 automobile engine
+n02761696 automobile factory, auto factory, car factory
+n02761834 automobile horn, car horn, motor horn, horn, hooter
+n02762169 autopilot, automatic pilot, robot pilot
+n02762371 autoradiograph
+n02762508 autostrada
+n02762725 auxiliary boiler, donkey boiler
+n02762909 auxiliary engine, donkey engine
+n02763083 auxiliary pump, donkey pump
+n02763198 auxiliary research submarine
+n02763306 auxiliary storage, external storage, secondary storage
+n02763604 aviary, bird sanctuary, volary
+n02763714 awl
+n02763901 awning, sunshade, sunblind
+n02764044 ax, axe
+n02764398 ax handle, axe handle
+n02764505 ax head, axe head
+n02764614 axis, axis of rotation
+n02764779 axle
+n02764935 axle bar
+n02765028 axletree
+n02766168 babushka
+n02766320 baby bed, baby's bed
+n02766534 baby buggy, baby carriage, carriage, perambulator, pram, stroller, go-cart, pushchair, pusher
+n02766792 baby grand, baby grand piano, parlor grand, parlor grand piano, parlour grand, parlour grand piano
+n02767038 baby powder
+n02767147 baby shoe
+n02767433 back, backrest
+n02767665 back
+n02767956 backbench
+n02768114 backboard
+n02768226 backboard, basketball backboard
+n02768433 backbone
+n02768655 back brace
+n02768973 backgammon board
+n02769075 background, desktop, screen background
+n02769290 backhoe
+n02769669 backlighting
+n02769748 backpack, back pack, knapsack, packsack, rucksack, haversack
+n02769963 backpacking tent, pack tent
+n02770078 backplate
+n02770211 back porch
+n02770585 backsaw, back saw
+n02770721 backscratcher
+n02770830 backseat
+n02771004 backspace key, backspace, backspacer
+n02771166 backstairs
+n02771286 backstay
+n02771547 backstop
+n02771750 backsword
+n02772101 backup system
+n02772435 badminton court
+n02772554 badminton equipment
+n02772700 badminton racket, badminton racquet, battledore
+n02773037 bag
+n02773838 bag, traveling bag, travelling bag, grip, suitcase
+n02774152 bag, handbag, pocketbook, purse
+n02774630 baggage, luggage
+n02774921 baggage
+n02775039 baggage car, luggage van
+n02775178 baggage claim
+n02775483 bagpipe
+n02775689 bailey
+n02775813 bailey
+n02775897 Bailey bridge
+n02776007 bain-marie
+n02776205 bait, decoy, lure
+n02776505 baize
+n02776631 bakery, bakeshop, bakehouse
+n02776825 balaclava, balaclava helmet
+n02776978 balalaika
+n02777100 balance
+n02777292 balance beam, beam
+n02777402 balance wheel, balance
+n02777638 balbriggan
+n02777734 balcony
+n02777927 balcony
+n02778131 baldachin
+n02778294 baldric, baldrick
+n02778456 bale
+n02778588 baling wire
+n02778669 ball
+n02779435 ball
+n02779609 ball and chain
+n02779719 ball-and-socket joint
+n02779971 ballast, light ballast
+n02780315 ball bearing, needle bearing, roller bearing
+n02780445 ball cartridge
+n02780588 ballcock, ball cock
+n02780704 balldress
+n02780815 ballet skirt, tutu
+n02781121 ball gown
+n02781213 ballistic galvanometer
+n02781338 ballistic missile
+n02781517 ballistic pendulum
+n02781764 ballistocardiograph, cardiograph
+n02782093 balloon
+n02782432 balloon bomb, Fugo
+n02782602 balloon sail
+n02782681 ballot box
+n02782778 ballpark, park
+n02783035 ball-peen hammer
+n02783161 ballpoint, ballpoint pen, ballpen, Biro
+n02783324 ballroom, dance hall, dance palace
+n02783459 ball valve
+n02783900 balsa raft, Kon Tiki
+n02783994 baluster
+n02784124 banana boat
+n02784998 band
+n02785648 bandage, patch
+n02786058 Band Aid
+n02786198 bandanna, bandana
+n02786331 bandbox
+n02786463 banderilla
+n02786611 bandoleer, bandolier
+n02786736 bandoneon
+n02786837 bandsaw, band saw
+n02787120 bandwagon
+n02787269 bangalore torpedo
+n02787435 bangle, bauble, gaud, gewgaw, novelty, fallal, trinket
+n02787622 banjo
+n02788021 banner, streamer
+n02788148 bannister, banister, balustrade, balusters, handrail
+n02788386 banquette
+n02788462 banyan, banian
+n02788572 baptismal font, baptistry, baptistery, font
+n02788689 bar
+n02789487 bar
+n02790669 barbecue, barbeque
+n02790823 barbed wire, barbwire
+n02790996 barbell
+n02791124 barber chair
+n02791270 barbershop
+n02791532 barbette carriage
+n02791665 barbican, barbacan
+n02791795 bar bit
+n02792409 bareboat
+n02792552 barge, flatboat, hoy, lighter
+n02792948 barge pole
+n02793089 baritone, baritone horn
+n02793199 bark, barque
+n02793296 bar magnet
+n02793414 bar mask
+n02793495 barn
+n02793684 barndoor
+n02793842 barn door
+n02793930 barnyard
+n02794008 barograph
+n02794156 barometer
+n02794368 barong
+n02794474 barouche
+n02794664 bar printer
+n02794779 barrack
+n02794972 barrage balloon
+n02795169 barrel, cask
+n02795528 barrel, gun barrel
+n02795670 barrelhouse, honky-tonk
+n02795783 barrel knot, blood knot
+n02795978 barrel organ, grind organ, hand organ, hurdy gurdy, hurdy-gurdy, street organ
+n02796207 barrel vault
+n02796318 barrette
+n02796412 barricade
+n02796623 barrier
+n02796995 barroom, bar, saloon, ginmill, taproom
+n02797295 barrow, garden cart, lawn cart, wheelbarrow
+n02797535 bascule
+n02797692 base, pedestal, stand
+n02797881 base, bag
+n02799071 baseball
+n02799175 baseball bat, lumber
+n02799323 baseball cap, jockey cap, golf cap
+n02799897 baseball equipment
+n02800213 baseball glove, glove, baseball mitt, mitt
+n02800497 basement, cellar
+n02800675 basement
+n02800940 basic point defense missile system
+n02801047 basilica, Roman basilica
+n02801184 basilica
+n02801450 basilisk
+n02801525 basin
+n02801823 basinet
+n02801938 basket, handbasket
+n02802215 basket, basketball hoop, hoop
+n02802426 basketball
+n02802544 basketball court
+n02802721 basketball equipment
+n02802990 basket weave
+n02803349 bass
+n02803539 bass clarinet
+n02803666 bass drum, gran casa
+n02803809 basset horn
+n02803934 bass fiddle, bass viol, bull fiddle, double bass, contrabass, string bass
+n02804123 bass guitar
+n02804252 bass horn, sousaphone, tuba
+n02804414 bassinet
+n02804515 bassinet
+n02804610 bassoon
+n02805283 baster
+n02805845 bastinado
+n02805983 bastion
+n02806088 bastion, citadel
+n02806379 bat
+n02806530 bath
+n02806762 bath chair
+n02806875 bathhouse, bagnio
+n02806992 bathhouse, bathing machine
+n02807133 bathing cap, swimming cap
+n02807523 bath oil
+n02807616 bathrobe
+n02807731 bathroom, bath
+n02808185 bath salts
+n02808304 bath towel
+n02808440 bathtub, bathing tub, bath, tub
+n02808829 bathyscaphe, bathyscaph, bathyscape
+n02808968 bathysphere
+n02809105 batik
+n02809241 batiste
+n02809364 baton, wand
+n02809491 baton
+n02809605 baton
+n02809736 baton
+n02810139 battering ram
+n02810270 batter's box
+n02810471 battery, electric battery
+n02810782 battery, stamp battery
+n02811059 batting cage, cage
+n02811204 batting glove
+n02811350 batting helmet
+n02811468 battle-ax, battle-axe
+n02811618 battle cruiser
+n02811719 battle dress
+n02811936 battlement, crenelation, crenellation
+n02812201 battleship, battlewagon
+n02812342 battle sight, battlesight
+n02812631 bay
+n02812785 bay
+n02812949 bayonet
+n02813252 bay rum
+n02813399 bay window, bow window
+n02813544 bazaar, bazar
+n02813645 bazaar, bazar
+n02813752 bazooka
+n02813981 B battery
+n02814116 BB gun
+n02814338 beach house
+n02814428 beach towel
+n02814533 beach wagon, station wagon, wagon, estate car, beach waggon, station waggon, waggon
+n02814774 beachwear
+n02814860 beacon, lighthouse, beacon light, pharos
+n02815478 beading plane
+n02815749 beaker
+n02815834 beaker
+n02815950 beam
+n02816494 beam balance
+n02816656 beanbag
+n02816768 beanie, beany
+n02817031 bearing
+n02817251 bearing rein, checkrein
+n02817386 bearing wall
+n02817516 bearskin, busby, shako
+n02817650 beater
+n02817799 beating-reed instrument, reed instrument, reed
+n02818135 beaver, castor
+n02818254 beaver
+n02818687 Beckman thermometer
+n02818832 bed
+n02819697 bed
+n02820085 bed and breakfast, bed-and-breakfast
+n02820210 bedclothes, bed clothing, bedding
+n02820556 Bedford cord
+n02820675 bed jacket
+n02821202 bedpan
+n02821415 bedpost
+n02821543 bedroll
+n02821627 bedroom, sleeping room, sleeping accommodation, chamber, bedchamber
+n02821943 bedroom furniture
+n02822064 bedsitting room, bedsitter, bedsit
+n02822220 bedspread, bedcover, bed cover, bed covering, counterpane, spread
+n02822399 bedspring
+n02822579 bedstead, bedframe
+n02822762 beefcake
+n02822865 beehive, hive
+n02823124 beeper, pager
+n02823335 beer barrel, beer keg
+n02823428 beer bottle
+n02823510 beer can
+n02823586 beer garden
+n02823750 beer glass
+n02823848 beer hall
+n02823964 beer mat
+n02824058 beer mug, stein
+n02824152 belaying pin
+n02824319 belfry
+n02824448 bell
+n02825153 bell arch
+n02825240 bellarmine, longbeard, long-beard, greybeard
+n02825442 bellbottom trousers, bell-bottoms, bellbottom pants
+n02825657 bell cote, bell cot
+n02825872 bell foundry
+n02825961 bell gable
+n02826068 bell jar, bell glass
+n02826259 bellows
+n02826459 bellpull
+n02826589 bell push
+n02826683 bell seat, balloon seat
+n02826812 bell tent
+n02826886 bell tower
+n02827148 bellyband
+n02827606 belt
+n02828115 belt, belt ammunition, belted ammunition
+n02828299 belt buckle
+n02828427 belting
+n02828884 bench
+n02829246 bench clamp
+n02829353 bench hook
+n02829510 bench lathe
+n02829596 bench press
+n02830157 bender
+n02831237 beret
+n02831335 berlin
+n02831595 Bermuda shorts, Jamaica shorts
+n02831724 berth, bunk, built in bed
+n02831894 besom
+n02831998 Bessemer converter
+n02833040 bethel
+n02833140 betting shop
+n02833275 bevatron
+n02833403 bevel, bevel square
+n02833793 bevel gear, pinion and crown wheel, pinion and ring gear
+n02834027 B-flat clarinet, licorice stick
+n02834397 bib
+n02834506 bib-and-tucker
+n02834642 bicorn, bicorne
+n02834778 bicycle, bike, wheel, cycle
+n02835271 bicycle-built-for-two, tandem bicycle, tandem
+n02835412 bicycle chain
+n02835551 bicycle clip, trouser clip
+n02835724 bicycle pump
+n02835829 bicycle rack
+n02835915 bicycle seat, saddle
+n02836035 bicycle wheel
+n02836174 bidet
+n02836268 bier
+n02836392 bier
+n02836513 bi-fold door
+n02836607 bifocals
+n02836900 Big Blue, BLU-82
+n02837134 big board
+n02837567 bight
+n02837789 bikini, two-piece
+n02837887 bikini pants
+n02838014 bilge
+n02838178 bilge keel
+n02838345 bilge pump
+n02838577 bilge well
+n02838728 bill, peak, eyeshade, visor, vizor
+n02838958 bill, billhook
+n02839110 billboard, hoarding
+n02839351 billiard ball
+n02839592 billiard room, billiard saloon, billiard parlor, billiard parlour, billiard hall
+n02839910 bin
+n02840134 binder, ligature
+n02840245 binder, ring-binder
+n02840515 bindery
+n02840619 binding, book binding, cover, back
+n02841063 bin liner
+n02841187 binnacle
+n02841315 binoculars, field glasses, opera glasses
+n02841506 binocular microscope
+n02841641 biochip
+n02841847 biohazard suit
+n02842133 bioscope
+n02842573 biplane
+n02842809 birch, birch rod
+n02843029 birchbark canoe, birchbark, birch bark
+n02843158 birdbath
+n02843276 birdcage
+n02843465 birdcall
+n02843553 bird feeder, birdfeeder, feeder
+n02843684 birdhouse
+n02843777 bird shot, buckshot, duck shot
+n02843909 biretta, berretta, birretta
+n02844056 bishop
+n02844214 bistro
+n02844307 bit
+n02844714 bit
+n02845130 bite plate, biteplate
+n02845293 bitewing
+n02845985 bitumastic
+n02846141 black
+n02846260 black
+n02846511 blackboard, chalkboard
+n02846619 blackboard eraser
+n02846733 black box
+n02846874 blackface
+n02847461 blackjack, cosh, sap
+n02847631 black tie
+n02847852 blackwash
+n02848118 bladder
+n02848216 blade
+n02848523 blade, vane
+n02848806 blade
+n02848921 blank, dummy, blank shell
+n02849154 blanket, cover
+n02849885 blast furnace
+n02850060 blasting cap
+n02850358 blazer, sport jacket, sport coat, sports jacket, sports coat
+n02850732 blender, liquidizer, liquidiser
+n02850950 blimp, sausage balloon, sausage
+n02851099 blind, screen
+n02851795 blind curve, blind bend
+n02851939 blindfold
+n02852043 bling, bling bling
+n02852173 blinker, flasher
+n02852360 blister pack, bubble pack
+n02853016 block
+n02853218 blockade
+n02853336 blockade-runner
+n02853745 block and tackle
+n02853870 blockbuster
+n02854378 blockhouse
+n02854532 block plane
+n02854630 bloodmobile
+n02854739 bloomers, pants, drawers, knickers
+n02854926 blouse
+n02855089 blower
+n02855390 blowtorch, torch, blowlamp
+n02855701 blucher
+n02855793 bludgeon
+n02855925 blue
+n02856013 blue chip
+n02856237 blunderbuss
+n02856362 blunt file
+n02857365 boarding
+n02857477 boarding house, boardinghouse
+n02857644 boardroom, council chamber
+n02857907 boards
+n02858304 boat
+n02859184 boater, leghorn, Panama, Panama hat, sailor, skimmer, straw hat
+n02859343 boat hook
+n02859443 boathouse
+n02859557 boatswain's chair, bosun's chair
+n02859729 boat train
+n02859955 boatyard
+n02860415 bobbin, spool, reel
+n02860640 bobby pin, hairgrip, grip
+n02860847 bobsled, bobsleigh, bob
+n02861022 bobsled, bobsleigh
+n02861147 bocce ball, bocci ball, boccie ball
+n02861286 bodega
+n02861387 bodice
+n02861509 bodkin, threader
+n02861658 bodkin
+n02861777 bodkin
+n02861886 body
+n02862048 body armor, body armour, suit of armor, suit of armour, coat of mail, cataphract
+n02862916 body lotion
+n02863014 body stocking
+n02863176 body plethysmograph
+n02863340 body pad
+n02863426 bodywork
+n02863536 Bofors gun
+n02863638 bogy, bogie, bogey
+n02863750 boiler, steam boiler
+n02864122 boiling water reactor, BWR
+n02864504 bolero
+n02864593 bollard, bitt
+n02864987 bolo, bolo knife
+n02865351 bolo tie, bolo, bola tie, bola
+n02865665 bolt
+n02865931 bolt, deadbolt
+n02866106 bolt
+n02866386 bolt cutter
+n02866578 bomb
+n02867401 bombazine
+n02867592 bomb calorimeter, bomb
+n02867715 bomber
+n02867966 bomber jacket
+n02868240 bomblet, cluster bomblet
+n02868429 bomb rack
+n02868546 bombshell
+n02868638 bomb shelter, air-raid shelter, bombproof
+n02868975 bone-ash cup, cupel, refractory pot
+n02869155 bone china
+n02869249 bones, castanets, clappers, finger cymbals
+n02869563 boneshaker
+n02869737 bongo, bongo drum
+n02869837 bonnet, poke bonnet
+n02870526 book
+n02870676 book bag
+n02870772 bookbindery
+n02870880 bookcase
+n02871005 bookend
+n02871147 bookmark, bookmarker
+n02871314 bookmobile
+n02871439 bookshelf
+n02871525 bookshop, bookstore, bookstall
+n02871631 boom
+n02871824 boom, microphone boom
+n02871963 boomerang, throwing stick, throw stick
+n02872333 booster, booster rocket, booster unit, takeoff booster, takeoff rocket
+n02872529 booster, booster amplifier, booster station, relay link, relay station, relay transmitter
+n02872752 boot
+n02873520 boot
+n02873623 boot camp
+n02873733 bootee, bootie
+n02873839 booth, cubicle, stall, kiosk
+n02874086 booth
+n02874214 booth
+n02874336 boothose
+n02874442 bootjack
+n02874537 bootlace
+n02874642 bootleg
+n02874750 bootstrap
+n02875436 bore bit, borer, rock drill, stone drill
+n02875626 boron chamber
+n02875948 borstal
+n02876084 bosom
+n02876326 Boston rocker
+n02876457 bota
+n02876657 bottle
+n02877266 bottle, feeding bottle, nursing bottle
+n02877513 bottle bank
+n02877642 bottlebrush
+n02877765 bottlecap
+n02877962 bottle opener
+n02878107 bottling plant
+n02878222 bottom, freighter, merchantman, merchant ship
+n02878425 boucle
+n02878534 boudoir
+n02878628 boulle, boule, buhl
+n02878796 bouncing betty
+n02879087 bouquet, corsage, posy, nosegay
+n02879309 boutique, dress shop
+n02879422 boutonniere
+n02879517 bow
+n02879718 bow
+n02880189 bow, bowknot
+n02880393 bow and arrow
+n02880546 bowed stringed instrument, string
+n02880842 Bowie knife
+n02880940 bowl
+n02881193 bowl
+n02881546 bowl
+n02881757 bowler hat, bowler, derby hat, derby, plug hat
+n02881906 bowline, bowline knot
+n02882190 bowling alley
+n02882301 bowling ball, bowl
+n02882483 bowling equipment
+n02882647 bowling pin, pin
+n02882894 bowling shoe
+n02883004 bowsprit
+n02883101 bowstring
+n02883205 bow tie, bow-tie, bowtie
+n02883344 box
+n02884225 box, loge
+n02884450 box, box seat
+n02884859 box beam, box girder
+n02884994 box camera, box Kodak
+n02885108 boxcar
+n02885233 box coat
+n02885338 boxing equipment
+n02885462 boxing glove, glove
+n02885882 box office, ticket office, ticket booth
+n02886321 box spring
+n02886434 box wrench, box end wrench
+n02886599 brace, bracing
+n02887079 brace, braces, orthodontic braces
+n02887209 brace
+n02887489 brace, suspender, gallus
+n02887832 brace and bit
+n02887970 bracelet, bangle
+n02888270 bracer, armguard
+n02888429 brace wrench
+n02888569 bracket, wall bracket
+n02888898 bradawl, pricker
+n02889425 brake
+n02889646 brake
+n02889856 brake band
+n02889996 brake cylinder, hydraulic brake cylinder, master cylinder
+n02890188 brake disk
+n02890351 brake drum, drum
+n02890513 brake lining
+n02890662 brake pad
+n02890804 brake pedal
+n02890940 brake shoe, shoe, skid
+n02891188 brake system, brakes
+n02891788 brass, brass instrument
+n02892201 brass, memorial tablet, plaque
+n02892304 brass
+n02892392 brassard
+n02892499 brasserie
+n02892626 brassie
+n02892767 brassiere, bra, bandeau
+n02892948 brass knucks, knucks, brass knuckles, knuckles, knuckle duster
+n02893269 brattice
+n02893418 brazier, brasier
+n02893608 breadbasket
+n02893692 bread-bin, breadbox
+n02893941 bread knife
+n02894024 breakable
+n02894158 breakfast area, breakfast nook
+n02894337 breakfast table
+n02894605 breakwater, groin, groyne, mole, bulwark, seawall, jetty
+n02894847 breast drill
+n02895008 breast implant
+n02895154 breastplate, aegis, egis
+n02895328 breast pocket
+n02895438 breathalyzer, breathalyser
+n02896074 breechblock, breech closer
+n02896294 breechcloth, breechclout, loincloth
+n02896442 breeches, knee breeches, knee pants, knickerbockers, knickers
+n02896694 breeches buoy
+n02896856 breechloader
+n02896949 breeder reactor
+n02897097 Bren, Bren gun
+n02897389 brewpub
+n02897820 brick
+n02898093 brickkiln
+n02898173 bricklayer's hammer
+n02898269 brick trowel, mason's trowel
+n02898369 brickwork
+n02898585 bridal gown, wedding gown, wedding dress
+n02898711 bridge, span
+n02899439 bridge, nosepiece
+n02900160 bridle
+n02900459 bridle path, bridle road
+n02900594 bridoon
+n02900705 briefcase
+n02900857 briefcase bomb
+n02900987 briefcase computer
+n02901114 briefs, Jockey shorts
+n02901259 brig
+n02901377 brig
+n02901481 brigandine
+n02901620 brigantine, hermaphrodite brig
+n02901793 brilliantine
+n02901901 brilliant pebble
+n02902079 brim
+n02902687 bristle brush
+n02902816 britches
+n02902916 broad arrow
+n02903006 broadax, broadaxe
+n02903126 brochette
+n02903204 broadcaster, spreader
+n02903727 broadcloth
+n02903852 broadcloth
+n02904109 broad hatchet
+n02904233 broadloom
+n02904505 broadside
+n02904640 broadsword
+n02904803 brocade
+n02904927 brogan, brogue, clodhopper, work shoe
+n02905036 broiler
+n02905152 broken arch
+n02905886 bronchoscope
+n02906734 broom
+n02906963 broom closet
+n02907082 broomstick, broom handle
+n02907296 brougham
+n02907391 Browning automatic rifle, BAR
+n02907656 Browning machine gun, Peacemaker
+n02907873 brownstone
+n02908123 brunch coat
+n02908217 brush
+n02908773 Brussels carpet
+n02908951 Brussels lace
+n02909053 bubble
+n02909165 bubble chamber
+n02909285 bubble jet printer, bubble-jet printer, bubblejet
+n02909706 buckboard
+n02909870 bucket, pail
+n02910145 bucket seat
+n02910241 bucket shop
+n02910353 buckle
+n02910542 buckram
+n02910701 bucksaw
+n02910864 buckskins
+n02910964 buff, buffer
+n02911332 buffer, polisher
+n02911485 buffer, buffer storage, buffer store
+n02912065 buffet, counter, sideboard
+n02912319 buffing wheel
+n02912557 buggy, roadster
+n02912894 bugle
+n02913152 building, edifice
+n02914991 building complex, complex
+n02915904 bulldog clip, alligator clip
+n02916065 bulldog wrench
+n02916179 bulldozer, dozer
+n02916350 bullet, slug
+n02916936 bulletproof vest
+n02917067 bullet train, bullet
+n02917377 bullhorn, loud hailer, loud-hailer
+n02917521 bullion
+n02917607 bullnose, bullnosed plane
+n02917742 bullpen, detention cell, detention centre
+n02917964 bullpen
+n02918112 bullring
+n02918330 bulwark
+n02918455 bumboat
+n02918595 bumper
+n02918831 bumper
+n02918964 bumper car, Dodgem
+n02919148 bumper guard
+n02919308 bumper jack
+n02919414 bundle, sheaf
+n02919648 bung, spile
+n02919792 bungalow, cottage
+n02919890 bungee, bungee cord
+n02919976 bunghole
+n02920083 bunk
+n02920164 bunk, feed bunk
+n02920259 bunk bed, bunk
+n02920369 bunker, sand trap, trap
+n02920503 bunker, dugout
+n02920658 bunker
+n02921029 bunsen burner, bunsen, etna
+n02921195 bunting
+n02921292 bur, burr
+n02921406 Burberry
+n02921592 burette, buret
+n02921756 burglar alarm
+n02921884 burial chamber, sepulcher, sepulchre, sepulture
+n02922159 burial garment
+n02922292 burial mound, grave mound, barrow, tumulus
+n02922461 burin
+n02922578 burqa, burka
+n02922798 burlap, gunny
+n02922877 burn bag
+n02923129 burner
+n02923535 burnous, burnoose, burnouse
+n02923682 burp gun, machine pistol
+n02923915 burr
+n02924116 bus, autobus, coach, charabanc, double-decker, jitney, motorbus, motorcoach, omnibus, passenger vehicle
+n02925009 bushel basket
+n02925107 bushing, cylindrical lining
+n02925385 bush jacket
+n02925519 business suit
+n02925666 buskin, combat boot, desert boot, half boot, top boot
+n02926426 bustier
+n02926591 bustle
+n02927053 butcher knife
+n02927161 butcher shop, meat market
+n02927764 butter dish
+n02927887 butterfly valve
+n02928049 butter knife
+n02928299 butt hinge
+n02928413 butt joint, butt
+n02928608 button
+n02929184 buttonhook
+n02929289 buttress, buttressing
+n02929462 butt shaft
+n02929582 butt weld, butt-weld
+n02929923 buzz bomb, robot bomb, flying bomb, doodlebug, V-1
+n02930080 buzzer
+n02930214 BVD, BVD's
+n02930339 bypass condenser, bypass capacitor
+n02930645 byway, bypath, byroad
+n02930766 cab, hack, taxi, taxicab
+n02931013 cab, cabriolet
+n02931148 cab
+n02931294 cabana
+n02931417 cabaret, nightclub, night club, club, nightspot
+n02931836 caber
+n02932019 cabin
+n02932400 cabin
+n02932523 cabin car, caboose
+n02932693 cabin class, second class, economy class
+n02932891 cabin cruiser, cruiser, pleasure boat, pleasure craft
+n02933112 cabinet
+n02933340 cabinet, console
+n02933462 cabinet, locker, storage locker
+n02933649 cabinetwork
+n02933750 cabin liner
+n02933990 cable, cable television, cable system, cable television service
+n02934168 cable, line, transmission line
+n02934451 cable car, car
+n02935017 cache, memory cache
+n02935387 caddy, tea caddy
+n02935490 caesium clock
+n02935658 cafe, coffeehouse, coffee shop, coffee bar
+n02935891 cafeteria
+n02936176 cafeteria tray
+n02936281 caff
+n02936402 caftan, kaftan
+n02936570 caftan, kaftan
+n02936714 cage, coop
+n02936921 cage
+n02937010 cagoule
+n02937336 caisson
+n02937958 calash, caleche, calash top
+n02938218 calceus
+n02938321 calcimine
+n02938886 calculator, calculating machine
+n02939185 caldron, cauldron
+n02939763 calico
+n02939866 caliper, calliper
+n02940289 call-board
+n02940385 call center, call centre
+n02940570 caller ID
+n02940706 calliope, steam organ
+n02941095 calorimeter
+n02941228 calpac, calpack, kalpac
+n02941845 camail, aventail, ventail
+n02942015 camber arch
+n02942147 cambric
+n02942349 camcorder
+n02942460 camel's hair, camelhair
+n02942699 camera, photographic camera
+n02943241 camera lens, optical lens
+n02943465 camera lucida
+n02943686 camera obscura
+n02943871 camera tripod
+n02943964 camise
+n02944075 camisole
+n02944146 camisole, underbodice
+n02944256 camlet
+n02944459 camouflage
+n02944579 camouflage, camo
+n02944826 camp, encampment, cantonment, bivouac
+n02945161 camp
+n02945813 camp, refugee camp
+n02945964 campaign hat
+n02946127 campanile, belfry
+n02946270 camp chair
+n02946348 camper, camping bus, motor home
+n02946509 camper trailer
+n02946753 campstool
+n02946824 camshaft
+n02946921 can, tin, tin can
+n02947212 canal
+n02947660 canal boat, narrow boat, narrowboat
+n02947818 candelabrum, candelabra
+n02947977 candid camera
+n02948072 candle, taper, wax light
+n02948293 candlepin
+n02948403 candlesnuffer
+n02948557 candlestick, candle holder
+n02948834 candlewick
+n02948942 candy thermometer
+n02949084 cane
+n02949202 cane
+n02949356 cangue
+n02949542 canister, cannister, tin
+n02950018 cannery
+n02950120 cannikin
+n02950186 cannikin
+n02950256 cannon
+n02950482 cannon
+n02950632 cannon
+n02950826 cannon
+n02950943 cannonball, cannon ball, round shot
+n02951358 canoe
+n02951585 can opener, tin opener
+n02951703 canopic jar, canopic vase
+n02951843 canopy
+n02952109 canopy
+n02952237 canopy
+n02952374 canteen
+n02952485 canteen
+n02952585 canteen
+n02952674 canteen, mobile canteen
+n02952798 canteen
+n02952935 cant hook
+n02953056 cantilever
+n02953197 cantilever bridge
+n02953455 cantle
+n02953552 Canton crepe
+n02953673 canvas, canvass
+n02953850 canvas, canvass
+n02954163 canvas tent, canvas, canvass
+n02954340 cap
+n02954938 cap
+n02955065 cap
+n02955247 capacitor, capacitance, condenser, electrical condenser
+n02955540 caparison, trapping, housing
+n02955767 cape, mantle
+n02956393 capital ship
+n02956699 capitol
+n02956795 cap opener
+n02956883 capote, hooded cloak
+n02957008 capote, hooded coat
+n02957135 cap screw
+n02957252 capstan
+n02957427 capstone, copestone, coping stone, stretcher
+n02957755 capsule
+n02957862 captain's chair
+n02958343 car, auto, automobile, machine, motorcar
+n02959942 car, railcar, railway car, railroad car
+n02960352 car, elevator car
+n02960690 carabiner, karabiner, snap ring
+n02960903 carafe, decanter
+n02961035 caravansary, caravanserai, khan, caravan inn
+n02961225 car battery, automobile battery
+n02961451 carbine
+n02961544 car bomb
+n02961947 carbon arc lamp, carbon arc
+n02962061 carboy
+n02962200 carburetor, carburettor
+n02962414 car carrier
+n02962843 cardcase
+n02962938 cardiac monitor, heart monitor
+n02963159 cardigan
+n02963302 card index, card catalog, card catalogue
+n02963503 cardiograph, electrocardiograph
+n02963692 cardioid microphone
+n02963821 car door
+n02963987 cardroom
+n02964075 card table
+n02964196 card table
+n02964295 car-ferry
+n02964634 cargo area, cargo deck, cargo hold, hold, storage area
+n02964843 cargo container
+n02964934 cargo door
+n02965024 cargo hatch
+n02965122 cargo helicopter
+n02965216 cargo liner
+n02965300 cargo ship, cargo vessel
+n02965529 carillon
+n02965783 car mirror
+n02966068 caroche
+n02966193 carousel, carrousel, merry-go-round, roundabout, whirligig
+n02966545 carpenter's hammer, claw hammer, clawhammer
+n02966687 carpenter's kit, tool kit
+n02966786 carpenter's level
+n02966942 carpenter's mallet
+n02967081 carpenter's rule
+n02967170 carpenter's square
+n02967294 carpetbag
+n02967407 carpet beater, rug beater
+n02967540 carpet loom
+n02967626 carpet pad, rug pad, underlay, underlayment
+n02967782 carpet sweeper, sweeper
+n02967991 carpet tack
+n02968074 carport, car port
+n02968210 carrack, carack
+n02968333 carrel, carrell, cubicle, stall
+n02968473 carriage, equipage, rig
+n02969010 carriage
+n02969163 carriage bolt
+n02969323 carriageway
+n02969527 carriage wrench
+n02969634 carrick bend
+n02969886 carrier
+n02970408 carryall, holdall, tote, tote bag
+n02970534 carrycot
+n02970685 car seat
+n02970849 cart
+n02971167 car tire, automobile tire, auto tire, rubber tire
+n02971356 carton
+n02971473 cartouche, cartouch
+n02971579 car train
+n02971691 cartridge
+n02971940 cartridge, pickup
+n02972397 cartridge belt
+n02972714 cartridge extractor, cartridge remover, extractor
+n02972934 cartridge fuse
+n02973017 cartridge holder, cartridge clip, clip, magazine
+n02973236 cartwheel
+n02973805 carving fork
+n02973904 carving knife
+n02974003 car wheel
+n02974348 caryatid
+n02974454 cascade liquefier
+n02974565 cascade transformer
+n02974697 case
+n02975212 case, display case, showcase, vitrine
+n02975589 case, compositor's case, typesetter's case
+n02975994 casein paint, casein
+n02976123 case knife, sheath knife
+n02976249 case knife
+n02976350 casement
+n02976455 casement window
+n02976552 casern
+n02976641 case shot, canister, canister shot
+n02976815 cash bar
+n02976939 cashbox, money box, till
+n02977058 cash machine, cash dispenser, automated teller machine, automatic teller machine, automated teller, automatic teller, ATM
+n02977330 cashmere
+n02977438 cash register, register
+n02977619 casing, case
+n02977936 casino, gambling casino
+n02978055 casket, jewel casket
+n02978205 casque
+n02978367 casquet, casquetel
+n02978478 Cassegrainian telescope, Gregorian telescope
+n02978753 casserole
+n02978881 cassette
+n02979074 cassette deck
+n02979186 cassette player
+n02979290 cassette recorder
+n02979399 cassette tape
+n02979516 cassock
+n02979836 cast, plaster cast, plaster bandage
+n02980036 caster, castor
+n02980203 caster, castor
+n02980441 castle
+n02980625 castle, rook
+n02981024 catacomb
+n02981198 catafalque
+n02981321 catalytic converter
+n02981565 catalytic cracker, cat cracker
+n02981792 catamaran
+n02981911 catapult, arbalest, arbalist, ballista, bricole, mangonel, onager, trebuchet, trebucket
+n02982232 catapult, launcher
+n02982416 catboat
+n02982515 cat box
+n02982599 catch
+n02983072 catchall
+n02983189 catcher's mask
+n02983357 catchment
+n02983507 Caterpillar, cat
+n02983904 cathedra, bishop's throne
+n02984061 cathedral
+n02984203 cathedral, duomo
+n02984469 catheter
+n02984699 cathode
+n02985137 cathode-ray tube, CRT
+n02985606 cat-o'-nine-tails, cat
+n02985828 cat's-paw
+n02985963 catsup bottle, ketchup bottle
+n02986066 cattle car
+n02986160 cattle guard, cattle grid
+n02986348 cattleship, cattle boat
+n02987047 cautery, cauterant
+n02987379 cavalier hat, slouch hat
+n02987492 cavalry sword, saber, sabre
+n02987706 cavetto
+n02987823 cavity wall
+n02987950 C battery
+n02988066 C-clamp
+n02988156 CD drive
+n02988304 CD player
+n02988486 CD-R, compact disc recordable, CD-WO, compact disc write-once
+n02988679 CD-ROM, compact disc read-only memory
+n02988963 CD-ROM drive
+n02989099 cedar chest
+n02990373 ceiling
+n02990758 celesta
+n02991048 cell, electric cell
+n02991302 cell, jail cell, prison cell
+n02991847 cellar, wine cellar
+n02992032 cellblock, ward
+n02992211 cello, violoncello
+n02992368 cellophane
+n02992529 cellular telephone, cellular phone, cellphone, cell, mobile phone
+n02992795 cellulose tape, Scotch tape, Sellotape
+n02993194 cenotaph, empty tomb
+n02993368 censer, thurible
+n02993546 center, centre
+n02994573 center punch
+n02994743 Centigrade thermometer
+n02995345 central processing unit, CPU, C.P.U., central processor, processor, mainframe
+n02995871 centrifugal pump
+n02995998 centrifuge, extractor, separator
+n02997391 ceramic
+n02997607 ceramic ware
+n02997910 cereal bowl
+n02998003 cereal box
+n02998107 cerecloth
+n02998563 cesspool, cesspit, sink, sump
+n02998696 chachka, tsatske, tshatshke, tchotchke
+n02998841 chador, chadar, chaddar, chuddar
+n02999138 chafing dish
+n02999410 chain
+n02999936 chain
+n03000134 chainlink fence
+n03000247 chain mail, ring mail, mail, chain armor, chain armour, ring armor, ring armour
+n03000530 chain printer
+n03000684 chain saw, chainsaw
+n03001115 chain store
+n03001282 chain tongs
+n03001540 chain wrench
+n03001627 chair
+n03002096 chair
+n03002210 chair of state
+n03002341 chairlift, chair lift
+n03002555 chaise, shay
+n03002711 chaise longue, chaise, daybed
+n03002816 chalet
+n03002948 chalice, goblet
+n03003091 chalk
+n03003633 challis
+n03004275 chamberpot, potty, thunder mug
+n03004409 chambray
+n03004531 chamfer bit
+n03004620 chamfer plane
+n03004713 chamois cloth
+n03004824 chancel, sanctuary, bema
+n03005033 chancellery
+n03005147 chancery
+n03005285 chandelier, pendant, pendent
+n03005515 chandlery
+n03005619 chanfron, chamfron, testiere, frontstall, front-stall
+n03006626 chanter, melody pipe
+n03006788 chantry
+n03006903 chap
+n03007130 chapel
+n03007297 chapterhouse, fraternity house, frat house
+n03007444 chapterhouse
+n03007591 character printer, character-at-a-time printer, serial printer
+n03008177 charcuterie
+n03008817 charge-exchange accelerator
+n03008976 charger, battery charger
+n03009111 chariot
+n03009269 chariot
+n03009794 charnel house, charnel
+n03010473 chassis
+n03010656 chassis
+n03010795 chasuble
+n03010915 chateau
+n03011018 chatelaine
+n03011355 checker, chequer
+n03011741 checkout, checkout counter
+n03012013 cheekpiece
+n03012159 cheeseboard, cheese tray
+n03012373 cheesecloth
+n03012499 cheese cutter
+n03012644 cheese press
+n03012734 chemical bomb, gas bomb
+n03012897 chemical plant
+n03013006 chemical reactor
+n03013438 chemise, sack, shift
+n03013580 chemise, shimmy, shift, slip, teddy
+n03013850 chenille
+n03014440 chessman, chess piece
+n03014705 chest
+n03015149 chesterfield
+n03015254 chest of drawers, chest, bureau, dresser
+n03015478 chest protector
+n03015631 cheval-de-frise, chevaux-de-frise
+n03015851 cheval glass
+n03016209 chicane
+n03016389 chicken coop, coop, hencoop, henhouse
+n03016609 chicken wire
+n03016737 chicken yard, hen yard, chicken run, fowl run
+n03016868 chiffon
+n03016953 chiffonier, commode
+n03017070 child's room
+n03017168 chime, bell, gong
+n03017698 chimney breast
+n03017835 chimney corner, inglenook
+n03018209 china
+n03018349 china cabinet, china closet
+n03018614 chinchilla
+n03018712 Chinese lantern
+n03018848 Chinese puzzle
+n03019198 chinning bar
+n03019304 chino
+n03019434 chino
+n03019685 chin rest
+n03019806 chin strap
+n03019938 chintz
+n03020034 chip, microchip, micro chip, silicon chip, microprocessor chip
+n03020416 chip, poker chip
+n03020692 chisel
+n03021228 chlamys
+n03024064 choir
+n03024233 choir loft
+n03024333 choke
+n03024518 choke, choke coil, choking coil
+n03025070 chokey, choky
+n03025165 choo-choo
+n03025250 chopine, platform
+n03025886 chordophone
+n03026506 Christmas stocking
+n03026907 chronograph
+n03027001 chronometer
+n03027108 chronoscope
+n03027250 chuck
+n03027505 chuck wagon
+n03027625 chukka, chukka boot
+n03028079 church, church building
+n03028596 church bell
+n03028785 church hat
+n03029066 church key
+n03029197 church tower
+n03029296 churidars
+n03029445 churn, butter churn
+n03029925 ciderpress
+n03030262 cigar band
+n03030353 cigar box
+n03030557 cigar cutter
+n03030880 cigarette butt
+n03031012 cigarette case
+n03031152 cigarette holder
+n03031422 cigar lighter, cigarette lighter, pocket lighter
+n03031756 cinch, girth
+n03032252 cinema, movie theater, movie theatre, movie house, picture palace
+n03032453 cinquefoil
+n03032811 circle, round
+n03033267 circlet
+n03033362 circuit, electrical circuit, electric circuit
+n03033986 circuit board, circuit card, board, card, plug-in, add-in
+n03034244 circuit breaker, breaker
+n03034405 circuitry
+n03034516 circular plane, compass plane
+n03034663 circular saw, buzz saw
+n03035252 circus tent, big top, round top, top
+n03035510 cistern
+n03035715 cistern, water tank
+n03035832 cittern, cithern, cither, citole, gittern
+n03036022 city hall
+n03036149 cityscape
+n03036244 city university
+n03036341 civies, civvies
+n03036469 civilian clothing, civilian dress, civilian garb, plain clothes
+n03036701 clack valve, clack, clapper valve
+n03036866 clamp, clinch
+n03037108 clamshell, grapple
+n03037228 clapper, tongue
+n03037404 clapperboard
+n03037590 clarence
+n03037709 clarinet
+n03038041 Clark cell, Clark standard cell
+n03038281 clasp
+n03038480 clasp knife, jackknife
+n03038685 classroom, schoolroom
+n03038870 clavichord
+n03039015 clavier, Klavier
+n03039259 clay pigeon
+n03039353 claymore mine, claymore
+n03039493 claymore
+n03039827 cleaners, dry cleaners
+n03039947 cleaning implement, cleaning device, cleaning equipment
+n03040229 cleaning pad
+n03040376 clean room, white room
+n03040836 clearway
+n03041114 cleat
+n03041265 cleat
+n03041449 cleats
+n03041632 cleaver, meat cleaver, chopper
+n03041810 clerestory, clearstory
+n03042139 clevis
+n03042384 clews
+n03042490 cliff dwelling
+n03042697 climbing frame
+n03042829 clinch
+n03042984 clinch, clench
+n03043173 clincher
+n03043274 clinic
+n03043423 clinical thermometer, mercury-in-glass clinical thermometer
+n03043693 clinker, clinker brick
+n03043798 clinometer, inclinometer
+n03043958 clip
+n03044671 clip lead
+n03044801 clip-on
+n03044934 clipper
+n03045074 clipper
+n03045228 clipper, clipper ship
+n03045337 cloak
+n03045698 cloak
+n03045800 cloakroom, coatroom
+n03046029 cloche
+n03046133 cloche
+n03046257 clock
+n03046802 clock pendulum
+n03046921 clock radio
+n03047052 clock tower
+n03047171 clockwork
+n03047690 clog, geta, patten, sabot
+n03047799 cloisonne
+n03047941 cloister
+n03048883 closed circuit, loop
+n03049066 closed-circuit television
+n03049326 closed loop, closed-loop system
+n03049457 closet
+n03049782 closeup lens
+n03049924 cloth cap, flat cap
+n03050026 cloth covering
+n03050453 clothesbrush
+n03050546 clothes closet, clothespress
+n03050655 clothes dryer, clothes drier
+n03050864 clothes hamper, laundry basket, clothes basket, voider
+n03051041 clotheshorse
+n03051249 clothespin, clothes pin, clothes peg
+n03051396 clothes tree, coat tree, coat stand
+n03051540 clothing, article of clothing, vesture, wear, wearable, habiliment
+n03052464 clothing store, haberdashery, haberdashery store, mens store
+n03052917 clout nail, clout
+n03053047 clove hitch
+n03053976 club car, lounge car
+n03054491 clubroom
+n03054605 cluster bomb
+n03054901 clutch
+n03055159 clutch, clutch pedal
+n03055418 clutch bag, clutch
+n03055670 coach, four-in-hand, coach-and-four
+n03055857 coach house, carriage house, remise
+n03056097 coal car
+n03056215 coal chute
+n03056288 coal house
+n03056493 coal shovel
+n03056583 coaming
+n03056873 coaster brake
+n03057021 coat
+n03057541 coat button
+n03057636 coat closet
+n03057724 coatdress
+n03057841 coatee
+n03057920 coat hanger, clothes hanger, dress hanger
+n03058107 coating, coat
+n03058603 coating
+n03058949 coat of paint
+n03059103 coatrack, coat rack, hatrack
+n03059236 coattail
+n03059366 coaxial cable, coax, coax cable
+n03059685 cobweb
+n03059934 cobweb
+n03060728 Cockcroft and Walton accelerator, Cockcroft-Walton accelerator, Cockcroft and Walton voltage multiplier, Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier
+n03061050 cocked hat
+n03061211 cockhorse
+n03061345 cockleshell
+n03061505 cockpit
+n03061674 cockpit
+n03061819 cockpit
+n03061893 cockscomb, coxcomb
+n03062015 cocktail dress, sheath
+n03062122 cocktail lounge
+n03062245 cocktail shaker
+n03062336 cocotte
+n03062651 codpiece
+n03062798 coelostat
+n03062985 coffee can
+n03063073 coffee cup
+n03063199 coffee filter
+n03063338 coffee maker
+n03063485 coffee mill, coffee grinder
+n03063599 coffee mug
+n03063689 coffeepot
+n03063834 coffee stall
+n03063968 coffee table, cocktail table
+n03064250 coffee urn
+n03064350 coffer
+n03064562 Coffey still
+n03064758 coffin, casket
+n03064935 cog, sprocket
+n03065243 coif
+n03065424 coil, spiral, volute, whorl, helix
+n03065708 coil
+n03066232 coil
+n03066359 coil spring, volute spring
+n03066464 coin box
+n03066849 colander, cullender
+n03067093 cold cathode
+n03067212 cold chisel, set chisel
+n03067339 cold cream, coldcream, face cream, vanishing cream
+n03067518 cold frame
+n03068181 collar, neckband
+n03068998 collar
+n03069752 college
+n03070059 collet, collet chuck
+n03070193 collider
+n03070396 colliery, pit
+n03070587 collimator
+n03070854 collimator
+n03071021 cologne, cologne water, eau de cologne
+n03071160 colonnade
+n03071288 colonoscope
+n03071552 colorimeter, tintometer
+n03072056 colors, colours
+n03072201 color television, colour television, color television system, colour television system, color TV, colour TV
+n03072440 color tube, colour tube, color television tube, colour television tube, color TV tube, colour TV tube
+n03072682 color wash, colour wash
+n03073296 Colt
+n03073384 colter, coulter
+n03073545 columbarium
+n03073694 columbarium, cinerarium
+n03073977 column, pillar
+n03074380 column, pillar
+n03074855 comb
+n03075097 comb
+n03075248 comber
+n03075370 combination lock
+n03075500 combination plane
+n03075634 combine
+n03075768 comforter, pacifier, baby's dummy, teething ring
+n03075946 command module
+n03076411 commissary
+n03076623 commissary
+n03076708 commodity, trade good, good
+n03077442 common ax, common axe, Dayton ax, Dayton axe
+n03077616 common room
+n03077741 communications satellite
+n03078287 communication system
+n03078506 community center, civic center
+n03078670 commutator
+n03078802 commuter, commuter train
+n03078995 compact, powder compact
+n03079136 compact, compact car
+n03079230 compact disk, compact disc, CD
+n03079494 compact-disk burner, CD burner
+n03079616 companionway
+n03079741 compartment
+n03080309 compartment
+n03080497 compass
+n03080633 compass
+n03080731 compass card, mariner's compass
+n03080904 compass saw
+n03081859 compound
+n03081986 compound lens
+n03082127 compound lever
+n03082280 compound microscope
+n03082450 compress
+n03082656 compression bandage, tourniquet
+n03082807 compressor
+n03082979 computer, computing machine, computing device, data processor, electronic computer, information processing system
+n03084420 computer circuit
+n03084834 computerized axial tomography scanner, CAT scanner
+n03085013 computer keyboard, keypad
+n03085219 computer monitor
+n03085333 computer network
+n03085602 computer screen, computer display
+n03085781 computer store
+n03085915 computer system, computing system, automatic data processing system, ADP system, ADPS
+n03086183 concentration camp, stockade
+n03086457 concert grand, concert piano
+n03086580 concert hall
+n03086670 concertina
+n03086868 concertina
+n03087069 concrete mixer, cement mixer
+n03087245 condensation pump, diffusion pump
+n03087366 condenser, optical condenser
+n03087521 condenser
+n03087643 condenser
+n03087816 condenser microphone, capacitor microphone
+n03088389 condominium
+n03088580 condominium, condo
+n03088707 conductor
+n03089477 cone clutch, cone friction clutch
+n03089624 confectionery, confectionary, candy store
+n03089753 conference center, conference house
+n03089879 conference room
+n03090000 conference table, council table, council board
+n03090172 confessional
+n03090437 conformal projection, orthomorphic projection
+n03090710 congress boot, congress shoe, congress gaiter
+n03090856 conic projection, conical projection
+n03091044 connecting rod
+n03091223 connecting room
+n03091374 connection, connexion, connector, connecter, connective
+n03091907 conning tower
+n03092053 conning tower
+n03092166 conservatory, hothouse, indoor garden
+n03092314 conservatory, conservatoire
+n03092476 console
+n03092656 console
+n03092883 console table, console
+n03093427 consulate
+n03093792 contact, tangency
+n03094159 contact, contact lens
+n03094503 container
+n03095699 container ship, containership, container vessel
+n03095965 containment
+n03096439 contrabassoon, contrafagotto, double bassoon
+n03096960 control, controller
+n03097362 control center
+n03097535 control circuit, negative feedback circuit
+n03097673 control key, command key
+n03098140 control panel, instrument panel, control board, board, panel
+n03098515 control rod
+n03098688 control room
+n03098806 control system
+n03098959 control tower
+n03099147 convector
+n03099274 convenience store
+n03099454 convent
+n03099622 conventicle, meetinghouse
+n03099771 converging lens, convex lens
+n03099945 converter, convertor
+n03100240 convertible
+n03100346 convertible, sofa bed
+n03100490 conveyance, transport
+n03100897 conveyer belt, conveyor belt, conveyer, conveyor, transporter
+n03101156 cooker
+n03101302 cookfire
+n03101375 cookhouse
+n03101517 cookie cutter
+n03101664 cookie jar, cooky jar
+n03101796 cookie sheet, baking tray
+n03101986 cooking utensil, cookware
+n03102371 cookstove
+n03102516 coolant system
+n03102654 cooler, ice chest
+n03102859 cooling system, cooling
+n03103128 cooling system, engine cooling system
+n03103396 cooling tower
+n03103563 coonskin cap, coonskin
+n03103904 cope
+n03104019 coping saw
+n03104512 copperware
+n03105088 copyholder
+n03105214 coquille
+n03105306 coracle
+n03105467 corbel, truss
+n03105645 corbel arch
+n03105810 corbel step, corbie-step, corbiestep, crow step
+n03105974 corbie gable
+n03106722 cord, corduroy
+n03106898 cord, electric cord
+n03107046 cordage
+n03107488 cords, corduroys
+n03107716 core
+n03108455 core bit
+n03108624 core drill
+n03108759 corer
+n03108853 cork, bottle cork
+n03109033 corker
+n03109150 corkscrew, bottle screw
+n03109253 corncrib
+n03109693 corner, quoin
+n03109881 corner, nook
+n03110202 corner post
+n03110669 cornet, horn, trumpet, trump
+n03111041 cornice
+n03111177 cornice
+n03111296 cornice, valance, valance board, pelmet
+n03111690 correctional institution
+n03112240 corrugated fastener, wiggle nail
+n03112719 corselet, corslet
+n03112869 corset, girdle, stays
+n03113152 cosmetic
+n03113505 cosmotron
+n03113657 costume
+n03113835 costume
+n03114041 costume
+n03114236 costume
+n03114379 cosy, tea cosy, cozy, tea cozy
+n03114504 cot, camp bed
+n03114743 cottage tent
+n03114839 cotter, cottar
+n03115014 cotter pin
+n03115180 cotton
+n03115400 cotton flannel, Canton flannel
+n03115663 cotton mill
+n03115762 couch
+n03115897 couch
+n03116008 couchette
+n03116163 coude telescope, coude system
+n03116530 counter
+n03116767 counter, tabulator
+n03117199 counter
+n03117642 counterbore, countersink, countersink bit
+n03118346 counter tube
+n03118969 country house
+n03119203 country store, general store, trading post
+n03119396 coupe
+n03119510 coupling, coupler
+n03120198 court, courtyard
+n03120491 court
+n03120778 court, courtroom
+n03121040 court
+n03121190 Courtelle
+n03121298 courthouse
+n03121431 courthouse
+n03121897 coverall
+n03122073 covered bridge
+n03122202 covered couch
+n03122295 covered wagon, Conestoga wagon, Conestoga, prairie wagon, prairie schooner
+n03122748 covering
+n03123553 coverlet
+n03123666 cover plate
+n03123809 cowbarn, cowshed, cow barn, cowhouse, byre
+n03123917 cowbell
+n03124043 cowboy boot
+n03124170 cowboy hat, ten-gallon hat
+n03124313 cowhide
+n03124474 cowl
+n03124590 cow pen, cattle pen, corral
+n03125057 CPU board, mother board
+n03125588 crackle, crackleware, crackle china
+n03125729 cradle
+n03125870 craft
+n03126090 cramp, cramp iron
+n03126385 crampon, crampoon, climbing iron, climber
+n03126580 crampon, crampoon
+n03126707 crane
+n03126927 craniometer
+n03127024 crank, starter
+n03127203 crankcase
+n03127408 crankshaft
+n03127531 crash barrier
+n03127747 crash helmet
+n03127925 crate
+n03128085 cravat
+n03128248 crayon, wax crayon
+n03128427 crazy quilt
+n03128519 cream, ointment, emollient
+n03129001 cream pitcher, creamer
+n03129471 creche, foundling hospital
+n03129636 creche
+n03129753 credenza, credence
+n03129848 creel
+n03130066 crematory, crematorium, cremation chamber
+n03130233 crematory, crematorium
+n03130563 crepe, crape
+n03130761 crepe de Chine
+n03130866 crescent wrench
+n03131193 cretonne
+n03131574 crib, cot
+n03131669 crib
+n03131967 cricket ball
+n03132076 cricket bat, bat
+n03132261 cricket equipment
+n03132438 cringle, eyelet, loop, grommet, grummet
+n03132666 crinoline
+n03132776 crinoline
+n03133050 crochet needle, crochet hook
+n03133415 crock, earthenware jar
+n03133878 Crock Pot
+n03134118 crook, shepherd's crook
+n03134232 Crookes radiometer
+n03134394 Crookes tube
+n03134739 croquet ball
+n03134853 croquet equipment
+n03135030 croquet mallet
+n03135532 cross
+n03135656 crossbar
+n03135788 crossbar
+n03135917 crossbar
+n03136051 crossbench
+n03136254 cross bit
+n03136369 crossbow
+n03136504 crosscut saw, crosscut handsaw, cutoff saw
+n03137473 crossjack, mizzen course
+n03137579 crosspiece
+n03138128 crotchet
+n03138217 croupier's rake
+n03138344 crowbar, wrecking bar, pry, pry bar
+n03138669 crown, diadem
+n03139089 crown, crownwork, jacket, jacket crown, cap
+n03139464 crown jewels
+n03139640 crown lens
+n03139998 crow's nest
+n03140126 crucible, melting pot
+n03140292 crucifix, rood, rood-tree
+n03140431 cruet, crewet
+n03140546 cruet-stand
+n03140652 cruise control
+n03140771 cruise missile
+n03140900 cruiser
+n03141065 cruiser, police cruiser, patrol car, police car, prowl car, squad car
+n03141327 cruise ship, cruise liner
+n03141455 crupper
+n03141612 cruse
+n03141702 crusher
+n03141823 crutch
+n03142099 cryometer
+n03142205 cryoscope
+n03142325 cryostat
+n03142431 crypt
+n03142679 crystal, watch crystal, watch glass
+n03143400 crystal detector
+n03143572 crystal microphone
+n03143754 crystal oscillator, quartz oscillator
+n03144156 crystal set
+n03144873 cubitiere
+n03144982 cucking stool, ducking stool
+n03145147 cuckoo clock
+n03145277 cuddy
+n03145384 cudgel
+n03145522 cue, cue stick, pool cue, pool stick
+n03145719 cue ball
+n03145843 cuff, turnup
+n03146219 cuirass
+n03146342 cuisse
+n03146449 cul, cul de sac, dead end
+n03146560 culdoscope
+n03146687 cullis
+n03146777 culotte
+n03146846 cultivator, tiller
+n03147084 culverin
+n03147156 culverin
+n03147280 culvert
+n03147509 cup
+n03148324 cupboard, closet
+n03148518 cup hook
+n03148727 cupola
+n03148808 cupola
+n03149135 curb, curb bit
+n03149401 curb roof
+n03149686 curbstone, kerbstone
+n03149810 curette, curet
+n03150232 curler, hair curler, roller, crimper
+n03150511 curling iron
+n03150661 currycomb
+n03150795 cursor, pointer
+n03151077 curtain, drape, drapery, mantle, pall
+n03152303 customhouse, customshouse
+n03152951 cutaway, cutaway drawing, cutaway model
+n03153246 cutlas, cutlass
+n03153585 cutoff
+n03153948 cutout
+n03154073 cutter, cutlery, cutting tool
+n03154316 cutter
+n03154446 cutting implement
+n03154616 cutting room
+n03154745 cutty stool
+n03154895 cutwork
+n03155178 cybercafe
+n03155502 cyclopean masonry
+n03155915 cyclostyle
+n03156071 cyclotron
+n03156279 cylinder
+n03156405 cylinder, piston chamber
+n03156767 cylinder lock
+n03157348 cymbal
+n03158186 dacha
+n03158414 Dacron, Terylene
+n03158668 dado
+n03158796 dado plane
+n03158885 dagger, sticker
+n03159535 dairy, dairy farm
+n03159640 dais, podium, pulpit, rostrum, ambo, stump, soapbox
+n03160001 daisy print wheel, daisy wheel
+n03160186 daisywheel printer
+n03160309 dam, dike, dyke
+n03160740 damask
+n03161016 dampener, moistener
+n03161450 damper, muffler
+n03161893 damper block, piano damper
+n03162297 dark lantern, bull's-eye
+n03162460 darkroom
+n03162556 darning needle, embroidery needle
+n03162714 dart
+n03162818 dart
+n03163222 dashboard, fascia
+n03163381 dashiki, daishiki
+n03163488 dash-pot
+n03163798 data converter
+n03163973 data input device, input device
+n03164192 data multiplexer
+n03164344 data system, information system
+n03164605 davenport
+n03164722 davenport
+n03164929 davit
+n03165096 daybed, divan bed
+n03165211 daybook, ledger
+n03165466 day nursery, day care center
+n03165616 day school
+n03165823 dead axle
+n03165955 deadeye
+n03166120 deadhead
+n03166514 deanery
+n03166600 deathbed
+n03166685 death camp
+n03166809 death house, death row
+n03166951 death knell, death bell
+n03167153 death seat
+n03167978 deck
+n03168107 deck
+n03168217 deck chair, beach chair
+n03168543 deck-house
+n03168663 deckle
+n03168774 deckle edge, deckle
+n03168933 declinometer, transit declinometer
+n03169063 decoder
+n03169176 decolletage
+n03170292 decoupage
+n03170459 dedicated file server
+n03170635 deep-freeze, Deepfreeze, deep freezer, freezer
+n03170872 deerstalker
+n03171228 defense system, defence system
+n03171356 defensive structure, defense, defence
+n03171635 defibrillator
+n03171910 defilade
+n03172038 deflector
+n03172738 delayed action
+n03172965 delay line
+n03173270 delft
+n03173387 delicatessen, deli, food shop
+n03173929 delivery truck, delivery van, panel truck
+n03174079 delta wing
+n03174450 demijohn
+n03174731 demitasse
+n03175081 den
+n03175189 denim, dungaree, jean
+n03175301 densimeter, densitometer
+n03175457 densitometer
+n03175604 dental appliance
+n03175843 dental floss, floss
+n03175983 dental implant
+n03176238 dentist's drill, burr drill
+n03176386 denture, dental plate, plate
+n03176594 deodorant, deodourant
+n03176763 department store, emporium
+n03177059 departure lounge
+n03177165 depilatory, depilator, epilator
+n03177708 depressor
+n03178000 depth finder
+n03178173 depth gauge, depth gage
+n03178430 derrick
+n03178538 derrick
+n03178674 derringer
+n03179701 desk
+n03179910 desk phone
+n03180011 desktop computer
+n03180384 dessert spoon
+n03180504 destroyer, guided missile destroyer
+n03180732 destroyer escort
+n03180865 detached house, single dwelling
+n03180969 detector, sensor, sensing element
+n03181293 detector
+n03181667 detention home, detention house, house of detention, detention camp
+n03182140 detonating fuse
+n03182232 detonator, detonating device, cap
+n03182912 developer
+n03183080 device
+n03185868 Dewar flask, Dewar
+n03186199 dhoti
+n03186285 dhow
+n03186818 dial, telephone dial
+n03187037 dial
+n03187153 dial
+n03187268 dialog box, panel
+n03187595 dial telephone, dial phone
+n03187751 dialyzer, dialysis machine
+n03188290 diamante
+n03188531 diaper, nappy, napkin
+n03188725 diaper
+n03188871 diaphone
+n03189083 diaphragm, stop
+n03189311 diaphragm
+n03189818 diathermy machine
+n03190458 dibble, dibber
+n03191286 dice cup, dice box
+n03191451 dicer
+n03191561 dickey, dickie, dicky, shirtfront
+n03191776 dickey, dickie, dicky, dickey-seat, dickie-seat, dicky-seat
+n03192543 Dictaphone
+n03192907 die
+n03193107 diesel, diesel engine, diesel motor
+n03193260 diesel-electric locomotive, diesel-electric
+n03193423 diesel-hydraulic locomotive, diesel-hydraulic
+n03193597 diesel locomotive
+n03193754 diestock
+n03194170 differential analyzer
+n03194297 differential gear, differential
+n03194812 diffuser, diffusor
+n03194992 diffuser, diffusor
+n03195332 digester
+n03195485 diggings, digs, domiciliation, lodgings, pad
+n03195799 digital-analog converter, digital-to-analog converter
+n03195959 digital audiotape, DAT
+n03196062 digital camera
+n03196217 digital clock
+n03196324 digital computer
+n03196598 digital display, alphanumeric display
+n03196990 digital subscriber line, DSL
+n03197201 digital voltmeter
+n03197337 digital watch
+n03197446 digitizer, digitiser, analog-digital converter, analog-to-digital converter
+n03198223 dilator, dilater
+n03198500 dildo
+n03199358 dimity
+n03199488 dimmer
+n03199647 diner
+n03199775 dinette
+n03199901 dinghy, dory, rowboat
+n03200231 dining area
+n03200357 dining car, diner, dining compartment, buffet car
+n03200539 dining-hall
+n03200701 dining room, dining-room
+n03200906 dining-room furniture
+n03201035 dining-room table
+n03201208 dining table, board
+n03201529 dinner bell
+n03201638 dinner dress, dinner gown, formal, evening gown
+n03201776 dinner jacket, tux, tuxedo, black tie
+n03201895 dinner napkin
+n03201996 dinner pail, dinner bucket
+n03202354 dinner table
+n03202481 dinner theater, dinner theatre
+n03202760 diode, semiconductor diode, junction rectifier, crystal rectifier
+n03202940 diode, rectifying tube, rectifying valve
+n03203089 dip
+n03203806 diplomatic building
+n03204134 dipole, dipole antenna
+n03204306 dipper
+n03204436 dipstick
+n03204558 DIP switch, dual inline package switch
+n03204955 directional antenna
+n03205143 directional microphone
+n03205304 direction finder
+n03205458 dirk
+n03205574 dirndl
+n03205669 dirndl
+n03205903 dirty bomb
+n03206023 discharge lamp
+n03206158 discharge pipe
+n03206282 disco, discotheque
+n03206405 discount house, discount store, discounter, wholesale house
+n03206602 discus, saucer
+n03206718 disguise
+n03206908 dish
+n03207305 dish, dish aerial, dish antenna, saucer
+n03207548 dishpan
+n03207630 dish rack
+n03207743 dishrag, dishcloth
+n03207835 dishtowel, dish towel, tea towel
+n03207941 dishwasher, dish washer, dishwashing machine
+n03208556 disk, disc
+n03208938 disk brake, disc brake
+n03209359 disk clutch
+n03209477 disk controller
+n03209666 disk drive, disc drive, hard drive, Winchester drive
+n03209910 diskette, floppy, floppy disk
+n03210245 disk harrow, disc harrow
+n03210372 dispatch case, dispatch box
+n03210552 dispensary
+n03210683 dispenser
+n03211117 display, video display
+n03211413 display adapter, display adaptor
+n03211616 display panel, display board, board
+n03211789 display window, shop window, shopwindow, show window
+n03212114 disposal, electric pig, garbage disposal
+n03212247 disrupting explosive, bursting explosive
+n03212406 distaff
+n03212811 distillery, still
+n03213014 distributor, distributer, electrical distributor
+n03213361 distributor cam
+n03213538 distributor cap
+n03213715 distributor housing
+n03213826 distributor point, breaker point, point
+n03214253 ditch
+n03214450 ditch spade, long-handled spade
+n03214582 ditty bag
+n03214966 divan
+n03215076 divan, diwan
+n03215191 dive bomber
+n03215337 diverging lens, concave lens
+n03215508 divided highway, dual carriageway
+n03215749 divider
+n03215930 diving bell
+n03216199 divining rod, dowser, dowsing rod, waterfinder, water finder
+n03216402 diving suit, diving dress
+n03216562 dixie
+n03216710 Dixie cup, paper cup
+n03216828 dock, dockage, docking facility
+n03217653 doeskin
+n03217739 dogcart
+n03217889 doggie bag, doggy bag
+n03218198 dogsled, dog sled, dog sleigh
+n03218446 dog wrench
+n03219010 doily, doyley, doyly
+n03219135 doll, dolly
+n03219483 dollhouse, doll's house
+n03219612 dolly
+n03219859 dolman
+n03219966 dolman, dolman jacket
+n03220095 dolman sleeve
+n03220237 dolmen, cromlech, portal tomb
+n03220513 dome
+n03220692 dome, domed stadium, covered stadium
+n03221059 domino, half mask, eye mask
+n03221351 dongle
+n03221540 donkey jacket
+n03221720 door
+n03222176 door
+n03222318 door
+n03222516 doorbell, bell, buzzer
+n03222722 doorframe, doorcase
+n03222857 doorjamb, doorpost
+n03223162 doorlock
+n03223299 doormat, welcome mat
+n03223441 doornail
+n03223553 doorplate
+n03223686 doorsill, doorstep, threshold
+n03223923 doorstop, doorstopper
+n03224490 Doppler radar
+n03224603 dormer, dormer window
+n03224753 dormer window
+n03224893 dormitory, dorm, residence hall, hall, student residence
+n03225108 dormitory, dormitory room, dorm room
+n03225458 dosemeter, dosimeter
+n03225616 dossal, dossel
+n03225777 dot matrix printer, matrix printer, dot printer
+n03225988 double bed
+n03226090 double-bitted ax, double-bitted axe, Western ax, Western axe
+n03226254 double boiler, double saucepan
+n03226375 double-breasted jacket
+n03226538 double-breasted suit
+n03226880 double door
+n03227010 double glazing
+n03227184 double-hung window
+n03227317 double knit
+n03227721 doubler
+n03227856 double reed
+n03228016 double-reed instrument, double reed
+n03228254 doublet
+n03228365 doubletree
+n03228533 douche, douche bag
+n03228692 dovecote, columbarium, columbary
+n03228796 Dover's powder
+n03228967 dovetail, dovetail joint
+n03229115 dovetail plane
+n03229244 dowel, dowel pin, joggle
+n03229526 downstage
+n03231160 drafting instrument
+n03231368 drafting table, drawing table
+n03231819 Dragunov
+n03232309 drainage ditch
+n03232417 drainage system
+n03232543 drain basket
+n03232815 drainplug
+n03232923 drape
+n03233123 drapery
+n03233624 drawbar
+n03233744 drawbridge, lift bridge
+n03233905 drawer
+n03234164 drawers, underdrawers, shorts, boxers, boxershorts
+n03234952 drawing chalk
+n03235042 drawing room, withdrawing room
+n03235180 drawing room
+n03235327 drawknife, drawshave
+n03235796 drawstring bag
+n03235979 dray, camion
+n03236093 dreadnought, dreadnaught
+n03236217 dredge
+n03236423 dredger
+n03236580 dredging bucket
+n03236735 dress, frock
+n03237212 dress blues, dress whites
+n03237340 dresser
+n03237416 dress hat, high hat, opera hat, silk hat, stovepipe, top hat, topper, beaver
+n03237639 dressing, medical dressing
+n03237839 dressing case
+n03237992 dressing gown, robe-de-chambre, lounging robe
+n03238131 dressing room
+n03238286 dressing sack, dressing sacque
+n03238586 dressing table, dresser, vanity, toilet table
+n03238762 dress rack
+n03238879 dress shirt, evening shirt
+n03239054 dress suit, full dress, tailcoat, tail coat, tails, white tie, white tie and tails
+n03239259 dress uniform
+n03239607 drift net
+n03239726 drill
+n03240140 electric drill
+n03240683 drilling platform, offshore rig
+n03240892 drill press
+n03241093 drill rig, drilling rig, oilrig, oil rig
+n03241335 drinking fountain, water fountain, bubbler
+n03241496 drinking vessel
+n03241903 drip loop
+n03242120 drip mat
+n03242264 drip pan
+n03242390 dripping pan, drip pan
+n03242506 drip pot
+n03242995 drive
+n03243218 drive
+n03243625 drive line, drive line system
+n03244047 driver, number one wood
+n03244231 driveshaft
+n03244388 driveway, drive, private road
+n03244775 driving iron, one iron
+n03244919 driving wheel
+n03245271 drogue, drogue chute, drogue parachute
+n03245421 drogue parachute
+n03245724 drone, drone pipe, bourdon
+n03245889 drone, pilotless aircraft, radio-controlled aircraft
+n03246197 drop arch
+n03246312 drop cloth
+n03246454 drop curtain, drop cloth, drop
+n03246653 drop forge, drop hammer, drop press
+n03246933 drop-leaf table
+n03247083 dropper, eye dropper
+n03247351 droshky, drosky
+n03247495 drove, drove chisel
+n03248835 drugget
+n03249342 drugstore, apothecary's shop, chemist's, chemist's shop, pharmacy
+n03249569 drum, membranophone, tympan
+n03249956 drum, metal drum
+n03250089 drum brake
+n03250279 drumhead, head
+n03250405 drum printer
+n03250588 drum sander, electric sander, sander, smoother
+n03250847 drumstick
+n03250952 dry battery
+n03251100 dry-bulb thermometer
+n03251280 dry cell
+n03251533 dry dock, drydock, graving dock
+n03251766 dryer, drier
+n03251932 dry fly
+n03252231 dry kiln
+n03252324 dry masonry
+n03252422 dry point
+n03252637 dry wall, dry-stone wall
+n03252787 dual scan display
+n03253071 duck
+n03253187 duckboard
+n03253279 duckpin
+n03253714 dudeen
+n03253796 duffel, duffle
+n03253886 duffel bag, duffle bag, duffel, duffle
+n03254046 duffel coat, duffle coat
+n03254189 dugout
+n03254374 dugout canoe, dugout, pirogue
+n03254625 dulciana
+n03254737 dulcimer
+n03254862 dulcimer
+n03255030 dumbbell
+n03255167 dumb bomb, gravity bomb
+n03255322 dumbwaiter, food elevator
+n03255488 dumdum, dumdum bullet
+n03255899 dumpcart
+n03256032 Dumpster
+n03256166 dump truck, dumper, tipper truck, tipper lorry, tip truck, tipper
+n03256472 Dumpy level
+n03256631 dunce cap, dunce's cap, fool's cap
+n03256788 dune buggy, beach buggy
+n03256928 dungeon
+n03257065 duplex apartment, duplex
+n03257210 duplex house, duplex, semidetached house
+n03257586 duplicator, copier
+n03258192 dust bag, vacuum bag
+n03258330 dustcloth, dustrag, duster
+n03258456 dust cover
+n03258577 dust cover, dust sheet
+n03258905 dustmop, dust mop, dry mop
+n03259009 dustpan
+n03259280 Dutch oven
+n03259401 Dutch oven
+n03259505 dwelling, home, domicile, abode, habitation, dwelling house
+n03260206 dye-works
+n03260504 dynamo
+n03260733 dynamometer, ergometer
+n03260849 Eames chair
+n03261019 earflap, earlap
+n03261263 early warning radar
+n03261395 early warning system
+n03261603 earmuff
+n03261776 earphone, earpiece, headphone, phone
+n03262072 earplug
+n03262248 earplug
+n03262519 earthenware
+n03262717 earthwork
+n03262809 easel
+n03262932 easy chair, lounge chair, overstuffed chair
+n03263076 eaves
+n03263338 ecclesiastical attire, ecclesiastical robe
+n03263640 echinus
+n03263758 echocardiograph
+n03264906 edger
+n03265032 edge tool
+n03265754 efficiency apartment
+n03266195 egg-and-dart, egg-and-anchor, egg-and-tongue
+n03266371 eggbeater, eggwhisk
+n03266620 egg timer
+n03266749 eiderdown, duvet, continental quilt
+n03267113 eight ball
+n03267468 ejection seat, ejector seat, capsule
+n03267696 elastic
+n03267821 elastic bandage
+n03268142 Elastoplast
+n03268311 elbow
+n03268645 elbow pad
+n03268790 electric, electric automobile, electric car
+n03268918 electrical cable
+n03269073 electrical contact
+n03269203 electrical converter
+n03269401 electrical device
+n03270165 electrical system
+n03270695 electric bell
+n03270854 electric blanket
+n03271030 electric chair, chair, death chair, hot seat
+n03271260 electric clock
+n03271376 electric-discharge lamp, gas-discharge lamp
+n03271574 electric fan, blower
+n03271765 electric frying pan
+n03271865 electric furnace
+n03272010 electric guitar
+n03272125 electric hammer
+n03272239 electric heater, electric fire
+n03272383 electric lamp
+n03272562 electric locomotive
+n03272810 electric meter, power meter
+n03272940 electric mixer
+n03273061 electric motor
+n03273551 electric organ, electronic organ, Hammond organ, organ
+n03273740 electric range
+n03273913 electric refrigerator, fridge
+n03274265 electric toothbrush
+n03274435 electric typewriter
+n03274561 electro-acoustic transducer
+n03274796 electrode
+n03275125 electrodynamometer
+n03275311 electroencephalograph
+n03275566 electrograph
+n03275681 electrolytic, electrolytic capacitor, electrolytic condenser
+n03275864 electrolytic cell
+n03276179 electromagnet
+n03276696 electrometer
+n03276839 electromyograph
+n03277004 electron accelerator
+n03277149 electron gun
+n03277459 electronic balance
+n03277602 electronic converter
+n03277771 electronic device
+n03278248 electronic equipment
+n03278914 electronic fetal monitor, electronic foetal monitor, fetal monitor, foetal monitor
+n03279153 electronic instrument, electronic musical instrument
+n03279364 electronic voltmeter
+n03279508 electron microscope
+n03279804 electron multiplier
+n03279918 electrophorus
+n03280216 electroscope
+n03280394 electrostatic generator, electrostatic machine, Wimshurst machine, Van de Graaff generator
+n03280644 electrostatic printer
+n03281145 elevator, lift
+n03281524 elevator
+n03281673 elevator shaft
+n03282060 embankment
+n03282295 embassy
+n03282401 embellishment
+n03283221 emergency room, ER
+n03283413 emesis basin
+n03283827 emitter
+n03284308 empty
+n03284482 emulsion, photographic emulsion
+n03284743 enamel
+n03284886 enamel
+n03284981 enamelware
+n03285578 encaustic
+n03285730 encephalogram, pneumoencephalogram
+n03285912 enclosure
+n03286572 endoscope
+n03287351 energizer, energiser
+n03287733 engine
+n03288003 engine
+n03288500 engineering, engine room
+n03288643 enginery
+n03288742 English horn, cor anglais
+n03288886 English saddle, English cavalry saddle
+n03289660 enlarger
+n03289985 ensemble
+n03290096 ensign
+n03290195 entablature
+n03290653 entertainment center
+n03291413 entrenching tool, trenching spade
+n03291551 entrenchment, intrenchment
+n03291741 envelope
+n03291819 envelope
+n03291963 envelope, gasbag
+n03292085 eolith
+n03292362 epauliere
+n03292475 epee
+n03292603 epergne
+n03292736 epicyclic train, epicyclic gear train
+n03292960 epidiascope
+n03293095 epilating wax
+n03293741 equalizer, equaliser
+n03293863 equatorial
+n03294048 equipment
+n03294604 erasable programmable read-only memory, EPROM
+n03294833 eraser
+n03295012 erecting prism
+n03295140 erection
+n03295246 Erlenmeyer flask
+n03295928 escape hatch
+n03296081 escapement
+n03296217 escape wheel
+n03296328 escarpment, escarp, scarp, protective embankment
+n03296478 escutcheon, scutcheon
+n03296963 esophagoscope, oesophagoscope
+n03297103 espadrille
+n03297226 espalier
+n03297495 espresso maker
+n03297644 espresso shop
+n03297735 establishment
+n03298089 estaminet
+n03298352 estradiol patch
+n03298716 etagere
+n03298858 etamine, etamin
+n03299406 etching
+n03300216 ethernet
+n03300443 ethernet cable
+n03301175 Eton jacket
+n03301291 etui
+n03301389 eudiometer
+n03301568 euphonium
+n03301833 evaporative cooler
+n03301940 evening bag
+n03302671 exercise bike, exercycle
+n03302790 exercise device
+n03302938 exhaust, exhaust system
+n03303217 exhaust fan
+n03303669 exhaust valve
+n03303831 exhibition hall, exhibition area
+n03304197 Exocet
+n03304323 expansion bit, expansive bit
+n03304465 expansion bolt
+n03305300 explosive detection system, EDS
+n03305522 explosive device
+n03305953 explosive trace detection, ETD
+n03306385 express, limited
+n03306869 extension, telephone extension, extension phone
+n03307037 extension cord
+n03307573 external-combustion engine
+n03307792 external drive
+n03308152 extractor
+n03308481 eyebrow pencil
+n03308614 eyecup, eyebath, eye cup
+n03309110 eyeliner
+n03309356 eyepatch, patch
+n03309465 eyepiece, ocular
+n03309687 eyeshadow
+n03309808 fabric, cloth, material, textile
+n03313333 facade, frontage, frontal
+n03314227 face guard
+n03314378 face mask
+n03314608 faceplate
+n03314780 face powder
+n03314884 face veil
+n03315644 facing, cladding
+n03315805 facing
+n03315990 facing, veneer
+n03316105 facsimile, facsimile machine, fax
+n03316406 factory, mill, manufacturing plant, manufactory
+n03316873 factory ship
+n03317233 fagot, faggot
+n03317510 fagot stitch, faggot stitch
+n03317673 Fahrenheit thermometer
+n03317788 faience
+n03317889 faille
+n03318136 fairlead
+n03318294 fairy light
+n03318865 falchion
+n03318983 fallboard, fall-board
+n03319167 fallout shelter
+n03319457 false face
+n03319576 false teeth
+n03319745 family room
+n03320046 fan
+n03320262 fan belt
+n03320421 fan blade
+n03320519 fancy dress, masquerade, masquerade costume
+n03320845 fanion
+n03320959 fanlight
+n03321103 fanjet, fan-jet, fanjet engine, turbojet, turbojet engine, turbofan, turbofan engine
+n03321419 fanjet, fan-jet, turbofan, turbojet
+n03321563 fanny pack, butt pack
+n03321843 fan tracery
+n03321954 fan vaulting
+n03322570 farm building
+n03322704 farmer's market, green market, greenmarket
+n03322836 farmhouse
+n03322940 farm machine
+n03323096 farmplace, farm-place, farmstead
+n03323211 farmyard
+n03323319 farthingale
+n03323703 fastener, fastening, holdfast, fixing
+n03324629 fast reactor
+n03324814 fat farm
+n03324928 fatigues
+n03325088 faucet, spigot
+n03325288 fauld
+n03325403 fauteuil
+n03325584 feather boa, boa
+n03325691 featheredge
+n03325941 fedora, felt hat, homburg, Stetson, trilby
+n03326073 feedback circuit, feedback loop
+n03326371 feedlot
+n03326475 fell, felled seam
+n03326660 felloe, felly
+n03326795 felt
+n03326948 felt-tip pen, felt-tipped pen, felt tip, Magic Marker
+n03327133 felucca
+n03327234 fence, fencing
+n03327553 fencing mask, fencer's mask
+n03327691 fencing sword
+n03327841 fender, wing
+n03328201 fender, buffer, cowcatcher, pilot
+n03329302 Ferris wheel
+n03329536 ferrule, collet
+n03329663 ferry, ferryboat
+n03330002 ferule
+n03330665 festoon
+n03330792 fetoscope, foetoscope
+n03330947 fetter, hobble
+n03331077 fez, tarboosh
+n03331244 fiber, fibre, vulcanized fiber
+n03331599 fiber optic cable, fibre optic cable
+n03332005 fiberscope
+n03332173 fichu
+n03332271 fiddlestick, violin bow
+n03332393 field artillery, field gun
+n03332591 field coil, field winding
+n03332784 field-effect transistor, FET
+n03332989 field-emission microscope
+n03333129 field glass, glass, spyglass
+n03333252 field hockey ball
+n03333349 field hospital
+n03333610 field house, sports arena
+n03333711 field lens
+n03333851 field magnet
+n03334017 field-sequential color television, field-sequential color TV, field-sequential color television system, field-sequential color TV system
+n03334291 field tent
+n03334382 fieldwork
+n03334492 fife
+n03334912 fifth wheel, spare
+n03335030 fighter, fighter aircraft, attack aircraft
+n03335333 fighting chair
+n03335461 fig leaf
+n03335846 figure eight, figure of eight
+n03336168 figure loom, figured-fabric loom
+n03336282 figure skate
+n03336575 filament
+n03336742 filature
+n03336839 file
+n03337140 file, file cabinet, filing cabinet
+n03337383 file folder
+n03337494 file server
+n03337822 filigree, filagree, fillagree
+n03338287 filling
+n03338821 film, photographic film
+n03339296 film, plastic film
+n03339529 film advance
+n03339643 filter
+n03340009 filter
+n03340723 finder, viewfinder, view finder
+n03340923 finery
+n03341035 fine-tooth comb, fine-toothed comb
+n03341153 finger
+n03341297 fingerboard
+n03341606 finger bowl
+n03342015 finger paint, fingerpaint
+n03342127 finger-painting
+n03342262 finger plate, escutcheon, scutcheon
+n03342432 fingerstall, cot
+n03342657 finish coat, finishing coat
+n03342863 finish coat, finishing coat
+n03342961 finisher
+n03343047 fin keel
+n03343234 fipple
+n03343354 fipple flute, fipple pipe, recorder, vertical flute
+n03343560 fire
+n03343737 fire alarm, smoke alarm
+n03343853 firearm, piece, small-arm
+n03344305 fire bell
+n03344393 fireboat
+n03344509 firebox
+n03344642 firebrick
+n03344784 fire control radar
+n03344935 fire control system
+n03345487 fire engine, fire truck
+n03345837 fire extinguisher, extinguisher, asphyxiator
+n03346135 fire iron
+n03346289 fireman's ax, fireman's axe
+n03346455 fireplace, hearth, open fireplace
+n03347037 fire screen, fireguard
+n03347472 fire tongs, coal tongs
+n03347617 fire tower
+n03348142 firewall
+n03348868 firing chamber, gun chamber
+n03349020 firing pin
+n03349296 firkin
+n03349367 firmer chisel
+n03349469 first-aid kit
+n03349599 first-aid station
+n03349771 first base
+n03349892 first class
+n03350204 fishbowl, fish bowl, goldfish bowl
+n03350352 fisherman's bend
+n03350456 fisherman's knot, true lover's knot, truelove knot
+n03350602 fisherman's lure, fish lure
+n03351151 fishhook
+n03351262 fishing boat, fishing smack, fishing vessel
+n03351434 fishing gear, tackle, fishing tackle, fishing rig, rig
+n03351979 fishing rod, fishing pole
+n03352232 fish joint
+n03352366 fish knife
+n03352628 fishnet, fishing net
+n03352961 fish slice
+n03353281 fitment
+n03353951 fixative
+n03354207 fixer-upper
+n03354903 flag
+n03355468 flageolet, treble recorder, shepherd's pipe
+n03355768 flagon
+n03355925 flagpole, flagstaff
+n03356038 flagship
+n03356279 flail
+n03356446 flambeau
+n03356559 flamethrower
+n03356858 flange, rim
+n03356982 flannel
+n03357081 flannel, gabardine, tweed, white
+n03357267 flannelette
+n03357716 flap, flaps
+n03358172 flash, photoflash, flash lamp, flashgun, flashbulb, flash bulb
+n03358380 flash
+n03358726 flash camera
+n03358841 flasher
+n03359137 flashlight, torch
+n03359285 flashlight battery
+n03359436 flash memory
+n03359566 flask
+n03360133 flat arch, straight arch
+n03360300 flatbed
+n03360431 flatbed press, cylinder press
+n03360622 flat bench
+n03360731 flatcar, flatbed, flat
+n03361109 flat file
+n03361297 flatlet
+n03361380 flat panel display, FPD
+n03361550 flats
+n03361683 flat tip screwdriver
+n03362639 fleece
+n03362771 fleet ballistic missile submarine
+n03362890 fleur-de-lis, fleur-de-lys
+n03363363 flight simulator, trainer
+n03363549 flintlock
+n03363749 flintlock, firelock
+n03364008 flip-flop, thong
+n03364156 flipper, fin
+n03364599 float, plasterer's float
+n03364937 floating dock, floating dry dock
+n03365231 floatplane, pontoon plane
+n03365374 flood, floodlight, flood lamp, photoflood
+n03365592 floor, flooring
+n03365991 floor, level, storey, story
+n03366464 floor
+n03366721 floorboard
+n03366823 floor cover, floor covering
+n03366974 floor joist
+n03367059 floor lamp
+n03367321 flophouse, dosshouse
+n03367410 florist, florist shop, flower store
+n03367545 floss
+n03367875 flotsam, jetsam
+n03367969 flour bin
+n03368048 flour mill
+n03368352 flowerbed, flower bed, bed of flowers
+n03369276 flugelhorn, fluegelhorn
+n03369407 fluid drive
+n03369512 fluid flywheel
+n03369866 flume
+n03370387 fluorescent lamp
+n03370646 fluoroscope, roentgenoscope
+n03371875 flush toilet, lavatory
+n03372029 flute, transverse flute
+n03372549 flute, flute glass, champagne flute
+n03372822 flux applicator
+n03372933 fluxmeter
+n03373237 fly
+n03373611 flying boat
+n03373943 flying buttress, arc-boutant
+n03374102 flying carpet
+n03374282 flying jib
+n03374372 fly rod
+n03374473 fly tent
+n03374570 flytrap
+n03374649 flywheel
+n03374838 fob, watch chain, watch guard
+n03375171 foghorn
+n03375329 foglamp
+n03375575 foil
+n03376159 fold, sheepfold, sheep pen, sheepcote
+n03376279 folder
+n03376595 folding chair
+n03376771 folding door, accordion door
+n03376938 folding saw
+n03378005 food court
+n03378174 food processor
+n03378342 food hamper
+n03378442 foot
+n03378593 footage
+n03378765 football
+n03379051 football helmet
+n03379204 football stadium
+n03379343 footbath
+n03379719 foot brake
+n03379828 footbridge, overcrossing, pedestrian bridge
+n03379989 foothold, footing
+n03380301 footlocker, locker
+n03380647 foot rule
+n03380724 footstool, footrest, ottoman, tuffet
+n03380867 footwear, footgear
+n03381126 footwear
+n03381231 forceps
+n03381450 force pump
+n03381565 fore-and-after
+n03381776 fore-and-aft sail
+n03382104 forecastle, fo'c'sle
+n03382292 forecourt
+n03382413 foredeck
+n03382533 fore edge, foredge
+n03382708 foreground
+n03382856 foremast
+n03382969 fore plane
+n03383099 foresail
+n03383211 forestay
+n03383378 foretop
+n03383468 fore-topmast
+n03383562 fore-topsail
+n03383821 forge
+n03384167 fork
+n03384352 forklift
+n03384891 formalwear, eveningwear, evening dress, evening clothes
+n03385295 Formica
+n03385557 fortification, munition
+n03386011 fortress, fort
+n03386343 forty-five
+n03386544 Foucault pendulum
+n03386726 foulard
+n03386870 foul-weather gear
+n03387323 foundation garment, foundation
+n03387653 foundry, metalworks
+n03388043 fountain
+n03388183 fountain pen
+n03388323 four-in-hand
+n03388549 four-poster
+n03388711 four-pounder
+n03388990 four-stroke engine, four-stroke internal-combustion engine
+n03389611 four-wheel drive, 4WD
+n03389761 four-wheel drive, 4WD
+n03389889 four-wheeler
+n03389983 fowling piece
+n03390075 foxhole, fox hole
+n03390327 fragmentation bomb, antipersonnel bomb, anti-personnel bomb, daisy cutter
+n03390673 frail
+n03390786 fraise
+n03390983 frame, framing
+n03391301 frame
+n03391613 frame buffer
+n03391770 framework
+n03392648 Francis turbine
+n03392741 franking machine
+n03393017 free house
+n03393199 free-reed
+n03393324 free-reed instrument
+n03393761 freewheel
+n03393912 freight car
+n03394149 freight elevator, service elevator
+n03394272 freight liner, liner train
+n03394480 freight train, rattler
+n03394649 French door
+n03394916 French horn, horn
+n03395256 French polish, French polish shellac
+n03395401 French roof
+n03395514 French window
+n03395859 Fresnel lens
+n03396074 fret
+n03396580 friary
+n03396654 friction clutch
+n03396997 frieze
+n03397087 frieze
+n03397266 frigate
+n03397412 frigate
+n03397532 frill, flounce, ruffle, furbelow
+n03397947 Frisbee
+n03398153 frock
+n03398228 frock coat
+n03399579 frontlet, frontal
+n03399677 front porch
+n03399761 front projector
+n03399971 fruit machine
+n03400231 frying pan, frypan, skillet
+n03400972 fuel filter
+n03401129 fuel gauge, fuel indicator
+n03401279 fuel injection, fuel injection system
+n03401721 fuel system
+n03402188 full-dress uniform
+n03402369 full metal jacket
+n03402511 full skirt
+n03402785 fumigator
+n03402941 funeral home, funeral parlor, funeral parlour, funeral chapel, funeral church, funeral-residence
+n03403643 funnel
+n03404012 funny wagon
+n03404149 fur
+n03404251 fur coat
+n03404360 fur hat
+n03404449 furnace
+n03404900 furnace lining, refractory
+n03405111 furnace room
+n03405265 furnishing
+n03405595 furnishing, trappings
+n03405725 furniture, piece of furniture, article of furniture
+n03406759 fur-piece
+n03406966 furrow
+n03407369 fuse, electrical fuse, safety fuse
+n03407865 fusee drive, fusee
+n03408054 fuselage
+n03408264 fusil
+n03408340 fustian
+n03408444 futon
+n03409297 gabardine
+n03409393 gable, gable end, gable wall
+n03409591 gable roof, saddle roof, saddleback, saddleback roof
+n03409920 gadgetry
+n03410022 gaff
+n03410147 gaff
+n03410303 gaff
+n03410423 gaffsail, gaff-headed sail
+n03410571 gaff topsail, fore-and-aft topsail
+n03410740 gag, muzzle
+n03410938 gaiter
+n03411079 gaiter
+n03411208 Galilean telescope
+n03411339 galleon
+n03411927 gallery
+n03412058 gallery, art gallery, picture gallery
+n03412220 galley, ship's galley, caboose, cookhouse
+n03412387 galley
+n03412511 galley
+n03412906 gallows
+n03413124 gallows tree, gallows-tree, gibbet, gallous
+n03413264 galvanometer
+n03413428 gambling house, gambling den, gambling hell, gaming house
+n03413684 gambrel, gambrel roof
+n03413828 game
+n03414029 gamebag
+n03414162 game equipment
+n03414676 gaming table
+n03415252 gamp, brolly
+n03415486 gangplank, gangboard, gangway
+n03415626 gangsaw
+n03415749 gangway
+n03415868 gantlet
+n03416094 gantry, gauntry
+n03416489 garage
+n03416640 garage, service department
+n03416775 Garand rifle, Garand, M-1, M-1 rifle
+n03416900 garbage
+n03417042 garbage truck, dustcart
+n03417202 garboard, garboard plank, garboard strake
+n03417345 garden
+n03417749 garden
+n03417970 garden rake
+n03418158 garden spade
+n03418242 garden tool, lawn tool
+n03418402 garden trowel
+n03418618 gargoyle
+n03418749 garibaldi
+n03418915 garlic press
+n03419014 garment
+n03420345 garment bag
+n03420801 garrison cap, overseas cap
+n03420935 garrote, garotte, garrotte, iron collar
+n03421117 garter, supporter
+n03421324 garter belt, suspender belt
+n03421485 garter stitch
+n03421669 gas guzzler
+n03421768 gas shell
+n03421960 gas bracket
+n03422072 gas burner, gas jet
+n03422484 gas-cooled reactor
+n03422589 gas-discharge tube
+n03422771 gas engine
+n03423099 gas fixture
+n03423224 gas furnace
+n03423306 gas gun
+n03423479 gas heater
+n03423568 gas holder, gasometer
+n03423719 gasket
+n03423877 gas lamp
+n03424204 gas maser
+n03424325 gasmask, respirator, gas helmet
+n03424489 gas meter, gasometer
+n03424630 gasoline engine, petrol engine
+n03424862 gasoline gauge, gasoline gage, gas gauge, gas gage, petrol gauge, petrol gage
+n03425241 gas oven
+n03425325 gas oven
+n03425413 gas pump, gasoline pump, petrol pump, island dispenser
+n03425595 gas range, gas stove, gas cooker
+n03425769 gas ring
+n03426134 gas tank, gasoline tank, petrol tank
+n03426285 gas thermometer, air thermometer
+n03426462 gastroscope
+n03426574 gas turbine
+n03426871 gas-turbine ship
+n03427202 gat, rod
+n03427296 gate
+n03428090 gatehouse
+n03428226 gateleg table
+n03428349 gatepost
+n03429003 gathered skirt
+n03429137 Gatling gun
+n03429288 gauge, gage
+n03429682 gauntlet, gantlet
+n03429771 gauntlet, gantlet, metal glove
+n03429914 gauze, netting, veiling
+n03430091 gauze, gauze bandage
+n03430313 gavel
+n03430418 gazebo, summerhouse
+n03430551 gear, gear wheel, geared wheel, cogwheel
+n03430959 gear, paraphernalia, appurtenance
+n03431243 gear, gear mechanism
+n03431570 gearbox, gear box, gear case
+n03431745 gearing, gear, geartrain, power train, train
+n03432061 gearset
+n03432129 gearshift, gearstick, shifter, gear lever
+n03432360 Geiger counter, Geiger-Muller counter
+n03432509 Geiger tube, Geiger-Muller tube
+n03433247 gene chip, DNA chip
+n03433637 general-purpose bomb, GP bomb
+n03433877 generator
+n03434188 generator
+n03434285 generator
+n03434830 Geneva gown
+n03435593 geodesic dome
+n03435743 georgette
+n03435991 gharry
+n03436075 ghat
+n03436182 ghetto blaster, boom box
+n03436417 gift shop, novelty shop
+n03436549 gift wrapping
+n03436656 gig
+n03436772 gig
+n03436891 gig
+n03436990 gig
+n03437184 gildhall
+n03437295 gill net
+n03437430 gilt, gilding
+n03437581 gimbal
+n03437741 gingham
+n03437829 girandole, girandola
+n03437941 girder
+n03438071 girdle, cincture, sash, waistband, waistcloth
+n03438257 glass, drinking glass
+n03438661 glass
+n03438780 glass cutter
+n03438863 glasses case
+n03439348 glebe house
+n03439631 Glengarry
+n03439814 glider, sailplane
+n03440216 Global Positioning System, GPS
+n03440682 glockenspiel, orchestral bells
+n03440876 glory hole, lazaretto
+n03441112 glove
+n03441345 glove compartment
+n03441465 glow lamp
+n03441582 glow tube
+n03442288 glyptic art, glyptography
+n03442487 glyptics, lithoglyptics
+n03442597 gnomon
+n03442756 goal
+n03443005 goalmouth
+n03443149 goalpost
+n03443371 goblet
+n03443543 godown
+n03443912 goggles
+n03444034 go-kart
+n03445326 gold plate
+n03445617 golf bag
+n03445777 golf ball
+n03445924 golfcart, golf cart
+n03446070 golf club, golf-club, club
+n03446268 golf-club head, club head, club-head, clubhead
+n03446832 golf equipment
+n03447075 golf glove
+n03447358 golliwog, golliwogg
+n03447447 gondola
+n03447721 gong, tam-tam
+n03447894 goniometer
+n03448031 Gordian knot
+n03448590 gorget
+n03448696 gossamer
+n03448956 Gothic arch
+n03449217 gouache
+n03449309 gouge
+n03449451 gourd, calabash
+n03449564 government building
+n03449858 government office
+n03450230 gown
+n03450516 gown, robe
+n03450734 gown, surgical gown, scrubs
+n03450881 grab
+n03450974 grab bag
+n03451120 grab bar
+n03451253 grace cup
+n03451365 grade separation
+n03451711 graduated cylinder
+n03451798 graffito, graffiti
+n03452267 gramophone, acoustic gramophone
+n03452449 granary, garner
+n03452594 grandfather clock, longcase clock
+n03452741 grand piano, grand
+n03453231 graniteware
+n03453320 granny knot, granny
+n03453443 grape arbor, grape arbour
+n03454110 grapnel, grapnel anchor
+n03454211 grapnel, grapple, grappler, grappling hook, grappling iron
+n03454442 grass skirt
+n03454536 grate, grating
+n03454707 grate, grating
+n03454885 grater
+n03455355 graver, graving tool, pointel, pointrel
+n03455488 gravestone, headstone, tombstone
+n03455642 gravimeter, gravity meter
+n03455802 gravure, photogravure, heliogravure
+n03456024 gravy boat, gravy holder, sauceboat, boat
+n03456186 grey, gray
+n03456299 grease-gun, gun
+n03456447 greasepaint
+n03456548 greasy spoon
+n03456665 greatcoat, overcoat, topcoat
+n03457008 great hall
+n03457451 greave, jambeau
+n03457686 greengrocery
+n03457902 greenhouse, nursery, glasshouse
+n03458271 grenade
+n03458422 grid, gridiron
+n03459328 griddle
+n03459591 grill, grille, grillwork
+n03459775 grille, radiator grille
+n03459914 grillroom, grill
+n03460040 grinder
+n03460147 grinding wheel, emery wheel
+n03460297 grindstone
+n03460455 gripsack
+n03460899 gristmill
+n03461288 grocery bag
+n03461385 grocery store, grocery, food market, market
+n03461651 grogram
+n03461882 groined vault
+n03461988 groover
+n03462110 grosgrain
+n03462315 gros point
+n03462747 ground, earth
+n03462972 ground bait
+n03463185 ground control
+n03463381 ground floor, first floor, ground level
+n03463666 groundsheet, ground cloth
+n03464053 G-string, thong
+n03464467 guard, safety, safety device
+n03464628 guard boat
+n03464952 guardroom
+n03465040 guardroom
+n03465151 guard ship
+n03465320 guard's van
+n03465426 gueridon
+n03465500 Guarnerius
+n03465605 guesthouse
+n03465718 guestroom
+n03465818 guidance system, guidance device
+n03466162 guided missile
+n03466493 guided missile cruiser
+n03466600 guided missile frigate
+n03466839 guildhall
+n03466947 guilloche
+n03467068 guillotine
+n03467254 guimpe
+n03467380 guimpe
+n03467517 guitar
+n03467796 guitar pick
+n03467887 gulag
+n03467984 gun
+n03468570 gunboat
+n03468696 gun carriage
+n03468821 gun case
+n03469031 gun emplacement, weapons emplacement
+n03469175 gun enclosure, gun turret, turret
+n03469493 gunlock, firing mechanism
+n03469832 gunnery
+n03469903 gunnysack, gunny sack, burlap bag
+n03470005 gun pendulum
+n03470222 gun room
+n03470387 gunsight, gun-sight
+n03470629 gun trigger, trigger
+n03470948 gurney
+n03471030 gusher
+n03471190 gusset, inset
+n03471347 gusset, gusset plate
+n03471779 guy, guy cable, guy wire, guy rope
+n03472232 gymnastic apparatus, exerciser
+n03472535 gym shoe, sneaker, tennis shoe
+n03472672 gym suit
+n03472796 gymslip
+n03472937 gypsy cab
+n03473078 gyrocompass
+n03473227 gyroscope, gyro
+n03473465 gyrostabilizer, gyrostabiliser
+n03473817 habergeon
+n03473966 habit
+n03474167 habit, riding habit
+n03474352 hacienda
+n03474779 hacksaw, hack saw, metal saw
+n03474896 haft, helve
+n03475581 hairbrush
+n03475674 haircloth, hair
+n03475823 hairdressing, hair tonic, hair oil, hair grease
+n03475961 hairnet
+n03476083 hairpiece, false hair, postiche
+n03476313 hairpin
+n03476542 hair shirt
+n03476684 hair slide
+n03476991 hair spray
+n03477143 hairspring
+n03477303 hair trigger
+n03477410 halberd
+n03477512 half binding
+n03477773 half hatchet
+n03477902 half hitch
+n03478589 half track
+n03478756 hall
+n03478907 hall
+n03479121 hall
+n03479266 Hall of Fame
+n03479397 hall of residence
+n03479502 hallstand
+n03480579 halter
+n03480719 halter, hackamore
+n03480973 hame
+n03481172 hammer
+n03481521 hammer, power hammer
+n03482001 hammer
+n03482128 hammerhead
+n03482252 hammock, sack
+n03482405 hamper
+n03482523 hand
+n03482877 handball
+n03483086 handbarrow
+n03483230 handbell
+n03483316 hand blower, blow dryer, blow drier, hair dryer, hair drier
+n03483531 handbow
+n03483637 hand brake, emergency, emergency brake, parking brake
+n03483823 hand calculator, pocket calculator
+n03483971 handcar
+n03484083 handcart, pushcart, cart, go-cart
+n03484487 hand cream
+n03484576 handcuff, cuff, handlock, manacle
+n03484809 hand drill, handheld drill
+n03484931 hand glass, simple microscope, magnifying glass
+n03485198 hand glass, hand mirror
+n03485309 hand grenade
+n03485407 hand-held computer, hand-held microcomputer
+n03485575 handhold
+n03485794 handkerchief, hankie, hanky, hankey
+n03487090 handlebar
+n03487331 handloom
+n03487444 hand lotion
+n03487533 hand luggage
+n03487642 hand-me-down
+n03487774 hand mower
+n03487886 hand pump
+n03488111 handrest
+n03488188 handsaw, hand saw, carpenter's saw
+n03488438 handset, French telephone
+n03488603 hand shovel
+n03488784 handspike
+n03488887 handstamp, rubber stamp
+n03489048 hand throttle
+n03489162 hand tool
+n03490006 hand towel, face towel
+n03490119 hand truck, truck
+n03490324 handwear, hand wear
+n03490449 handwheel
+n03490649 handwheel
+n03490784 hangar queen
+n03490884 hanger
+n03491032 hang glider
+n03491724 hangman's rope, hangman's halter, halter, hemp, hempen necktie
+n03491988 hank
+n03492087 hansom, hansom cab
+n03492250 harbor, harbour
+n03492542 hard disc, hard disk, fixed disk
+n03492922 hard hat, tin hat, safety hat
+n03493219 hardtop
+n03493792 hardware, ironware
+n03493911 hardware store, ironmonger, ironmonger's shop
+n03494278 harmonica, mouth organ, harp, mouth harp
+n03494537 harmonium, organ, reed organ
+n03494706 harness
+n03495039 harness
+n03495258 harp
+n03495570 harp
+n03495671 harpoon
+n03495941 harpoon gun
+n03496183 harpoon log
+n03496296 harpsichord, cembalo
+n03496486 Harris Tweed
+n03496612 harrow
+n03496892 harvester, reaper
+n03497100 hash house
+n03497352 hasp
+n03497657 hat, chapeau, lid
+n03498441 hatbox
+n03498536 hatch
+n03498662 hatchback, hatchback door
+n03498781 hatchback
+n03498866 hatchel, heckle
+n03498962 hatchet
+n03499354 hatpin
+n03499468 hauberk, byrnie
+n03499907 Hawaiian guitar, steel guitar
+n03500090 hawse, hawsehole, hawsepipe
+n03500209 hawser
+n03500295 hawser bend
+n03500389 hay bale
+n03500457 hayfork
+n03500557 hayloft, haymow, mow
+n03500699 haymaker, hay conditioner
+n03500838 hayrack, hayrig
+n03500971 hayrack
+n03501152 hazard
+n03501288 head
+n03501520 head
+n03501614 head
+n03502200 headboard
+n03502331 head covering, veil
+n03502509 headdress, headgear
+n03502777 header
+n03502897 header
+n03503097 header, coping, cope
+n03503233 header, lintel
+n03503358 headfast
+n03503477 head gasket
+n03503567 head gate
+n03503718 headgear
+n03503997 headlight, headlamp
+n03504205 headpiece
+n03504293 headpin, kingpin
+n03504723 headquarters, central office, main office, home office, home base
+n03505015 headrace
+n03505133 headrest
+n03505383 headsail
+n03505504 headscarf
+n03505667 headset
+n03505764 head shop
+n03506028 headstall, headpiece
+n03506184 headstock
+n03506370 health spa, spa, health club
+n03506560 hearing aid, ear trumpet
+n03506727 hearing aid, deaf-aid
+n03506880 hearse
+n03507241 hearth, fireside
+n03507458 hearthrug
+n03507658 heart-lung machine
+n03507963 heat engine
+n03508101 heater, warmer
+n03508485 heat exchanger
+n03508881 heating pad, hot pad
+n03509394 heat lamp, infrared lamp
+n03509608 heat pump
+n03509843 heat-seeking missile
+n03510072 heat shield
+n03510244 heat sink
+n03510384 heaume
+n03510487 heaver
+n03510583 heavier-than-air craft
+n03510866 heckelphone, basset oboe
+n03510987 hectograph, heliotype
+n03511175 hedge, hedgerow
+n03511333 hedge trimmer
+n03512030 helicon, bombardon
+n03512147 helicopter, chopper, whirlybird, eggbeater
+n03512452 heliograph
+n03512624 heliometer
+n03512911 helm
+n03513137 helmet
+n03513376 helmet
+n03514129 hematocrit, haematocrit
+n03514340 hemming-stitch
+n03514451 hemostat, haemostat
+n03514693 hemstitch, hemstitching
+n03514894 henroost
+n03515338 heraldry
+n03515934 hermitage
+n03516266 herringbone
+n03516367 herringbone, herringbone pattern
+n03516647 Herschelian telescope, off-axis reflector
+n03516844 Hessian boot, hessian, jackboot, Wellington, Wellington boot
+n03516996 heterodyne receiver, superheterodyne receiver, superhet
+n03517509 hibachi
+n03517647 hideaway, retreat
+n03517760 hi-fi, high fidelity sound system
+n03517899 high altar
+n03517982 high-angle gun
+n03518135 highball glass
+n03518230 highboard
+n03518305 highboy, tallboy
+n03518445 highchair, feeding chair
+n03518631 high gear, high
+n03518829 high-hat cymbal, high hat
+n03518943 highlighter
+n03519081 highlighter
+n03519226 high-pass filter
+n03519387 high-rise, tower block
+n03519674 high table
+n03519848 high-warp loom
+n03520493 hijab
+n03521076 hinge, flexible joint
+n03521431 hinging post, swinging post
+n03521544 hip boot, thigh boot
+n03521675 hipflask, pocket flask
+n03521771 hip pad
+n03521899 hip pocket
+n03522003 hippodrome
+n03522100 hip roof, hipped roof
+n03522634 hitch
+n03522863 hitch
+n03522990 hitching post
+n03523134 hitchrack, hitching bar
+n03523398 hob
+n03523506 hobble skirt
+n03523987 hockey skate
+n03524150 hockey stick
+n03524287 hod
+n03524425 hodoscope
+n03524574 hoe
+n03524745 hoe handle
+n03524976 hogshead
+n03525074 hoist
+n03525252 hold, keep
+n03525454 holder
+n03525693 holding cell
+n03525827 holding device
+n03526062 holding pen, holding paddock, holding yard
+n03527149 hollowware, holloware
+n03527444 holster
+n03527565 holster
+n03527675 holy of holies, sanctum sanctorum
+n03528100 home, nursing home, rest home
+n03528263 home appliance, household appliance
+n03528523 home computer
+n03528901 home plate, home base, home, plate
+n03529175 home room, homeroom
+n03529444 homespun
+n03529629 homestead
+n03529860 home theater, home theatre
+n03530189 homing torpedo
+n03530511 hone
+n03530642 honeycomb
+n03530910 hood, bonnet, cowl, cowling
+n03531281 hood
+n03531447 hood
+n03531546 hood, exhaust hood
+n03531691 hood
+n03531982 hood latch
+n03532342 hook
+n03532672 hook, claw
+n03532919 hook
+n03533014 hookah, narghile, nargileh, sheesha, shisha, chicha, calean, kalian, water pipe, hubble-bubble, hubbly-bubbly
+n03533392 hook and eye
+n03533486 hookup, assemblage
+n03533654 hookup
+n03533845 hook wrench, hook spanner
+n03534580 hoopskirt, crinoline
+n03534695 hoosegow, hoosgow
+n03534776 Hoover
+n03535024 hope chest, wedding chest
+n03535284 hopper
+n03535647 hopsacking, hopsack
+n03535780 horizontal bar, high bar
+n03536122 horizontal stabilizer, horizontal stabiliser, tailplane
+n03536568 horizontal tail
+n03536761 horn
+n03537085 horn
+n03537241 horn
+n03537412 horn button
+n03537550 hornpipe, pibgorn, stockhorn
+n03538037 horse, gymnastic horse
+n03538179 horsebox
+n03538300 horsecar
+n03538406 horse cart, horse-cart
+n03538542 horsecloth
+n03538634 horse-drawn vehicle
+n03538817 horsehair
+n03538957 horsehair wig
+n03539103 horseless carriage
+n03539293 horse pistol, horse-pistol
+n03539433 horseshoe, shoe
+n03539546 horseshoe
+n03539678 horse-trail
+n03539754 horsewhip
+n03540090 hose
+n03540267 hosiery, hose
+n03540476 hospice
+n03540595 hospital, infirmary
+n03540914 hospital bed
+n03541091 hospital room
+n03541269 hospital ship
+n03541393 hospital train
+n03541537 hostel, youth hostel, student lodging
+n03541696 hostel, hostelry, inn, lodge, auberge
+n03541923 hot-air balloon
+n03542333 hotel
+n03542605 hotel-casino, casino-hotel
+n03542727 hotel-casino, casino-hotel
+n03542860 hotel room
+n03543012 hot line
+n03543112 hot pants
+n03543254 hot plate, hotplate
+n03543394 hot rod, hot-rod
+n03543511 hot spot, hotspot
+n03543603 hot tub
+n03543735 hot-water bottle, hot-water bag
+n03543945 houndstooth check, hound's-tooth check, dogstooth check, dogs-tooth check, dog's-tooth check
+n03544143 hourglass
+n03544238 hour hand, little hand
+n03544360 house
+n03545150 house
+n03545470 houseboat
+n03545585 houselights
+n03545756 house of cards, cardhouse, card-house, cardcastle
+n03545961 house of correction
+n03546112 house paint, housepaint
+n03546235 housetop
+n03546340 housing, lodging, living accommodations
+n03547054 hovel, hut, hutch, shack, shanty
+n03547229 hovercraft, ground-effect machine
+n03547397 howdah, houdah
+n03547530 huarache, huaraches
+n03547861 hub-and-spoke, hub-and-spoke system
+n03548086 hubcap
+n03548195 huck, huckaback
+n03548320 hug-me-tight
+n03548402 hula-hoop
+n03548533 hulk
+n03548626 hull
+n03548930 humeral veil, veil
+n03549199 Humvee, Hum-Vee
+n03549350 hunter, hunting watch
+n03549473 hunting knife
+n03549589 hurdle
+n03549732 hurricane deck, hurricane roof, promenade deck, awning deck
+n03549897 hurricane lamp, hurricane lantern, tornado lantern, storm lantern, storm lamp
+n03550153 hut, army hut, field hut
+n03550289 hutch
+n03550420 hutment
+n03551084 hydraulic brake, hydraulic brakes
+n03551395 hydraulic press
+n03551582 hydraulic pump, hydraulic ram
+n03551790 hydraulic system
+n03552001 hydraulic transmission, hydraulic transmission system
+n03552449 hydroelectric turbine
+n03552749 hydrofoil, hydroplane
+n03553019 hydrofoil, foil
+n03553248 hydrogen bomb, H-bomb, fusion bomb, thermonuclear bomb
+n03553486 hydrometer, gravimeter
+n03554375 hygrodeik
+n03554460 hygrometer
+n03554645 hygroscope
+n03555006 hyperbaric chamber
+n03555217 hypercoaster
+n03555426 hypermarket
+n03555564 hypodermic needle
+n03555662 hypodermic syringe, hypodermic, hypo
+n03555862 hypsometer
+n03555996 hysterosalpingogram
+n03556173 I-beam
+n03556679 ice ax, ice axe, piolet
+n03556811 iceboat, ice yacht, scooter
+n03556992 icebreaker, iceboat
+n03557270 iced-tea spoon
+n03557360 ice hockey rink, ice-hockey rink
+n03557590 ice machine
+n03557692 ice maker
+n03557840 ice pack, ice bag
+n03558007 icepick, ice pick
+n03558176 ice rink, ice-skating rink, ice
+n03558404 ice skate
+n03558633 ice tongs
+n03558739 icetray
+n03559373 iconoscope
+n03559531 Identikit, Identikit picture
+n03559999 idle pulley, idler pulley, idle wheel
+n03560430 igloo, iglu
+n03560860 ignition coil
+n03561047 ignition key
+n03561169 ignition switch
+n03561573 imaret
+n03562565 immovable bandage
+n03563200 impact printer
+n03563460 impeller
+n03563710 implant
+n03563967 implement
+n03564849 impression
+n03565288 imprint
+n03565565 improvised explosive device, I.E.D., IED
+n03565710 impulse turbine
+n03565830 in-basket, in-tray
+n03565991 incendiary bomb, incendiary, firebomb
+n03566193 incinerator
+n03566329 inclined plane
+n03566555 inclinometer, dip circle
+n03566730 inclinometer
+n03566860 incrustation, encrustation
+n03567066 incubator, brooder
+n03567635 index register
+n03567788 Indiaman
+n03567912 Indian club
+n03568117 indicator
+n03568818 induction coil
+n03569014 inductor, inductance
+n03569174 industrial watercourse
+n03569293 inertial guidance system, inertial navigation system
+n03569494 inflater, inflator
+n03571280 inhaler, inhalator
+n03571439 injector
+n03571625 ink bottle, inkpot
+n03571853 ink eraser
+n03571942 ink-jet printer
+n03572107 inkle
+n03572205 inkstand
+n03572321 inkwell, inkstand
+n03572631 inlay
+n03573574 inside caliper
+n03573848 insole, innersole
+n03574243 instep
+n03574416 instillator
+n03574555 institution
+n03574816 instrument
+n03575958 instrument of punishment
+n03576215 instrument of torture
+n03576443 intaglio, diaglyph
+n03576955 intake valve
+n03577090 integrated circuit, microcircuit
+n03577312 integrator, planimeter
+n03577474 Intelnet
+n03577672 interceptor
+n03577818 interchange
+n03578055 intercommunication system, intercom
+n03578251 intercontinental ballistic missile, ICBM
+n03578656 interface, port
+n03578981 interferometer
+n03579538 interior door
+n03579982 internal-combustion engine, ICE
+n03580518 internal drive
+n03580615 internet, net, cyberspace
+n03580845 interphone
+n03580990 interrupter
+n03581125 intersection, crossroad, crossway, crossing, carrefour
+n03581531 interstice
+n03581897 intraocular lens
+n03582508 intravenous pyelogram, IVP
+n03582959 inverter
+n03583419 ion engine
+n03583621 ionization chamber, ionization tube
+n03584254 iPod
+n03584400 video iPod
+n03584829 iron, smoothing iron
+n03585073 iron
+n03585337 iron, branding iron
+n03585438 irons, chains
+n03585551 ironclad
+n03585682 iron foundry
+n03585778 iron horse
+n03585875 ironing
+n03586219 iron lung
+n03586631 ironmongery
+n03586911 ironworks
+n03587205 irrigation ditch
+n03588216 izar
+n03588841 jabot
+n03588951 jack
+n03589313 jack, jackstones
+n03589513 jack
+n03589672 jack
+n03589791 jacket
+n03590306 jacket
+n03590475 jacket
+n03590588 jack-in-the-box
+n03590841 jack-o'-lantern
+n03590932 jack plane
+n03591116 Jacob's ladder, jack ladder, pilot ladder
+n03591313 jaconet
+n03591592 Jacquard loom, Jacquard
+n03591798 jacquard
+n03591901 jag, dag
+n03592245 jail, jailhouse, gaol, clink, slammer, poky, pokey
+n03592669 jalousie
+n03592773 jamb
+n03592931 jammer
+n03593122 jampot, jamjar
+n03593222 japan
+n03593526 jar
+n03593862 Jarvik heart, Jarvik artificial heart
+n03594010 jaunting car, jaunty car
+n03594148 javelin
+n03594277 jaw
+n03594523 Jaws of Life
+n03594734 jean, blue jean, denim
+n03594945 jeep, landrover
+n03595055 jellaba
+n03595264 jerkin
+n03595409 jeroboam, double-magnum
+n03595523 jersey
+n03595614 jersey, T-shirt, tee shirt
+n03595860 jet, jet plane, jet-propelled plane
+n03596099 jet bridge
+n03596285 jet engine
+n03596543 jetliner
+n03597147 jeweler's glass
+n03597317 jewelled headdress, jeweled headdress
+n03597916 jew's harp, jews' harp, mouth bow
+n03598151 jib
+n03598299 jibboom
+n03598385 jig
+n03598515 jig
+n03598646 jiggermast, jigger
+n03598783 jigsaw, scroll saw, fretsaw
+n03598930 jigsaw puzzle
+n03599486 jinrikisha, ricksha, rickshaw
+n03599964 jobcentre
+n03600285 jodhpurs, jodhpur breeches, riding breeches
+n03600475 jodhpur, jodhpur boot, jodhpur shoe
+n03600722 joinery
+n03600977 joint
+n03601442 Joint Direct Attack Munition, JDAM
+n03601638 jointer, jointer plane, jointing plane, long plane
+n03601840 joist
+n03602081 jolly boat, jolly
+n03602194 jorum
+n03602365 joss house
+n03602686 journal bearing
+n03602790 journal box
+n03602883 joystick
+n03603442 jungle gym
+n03603594 junk
+n03603722 jug
+n03604156 jukebox, nickelodeon
+n03604311 jumbojet, jumbo jet
+n03604400 jumper, pinafore, pinny
+n03604536 jumper
+n03604629 jumper
+n03604763 jumper
+n03604843 jumper cable, jumper lead, lead, booster cable
+n03605417 jump seat
+n03605504 jump suit
+n03605598 jump suit, jumpsuit
+n03605722 junction
+n03605915 junction, conjunction
+n03606106 junction barrier, barrier strip
+n03606251 junk shop
+n03606347 jury box
+n03606465 jury mast
+n03607029 kachina
+n03607186 kaffiyeh
+n03607527 kalansuwa
+n03607659 Kalashnikov
+n03607923 kameez
+n03608504 kanzu
+n03609147 katharometer
+n03609235 kayak
+n03609397 kazoo
+n03609542 keel
+n03609786 keelboat
+n03609959 keelson
+n03610098 keep, donjon, dungeon
+n03610418 keg
+n03610524 kennel, doghouse, dog house
+n03610682 kepi, peaked cap, service cap, yachting cap
+n03610836 keratoscope
+n03610992 kerchief
+n03612010 ketch
+n03612814 kettle, boiler
+n03612965 kettle, kettledrum, tympanum, tympani, timpani
+n03613294 key
+n03613592 key
+n03614007 keyboard
+n03614383 keyboard buffer
+n03614532 keyboard instrument
+n03614782 keyhole
+n03614887 keyhole saw
+n03615300 khadi, khaddar
+n03615406 khaki
+n03615563 khakis
+n03615655 khimar
+n03615790 khukuri
+n03616091 kick pleat
+n03616225 kicksorter, pulse height analyzer
+n03616428 kickstand
+n03616763 kick starter, kick start
+n03616979 kid glove, suede glove
+n03617095 kiln
+n03617312 kilt
+n03617480 kimono
+n03617594 kinescope, picture tube, television tube
+n03617834 Kinetoscope
+n03618101 king
+n03618339 king
+n03618546 kingbolt, kingpin, swivel pin
+n03618678 king post
+n03618797 Kipp's apparatus
+n03618982 kirk
+n03619050 kirpan
+n03619196 kirtle
+n03619275 kirtle
+n03619396 kit, outfit
+n03619650 kit
+n03619793 kitbag, kit bag
+n03619890 kitchen
+n03620052 kitchen appliance
+n03620353 kitchenette
+n03620967 kitchen table
+n03621049 kitchen utensil
+n03621377 kitchenware
+n03621694 kite balloon
+n03622058 klaxon, claxon
+n03622401 klieg light
+n03622526 klystron
+n03622839 knee brace
+n03622931 knee-high, knee-hi
+n03623198 knee pad
+n03623338 knee piece
+n03623556 knife
+n03624134 knife
+n03624400 knife blade
+n03624767 knight, horse
+n03625355 knit
+n03625539 knitting machine
+n03625646 knitting needle
+n03625943 knitwear
+n03626115 knob, boss
+n03626272 knob, pommel
+n03626418 knobble
+n03626502 knobkerrie, knobkerry
+n03626760 knocker, doorknocker, rapper
+n03627232 knot
+n03627954 knuckle joint, hinge joint
+n03628071 kohl
+n03628215 koto
+n03628421 kraal
+n03628511 kremlin
+n03628728 kris, creese, crease
+n03628831 krummhorn, crumhorn, cromorne
+n03628984 Kundt's tube
+n03629100 Kurdistan
+n03629231 kurta
+n03629520 kylix, cylix
+n03629643 kymograph, cymograph
+n03630262 lab bench, laboratory bench
+n03630383 lab coat, laboratory coat
+n03631177 lace
+n03631811 lacquer
+n03631922 lacquerware
+n03632100 lacrosse ball
+n03632577 ladder-back
+n03632729 ladder-back, ladder-back chair
+n03632852 ladder truck, aerial ladder truck
+n03632963 ladies' room, powder room
+n03633091 ladle
+n03633341 lady chapel
+n03633632 lagerphone
+n03633886 lag screw, lag bolt
+n03634034 lake dwelling, pile dwelling
+n03634899 lally, lally column
+n03635032 lamasery
+n03635108 lambrequin
+n03635330 lame
+n03635516 laminar flow clean room
+n03635668 laminate
+n03635932 lamination
+n03636248 lamp
+n03636649 lamp
+n03637027 lamp house, lamphouse, lamp housing
+n03637181 lamppost
+n03637318 lampshade, lamp shade
+n03637480 lanai
+n03637787 lancet arch, lancet
+n03637898 lancet window
+n03638014 landau
+n03638180 lander
+n03638623 landing craft
+n03638743 landing flap
+n03638883 landing gear
+n03639077 landing net
+n03639230 landing skid
+n03639497 land line, landline
+n03639675 land mine, ground-emplaced mine, booby trap
+n03639880 land office
+n03640850 lanolin
+n03640988 lantern
+n03641569 lanyard, laniard
+n03641947 lap, lap covering
+n03642144 laparoscope
+n03642341 lapboard
+n03642444 lapel
+n03642573 lap joint, splice
+n03642806 laptop, laptop computer
+n03643149 laryngoscope
+n03643253 laser, optical maser
+n03643491 laser-guided bomb, LGB
+n03643737 laser printer
+n03643907 lash, thong
+n03644073 lashing
+n03644378 lasso, lariat, riata, reata
+n03644858 latch
+n03645011 latch, door latch
+n03645168 latchet
+n03645290 latchkey
+n03645577 lateen, lateen sail
+n03646020 latex paint, latex, rubber-base paint
+n03646148 lath
+n03646296 lathe
+n03646809 latrine
+n03646916 lattice, latticework, fretwork
+n03647423 launch
+n03647520 launcher, rocket launcher
+n03648219 laundry, wash, washing, washables
+n03648431 laundry cart
+n03648667 laundry truck
+n03649003 lavalava
+n03649161 lavaliere, lavalier, lavalliere
+n03649288 laver
+n03649674 lawn chair, garden chair
+n03649797 lawn furniture
+n03649909 lawn mower, mower
+n03650551 layette
+n03651388 lead-acid battery, lead-acid accumulator
+n03651605 lead-in
+n03651843 leading rein
+n03652100 lead pencil
+n03652389 leaf spring
+n03652729 lean-to
+n03652826 lean-to tent
+n03652932 leash, tether, lead
+n03653110 leatherette, imitation leather
+n03653220 leather strip
+n03653454 Leclanche cell
+n03653583 lectern, reading desk
+n03653740 lecture room
+n03653833 lederhosen
+n03653975 ledger board
+n03654576 leg
+n03654826 leg
+n03655072 legging, leging, leg covering
+n03655470 Leiden jar, Leyden jar
+n03655720 leisure wear
+n03656484 lens, lense, lens system
+n03656957 lens, electron lens
+n03657121 lens cap, lens cover
+n03657239 lens implant, interocular lens implant, IOL
+n03657511 leotard, unitard, body suit, cat suit
+n03658102 letter case
+n03658185 letter opener, paper knife, paperknife
+n03658635 levee
+n03658858 level, spirit level
+n03659292 lever
+n03659686 lever, lever tumbler
+n03659809 lever
+n03659950 lever lock
+n03660124 Levi's, levis
+n03660562 Liberty ship
+n03660909 library
+n03661043 library
+n03661340 lid
+n03662301 Liebig condenser
+n03662452 lie detector
+n03662601 lifeboat
+n03662719 life buoy, lifesaver, life belt, life ring
+n03662887 life jacket, life vest, cork jacket
+n03663433 life office
+n03663531 life preserver, preserver, flotation device
+n03663910 life-support system, life support
+n03664159 life-support system, life support
+n03664675 lifting device
+n03664840 lift pump
+n03664943 ligament
+n03665232 ligature
+n03665366 light, light source
+n03665851 light arm
+n03665924 light bulb, lightbulb, bulb, incandescent lamp, electric light, electric-light bulb
+n03666238 light circuit, lighting circuit
+n03666362 light-emitting diode, LED
+n03666591 lighter, light, igniter, ignitor
+n03666917 lighter-than-air craft
+n03667060 light filter, diffusing screen
+n03667235 lighting
+n03667552 light machine gun
+n03667664 light meter, exposure meter, photometer
+n03667829 light microscope
+n03668067 lightning rod, lightning conductor
+n03668279 light pen, electronic stylus
+n03668488 lightship
+n03668803 Lilo
+n03669245 limber
+n03669534 limekiln
+n03669886 limiter, clipper
+n03670208 limousine, limo
+n03671914 linear accelerator, linac
+n03672521 linen
+n03672827 line printer, line-at-a-time printer
+n03673027 liner, ocean liner
+n03673270 liner, lining
+n03673450 lingerie, intimate apparel
+n03673767 lining, liner
+n03674270 link, data link
+n03674440 linkage
+n03674731 Link trainer
+n03674842 linocut
+n03675076 linoleum knife, linoleum cutter
+n03675235 Linotype, Linotype machine
+n03675445 linsey-woolsey
+n03675558 linstock
+n03675907 lion-jaw forceps
+n03676087 lip-gloss
+n03676483 lipstick, lip rouge
+n03676623 liqueur glass
+n03676759 liquid crystal display, LCD
+n03677115 liquid metal reactor
+n03677682 lisle
+n03677766 lister, lister plow, lister plough, middlebreaker, middle buster
+n03678558 litterbin, litter basket, litter-basket
+n03678729 little theater, little theatre
+n03678879 live axle, driving axle
+n03679384 living quarters, quarters
+n03679712 living room, living-room, sitting room, front room, parlor, parlour
+n03680248 load
+n03680355 Loafer
+n03680512 loaner
+n03680734 lobe
+n03680858 lobster pot
+n03680942 local
+n03681477 local area network, LAN
+n03681813 local oscillator, heterodyne oscillator
+n03682380 Lochaber ax
+n03682487 lock
+n03682877 lock, ignition lock
+n03683079 lock, lock chamber
+n03683341 lock
+n03683457 lockage
+n03683606 locker
+n03683708 locker room
+n03683995 locket
+n03684143 lock-gate
+n03684224 locking pliers
+n03684489 lockring, lock ring, lock washer
+n03684611 lockstitch
+n03684740 lockup
+n03684823 locomotive, engine, locomotive engine, railway locomotive
+n03685307 lodge, indian lodge
+n03685486 lodge, hunting lodge
+n03685640 lodge
+n03685820 lodging house, rooming house
+n03686130 loft, attic, garret
+n03686363 loft, pigeon loft
+n03686470 loft
+n03686924 log cabin
+n03687137 loggia
+n03687928 longbow
+n03688066 long iron
+n03688192 long johns
+n03688405 long sleeve
+n03688504 long tom
+n03688605 long trousers, long pants
+n03688707 long underwear, union suit
+n03688832 looking glass, glass
+n03688943 lookout, observation tower, lookout station, observatory
+n03689157 loom
+n03689570 loop knot
+n03690168 lorgnette
+n03690279 Lorraine cross, cross of Lorraine
+n03690473 lorry, camion
+n03690851 lota
+n03690938 lotion
+n03691459 loudspeaker, speaker, speaker unit, loudspeaker system, speaker system
+n03691817 lounge, waiting room, waiting area
+n03692004 lounger
+n03692136 lounging jacket, smoking jacket
+n03692272 lounging pajama, lounging pyjama
+n03692379 loungewear
+n03692522 loupe, jeweler's loupe
+n03692842 louvered window, jalousie
+n03693293 love knot, lovers' knot, lover's knot, true lovers' knot, true lover's knot
+n03693474 love seat, loveseat, tete-a-tete, vis-a-vis
+n03693707 loving cup
+n03693860 lowboy
+n03694196 low-pass filter
+n03694356 low-warp-loom
+n03694639 LP, L-P
+n03694761 L-plate
+n03694949 lubber's hole
+n03695122 lubricating system, force-feed lubricating system, force feed, pressure-feed lubricating system, pressure feed
+n03695452 luff
+n03695616 lug
+n03695753 luge
+n03695857 Luger
+n03695957 luggage carrier
+n03696065 luggage compartment, automobile trunk, trunk
+n03696301 luggage rack, roof rack
+n03696445 lugger
+n03696568 lugsail, lug
+n03696746 lug wrench
+n03696909 lumberjack, lumber jacket
+n03697007 lumbermill, sawmill
+n03697366 lunar excursion module, lunar module, LEM
+n03697552 lunchroom
+n03697812 lunette
+n03697913 lungi, lungyi, longyi
+n03698123 lunula
+n03698226 lusterware
+n03698360 lute
+n03698604 luxury liner, express luxury liner
+n03698723 lyceum
+n03698815 lychgate, lichgate
+n03699280 lyre
+n03699591 machete, matchet, panga
+n03699754 machicolation
+n03699975 machine
+n03700963 machine, simple machine
+n03701191 machine bolt
+n03701391 machine gun
+n03701640 machinery
+n03701790 machine screw
+n03702248 machine tool
+n03702440 machinist's vise, metalworking vise
+n03702582 machmeter
+n03703075 mackinaw
+n03703203 mackinaw, Mackinaw boat
+n03703463 mackinaw, Mackinaw coat
+n03703590 mackintosh, macintosh
+n03703730 macrame
+n03703862 madras
+n03703945 Mae West, air jacket
+n03704549 magazine rack
+n03704834 magic lantern
+n03705379 magnet
+n03705808 magnetic bottle
+n03706229 magnetic compass
+n03706415 magnetic core memory, core memory
+n03706653 magnetic disk, magnetic disc, disk, disc
+n03706939 magnetic head
+n03707171 magnetic mine
+n03707372 magnetic needle
+n03707597 magnetic recorder
+n03707766 magnetic stripe
+n03708036 magnetic tape, mag tape, tape
+n03708425 magneto, magnetoelectric machine
+n03708843 magnetometer, gaussmeter
+n03708962 magnetron
+n03709206 magnifier
+n03709363 magnum
+n03709545 magnus hitch
+n03709644 mail
+n03709823 mailbag, postbag
+n03709960 mailbag, mail pouch
+n03710079 mailboat, mail boat, packet, packet boat
+n03710193 mailbox, letter box
+n03710294 mail car
+n03710421 maildrop
+n03710528 mailer
+n03710637 maillot
+n03710721 maillot, tank suit
+n03710937 mailsorter
+n03711044 mail train
+n03711711 mainframe, mainframe computer
+n03711999 mainmast
+n03712111 main rotor
+n03712337 mainsail
+n03712444 mainspring
+n03712887 main-topmast
+n03712981 main-topsail
+n03713069 main yard
+n03713151 maisonette, maisonnette
+n03713436 majolica, maiolica
+n03714235 makeup, make-up, war paint
+n03715114 Maksutov telescope
+n03715275 malacca, malacca cane
+n03715386 mallet, beetle
+n03715669 mallet, hammer
+n03715892 mallet
+n03716228 mammogram
+n03716887 mandola
+n03716966 mandolin
+n03717131 manger, trough
+n03717285 mangle
+n03717447 manhole
+n03717622 manhole cover
+n03718212 man-of-war, ship of the line
+n03718335 manometer
+n03718458 manor, manor house
+n03718581 manor hall, hall
+n03718699 MANPAD
+n03718789 mansard, mansard roof
+n03718935 manse
+n03719053 mansion, mansion house, manse, hall, residence
+n03719343 mantel, mantelpiece, mantle, mantlepiece, chimneypiece
+n03719560 mantelet, mantilla
+n03719743 mantilla
+n03720005 Mao jacket
+n03720163 map
+n03720665 maquiladora
+n03720891 maraca
+n03721047 marble
+n03721252 marching order
+n03721384 marimba, xylophone
+n03721590 marina
+n03722007 marker
+n03722288 marketplace, market place, mart, market
+n03722646 marlinespike, marlinspike, marlingspike
+n03722944 marocain, crepe marocain
+n03723153 marquee, marquise
+n03723267 marquetry, marqueterie
+n03723439 marriage bed
+n03723781 martello tower
+n03723885 martingale
+n03724066 mascara
+n03724176 maser
+n03724417 masher
+n03724538 mashie, five iron
+n03724623 mashie niblick, seven iron
+n03724756 masjid, musjid
+n03724870 mask
+n03725035 mask
+n03725506 Masonite
+n03725600 Mason jar
+n03725717 masonry
+n03725869 mason's level
+n03726116 massage parlor
+n03726233 massage parlor
+n03726371 mass spectrograph
+n03726516 mass spectrometer, spectrometer
+n03726760 mast
+n03726993 mast
+n03727067 mastaba, mastabah
+n03727465 master bedroom
+n03727605 masterpiece, chef-d'oeuvre
+n03727837 mat
+n03727946 mat, gym mat
+n03728437 match, lucifer, friction match
+n03728982 match
+n03729131 matchboard
+n03729308 matchbook
+n03729402 matchbox
+n03729482 matchlock
+n03729647 match plane, tonguing and grooving plane
+n03729826 matchstick
+n03729951 material
+n03730153 materiel, equipage
+n03730334 maternity hospital
+n03730494 maternity ward
+n03730655 matrix
+n03730788 Matthew Walker, Matthew Walker knot
+n03730893 matting
+n03731019 mattock
+n03731483 mattress cover
+n03731695 maul, sledge, sledgehammer
+n03731882 maulstick, mahlstick
+n03732020 Mauser
+n03732114 mausoleum
+n03732458 maxi
+n03732543 Maxim gun
+n03732658 maximum and minimum thermometer
+n03733131 maypole
+n03733281 maze, labyrinth
+n03733465 mazer
+n03733547 means
+n03733644 measure
+n03733805 measuring cup
+n03733925 measuring instrument, measuring system, measuring device
+n03735637 measuring stick, measure, measuring rod
+n03735963 meat counter
+n03736064 meat grinder
+n03736147 meat hook
+n03736269 meat house
+n03736372 meat safe
+n03736470 meat thermometer
+n03736970 mechanical device
+n03738066 mechanical piano, Pianola, player piano
+n03738241 mechanical system
+n03738472 mechanism
+n03739518 medical building, health facility, healthcare facility
+n03739693 medical instrument
+n03742019 medicine ball
+n03742115 medicine chest, medicine cabinet
+n03742238 MEDLINE
+n03743016 megalith, megalithic structure
+n03743279 megaphone
+n03743902 memorial, monument
+n03744276 memory, computer memory, storage, computer storage, store, memory board
+n03744684 memory chip
+n03744840 memory device, storage device
+n03745146 menagerie, zoo, zoological garden
+n03745487 mending
+n03745571 menhir, standing stone
+n03746005 menorah
+n03746155 Menorah
+n03746330 man's clothing
+n03746486 men's room, men's
+n03748162 mercantile establishment, retail store, sales outlet, outlet
+n03749504 mercury barometer
+n03749634 mercury cell
+n03749807 mercury thermometer, mercury-in-glass thermometer
+n03750206 mercury-vapor lamp
+n03750437 mercy seat
+n03750614 merlon
+n03751065 mess, mess hall
+n03751269 mess jacket, monkey jacket, shell jacket
+n03751458 mess kit
+n03751590 messuage
+n03751757 metal detector
+n03752071 metallic
+n03752185 metal screw
+n03752398 metal wood
+n03752922 meteorological balloon
+n03753077 meter
+n03753514 meterstick, metrestick
+n03757604 metronome
+n03758089 mezzanine, mezzanine floor, entresol
+n03758220 mezzanine, first balcony
+n03758894 microbalance
+n03758992 microbrewery
+n03759243 microfiche
+n03759432 microfilm
+n03759661 micrometer, micrometer gauge, micrometer caliper
+n03759954 microphone, mike
+n03760310 microprocessor
+n03760671 microscope
+n03760944 microtome
+n03761084 microwave, microwave oven
+n03761588 microwave diathermy machine
+n03761731 microwave linear accelerator
+n03762238 middy, middy blouse
+n03762332 midiron, two iron
+n03762434 mihrab
+n03762602 mihrab
+n03762982 military hospital
+n03763727 military quarters
+n03763968 military uniform
+n03764276 military vehicle
+n03764606 milk bar
+n03764736 milk can
+n03764822 milk float
+n03764995 milking machine
+n03765128 milking stool
+n03765467 milk wagon, milkwagon
+n03765561 mill, grinder, milling machinery
+n03765934 milldam
+n03766044 miller, milling machine
+n03766218 milliammeter
+n03766322 millinery, woman's hat
+n03766508 millinery, hat shop
+n03766600 milling
+n03766697 millivoltmeter
+n03766935 millstone
+n03767112 millstone
+n03767203 millwheel, mill wheel
+n03767459 mimeograph, mimeo, mimeograph machine, Roneo, Roneograph
+n03767745 minaret
+n03767966 mincer, mincing machine
+n03768132 mine
+n03768683 mine detector
+n03768823 minelayer
+n03768916 mineshaft
+n03769610 minibar, cellaret
+n03769722 minibike, motorbike
+n03769881 minibus
+n03770085 minicar
+n03770224 minicomputer
+n03770316 ministry
+n03770439 miniskirt, mini
+n03770520 minisub, minisubmarine
+n03770679 minivan
+n03770834 miniver
+n03770954 mink, mink coat
+n03772077 minster
+n03772269 mint
+n03772584 minute hand, big hand
+n03772674 Minuteman
+n03773035 mirror
+n03773504 missile
+n03773835 missile defense system, missile defence system
+n03774327 miter box, mitre box
+n03774461 miter joint, mitre joint, miter, mitre
+n03775071 mitten
+n03775199 mixer
+n03775388 mixer
+n03775546 mixing bowl
+n03775636 mixing faucet
+n03775747 mizzen, mizen
+n03775847 mizzenmast, mizenmast, mizzen, mizen
+n03776167 mobcap
+n03776460 mobile home, manufactured home
+n03776877 moccasin, mocassin
+n03776997 mock-up
+n03777126 mod con
+n03777568 Model T
+n03777754 modem
+n03778459 modillion
+n03778817 module
+n03779000 module
+n03779128 mohair
+n03779246 moire, watered-silk
+n03779370 mold, mould, cast
+n03779884 moldboard, mouldboard
+n03780047 moldboard plow, mouldboard plough
+n03780799 moleskin
+n03781055 Molotov cocktail, petrol bomb, gasoline bomb
+n03781244 monastery
+n03781467 monastic habit
+n03781594 moneybag
+n03781683 money belt
+n03781787 monitor
+n03782006 monitor
+n03782190 monitor, monitoring device
+n03782794 monkey-wrench, monkey wrench
+n03782929 monk's cloth
+n03783304 monochrome
+n03783430 monocle, eyeglass
+n03783575 monofocal lens implant, monofocal IOL
+n03783873 monoplane
+n03784139 monotype
+n03784270 monstrance, ostensorium
+n03784793 mooring tower, mooring mast
+n03784896 Moorish arch, horseshoe arch
+n03785016 moped
+n03785142 mop handle
+n03785237 moquette
+n03785499 morgue, mortuary, dead room
+n03785721 morion, cabasset
+n03786096 morning dress
+n03786194 morning dress
+n03786313 morning room
+n03786621 Morris chair
+n03786715 mortar, howitzer, trench mortar
+n03786901 mortar
+n03787032 mortarboard
+n03787523 mortise joint, mortise-and-tenon joint
+n03788047 mosaic
+n03788195 mosque
+n03788365 mosquito net
+n03788498 motel
+n03788601 motel room
+n03788914 Mother Hubbard, muumuu
+n03789171 motion-picture camera, movie camera, cine-camera
+n03789400 motion-picture film, movie film, cine-film
+n03789603 motley
+n03789794 motley
+n03789946 motor
+n03790230 motorboat, powerboat
+n03790512 motorcycle, bike
+n03790755 motor hotel, motor inn, motor lodge, tourist court, court
+n03790953 motorized wheelchair
+n03791053 motor scooter, scooter
+n03791235 motor vehicle, automotive vehicle
+n03792048 mound, hill
+n03792334 mound, hill, pitcher's mound
+n03792526 mount, setting
+n03792782 mountain bike, all-terrain bike, off-roader
+n03792972 mountain tent
+n03793489 mouse, computer mouse
+n03793850 mouse button
+n03794056 mousetrap
+n03794136 mousse, hair mousse, hair gel
+n03794798 mouthpiece, embouchure
+n03795123 mouthpiece
+n03795269 mouthpiece, gumshield
+n03795758 movement
+n03795976 movie projector, cine projector, film projector
+n03796181 moving-coil galvanometer
+n03796401 moving van
+n03796522 mud brick
+n03796605 mudguard, splash guard, splash-guard
+n03796848 mudhif
+n03796974 muff
+n03797062 muffle
+n03797182 muffler
+n03797264 mufti
+n03797390 mug
+n03797896 mulch
+n03798061 mule, scuff
+n03798442 multichannel recorder
+n03798610 multiengine airplane, multiengine plane
+n03798982 multiplex
+n03799113 multiplexer
+n03799240 multiprocessor
+n03799375 multistage rocket, step rocket
+n03799610 munition, ordnance, ordnance store
+n03799876 Murphy bed
+n03800371 musette, shepherd's pipe
+n03800485 musette pipe
+n03800563 museum
+n03800772 mushroom anchor
+n03800933 musical instrument, instrument
+n03801353 music box, musical box
+n03801533 music hall, vaudeville theater, vaudeville theatre
+n03801671 music school
+n03801760 music stand, music rack
+n03801880 music stool, piano stool
+n03802007 musket
+n03802228 musket ball, ball
+n03802393 muslin
+n03802643 mustache cup, moustache cup
+n03802800 mustard plaster, sinapism
+n03802973 mute
+n03803116 muzzle loader
+n03803284 muzzle
+n03803780 myelogram
+n03804211 nacelle
+n03804744 nail
+n03805180 nailbrush
+n03805280 nailfile
+n03805374 nailhead
+n03805503 nailhead
+n03805725 nail polish, nail enamel, nail varnish
+n03805933 nainsook
+n03807334 Napier's bones, Napier's rods
+n03809211 nard, spikenard
+n03809312 narrowbody aircraft, narrow-body aircraft, narrow-body
+n03809603 narrow wale
+n03809686 narthex
+n03809802 narthex
+n03810412 nasotracheal tube
+n03810952 national monument
+n03811295 nautilus, nuclear submarine, nuclear-powered submarine
+n03811444 navigational system
+n03811847 naval equipment
+n03811965 naval gun
+n03812263 naval missile
+n03812382 naval radar
+n03812789 naval tactical data system
+n03812924 naval weaponry
+n03813078 nave
+n03813176 navigational instrument
+n03813946 nebuchadnezzar
+n03814528 neckband
+n03814639 neck brace
+n03814727 neckcloth, stock
+n03814817 neckerchief
+n03814906 necklace
+n03815149 necklet
+n03815278 neckline
+n03815482 neckpiece
+n03815615 necktie, tie
+n03816005 neckwear
+n03816136 needle
+n03816394 needle
+n03816530 needlenose pliers
+n03816849 needlework, needlecraft
+n03817191 negative
+n03817331 negative magnetic pole, negative pole, south-seeking pole
+n03817522 negative pole
+n03817647 negligee, neglige, peignoir, wrapper, housecoat
+n03818001 neolith
+n03818343 neon lamp, neon induction lamp, neon tube
+n03819047 nephoscope
+n03819336 nest
+n03819448 nest egg
+n03819595 net, network, mesh, meshing, meshwork
+n03819994 net
+n03820154 net
+n03820318 net
+n03820728 network, electronic network
+n03820950 network
+n03821145 neutron bomb
+n03821424 newel
+n03821518 newel post, newel
+n03822171 newspaper, paper
+n03822361 newsroom
+n03822504 newsroom
+n03822656 newsstand
+n03822767 Newtonian telescope, Newtonian reflector
+n03823111 nib, pen nib
+n03823216 niblick, nine iron
+n03823312 nicad, nickel-cadmium accumulator
+n03823673 nickel-iron battery, nickel-iron accumulator
+n03823906 Nicol prism
+n03824197 night bell
+n03824284 nightcap
+n03824381 nightgown, gown, nightie, night-robe, nightdress
+n03824589 night latch
+n03824713 night-light
+n03824999 nightshirt
+n03825080 nightwear, sleepwear, nightclothes
+n03825271 ninepin, skittle, skittle pin
+n03825442 ninepin ball, skittle ball
+n03825673 ninon
+n03825788 nipple
+n03825913 nipple shield
+n03826039 niqab
+n03826186 Nissen hut, Quonset hut
+n03827420 nogging
+n03827536 noisemaker
+n03828020 nonsmoker, nonsmoking car
+n03829340 non-volatile storage, nonvolatile storage
+n03829857 Norfolk jacket
+n03829954 noria
+n03831203 nosebag, feedbag
+n03831382 noseband, nosepiece
+n03831757 nose flute
+n03832144 nosewheel
+n03832673 notebook, notebook computer
+n03833907 nuclear-powered ship
+n03834040 nuclear reactor, reactor
+n03834472 nuclear rocket
+n03834604 nuclear weapon, atomic weapon
+n03835197 nude, nude painting
+n03835729 numdah, numdah rug, nammad
+n03835941 nun's habit
+n03836062 nursery, baby's room
+n03836451 nut and bolt
+n03836602 nutcracker
+n03836906 nylon
+n03836976 nylons, nylon stocking, rayons, rayon stocking, silk stocking
+n03837422 oar
+n03837606 oast
+n03837698 oast house
+n03837869 obelisk
+n03838024 object ball
+n03838298 objective, objective lens, object lens, object glass
+n03838748 oblique bandage
+n03838899 oboe, hautboy, hautbois
+n03839172 oboe da caccia
+n03839276 oboe d'amore
+n03839424 observation dome
+n03839671 observatory
+n03839795 obstacle
+n03840327 obturator
+n03840681 ocarina, sweet potato
+n03840823 octant
+n03841011 odd-leg caliper
+n03841143 odometer, hodometer, mileometer, milometer
+n03841290 oeil de boeuf
+n03841666 office, business office
+n03842012 office building, office block
+n03842156 office furniture
+n03842276 officer's mess
+n03842377 off-line equipment, auxiliary equipment
+n03842585 ogee, cyma reversa
+n03842754 ogee arch, keel arch
+n03842986 ohmmeter
+n03843092 oil, oil color, oil colour
+n03843316 oilcan
+n03843438 oilcloth
+n03843555 oil filter
+n03843883 oil heater, oilstove, kerosene heater, kerosine heater
+n03844045 oil lamp, kerosene lamp, kerosine lamp
+n03844233 oil paint
+n03844550 oil pump
+n03844673 oil refinery, petroleum refinery
+n03844815 oilskin, slicker
+n03844965 oil slick
+n03845107 oilstone
+n03845190 oil tanker, oiler, tanker, tank ship
+n03845990 old school tie
+n03846100 olive drab
+n03846234 olive drab, olive-drab uniform
+n03846431 Olympian Zeus
+n03846677 omelet pan, omelette pan
+n03846772 omnidirectional antenna, nondirectional antenna
+n03846970 omnirange, omnidirectional range, omnidirectional radio range
+n03847471 onion dome
+n03847823 open-air market, open-air marketplace, market square
+n03848033 open circuit
+n03848168 open-end wrench, tappet wrench
+n03848348 opener
+n03848537 open-hearth furnace
+n03849275 openside plane, rabbet plane
+n03849412 open sight
+n03849679 openwork
+n03849814 opera, opera house
+n03849943 opera cloak, opera hood
+n03850053 operating microscope
+n03850245 operating room, OR, operating theater, operating theatre, surgery
+n03850492 operating table
+n03850613 ophthalmoscope
+n03851341 optical device
+n03851787 optical disk, optical disc
+n03852280 optical instrument
+n03852544 optical pyrometer, pyroscope
+n03852688 optical telescope
+n03853291 orchestra pit, pit
+n03853924 ordinary, ordinary bicycle
+n03854065 organ, pipe organ
+n03854421 organdy, organdie
+n03854506 organic light-emitting diode, OLED
+n03854722 organ loft
+n03854815 organ pipe, pipe, pipework
+n03855214 organza
+n03855333 oriel, oriel window
+n03855464 oriflamme
+n03855604 O ring
+n03855756 Orlon
+n03855908 orlop deck, orlop, fourth deck
+n03856012 orphanage, orphans' asylum
+n03856335 orphrey
+n03856465 orrery
+n03856728 orthicon, image orthicon
+n03857026 orthochromatic film
+n03857156 orthopter, ornithopter
+n03857291 orthoscope
+n03857687 oscillograph
+n03857828 oscilloscope, scope, cathode-ray oscilloscope, CRO
+n03858085 ossuary
+n03858183 otoscope, auriscope, auroscope
+n03858418 ottoman, pouf, pouffe, puff, hassock
+n03858533 oubliette
+n03858837 out-basket, out-tray
+n03859000 outboard motor, outboard
+n03859170 outboard motorboat, outboard
+n03859280 outbuilding
+n03859495 outerwear, overclothes
+n03859608 outfall
+n03859958 outfit, getup, rig, turnout
+n03860234 outfitter
+n03860404 outhouse, privy, earth-closet, jakes
+n03861048 output device
+n03861271 outrigger
+n03861430 outrigger canoe
+n03861596 outside caliper
+n03861842 outside mirror
+n03862379 outwork
+n03862676 oven
+n03862862 oven thermometer
+n03863108 overall
+n03863262 overall, boilersuit, boilers suit
+n03863657 overcoat, overcoating
+n03863783 overdrive
+n03863923 overgarment, outer garment
+n03864139 overhand knot
+n03864356 overhang
+n03864692 overhead projector
+n03865288 overmantel
+n03865371 overnighter, overnight bag, overnight case
+n03865557 overpass, flyover
+n03865820 override
+n03865949 overshoe
+n03866082 overskirt
+n03867854 oxbow
+n03868044 Oxbridge
+n03868242 oxcart
+n03868324 oxeye
+n03868406 oxford
+n03868643 oximeter
+n03868763 oxyacetylene torch
+n03868863 oxygen mask
+n03869838 oyster bar
+n03869976 oyster bed, oyster bank, oyster park
+n03870105 pace car
+n03870290 pacemaker, artificial pacemaker
+n03870546 pack
+n03870672 pack
+n03870980 pack, face pack
+n03871083 package, parcel
+n03871371 package store, liquor store, off-licence
+n03871524 packaging
+n03871628 packet
+n03871724 packing box, packing case
+n03871860 packinghouse, packing plant
+n03872016 packinghouse
+n03872167 packing needle
+n03872273 packsaddle
+n03873416 paddle, boat paddle
+n03873699 paddle
+n03873848 paddle
+n03873996 paddle box, paddle-box
+n03874138 paddle steamer, paddle-wheeler
+n03874293 paddlewheel, paddle wheel
+n03874487 paddock
+n03874599 padlock
+n03874823 page printer, page-at-a-time printer
+n03875218 paint, pigment
+n03875806 paintball
+n03875955 paintball gun
+n03876111 paintbox
+n03876231 paintbrush
+n03877351 paisley
+n03877472 pajama, pyjama, pj's, jammies
+n03877674 pajama, pyjama
+n03877845 palace
+n03878066 palace, castle
+n03878211 palace
+n03878294 palanquin, palankeen
+n03878418 paleolith
+n03878511 palestra, palaestra
+n03878674 palette, pallet
+n03878828 palette knife
+n03878963 palisade
+n03879456 pallet
+n03879705 pallette, palette
+n03880032 pallium
+n03880129 pallium
+n03880323 pan
+n03880531 pan, cooking pan
+n03881305 pancake turner
+n03881404 panchromatic film
+n03881534 panda car
+n03882611 paneling, panelling, pane
+n03882960 panhandle
+n03883054 panic button
+n03883385 pannier
+n03883524 pannier
+n03883664 pannikin
+n03883773 panopticon
+n03883944 panopticon
+n03884397 panpipe, pandean pipe, syrinx
+n03884554 pantaloon
+n03884639 pantechnicon
+n03884778 pantheon
+n03884926 pantheon
+n03885028 pantie, panty, scanty, step-in
+n03885194 panting, trousering
+n03885293 pant leg, trouser leg
+n03885410 pantograph
+n03885535 pantry, larder, buttery
+n03885669 pants suit, pantsuit
+n03885788 panty girdle
+n03885904 pantyhose
+n03886053 panzer
+n03886641 paper chain
+n03886762 paper clip, paperclip, gem clip
+n03886940 paper cutter
+n03887185 paper fastener
+n03887330 paper feed
+n03887512 paper mill
+n03887697 paper towel
+n03887899 parabolic mirror
+n03888022 parabolic reflector, paraboloid reflector
+n03888257 parachute, chute
+n03888605 parallel bars, bars
+n03888808 parallel circuit, shunt circuit
+n03888998 parallel interface, parallel port
+n03889397 parang
+n03889503 parapet, breastwork
+n03889626 parapet
+n03889726 parasail
+n03889871 parasol, sunshade
+n03890093 parer, paring knife
+n03890233 parfait glass
+n03890358 pargeting, pargetting, pargetry
+n03890514 pari-mutuel machine, totalizer, totaliser, totalizator, totalisator
+n03891051 parka, windbreaker, windcheater, anorak
+n03891251 park bench
+n03891332 parking meter
+n03891538 parlor, parlour
+n03892178 parquet, parquet floor
+n03892425 parquetry, parqueterie
+n03892557 parsonage, vicarage, rectory
+n03892728 Parsons table
+n03893935 partial denture
+n03894051 particle detector
+n03894379 partition, divider
+n03894677 parts bin
+n03894933 party line
+n03895038 party wall
+n03895170 parvis
+n03895866 passenger car, coach, carriage
+n03896103 passenger ship
+n03896233 passenger train
+n03896419 passenger van
+n03896526 passe-partout
+n03896628 passive matrix display
+n03896984 passkey, passe-partout, master key, master
+n03897130 pass-through
+n03897634 pastry cart
+n03897943 patch
+n03898129 patchcord
+n03898271 patchouli, patchouly, pachouli
+n03898395 patch pocket
+n03898633 patchwork, patchwork quilt
+n03898787 patent log, screw log, taffrail log
+n03899100 paternoster
+n03899612 patina
+n03899768 patio, terrace
+n03899933 patisserie
+n03900028 patka
+n03900194 patrol boat, patrol ship
+n03900301 patty-pan
+n03900393 pave
+n03900979 pavilion, marquee
+n03901229 pavior, paviour, paving machine
+n03901338 pavis, pavise
+n03901750 pawn
+n03901974 pawnbroker's shop, pawnshop, loan office
+n03902125 pay-phone, pay-station
+n03902220 PC board
+n03902482 peach orchard
+n03902756 pea jacket, peacoat
+n03903133 peavey, peavy, cant dog, dog hook
+n03903290 pectoral, pectoral medallion
+n03903424 pedal, treadle, foot pedal, foot lever
+n03903733 pedal pusher, toreador pants
+n03903868 pedestal, plinth, footstall
+n03904060 pedestal table
+n03904183 pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing
+n03904433 pedicab, cycle rickshaw
+n03904657 pediment
+n03904782 pedometer
+n03904909 peeler
+n03905361 peep sight
+n03905540 peg, nog
+n03905730 peg, pin, thole, tholepin, rowlock, oarlock
+n03905947 peg
+n03906106 peg, wooden leg, leg, pegleg
+n03906224 pegboard
+n03906463 Pelham
+n03906590 pelican crossing
+n03906789 pelisse
+n03906894 pelvimeter
+n03906997 pen
+n03907475 penal colony
+n03907654 penal institution, penal facility
+n03907908 penalty box
+n03908111 pen-and-ink
+n03908204 pencil
+n03908456 pencil
+n03908618 pencil box, pencil case
+n03908714 pencil sharpener
+n03909020 pendant earring, drop earring, eardrop
+n03909160 pendulum
+n03909406 pendulum clock
+n03909516 pendulum watch
+n03909658 penetration bomb
+n03911406 penile implant
+n03911513 penitentiary, pen
+n03911658 penknife
+n03911767 penlight
+n03911866 pennant, pennon, streamer, waft
+n03912218 pennywhistle, tin whistle, whistle
+n03912821 penthouse
+n03913343 pentode
+n03913930 peplos, peplus, peplum
+n03914106 peplum
+n03914337 pepper mill, pepper grinder
+n03914438 pepper shaker, pepper box, pepper pot
+n03914583 pepper spray
+n03914831 percale
+n03915118 percolator
+n03915320 percussion cap
+n03915437 percussion instrument, percussive instrument
+n03915900 perforation
+n03916031 perfume, essence
+n03916289 perfumery
+n03916385 perfumery
+n03916470 perfumery
+n03916720 peripheral, computer peripheral, peripheral device
+n03917048 periscope
+n03917198 peristyle
+n03917327 periwig, peruke
+n03917814 permanent press, durable press
+n03918074 perpetual motion machine
+n03918480 personal computer, PC, microcomputer
+n03918737 personal digital assistant, PDA, personal organizer, personal organiser, organizer, organiser
+n03919096 personnel carrier
+n03919289 pestle
+n03919430 pestle, muller, pounder
+n03919808 petcock
+n03920288 Petri dish
+n03920384 petrolatum gauze
+n03920641 pet shop
+n03920737 petticoat, half-slip, underskirt
+n03920867 pew, church bench
+n03923379 phial, vial, ampule, ampul, ampoule
+n03923564 Phillips screw
+n03923692 Phillips screwdriver
+n03923918 phonograph needle, needle
+n03924069 phonograph record, phonograph recording, record, disk, disc, platter
+n03924407 photocathode
+n03924532 photocoagulator
+n03924679 photocopier
+n03926148 photographic equipment
+n03926412 photographic paper, photographic material
+n03926876 photometer
+n03927091 photomicrograph
+n03927299 Photostat, Photostat machine
+n03927539 photostat
+n03927792 physical pendulum, compound pendulum
+n03928116 piano, pianoforte, forte-piano
+n03928589 piano action
+n03928814 piano keyboard, fingerboard, clavier
+n03928994 piano wire
+n03929091 piccolo
+n03929202 pick, pickax, pickaxe
+n03929443 pick
+n03929660 pick, plectrum, plectron
+n03929855 pickelhaube
+n03930229 picket boat
+n03930313 picket fence, paling
+n03930431 picket ship
+n03930515 pickle barrel
+n03930630 pickup, pickup truck
+n03931765 picture frame
+n03931885 picture hat
+n03931980 picture rail
+n03932080 picture window
+n03932670 piece of cloth, piece of material
+n03933391 pied-a-terre
+n03933933 pier
+n03934042 pier
+n03934229 pier arch
+n03934311 pier glass, pier mirror
+n03934565 pier table
+n03934656 pieta
+n03934890 piezometer
+n03935116 pig bed, pig
+n03935234 piggery, pig farm
+n03935335 piggy bank, penny bank
+n03935883 pilaster
+n03936269 pile, spile, piling, stilt
+n03936466 pile driver
+n03937543 pill bottle
+n03937835 pillbox, toque, turban
+n03937931 pillion
+n03938037 pillory
+n03938244 pillow
+n03938401 pillow block
+n03938522 pillow lace, bobbin lace
+n03938725 pillow sham
+n03939062 pilot bit
+n03939178 pilot boat
+n03939281 pilot burner, pilot light, pilot
+n03939440 pilot cloth
+n03939565 pilot engine
+n03939677 pilothouse, wheelhouse
+n03939844 pilot light, pilot lamp, indicator lamp
+n03940256 pin
+n03940894 pin, flag
+n03941013 pin, pin tumbler
+n03941231 pinata
+n03941417 pinball machine, pin table
+n03941586 pince-nez
+n03941684 pincer, pair of pincers, tweezer, pair of tweezers
+n03941887 pinch bar
+n03942028 pincurl clip
+n03942600 pinfold
+n03942813 ping-pong ball
+n03942920 pinhead
+n03943115 pinion
+n03943266 pinnacle
+n03943623 pinprick
+n03943714 pinstripe
+n03943833 pinstripe
+n03943920 pinstripe
+n03944024 pintle
+n03944138 pinwheel, pinwheel wind collector
+n03944341 pinwheel
+n03945459 tabor pipe
+n03945615 pipe
+n03945817 pipe bomb
+n03945928 pipe cleaner
+n03946076 pipe cutter
+n03946162 pipefitting, pipe fitting
+n03947111 pipet, pipette
+n03947343 pipe vise, pipe clamp
+n03947466 pipe wrench, tube wrench
+n03947798 pique
+n03947888 pirate, pirate ship
+n03948242 piste
+n03948459 pistol, handgun, side arm, shooting iron
+n03948830 pistol grip
+n03948950 piston, plunger
+n03949145 piston ring
+n03949317 piston rod
+n03949761 pit
+n03950228 pitcher, ewer
+n03950359 pitchfork
+n03950537 pitching wedge
+n03950647 pitch pipe
+n03950899 pith hat, pith helmet, sun helmet, topee, topi
+n03951068 piton
+n03951213 Pitot-static tube, Pitot head, Pitot tube
+n03951453 Pitot tube, Pitot
+n03951800 pitsaw
+n03951971 pivot, pin
+n03952150 pivoting window
+n03952576 pizzeria, pizza shop, pizza parlor
+n03953020 place of business, business establishment
+n03953416 place of worship, house of prayer, house of God, house of worship
+n03953901 placket
+n03954393 planchet, coin blank
+n03954731 plane, carpenter's plane, woodworking plane
+n03955296 plane, planer, planing machine
+n03955489 plane seat
+n03955809 planetarium
+n03955941 planetarium
+n03956157 planetarium
+n03956331 planetary gear, epicyclic gear, planet wheel, planet gear
+n03956531 plank-bed
+n03956623 planking
+n03956785 planner
+n03956922 plant, works, industrial plant
+n03957315 planter
+n03957420 plaster, adhesive plaster, sticking plaster
+n03957762 plasterboard, gypsum board
+n03957991 plastering trowel
+n03958227 plastic bag
+n03958338 plastic bomb
+n03958630 plastic laminate
+n03958752 plastic wrap
+n03959014 plastron
+n03959123 plastron
+n03959227 plastron
+n03959701 plate, scale, shell
+n03960374 plate, collection plate
+n03960490 plate
+n03961394 platen
+n03961630 platen
+n03961711 plate rack
+n03961828 plate rail
+n03961939 platform
+n03962525 platform, weapons platform
+n03962685 platform
+n03962852 platform bed
+n03962932 platform rocker
+n03963028 plating, metal plating
+n03963198 platter
+n03963294 playback
+n03963483 playbox, play-box
+n03963645 playground
+n03964495 playpen, pen
+n03964611 playsuit
+n03965456 plaza, mall, center, shopping mall, shopping center, shopping centre
+n03965907 pleat, plait
+n03966206 plenum
+n03966325 plethysmograph
+n03966582 pleximeter, plessimeter
+n03966751 plexor, plessor, percussor
+n03966976 pliers, pair of pliers, plyers
+n03967270 plimsoll
+n03967396 plotter
+n03967562 plow, plough
+n03967942 plug, stopper, stopple
+n03968293 plug, male plug
+n03968479 plug fuse
+n03968581 plughole
+n03968728 plumb bob, plumb, plummet
+n03969510 plumb level
+n03970156 plunger, plumber's helper
+n03970363 plus fours
+n03970546 plush
+n03971218 plywood, plyboard
+n03971321 pneumatic drill
+n03971960 p-n junction
+n03972146 p-n-p transistor
+n03972372 poacher
+n03972524 pocket
+n03973003 pocket battleship
+n03973285 pocketcomb, pocket comb
+n03973402 pocket flap
+n03973520 pocket-handkerchief
+n03973628 pocketknife, pocket knife
+n03973839 pocket watch
+n03973945 pod, fuel pod
+n03974070 pogo stick
+n03974915 point-and-shoot camera
+n03975035 pointed arch
+n03975657 pointing trowel
+n03975788 point lace, needlepoint
+n03975926 poker, stove poker, fire hook, salamander
+n03976105 polarimeter, polariscope
+n03976268 Polaroid
+n03976467 Polaroid camera, Polaroid Land camera
+n03976657 pole
+n03977158 pole
+n03977266 poleax, poleaxe
+n03977430 poleax, poleaxe
+n03977592 police boat
+n03977966 police van, police wagon, paddy wagon, patrol wagon, wagon, black Maria
+n03978421 polling booth
+n03978575 polo ball
+n03978686 polo mallet, polo stick
+n03978815 polonaise
+n03978966 polo shirt, sport shirt
+n03979377 polyester
+n03979492 polygraph
+n03980026 pomade, pomatum
+n03980478 pommel horse, side horse
+n03980874 poncho
+n03980986 pongee
+n03981094 poniard, bodkin
+n03981340 pontifical
+n03981566 pontoon
+n03981760 pontoon bridge, bateau bridge, floating bridge
+n03981924 pony cart, ponycart, donkey cart, tub-cart
+n03982232 pool ball
+n03982331 poolroom
+n03982430 pool table, billiard table, snooker table
+n03982642 poop deck
+n03982767 poor box, alms box, mite box
+n03982895 poorhouse
+n03983396 pop bottle, soda bottle
+n03983499 popgun
+n03983612 poplin
+n03983712 popper
+n03983928 poppet, poppet valve
+n03984125 pop tent
+n03984234 porcelain
+n03984381 porch
+n03984643 porkpie, porkpie hat
+n03984759 porringer
+n03985069 portable
+n03985232 portable computer
+n03985441 portable circular saw, portable saw
+n03985881 portcullis
+n03986071 porte-cochere
+n03986224 porte-cochere
+n03986355 portfolio
+n03986562 porthole
+n03986704 portico
+n03986857 portiere
+n03986949 portmanteau, Gladstone, Gladstone bag
+n03987266 portrait camera
+n03987376 portrait lens
+n03987674 positive pole, positive magnetic pole, north-seeking pole
+n03987865 positive pole
+n03987990 positron emission tomography scanner, PET scanner
+n03988170 post
+n03988758 postage meter
+n03988926 post and lintel
+n03989199 post chaise
+n03989349 postern
+n03989447 post exchange, PX
+n03989665 posthole digger, post-hole digger
+n03989777 post horn
+n03989898 posthouse, post house
+n03990474 pot
+n03991062 pot, flowerpot
+n03991202 potbelly, potbelly stove
+n03991321 Potemkin village
+n03991443 potential divider, voltage divider
+n03991646 potentiometer, pot
+n03991837 potentiometer
+n03992325 potpourri
+n03992436 potsherd
+n03992509 potter's wheel
+n03992703 pottery, clayware
+n03992975 pottle
+n03993053 potty seat, potty chair
+n03993180 pouch
+n03993403 poultice, cataplasm, plaster
+n03993703 pound, dog pound
+n03993878 pound net
+n03994008 powder
+n03994297 powder and shot
+n03994417 powdered mustard, dry mustard
+n03994614 powder horn, powder flask
+n03994757 powder keg
+n03995018 power brake
+n03995265 power cord
+n03995372 power drill
+n03995535 power line, power cable
+n03995661 power loom
+n03995856 power mower, motor mower
+n03996004 power pack
+n03996145 power saw, saw, sawing machine
+n03996416 power shovel, excavator, digger, shovel
+n03996849 power steering, power-assisted steering
+n03997274 power takeoff, PTO
+n03997484 power tool
+n03997875 praetorium, pretorium
+n03998194 prayer rug, prayer mat
+n03998333 prayer shawl, tallith, tallis
+n03998673 precipitator, electrostatic precipitator, Cottrell precipitator
+n03999064 prefab
+n03999160 presbytery
+n03999621 presence chamber
+n03999992 press, mechanical press
+n04000311 press, printing press
+n04000480 press
+n04000592 press box
+n04000716 press gallery
+n04000998 press of sail, press of canvas
+n04001132 pressure cabin
+n04001265 pressure cooker
+n04001397 pressure dome
+n04001499 pressure gauge, pressure gage
+n04001661 pressurized water reactor, PWR
+n04001845 pressure suit
+n04002262 pricket
+n04002371 prie-dieu
+n04002629 primary coil, primary winding, primary
+n04003241 Primus stove, Primus
+n04003359 Prince Albert
+n04003856 print
+n04004099 print buffer
+n04004210 printed circuit
+n04004475 printer, printing machine
+n04004767 printer
+n04004990 printer cable
+n04005197 priory
+n04005630 prison, prison house
+n04005912 prison camp, internment camp, prisoner of war camp, POW camp
+n04006067 privateer
+n04006227 private line
+n04006330 privet hedge
+n04006411 probe
+n04007415 proctoscope
+n04007664 prod, goad
+n04008385 production line, assembly line, line
+n04008634 projectile, missile
+n04009552 projector
+n04009801 projector
+n04009923 prolonge
+n04010057 prolonge knot, sailor's breastplate
+n04010779 prompter, autocue
+n04010927 prong
+n04011827 propeller, propellor
+n04012084 propeller plane
+n04012482 propjet, turboprop, turbo-propeller plane
+n04012665 proportional counter tube, proportional counter
+n04013060 propulsion system
+n04013176 proscenium, proscenium wall
+n04013600 proscenium arch
+n04013729 prosthesis, prosthetic device
+n04014297 protective covering, protective cover, protection
+n04015204 protective garment
+n04015786 proton accelerator
+n04015908 protractor
+n04016240 pruner, pruning hook, lopper
+n04016479 pruning knife
+n04016576 pruning saw
+n04016684 pruning shears
+n04016846 psaltery
+n04017571 psychrometer
+n04017807 PT boat, mosquito boat, mosquito craft, motor torpedo boat
+n04018155 public address system, P.A. system, PA system, P.A., PA
+n04018399 public house, pub, saloon, pothouse, gin mill, taphouse
+n04018667 public toilet, comfort station, public convenience, convenience, public lavatory, restroom, toilet facility, wash room
+n04019101 public transport
+n04019335 public works
+n04019541 puck, hockey puck
+n04019696 pull
+n04019881 pullback, tieback
+n04020087 pull chain
+n04020298 pulley, pulley-block, pulley block, block
+n04020744 pull-off, rest area, rest stop, layby, lay-by
+n04020912 Pullman, Pullman car
+n04021028 pullover, slipover
+n04021164 pull-through
+n04021362 pulse counter
+n04021503 pulse generator
+n04021704 pulse timing circuit
+n04021798 pump
+n04022332 pump
+n04022434 pump action, slide action
+n04022708 pump house, pumping station
+n04022866 pump room
+n04023021 pump-type pliers
+n04023119 pump well
+n04023249 punch, puncher
+n04023422 punchboard
+n04023695 punch bowl
+n04023962 punching bag, punch bag, punching ball, punchball
+n04024137 punch pliers
+n04024274 punch press
+n04024862 punnet
+n04024983 punt
+n04025508 pup tent, shelter tent
+n04025633 purdah
+n04026053 purifier
+n04026180 purl, purl stitch
+n04026417 purse
+n04026813 push-bike
+n04026918 push broom
+n04027023 push button, push, button
+n04027367 push-button radio
+n04027706 pusher, zori
+n04027820 put-put
+n04027935 puttee
+n04028074 putter, putting iron
+n04028221 putty knife
+n04028315 puzzle
+n04028581 pylon, power pylon
+n04028764 pylon
+n04029416 pyramidal tent
+n04029647 pyrograph
+n04029734 pyrometer
+n04029913 pyrometric cone
+n04030054 pyrostat
+n04030161 pyx, pix
+n04030274 pyx, pix, pyx chest, pix chest
+n04030414 pyxis
+n04030518 quad, quadrangle
+n04030846 quadrant
+n04030965 quadraphony, quadraphonic system, quadriphonic system
+n04031884 quartering
+n04032509 quarterstaff
+n04032603 quartz battery, quartz mill
+n04032936 quartz lamp
+n04033287 queen
+n04033425 queen
+n04033557 queen post
+n04033801 quern
+n04033901 quill, quill pen
+n04033995 quilt, comforter, comfort, puff
+n04034262 quilted bedspread
+n04034367 quilting
+n04035231 quipu
+n04035634 quirk molding, quirk moulding
+n04035748 quirt
+n04035836 quiver
+n04035912 quoin, coign, coigne
+n04036155 quoit
+n04036303 QWERTY keyboard
+n04036776 rabbet, rebate
+n04036963 rabbet joint
+n04037076 rabbit ears
+n04037220 rabbit hutch
+n04037298 raceabout
+n04037443 racer, race car, racing car
+n04037873 raceway, race
+n04037964 racing boat
+n04038231 racing gig
+n04038338 racing skiff, single shell
+n04038440 rack, stand
+n04038727 rack
+n04039041 rack, wheel
+n04039209 rack and pinion
+n04039381 racket, racquet
+n04039742 racquetball
+n04039848 radar, microwave radar, radio detection and ranging, radiolocation
+n04040247 radial, radial tire, radial-ply tire
+n04040373 radial engine, rotary engine
+n04040540 radiation pyrometer
+n04040759 radiator
+n04041069 radiator
+n04041243 radiator cap
+n04041408 radiator hose
+n04041544 radio, wireless
+n04041747 radio antenna, radio aerial
+n04042076 radio chassis
+n04042204 radio compass
+n04042358 radiogram, radiograph, shadowgraph, skiagraph, skiagram
+n04042632 radio interferometer
+n04042795 radio link, link
+n04042985 radiometer
+n04043168 radiomicrometer
+n04043411 radio-phonograph, radio-gramophone
+n04043733 radio receiver, receiving set, radio set, radio, tuner, wireless
+n04044307 radiotelegraph, radiotelegraphy, wireless telegraph, wireless telegraphy
+n04044498 radiotelephone, radiophone, wireless telephone
+n04044716 radio telescope, radio reflector
+n04044955 radiotherapy equipment
+n04045085 radio transmitter
+n04045255 radome, radar dome
+n04045397 raft
+n04045644 rafter, balk, baulk
+n04045787 raft foundation
+n04045941 rag, shred, tag, tag end, tatter
+n04046091 ragbag
+n04046277 raglan
+n04046400 raglan sleeve
+n04046590 rail
+n04046974 rail fence
+n04047139 railhead
+n04047401 railing, rail
+n04047733 railing
+n04047834 railroad bed
+n04048441 railroad tunnel
+n04049303 rain barrel
+n04049405 raincoat, waterproof
+n04049585 rain gauge, rain gage, pluviometer, udometer
+n04049753 rain stick
+n04050066 rake
+n04050313 rake handle
+n04050600 RAM disk
+n04050933 ramekin, ramequin
+n04051269 ramjet, ramjet engine, atherodyde, athodyd, flying drainpipe
+n04051439 rammer
+n04051549 ramp, incline
+n04051705 rampant arch
+n04051825 rampart, bulwark, wall
+n04052235 ramrod
+n04052346 ramrod
+n04052442 ranch, spread, cattle ranch, cattle farm
+n04052658 ranch house
+n04052757 random-access memory, random access memory, random memory, RAM, read/write memory
+n04053508 rangefinder, range finder
+n04053677 range hood
+n04053767 range pole, ranging pole, flagpole
+n04054361 rapier, tuck
+n04054566 rariora
+n04054670 rasp, wood file
+n04055180 ratchet, rachet, ratch
+n04055447 ratchet wheel
+n04055700 rathskeller
+n04055861 ratline, ratlin
+n04056073 rat-tail file
+n04056180 rattan, ratan
+n04056413 rattrap
+n04056932 rayon
+n04057047 razor
+n04057215 razorblade
+n04057435 reaction-propulsion engine, reaction engine
+n04057673 reaction turbine
+n04057846 reactor
+n04057981 reading lamp
+n04058096 reading room
+n04058239 read-only memory, ROM, read-only storage, fixed storage
+n04058486 read-only memory chip
+n04058594 readout, read-out
+n04058721 read/write head, head
+n04059157 ready-to-wear
+n04059298 real storage
+n04059399 reamer
+n04059516 reamer, juicer, juice reamer
+n04059947 rearview mirror
+n04060198 Reaumur thermometer
+n04060448 rebozo
+n04060647 receiver, receiving system
+n04060904 receptacle
+n04061681 reception desk
+n04061793 reception room
+n04061969 recess, niche
+n04062179 reciprocating engine
+n04062428 recliner, reclining chair, lounger
+n04062644 reconnaissance plane
+n04062807 reconnaissance vehicle, scout car
+n04063154 record changer, auto-changer, changer
+n04063373 recorder, recording equipment, recording machine
+n04063868 recording
+n04064213 recording system
+n04064401 record player, phonograph
+n04064747 record sleeve, record cover
+n04064862 recovery room
+n04065272 recreational vehicle, RV, R.V.
+n04065464 recreation room, rec room
+n04065789 recycling bin
+n04065909 recycling plant
+n04066023 redbrick university
+n04066270 red carpet
+n04066388 redoubt
+n04066476 redoubt
+n04066767 reduction gear
+n04067143 reed pipe
+n04067231 reed stop
+n04067353 reef knot, flat knot
+n04067472 reel
+n04067658 reel
+n04067818 refectory
+n04067921 refectory table
+n04068441 refinery
+n04068601 reflecting telescope, reflector
+n04069166 reflectometer
+n04069276 reflector
+n04069434 reflex camera
+n04069582 reflux condenser
+n04069777 reformatory, reform school, training school
+n04070003 reformer
+n04070207 refracting telescope
+n04070415 refractometer
+n04070545 refrigeration system
+n04070727 refrigerator, icebox
+n04070964 refrigerator car
+n04071102 refuge, sanctuary, asylum
+n04071263 regalia
+n04071393 regimentals
+n04072193 regulator
+n04072551 rein
+n04072960 relay, electrical relay
+n04073425 release, button
+n04073948 religious residence, cloister
+n04074185 reliquary
+n04074963 remote control, remote
+n04075291 remote terminal, link-attached terminal, remote station, link-attached station
+n04075468 removable disk
+n04075715 rendering
+n04075813 rep, repp
+n04075916 repair shop, fix-it shop
+n04076052 repeater
+n04076284 repeating firearm, repeater
+n04076713 repository, monument
+n04077430 reproducer
+n04077594 rerebrace, upper cannon
+n04077734 rescue equipment
+n04077889 research center, research facility
+n04078002 reseau
+n04078574 reservoir
+n04078955 reset
+n04079106 reset button
+n04079244 residence
+n04079603 resistance pyrometer
+n04079933 resistor, resistance
+n04080138 resonator
+n04080454 resonator, cavity resonator, resonating chamber
+n04080705 resort hotel, spa
+n04080833 respirator, inhalator
+n04081281 restaurant, eating house, eating place, eatery
+n04081699 rest house
+n04081844 restraint, constraint
+n04082344 resuscitator
+n04082562 retainer
+n04082710 retaining wall
+n04082886 reticle, reticule, graticule
+n04083113 reticulation
+n04083309 reticule
+n04083649 retort
+n04083800 retractor
+n04084517 return key, return
+n04084682 reverberatory furnace
+n04084889 revers, revere
+n04085017 reverse, reverse gear
+n04085574 reversible
+n04085873 revetment, revetement, stone facing
+n04086066 revetment
+n04086273 revolver, six-gun, six-shooter
+n04086446 revolving door, revolver
+n04086663 rheometer
+n04086794 rheostat, variable resistor
+n04086937 rhinoscope
+n04087126 rib
+n04087432 riband, ribband
+n04087709 ribbed vault
+n04087826 ribbing
+n04088229 ribbon development
+n04088343 rib joint pliers
+n04088441 ricer
+n04088696 riddle
+n04088797 ride
+n04089152 ridge, ridgepole, rooftree
+n04089376 ridge rope
+n04089666 riding boot
+n04089836 riding crop, hunting crop
+n04089976 riding mower
+n04090263 rifle
+n04090548 rifle ball
+n04090781 rifle grenade
+n04091097 rig
+n04091466 rigger, rigger brush
+n04091584 rigger
+n04091693 rigging, tackle
+n04092168 rigout
+n04093157 ringlet
+n04093223 rings
+n04093625 rink, skating rink
+n04093775 riot gun
+n04093915 ripcord
+n04094060 ripcord
+n04094250 ripping bar
+n04094438 ripping chisel
+n04094608 ripsaw, splitsaw
+n04094720 riser
+n04094859 riser, riser pipe, riser pipeline, riser main
+n04095109 Ritz
+n04095210 river boat
+n04095342 rivet
+n04095577 riveting machine, riveter, rivetter
+n04095938 roach clip, roach holder
+n04096066 road, route
+n04096733 roadbed
+n04096848 roadblock, barricade
+n04097085 roadhouse
+n04097373 roadster, runabout, two-seater
+n04097622 roadway
+n04097760 roaster
+n04097866 robe
+n04098169 robotics equipment
+n04098260 Rochon prism, Wollaston prism
+n04098399 rock bit, roller bit
+n04098513 rocker
+n04098795 rocker, cradle
+n04099003 rocker arm, valve rocker
+n04099175 rocket, rocket engine
+n04099429 rocket, projectile
+n04099969 rocking chair, rocker
+n04100174 rod
+n04100519 rodeo
+n04101375 roll
+n04101497 roller
+n04101701 roller
+n04101860 roller bandage
+n04102037 in-line skate
+n04102162 Rollerblade
+n04102285 roller blind
+n04102406 roller coaster, big dipper, chute-the-chute
+n04102618 roller skate
+n04102760 roller towel
+n04102872 roll film
+n04102962 rolling hitch
+n04103094 rolling mill
+n04103206 rolling pin
+n04103364 rolling stock
+n04103665 roll-on
+n04103769 roll-on
+n04103918 roll-on roll-off
+n04104147 Rolodex
+n04104384 Roman arch, semicircular arch
+n04104500 Roman building
+n04104770 romper, romper suit
+n04104925 rood screen
+n04105068 roof
+n04105438 roof
+n04105704 roofing
+n04105893 room
+n04107598 roomette
+n04107743 room light
+n04107984 roost
+n04108268 rope
+n04108822 rope bridge
+n04108999 rope tow
+n04110068 rose water
+n04110178 rose window, rosette
+n04110281 rosin bag
+n04110439 rotary actuator, positioner
+n04110654 rotary engine
+n04110841 rotary press
+n04110955 rotating mechanism
+n04111190 rotating shaft, shaft
+n04111414 rotisserie
+n04111531 rotisserie
+n04111668 rotor
+n04111962 rotor, rotor coil
+n04112147 rotor
+n04112252 rotor blade, rotary wing
+n04112430 rotor head, rotor shaft
+n04112579 rotunda
+n04112654 rotunda
+n04112752 rouge, paint, blusher
+n04112921 roughcast
+n04113038 rouleau
+n04113194 roulette, toothed wheel
+n04113316 roulette ball
+n04113406 roulette wheel, wheel
+n04113641 round, unit of ammunition, one shot
+n04113765 round arch
+n04113968 round-bottom flask
+n04114069 roundel
+n04114301 round file
+n04114428 roundhouse
+n04114719 router
+n04114844 router
+n04114996 router plane
+n04115144 rowel
+n04115256 row house, town house
+n04115456 rowing boat
+n04115542 rowlock arch
+n04115802 royal
+n04115996 royal mast
+n04116098 rubber band, elastic band, elastic
+n04116294 rubber boot, gum boot
+n04116389 rubber bullet
+n04116512 rubber eraser, rubber, pencil eraser
+n04117216 rudder
+n04117464 rudder
+n04117639 rudder blade
+n04118021 rug, carpet, carpeting
+n04118538 rugby ball
+n04118635 ruin
+n04118776 rule, ruler
+n04119091 rumble
+n04119230 rumble seat
+n04119360 rummer
+n04119478 rumpus room, playroom, game room
+n04119630 runcible spoon
+n04119751 rundle, spoke, rung
+n04120489 running shoe
+n04120695 running suit
+n04120842 runway
+n04121228 rushlight, rush candle
+n04121342 russet
+n04121426 rya, rya rug
+n04121511 saber, sabre
+n04121728 saber saw, jigsaw, reciprocating saw
+n04122262 sable
+n04122349 sable, sable brush, sable's hair pencil
+n04122492 sable coat
+n04122578 sabot, wooden shoe
+n04122685 sachet
+n04122825 sack, poke, paper bag, carrier bag
+n04123026 sack, sacque
+n04123123 sackbut
+n04123228 sackcloth
+n04123317 sackcloth
+n04123448 sack coat
+n04123567 sacking, bagging
+n04123740 saddle
+n04124098 saddlebag
+n04124202 saddle blanket, saddlecloth, horse blanket
+n04124370 saddle oxford, saddle shoe
+n04124488 saddlery
+n04124573 saddle seat
+n04124887 saddle stitch
+n04125021 safe
+n04125116 safe
+n04125257 safe-deposit, safe-deposit box, safety-deposit, safety deposit box, deposit box, lockbox
+n04125541 safe house
+n04125692 safety arch
+n04125853 safety belt, life belt, safety harness
+n04126066 safety bicycle, safety bike
+n04126244 safety bolt, safety lock
+n04126541 safety curtain
+n04126659 safety fuse
+n04126852 safety lamp, Davy lamp
+n04126980 safety match, book matches
+n04127117 safety net
+n04127249 safety pin
+n04127395 safety rail, guardrail
+n04127521 safety razor
+n04127633 safety valve, relief valve, escape valve, escape cock, escape
+n04127904 sail, canvas, canvass, sheet
+n04128413 sail
+n04128499 sailboat, sailing boat
+n04128710 sailcloth
+n04128837 sailing vessel, sailing ship
+n04129490 sailing warship
+n04129688 sailor cap
+n04129766 sailor suit
+n04130143 salad bar
+n04130257 salad bowl
+n04130566 salinometer
+n04130907 sallet, salade
+n04131015 salon
+n04131113 salon
+n04131208 salon, beauty salon, beauty parlor, beauty parlour, beauty shop
+n04131368 saltbox
+n04131499 saltcellar
+n04131690 saltshaker, salt shaker
+n04131811 saltworks
+n04131929 salver
+n04132158 salwar, shalwar
+n04132465 Sam Browne belt
+n04132603 samisen, shamisen
+n04132829 samite
+n04132985 samovar
+n04133114 sampan
+n04133789 sandal
+n04134008 sandbag
+n04134170 sandblaster
+n04134523 sandbox
+n04134632 sandglass
+n04135024 sand wedge
+n04135118 sandwich board
+n04135315 sanitary napkin, sanitary towel, Kotex
+n04135710 cling film, clingfilm, Saran Wrap
+n04135933 sarcenet, sarsenet
+n04136045 sarcophagus
+n04136161 sari, saree
+n04136333 sarong
+n04136510 sash, window sash
+n04136800 sash fastener, sash lock, window lock
+n04137089 sash window
+n04137217 satchel
+n04137355 sateen
+n04137444 satellite, artificial satellite, orbiter
+n04137773 satellite receiver
+n04137897 satellite television, satellite TV
+n04138131 satellite transmitter
+n04138261 satin
+n04138869 Saturday night special
+n04138977 saucepan
+n04139140 saucepot
+n04139395 sauna, sweat room
+n04139859 savings bank, coin bank, money box, bank
+n04140064 saw
+n04140539 sawed-off shotgun
+n04140631 sawhorse, horse, sawbuck, buck
+n04140777 sawmill
+n04140853 saw set
+n04141076 sax, saxophone
+n04141198 saxhorn
+n04141327 scabbard
+n04141712 scaffolding, staging
+n04141838 scale
+n04141975 scale, weighing machine
+n04142175 scaler
+n04142327 scaling ladder
+n04142434 scalpel
+n04142731 scanner, electronic scanner
+n04142999 scanner
+n04143140 scanner, digital scanner, image scanner
+n04143365 scantling, stud
+n04143897 scarf
+n04144241 scarf joint, scarf
+n04144539 scatter rug, throw rug
+n04144651 scauper, scorper
+n04145863 Schmidt telescope, Schmidt camera
+n04146050 school, schoolhouse
+n04146343 schoolbag
+n04146504 school bell
+n04146614 school bus
+n04146862 school ship, training ship
+n04146976 school system
+n04147183 schooner
+n04147291 schooner
+n04147495 scientific instrument
+n04147793 scimitar
+n04147916 scintillation counter
+n04148054 scissors, pair of scissors
+n04148285 sclerometer
+n04148464 scoinson arch, sconcheon arch
+n04148579 sconce
+n04148703 sconce
+n04149083 scoop
+n04149374 scooter
+n04149813 scoreboard
+n04150153 scouring pad
+n04150273 scow
+n04150371 scow
+n04150980 scraper
+n04151108 scratcher
+n04151581 screen
+n04151940 screen, cover, covert, concealment
+n04152387 screen
+n04152593 screen, CRT screen
+n04153025 screen door, screen
+n04153330 screening
+n04153751 screw
+n04154152 screw, screw propeller
+n04154340 screw
+n04154565 screwdriver
+n04154753 screw eye
+n04154854 screw key
+n04154938 screw thread, thread
+n04155068 screwtop
+n04155177 screw wrench
+n04155457 scriber, scribe, scratch awl
+n04155625 scrim
+n04155735 scrimshaw
+n04155889 scriptorium
+n04156040 scrubber
+n04156140 scrub brush, scrubbing brush, scrubber
+n04156297 scrub plane
+n04156411 scuffer
+n04156591 scuffle, scuffle hoe, Dutch hoe
+n04156814 scull
+n04156946 scull
+n04157099 scullery
+n04157320 sculpture
+n04158002 scuttle, coal scuttle
+n04158138 scyphus
+n04158250 scythe
+n04158672 seabag
+n04158807 sea boat
+n04158956 sea chest
+n04160036 sealing wax, seal
+n04160261 sealskin
+n04160372 seam
+n04160586 seaplane, hydroplane
+n04160847 searchlight
+n04161010 searing iron
+n04161358 seat
+n04161981 seat
+n04162433 seat
+n04162706 seat belt, seatbelt
+n04163530 secateurs
+n04164002 secondary coil, secondary winding, secondary
+n04164199 second balcony, family circle, upper balcony, peanut gallery
+n04164406 second base
+n04164757 second hand
+n04164868 secretary, writing table, escritoire, secretaire
+n04165409 sectional
+n04165675 security blanket
+n04165945 security system, security measure, security
+n04166111 security system
+n04166281 sedan, saloon
+n04166436 sedan, sedan chair
+n04167346 seeder
+n04167489 seeker
+n04167661 seersucker
+n04168084 segmental arch
+n04168199 Segway, Segway Human Transporter, Segway HT
+n04168472 seidel
+n04168541 seine
+n04168840 seismograph
+n04169437 selector, selector switch
+n04169597 selenium cell
+n04170037 self-propelled vehicle
+n04170384 self-registering thermometer
+n04170515 self-starter
+n04170694 selsyn, synchro
+n04170933 selvage, selvedge
+n04171208 semaphore
+n04171459 semiautomatic firearm
+n04171629 semiautomatic pistol, semiautomatic
+n04171831 semiconductor device, semiconductor unit, semiconductor
+n04172107 semi-detached house
+n04172230 semigloss
+n04172342 semitrailer, semi
+n04172512 sennit
+n04172607 sensitometer
+n04172776 sentry box
+n04172904 separate
+n04173046 septic tank
+n04173172 sequence, episode
+n04173511 sequencer, sequenator
+n04173907 serape, sarape
+n04174026 serge
+n04174101 serger
+n04174234 serial port
+n04174500 serpent
+n04174705 serration
+n04175039 server
+n04175147 server, host
+n04175574 service club
+n04176068 serving cart
+n04176190 serving dish
+n04176295 servo, servomechanism, servosystem
+n04176528 set
+n04177041 set gun, spring gun
+n04177329 setscrew
+n04177545 setscrew
+n04177654 set square
+n04177755 settee
+n04177820 settle, settee
+n04177931 settlement house
+n04178190 seventy-eight, 78
+n04178329 Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Seven Wonders of the World
+n04178668 sewage disposal plant, disposal plant
+n04179126 sewer, sewerage, cloaca
+n04179712 sewing basket
+n04179824 sewing kit
+n04179913 sewing machine
+n04180063 sewing needle
+n04180229 sewing room
+n04180888 sextant
+n04181083 sgraffito
+n04181228 shackle, bond, hamper, trammel
+n04181561 shackle
+n04181718 shade
+n04182152 shadow box
+n04182322 shaft
+n04183217 shag rug
+n04183329 shaker
+n04183957 shank
+n04184095 shank, stem
+n04184316 shantung
+n04184435 shaper, shaping machine
+n04184600 shaping tool
+n04184880 sharkskin
+n04185071 sharpener
+n04185529 Sharpie
+n04185804 shaver, electric shaver, electric razor
+n04185946 shaving brush
+n04186051 shaving cream, shaving soap
+n04186268 shaving foam
+n04186455 shawl
+n04186624 shawm
+n04186848 shears
+n04187061 sheath
+n04187233 sheathing, overlay, overlayer
+n04187547 shed
+n04187751 sheep bell
+n04187885 sheepshank
+n04187970 sheepskin coat, afghan
+n04188064 sheepwalk, sheeprun
+n04188179 sheet, bed sheet
+n04189092 sheet bend, becket bend, weaver's knot, weaver's hitch
+n04189282 sheeting
+n04189651 sheet pile, sheath pile, sheet piling
+n04189816 Sheetrock
+n04190052 shelf
+n04190376 shelf bracket
+n04190464 shell
+n04190747 shell, case, casing
+n04190997 shell, racing shell
+n04191150 shellac, shellac varnish
+n04191595 shelter
+n04191943 shelter
+n04192238 shelter
+n04192361 sheltered workshop
+n04192521 Sheraton
+n04192698 shield, buckler
+n04192858 shield
+n04193179 shielding
+n04193377 shift key, shift
+n04193742 shillelagh, shillalah
+n04193883 shim
+n04194009 shingle
+n04194127 shin guard, shinpad
+n04194289 ship
+n04196080 shipboard system
+n04196502 shipping, cargo ships, merchant marine, merchant vessels
+n04196803 shipping room
+n04196925 ship-towed long-range acoustic detection system
+n04197110 shipwreck
+n04197391 shirt
+n04197781 shirt button
+n04197878 shirtdress
+n04198015 shirtfront
+n04198233 shirting
+n04198355 shirtsleeve
+n04198453 shirttail
+n04198562 shirtwaist, shirtwaister
+n04198722 shiv
+n04198797 shock absorber, shock, cushion
+n04199027 shoe
+n04200000 shoe
+n04200258 shoebox
+n04200537 shoehorn
+n04200800 shoe shop, shoe-shop, shoe store
+n04200908 shoetree
+n04201064 shofar, shophar
+n04201297 shoji
+n04201733 shooting brake
+n04202142 shooting lodge, shooting box
+n04202282 shooting stick
+n04202417 shop, store
+n04203356 shop bell
+n04204081 shopping bag
+n04204238 shopping basket
+n04204347 shopping cart
+n04204755 short circuit, short
+n04205062 short iron
+n04205318 short pants, shorts, trunks
+n04205505 short sleeve
+n04205613 shortwave diathermy machine
+n04206070 shot
+n04206225 shot glass, jigger, pony
+n04206356 shotgun, scattergun
+n04206570 shotgun shell
+n04206790 shot tower
+n04207151 shoulder
+n04207343 shoulder bag
+n04207596 shouldered arch
+n04207763 shoulder holster
+n04207903 shoulder pad
+n04208065 shoulder patch
+n04208210 shovel
+n04208427 shovel
+n04208582 shovel hat
+n04208760 showboat
+n04208936 shower
+n04209133 shower cap
+n04209239 shower curtain
+n04209509 shower room
+n04209613 shower stall, shower bath
+n04209811 showroom, salesroom, saleroom
+n04210012 shrapnel
+n04210120 shredder
+n04210288 shrimper
+n04210390 shrine
+n04210591 shrink-wrap
+n04210858 shunt
+n04211001 shunt, electrical shunt, bypass
+n04211219 shunter
+n04211356 shutter
+n04211528 shutter
+n04211857 shuttle
+n04211970 shuttle
+n04212165 shuttle bus
+n04212282 shuttlecock, bird, birdie, shuttle
+n04212467 shuttle helicopter
+n04212810 Sibley tent
+n04213105 sickbay, sick berth
+n04213264 sickbed
+n04213353 sickle, reaping hook, reap hook
+n04213530 sickroom
+n04214046 sideboard
+n04214282 sidecar
+n04214413 side chapel
+n04214649 sidelight, running light
+n04215153 sidesaddle
+n04215402 sidewalk, pavement
+n04215588 sidewall
+n04215800 side-wheeler
+n04215910 sidewinder
+n04216634 sieve, screen
+n04216860 sifter
+n04216963 sights
+n04217387 sigmoidoscope, flexible sigmoidoscope
+n04217546 signal box, signal tower
+n04217718 signaling device
+n04217882 signboard, sign
+n04218564 silencer, muffler
+n04218921 silent butler
+n04219185 Silex
+n04219424 silk
+n04219580 silks
+n04220250 silo
+n04220805 silver plate
+n04221076 silverpoint
+n04221673 simple pendulum
+n04221823 simulator
+n04222210 single bed
+n04222307 single-breasted jacket
+n04222470 single-breasted suit
+n04222723 single prop, single-propeller plane
+n04222847 single-reed instrument, single-reed woodwind
+n04223066 single-rotor helicopter
+n04223170 singlestick, fencing stick, backsword
+n04223299 singlet, vest, undershirt
+n04224395 siren
+n04224543 sister ship
+n04224842 sitar
+n04225031 sitz bath, hip bath
+n04225222 six-pack, six pack, sixpack
+n04225729 skate
+n04225987 skateboard
+n04226322 skeg
+n04226464 skein
+n04226537 skeleton, skeletal frame, frame, underframe
+n04226826 skeleton key
+n04226962 skep
+n04227050 skep
+n04227144 sketch, study
+n04227519 sketcher
+n04227787 skew arch
+n04227900 skewer
+n04228054 ski
+n04228215 ski binding, binding
+n04228422 skibob
+n04228581 ski boot
+n04228693 ski cap, stocking cap, toboggan cap
+n04229007 skidder
+n04229107 skid lid
+n04229480 skiff
+n04229620 ski jump
+n04229737 ski lodge
+n04229816 ski mask
+n04229959 skimmer
+n04230387 ski parka, ski jacket
+n04230487 ski-plane
+n04230603 ski pole
+n04230707 ski rack
+n04230808 skirt
+n04231272 skirt
+n04231693 ski tow, ski lift, lift
+n04231905 Skivvies
+n04232153 skullcap
+n04232312 skybox
+n04232437 skyhook
+n04232800 skylight, fanlight
+n04233027 skysail
+n04233124 skyscraper
+n04233295 skywalk
+n04233715 slacks
+n04233832 slack suit
+n04234160 slasher
+n04234260 slash pocket
+n04234455 slat, spline
+n04234670 slate
+n04234763 slate pencil
+n04234887 slate roof
+n04235291 sled, sledge, sleigh
+n04235646 sleeper
+n04235771 sleeper
+n04235860 sleeping bag
+n04236001 sleeping car, sleeper, wagon-lit
+n04236377 sleeve, arm
+n04236702 sleeve
+n04236809 sleigh bed
+n04236935 sleigh bell, cascabel
+n04237174 slice bar
+n04237287 slicer
+n04237423 slicer
+n04238128 slide, playground slide, sliding board
+n04238321 slide fastener, zip, zipper, zip fastener
+n04238617 slide projector
+n04238763 slide rule, slipstick
+n04238953 slide valve
+n04239074 sliding door
+n04239218 sliding seat
+n04239333 sliding window
+n04239436 sling, scarf bandage, triangular bandage
+n04239639 sling
+n04239786 slingback, sling
+n04239900 slinger ring
+n04240434 slip clutch, slip friction clutch
+n04240752 slipcover
+n04240867 slip-joint pliers
+n04241042 slipknot
+n04241249 slip-on
+n04241394 slipper, carpet slipper
+n04241573 slip ring
+n04242084 slit lamp
+n04242315 slit trench
+n04242408 sloop
+n04242587 sloop of war
+n04242704 slop basin, slop bowl
+n04243003 slop pail, slop jar
+n04243142 slops
+n04243251 slopshop, slopseller's shop
+n04243546 slot, one-armed bandit
+n04243941 slot machine, coin machine
+n04244379 sluice, sluiceway, penstock
+n04244847 smack
+n04244997 small boat
+n04245218 small computer system interface, SCSI
+n04245412 small ship
+n04245508 small stores
+n04245847 smart bomb
+n04246060 smelling bottle
+n04246271 smocking
+n04246459 smoke bomb, smoke grenade
+n04246731 smokehouse, meat house
+n04246855 smoker, smoking car, smoking carriage, smoking compartment
+n04247011 smoke screen, smokescreen
+n04247440 smoking room
+n04247544 smoothbore
+n04247630 smooth plane, smoothing plane
+n04247736 snack bar, snack counter, buffet
+n04247876 snaffle, snaffle bit
+n04248209 snap, snap fastener, press stud
+n04248396 snap brim
+n04248507 snap-brim hat
+n04248851 snare, gin, noose
+n04249415 snare drum, snare, side drum
+n04249582 snatch block
+n04249882 snifter, brandy snifter, brandy glass
+n04250224 sniper rifle, precision rifle
+n04250473 snips, tinsnips
+n04250599 Sno-cat
+n04250692 snood
+n04250850 snorkel, schnorkel, schnorchel, snorkel breather, breather
+n04251144 snorkel
+n04251701 snowbank, snow bank
+n04251791 snowboard
+n04252077 snowmobile
+n04252225 snowplow, snowplough
+n04252331 snowshoe
+n04252560 snowsuit
+n04252653 snow thrower, snow blower
+n04253057 snuffbox
+n04253168 snuffer
+n04253304 snuffers
+n04253931 soapbox
+n04254009 soap dish
+n04254120 soap dispenser
+n04254450 soap pad
+n04254680 soccer ball
+n04254777 sock
+n04255163 socket
+n04255346 socket wrench
+n04255499 socle
+n04255586 soda can
+n04255670 soda fountain
+n04255768 soda fountain
+n04255899 sod house, soddy, adobe house
+n04256318 sodium-vapor lamp, sodium-vapour lamp
+n04256520 sofa, couch, lounge
+n04256758 soffit
+n04256891 softball, playground ball
+n04257223 soft pedal
+n04257684 soil pipe
+n04257790 solar array, solar battery, solar panel
+n04257986 solar cell, photovoltaic cell
+n04258138 solar dish, solar collector, solar furnace
+n04258333 solar heater
+n04258438 solar house
+n04258618 solar telescope
+n04258732 solar thermal system
+n04258859 soldering iron
+n04259202 solenoid
+n04259468 solleret, sabaton
+n04259630 sombrero
+n04260192 sonic depth finder, fathometer
+n04260364 sonogram, echogram
+n04260589 sonograph
+n04261116 sorter
+n04261281 souk
+n04261369 sound bow
+n04261506 soundbox, body
+n04261638 sound camera
+n04261767 sounder
+n04261868 sound film
+n04262161 sounding board, soundboard
+n04262530 sounding rocket
+n04262678 sound recording, audio recording, audio
+n04262869 sound spectrograph
+n04263257 soup bowl
+n04263336 soup ladle
+n04263502 soupspoon, soup spoon
+n04263760 source of illumination
+n04263950 sourdine
+n04264134 soutache
+n04264233 soutane
+n04264361 sou'wester
+n04264485 soybean future
+n04264628 space bar
+n04264765 space capsule, capsule
+n04264914 spacecraft, ballistic capsule, space vehicle
+n04265275 space heater
+n04265428 space helmet
+n04265904 space rocket
+n04266014 space shuttle
+n04266162 space station, space platform, space laboratory
+n04266375 spacesuit
+n04266486 spade
+n04266849 spade bit
+n04266968 spaghetti junction
+n04267091 Spandau
+n04267165 spandex
+n04267246 spandrel, spandril
+n04267435 spanker
+n04267577 spar
+n04267985 sparge pipe
+n04268142 spark arrester, sparker
+n04268275 spark arrester
+n04268418 spark chamber, spark counter
+n04268565 spark coil
+n04268799 spark gap
+n04269086 spark lever
+n04269270 spark plug, sparking plug, plug
+n04269502 sparkplug wrench
+n04269668 spark transmitter
+n04269822 spat, gaiter
+n04269944 spatula
+n04270147 spatula
+n04270371 speakerphone
+n04270576 speaking trumpet
+n04270891 spear, lance, shaft
+n04271148 spear, gig, fizgig, fishgig, lance
+n04271531 specialty store
+n04271793 specimen bottle
+n04271891 spectacle
+n04272054 spectacles, specs, eyeglasses, glasses
+n04272389 spectator pump, spectator
+n04272782 spectrograph
+n04272928 spectrophotometer
+n04273064 spectroscope, prism spectroscope
+n04273285 speculum
+n04273569 speedboat
+n04273659 speed bump
+n04273796 speedometer, speed indicator
+n04273972 speed skate, racing skate
+n04274686 spherometer
+n04274985 sphygmomanometer
+n04275093 spicemill
+n04275175 spice rack
+n04275283 spider
+n04275548 spider web, spider's web
+n04275661 spike
+n04275904 spike
+n04277352 spindle
+n04277493 spindle, mandrel, mandril, arbor
+n04277669 spindle
+n04277826 spin dryer, spin drier
+n04278247 spinet
+n04278353 spinet
+n04278447 spinnaker
+n04278605 spinner
+n04278932 spinning frame
+n04279063 spinning jenny
+n04279172 spinning machine
+n04279353 spinning rod
+n04279462 spinning wheel
+n04279858 spiral bandage
+n04279987 spiral ratchet screwdriver, ratchet screwdriver
+n04280259 spiral spring
+n04280373 spirit lamp
+n04280487 spirit stove
+n04280845 spirometer
+n04280970 spit
+n04281260 spittoon, cuspidor
+n04281375 splashboard, splasher, dashboard
+n04281571 splasher
+n04281998 splice, splicing
+n04282231 splicer
+n04282494 splint
+n04282872 split rail, fence rail
+n04282992 Spode
+n04283096 spoiler
+n04283255 spoiler
+n04283378 spoke, wheel spoke, radius
+n04283585 spokeshave
+n04283784 sponge cloth
+n04283905 sponge mop
+n04284002 spoon
+n04284341 spoon
+n04284438 Spork
+n04284572 sporran
+n04284869 sport kite, stunt kite
+n04285008 sports car, sport car
+n04285146 sports equipment
+n04285622 sports implement
+n04285803 sportswear, athletic wear, activewear
+n04285965 sport utility, sport utility vehicle, S.U.V., SUV
+n04286128 spot
+n04286575 spotlight, spot
+n04286960 spot weld, spot-weld
+n04287351 spouter
+n04287451 sprag
+n04287747 spray gun
+n04287898 spray paint
+n04287986 spreader
+n04288165 sprig
+n04288272 spring
+n04288533 spring balance, spring scale
+n04288673 springboard
+n04289027 sprinkler
+n04289195 sprinkler system
+n04289449 sprit
+n04289576 spritsail
+n04289690 sprocket, sprocket wheel
+n04289827 sprocket
+n04290079 spun yarn
+n04290259 spur, gad
+n04290507 spur gear, spur wheel
+n04290615 sputnik
+n04290762 spy satellite
+n04291069 squad room
+n04291242 square
+n04291759 square knot
+n04291992 square-rigger
+n04292080 square sail
+n04292221 squash ball
+n04292414 squash racket, squash racquet, bat
+n04292572 squawk box, squawker, intercom speaker
+n04292921 squeegee
+n04293119 squeezer
+n04293258 squelch circuit, squelch, squelcher
+n04293744 squinch
+n04294212 stabilizer, stabiliser
+n04294426 stabilizer
+n04294614 stabilizer bar, anti-sway bar
+n04294879 stable, stalls, horse barn
+n04295081 stable gear, saddlery, tack
+n04295353 stabling
+n04295571 stacks
+n04295777 staddle
+n04295881 stadium, bowl, arena, sports stadium
+n04296562 stage
+n04297098 stagecoach, stage
+n04297750 stained-glass window
+n04297847 stair-carpet
+n04298053 stair-rod
+n04298661 stairwell
+n04298765 stake
+n04299215 stall, stand, sales booth
+n04299370 stall
+n04299963 stamp
+n04300358 stamp mill, stamping mill
+n04300509 stamping machine, stamper
+n04300643 stanchion
+n04301000 stand
+n04301242 standard
+n04301474 standard cell
+n04301760 standard transmission, stick shift
+n04302200 standing press
+n04302863 stanhope
+n04302988 Stanley Steamer
+n04303095 staple
+n04303258 staple
+n04303357 staple gun, staplegun, tacker
+n04303497 stapler, stapling machine
+n04304215 starship, spaceship
+n04304375 starter, starter motor, starting motor
+n04304680 starting gate, starting stall
+n04305016 Stassano furnace, electric-arc furnace
+n04305210 Statehouse
+n04305323 stately home
+n04305471 state prison
+n04305572 stateroom
+n04305947 static tube
+n04306080 station
+n04306592 stator, stator coil
+n04306847 statue
+n04307419 stay
+n04307767 staysail
+n04307878 steakhouse, chophouse
+n04307986 steak knife
+n04308084 stealth aircraft
+n04308273 stealth bomber
+n04308397 stealth fighter
+n04308583 steam bath, steam room, vapor bath, vapour bath
+n04308807 steamboat
+n04308915 steam chest
+n04309049 steam engine
+n04309348 steamer, steamship
+n04309548 steamer
+n04309833 steam iron
+n04310018 steam locomotive
+n04310157 steamroller, road roller
+n04310507 steam shovel
+n04310604 steam turbine
+n04310721 steam whistle
+n04310904 steel
+n04311004 steel arch bridge
+n04311174 steel drum
+n04311595 steel mill, steelworks, steel plant, steel factory
+n04312020 steel-wool pad
+n04312154 steelyard, lever scale, beam scale
+n04312432 steeple, spire
+n04312654 steerage
+n04312756 steering gear
+n04312916 steering linkage
+n04313220 steering system, steering mechanism
+n04313503 steering wheel, wheel
+n04313628 stele, stela
+n04314107 stem-winder
+n04314216 stencil
+n04314522 Sten gun
+n04314632 stenograph
+n04314914 step, stair
+n04315342 step-down transformer
+n04315713 step stool
+n04315828 step-up transformer
+n04315948 stereo, stereophony, stereo system, stereophonic system
+n04316498 stereoscope
+n04316815 stern chaser
+n04316924 sternpost
+n04317063 sternwheeler
+n04317175 stethoscope
+n04317325 stewing pan, stewpan
+n04317420 stick
+n04317833 stick
+n04317976 stick, control stick, joystick
+n04318131 stick
+n04318787 stile
+n04318892 stiletto
+n04318982 still
+n04319545 stillroom, still room
+n04319774 Stillson wrench
+n04319937 stilt
+n04320405 Stinger
+n04320598 stink bomb, stench bomb
+n04320871 stirrer
+n04320973 stirrup, stirrup iron
+n04321121 stirrup pump
+n04321453 stob
+n04322026 stock, gunstock
+n04322531 stockade
+n04322692 stockcar
+n04322801 stock car
+n04323519 stockinet, stockinette
+n04323819 stocking
+n04324120 stock-in-trade
+n04324297 stockpot
+n04324387 stockroom, stock room
+n04324515 stocks
+n04325041 stock saddle, Western saddle
+n04325208 stockyard
+n04325704 stole
+n04325804 stomacher
+n04325968 stomach pump
+n04326547 stone wall
+n04326676 stoneware
+n04326799 stonework
+n04326896 stool
+n04327204 stoop, stoep
+n04327544 stop bath, short-stop, short-stop bath
+n04327682 stopcock, cock, turncock
+n04328054 stopper knot
+n04328186 stopwatch, stop watch
+n04328329 storage battery, accumulator
+n04328580 storage cell, secondary cell
+n04328703 storage ring
+n04328946 storage space
+n04329477 storeroom, storage room, stowage
+n04329681 storm cellar, cyclone cellar, tornado cellar
+n04329834 storm door
+n04329958 storm window, storm sash
+n04330109 stoup, stoop
+n04330189 stoup
+n04330267 stove
+n04330340 stove, kitchen stove, range, kitchen range, cooking stove
+n04330669 stove bolt
+n04330746 stovepipe
+n04330896 stovepipe iron
+n04330998 Stradavarius, Strad
+n04331277 straight chair, side chair
+n04331443 straightedge
+n04331639 straightener
+n04331765 straight flute, straight-fluted drill
+n04331892 straight pin
+n04332074 straight razor
+n04332243 strainer
+n04332580 straitjacket, straightjacket
+n04332987 strap
+n04333129 strap
+n04333869 strap hinge, joint hinge
+n04334105 strapless
+n04334365 streamer fly
+n04334504 streamliner
+n04334599 street
+n04335209 street
+n04335435 streetcar, tram, tramcar, trolley, trolley car
+n04335693 street clothes
+n04335886 streetlight, street lamp
+n04336792 stretcher
+n04337157 stretcher
+n04337287 stretch pants
+n04337503 strickle
+n04337650 strickle
+n04338517 stringed instrument
+n04338963 stringer
+n04339062 stringer
+n04339191 string tie
+n04339638 strip
+n04339879 strip lighting
+n04340019 strip mall
+n04340521 stroboscope, strobe, strobe light
+n04340750 strongbox, deedbox
+n04340935 stronghold, fastness
+n04341133 strongroom
+n04341288 strop
+n04341414 structural member
+n04341686 structure, construction
+n04343511 student center
+n04343630 student lamp
+n04343740 student union
+n04344003 stud finder
+n04344734 studio apartment, studio
+n04344873 studio couch, day bed
+n04345028 study
+n04345201 study hall
+n04345787 stuffing nut, packing nut
+n04346003 stump
+n04346157 stun gun, stun baton
+n04346328 stupa, tope
+n04346428 sty, pigsty, pigpen
+n04346511 stylus, style
+n04346679 stylus
+n04346855 sub-assembly
+n04347119 subcompact, subcompact car
+n04347519 submachine gun
+n04347754 submarine, pigboat, sub, U-boat
+n04348070 submarine torpedo
+n04348184 submersible, submersible warship
+n04348359 submersible
+n04348988 subtracter
+n04349189 subway token
+n04349306 subway train
+n04349401 subwoofer
+n04349913 suction cup
+n04350104 suction pump
+n04350235 sudatorium, sudatory
+n04350458 suede cloth, suede
+n04350581 sugar bowl
+n04350688 sugar refinery
+n04350769 sugar spoon, sugar shell
+n04350905 suit, suit of clothes
+n04351550 suite, rooms
+n04351699 suiting
+n04353573 sulky
+n04354026 summer house
+n04354182 sumo ring
+n04354387 sump
+n04354487 sump pump
+n04354589 sunbonnet
+n04355115 Sunday best, Sunday clothes
+n04355267 sun deck
+n04355338 sundial
+n04355511 sundress
+n04355684 sundries
+n04355821 sun gear
+n04355933 sunglass
+n04356056 sunglasses, dark glasses, shades
+n04356595 sunhat, sun hat
+n04356772 sunlamp, sun lamp, sunray lamp, sun-ray lamp
+n04356925 sun parlor, sun parlour, sun porch, sunporch, sunroom, sun lounge, solarium
+n04357121 sunroof, sunshine-roof
+n04357314 sunscreen, sunblock, sun blocker
+n04357531 sunsuit
+n04357930 supercharger
+n04358117 supercomputer
+n04358256 superconducting supercollider
+n04358491 superhighway, information superhighway
+n04358707 supermarket
+n04358874 superstructure
+n04359034 supertanker
+n04359124 supper club
+n04359217 supplejack
+n04359335 supply chamber
+n04359500 supply closet
+n04359589 support
+n04360501 support
+n04360798 support column
+n04360914 support hose, support stocking
+n04361095 supporting structure
+n04361260 supporting tower
+n04361937 surcoat
+n04362624 surface gauge, surface gage, scribing block
+n04362821 surface lift
+n04362972 surface search radar
+n04363082 surface ship
+n04363210 surface-to-air missile, SAM
+n04363412 surface-to-air missile system
+n04363671 surfboat
+n04363777 surcoat
+n04363874 surgeon's knot
+n04363991 surgery
+n04364160 surge suppressor, surge protector, spike suppressor, spike arrester, lightning arrester
+n04364397 surgical dressing
+n04364545 surgical instrument
+n04364827 surgical knife
+n04364994 surplice
+n04365112 surrey
+n04365229 surtout
+n04365328 surveillance system
+n04365484 surveying instrument, surveyor's instrument
+n04365751 surveyor's level
+n04366033 sushi bar
+n04366116 suspension, suspension system
+n04366367 suspension bridge
+n04366832 suspensory, suspensory bandage
+n04367011 sustaining pedal, loud pedal
+n04367371 suture, surgical seam
+n04367480 swab, swob, mop
+n04367746 swab
+n04367950 swaddling clothes, swaddling bands
+n04368109 swag
+n04368235 swage block
+n04368365 swagger stick
+n04368496 swallow-tailed coat, swallowtail, morning coat
+n04368695 swamp buggy, marsh buggy
+n04368840 swan's down
+n04369025 swathe, wrapping
+n04369282 swatter, flyswatter, flyswat
+n04369485 sweat bag
+n04369618 sweatband
+n04370048 sweater, jumper
+n04370288 sweat pants, sweatpants
+n04370456 sweatshirt
+n04370600 sweatshop
+n04370774 sweat suit, sweatsuit, sweats, workout suit
+n04370955 sweep, sweep oar
+n04371050 sweep hand, sweep-second
+n04371430 swimming trunks, bathing trunks
+n04371563 swimsuit, swimwear, bathing suit, swimming costume, bathing costume
+n04371774 swing
+n04371979 swing door, swinging door
+n04372370 switch, electric switch, electrical switch
+n04373089 switchblade, switchblade knife, flick-knife, flick knife
+n04373428 switch engine, donkey engine
+n04373563 swivel
+n04373704 swivel chair
+n04373795 swizzle stick
+n04373894 sword, blade, brand, steel
+n04374315 sword cane, sword stick
+n04374521 S wrench
+n04374735 synagogue, temple, tabernacle
+n04374907 synchrocyclotron
+n04375080 synchroflash
+n04375241 synchromesh
+n04375405 synchronous converter, rotary, rotary converter
+n04375615 synchronous motor
+n04375775 synchrotron
+n04375926 synchroscope, synchronoscope, synchronizer, synchroniser
+n04376400 synthesizer, synthesiser
+n04376876 syringe
+n04377057 system
+n04378489 tabard
+n04378651 Tabernacle
+n04378956 tabi, tabis
+n04379096 tab key, tab
+n04379243 table
+n04379964 table
+n04380255 tablefork
+n04380346 table knife
+n04380533 table lamp
+n04380916 table saw
+n04381073 tablespoon
+n04381450 tablet-armed chair
+n04381587 table-tennis table, ping-pong table, pingpong table
+n04381724 table-tennis racquet, table-tennis bat, pingpong paddle
+n04381860 tabletop
+n04381994 tableware
+n04382334 tabor, tabour
+n04382438 taboret, tabouret
+n04382537 tachistoscope, t-scope
+n04382695 tachograph
+n04382880 tachometer, tach
+n04383015 tachymeter, tacheometer
+n04383130 tack
+n04383301 tack hammer
+n04383839 taffeta
+n04383923 taffrail
+n04384593 tailgate, tailboard
+n04384910 taillight, tail lamp, rear light, rear lamp
+n04385079 tailor-made
+n04385157 tailor's chalk
+n04385536 tailpipe
+n04385799 tail rotor, anti-torque rotor
+n04386051 tailstock
+n04386456 take-up
+n04386664 talaria
+n04386792 talcum, talcum powder
+n04387095 tam, tam-o'-shanter, tammy
+n04387201 tambour
+n04387261 tambour, embroidery frame, embroidery hoop
+n04387400 tambourine
+n04387531 tammy
+n04387706 tamp, tamper, tamping bar
+n04387932 Tampax
+n04388040 tampion, tompion
+n04388162 tampon
+n04388473 tandoor
+n04388574 tangram
+n04388743 tank, storage tank
+n04389033 tank, army tank, armored combat vehicle, armoured combat vehicle
+n04389430 tankard
+n04389521 tank car, tank
+n04389718 tank destroyer
+n04389854 tank engine, tank locomotive
+n04389999 tanker plane
+n04390483 tank shell
+n04390577 tank top
+n04390873 tannoy
+n04390977 tap, spigot
+n04391445 tapa, tappa
+n04391838 tape, tape recording, taping
+n04392113 tape, tapeline, tape measure
+n04392526 tape deck
+n04392764 tape drive, tape transport, transport
+n04392985 tape player
+n04393095 tape recorder, tape machine
+n04393301 taper file
+n04393549 tapestry, tapis
+n04393808 tappet
+n04393913 tap wrench
+n04394031 tare
+n04394261 target, butt
+n04394421 target acquisition system
+n04394630 tarmacadam, tarmac, macadam
+n04395024 tarpaulin, tarp
+n04395106 tartan, plaid
+n04395332 tasset, tasse
+n04395651 tattoo
+n04395875 tavern, tap house
+n04396226 tawse
+n04396335 taximeter
+n04396650 T-bar lift, T-bar, Alpine lift
+n04396808 tea bag
+n04396902 tea ball
+n04397027 tea cart, teacart, tea trolley, tea wagon
+n04397168 tea chest
+n04397261 teaching aid
+n04397452 teacup
+n04397645 tea gown
+n04397768 teakettle
+n04397860 tea maker
+n04398044 teapot
+n04398497 teashop, teahouse, tearoom, tea parlor, tea parlour
+n04398688 teaspoon
+n04398834 tea-strainer
+n04398951 tea table
+n04399046 tea tray
+n04399158 tea urn
+n04399382 teddy, teddy bear
+n04399537 tee, golf tee
+n04399846 tee hinge, T hinge
+n04400109 telecom hotel, telco building
+n04400289 telecommunication system, telecom system, telecommunication equipment, telecom equipment
+n04400499 telegraph, telegraphy
+n04400737 telegraph key
+n04400899 telemeter
+n04401088 telephone, phone, telephone set
+n04401578 telephone bell
+n04401680 telephone booth, phone booth, call box, telephone box, telephone kiosk
+n04401828 telephone cord, phone cord
+n04401949 telephone jack, phone jack
+n04402057 telephone line, phone line, telephone circuit, subscriber line, line
+n04402342 telephone plug, phone plug
+n04402449 telephone pole, telegraph pole, telegraph post
+n04402580 telephone receiver, receiver
+n04402746 telephone system, phone system
+n04402984 telephone wire, telephone line, telegraph wire, telegraph line
+n04403413 telephoto lens, zoom lens
+n04403524 Teleprompter
+n04403638 telescope, scope
+n04403925 telescopic sight, telescope sight
+n04404072 telethermometer
+n04404200 teletypewriter, teleprinter, teletype machine, telex, telex machine
+n04404412 television, television system
+n04404817 television antenna, tv-antenna
+n04404997 television camera, tv camera, camera
+n04405540 television equipment, video equipment
+n04405762 television monitor, tv monitor
+n04405907 television receiver, television, television set, tv, tv set, idiot box, boob tube, telly, goggle box
+n04406239 television room, tv room
+n04406552 television transmitter
+n04406687 telpher, telfer
+n04406817 telpherage, telferage
+n04407257 tempera, poster paint, poster color, poster colour
+n04407435 temple
+n04407686 temple
+n04408871 temporary hookup, patch
+n04409011 tender, supply ship
+n04409128 tender, ship's boat, pinnace, cutter
+n04409279 tender
+n04409384 tenement, tenement house
+n04409515 tennis ball
+n04409625 tennis camp
+n04409806 tennis racket, tennis racquet
+n04409911 tenon
+n04410086 tenor drum, tom-tom
+n04410365 tenoroon
+n04410485 tenpenny nail
+n04410565 tenpin
+n04410663 tensimeter
+n04410760 tensiometer
+n04410886 tensiometer
+n04411019 tensiometer
+n04411264 tent, collapsible shelter
+n04411835 tenter
+n04411966 tenterhook
+n04412097 tent-fly, rainfly, fly sheet, fly, tent flap
+n04412300 tent peg
+n04412416 tepee, tipi, teepee
+n04413151 terminal, pole
+n04413419 terminal
+n04413969 terraced house
+n04414101 terra cotta
+n04414199 terrarium
+n04414319 terra sigillata, Samian ware
+n04414476 terry, terry cloth, terrycloth
+n04414675 Tesla coil
+n04414909 tessera
+n04415257 test equipment
+n04415663 test rocket, research rocket, test instrument vehicle
+n04415815 test room, testing room
+n04416005 testudo
+n04416901 tetraskelion, tetraskele
+n04417086 tetrode
+n04417180 textile machine
+n04417361 textile mill
+n04417672 thatch, thatched roof
+n04417809 theater, theatre, house
+n04418357 theater curtain, theatre curtain
+n04418644 theater light
+n04419073 theodolite, transit
+n04419642 theremin
+n04419868 thermal printer
+n04420024 thermal reactor
+n04420720 thermocouple, thermocouple junction
+n04421083 thermoelectric thermometer, thermel, electric thermometer
+n04421258 thermograph, thermometrograph
+n04421417 thermograph
+n04421582 thermohydrometer, thermogravimeter
+n04421740 thermojunction
+n04421872 thermometer
+n04422409 thermonuclear reactor, fusion reactor
+n04422566 thermopile
+n04422727 thermos, thermos bottle, thermos flask
+n04422875 thermostat, thermoregulator
+n04423552 thigh pad
+n04423687 thill
+n04423845 thimble
+n04424692 thinning shears
+n04425804 third base, third
+n04425977 third gear, third
+n04426184 third rail
+n04426316 thong
+n04426427 thong
+n04427216 three-centered arch, basket-handle arch
+n04427473 three-decker
+n04427559 three-dimensional radar, 3d radar
+n04427715 three-piece suit
+n04427857 three-quarter binding
+n04428008 three-way switch, three-point switch
+n04428191 thresher, thrasher, threshing machine
+n04428382 threshing floor
+n04428634 thriftshop, second-hand store
+n04429038 throat protector
+n04429376 throne
+n04430475 thrust bearing
+n04430605 thruster
+n04430896 thumb
+n04431025 thumbhole
+n04431436 thumbscrew
+n04431648 thumbstall
+n04431745 thumbtack, drawing pin, pushpin
+n04431925 thunderer
+n04432043 thwart, cross thwart
+n04432203 tiara
+n04432662 ticking
+n04432785 tickler coil
+n04433377 tie, tie beam
+n04433585 tie, railroad tie, crosstie, sleeper
+n04434207 tie rack
+n04434531 tie rod
+n04434932 tights, leotards
+n04435180 tile
+n04435552 tile cutter
+n04435653 tile roof
+n04435759 tiller
+n04435870 tilter
+n04436012 tilt-top table, tip-top table, tip table
+n04436185 timber
+n04436329 timber
+n04436401 timber hitch
+n04436542 timbrel
+n04436832 time bomb, infernal machine
+n04436992 time capsule
+n04437276 time clock
+n04437380 time-delay measuring instrument, time-delay measuring system
+n04437670 time-fuse
+n04437953 timepiece, timekeeper, horologe
+n04438304 timer
+n04438507 timer
+n04438643 time-switch
+n04438897 tin
+n04439505 tinderbox
+n04439585 tine
+n04439712 tinfoil, tin foil
+n04440597 tippet
+n04440963 tire chain, snow chain
+n04441093 tire iron, tire tool
+n04441528 titfer
+n04441662 tithe barn
+n04441790 titrator
+n04442312 toaster
+n04442441 toaster oven
+n04442582 toasting fork
+n04442741 toastrack
+n04443164 tobacco pouch
+n04443257 tobacco shop, tobacconist shop, tobacconist
+n04443433 toboggan
+n04443766 toby, toby jug, toby fillpot jug
+n04444121 tocsin, warning bell
+n04444218 toe
+n04444749 toecap
+n04444953 toehold
+n04445040 toga
+n04445154 toga virilis
+n04445327 toggle
+n04445610 toggle bolt
+n04445782 toggle joint
+n04445952 toggle switch, toggle, on-off switch, on/off switch
+n04446162 togs, threads, duds
+n04446276 toilet, lavatory, lav, can, john, privy, bathroom
+n04446844 toilet bag, sponge bag
+n04447028 toilet bowl
+n04447156 toilet kit, travel kit
+n04447276 toilet powder, bath powder, dusting powder
+n04447443 toiletry, toilet articles
+n04447861 toilet seat
+n04448070 toilet water, eau de toilette
+n04448185 tokamak
+n04448361 token
+n04449290 tollbooth, tolbooth, tollhouse
+n04449449 toll bridge
+n04449550 tollgate, tollbar
+n04449700 toll line
+n04449966 tomahawk, hatchet
+n04450133 Tommy gun, Thompson submachine gun
+n04450243 tomograph
+n04450465 tone arm, pickup, pickup arm
+n04450640 toner
+n04450749 tongs, pair of tongs
+n04450994 tongue
+n04451139 tongue and groove joint
+n04451318 tongue depressor
+n04451636 tonometer
+n04451818 tool
+n04452528 tool bag
+n04452615 toolbox, tool chest, tool cabinet, tool case
+n04452757 toolshed, toolhouse
+n04452848 tooth
+n04453037 tooth
+n04453156 toothbrush
+n04453390 toothpick
+n04453666 top
+n04453910 top, cover
+n04454654 topgallant, topgallant mast
+n04454792 topgallant, topgallant sail
+n04454908 topiary
+n04455048 topknot
+n04455250 topmast
+n04455579 topper
+n04455652 topsail
+n04456011 toque
+n04456115 torch
+n04456472 torpedo
+n04456734 torpedo
+n04457157 torpedo
+n04457326 torpedo boat
+n04457474 torpedo-boat destroyer
+n04457638 torpedo tube
+n04457767 torque converter
+n04457910 torque wrench
+n04458201 torture chamber
+n04458633 totem pole
+n04458843 touch screen, touchscreen
+n04459018 toupee, toupe
+n04459122 touring car, phaeton, tourer
+n04459243 tourist class, third class
+n04459362 towel
+n04459610 toweling, towelling
+n04459773 towel rack, towel horse
+n04459909 towel rail, towel bar
+n04460130 tower
+n04461437 town hall
+n04461570 towpath, towing path
+n04461696 tow truck, tow car, wrecker
+n04461879 toy
+n04462011 toy box, toy chest
+n04462240 toyshop
+n04462576 trace detector
+n04463679 track, rail, rails, runway
+n04464125 track
+n04464615 trackball
+n04464852 tracked vehicle
+n04465050 tract house
+n04465203 tract housing
+n04465358 traction engine
+n04465501 tractor
+n04465666 tractor
+n04466871 trail bike, dirt bike, scrambler
+n04467099 trailer, house trailer
+n04467307 trailer
+n04467506 trailer camp, trailer park
+n04467665 trailer truck, tractor trailer, trucking rig, rig, articulated lorry, semi
+n04467899 trailing edge
+n04468005 train, railroad train
+n04469003 tramline, tramway, streetcar track
+n04469251 trammel
+n04469514 trampoline
+n04469684 tramp steamer, tramp
+n04469813 tramway, tram, aerial tramway, cable tramway, ropeway
+n04470741 transdermal patch, skin patch
+n04471148 transept
+n04471315 transformer
+n04471632 transistor, junction transistor, electronic transistor
+n04471912 transit instrument
+n04472243 transmission, transmission system
+n04472563 transmission shaft
+n04472726 transmitter, sender
+n04472961 transom, traverse
+n04473108 transom, transom window, fanlight
+n04473275 transponder
+n04473884 transporter
+n04474035 transporter, car transporter
+n04474187 transport ship
+n04474466 trap
+n04475309 trap door
+n04475411 trapeze
+n04475496 trave, traverse, crossbeam, crosspiece
+n04475631 travel iron
+n04475749 trawl, dragnet, trawl net
+n04475900 trawl, trawl line, spiller, setline, trotline
+n04476116 trawler, dragger
+n04476259 tray
+n04476526 tray cloth
+n04476831 tread
+n04476972 tread
+n04477219 treadmill, treadwheel, tread-wheel
+n04477387 treadmill
+n04477548 treasure chest
+n04477725 treasure ship
+n04478066 treenail, trenail, trunnel
+n04478383 trefoil arch
+n04478512 trellis, treillage
+n04478657 trench
+n04479046 trench coat
+n04479287 trench knife
+n04479405 trepan
+n04479526 trepan, trephine
+n04479694 trestle
+n04479823 trestle
+n04479939 trestle bridge
+n04480033 trestle table
+n04480141 trestlework
+n04480303 trews
+n04480527 trial balloon
+n04480853 triangle
+n04480995 triangle
+n04481524 triclinium
+n04481642 triclinium
+n04482177 tricorn, tricorne
+n04482297 tricot
+n04482393 tricycle, trike, velocipede
+n04482975 trident
+n04483073 trigger
+n04483307 trimaran
+n04483925 trimmer
+n04484024 trimmer arch
+n04484432 triode
+n04485082 tripod
+n04485423 triptych
+n04485586 trip wire
+n04485750 trireme
+n04485884 triskelion, triskele
+n04486054 triumphal arch
+n04486213 trivet
+n04486322 trivet
+n04486616 troika
+n04486934 troll
+n04487081 trolleybus, trolley coach, trackless trolley
+n04487394 trombone
+n04487724 troop carrier, troop transport
+n04487894 troopship
+n04488202 trophy case
+n04488427 trough
+n04488530 trouser
+n04488742 trouser cuff
+n04488857 trouser press, pants presser
+n04489008 trouser, pant
+n04489695 trousseau
+n04489817 trowel
+n04490091 truck, motortruck
+n04491312 trumpet arch
+n04491388 truncheon, nightstick, baton, billy, billystick, billy club
+n04491638 trundle bed, trundle, truckle bed, truckle
+n04491769 trunk
+n04491934 trunk hose
+n04492060 trunk lid
+n04492157 trunk line
+n04492375 truss
+n04492749 truss bridge
+n04493109 try square
+n04493259 T-square
+n04493381 tub, vat
+n04494204 tube, vacuum tube, thermionic vacuum tube, thermionic tube, electron tube, thermionic valve
+n04495051 tuck box
+n04495183 tucker
+n04495310 tucker-bag
+n04495450 tuck shop
+n04495555 Tudor arch, four-centered arch
+n04495698 tudung
+n04495843 tugboat, tug, towboat, tower
+n04496614 tulle
+n04496726 tumble-dryer, tumble drier
+n04496872 tumbler
+n04497249 tumbrel, tumbril
+n04497442 tun
+n04497570 tunic
+n04497801 tuning fork
+n04498275 tupik, tupek, sealskin tent
+n04498389 turban
+n04498523 turbine
+n04498873 turbogenerator
+n04499062 tureen
+n04499300 Turkish bath
+n04499446 Turkish towel, terry towel
+n04499554 Turk's head
+n04499810 turnbuckle
+n04500060 turner, food turner
+n04500390 turnery
+n04501127 turnpike
+n04501281 turnspit
+n04501370 turnstile
+n04501550 turntable
+n04501837 turntable, lazy Susan
+n04501947 turret
+n04502059 turret clock
+n04502197 turtleneck, turtle, polo-neck
+n04502502 tweed
+n04502670 tweeter
+n04502851 twenty-two, .22
+n04502989 twenty-two pistol
+n04503073 twenty-two rifle
+n04503155 twill
+n04503269 twill, twill weave
+n04503413 twin bed
+n04503499 twinjet
+n04503593 twist bit, twist drill
+n04503705 two-by-four
+n04504038 two-man tent
+n04504141 two-piece, two-piece suit, lounge suit
+n04504770 typesetting machine
+n04505036 typewriter
+n04505345 typewriter carriage
+n04505470 typewriter keyboard
+n04505888 tyrolean, tirolean
+n04506289 uke, ukulele
+n04506402 ulster
+n04506506 ultracentrifuge
+n04506688 ultramicroscope, dark-field microscope
+n04506895 Ultrasuede
+n04506994 ultraviolet lamp, ultraviolet source
+n04507155 umbrella
+n04507326 umbrella tent
+n04507453 undercarriage
+n04507689 undercoat, underseal
+n04508163 undergarment, unmentionable
+n04508489 underpants
+n04508949 underwear, underclothes, underclothing
+n04509171 undies
+n04509260 uneven parallel bars, uneven bars
+n04509417 unicycle, monocycle
+n04509592 uniform
+n04510706 universal joint, universal
+n04511002 university
+n04513827 upholstery
+n04513998 upholstery material
+n04514095 upholstery needle
+n04514241 uplift
+n04514648 upper berth, upper
+n04515003 upright, upright piano
+n04515444 upset, swage
+n04515729 upstairs
+n04515890 urceole
+n04516116 urn
+n04516214 urn
+n04516354 used-car, secondhand car
+n04516672 utensil
+n04517211 Uzi
+n04517408 vacation home
+n04517823 vacuum, vacuum cleaner
+n04517999 vacuum chamber
+n04518132 vacuum flask, vacuum bottle
+n04518343 vacuum gauge, vacuum gage
+n04518643 Valenciennes, Valenciennes lace
+n04518764 valise
+n04519153 valve
+n04519536 valve
+n04519728 valve-in-head engine
+n04519887 vambrace, lower cannon
+n04520170 van
+n04520382 van, caravan
+n04520784 vane
+n04520962 vaporizer, vaporiser
+n04521571 variable-pitch propeller
+n04521863 variometer
+n04521987 varnish
+n04522168 vase
+n04523525 vault
+n04523831 vault, bank vault
+n04524142 vaulting horse, long horse, buck
+n04524313 vehicle
+n04524594 Velcro
+n04524716 velocipede
+n04524941 velour, velours
+n04525038 velvet
+n04525191 velveteen
+n04525305 vending machine
+n04525417 veneer, veneering
+n04525584 Venetian blind
+n04525821 Venn diagram, Venn's diagram
+n04526520 ventilation, ventilation system, ventilating system
+n04526800 ventilation shaft
+n04526964 ventilator
+n04527648 veranda, verandah, gallery
+n04528079 verdigris
+n04528968 vernier caliper, vernier micrometer
+n04529108 vernier scale, vernier
+n04529681 vertical file
+n04529962 vertical stabilizer, vertical stabiliser, vertical fin, tail fin, tailfin
+n04530283 vertical tail
+n04530456 Very pistol, Verey pistol
+n04530566 vessel, watercraft
+n04531098 vessel
+n04531873 vest, waistcoat
+n04532022 vestiture
+n04532106 vestment
+n04532398 vest pocket
+n04532504 vestry, sacristy
+n04532670 viaduct
+n04532831 vibraphone, vibraharp, vibes
+n04533042 vibrator
+n04533199 vibrator
+n04533499 Victrola
+n04533594 vicuna
+n04533700 videocassette
+n04533802 videocassette recorder, VCR
+n04533946 videodisk, videodisc, DVD
+n04534127 video recording, video
+n04534359 videotape
+n04534520 videotape
+n04534895 vigil light, vigil candle
+n04535252 villa
+n04535370 villa
+n04535524 villa
+n04536153 viol
+n04536335 viola
+n04536465 viola da braccio
+n04536595 viola da gamba, gamba, bass viol
+n04536765 viola d'amore
+n04536866 violin, fiddle
+n04537436 virginal, pair of virginals
+n04538249 viscometer, viscosimeter
+n04538403 viscose rayon, viscose
+n04538552 vise, bench vise
+n04538878 visor, vizor
+n04539053 visual display unit, VDU
+n04539203 vivarium
+n04539407 Viyella
+n04539794 voile
+n04540053 volleyball
+n04540255 volleyball net
+n04540397 voltage regulator
+n04540761 voltaic cell, galvanic cell, primary cell
+n04541136 voltaic pile, pile, galvanic pile
+n04541320 voltmeter
+n04541662 vomitory
+n04541777 von Neumann machine
+n04541987 voting booth
+n04542095 voting machine
+n04542329 voussoir
+n04542474 vox angelica, voix celeste
+n04542595 vox humana
+n04542715 waders
+n04542858 wading pool
+n04542943 waffle iron
+n04543158 wagon, waggon
+n04543509 wagon, coaster wagon
+n04543636 wagon tire
+n04543772 wagon wheel
+n04543924 wain
+n04543996 wainscot, wainscoting, wainscotting
+n04544325 wainscoting, wainscotting
+n04544450 waist pack, belt bag
+n04545305 walker, baby-walker, go-cart
+n04545471 walker, Zimmer, Zimmer frame
+n04545748 walker
+n04545858 walkie-talkie, walky-talky
+n04545984 walk-in
+n04546081 walking shoe
+n04546194 walking stick
+n04546340 Walkman
+n04546595 walk-up apartment, walk-up
+n04546855 wall
+n04547592 wall
+n04548280 wall clock
+n04548362 wallet, billfold, notecase, pocketbook
+n04549028 wall tent
+n04549122 wall unit
+n04549629 wand
+n04549721 Wankel engine, Wankel rotary engine, epitrochoidal engine
+n04549919 ward, hospital ward
+n04550184 wardrobe, closet, press
+n04550676 wardroom
+n04551055 warehouse, storage warehouse
+n04551833 warming pan
+n04552097 war paint
+n04552348 warplane, military plane
+n04552551 war room
+n04552696 warship, war vessel, combat ship
+n04553389 wash
+n04553561 wash-and-wear
+n04553703 washbasin, handbasin, washbowl, lavabo, wash-hand basin
+n04554211 washboard, splashboard
+n04554406 washboard
+n04554684 washer, automatic washer, washing machine
+n04554871 washer
+n04554998 washhouse
+n04555291 washroom
+n04555400 washstand, wash-hand stand
+n04555600 washtub
+n04555700 wastepaper basket, waste-paper basket, wastebasket, waste basket, circular file
+n04555897 watch, ticker
+n04556408 watch cap
+n04556533 watch case
+n04556664 watch glass
+n04556948 watchtower
+n04557308 water-base paint
+n04557522 water bed
+n04557648 water bottle
+n04557751 water butt
+n04558059 water cart
+n04558199 water chute
+n04558478 water closet, closet, W.C., loo
+n04558804 watercolor, water-color, watercolour, water-colour
+n04559023 water-cooled reactor
+n04559166 water cooler
+n04559451 water faucet, water tap, tap, hydrant
+n04559620 water filter
+n04559730 water gauge, water gage, water glass
+n04559910 water glass
+n04559994 water hazard
+n04560113 water heater, hot-water heater, hot-water tank
+n04560292 watering can, watering pot
+n04560502 watering cart
+n04560619 water jacket
+n04560804 water jug
+n04560882 water jump
+n04561010 water level
+n04561287 water meter
+n04561422 water mill
+n04561734 waterproof
+n04561857 waterproofing
+n04561965 water pump
+n04562122 water scooter, sea scooter, scooter
+n04562262 water ski
+n04562496 waterspout
+n04562935 water tower
+n04563020 water wagon, water waggon
+n04563204 waterwheel, water wheel
+n04563413 waterwheel, water wheel
+n04563560 water wings
+n04563790 waterworks
+n04564278 wattmeter
+n04564581 waxwork, wax figure
+n04565039 ways, shipway, slipway
+n04565375 weapon, arm, weapon system
+n04566257 weaponry, arms, implements of war, weapons system, munition
+n04566561 weapons carrier
+n04566756 weathercock
+n04567098 weatherglass
+n04567593 weather satellite, meteorological satellite
+n04567746 weather ship
+n04568069 weathervane, weather vane, vane, wind vane
+n04568557 web, entanglement
+n04568713 web
+n04568841 webbing
+n04569063 webcam
+n04569520 wedge
+n04569822 wedge
+n04570118 wedgie
+n04570214 Wedgwood
+n04570416 weeder, weed-whacker
+n04570532 weeds, widow's weeds
+n04570815 weekender
+n04570958 weighbridge
+n04571292 weight, free weight, exercising weight
+n04571566 weir
+n04571686 weir
+n04571800 welcome wagon
+n04571958 weld
+n04572121 welder's mask
+n04572235 weldment
+n04572935 well
+n04573045 wellhead
+n04573281 welt
+n04573379 Weston cell, cadmium cell
+n04573513 wet bar
+n04573625 wet-bulb thermometer
+n04573832 wet cell
+n04573937 wet fly
+n04574067 wet suit
+n04574348 whaleboat
+n04574471 whaler, whaling ship
+n04574606 whaling gun
+n04574999 wheel
+n04575723 wheel
+n04575824 wheel and axle
+n04576002 wheelchair
+n04576211 wheeled vehicle
+n04576971 wheelwork
+n04577139 wherry
+n04577293 wherry, Norfolk wherry
+n04577426 whetstone
+n04577567 whiffletree, whippletree, swingletree
+n04577769 whip
+n04578112 whipcord
+n04578329 whipping post
+n04578559 whipstitch, whipping, whipstitching
+n04578708 whirler
+n04578801 whisk, whisk broom
+n04578934 whisk
+n04579056 whiskey bottle
+n04579145 whiskey jug
+n04579230 whispering gallery, whispering dome
+n04579432 whistle
+n04579667 whistle
+n04579986 white
+n04580493 white goods
+n04581102 whitewash
+n04581595 whorehouse, brothel, bordello, bagnio, house of prostitution, house of ill repute, bawdyhouse, cathouse, sporting house
+n04581829 wick, taper
+n04582205 wicker, wickerwork, caning
+n04582349 wicker basket
+n04582771 wicket, hoop
+n04582869 wicket
+n04583022 wickiup, wikiup
+n04583212 wide-angle lens, fisheye lens
+n04583620 widebody aircraft, wide-body aircraft, wide-body, twin-aisle airplane
+n04583888 wide wale
+n04583967 widow's walk
+n04584056 Wiffle, Wiffle Ball
+n04584207 wig
+n04584373 wigwam
+n04585128 Wilton, Wilton carpet
+n04585318 wimple
+n04585456 wincey
+n04585626 winceyette
+n04585745 winch, windlass
+n04585980 Winchester
+n04586072 windbreak, shelterbelt
+n04586581 winder, key
+n04586932 wind instrument, wind
+n04587327 windjammer
+n04587404 windmill, aerogenerator, wind generator
+n04587559 windmill
+n04587648 window
+n04588739 window
+n04589190 window blind
+n04589325 window box
+n04589434 window envelope
+n04589593 window frame
+n04589890 window screen
+n04590021 window seat
+n04590129 window shade
+n04590263 windowsill
+n04590553 windshield, windscreen
+n04590746 windshield wiper, windscreen wiper, wiper, wiper blade
+n04590933 Windsor chair
+n04591056 Windsor knot
+n04591157 Windsor tie
+n04591249 wind tee
+n04591359 wind tunnel
+n04591517 wind turbine
+n04591631 wine bar
+n04591713 wine bottle
+n04591887 wine bucket, wine cooler
+n04592005 wine cask, wine barrel
+n04592099 wineglass
+n04592356 winepress
+n04592465 winery, wine maker
+n04592596 wineskin
+n04592741 wing
+n04593077 wing chair
+n04593185 wing nut, wing-nut, wing screw, butterfly nut, thumbnut
+n04593376 wing tip
+n04593524 wing tip
+n04593629 winker, blinker, blinder
+n04593866 wiper, wiper arm, contact arm
+n04594114 wiper motor
+n04594218 wire
+n04594489 wire, conducting wire
+n04594742 wire cloth
+n04594828 wire cutter
+n04594919 wire gauge, wire gage
+n04595028 wireless local area network, WLAN, wireless fidelity, WiFi
+n04595285 wire matrix printer, wire printer, stylus printer
+n04595501 wire recorder
+n04595611 wire stripper
+n04595762 wirework, grillwork
+n04595855 wiring
+n04596116 wishing cap
+n04596492 witness box, witness stand
+n04596742 wok
+n04596852 woman's clothing
+n04597066 wood
+n04597309 woodcarving
+n04597400 wood chisel
+n04597804 woodenware
+n04597913 wooden spoon
+n04598136 woodscrew
+n04598318 woodshed
+n04598416 wood vise, woodworking vise, shoulder vise
+n04598582 woodwind, woodwind instrument, wood
+n04598965 woof, weft, filling, pick
+n04599124 woofer
+n04599235 wool, woolen, woollen
+n04600312 workbasket, workbox, workbag
+n04600486 workbench, work bench, bench
+n04600912 work-clothing, work-clothes
+n04601041 workhouse
+n04601159 workhouse
+n04601938 workpiece
+n04602762 workroom
+n04602840 works, workings
+n04602956 work-shirt
+n04603399 workstation
+n04603729 worktable, work table
+n04603872 workwear
+n04604276 World Wide Web, WWW, web
+n04604644 worm fence, snake fence, snake-rail fence, Virginia fence
+n04604806 worm gear
+n04605057 worm wheel
+n04605163 worsted
+n04605321 worsted, worsted yarn
+n04605446 wrap, wrapper
+n04605572 wraparound
+n04605726 wrapping, wrap, wrapper
+n04606251 wreck
+n04606574 wrench, spanner
+n04607035 wrestling mat
+n04607242 wringer
+n04607640 wrist pad
+n04607759 wrist pin, gudgeon pin
+n04607869 wristwatch, wrist watch
+n04607982 writing arm
+n04608329 writing desk
+n04608435 writing desk
+n04608567 writing implement
+n04608809 xerographic printer
+n04608923 Xerox, xerographic copier, Xerox machine
+n04609531 X-ray film
+n04609651 X-ray machine
+n04609811 X-ray tube
+n04610013 yacht, racing yacht
+n04610176 yacht chair
+n04610274 yagi, Yagi aerial
+n04610503 yard
+n04610676 yard
+n04611351 yardarm
+n04611795 yard marker
+n04611916 yardstick, yard measure
+n04612026 yarmulke, yarmulka, yarmelke
+n04612159 yashmak, yashmac
+n04612257 yataghan
+n04612373 yawl, dandy
+n04612504 yawl
+n04612840 yoke
+n04613015 yoke
+n04613158 yoke, coupling
+n04613696 yurt
+n04613939 Zamboni
+n04614505 zero
+n04614655 ziggurat, zikkurat, zikurat
+n04614844 zill
+n04615149 zip gun
+n04615226 zither, cither, zithern
+n04615644 zoot suit
+n04682018 shading
+n04950713 grain
+n04950952 wood grain, woodgrain, woodiness
+n04951071 graining, woodgraining
+n04951186 marbleization, marbleisation, marbleizing, marbleising
+n04951373 light, lightness
+n04951716 aura, aureole, halo, nimbus, glory, gloriole
+n04951875 sunniness
+n04953296 glint
+n04953678 opalescence, iridescence
+n04955160 polish, gloss, glossiness, burnish
+n04957356 primary color for pigments, primary colour for pigments
+n04957589 primary color for light, primary colour for light
+n04958634 colorlessness, colourlessness, achromatism, achromaticity
+n04958865 mottle
+n04959061 achromia
+n04959230 shade, tint, tincture, tone
+n04959672 chromatic color, chromatic colour, spectral color, spectral colour
+n04960277 black, blackness, inkiness
+n04960582 coal black, ebony, jet black, pitch black, sable, soot black
+n04961062 alabaster
+n04961331 bone, ivory, pearl, off-white
+n04961691 gray, grayness, grey, greyness
+n04962062 ash grey, ash gray, silver, silver grey, silver gray
+n04962240 charcoal, charcoal grey, charcoal gray, oxford grey, oxford gray
+n04963111 sanguine
+n04963307 Turkey red, alizarine red
+n04963588 crimson, ruby, deep red
+n04963740 dark red
+n04964001 claret
+n04964799 fuschia
+n04964878 maroon
+n04965179 orange, orangeness
+n04965451 reddish orange
+n04965661 yellow, yellowness
+n04966543 gamboge, lemon, lemon yellow, maize
+n04966941 pale yellow, straw, wheat
+n04967191 green, greenness, viridity
+n04967561 greenishness
+n04967674 sea green
+n04967801 sage green
+n04967882 bottle green
+n04968056 emerald
+n04968139 olive green, olive-green
+n04968749 jade green, jade
+n04968895 blue, blueness
+n04969242 azure, cerulean, sapphire, lazuline, sky-blue
+n04969540 steel blue
+n04969798 greenish blue, aqua, aquamarine, turquoise, cobalt blue, peacock blue
+n04969952 purplish blue, royal blue
+n04970059 purple, purpleness
+n04970312 Tyrian purple
+n04970398 indigo
+n04970470 lavender
+n04970631 reddish purple, royal purple
+n04970916 pink
+n04971211 carnation
+n04971313 rose, rosiness
+n04972350 chestnut
+n04972451 chocolate, coffee, deep brown, umber, burnt umber
+n04972801 light brown
+n04973020 tan, topaz
+n04973291 beige, ecru
+n04973386 reddish brown, sepia, burnt sienna, Venetian red, mahogany
+n04973585 brick red
+n04973669 copper, copper color
+n04973816 Indian red
+n04974145 puce
+n04974340 olive
+n04974859 ultramarine
+n04975739 complementary color, complementary
+n04976319 pigmentation
+n04976952 complexion, skin color, skin colour
+n04977412 ruddiness, rosiness
+n04978561 nonsolid color, nonsolid colour, dithered color, dithered colour
+n04979002 aposematic coloration, warning coloration
+n04979307 cryptic coloration
+n04981658 ring
+n05102764 center of curvature, centre of curvature
+n05218119 cadaver, corpse, stiff, clay, remains
+n05233741 mandibular notch
+n05235879 rib
+n05238282 skin, tegument, cutis
+n05239437 skin graft
+n05241218 epidermal cell
+n05241485 melanocyte
+n05241662 prickle cell
+n05242070 columnar cell, columnar epithelial cell
+n05242239 spongioblast
+n05242928 squamous cell
+n05244421 amyloid plaque, amyloid protein plaque
+n05244755 dental plaque, bacterial plaque
+n05244934 macule, macula
+n05245192 freckle, lentigo
+n05257476 bouffant
+n05257967 sausage curl
+n05258051 forelock
+n05258627 spit curl, kiss curl
+n05259914 pigtail
+n05260127 pageboy
+n05260240 pompadour
+n05261310 thatch
+n05262422 soup-strainer, toothbrush
+n05262534 mustachio, moustachio, handle-bars
+n05262698 walrus mustache, walrus moustache
+n05263183 stubble
+n05263316 vandyke beard, vandyke
+n05263448 soul patch, Attilio
+n05265736 esophageal smear
+n05266096 paraduodenal smear, duodenal smear
+n05266879 specimen
+n05278922 punctum
+n05279953 glenoid fossa, glenoid cavity
+n05282652 diastema
+n05285623 marrow, bone marrow
+n05302499 mouth, oral cavity, oral fissure, rima oris
+n05314075 canthus
+n05399034 milk
+n05399243 mother's milk
+n05399356 colostrum, foremilk
+n05418717 vein, vena, venous blood vessel
+n05427346 ganglion cell, gangliocyte
+n05442594 X chromosome
+n05447757 embryonic cell, formative cell
+n05448704 myeloblast
+n05448827 sideroblast
+n05449196 osteocyte
+n05449661 megalocyte, macrocyte
+n05449959 leukocyte, leucocyte, white blood cell, white cell, white blood corpuscle, white corpuscle, WBC
+n05450617 histiocyte
+n05451099 fixed phagocyte
+n05451384 lymphocyte, lymph cell
+n05453412 monoblast
+n05453657 neutrophil, neutrophile
+n05453815 microphage
+n05454833 sickle cell
+n05454978 siderocyte
+n05455113 spherocyte
+n05458173 ootid
+n05458576 oocyte
+n05459101 spermatid
+n05459457 Leydig cell, Leydig's cell
+n05459769 striated muscle cell, striated muscle fiber
+n05460759 smooth muscle cell
+n05464534 Ranvier's nodes, nodes of Ranvier
+n05467054 neuroglia, glia
+n05467758 astrocyte
+n05468098 protoplasmic astrocyte
+n05468739 oligodendrocyte
+n05469664 proprioceptor
+n05469861 dendrite
+n05475397 sensory fiber, afferent fiber
+n05482922 subarachnoid space
+n05486510 cerebral cortex, cerebral mantle, pallium, cortex
+n05491154 renal cortex
+n05526957 prepuce, foreskin
+n05538625 head, caput
+n05539947 scalp
+n05541509 frontal eminence
+n05542893 suture, sutura, fibrous joint
+n05545879 foramen magnum
+n05571341 esophagogastric junction, oesophagogastric junction
+n05578095 heel
+n05581932 cuticle
+n05584746 hangnail, agnail
+n05586759 exoskeleton
+n05604434 abdominal wall
+n05716342 lemon
+n06008896 coordinate axis
+n06209940 landscape
+n06254669 medium
+n06255081 vehicle
+n06255613 paper
+n06259898 channel, transmission channel
+n06262567 film, cinema, celluloid
+n06262943 silver screen
+n06263202 free press
+n06263369 press, public press
+n06263609 print media
+n06263762 storage medium, data-storage medium
+n06263895 magnetic storage medium, magnetic medium, magnetic storage
+n06266417 journalism, news media
+n06266633 Fleet Street
+n06266710 photojournalism
+n06266878 news photography
+n06266973 rotogravure
+n06267145 newspaper, paper
+n06267564 daily
+n06267655 gazette
+n06267758 school newspaper, school paper
+n06267893 tabloid, rag, sheet
+n06267991 yellow journalism, tabloid, tab
+n06271778 telecommunication, telecom
+n06272290 telephone, telephony
+n06272612 voice mail, voicemail
+n06272803 call, phone call, telephone call
+n06273207 call-back
+n06273294 collect call
+n06273414 call forwarding
+n06273555 call-in
+n06273743 call waiting
+n06273890 crank call
+n06273986 local call
+n06274092 long distance, long-distance call, trunk call
+n06274292 toll call
+n06274546 wake-up call
+n06274760 three-way calling
+n06274921 telegraphy
+n06275095 cable, cablegram, overseas telegram
+n06275353 wireless
+n06275471 radiotelegraph, radiotelegraphy, wireless telegraphy
+n06276501 radiotelephone, radiotelephony, wireless telephone
+n06276697 broadcasting
+n06276902 Rediffusion
+n06277025 multiplex
+n06277135 radio, radiocommunication, wireless
+n06277280 television, telecasting, TV, video
+n06278338 cable television, cable
+n06278475 high-definition television, HDTV
+n06281040 reception
+n06281175 signal detection, detection
+n06340977 Hakham
+n06359193 web site, website, internet site, site
+n06359467 chat room, chatroom
+n06359657 portal site, portal
+n06415688 jotter
+n06417096 breviary
+n06418693 wordbook
+n06419354 desk dictionary, collegiate dictionary
+n06423496 reckoner, ready reckoner
+n06470073 document, written document, papers
+n06591815 album, record album
+n06592078 concept album
+n06592281 rock opera
+n06592421 tribute album, benefit album
+n06595351 magazine, mag
+n06596179 colour supplement
+n06596364 comic book
+n06596474 news magazine
+n06596607 pulp, pulp magazine
+n06596727 slick, slick magazine, glossy
+n06596845 trade magazine
+n06613686 movie, film, picture, moving picture, moving-picture show, motion picture, motion-picture show, picture show, pic, flick
+n06614901 outtake
+n06616216 shoot-'em-up
+n06618653 spaghetti Western
+n06625062 encyclical, encyclical letter
+n06785654 crossword puzzle, crossword
+n06793231 sign
+n06794110 street sign
+n06874185 traffic light, traffic signal, stoplight
+n06883725 swastika, Hakenkreuz
+n06892775 concert
+n06998748 artwork, art, graphics, nontextual matter
+n07005523 lobe
+n07248320 book jacket, dust cover, dust jacket, dust wrapper
+n07273802 cairn
+n07461050 three-day event
+n07556406 comfort food
+n07556637 comestible, edible, eatable, pabulum, victual, victuals
+n07556872 tuck
+n07556970 course
+n07557165 dainty, delicacy, goody, kickshaw, treat
+n07557434 dish
+n07560193 fast food
+n07560331 finger food
+n07560422 ingesta
+n07560542 kosher
+n07560652 fare
+n07560903 diet
+n07561112 diet
+n07561590 dietary
+n07561848 balanced diet
+n07562017 bland diet, ulcer diet
+n07562172 clear liquid diet
+n07562379 diabetic diet
+n07562495 dietary supplement
+n07562651 carbohydrate loading, carbo loading
+n07562881 fad diet
+n07562984 gluten-free diet
+n07563207 high-protein diet
+n07563366 high-vitamin diet, vitamin-deficiency diet
+n07563642 light diet
+n07563800 liquid diet
+n07564008 low-calorie diet
+n07564101 low-fat diet
+n07564292 low-sodium diet, low-salt diet, salt-free diet
+n07564515 macrobiotic diet
+n07564629 reducing diet, obesity diet
+n07564796 soft diet, pap, spoon food
+n07564971 vegetarianism
+n07565083 menu
+n07565161 chow, chuck, eats, grub
+n07565259 board, table
+n07565608 mess
+n07565725 ration
+n07565945 field ration
+n07566092 K ration
+n07566231 C-ration
+n07566340 foodstuff, food product
+n07566863 starches
+n07567039 breadstuff
+n07567139 coloring, colouring, food coloring, food colouring, food color, food colour
+n07567390 concentrate
+n07567611 tomato concentrate
+n07567707 meal
+n07567980 kibble
+n07568095 cornmeal, Indian meal
+n07568241 farina
+n07568389 matzo meal, matzoh meal, matzah meal
+n07568502 oatmeal, rolled oats
+n07568625 pea flour
+n07568818 roughage, fiber
+n07568991 bran
+n07569106 flour
+n07569423 plain flour
+n07569543 wheat flour
+n07569644 whole wheat flour, graham flour, graham, whole meal flour
+n07569873 soybean meal, soybean flour, soy flour
+n07570021 semolina
+n07570530 corn gluten feed
+n07570720 nutriment, nourishment, nutrition, sustenance, aliment, alimentation, victuals
+n07572353 commissariat, provisions, provender, viands, victuals
+n07572616 larder
+n07572858 frozen food, frozen foods
+n07572957 canned food, canned foods, canned goods, tinned goods
+n07573103 canned meat, tinned meat
+n07573347 Spam
+n07573453 dehydrated food, dehydrated foods
+n07573563 square meal
+n07573696 meal, repast
+n07574176 potluck
+n07574426 refection
+n07574504 refreshment
+n07574602 breakfast
+n07574780 continental breakfast, petit dejeuner
+n07574923 brunch
+n07575076 lunch, luncheon, tiffin, dejeuner
+n07575226 business lunch
+n07575392 high tea
+n07575510 tea, afternoon tea, teatime
+n07575726 dinner
+n07575984 supper
+n07576182 buffet
+n07576438 picnic
+n07576577 cookout
+n07576781 barbecue, barbeque
+n07576969 clambake
+n07577144 fish fry
+n07577374 bite, collation, snack
+n07577538 nosh
+n07577657 nosh-up
+n07577772 ploughman's lunch
+n07577918 coffee break, tea break
+n07578093 banquet, feast, spread
+n07579575 entree, main course
+n07579688 piece de resistance
+n07579787 plate
+n07579917 adobo
+n07580053 side dish, side order, entremets
+n07580253 special
+n07580359 casserole
+n07580470 chicken casserole
+n07580592 chicken cacciatore, chicken cacciatora, hunter's chicken
+n07581249 antipasto
+n07581346 appetizer, appetiser, starter
+n07581607 canape
+n07581775 cocktail
+n07581931 fruit cocktail
+n07582027 crab cocktail
+n07582152 shrimp cocktail
+n07582277 hors d'oeuvre
+n07582441 relish
+n07582609 dip
+n07582811 bean dip
+n07582892 cheese dip
+n07582970 clam dip
+n07583066 guacamole
+n07583197 soup
+n07583865 soup du jour
+n07583978 alphabet soup
+n07584110 consomme
+n07584228 madrilene
+n07584332 bisque
+n07584423 borsch, borsh, borscht, borsht, borshch, bortsch
+n07584593 broth
+n07584859 barley water
+n07584938 bouillon
+n07585015 beef broth, beef stock
+n07585107 chicken broth, chicken stock
+n07585208 broth, stock
+n07585474 stock cube
+n07585557 chicken soup
+n07585644 cock-a-leekie, cocky-leeky
+n07585758 gazpacho
+n07585906 gumbo
+n07585997 julienne
+n07586099 marmite
+n07586179 mock turtle soup
+n07586318 mulligatawny
+n07586485 oxtail soup
+n07586604 pea soup
+n07586718 pepper pot, Philadelphia pepper pot
+n07586894 petite marmite, minestrone, vegetable soup
+n07587023 potage, pottage
+n07587111 pottage
+n07587206 turtle soup, green turtle soup
+n07587331 eggdrop soup
+n07587441 chowder
+n07587618 corn chowder
+n07587700 clam chowder
+n07587819 Manhattan clam chowder
+n07587962 New England clam chowder
+n07588111 fish chowder
+n07588193 won ton, wonton, wonton soup
+n07588299 split-pea soup
+n07588419 green pea soup, potage St. Germain
+n07588574 lentil soup
+n07588688 Scotch broth
+n07588817 vichyssoise
+n07588947 stew
+n07589458 bigos
+n07589543 Brunswick stew
+n07589724 burgoo
+n07589872 burgoo
+n07589967 olla podrida, Spanish burgoo
+n07590068 mulligan stew, mulligan, Irish burgoo
+n07590177 purloo, chicken purloo, poilu
+n07590320 goulash, Hungarian goulash, gulyas
+n07590502 hotchpotch
+n07590611 hot pot, hotpot
+n07590752 beef goulash
+n07590841 pork-and-veal goulash
+n07590974 porkholt
+n07591049 Irish stew
+n07591162 oyster stew
+n07591236 lobster stew
+n07591330 lobscouse, lobscuse, scouse
+n07591473 fish stew
+n07591586 bouillabaisse
+n07591813 matelote
+n07591961 paella
+n07592094 fricassee
+n07592317 chicken stew
+n07592400 turkey stew
+n07592481 beef stew
+n07592656 ragout
+n07592768 ratatouille
+n07592922 salmi
+n07593004 pot-au-feu
+n07593107 slumgullion
+n07593199 smorgasbord
+n07593471 viand
+n07593774 ready-mix
+n07593972 brownie mix
+n07594066 cake mix
+n07594155 lemonade mix
+n07594250 self-rising flour, self-raising flour
+n07594737 choice morsel, tidbit, titbit
+n07594840 savory, savoury
+n07595051 calf's-foot jelly
+n07595180 caramel, caramelized sugar
+n07595368 lump sugar
+n07595649 cane sugar
+n07595751 castor sugar, caster sugar
+n07595914 powdered sugar
+n07596046 granulated sugar
+n07596160 icing sugar
+n07596362 corn sugar
+n07596452 brown sugar
+n07596566 demerara, demerara sugar
+n07596684 sweet, confection
+n07596967 confectionery
+n07597145 confiture
+n07597263 sweetmeat
+n07597365 candy, confect
+n07598256 candy bar
+n07598529 carob bar
+n07598622 hardbake
+n07598734 hard candy
+n07598928 barley-sugar, barley candy
+n07599068 brandyball
+n07599161 jawbreaker
+n07599242 lemon drop
+n07599383 sourball
+n07599468 patty
+n07599554 peppermint patty
+n07599649 bonbon
+n07599783 brittle, toffee, toffy
+n07599911 peanut brittle
+n07599998 chewing gum, gum
+n07600177 gum ball
+n07600285 bubble gum
+n07600394 butterscotch
+n07600506 candied fruit, succade, crystallized fruit
+n07600696 candied apple, candy apple, taffy apple, caramel apple, toffee apple
+n07600895 crystallized ginger
+n07601025 grapefruit peel
+n07601175 lemon peel
+n07601290 orange peel
+n07601407 candied citrus peel
+n07601572 candy cane
+n07601686 candy corn
+n07601809 caramel
+n07602650 center, centre
+n07604956 comfit
+n07605040 cotton candy, spun sugar, candyfloss
+n07605198 dragee
+n07605282 dragee
+n07605380 fondant
+n07605474 fudge
+n07605597 chocolate fudge
+n07605693 divinity, divinity fudge
+n07605804 penuche, penoche, panoche, panocha
+n07605944 gumdrop
+n07606058 jujube
+n07606191 honey crisp
+n07606278 mint, mint candy
+n07606419 horehound
+n07606538 peppermint, peppermint candy
+n07606669 jelly bean, jelly egg
+n07606764 kiss, candy kiss
+n07606933 molasses kiss
+n07607027 meringue kiss
+n07607138 chocolate kiss
+n07607361 licorice, liquorice
+n07607492 Life Saver
+n07607605 lollipop, sucker, all-day sucker
+n07607707 lozenge
+n07607832 cachou
+n07607967 cough drop, troche, pastille, pastil
+n07608098 marshmallow
+n07608245 marzipan, marchpane
+n07608339 nougat
+n07608429 nougat bar
+n07608533 nut bar
+n07608641 peanut bar
+n07608721 popcorn ball
+n07608866 praline
+n07608980 rock candy
+n07609083 rock candy, rock
+n07609215 sugar candy
+n07609316 sugarplum
+n07609407 taffy
+n07609549 molasses taffy
+n07609632 truffle, chocolate truffle
+n07609728 Turkish Delight
+n07609840 dessert, sweet, afters
+n07610295 ambrosia, nectar
+n07610502 ambrosia
+n07610620 baked Alaska
+n07610746 blancmange
+n07610890 charlotte
+n07611046 compote, fruit compote
+n07611148 dumpling
+n07611267 flan
+n07611358 frozen dessert
+n07611733 junket
+n07611839 mousse
+n07611991 mousse
+n07612137 pavlova
+n07612273 peach melba
+n07612367 whip
+n07612530 prune whip
+n07612632 pudding
+n07612996 pudding, pud
+n07613158 syllabub, sillabub
+n07613266 tiramisu
+n07613480 trifle
+n07613671 tipsy cake
+n07613815 jello, Jell-O
+n07614103 apple dumpling
+n07614198 ice, frappe
+n07614348 water ice, sorbet
+n07614500 ice cream, icecream
+n07614730 ice-cream cone
+n07614825 chocolate ice cream
+n07615052 Neapolitan ice cream
+n07615190 peach ice cream
+n07615289 sherbert, sherbet
+n07615460 strawberry ice cream
+n07615569 tutti-frutti
+n07615671 vanilla ice cream
+n07615774 ice lolly, lolly, lollipop, popsicle
+n07615954 ice milk
+n07616046 frozen yogurt
+n07616174 snowball
+n07616265 snowball
+n07616386 parfait
+n07616487 ice-cream sundae, sundae
+n07616590 split
+n07616748 banana split
+n07616906 frozen pudding
+n07617051 frozen custard, soft ice cream
+n07617188 pudding
+n07617344 flummery
+n07617447 fish mousse
+n07617526 chicken mousse
+n07617611 chocolate mousse
+n07617708 plum pudding, Christmas pudding
+n07617839 carrot pudding
+n07617932 corn pudding
+n07618029 steamed pudding
+n07618119 duff, plum duff
+n07618281 vanilla pudding
+n07618432 chocolate pudding
+n07618587 brown Betty
+n07618684 Nesselrode, Nesselrode pudding
+n07618871 pease pudding
+n07619004 custard
+n07619208 creme caramel
+n07619301 creme anglais
+n07619409 creme brulee
+n07619508 fruit custard
+n07619881 tapioca
+n07620047 tapioca pudding
+n07620145 roly-poly, roly-poly pudding
+n07620327 suet pudding
+n07620597 Bavarian cream
+n07620689 maraschino, maraschino cherry
+n07621264 nonpareil
+n07621497 zabaglione, sabayon
+n07621618 garnish
+n07623136 pastry, pastry dough
+n07624466 turnover
+n07624666 apple turnover
+n07624757 knish
+n07624924 pirogi, piroshki, pirozhki
+n07625061 samosa
+n07625324 timbale
+n07627931 puff paste, pate feuillete
+n07628068 phyllo
+n07628181 puff batter, pouf paste, pate a choux
+n07631926 ice-cream cake, icebox cake
+n07639069 doughnut, donut, sinker
+n07641928 fish cake, fish ball
+n07642361 fish stick, fish finger
+n07642471 conserve, preserve, conserves, preserves
+n07642742 apple butter
+n07642833 chowchow
+n07642933 jam
+n07643026 lemon curd, lemon cheese
+n07643200 strawberry jam, strawberry preserves
+n07643306 jelly
+n07643474 apple jelly
+n07643577 crabapple jelly
+n07643679 grape jelly
+n07643764 marmalade
+n07643891 orange marmalade
+n07643981 gelatin, jelly
+n07644244 gelatin dessert
+n07648913 buffalo wing
+n07648997 barbecued wing
+n07650792 mess
+n07650903 mince
+n07651025 puree
+n07654148 barbecue, barbeque
+n07654298 biryani, biriani
+n07655067 escalope de veau Orloff
+n07655263 saute
+n07663899 patty, cake
+n07665438 veal parmesan, veal parmigiana
+n07666176 veal cordon bleu
+n07672914 margarine, margarin, oleo, oleomargarine, marge
+n07678586 mincemeat
+n07678729 stuffing, dressing
+n07678953 turkey stuffing
+n07679034 oyster stuffing, oyster dressing
+n07679140 forcemeat, farce
+n07679356 bread, breadstuff, staff of life
+n07680168 anadama bread
+n07680313 bap
+n07680416 barmbrack
+n07680517 breadstick, bread-stick
+n07680655 grissino
+n07680761 brown bread, Boston brown bread
+n07680932 bun, roll
+n07681264 tea bread
+n07681355 caraway seed bread
+n07681450 challah, hallah
+n07681691 cinnamon bread
+n07681805 cracked-wheat bread
+n07681926 cracker
+n07682197 crouton
+n07682316 dark bread, whole wheat bread, whole meal bread, brown bread
+n07682477 English muffin
+n07682624 flatbread
+n07682808 garlic bread
+n07682952 gluten bread
+n07683039 graham bread
+n07683138 Host
+n07683265 flatbrod
+n07683360 bannock
+n07683490 chapatti, chapati
+n07683617 pita, pocket bread
+n07683786 loaf of bread, loaf
+n07684084 French loaf
+n07684164 matzo, matzoh, matzah, unleavened bread
+n07684289 nan, naan
+n07684422 onion bread
+n07684517 raisin bread
+n07684600 quick bread
+n07684938 banana bread
+n07685031 date bread
+n07685118 date-nut bread
+n07685218 nut bread
+n07685303 oatcake
+n07685399 Irish soda bread
+n07685546 skillet bread, fry bread
+n07685730 rye bread
+n07685918 black bread, pumpernickel
+n07686021 Jewish rye bread, Jewish rye
+n07686202 limpa
+n07686299 Swedish rye bread, Swedish rye
+n07686461 salt-rising bread
+n07686634 simnel
+n07686720 sour bread, sourdough bread
+n07686873 toast
+n07687053 wafer
+n07687211 white bread, light bread
+n07687381 baguet, baguette
+n07687469 French bread
+n07687626 Italian bread
+n07687789 cornbread
+n07688021 corn cake
+n07688130 skillet corn bread
+n07688265 ashcake, ash cake, corn tash
+n07688412 hoecake
+n07688624 cornpone, pone
+n07688757 corn dab, corn dodger, dodger
+n07688898 hush puppy, hushpuppy
+n07689003 johnnycake, johnny cake, journey cake
+n07689217 Shawnee cake
+n07689313 spoon bread, batter bread
+n07689490 cinnamon toast
+n07689624 orange toast
+n07689757 Melba toast
+n07689842 zwieback, rusk, Brussels biscuit, twice-baked bread
+n07690019 frankfurter bun, hotdog bun
+n07690152 hamburger bun, hamburger roll
+n07690273 muffin, gem
+n07690431 bran muffin
+n07690511 corn muffin
+n07690585 Yorkshire pudding
+n07690739 popover
+n07690892 scone
+n07691091 drop scone, griddlecake, Scotch pancake
+n07691237 cross bun, hot cross bun
+n07691539 brioche
+n07691650 crescent roll, croissant
+n07691758 hard roll, Vienna roll
+n07691863 soft roll
+n07691954 kaiser roll
+n07692114 Parker House roll
+n07692248 clover-leaf roll
+n07692405 onion roll
+n07692517 bialy, bialystoker
+n07692614 sweet roll, coffee roll
+n07692887 bear claw, bear paw
+n07693048 cinnamon roll, cinnamon bun, cinnamon snail
+n07693223 honey bun, sticky bun, caramel bun, schnecken
+n07693439 pinwheel roll
+n07693590 danish, danish pastry
+n07693725 bagel, beigel
+n07693889 onion bagel
+n07693972 biscuit
+n07694169 rolled biscuit
+n07694403 baking-powder biscuit
+n07694516 buttermilk biscuit, soda biscuit
+n07694659 shortcake
+n07694839 hardtack, pilot biscuit, pilot bread, sea biscuit, ship biscuit
+n07695187 saltine
+n07695284 soda cracker
+n07695410 oyster cracker
+n07695504 water biscuit
+n07695652 graham cracker
+n07695742 pretzel
+n07695878 soft pretzel
+n07695965 sandwich
+n07696403 sandwich plate
+n07696527 butty
+n07696625 ham sandwich
+n07696728 chicken sandwich
+n07696839 club sandwich, three-decker, triple-decker
+n07696977 open-face sandwich, open sandwich
+n07697100 hamburger, beefburger, burger
+n07697313 cheeseburger
+n07697408 tunaburger
+n07697537 hotdog, hot dog, red hot
+n07697699 Sloppy Joe
+n07697825 bomber, grinder, hero, hero sandwich, hoagie, hoagy, Cuban sandwich, Italian sandwich, poor boy, sub, submarine, submarine sandwich, torpedo, wedge, zep
+n07698250 gyro
+n07698401 bacon-lettuce-tomato sandwich, BLT
+n07698543 Reuben
+n07698672 western, western sandwich
+n07698782 wrap
+n07700003 spaghetti
+n07703889 hasty pudding
+n07704054 gruel
+n07704205 congee, jook
+n07704305 skilly
+n07705931 edible fruit
+n07707451 vegetable, veggie, veg
+n07708124 julienne, julienne vegetable
+n07708398 raw vegetable, rabbit food
+n07708512 crudites
+n07708685 celery stick
+n07708798 legume
+n07709046 pulse
+n07709172 potherb
+n07709333 greens, green, leafy vegetable
+n07709701 chop-suey greens
+n07709881 bean curd, tofu
+n07710007 solanaceous vegetable
+n07710283 root vegetable
+n07710616 potato, white potato, Irish potato, murphy, spud, tater
+n07710952 baked potato
+n07711080 french fries, french-fried potatoes, fries, chips
+n07711232 home fries, home-fried potatoes
+n07711371 jacket potato
+n07711569 mashed potato
+n07711683 potato skin, potato peel, potato peelings
+n07711799 Uruguay potato
+n07711907 yam
+n07712063 sweet potato
+n07712267 yam
+n07712382 snack food
+n07712559 chip, crisp, potato chip, Saratoga chip
+n07712748 corn chip
+n07712856 tortilla chip
+n07712959 nacho
+n07713074 eggplant, aubergine, mad apple
+n07713267 pieplant, rhubarb
+n07713395 cruciferous vegetable
+n07713763 mustard, mustard greens, leaf mustard, Indian mustard
+n07713895 cabbage, chou
+n07714078 kale, kail, cole
+n07714188 collards, collard greens
+n07714287 Chinese cabbage, celery cabbage, Chinese celery
+n07714448 bok choy, bok choi
+n07714571 head cabbage
+n07714802 red cabbage
+n07714895 savoy cabbage, savoy
+n07714990 broccoli
+n07715103 cauliflower
+n07715221 brussels sprouts
+n07715407 broccoli rabe, broccoli raab
+n07715561 squash
+n07715721 summer squash
+n07716034 yellow squash
+n07716203 crookneck, crookneck squash, summer crookneck
+n07716358 zucchini, courgette
+n07716504 marrow, vegetable marrow
+n07716649 cocozelle
+n07716750 pattypan squash
+n07716906 spaghetti squash
+n07717070 winter squash
+n07717410 acorn squash
+n07717556 butternut squash
+n07717714 hubbard squash
+n07717858 turban squash
+n07718068 buttercup squash
+n07718195 cushaw
+n07718329 winter crookneck squash
+n07718472 cucumber, cuke
+n07718671 gherkin
+n07718747 artichoke, globe artichoke
+n07718920 artichoke heart
+n07719058 Jerusalem artichoke, sunchoke
+n07719213 asparagus
+n07719330 bamboo shoot
+n07719437 sprout
+n07719616 bean sprout
+n07719756 alfalfa sprout
+n07719839 beet, beetroot
+n07719980 beet green
+n07720084 sugar beet
+n07720185 mangel-wurzel
+n07720277 chard, Swiss chard, spinach beet, leaf beet
+n07720442 pepper
+n07720615 sweet pepper
+n07720875 bell pepper
+n07721018 green pepper
+n07721118 globe pepper
+n07721195 pimento, pimiento
+n07721325 hot pepper
+n07721456 chili, chili pepper, chilli, chilly, chile
+n07721678 jalapeno, jalapeno pepper
+n07721833 chipotle
+n07721942 cayenne, cayenne pepper
+n07722052 tabasco, red pepper
+n07722217 onion
+n07722390 Bermuda onion
+n07722485 green onion, spring onion, scallion
+n07722666 Vidalia onion
+n07722763 Spanish onion
+n07722888 purple onion, red onion
+n07723039 leek
+n07723177 shallot
+n07723330 salad green, salad greens
+n07723559 lettuce
+n07723753 butterhead lettuce
+n07723968 buttercrunch
+n07724078 Bibb lettuce
+n07724173 Boston lettuce
+n07724269 crisphead lettuce, iceberg lettuce, iceberg
+n07724492 cos, cos lettuce, romaine, romaine lettuce
+n07724654 leaf lettuce, loose-leaf lettuce
+n07724819 celtuce
+n07724943 bean, edible bean
+n07725158 goa bean
+n07725255 lentil
+n07725376 pea
+n07725531 green pea, garden pea
+n07725663 marrowfat pea
+n07725789 snow pea, sugar pea
+n07725888 sugar snap pea
+n07726009 split-pea
+n07726095 chickpea, garbanzo
+n07726230 cajan pea, pigeon pea, dahl
+n07726386 field pea
+n07726525 mushy peas
+n07726672 black-eyed pea, cowpea
+n07726796 common bean
+n07727048 kidney bean
+n07727140 navy bean, pea bean, white bean
+n07727252 pinto bean
+n07727377 frijole
+n07727458 black bean, turtle bean
+n07727578 fresh bean
+n07727741 flageolet, haricot
+n07727868 green bean
+n07728053 snap bean, snap
+n07728181 string bean
+n07728284 Kentucky wonder, Kentucky wonder bean
+n07728391 scarlet runner, scarlet runner bean, runner bean, English runner bean
+n07728585 haricot vert, haricots verts, French bean
+n07728708 wax bean, yellow bean
+n07728804 shell bean
+n07729000 lima bean
+n07729142 Fordhooks
+n07729225 sieva bean, butter bean, butterbean, civet bean
+n07729384 fava bean, broad bean
+n07729485 soy, soybean, soya, soya bean
+n07729828 green soybean
+n07729926 field soybean
+n07730033 cardoon
+n07730207 carrot
+n07730320 carrot stick
+n07730406 celery
+n07730562 pascal celery, Paschal celery
+n07730708 celeriac, celery root
+n07730855 chicory, curly endive
+n07731006 radicchio
+n07731122 coffee substitute
+n07731284 chicory, chicory root
+n07731436 Postum
+n07731587 chicory escarole, endive, escarole
+n07731767 Belgian endive, French endive, witloof
+n07731952 corn, edible corn
+n07732168 sweet corn, green corn
+n07732302 hominy
+n07732433 lye hominy
+n07732525 pearl hominy
+n07732636 popcorn
+n07732747 cress
+n07732904 watercress
+n07733005 garden cress
+n07733124 winter cress
+n07733217 dandelion green
+n07733394 gumbo, okra
+n07733567 kohlrabi, turnip cabbage
+n07733712 lamb's-quarter, pigweed, wild spinach
+n07733847 wild spinach
+n07734017 tomato
+n07734183 beefsteak tomato
+n07734292 cherry tomato
+n07734417 plum tomato
+n07734555 tomatillo, husk tomato, Mexican husk tomato
+n07734744 mushroom
+n07734879 stuffed mushroom
+n07735052 salsify
+n07735179 oyster plant, vegetable oyster
+n07735294 scorzonera, black salsify
+n07735404 parsnip
+n07735510 pumpkin
+n07735687 radish
+n07735803 turnip
+n07735981 white turnip
+n07736087 rutabaga, swede, swedish turnip, yellow turnip
+n07736256 turnip greens
+n07736371 sorrel, common sorrel
+n07736527 French sorrel
+n07736692 spinach
+n07736813 taro, taro root, cocoyam, dasheen, edda
+n07736971 truffle, earthnut
+n07737081 edible nut
+n07737594 bunya bunya
+n07737745 peanut, earthnut, goober, goober pea, groundnut, monkey nut
+n07738105 freestone
+n07738224 cling, clingstone
+n07739035 windfall
+n07739125 apple
+n07739344 crab apple, crabapple
+n07739506 eating apple, dessert apple
+n07739923 Baldwin
+n07740033 Cortland
+n07740115 Cox's Orange Pippin
+n07740220 Delicious
+n07740342 Golden Delicious, Yellow Delicious
+n07740461 Red Delicious
+n07740597 Empire
+n07740744 Grimes' golden
+n07740855 Jonathan
+n07740954 McIntosh
+n07741138 Macoun
+n07741235 Northern Spy
+n07741357 Pearmain
+n07741461 Pippin
+n07741623 Prima
+n07741706 Stayman
+n07741804 Winesap
+n07741888 Stayman Winesap
+n07742012 cooking apple
+n07742224 Bramley's Seedling
+n07742313 Granny Smith
+n07742415 Lane's Prince Albert
+n07742513 Newtown Wonder
+n07742605 Rome Beauty
+n07742704 berry
+n07743224 bilberry, whortleberry, European blueberry
+n07743384 huckleberry
+n07743544 blueberry
+n07743723 wintergreen, boxberry, checkerberry, teaberry, spiceberry
+n07743902 cranberry
+n07744057 lingonberry, mountain cranberry, cowberry, lowbush cranberry
+n07744246 currant
+n07744430 gooseberry
+n07744559 black currant
+n07744682 red currant
+n07744811 blackberry
+n07745046 boysenberry
+n07745197 dewberry
+n07745357 loganberry
+n07745466 raspberry
+n07745661 saskatoon, serviceberry, shadberry, juneberry
+n07745940 strawberry
+n07746038 sugarberry, hackberry
+n07746186 persimmon
+n07746334 acerola, barbados cherry, surinam cherry, West Indian cherry
+n07746551 carambola, star fruit
+n07746749 ceriman, monstera
+n07746910 carissa plum, natal plum
+n07747055 citrus, citrus fruit, citrous fruit
+n07747607 orange
+n07747811 temple orange
+n07747951 mandarin, mandarin orange
+n07748157 clementine
+n07748276 satsuma
+n07748416 tangerine
+n07748574 tangelo, ugli, ugli fruit
+n07748753 bitter orange, Seville orange, sour orange
+n07748912 sweet orange
+n07749095 Jaffa orange
+n07749192 navel orange
+n07749312 Valencia orange
+n07749446 kumquat
+n07749582 lemon
+n07749731 lime
+n07749870 key lime
+n07749969 grapefruit
+n07750146 pomelo, shaddock
+n07750299 citrange
+n07750449 citron
+n07750586 almond
+n07750736 Jordan almond
+n07750872 apricot
+n07751004 peach
+n07751148 nectarine
+n07751280 pitahaya
+n07751451 plum
+n07751737 damson, damson plum
+n07751858 greengage, greengage plum
+n07751977 beach plum
+n07752109 sloe
+n07752264 Victoria plum
+n07752377 dried fruit
+n07752514 dried apricot
+n07752602 prune
+n07752664 raisin
+n07752782 seedless raisin, sultana
+n07752874 seeded raisin
+n07752966 currant
+n07753113 fig
+n07753275 pineapple, ananas
+n07753448 anchovy pear, river pear
+n07753592 banana
+n07753743 passion fruit
+n07753980 granadilla
+n07754155 sweet calabash
+n07754279 bell apple, sweet cup, water lemon, yellow granadilla
+n07754451 breadfruit
+n07754684 jackfruit, jak, jack
+n07754894 cacao bean, cocoa bean
+n07755089 cocoa
+n07755262 canistel, eggfruit
+n07755411 melon
+n07755619 melon ball
+n07755707 muskmelon, sweet melon
+n07755929 cantaloup, cantaloupe
+n07756096 winter melon
+n07756325 honeydew, honeydew melon
+n07756499 Persian melon
+n07756641 net melon, netted melon, nutmeg melon
+n07756838 casaba, casaba melon
+n07756951 watermelon
+n07757132 cherry
+n07757312 sweet cherry, black cherry
+n07757511 bing cherry
+n07757602 heart cherry, oxheart, oxheart cherry
+n07757753 blackheart, blackheart cherry
+n07757874 capulin, Mexican black cherry
+n07757990 sour cherry
+n07758125 amarelle
+n07758260 morello
+n07758407 cocoa plum, coco plum, icaco
+n07758582 gherkin
+n07758680 grape
+n07758950 fox grape
+n07759194 Concord grape
+n07759324 Catawba
+n07759424 muscadine, bullace grape
+n07759576 scuppernong
+n07759691 slipskin grape
+n07759816 vinifera grape
+n07760070 emperor
+n07760153 muscat, muscatel, muscat grape
+n07760297 ribier
+n07760395 sultana
+n07760501 Tokay
+n07760673 flame tokay
+n07760755 Thompson Seedless
+n07760859 custard apple
+n07761141 cherimoya, cherimolla
+n07761309 soursop, guanabana
+n07761611 sweetsop, annon, sugar apple
+n07761777 ilama
+n07761954 pond apple
+n07762114 papaw, pawpaw
+n07762244 papaya
+n07762373 kai apple
+n07762534 ketembilla, kitembilla, kitambilla
+n07762740 ackee, akee
+n07762913 durian
+n07763107 feijoa, pineapple guava
+n07763290 genip, Spanish lime
+n07763483 genipap, genipap fruit
+n07763629 kiwi, kiwi fruit, Chinese gooseberry
+n07763792 loquat, Japanese plum
+n07763987 mangosteen
+n07764155 mango
+n07764315 sapodilla, sapodilla plum, sapota
+n07764486 sapote, mammee, marmalade plum
+n07764630 tamarind, tamarindo
+n07764847 avocado, alligator pear, avocado pear, aguacate
+n07765073 date
+n07765208 elderberry
+n07765361 guava
+n07765517 mombin
+n07765612 hog plum, yellow mombin
+n07765728 hog plum, wild plum
+n07765862 jaboticaba
+n07765999 jujube, Chinese date, Chinese jujube
+n07766173 litchi, litchi nut, litchee, lichi, leechee, lichee, lychee
+n07766409 longanberry, dragon's eye
+n07766530 mamey, mammee, mammee apple
+n07766723 marang
+n07766891 medlar
+n07767002 medlar
+n07767171 mulberry
+n07767344 olive
+n07767549 black olive, ripe olive
+n07767709 green olive
+n07767847 pear
+n07768068 bosc
+n07768139 anjou
+n07768230 bartlett, bartlett pear
+n07768318 seckel, seckel pear
+n07768423 plantain
+n07768590 plumcot
+n07768694 pomegranate
+n07768858 prickly pear
+n07769102 Barbados gooseberry, blade apple
+n07769306 quandong, quandang, quantong, native peach
+n07769465 quandong nut
+n07769584 quince
+n07769731 rambutan, rambotan
+n07769886 pulasan, pulassan
+n07770034 rose apple
+n07770180 sorb, sorb apple
+n07770439 sour gourd, monkey bread
+n07770571 edible seed
+n07770763 pumpkin seed
+n07770869 betel nut, areca nut
+n07771082 beechnut
+n07771212 walnut
+n07771405 black walnut
+n07771539 English walnut
+n07771731 brazil nut, brazil
+n07771891 butternut
+n07772026 souari nut
+n07772147 cashew, cashew nut
+n07772274 chestnut
+n07772413 chincapin, chinkapin, chinquapin
+n07772788 hazelnut, filbert, cobnut, cob
+n07772935 coconut, cocoanut
+n07773428 coconut milk, coconut water
+n07774182 grugru nut
+n07774295 hickory nut
+n07774479 cola extract
+n07774596 macadamia nut
+n07774719 pecan
+n07774842 pine nut, pignolia, pinon nut
+n07775050 pistachio, pistachio nut
+n07775197 sunflower seed
+n07783827 anchovy paste
+n07785487 rollmops
+n07800091 feed, provender
+n07800487 cattle cake
+n07800636 creep feed
+n07800740 fodder
+n07801007 feed grain
+n07801091 eatage, forage, pasture, pasturage, grass
+n07801342 silage, ensilage
+n07801508 oil cake
+n07801709 oil meal
+n07801779 alfalfa
+n07801892 broad bean, horse bean
+n07802026 hay
+n07802152 timothy
+n07802246 stover
+n07802417 grain, food grain, cereal
+n07802767 grist
+n07802863 groats
+n07802963 millet
+n07803093 barley, barleycorn
+n07803213 pearl barley
+n07803310 buckwheat
+n07803408 bulgur, bulghur, bulgur wheat
+n07803545 wheat, wheat berry
+n07803779 cracked wheat
+n07803895 stodge
+n07803992 wheat germ
+n07804152 oat
+n07804323 rice
+n07804543 brown rice
+n07804657 white rice, polished rice
+n07804771 wild rice, Indian rice
+n07804900 paddy
+n07805006 slop, slops, swill, pigswill, pigwash
+n07805254 mash
+n07805389 chicken feed, scratch
+n07805478 cud, rechewed food
+n07805594 bird feed, bird food, birdseed
+n07805731 petfood, pet-food, pet food
+n07805966 dog food
+n07806043 cat food
+n07806120 canary seed
+n07806221 salad
+n07806633 tossed salad
+n07806774 green salad
+n07806879 Caesar salad
+n07807002 salmagundi
+n07807171 salad nicoise
+n07807317 combination salad
+n07807472 chef's salad
+n07807594 potato salad
+n07807710 pasta salad
+n07807834 macaroni salad
+n07807922 fruit salad
+n07808022 Waldorf salad
+n07808166 crab Louis
+n07808268 herring salad
+n07808352 tuna fish salad, tuna salad
+n07808479 chicken salad
+n07808587 coleslaw, slaw
+n07808675 aspic
+n07808806 molded salad
+n07808904 tabbouleh, tabooli
+n07809096 ingredient, fixings
+n07809368 flavorer, flavourer, flavoring, flavouring, seasoner, seasoning
+n07810531 bouillon cube
+n07810907 condiment
+n07811416 herb
+n07812046 fines herbes
+n07812184 spice
+n07812662 spearmint oil
+n07812790 lemon oil
+n07812913 wintergreen oil, oil of wintergreen
+n07813107 salt, table salt, common salt
+n07813324 celery salt
+n07813495 onion salt
+n07813579 seasoned salt
+n07813717 sour salt
+n07813833 five spice powder
+n07814007 allspice
+n07814203 cinnamon
+n07814390 stick cinnamon
+n07814487 clove
+n07814634 cumin, cumin seed
+n07814790 fennel
+n07814925 ginger, gingerroot
+n07815163 ginger, powdered ginger
+n07815294 mace
+n07815424 nutmeg
+n07815588 pepper, peppercorn
+n07815839 black pepper
+n07815956 white pepper
+n07816052 sassafras
+n07816164 basil, sweet basil
+n07816296 bay leaf
+n07816398 borage
+n07816575 hyssop
+n07816726 caraway
+n07816839 chervil
+n07817024 chives
+n07817160 comfrey, healing herb
+n07817315 coriander, Chinese parsley, cilantro
+n07817465 coriander, coriander seed
+n07817599 costmary
+n07817758 fennel, common fennel
+n07817871 fennel, Florence fennel, finocchio
+n07818029 fennel seed
+n07818133 fenugreek, fenugreek seed
+n07818277 garlic, ail
+n07818422 clove, garlic clove
+n07818572 garlic chive
+n07818689 lemon balm
+n07818825 lovage
+n07818995 marjoram, oregano
+n07819166 mint
+n07819303 mustard seed
+n07819480 mustard, table mustard
+n07819682 Chinese mustard
+n07819769 nasturtium
+n07819896 parsley
+n07820036 salad burnet
+n07820145 rosemary
+n07820297 rue
+n07820497 sage
+n07820683 clary sage
+n07820814 savory, savoury
+n07820960 summer savory, summer savoury
+n07821107 winter savory, winter savoury
+n07821260 sweet woodruff, waldmeister
+n07821404 sweet cicely
+n07821610 tarragon, estragon
+n07821758 thyme
+n07821919 turmeric
+n07822053 caper
+n07822197 catsup, ketchup, cetchup, tomato ketchup
+n07822323 cardamom, cardamon, cardamum
+n07822518 cayenne, cayenne pepper, red pepper
+n07822687 chili powder
+n07822845 chili sauce
+n07823105 chutney, Indian relish
+n07823280 steak sauce
+n07823369 taco sauce
+n07823460 salsa
+n07823591 mint sauce
+n07823698 cranberry sauce
+n07823814 curry powder
+n07823951 curry
+n07824191 lamb curry
+n07824268 duck sauce, hoisin sauce
+n07824383 horseradish
+n07824502 marinade
+n07824702 paprika
+n07824863 Spanish paprika
+n07824988 pickle
+n07825194 dill pickle
+n07825399 bread and butter pickle
+n07825496 pickle relish
+n07825597 piccalilli
+n07825717 sweet pickle
+n07825850 applesauce, apple sauce
+n07825972 soy sauce, soy
+n07826091 Tabasco, Tabasco sauce
+n07826250 tomato paste
+n07826340 angelica
+n07826453 angelica
+n07826544 almond extract
+n07826653 anise, aniseed, anise seed
+n07826930 Chinese anise, star anise, star aniseed
+n07827130 juniper berries
+n07827284 saffron
+n07827410 sesame seed, benniseed
+n07827554 caraway seed
+n07827750 poppy seed
+n07827896 dill, dill weed
+n07828041 dill seed
+n07828156 celery seed
+n07828275 lemon extract
+n07828378 monosodium glutamate, MSG
+n07828642 vanilla bean
+n07828987 vinegar, acetum
+n07829248 cider vinegar
+n07829331 wine vinegar
+n07829412 sauce
+n07830493 anchovy sauce
+n07830593 hot sauce
+n07830690 hard sauce
+n07830841 horseradish sauce, sauce Albert
+n07830986 bolognese pasta sauce
+n07831146 carbonara
+n07831267 tomato sauce
+n07831450 tartare sauce, tartar sauce
+n07831663 wine sauce
+n07831821 marchand de vin, mushroom wine sauce
+n07831955 bread sauce
+n07832099 plum sauce
+n07832202 peach sauce
+n07832307 apricot sauce
+n07832416 pesto
+n07832592 ravigote, ravigotte
+n07832741 remoulade sauce
+n07832902 dressing, salad dressing
+n07833333 sauce Louis
+n07833535 bleu cheese dressing, blue cheese dressing
+n07833672 blue cheese dressing, Roquefort dressing
+n07833816 French dressing, vinaigrette, sauce vinaigrette
+n07833951 Lorenzo dressing
+n07834065 anchovy dressing
+n07834160 Italian dressing
+n07834286 half-and-half dressing
+n07834507 mayonnaise, mayo
+n07834618 green mayonnaise, sauce verte
+n07834774 aioli, aioli sauce, garlic sauce
+n07834872 Russian dressing, Russian mayonnaise
+n07835051 salad cream
+n07835173 Thousand Island dressing
+n07835331 barbecue sauce
+n07835457 hollandaise
+n07835547 bearnaise
+n07835701 Bercy, Bercy butter
+n07835823 bordelaise
+n07835921 bourguignon, bourguignon sauce, Burgundy sauce
+n07836077 brown sauce, sauce Espagnole
+n07836269 Espagnole, sauce Espagnole
+n07836456 Chinese brown sauce, brown sauce
+n07836600 blanc
+n07836731 cheese sauce
+n07836838 chocolate sauce, chocolate syrup
+n07837002 hot-fudge sauce, fudge sauce
+n07837110 cocktail sauce, seafood sauce
+n07837234 Colbert, Colbert butter
+n07837362 white sauce, bechamel sauce, bechamel
+n07837545 cream sauce
+n07837630 Mornay sauce
+n07837755 demiglace, demi-glaze
+n07837912 gravy, pan gravy
+n07838073 gravy
+n07838233 spaghetti sauce, pasta sauce
+n07838441 marinara
+n07838551 mole
+n07838659 hunter's sauce, sauce chausseur
+n07838811 mushroom sauce
+n07838905 mustard sauce
+n07839055 Nantua, shrimp sauce
+n07839172 Hungarian sauce, paprika sauce
+n07839312 pepper sauce, Poivrade
+n07839478 roux
+n07839593 Smitane
+n07839730 Soubise, white onion sauce
+n07839864 Lyonnaise sauce, brown onion sauce
+n07840027 veloute
+n07840124 allemande, allemande sauce
+n07840219 caper sauce
+n07840304 poulette
+n07840395 curry sauce
+n07840520 Worcester sauce, Worcestershire, Worcestershire sauce
+n07840672 coconut milk, coconut cream
+n07840804 egg, eggs
+n07841037 egg white, white, albumen, ovalbumin
+n07841345 egg yolk, yolk
+n07841495 boiled egg, coddled egg
+n07841639 hard-boiled egg, hard-cooked egg
+n07841800 Easter egg
+n07841907 Easter egg
+n07842044 chocolate egg
+n07842130 candy egg
+n07842202 poached egg, dropped egg
+n07842308 scrambled eggs
+n07842433 deviled egg, stuffed egg
+n07842605 shirred egg, baked egg, egg en cocotte
+n07842753 omelet, omelette
+n07842972 firm omelet
+n07843117 French omelet
+n07843220 fluffy omelet
+n07843348 western omelet
+n07843464 souffle
+n07843636 fried egg
+n07843775 dairy product
+n07844042 milk
+n07844604 milk
+n07844786 sour milk
+n07844867 soya milk, soybean milk, soymilk
+n07845087 formula
+n07845166 pasteurized milk
+n07845335 cows' milk
+n07845421 yak's milk
+n07845495 goats' milk
+n07845571 acidophilus milk
+n07845702 raw milk
+n07845775 scalded milk
+n07845863 homogenized milk
+n07846014 certified milk
+n07846143 powdered milk, dry milk, dried milk, milk powder
+n07846274 nonfat dry milk
+n07846359 evaporated milk
+n07846471 condensed milk
+n07846557 skim milk, skimmed milk
+n07846688 semi-skimmed milk
+n07846802 whole milk
+n07846938 low-fat milk
+n07847047 buttermilk
+n07847198 cream
+n07847453 clotted cream, Devonshire cream
+n07847585 double creme, heavy whipping cream
+n07847706 half-and-half
+n07847827 heavy cream
+n07847917 light cream, coffee cream, single cream
+n07848093 sour cream, soured cream
+n07848196 whipping cream, light whipping cream
+n07848338 butter
+n07848771 clarified butter, drawn butter
+n07848936 ghee
+n07849026 brown butter, beurre noisette
+n07849186 Meuniere butter, lemon butter
+n07849336 yogurt, yoghurt, yoghourt
+n07849506 blueberry yogurt
+n07849619 raita
+n07849733 whey
+n07849912 curd
+n07850083 curd
+n07850219 clabber
+n07850329 cheese
+n07851054 paring
+n07851298 cream cheese
+n07851443 double cream
+n07851554 mascarpone
+n07851641 triple cream, triple creme
+n07851767 cottage cheese, pot cheese, farm cheese, farmer's cheese
+n07851926 process cheese, processed cheese
+n07852045 bleu, blue cheese
+n07852229 Stilton
+n07852302 Roquefort
+n07852376 gorgonzola
+n07852452 Danish blue
+n07852532 Bavarian blue
+n07852614 Brie
+n07852712 brick cheese
+n07852833 Camembert
+n07852919 cheddar, cheddar cheese, Armerican cheddar, American cheese
+n07853125 rat cheese, store cheese
+n07853232 Cheshire cheese
+n07853345 double Gloucester
+n07853445 Edam
+n07853560 goat cheese, chevre
+n07853648 Gouda, Gouda cheese
+n07853762 grated cheese
+n07853852 hand cheese
+n07853946 Liederkranz
+n07854066 Limburger
+n07854184 mozzarella
+n07854266 Muenster
+n07854348 Parmesan
+n07854455 quark cheese, quark
+n07854614 ricotta
+n07854707 string cheese
+n07854813 Swiss cheese
+n07854982 Emmenthal, Emmental, Emmenthaler, Emmentaler
+n07855105 Gruyere
+n07855188 sapsago
+n07855317 Velveeta
+n07855413 nut butter
+n07855510 peanut butter
+n07855603 marshmallow fluff
+n07855721 onion butter
+n07855812 pimento butter
+n07855907 shrimp butter
+n07856045 lobster butter
+n07856186 yak butter
+n07856270 spread, paste
+n07856756 cheese spread
+n07856895 anchovy butter
+n07856992 fishpaste
+n07857076 garlic butter
+n07857170 miso
+n07857356 wasabi
+n07857598 snail butter
+n07857731 hummus, humus, hommos, hoummos, humous
+n07857959 pate
+n07858114 duck pate
+n07858197 foie gras, pate de foie gras
+n07858336 tapenade
+n07858484 tahini
+n07858595 sweetening, sweetener
+n07858841 aspartame
+n07858978 honey
+n07859142 saccharin
+n07859284 sugar, refined sugar
+n07859583 syrup, sirup
+n07859796 sugar syrup
+n07859951 molasses
+n07860103 sorghum, sorghum molasses
+n07860208 treacle, golden syrup
+n07860331 grenadine
+n07860447 maple syrup
+n07860548 corn syrup
+n07860629 miraculous food, manna, manna from heaven
+n07860805 batter
+n07860988 dough
+n07861158 bread dough
+n07861247 pancake batter
+n07861334 fritter batter
+n07861557 coq au vin
+n07861681 chicken provencale
+n07861813 chicken and rice
+n07861983 moo goo gai pan
+n07862095 arroz con pollo
+n07862244 bacon and eggs
+n07862348 barbecued spareribs, spareribs
+n07862461 beef Bourguignonne, boeuf Bourguignonne
+n07862611 beef Wellington, filet de boeuf en croute
+n07862770 bitok
+n07862946 boiled dinner, New England boiled dinner
+n07863107 Boston baked beans
+n07863229 bubble and squeak
+n07863374 pasta
+n07863547 cannelloni
+n07863644 carbonnade flamande, Belgian beef stew
+n07863802 cheese souffle
+n07863935 chicken Marengo
+n07864065 chicken cordon bleu
+n07864198 Maryland chicken
+n07864317 chicken paprika, chicken paprikash
+n07864475 chicken Tetrazzini
+n07864638 Tetrazzini
+n07864756 chicken Kiev
+n07864934 chili, chili con carne
+n07865105 chili dog
+n07865196 chop suey
+n07865484 chow mein
+n07865575 codfish ball, codfish cake
+n07865700 coquille
+n07865788 coquilles Saint-Jacques
+n07866015 croquette
+n07866151 cottage pie
+n07866277 rissole
+n07866409 dolmas, stuffed grape leaves
+n07866571 egg foo yong, egg fu yung
+n07866723 egg roll, spring roll
+n07866868 eggs Benedict
+n07867021 enchilada
+n07867164 falafel, felafel
+n07867324 fish and chips
+n07867421 fondue, fondu
+n07867616 cheese fondue
+n07867751 chocolate fondue
+n07867883 fondue, fondu
+n07868045 beef fondue, boeuf fondu bourguignon
+n07868200 French toast
+n07868340 fried rice, Chinese fried rice
+n07868508 frittata
+n07868684 frog legs
+n07868830 galantine
+n07868955 gefilte fish, fish ball
+n07869111 haggis
+n07869291 ham and eggs
+n07869391 hash
+n07869522 corned beef hash
+n07869611 jambalaya
+n07869775 kabob, kebab, shish kebab
+n07869937 kedgeree
+n07870069 souvlaki, souvlakia
+n07870167 lasagna, lasagne
+n07870313 seafood Newburg
+n07870478 lobster Newburg, lobster a la Newburg
+n07870620 shrimp Newburg
+n07870734 Newburg sauce
+n07870894 lobster thermidor
+n07871065 lutefisk, lutfisk
+n07871234 macaroni and cheese
+n07871335 macedoine
+n07871436 meatball
+n07871588 porcupine ball, porcupines
+n07871720 Swedish meatball
+n07871810 meat loaf, meatloaf
+n07872593 moussaka
+n07872748 osso buco
+n07873057 marrow, bone marrow
+n07873198 pheasant under glass
+n07873348 pigs in blankets
+n07873464 pilaf, pilaff, pilau, pilaw
+n07873679 bulgur pilaf
+n07873807 pizza, pizza pie
+n07874063 sausage pizza
+n07874159 pepperoni pizza
+n07874259 cheese pizza
+n07874343 anchovy pizza
+n07874441 Sicilian pizza
+n07874531 poi
+n07874674 pork and beans
+n07874780 porridge
+n07874995 oatmeal, burgoo
+n07875086 loblolly
+n07875152 potpie
+n07875267 rijsttaffel, rijstaffel, rijstafel
+n07875436 risotto, Italian rice
+n07875560 roulade
+n07875693 fish loaf
+n07875835 salmon loaf
+n07875926 Salisbury steak
+n07876026 sauerbraten
+n07876189 sauerkraut
+n07876281 scallopine, scallopini
+n07876460 veal scallopini
+n07876550 scampi
+n07876651 Scotch egg
+n07876775 Scotch woodcock
+n07876893 scrapple
+n07877187 spaghetti and meatballs
+n07877299 Spanish rice
+n07877675 steak tartare, tartar steak, cannibal mound
+n07877849 pepper steak
+n07877961 steak au poivre, peppered steak, pepper steak
+n07878145 beef Stroganoff
+n07878283 stuffed cabbage
+n07878479 kishke, stuffed derma
+n07878647 stuffed peppers
+n07878785 stuffed tomato, hot stuffed tomato
+n07878926 stuffed tomato, cold stuffed tomato
+n07879072 succotash
+n07879174 sukiyaki
+n07879350 sashimi
+n07879450 sushi
+n07879560 Swiss steak
+n07879659 tamale
+n07879821 tamale pie
+n07879953 tempura
+n07880080 teriyaki
+n07880213 terrine
+n07880325 Welsh rarebit, Welsh rabbit, rarebit
+n07880458 schnitzel, Wiener schnitzel
+n07880751 taco
+n07880880 chicken taco
+n07880968 burrito
+n07881117 beef burrito
+n07881205 quesadilla
+n07881404 tostada
+n07881525 bean tostada
+n07881625 refried beans, frijoles refritos
+n07881800 beverage, drink, drinkable, potable
+n07882420 wish-wash
+n07882497 concoction, mixture, intermixture
+n07882886 mix, premix
+n07883031 filling
+n07883156 lekvar
+n07883251 potion
+n07883384 elixir
+n07883510 elixir of life
+n07883661 philter, philtre, love-potion, love-philter, love-philtre
+n07884567 alcohol, alcoholic drink, alcoholic beverage, intoxicant, inebriant
+n07885705 proof spirit
+n07886057 home brew, homebrew
+n07886176 hooch, hootch
+n07886317 kava, kavakava
+n07886463 aperitif
+n07886572 brew, brewage
+n07886849 beer
+n07887099 draft beer, draught beer
+n07887192 suds
+n07887304 Munich beer, Munchener
+n07887461 bock, bock beer
+n07887634 lager, lager beer
+n07887967 light beer
+n07888058 Oktoberfest, Octoberfest
+n07888229 Pilsner, Pilsener
+n07888378 shebeen
+n07888465 Weissbier, white beer, wheat beer
+n07888816 Weizenbock
+n07888909 malt
+n07889193 wort
+n07889274 malt, malt liquor
+n07889510 ale
+n07889814 bitter
+n07889990 Burton
+n07890068 pale ale
+n07890226 porter, porter's beer
+n07890352 stout
+n07890540 Guinness
+n07890617 kvass
+n07890750 mead
+n07890890 metheglin
+n07890970 hydromel
+n07891095 oenomel
+n07891189 near beer
+n07891309 ginger beer
+n07891433 sake, saki, rice beer
+n07891726 wine, vino
+n07892418 vintage
+n07892512 red wine
+n07892813 white wine
+n07893253 blush wine, pink wine, rose, rose wine
+n07893425 altar wine, sacramental wine
+n07893528 sparkling wine
+n07893642 champagne, bubbly
+n07893792 cold duck
+n07893891 Burgundy, Burgundy wine
+n07894102 Beaujolais
+n07894298 Medoc
+n07894451 Canary wine
+n07894551 Chablis, white Burgundy
+n07894703 Montrachet
+n07894799 Chardonnay, Pinot Chardonnay
+n07894965 Pinot noir
+n07895100 Pinot blanc
+n07895237 Bordeaux, Bordeaux wine
+n07895435 claret, red Bordeaux
+n07895595 Chianti
+n07895710 Cabernet, Cabernet Sauvignon
+n07895839 Merlot
+n07895962 Sauvignon blanc
+n07896060 California wine
+n07896165 Cotes de Provence
+n07896287 dessert wine
+n07896422 Dubonnet
+n07896560 jug wine
+n07896661 macon, maconnais
+n07896765 Moselle
+n07896893 Muscadet
+n07896994 plonk
+n07897116 retsina
+n07897200 Rhine wine, Rhenish, hock
+n07897438 Riesling
+n07897600 liebfraumilch
+n07897750 Rhone wine
+n07897865 Rioja
+n07897975 sack
+n07898117 Saint Emilion
+n07898247 Soave
+n07898333 zinfandel
+n07898443 Sauterne, Sauternes
+n07898617 straw wine
+n07898745 table wine
+n07898895 Tokay
+n07899003 vin ordinaire
+n07899108 vermouth
+n07899292 sweet vermouth, Italian vermouth
+n07899434 dry vermouth, French vermouth
+n07899533 Chenin blanc
+n07899660 Verdicchio
+n07899769 Vouvray
+n07899899 Yquem
+n07899976 generic, generic wine
+n07900225 varietal, varietal wine
+n07900406 fortified wine
+n07900616 Madeira
+n07900734 malmsey
+n07900825 port, port wine
+n07900958 sherry
+n07901355 Marsala
+n07901457 muscat, muscatel, muscadel, muscadelle
+n07901587 liquor, spirits, booze, hard drink, hard liquor, John Barleycorn, strong drink
+n07902121 neutral spirits, ethyl alcohol
+n07902336 aqua vitae, ardent spirits
+n07902443 eau de vie
+n07902520 moonshine, bootleg, corn liquor
+n07902698 bathtub gin
+n07902799 aquavit, akvavit
+n07902937 arrack, arak
+n07903101 bitters
+n07903208 brandy
+n07903543 applejack
+n07903643 Calvados
+n07903731 Armagnac
+n07903841 Cognac
+n07903962 grappa
+n07904072 kirsch
+n07904293 slivovitz
+n07904395 gin
+n07904637 sloe gin
+n07904760 geneva, Holland gin, Hollands
+n07904865 grog
+n07904934 ouzo
+n07905038 rum
+n07905296 demerara, demerara rum
+n07905386 Jamaica rum
+n07905474 schnapps, schnaps
+n07905618 pulque
+n07905770 mescal
+n07905979 tequila
+n07906111 vodka
+n07906284 whiskey, whisky
+n07906572 blended whiskey, blended whisky
+n07906718 bourbon
+n07906877 corn whiskey, corn whisky, corn
+n07907037 firewater
+n07907161 Irish, Irish whiskey, Irish whisky
+n07907342 poteen
+n07907429 rye, rye whiskey, rye whisky
+n07907548 Scotch, Scotch whiskey, Scotch whisky, malt whiskey, malt whisky, Scotch malt whiskey, Scotch malt whisky
+n07907831 sour mash, sour mash whiskey
+n07907943 liqueur, cordial
+n07908411 absinth, absinthe
+n07908567 amaretto
+n07908647 anisette, anisette de Bordeaux
+n07908812 benedictine
+n07908923 Chartreuse
+n07909129 coffee liqueur
+n07909231 creme de cacao
+n07909362 creme de menthe
+n07909504 creme de fraise
+n07909593 Drambuie
+n07909714 Galliano
+n07909811 orange liqueur
+n07909954 curacao, curacoa
+n07910048 triple sec
+n07910152 Grand Marnier
+n07910245 kummel
+n07910379 maraschino, maraschino liqueur
+n07910538 pastis
+n07910656 Pernod
+n07910799 pousse-cafe
+n07910970 Kahlua
+n07911061 ratafia, ratafee
+n07911249 sambuca
+n07911371 mixed drink
+n07911677 cocktail
+n07912093 Dom Pedro
+n07912211 highball
+n07913180 mixer
+n07913300 bishop
+n07913393 Bloody Mary
+n07913537 Virgin Mary, bloody shame
+n07913644 bullshot
+n07913774 cobbler
+n07913882 collins, Tom Collins
+n07914006 cooler
+n07914128 refresher
+n07914271 smoothie
+n07914413 daiquiri, rum cocktail
+n07914586 strawberry daiquiri
+n07914686 NADA daiquiri
+n07914777 spritzer
+n07914887 flip
+n07914995 gimlet
+n07915094 gin and tonic
+n07915213 grasshopper
+n07915366 Harvey Wallbanger
+n07915491 julep, mint julep
+n07915618 manhattan
+n07915800 Rob Roy
+n07915918 margarita
+n07916041 martini
+n07916183 gin and it
+n07916319 vodka martini
+n07916437 old fashioned
+n07916582 pink lady
+n07917133 Sazerac
+n07917272 screwdriver
+n07917392 sidecar
+n07917507 Scotch and soda
+n07917618 sling
+n07917791 brandy sling
+n07917874 gin sling
+n07917951 rum sling
+n07918028 sour
+n07918193 whiskey sour, whisky sour
+n07918309 stinger
+n07918706 swizzle
+n07918879 hot toddy, toddy
+n07919165 zombie, zombi
+n07919310 fizz
+n07919441 Irish coffee
+n07919572 cafe au lait
+n07919665 cafe noir, demitasse
+n07919787 decaffeinated coffee, decaf
+n07919894 drip coffee
+n07920052 espresso
+n07920222 caffe latte, latte
+n07920349 cappuccino, cappuccino coffee, coffee cappuccino
+n07920540 iced coffee, ice coffee
+n07920663 instant coffee
+n07920872 mocha, mocha coffee
+n07920989 mocha
+n07921090 cassareep
+n07921239 Turkish coffee
+n07921360 chocolate milk
+n07921455 cider, cyder
+n07921615 hard cider
+n07921834 scrumpy
+n07921948 sweet cider
+n07922041 mulled cider
+n07922147 perry
+n07922512 rotgut
+n07922607 slug
+n07922764 cocoa, chocolate, hot chocolate, drinking chocolate
+n07922955 criollo
+n07923748 juice
+n07924033 fruit juice, fruit crush
+n07924276 nectar
+n07924366 apple juice
+n07924443 cranberry juice
+n07924560 grape juice
+n07924655 must
+n07924747 grapefruit juice
+n07924834 orange juice
+n07924955 frozen orange juice, orange-juice concentrate
+n07925116 pineapple juice
+n07925229 lemon juice
+n07925327 lime juice
+n07925423 papaya juice
+n07925500 tomato juice
+n07925608 carrot juice
+n07925708 V-8 juice
+n07925808 koumiss, kumis
+n07925966 fruit drink, ade
+n07926250 lemonade
+n07926346 limeade
+n07926442 orangeade
+n07926540 malted milk
+n07926785 mate
+n07926920 mulled wine
+n07927070 negus
+n07927197 soft drink
+n07927512 pop, soda, soda pop, soda water, tonic
+n07927716 birch beer
+n07927836 bitter lemon
+n07927931 cola, dope
+n07928163 cream soda
+n07928264 egg cream
+n07928367 ginger ale, ginger pop
+n07928488 orange soda
+n07928578 phosphate
+n07928696 Coca Cola, Coke
+n07928790 Pepsi, Pepsi Cola
+n07928887 root beer
+n07928998 sarsaparilla
+n07929172 tonic, tonic water, quinine water
+n07929351 coffee bean, coffee berry, coffee
+n07929519 coffee, java
+n07929940 cafe royale, coffee royal
+n07930062 fruit punch
+n07930205 milk punch
+n07930315 mimosa, buck's fizz
+n07930433 pina colada
+n07930554 punch
+n07930864 cup
+n07931001 champagne cup
+n07931096 claret cup
+n07931280 wassail
+n07931452 planter's punch
+n07931612 White Russian
+n07931733 fish house punch
+n07931870 May wine
+n07932039 eggnog
+n07932323 cassiri
+n07932454 spruce beer
+n07932614 rickey
+n07932762 gin rickey
+n07932841 tea, tea leaf
+n07933154 tea bag
+n07933274 tea
+n07933530 tea-like drink
+n07933652 cambric tea
+n07933799 cuppa, cupper
+n07933891 herb tea, herbal tea, herbal
+n07934032 tisane
+n07934152 camomile tea
+n07934282 ice tea, iced tea
+n07934373 sun tea
+n07934530 black tea
+n07934678 congou, congo, congou tea, English breakfast tea
+n07934800 Darjeeling
+n07934908 orange pekoe, pekoe
+n07935043 souchong, soochong
+n07935152 green tea
+n07935288 hyson
+n07935379 oolong
+n07935504 water
+n07935737 bottled water
+n07935878 branch water
+n07936015 spring water
+n07936093 sugar water
+n07936263 drinking water
+n07936459 ice water
+n07936548 soda water, carbonated water, club soda, seltzer, sparkling water
+n07936745 mineral water
+n07936979 seltzer
+n07937069 Vichy water
+n07937344 perishable, spoilable
+n07937461 couscous
+n07937621 ramekin, ramequin
+n07938007 multivitamin, multivitamin pill
+n07938149 vitamin pill
+n07938313 soul food
+n07938594 mold, mould
+n07942152 people
+n07951464 collection, aggregation, accumulation, assemblage
+n07954211 book, rule book
+n07977870 library
+n08079613 baseball club, ball club, club, nine
+n08182379 crowd
+n08238463 class, form, grade, course
+n08242223 core, nucleus, core group
+n08249459 concert band, military band
+n08253141 dance
+n08256735 wedding, wedding party
+n08376250 chain, concatenation
+n08385989 power breakfast
+n08492354 aerie, aery, eyrie, eyry
+n08492461 agora
+n08494231 amusement park, funfair, pleasure ground
+n08495908 aphelion
+n08496334 apron
+n08500819 interplanetary space
+n08500989 interstellar space
+n08501887 intergalactic space
+n08505018 bush
+n08506347 semidesert
+n08511017 beam-ends
+n08517010 bridgehead
+n08517676 bus stop
+n08518171 campsite, campground, camping site, camping ground, bivouac, encampment, camping area
+n08519299 detention basin
+n08521623 cemetery, graveyard, burial site, burial ground, burying ground, memorial park, necropolis
+n08523340 trichion, crinion
+n08524735 city, metropolis, urban center
+n08539072 business district, downtown
+n08539276 outskirts
+n08540532 borough
+n08547468 cow pasture
+n08547544 crest
+n08551296 eparchy, exarchate
+n08554440 suburb, suburbia, suburban area
+n08555333 stockbroker belt
+n08555710 crawlspace, crawl space
+n08558770 sheikdom, sheikhdom
+n08558963 residence, abode
+n08559155 domicile, legal residence
+n08560295 dude ranch
+n08569482 farmland, farming area
+n08571275 midfield
+n08571642 firebreak, fireguard
+n08571898 flea market
+n08573674 battlefront, front, front line
+n08573842 garbage heap, junk heap, rubbish heap, scrapheap, trash heap, junk pile, trash pile, refuse heap
+n08578517 benthos, benthic division, benthonic zone
+n08579266 goldfield
+n08579352 grainfield, grain field
+n08580944 half-mast, half-staff
+n08583292 hemline
+n08583455 heronry
+n08583554 hipline
+n08583682 hipline
+n08584914 hole-in-the-wall
+n08586978 junkyard
+n08589670 isoclinic line, isoclinal
+n08596076 littoral, litoral, littoral zone, sands
+n08597579 magnetic pole
+n08598301 grassland
+n08598568 mecca
+n08599174 observer's meridian
+n08599292 prime meridian
+n08611339 nombril
+n08611421 no-parking zone
+n08613733 outdoors, out-of-doors, open air, open
+n08614632 fairground
+n08616050 pasture, pastureland, grazing land, lea, ley
+n08618831 perihelion
+n08619112 periselene, perilune
+n08623676 locus of infection
+n08628141 kasbah, casbah
+n08633683 waterfront
+n08640531 resort, resort hotel, holiday resort
+n08640739 resort area, playground, vacation spot
+n08640962 rough
+n08643267 ashram
+n08644045 harborage, harbourage
+n08645104 scrubland
+n08645212 weald
+n08645318 wold
+n08647264 schoolyard
+n08648917 showplace
+n08649711 bedside
+n08651104 sideline, out of bounds
+n08652376 ski resort
+n08658309 soil horizon
+n08658918 geological horizon
+n08659242 coal seam
+n08659331 coalface
+n08659446 field
+n08659861 oilfield
+n08661878 Temperate Zone
+n08662427 terreplein
+n08663051 three-mile limit
+n08663703 desktop
+n08663860 top
+n08673039 kampong, campong
+n08674344 subtropics, semitropics
+n08676253 barrio
+n08677424 veld, veldt
+n08677801 vertex, peak, apex, acme
+n08678783 waterline, water line, water level
+n08679167 high-water mark
+n08679269 low-water mark
+n08679562 continental divide
+n08685188 zodiac
+n08782627 Aegean island
+n08896327 sultanate
+n09032191 Swiss canton
+n09186592 abyssal zone
+n09189157 aerie, aery, eyrie, eyry
+n09191635 air bubble
+n09193551 alluvial flat, alluvial plain
+n09193705 alp
+n09194227 Alpine glacier, Alpine type of glacier
+n09199101 anthill, formicary
+n09201998 aquifer
+n09203827 archipelago
+n09205509 arete
+n09206896 arroyo
+n09206985 ascent, acclivity, rise, raise, climb, upgrade
+n09208496 asterism
+n09209025 asthenosphere
+n09210862 atoll
+n09213434 bank
+n09213565 bank
+n09214060 bar
+n09214269 barbecue pit
+n09214916 barrier reef
+n09215023 baryon, heavy particle
+n09215437 basin
+n09217230 beach
+n09218315 honeycomb
+n09218494 belay
+n09218641 ben
+n09219233 berm
+n09223487 bladder stone, cystolith
+n09224725 bluff
+n09226869 borrow pit
+n09228055 brae
+n09229709 bubble
+n09230041 burrow, tunnel
+n09230202 butte
+n09231117 caldera
+n09233446 canyon, canon
+n09233603 canyonside
+n09238926 cave
+n09239302 cavern
+n09242389 chasm
+n09245515 cirque, corrie, cwm
+n09246464 cliff, drop, drop-off
+n09247410 cloud
+n09248153 coast
+n09248399 coastland
+n09249034 col, gap
+n09249155 collector
+n09251407 comet
+n09255070 continental glacier
+n09256479 coral reef
+n09257843 cove
+n09259025 crag
+n09259219 crater
+n09260907 cultivated land, farmland, plowland, ploughland, tilled land, tillage, tilth
+n09262690 dale
+n09263912 defile, gorge
+n09264803 delta
+n09265620 descent, declivity, fall, decline, declination, declension, downslope
+n09266604 diapir
+n09267854 divot
+n09268007 divot
+n09269341 down
+n09269472 downhill
+n09269882 draw
+n09270160 drey
+n09270657 drumlin
+n09270735 dune, sand dune
+n09274152 escarpment, scarp
+n09274305 esker
+n09279986 fireball
+n09281252 flare star
+n09282208 floor
+n09283193 fomite, vehicle
+n09283405 foothill
+n09283514 footwall
+n09283767 foreland
+n09283866 foreshore
+n09287415 gauge boson
+n09287968 geological formation, formation
+n09288635 geyser
+n09289331 glacier
+n09289596 glen
+n09290350 gopher hole
+n09290444 gorge
+n09294877 grotto, grot
+n09295210 growler
+n09295946 gulch, flume
+n09300306 gully
+n09300905 hail
+n09302616 highland, upland
+n09303008 hill
+n09303528 hillside
+n09304750 hole, hollow
+n09305031 hollow, holler
+n09305898 hot spring, thermal spring
+n09308572 iceberg, berg
+n09308743 icecap, ice cap
+n09309046 ice field
+n09309168 ice floe, floe
+n09309292 ice mass
+n09310616 inclined fault
+n09315159 ion
+n09319604 isthmus
+n09325824 kidney stone, urinary calculus, nephrolith, renal calculus
+n09326662 knoll, mound, hillock, hummock, hammock
+n09327077 kopje, koppie
+n09327538 Kuiper belt, Edgeworth-Kuiper belt
+n09330378 lake bed, lake bottom
+n09331251 lakefront
+n09332890 lakeside, lakeshore
+n09335693 landfall
+n09335809 landfill
+n09336555 lather
+n09337048 leak
+n09337253 ledge, shelf
+n09338013 lepton
+n09339810 lithosphere, geosphere
+n09344198 lowland
+n09344324 lunar crater
+n09344724 maar
+n09348460 massif
+n09349648 meander
+n09351905 mesa, table
+n09352849 meteorite
+n09353815 microfossil
+n09354511 midstream
+n09357346 molehill
+n09357447 monocline
+n09359803 mountain, mount
+n09361517 mountainside, versant
+n09362316 mouth
+n09362945 mull
+n09366017 natural depression, depression
+n09366317 natural elevation, elevation
+n09375606 nullah
+n09376198 ocean
+n09376526 ocean floor, sea floor, ocean bottom, seabed, sea bottom, Davy Jones's locker, Davy Jones
+n09376786 oceanfront
+n09381242 outcrop, outcropping, rock outcrop
+n09382099 oxbow
+n09384106 pallasite
+n09389867 perforation
+n09391386 photosphere
+n09391644 piedmont
+n09391774 Piedmont glacier, Piedmont type of glacier
+n09392402 pinetum
+n09393524 plage
+n09393605 plain, field, champaign
+n09396465 point
+n09396608 polar glacier
+n09398076 pothole, chuckhole
+n09398677 precipice
+n09399592 promontory, headland, head, foreland
+n09400584 ptyalith
+n09400987 pulsar
+n09402944 quicksand
+n09403086 rabbit burrow, rabbit hole
+n09403211 radiator
+n09403427 rainbow
+n09403734 range, mountain range, range of mountains, chain, mountain chain, chain of mountains
+n09405078 rangeland
+n09405787 ravine
+n09406793 reef
+n09409512 ridge
+n09409752 ridge, ridgeline
+n09410224 rift valley
+n09411189 riparian forest
+n09411295 ripple mark
+n09415584 riverbank, riverside
+n09415671 riverbed, river bottom
+n09416076 rock, stone
+n09416890 roof
+n09421031 saltpan
+n09421799 sandbank
+n09421951 sandbar, sand bar
+n09422190 sandpit
+n09422631 sanitary landfill
+n09425019 sawpit
+n09425344 scablands
+n09428293 seashore, coast, seacoast, sea-coast
+n09428628 seaside, seaboard
+n09429630 seif dune
+n09432283 shell
+n09432990 shiner
+n09433312 shoal
+n09433442 shore
+n09433839 shoreline
+n09435739 sinkhole, sink, swallow hole
+n09436444 ski slope
+n09436708 sky
+n09437454 slope, incline, side
+n09438844 snowcap
+n09438940 snowdrift
+n09439032 snowfield
+n09439213 soapsuds, suds, lather
+n09442595 spit, tongue
+n09443281 spoor
+n09443641 spume
+n09444783 star
+n09445008 steep
+n09445289 steppe
+n09447666 strand
+n09448690 streambed, creek bed
+n09450163 sun, Sun
+n09451237 supernova
+n09452291 swale
+n09452395 swamp, swampland
+n09452760 swell
+n09453008 tableland, plateau
+n09454153 talus, scree
+n09454412 tangle
+n09454744 tar pit
+n09456207 terrace, bench
+n09457979 tidal basin
+n09458269 tideland
+n09459979 tor
+n09460046 tor
+n09461069 Trapezium
+n09462600 troposphere
+n09463226 tundra
+n09464486 twinkler
+n09466678 uphill
+n09467696 urolith
+n09468604 valley, vale
+n09470027 vehicle-borne transmission
+n09470222 vein, mineral vein
+n09472413 volcanic crater, crater
+n09472597 volcano
+n09474010 wadi
+n09474412 wall
+n09474765 warren, rabbit warren
+n09475044 wasp's nest, wasps' nest, hornet's nest, hornets' nest
+n09475179 watercourse
+n09475925 waterside
+n09476123 water table, water level, groundwater level
+n09478210 whinstone, whin
+n09480959 wormcast
+n09481120 xenolith
+n09493983 Circe
+n09495962 gryphon, griffin, griffon
+n09505153 spiritual leader
+n09537660 messiah, christ
+n09556121 Rhea Silvia, Rea Silvia
+n09605110 number one
+n09606009 adventurer, venturer
+n09606527 anomaly, unusual person
+n09607630 appointee, appointment
+n09607782 argonaut
+n09607903 Ashkenazi
+n09608709 benefactor, helper
+n09610255 color-blind person
+n09610405 commoner, common man, common person
+n09611722 conservator
+n09612700 contrarian
+n09613118 contadino
+n09613191 contestant
+n09613690 cosigner, cosignatory
+n09615336 discussant
+n09616573 enologist, oenologist, fermentologist
+n09616922 entertainer
+n09617161 eulogist, panegyrist
+n09617435 ex-gambler
+n09617577 experimenter
+n09617696 experimenter
+n09618760 exponent
+n09618880 ex-president
+n09618957 face
+n09619168 female, female person
+n09619452 finisher
+n09620078 inhabitant, habitant, dweller, denizen, indweller
+n09620794 native, indigen, indigene, aborigine, aboriginal
+n09621232 native
+n09622049 juvenile, juvenile person
+n09622302 lover
+n09624168 male, male person
+n09624559 mediator, go-between, intermediator, intermediary, intercessor
+n09624899 mediatrix
+n09625401 national, subject
+n09626238 peer, equal, match, compeer
+n09627807 prize winner, lottery winner
+n09627906 recipient, receiver
+n09629065 religionist
+n09629246 sensualist
+n09629752 traveler, traveller
+n09631129 unwelcome person, persona non grata
+n09632274 unskilled person
+n09632518 worker
+n09633969 wrongdoer, offender
+n09635534 Black African
+n09635635 Afrikaner, Afrikander, Boer
+n09635973 Aryan
+n09636339 Black, Black person, blackamoor, Negro, Negroid
+n09637339 Black woman
+n09638454 mulatto
+n09638875 White, White person, Caucasian
+n09639382 Circassian
+n09639919 Semite
+n09640327 Chaldean, Chaldaean, Chaldee
+n09640715 Elamite
+n09641002 white man
+n09641578 WASP, white Anglo-Saxon Protestant
+n09643799 gook, slant-eye
+n09644152 Mongol, Mongolian
+n09644657 Tatar, Tartar, Mongol Tatar
+n09648743 Nahuatl
+n09648911 Aztec
+n09649067 Olmec
+n09650729 Biloxi
+n09650839 Blackfoot
+n09650989 Brule
+n09651123 Caddo
+n09651968 Cheyenne
+n09652149 Chickasaw
+n09653144 Cocopa, Cocopah
+n09653438 Comanche
+n09654079 Creek
+n09654518 Delaware
+n09654898 Diegueno
+n09655213 Esselen
+n09655466 Eyeish
+n09656077 Havasupai
+n09657206 Hunkpapa
+n09657748 Iowa, Ioway
+n09658254 Kalapooia, Kalapuya, Calapooya, Calapuya
+n09658398 Kamia
+n09658815 Kekchi
+n09658921 Kichai
+n09659039 Kickapoo
+n09659188 Kiliwa, Kiliwi
+n09660010 Malecite
+n09660240 Maricopa
+n09661873 Mohican, Mahican
+n09662038 Muskhogean, Muskogean
+n09662661 Navaho, Navajo
+n09662951 Nootka
+n09663248 Oglala, Ogalala
+n09663786 Osage
+n09663999 Oneida
+n09664556 Paiute, Piute
+n09664908 Passamaquody
+n09665367 Penobscot
+n09665545 Penutian
+n09666349 Potawatomi
+n09666476 Powhatan
+n09666883 kachina
+n09667358 Salish
+n09668199 Shahaptian, Sahaptin, Sahaptino
+n09668437 Shasta
+n09668562 Shawnee
+n09668988 Sihasapa
+n09669631 Teton, Lakota, Teton Sioux, Teton Dakota
+n09670280 Taracahitian
+n09670521 Tarahumara
+n09670909 Tuscarora
+n09671089 Tutelo
+n09672590 Yana
+n09672725 Yavapai
+n09672840 Yokuts
+n09673091 Yuma
+n09674412 Gadaba
+n09674786 Kolam
+n09675045 Kui
+n09675673 Toda
+n09675799 Tulu
+n09675922 Gujarati, Gujerati
+n09676021 Kashmiri
+n09676247 Punjabi, Panjabi
+n09676884 Slav
+n09677427 Anabaptist
+n09678747 Adventist, Second Adventist
+n09679028 gentile, non-Jew, goy
+n09679170 gentile
+n09679925 Catholic
+n09680908 Old Catholic
+n09681107 Uniat, Uniate, Uniate Christian
+n09681234 Copt
+n09681973 Jewess
+n09683180 Jihadist
+n09683757 Buddhist
+n09683924 Zen Buddhist
+n09684082 Mahayanist
+n09684901 swami
+n09685233 Hare Krishna
+n09685806 Shintoist
+n09686262 Eurafrican
+n09686401 Eurasian
+n09688233 Gael
+n09688804 Frank
+n09689435 Afghan, Afghanistani
+n09689958 Albanian
+n09690083 Algerian
+n09690208 Altaic
+n09690496 Andorran
+n09690621 Angolan
+n09690864 Anguillan
+n09691604 Austrian
+n09691729 Bahamian
+n09691858 Bahraini, Bahreini
+n09692125 Basotho
+n09692915 Herero
+n09693244 Luba, Chiluba
+n09693982 Barbadian
+n09694664 Bolivian
+n09694771 Bornean
+n09695019 Carioca
+n09695132 Tupi
+n09695514 Bruneian
+n09695620 Bulgarian
+n09695979 Byelorussian, Belorussian, White Russian
+n09696456 Cameroonian
+n09696585 Canadian
+n09696763 French Canadian
+n09697401 Central American
+n09697986 Chilean
+n09698644 Congolese
+n09699020 Cypriot, Cypriote, Cyprian
+n09699642 Dane
+n09700125 Djiboutian
+n09700964 Britisher, Briton, Brit
+n09701148 English person
+n09701833 Englishwoman
+n09702134 Anglo-Saxon
+n09702673 Angle
+n09703101 West Saxon
+n09703344 Lombard, Langobard
+n09703485 limey, John Bull
+n09703708 Cantabrigian
+n09703809 Cornishman
+n09703932 Cornishwoman
+n09704057 Lancastrian
+n09704157 Lancastrian
+n09704283 Geordie
+n09705003 Oxonian
+n09705124 Ethiopian
+n09705671 Amhara
+n09705784 Eritrean
+n09706029 Finn
+n09706255 Komi
+n09707061 Livonian
+n09707289 Lithuanian
+n09707735 Selkup, Ostyak-Samoyed
+n09708750 Parisian
+n09708889 Parisienne
+n09709531 Creole
+n09709673 Creole
+n09710041 Gabonese
+n09710164 Greek, Hellene
+n09710886 Dorian
+n09711132 Athenian
+n09711435 Laconian
+n09712324 Guyanese
+n09712448 Haitian
+n09712696 Malay, Malayan
+n09712967 Moro
+n09713108 Netherlander, Dutchman, Hollander
+n09714120 Icelander
+n09714694 Iraqi, Iraki
+n09715165 Irishman
+n09715303 Irishwoman
+n09715427 Dubliner
+n09716047 Italian
+n09716933 Roman
+n09717233 Sabine
+n09718217 Japanese, Nipponese
+n09718811 Jordanian
+n09718936 Korean
+n09719309 Kenyan
+n09719794 Lao, Laotian
+n09720033 Lapp, Lapplander, Sami, Saami, Same, Saame
+n09720256 Latin American, Latino
+n09720595 Lebanese
+n09720702 Levantine
+n09720842 Liberian
+n09721244 Luxemburger, Luxembourger
+n09721444 Macedonian
+n09722064 Sabahan
+n09722658 Mexican
+n09722817 Chicano
+n09723067 Mexican-American, Mexicano
+n09723819 Namibian
+n09723944 Nauruan
+n09724234 Gurkha
+n09724533 New Zealander, Kiwi
+n09724656 Nicaraguan
+n09724785 Nigerian
+n09725000 Hausa, Haussa
+n09725229 North American
+n09725546 Nova Scotian, bluenose
+n09725653 Omani
+n09725772 Pakistani
+n09725935 Brahui
+n09726621 South American Indian
+n09726811 Carib, Carib Indian
+n09727440 Filipino
+n09727826 Polynesian
+n09728137 Qatari, Katari
+n09728285 Romanian, Rumanian
+n09729062 Muscovite
+n09729156 Georgian
+n09730077 Sarawakian
+n09730204 Scandinavian, Norse, Northman
+n09730824 Senegalese
+n09731343 Slovene
+n09731436 South African
+n09731571 South American
+n09732170 Sudanese
+n09733459 Syrian
+n09733793 Tahitian
+n09734185 Tanzanian
+n09734450 Tibetan
+n09734535 Togolese
+n09734639 Tuareg
+n09735258 Turki
+n09735654 Chuvash
+n09736485 Turkoman, Turkmen, Turcoman
+n09736798 Uzbek, Uzbeg, Uzbak, Usbek, Usbeg
+n09736945 Ugandan
+n09737050 Ukranian
+n09737161 Yakut
+n09737453 Tungus, Evenk
+n09738121 Igbo
+n09738400 American
+n09740724 Anglo-American
+n09741074 Alaska Native, Alaskan Native, Native Alaskan
+n09741331 Arkansan, Arkansawyer
+n09741722 Carolinian
+n09741816 Coloradan
+n09741904 Connecticuter
+n09741999 Delawarean, Delawarian
+n09742101 Floridian
+n09742315 German American
+n09742927 Illinoisan
+n09743487 Mainer, Down Easter
+n09743601 Marylander
+n09743792 Minnesotan, Gopher
+n09744161 Nebraskan, Cornhusker
+n09744346 New Hampshirite, Granite Stater
+n09744462 New Jerseyan, New Jerseyite, Garden Stater
+n09744679 New Yorker
+n09744834 North Carolinian, Tarheel
+n09745229 Oregonian, Beaver
+n09745324 Pennsylvanian, Keystone Stater
+n09745834 Texan
+n09745933 Utahan
+n09746936 Uruguayan
+n09747191 Vietnamese, Annamese
+n09747495 Gambian
+n09748101 East German
+n09748408 Berliner
+n09748648 Prussian
+n09748889 Ghanian
+n09749386 Guinean
+n09750282 Papuan
+n09750641 Walloon
+n09750770 Yemeni
+n09750891 Yugoslav, Jugoslav, Yugoslavian, Jugoslavian
+n09751076 Serbian, Serb
+n09751496 Xhosa
+n09751622 Zairese, Zairean
+n09751895 Zimbabwean
+n09752023 Zulu
+n09752519 Gemini, Twin
+n09753348 Sagittarius, Archer
+n09753792 Pisces, Fish
+n09754152 abbe
+n09754217 abbess, mother superior, prioress
+n09754633 abnegator
+n09754907 abridger, abbreviator
+n09755086 abstractor, abstracter
+n09755241 absconder
+n09755555 absolver
+n09755788 abecedarian
+n09755893 aberrant
+n09756049 abettor, abetter
+n09756195 abhorrer
+n09756961 abomination
+n09757449 abseiler, rappeller
+n09758173 abstainer, ascetic
+n09758885 academic administrator
+n09759501 academician
+n09760290 accessory before the fact
+n09760609 companion
+n09760913 accompanist, accompanyist
+n09761068 accomplice, confederate
+n09761753 account executive, account representative, registered representative, customer's broker, customer's man
+n09762011 accused
+n09762385 accuser
+n09763272 acid head
+n09763784 acquaintance, friend
+n09764201 acquirer
+n09764598 aerialist
+n09764732 action officer
+n09764900 active
+n09765118 active citizen
+n09765278 actor, histrion, player, thespian, role player
+n09767197 actor, doer, worker
+n09769076 addict, nut, freak, junkie, junky
+n09769525 adducer
+n09769929 adjuster, adjustor, claims adjuster, claims adjustor, claim agent
+n09770179 adjutant, aide, aide-de-camp
+n09770359 adjutant general
+n09771435 admirer, adorer
+n09772330 adoptee
+n09772746 adulterer, fornicator
+n09772930 adulteress, fornicatress, hussy, jade, loose woman, slut, strumpet, trollop
+n09773962 advertiser, advertizer, adman
+n09774167 advisee
+n09774783 advocate, advocator, proponent, exponent
+n09775907 aeronautical engineer
+n09776346 affiliate
+n09776642 affluent
+n09776807 aficionado
+n09777870 buck sergeant
+n09778266 agent-in-place
+n09778537 aggravator, annoyance
+n09778783 agitator, fomenter
+n09778927 agnostic
+n09779124 agnostic, doubter
+n09779280 agonist
+n09779461 agony aunt
+n09779790 agriculturist, agriculturalist, cultivator, grower, raiser
+n09780395 air attache
+n09780828 air force officer, commander
+n09780984 airhead
+n09781398 air traveler, air traveller
+n09781504 alarmist
+n09781650 albino
+n09782167 alcoholic, alky, dipsomaniac, boozer, lush, soaker, souse
+n09782397 alderman
+n09782855 alexic
+n09783537 alienee, grantee
+n09783776 alienor
+n09783884 aliterate, aliterate person
+n09784043 algebraist
+n09784160 allegorizer, allegoriser
+n09784564 alliterator
+n09785236 almoner, medical social worker
+n09785659 alpinist
+n09785891 altar boy
+n09786115 alto
+n09787534 ambassador, embassador
+n09787765 ambassador
+n09788073 ambusher
+n09788237 amicus curiae, friend of the court
+n09789150 amoralist
+n09789566 amputee
+n09789898 analogist
+n09790047 analphabet, analphabetic
+n09790482 analyst
+n09791014 industry analyst
+n09791419 market strategist
+n09791816 anarchist, nihilist, syndicalist
+n09792125 anathema, bete noire
+n09792555 ancestor, ascendant, ascendent, antecedent, root
+n09792969 anchor, anchorman, anchorperson
+n09793141 ancient
+n09793352 anecdotist, raconteur
+n09793946 angler, troller
+n09794550 animator
+n09794668 animist
+n09795010 annotator
+n09795124 announcer
+n09795334 announcer
+n09796809 anti
+n09796974 anti-American
+n09797742 anti-Semite, Jew-baiter
+n09797873 Anzac
+n09797998 ape-man
+n09798096 aphakic
+n09800469 appellant, plaintiff in error
+n09800964 appointee
+n09801102 apprehender
+n09801275 April fool
+n09801533 aspirant, aspirer, hopeful, wannabe, wannabee
+n09802445 appreciator
+n09802641 appropriator
+n09802951 Arabist
+n09804230 archaist
+n09805151 archbishop
+n09805324 archer, bowman
+n09805475 architect, designer
+n09806944 archivist
+n09807075 archpriest, hierarch, high priest, prelate, primate
+n09808080 Aristotelian, Aristotelean, Peripatetic
+n09808591 armiger
+n09809279 army attache
+n09809538 army engineer, military engineer
+n09809749 army officer
+n09809925 arranger, adapter, transcriber
+n09810166 arrival, arriver, comer
+n09811568 arthritic
+n09811712 articulator
+n09811852 artilleryman, cannoneer, gunner, machine gunner
+n09813219 artist's model, sitter
+n09814252 assayer
+n09814381 assemblyman
+n09814488 assemblywoman
+n09814567 assenter
+n09814660 asserter, declarer, affirmer, asseverator, avower
+n09815455 assignee
+n09815790 assistant, helper, help, supporter
+n09816654 assistant professor
+n09816771 associate
+n09817174 associate
+n09817386 associate professor
+n09818022 astronaut, spaceman, cosmonaut
+n09819477 cosmographer, cosmographist
+n09820044 atheist
+n09820263 athlete, jock
+n09821831 attendant, attender, tender
+n09822830 attorney general
+n09823153 auditor
+n09823287 augur, auspex
+n09823502 aunt, auntie, aunty
+n09823832 au pair girl
+n09824135 authoritarian, dictator
+n09824609 authority
+n09825096 authorizer, authoriser
+n09825750 automobile mechanic, auto-mechanic, car-mechanic, mechanic, grease monkey
+n09826204 aviator, aeronaut, airman, flier, flyer
+n09826605 aviatrix, airwoman, aviatress
+n09826821 ayah
+n09827246 babu, baboo
+n09827363 baby, babe, sister
+n09828216 baby
+n09828403 baby boomer, boomer
+n09828988 baby farmer
+n09830194 back
+n09830400 backbencher
+n09830629 backpacker, packer
+n09830759 backroom boy, brain truster
+n09830926 backscratcher
+n09831962 bad person
+n09832456 baggage
+n09832633 bag lady
+n09832978 bailee
+n09833111 bailiff
+n09833275 bailor
+n09833441 bairn
+n09833536 baker, bread maker
+n09833751 balancer
+n09833997 balker, baulker, noncompliant
+n09834258 ball-buster, ball-breaker
+n09834378 ball carrier, runner
+n09834699 ballet dancer
+n09834885 ballet master
+n09835017 ballet mistress
+n09835153 balletomane
+n09835230 ball hawk
+n09835348 balloonist
+n09835506 ballplayer, baseball player
+n09836160 bullfighter, toreador
+n09836343 banderillero
+n09836519 matador
+n09836786 picador
+n09837459 bandsman
+n09837720 banker
+n09838295 bank robber
+n09838370 bankrupt, insolvent
+n09838621 bantamweight
+n09839702 barmaid
+n09840217 baron, big businessman, business leader, king, magnate, mogul, power, top executive, tycoon
+n09840435 baron
+n09840520 baron
+n09841188 bartender, barman, barkeep, barkeeper, mixologist
+n09841515 baseball coach, baseball manager
+n09841696 base runner, runner
+n09842047 basketball player, basketeer, cager
+n09842288 basketweaver, basketmaker
+n09842395 Basket Maker
+n09842528 bass, basso
+n09842823 bastard, by-blow, love child, illegitimate child, illegitimate, whoreson
+n09843443 bat boy
+n09843602 bather
+n09843716 batman
+n09843824 baton twirler, twirler
+n09844457 Bavarian
+n09844898 beadsman, bedesman
+n09845401 beard
+n09845849 beatnik, beat
+n09846142 beauty consultant
+n09846469 Bedouin, Beduin
+n09846586 bedwetter, bed wetter, wetter
+n09846755 beekeeper, apiarist, apiculturist
+n09846894 beer drinker, ale drinker
+n09847267 beggarman
+n09847344 beggarwoman
+n09847543 beldam, beldame
+n09848110 theist
+n09848489 believer, truster
+n09849167 bell founder
+n09849990 benedick, benedict
+n09850760 berserker, berserk
+n09850974 besieger
+n09851165 best, topper
+n09851575 betrothed
+n09853541 Big Brother
+n09853645 bigot
+n09853881 big shot, big gun, big wheel, big cheese, big deal, big enchilada, big fish, head honcho
+n09854218 big sister
+n09854421 billiard player
+n09854915 biochemist
+n09855433 biographer
+n09856401 bird fancier
+n09856671 birth
+n09856827 birth-control campaigner, birth-control reformer
+n09857007 bisexual, bisexual person
+n09858165 black belt
+n09858299 blackmailer, extortioner, extortionist
+n09858733 Black Muslim
+n09859152 blacksmith
+n09859285 blade
+n09859975 blind date
+n09861287 bluecoat
+n09861599 bluestocking, bas bleu
+n09861863 boatbuilder
+n09861946 boatman, boater, waterman
+n09862183 boatswain, bos'n, bo's'n, bosun, bo'sun
+n09862621 bobby
+n09863031 bodyguard, escort
+n09863339 boffin
+n09863749 Bolshevik, Marxist, red, bolshie, bolshy
+n09863936 Bolshevik, Bolshevist
+n09864632 bombshell
+n09864968 bondman, bondsman
+n09865068 bondwoman, bondswoman, bondmaid
+n09865162 bondwoman, bondswoman, bondmaid
+n09865398 bond servant
+n09865672 book agent
+n09865744 bookbinder
+n09866115 bookkeeper
+n09866354 bookmaker
+n09866559 bookworm
+n09866661 booster, shoplifter, lifter
+n09866817 bootblack, shoeblack
+n09866922 bootlegger, moonshiner
+n09867069 bootmaker, boot maker
+n09867154 borderer
+n09867311 border patrolman
+n09868270 botanist, phytologist, plant scientist
+n09868782 bottom feeder
+n09868899 boulevardier
+n09869317 bounty hunter
+n09869447 bounty hunter
+n09869578 Bourbon
+n09870096 bowler
+n09871095 slugger, slogger
+n09871229 cub, lad, laddie, sonny, sonny boy
+n09871681 Boy Scout
+n09871867 boy scout
+n09871952 boy wonder
+n09872066 bragger, braggart, boaster, blowhard, line-shooter, vaunter
+n09872557 brahman, brahmin
+n09873348 brawler
+n09873473 breadwinner
+n09873769 breaststroker
+n09873899 breeder, stock breeder
+n09874428 brick
+n09874725 bride
+n09874862 bridesmaid, maid of honor
+n09875025 bridge agent
+n09875979 broadcast journalist
+n09876701 Brother
+n09877288 brother-in-law
+n09877587 browser
+n09877750 Brummie, Brummy
+n09877951 buddy, brother, chum, crony, pal, sidekick
+n09878921 bull
+n09879552 bully
+n09880189 bunny, bunny girl
+n09880741 burglar
+n09881265 bursar
+n09881358 busboy, waiter's assistant
+n09881895 business editor
+n09883047 business traveler
+n09883452 buster
+n09883807 busybody, nosy-parker, nosey-parker, quidnunc
+n09885059 buttinsky
+n09885866 cabinetmaker, furniture maker
+n09886403 caddie, golf caddie
+n09886540 cadet, plebe
+n09888635 caller, caller-out
+n09889065 call girl
+n09889170 calligrapher, calligraphist
+n09889691 campaigner, candidate, nominee
+n09889941 camper
+n09890192 camp follower
+n09890749 candidate, prospect
+n09891730 canonist
+n09892262 capitalist
+n09892513 captain, headwaiter, maitre d'hotel, maitre d'
+n09892693 captain, senior pilot
+n09893191 captain
+n09893344 captain, chieftain
+n09893502 captive
+n09893600 captive
+n09894143 cardinal
+n09894445 cardiologist, heart specialist, heart surgeon
+n09894654 card player
+n09894909 cardsharp, card sharp, cardsharper, card sharper, sharper, sharpie, sharpy, card shark
+n09895222 careerist
+n09895480 career man
+n09895561 caregiver
+n09895701 caretaker
+n09895902 caretaker
+n09896170 caricaturist
+n09896311 carillonneur
+n09896401 caroler, caroller
+n09896685 carpenter
+n09896826 carper, niggler
+n09898020 Cartesian
+n09899289 cashier
+n09899671 casualty, injured party
+n09899782 casualty
+n09899929 casuist, sophist
+n09901337 catechist
+n09901502 catechumen, neophyte
+n09901642 caterer
+n09901786 Catholicos
+n09901921 cat fancier
+n09902128 Cavalier, Royalist
+n09902353 cavalryman, trooper
+n09902731 caveman, cave man, cave dweller, troglodyte
+n09902851 celebrant
+n09902954 celebrant, celebrator, celebrater
+n09903153 celebrity, famous person
+n09903501 cellist, violoncellist
+n09903639 censor
+n09903936 censor
+n09904208 centenarian
+n09904837 centrist, middle of the roader, moderate, moderationist
+n09905050 centurion
+n09905185 certified public accountant, CPA
+n09905530 chachka, tsatske, tshatshke, tchotchke, tchotchkeleh
+n09906293 chambermaid, fille de chambre
+n09906449 chameleon
+n09906704 champion, champ, title-holder
+n09907804 chandler
+n09908769 prison chaplain
+n09909660 charcoal burner
+n09909929 charge d'affaires
+n09910222 charioteer
+n09910374 charmer, beguiler
+n09910556 chartered accountant
+n09910840 chartist, technical analyst
+n09911226 charwoman, char, cleaning woman, cleaning lady, woman
+n09912431 male chauvinist, sexist
+n09912681 cheapskate, tightwad
+n09912907 Chechen
+n09912995 checker
+n09913329 cheerer
+n09913455 cheerleader
+n09913593 cheerleader
+n09915434 Cheops, Khufu
+n09915651 chess master
+n09916348 chief executive officer, CEO, chief operating officer
+n09917214 chief of staff
+n09917345 chief petty officer
+n09917481 Chief Secretary
+n09917593 child, kid, youngster, minor, shaver, nipper, small fry, tiddler, tike, tyke, fry, nestling
+n09918248 child, kid
+n09918554 child, baby
+n09918867 child prodigy, infant prodigy, wonder child
+n09919061 chimneysweeper, chimneysweep, sweep
+n09919200 chiropractor
+n09919451 chit
+n09919899 choker
+n09920106 choragus
+n09920283 choreographer
+n09920901 chorus girl, showgirl, chorine
+n09921034 chosen
+n09923003 cicerone
+n09923186 cigar smoker
+n09923418 cipher, cypher, nobody, nonentity
+n09923561 circus acrobat
+n09923673 citizen
+n09923996 city editor
+n09924106 city father
+n09924195 city man
+n09924313 city slicker, city boy
+n09924437 civic leader, civil leader
+n09924996 civil rights leader, civil rights worker, civil rights activist
+n09927089 cleaner
+n09927451 clergyman, reverend, man of the cloth
+n09928136 cleric, churchman, divine, ecclesiastic
+n09928451 clerk
+n09928845 clever Dick, clever clogs
+n09929202 climatologist
+n09929298 climber
+n09929577 clinician
+n09930257 closer, finisher
+n09930628 closet queen
+n09930876 clown, buffoon, goof, goofball, merry andrew
+n09931165 clown, buffoon
+n09931418 coach, private instructor, tutor
+n09931640 coach, manager, handler
+n09932098 pitching coach
+n09932336 coachman
+n09932508 coal miner, collier, pitman
+n09932788 coastguardsman
+n09933020 cobber
+n09933098 cobbler, shoemaker
+n09933842 codger, old codger
+n09933972 co-beneficiary
+n09934337 cog
+n09934488 cognitive neuroscientist
+n09934774 coiffeur
+n09935107 coiner
+n09935434 collaborator, cooperator, partner, pardner
+n09936825 colleen
+n09936892 college student, university student
+n09937056 collegian, college man, college boy
+n09937688 colonial
+n09937802 colonialist
+n09937903 colonizer, coloniser
+n09938080 coloratura, coloratura soprano
+n09938449 color guard
+n09938991 colossus, behemoth, giant, heavyweight, titan
+n09940725 comedian
+n09940818 comedienne
+n09941089 comer
+n09941571 commander
+n09941787 commander in chief, generalissimo
+n09941964 commanding officer, commandant, commander
+n09942697 commissar, political commissar
+n09942970 commissioned officer
+n09943239 commissioned military officer
+n09943811 commissioner
+n09944022 commissioner
+n09944160 committee member
+n09944430 committeewoman
+n09945021 commodore
+n09945223 communicant
+n09945319 communist, commie
+n09945603 Communist
+n09945745 commuter
+n09946814 compere
+n09947127 complexifier
+n09950457 compulsive
+n09950728 computational linguist
+n09951070 computer scientist
+n09951274 computer user
+n09951524 Comrade
+n09951616 concert-goer, music lover
+n09952163 conciliator, make-peace, pacifier, peacemaker, reconciler
+n09953052 conductor
+n09953350 confectioner, candymaker
+n09953615 Confederate
+n09954355 confessor
+n09954639 confidant, intimate
+n09955406 Confucian, Confucianist
+n09955944 rep
+n09956578 conqueror, vanquisher
+n09957523 Conservative
+n09958133 Nonconformist, chapelgoer
+n09958292 Anglican
+n09958447 consignee
+n09958569 consigner, consignor
+n09959142 constable
+n09959658 constructivist
+n09960688 contractor
+n09961198 contralto
+n09961331 contributor
+n09961469 control freak
+n09961605 convalescent
+n09961739 convener
+n09962966 convict, con, inmate, yard bird, yardbird
+n09964202 copilot, co-pilot
+n09964411 copycat, imitator, emulator, ape, aper
+n09965515 coreligionist
+n09965787 cornerback
+n09966470 corporatist
+n09966554 correspondent, letter writer
+n09967063 cosmetician
+n09967406 cosmopolitan, cosmopolite
+n09967555 Cossack
+n09967816 cost accountant
+n09967967 co-star
+n09968259 costumier, costumer, costume designer
+n09968652 cotter, cottier
+n09968741 cotter, cottar
+n09968845 counselor, counsellor
+n09970088 counterterrorist
+n09970192 counterspy, mole
+n09970402 countess
+n09970822 compromiser
+n09971273 countrywoman
+n09971385 county agent, agricultural agent, extension agent
+n09971839 courtier
+n09972010 cousin, first cousin, cousin-german, full cousin
+n09972458 cover girl, pin-up, lovely
+n09972587 cow
+n09974648 craftsman, artisan, journeyman, artificer
+n09975425 craftsman, crafter
+n09976024 crapshooter
+n09976283 crazy, loony, looney, nutcase, weirdo
+n09976429 creature, wight
+n09976728 creditor
+n09976917 creep, weirdo, weirdie, weirdy, spook
+n09978442 criminologist
+n09979321 critic
+n09979913 Croesus
+n09980458 cross-examiner, cross-questioner
+n09980805 crossover voter, crossover
+n09980985 croupier
+n09981092 crown prince
+n09981278 crown princess
+n09981540 cryptanalyst, cryptographer, cryptologist
+n09981939 Cub Scout
+n09982152 cuckold
+n09982525 cultist
+n09983314 curandera
+n09983572 curate, minister of religion, minister, parson, pastor, rector
+n09983889 curator, conservator
+n09984960 customer agent
+n09985470 cutter, carver
+n09985809 cyberpunk
+n09985978 cyborg, bionic man, bionic woman
+n09986450 cymbalist
+n09986700 Cynic
+n09986904 cytogeneticist
+n09987045 cytologist
+n09987161 czar
+n09987239 czar, tsar, tzar
+n09988063 dad, dada, daddy, pa, papa, pappa, pop
+n09988311 dairyman
+n09988493 Dalai Lama, Grand Lama
+n09988703 dallier, dillydallier, dilly-dallier, mope, lounger
+n09989502 dancer, professional dancer, terpsichorean
+n09990415 dancer, social dancer
+n09990690 clog dancer
+n09990777 dancing-master, dance master
+n09991740 dark horse
+n09991867 darling, favorite, favourite, pet, dearie, deary, ducky
+n09992538 date, escort
+n09992837 daughter, girl
+n09993252 dawdler, drone, laggard, lagger, trailer, poke
+n09993651 day boarder
+n09994400 day laborer, day labourer
+n09994673 deacon, Protestant deacon
+n09994808 deaconess
+n09994878 deadeye
+n09995829 deipnosophist
+n09996039 dropout
+n09996304 deadhead
+n09996481 deaf person
+n09997622 debtor, debitor
+n09998788 deckhand, roustabout
+n09999135 defamer, maligner, slanderer, vilifier, libeler, backbiter, traducer
+n10000294 defense contractor
+n10000459 deist, freethinker
+n10000787 delegate
+n10001217 deliveryman, delivery boy, deliverer
+n10001481 demagogue, demagog, rabble-rouser
+n10001764 demigod, superman, Ubermensch
+n10002257 demographer, demographist, population scientist
+n10002760 demonstrator, protester
+n10003476 den mother
+n10004718 department head
+n10005006 depositor
+n10005934 deputy
+n10006177 dermatologist, skin doctor
+n10006748 descender
+n10007684 designated hitter
+n10007809 designer, intriguer
+n10007995 desk clerk, hotel desk clerk, hotel clerk
+n10008123 desk officer
+n10008254 desk sergeant, deskman, station keeper
+n10009162 detainee, political detainee
+n10009276 detective, investigator, tec, police detective
+n10009484 detective
+n10009671 detractor, disparager, depreciator, knocker
+n10010062 developer
+n10010243 deviationist
+n10010632 devisee
+n10010767 devisor
+n10010864 devourer
+n10011360 dialectician
+n10011486 diarist, diary keeper, journalist
+n10012484 dietician, dietitian, nutritionist
+n10013811 diocesan
+n10015215 director, theater director, theatre director
+n10015485 director
+n10015792 dirty old man
+n10015897 disbeliever, nonbeliever, unbeliever
+n10017272 disk jockey, disc jockey, dj
+n10017422 dispatcher
+n10018747 distortionist
+n10018861 distributor, distributer
+n10019072 district attorney, DA
+n10019187 district manager
+n10019406 diver, plunger
+n10020366 divorcee, grass widow
+n10020533 ex-wife, ex
+n10020670 divorce lawyer
+n10020807 docent
+n10020890 doctor, doc, physician, MD, Dr., medico
+n10022908 dodo, fogy, fogey, fossil
+n10023264 doge
+n10023506 dog in the manger
+n10023656 dogmatist, doctrinaire
+n10024025 dolichocephalic
+n10024362 domestic partner, significant other, spousal equivalent, spouse equivalent
+n10024937 Dominican
+n10025060 dominus, dominie, domine, dominee
+n10025295 don, father
+n10025391 Donatist
+n10025635 donna
+n10026976 dosser, street person
+n10027246 double, image, look-alike
+n10027590 double-crosser, double-dealer, two-timer, betrayer, traitor
+n10028402 down-and-out
+n10028541 doyenne
+n10029068 draftsman, drawer
+n10030277 dramatist, playwright
+n10032987 dreamer
+n10033412 dressmaker, modiste, needlewoman, seamstress, sempstress
+n10033572 dressmaker's model
+n10033663 dribbler, driveller, slobberer, drooler
+n10033888 dribbler
+n10034201 drinker, imbiber, toper, juicer
+n10034614 drinker
+n10035952 drug addict, junkie, junky
+n10036266 drug user, substance abuser, user
+n10036444 Druid
+n10036692 drum majorette, majorette
+n10036929 drummer
+n10037080 drunk
+n10037385 drunkard, drunk, rummy, sot, inebriate, wino
+n10037588 Druze, Druse
+n10037922 dry, prohibitionist
+n10038119 dry nurse
+n10038409 duchess
+n10038620 duke
+n10039271 duffer
+n10039946 dunker
+n10040240 Dutch uncle
+n10040698 dyspeptic
+n10040945 eager beaver, busy bee, live wire, sharpie, sharpy
+n10041373 earl
+n10041887 earner, wage earner
+n10042690 eavesdropper
+n10042845 eccentric, eccentric person, flake, oddball, geek
+n10043024 eclectic, eclecticist
+n10043491 econometrician, econometrist
+n10043643 economist, economic expert
+n10044682 ectomorph
+n10044879 editor, editor in chief
+n10047199 egocentric, egoist
+n10047459 egotist, egoist, swellhead
+n10048117 ejaculator
+n10048367 elder
+n10048612 elder statesman
+n10048836 elected official
+n10049363 electrician, lineman, linesman
+n10050043 elegist
+n10050880 elocutionist
+n10051026 emancipator, manumitter
+n10051761 embryologist
+n10051861 emeritus
+n10051975 emigrant, emigre, emigree, outgoer
+n10052694 emissary, envoy
+n10053439 empress
+n10053808 employee
+n10054657 employer
+n10055297 enchantress, witch
+n10055410 enchantress, temptress, siren, Delilah, femme fatale
+n10055566 encyclopedist, encyclopaedist
+n10055730 endomorph
+n10055847 enemy, foe, foeman, opposition
+n10056103 energizer, energiser, vitalizer, vitaliser, animator
+n10056611 end man
+n10056719 end man, corner man
+n10057271 endorser, indorser
+n10058411 enjoyer
+n10058962 enlisted woman
+n10059067 enophile, oenophile
+n10060075 entrant
+n10060175 entrant
+n10060352 entrepreneur, enterpriser
+n10061043 envoy, envoy extraordinary, minister plenipotentiary
+n10061195 enzymologist
+n10061431 eparch
+n10061882 epidemiologist
+n10062042 epigone, epigon
+n10062176 epileptic
+n10062275 Episcopalian
+n10062492 equerry
+n10062594 equerry
+n10062716 erotic
+n10062905 escapee
+n10062996 escapist, dreamer, wishful thinker
+n10063635 Eskimo, Esquimau, Inuit
+n10063919 espionage agent
+n10064831 esthetician, aesthetician
+n10064977 etcher
+n10065758 ethnologist
+n10066206 Etonian
+n10066314 etymologist
+n10067011 evangelist, revivalist, gospeler, gospeller
+n10067305 Evangelist
+n10067600 event planner
+n10067968 examiner, inspector
+n10068234 examiner, tester, quizzer
+n10068425 exarch
+n10069296 executant
+n10069981 executive secretary
+n10070108 executive vice president
+n10070377 executrix
+n10070449 exegete
+n10070563 exhibitor, exhibitioner, shower
+n10070711 exhibitionist, show-off
+n10071332 exile, expatriate, expat
+n10071557 existentialist, existentialist philosopher, existential philosopher
+n10072054 exorcist, exorciser
+n10074249 ex-spouse
+n10074578 extern, medical extern
+n10074735 extremist
+n10074841 extrovert, extravert
+n10075299 eyewitness
+n10075693 facilitator
+n10076224 fairy godmother
+n10076483 falangist, phalangist
+n10076604 falconer, hawker
+n10076957 falsifier
+n10077106 familiar
+n10077593 fan, buff, devotee, lover
+n10077879 fanatic, fiend
+n10078131 fancier, enthusiast
+n10078719 farm boy
+n10078806 farmer, husbandman, granger, sodbuster
+n10079399 farmhand, fieldhand, field hand, farm worker
+n10079893 fascist
+n10080117 fascista
+n10080508 fatalist, determinist, predestinarian, predestinationist
+n10080869 father, male parent, begetter
+n10081204 Father, Padre
+n10081842 father-figure
+n10082043 father-in-law
+n10082299 Fauntleroy, Little Lord Fauntleroy
+n10082423 Fauve, fauvist
+n10082562 favorite son
+n10082687 featherweight
+n10082997 federalist
+n10083677 fellow traveler, fellow traveller
+n10083823 female aristocrat
+n10084043 female offspring
+n10084295 female child, girl, little girl
+n10085101 fence
+n10085869 fiance, groom-to-be
+n10086383 fielder, fieldsman
+n10086744 field judge
+n10087434 fighter pilot
+n10087736 filer
+n10088200 film director, director
+n10090745 finder
+n10091349 fire chief, fire marshal
+n10091450 fire-eater, fire-swallower
+n10091564 fire-eater, hothead
+n10091651 fireman, firefighter, fire fighter, fire-eater
+n10091861 fire marshall
+n10091997 fire walker
+n10092488 first baseman, first sacker
+n10092643 firstborn, eldest
+n10092794 first lady
+n10092978 first lieutenant, 1st lieutenant
+n10093167 first offender
+n10093475 first sergeant, sergeant first class
+n10093818 fishmonger, fishwife
+n10094320 flagellant
+n10094584 flag officer
+n10094782 flak catcher, flak, flack catcher, flack
+n10095265 flanker back, flanker
+n10095420 flapper
+n10095769 flatmate
+n10095869 flatterer, adulator
+n10096126 flibbertigibbet, foolish woman
+n10096508 flight surgeon
+n10097262 floorwalker, shopwalker
+n10097477 flop, dud, washout
+n10097590 Florentine
+n10097842 flower girl
+n10097995 flower girl
+n10098245 flutist, flautist, flute player
+n10098388 fly-by-night
+n10098517 flyweight
+n10098624 flyweight
+n10098710 foe, enemy
+n10098862 folk dancer
+n10099002 folk poet
+n10099375 follower
+n10101308 football hero
+n10101634 football player, footballer
+n10101981 footman
+n10102800 forefather, father, sire
+n10103155 foremother
+n10103228 foreign agent
+n10103921 foreigner, outsider
+n10104064 boss
+n10104487 foreman
+n10104756 forester, tree farmer, arboriculturist
+n10104888 forewoman
+n10105085 forger, counterfeiter
+n10105733 forward
+n10105906 foster-brother, foster brother
+n10106387 foster-father, foster father
+n10106509 foster-mother, foster mother
+n10106995 foster-sister, foster sister
+n10107173 foster-son, foster son
+n10107303 founder, beginner, founding father, father
+n10108018 foundress
+n10108089 four-minute man
+n10108464 framer
+n10108832 Francophobe
+n10109443 freak, monster, monstrosity, lusus naturae
+n10109662 free agent, free spirit, freewheeler
+n10109826 free agent
+n10110093 freedom rider
+n10110731 free-liver
+n10110893 freeloader
+n10111358 free trader
+n10111779 Freudian
+n10111903 friar, mendicant
+n10112129 monk, monastic
+n10113249 frontierswoman
+n10113583 front man, front, figurehead, nominal head, straw man, strawman
+n10113869 frotteur
+n10114476 fucker
+n10114550 fucker
+n10114662 fuddy-duddy
+n10115430 fullback
+n10115946 funambulist, tightrope walker
+n10116370 fundamentalist
+n10116478 fundraiser
+n10116702 futurist
+n10117017 gadgeteer
+n10117267 gagman, gagster, gagwriter
+n10117415 gagman, standup comedian
+n10117739 gainer, weight gainer
+n10117851 gal
+n10118301 galoot
+n10118743 gambist
+n10118844 gambler
+n10119609 gamine
+n10120330 garbage man, garbageman, garbage collector, garbage carter, garbage hauler, refuse collector, dustman
+n10120671 gardener
+n10121026 garment cutter
+n10121246 garroter, garrotter, strangler, throttler, choker
+n10121714 gasman
+n10121800 gastroenterologist
+n10122300 gatherer
+n10122531 gawker
+n10123122 gendarme
+n10123844 general, full general
+n10126177 generator, source, author
+n10126424 geneticist
+n10126708 genitor
+n10127186 gent
+n10127689 geologist
+n10128519 geophysicist
+n10128748 ghostwriter, ghost
+n10129338 Gibson girl
+n10129825 girl, miss, missy, young lady, young woman, fille
+n10130686 girlfriend, girl, lady friend
+n10130877 girlfriend
+n10131151 girl wonder
+n10131268 Girondist, Girondin
+n10131590 gitano
+n10131815 gladiator
+n10132035 glassblower
+n10132502 gleaner
+n10134178 goat herder, goatherd
+n10134396 godchild
+n10134760 godfather
+n10134982 godparent
+n10135129 godson
+n10135197 gofer
+n10135297 goffer, gopher
+n10136615 goldsmith, goldworker, gold-worker
+n10136959 golfer, golf player, linksman
+n10137825 gondolier, gondoliere
+n10138369 good guy
+n10138472 good old boy, good ole boy, good ol' boy
+n10139077 good Samaritan
+n10139651 gossip columnist
+n10140051 gouger
+n10140597 governor general
+n10140683 grabber
+n10140783 grader
+n10140929 graduate nurse, trained nurse
+n10141364 grammarian, syntactician
+n10141732 granddaughter
+n10142166 grande dame
+n10142391 grandfather, gramps, granddad, grandad, granddaddy, grandpa
+n10142537 Grand Inquisitor
+n10142747 grandma, grandmother, granny, grannie, gran, nan, nanna
+n10142946 grandmaster
+n10143172 grandparent
+n10143595 grantee
+n10143725 granter
+n10144338 grass widower, divorced man
+n10145239 great-aunt, grandaunt
+n10145340 great grandchild
+n10145480 great granddaughter
+n10145590 great grandmother
+n10145774 great grandparent
+n10145902 great grandson
+n10146002 great-nephew, grandnephew
+n10146104 great-niece, grandniece
+n10146416 Green Beret
+n10146816 grenadier, grenade thrower
+n10146927 greeter, saluter, welcomer
+n10147121 gringo
+n10147262 grinner
+n10147710 grocer
+n10147935 groom, bridegroom
+n10148035 groom, bridegroom
+n10148305 grouch, grump, crank, churl, crosspatch
+n10148825 group captain
+n10149436 grunter
+n10149867 prison guard, jailer, jailor, gaoler, screw, turnkey
+n10150071 guard
+n10150794 guesser
+n10150940 guest, invitee
+n10151133 guest
+n10151261 guest of honor
+n10151367 guest worker, guestworker
+n10151570 guide
+n10151760 guitarist, guitar player
+n10152306 gunnery sergeant
+n10152616 guru
+n10152763 guru
+n10153155 guvnor
+n10153414 guy, cat, hombre, bozo
+n10153594 gymnast
+n10153865 gym rat
+n10154013 gynecologist, gynaecologist, woman's doctor
+n10154186 Gypsy, Gipsy, Romany, Rommany, Romani, Roma, Bohemian
+n10154601 hack, drudge, hacker
+n10155222 hacker, cyber-terrorist, cyberpunk
+n10155600 haggler
+n10155849 hairdresser, hairstylist, stylist, styler
+n10156629 hakim, hakeem
+n10156831 Hakka
+n10157016 halberdier
+n10157128 halfback
+n10157271 half blood
+n10158506 hand
+n10159045 animal trainer, handler
+n10159289 handyman, jack of all trades, odd-job man
+n10159533 hang glider
+n10160188 hardliner
+n10160280 harlequin
+n10160412 harmonizer, harmoniser
+n10161622 hash head
+n10162016 hatchet man, iceman
+n10162194 hater
+n10162354 hatmaker, hatter, milliner, modiste
+n10164025 headman, tribal chief, chieftain, chief
+n10164233 headmaster, schoolmaster, master
+n10164492 head nurse
+n10165448 hearer, listener, auditor, attender
+n10166189 heartbreaker
+n10166394 heathen, pagan, gentile, infidel
+n10167152 heavyweight
+n10167361 heavy
+n10167565 heckler, badgerer
+n10167838 hedger
+n10168012 hedger, equivocator, tergiversator
+n10168183 hedonist, pagan, pleasure seeker
+n10168584 heir, inheritor, heritor
+n10168837 heir apparent
+n10169147 heiress, inheritress, inheritrix
+n10169241 heir presumptive
+n10169419 hellion, heller, devil
+n10169796 helmsman, steersman, steerer
+n10170060 hire
+n10170681 hematologist, haematologist
+n10170866 hemiplegic
+n10171219 herald, trumpeter
+n10171456 herbalist, herb doctor
+n10171567 herder, herdsman, drover
+n10172080 hermaphrodite, intersex, gynandromorph, androgyne, epicene, epicene person
+n10173410 heroine
+n10173579 heroin addict
+n10173665 hero worshiper, hero worshipper
+n10173771 Herr
+n10174253 highbinder
+n10174330 highbrow
+n10174445 high commissioner
+n10174589 highflier, highflyer
+n10174695 Highlander, Scottish Highlander, Highland Scot
+n10174971 high-muck-a-muck, pooh-bah
+n10175248 high priest
+n10175725 highjacker, hijacker
+n10176913 hireling, pensionary
+n10177150 historian, historiographer
+n10178077 hitchhiker
+n10178216 hitter, striker
+n10179069 hobbyist
+n10180580 holdout
+n10180791 holdover, hangover
+n10180923 holdup man, stickup man
+n10181445 homeboy
+n10181547 homeboy
+n10181799 home buyer
+n10181878 homegirl
+n10182190 homeless, homeless person
+n10182402 homeopath, homoeopath
+n10183347 honest woman
+n10183931 honor guard, guard of honor
+n10184505 hooker
+n10185148 hoper
+n10185483 hornist
+n10185793 horseman, equestrian, horseback rider
+n10186068 horse trader
+n10186143 horsewoman
+n10186216 horse wrangler, wrangler
+n10186350 horticulturist, plantsman
+n10186686 hospital chaplain
+n10186774 host, innkeeper, boniface
+n10187130 host
+n10187491 hostess
+n10187990 hotelier, hotelkeeper, hotel manager, hotelman, hosteller
+n10188715 housekeeper
+n10188856 housemaster
+n10188957 housemate
+n10189278 house physician, resident, resident physician
+n10189597 house sitter
+n10190122 housing commissioner
+n10190516 huckster, cheap-jack
+n10191001 hugger
+n10191388 humanist, humanitarian
+n10191613 humanitarian, do-gooder, improver
+n10192839 hunk
+n10193650 huntress
+n10194231 ex-husband, ex
+n10194775 hydrologist
+n10195056 hyperope
+n10195155 hypertensive
+n10195261 hypnotist, hypnotizer, hypnotiser, mesmerist, mesmerizer
+n10195593 hypocrite, dissembler, dissimulator, phony, phoney, pretender
+n10196404 iceman
+n10196725 iconoclast
+n10197392 ideologist, ideologue
+n10198437 idol, matinee idol
+n10198832 idolizer, idoliser
+n10199251 imam, imaum
+n10200246 imperialist
+n10200781 important person, influential person, personage
+n10202225 inamorato
+n10202624 incumbent, officeholder
+n10202763 incurable
+n10203949 inductee
+n10204177 industrialist
+n10204833 infanticide
+n10205231 inferior
+n10205344 infernal
+n10205457 infielder
+n10205714 infiltrator
+n10206173 informer, betrayer, rat, squealer, blabber
+n10206506 ingenue
+n10206629 ingenue
+n10207077 polymath
+n10207169 in-law, relative-in-law
+n10208189 inquiry agent
+n10208847 inspector
+n10208950 inspector general
+n10209082 instigator, initiator
+n10209731 insurance broker, insurance agent, general agent, underwriter
+n10210137 insurgent, insurrectionist, freedom fighter, rebel
+n10210512 intelligence analyst
+n10210648 interior designer, designer, interior decorator, house decorator, room decorator, decorator
+n10210911 interlocutor, conversational partner
+n10211036 interlocutor, middleman
+n10211666 International Grandmaster
+n10211830 internationalist
+n10212231 internist
+n10212501 interpreter, translator
+n10212780 interpreter
+n10213034 intervenor
+n10213429 introvert
+n10214062 invader, encroacher
+n10214390 invalidator, voider, nullifier
+n10215623 investigator
+n10216106 investor
+n10216403 invigilator
+n10217208 irreligionist
+n10218043 Ivy Leaguer
+n10218164 Jack of all trades
+n10218292 Jacksonian
+n10219240 Jane Doe
+n10219453 janissary
+n10219879 Jat
+n10220080 Javanese, Javan
+n10220924 Jekyll and Hyde
+n10221312 jester, fool, motley fool
+n10221520 Jesuit
+n10222170 jezebel
+n10222259 jilt
+n10222497 jobber, middleman, wholesaler
+n10222716 job candidate
+n10223069 Job's comforter
+n10223177 jockey
+n10223606 John Doe
+n10224578 journalist
+n10225219 judge, justice, jurist
+n10225931 judge advocate
+n10226413 juggler
+n10227166 Jungian
+n10227266 junior
+n10227393 junior
+n10227490 Junior, Jr, Jnr
+n10227698 junior lightweight
+n10227793 junior middleweight
+n10227985 jurist, legal expert
+n10228278 juror, juryman, jurywoman
+n10228468 justice of the peace
+n10228592 justiciar, justiciary
+n10228712 kachina
+n10229883 keyboardist
+n10230216 Khedive
+n10233248 kingmaker
+n10235024 king, queen, world-beater
+n10235269 King's Counsel
+n10235385 Counsel to the Crown
+n10236304 kin, kinsperson, family
+n10236521 enate, matrikin, matrilineal kin, matrisib, matrilineal sib
+n10236842 kink
+n10237069 kinswoman
+n10237196 kisser, osculator
+n10237464 kitchen help
+n10237556 kitchen police, KP
+n10237676 Klansman, Ku Kluxer, Kluxer
+n10237799 kleptomaniac
+n10238272 kneeler
+n10238375 knight
+n10239928 knocker
+n10240082 knower, apprehender
+n10240235 know-it-all, know-all
+n10240417 kolkhoznik
+n10240821 Kshatriya
+n10241024 labor coach, birthing coach, doula, monitrice
+n10241300 laborer, manual laborer, labourer, jack
+n10242328 Labourite
+n10243137 lady
+n10243273 lady-in-waiting
+n10243483 lady's maid
+n10243664 lama
+n10243872 lamb, dear
+n10244108 lame duck
+n10244359 lamplighter
+n10244913 land agent
+n10245029 landgrave
+n10245341 landlubber, lubber, landsman
+n10245507 landlubber, landsman, landman
+n10245639 landowner, landholder, property owner
+n10245863 landscape architect, landscape gardener, landscaper, landscapist
+n10246317 langlaufer
+n10246395 languisher
+n10246703 lapidary, lapidarist
+n10247358 lass, lassie, young girl, jeune fille
+n10247880 Latin
+n10248008 Latin
+n10248198 latitudinarian
+n10248377 Jehovah's Witness
+n10249191 law agent
+n10249270 lawgiver, lawmaker
+n10249459 lawman, law officer, peace officer
+n10249869 law student
+n10249950 lawyer, attorney
+n10250712 lay reader
+n10251329 lazybones
+n10251612 leaker
+n10252075 leaseholder, lessee
+n10252222 lector, lecturer, reader
+n10252354 lector, reader
+n10252547 lecturer
+n10253122 left-hander, lefty, southpaw
+n10253296 legal representative
+n10253479 legate, official emissary
+n10253611 legatee
+n10253703 legionnaire, legionary
+n10255459 letterman
+n10257221 liberator
+n10258602 licenser
+n10258786 licentiate
+n10259348 lieutenant
+n10259780 lieutenant colonel, light colonel
+n10259997 lieutenant commander
+n10260473 lieutenant junior grade, lieutenant JG
+n10260706 life
+n10260800 lifeguard, lifesaver
+n10261211 life tenant
+n10261511 light flyweight
+n10261624 light heavyweight, cruiserweight
+n10261862 light heavyweight
+n10262343 light-o'-love, light-of-love
+n10262445 lightweight
+n10262561 lightweight
+n10262655 lightweight
+n10262880 lilliputian
+n10263146 limnologist
+n10263411 lineman
+n10263790 line officer
+n10265281 lion-hunter
+n10265801 lisper
+n10265891 lister
+n10266016 literary critic
+n10266328 literate, literate person
+n10266848 litigant, litigator
+n10267166 litterer, litterbug, litter lout
+n10267311 little brother
+n10267865 little sister
+n10268629 lobbyist
+n10269199 locksmith
+n10269289 locum tenens, locum
+n10271677 Lord, noble, nobleman
+n10272782 loser
+n10272913 loser, also-ran
+n10273064 failure, loser, nonstarter, unsuccessful person
+n10274173 Lothario
+n10274318 loudmouth, blusterer
+n10274815 lowerclassman, underclassman
+n10275249 Lowlander, Scottish Lowlander, Lowland Scot
+n10275395 loyalist, stalwart
+n10275848 Luddite
+n10276045 lumberman, lumberjack, logger, feller, faller
+n10276477 lumper
+n10276942 bedlamite
+n10277027 pyromaniac
+n10277638 lutist, lutanist, lutenist
+n10277815 Lutheran
+n10277912 lyricist, lyrist
+n10278456 macebearer, mace, macer
+n10279018 machinist, mechanic, shop mechanic
+n10279778 madame
+n10280034 maenad
+n10280130 maestro, master
+n10280598 magdalen
+n10280674 magician, prestidigitator, conjurer, conjuror, illusionist
+n10281546 magus
+n10281770 maharani, maharanee
+n10281896 mahatma
+n10282482 maid, maiden
+n10282672 maid, maidservant, housemaid, amah
+n10283170 major
+n10283366 major
+n10283546 major-domo, seneschal
+n10284064 maker, shaper
+n10284871 malahini
+n10284965 malcontent
+n10286282 malik
+n10286539 malingerer, skulker, shammer
+n10286749 Malthusian
+n10288964 adonis
+n10289039 man
+n10289176 man
+n10289462 manageress
+n10289766 mandarin
+n10290422 maneuverer, manoeuvrer
+n10290541 maniac
+n10290813 Manichaean, Manichean, Manichee
+n10290919 manicurist
+n10291110 manipulator
+n10291469 man-at-arms
+n10291822 man of action, man of deeds
+n10291942 man of letters
+n10292316 manufacturer, producer
+n10293332 marcher, parader
+n10293590 marchioness, marquise
+n10293861 margrave
+n10294020 margrave
+n10294139 Marine, devil dog, leatherneck, shipboard soldier
+n10295371 marquess
+n10295479 marquis, marquess
+n10296176 marshal, marshall
+n10296444 martinet, disciplinarian, moralist
+n10297234 mascot
+n10297367 masochist
+n10297531 mason, stonemason
+n10297841 masquerader, masker, masquer
+n10298202 masseur
+n10298271 masseuse
+n10298647 master
+n10298912 master, captain, sea captain, skipper
+n10299125 master-at-arms
+n10299250 master of ceremonies, emcee, host
+n10299700 masturbator, onanist
+n10299875 matchmaker, matcher, marriage broker
+n10300041 mate, first mate
+n10300154 mate
+n10300303 mate
+n10300500 mater
+n10300654 material
+n10300829 materialist
+n10302576 matriarch, materfamilias
+n10302700 matriarch
+n10302905 matriculate
+n10303037 matron
+n10303814 mayor, city manager
+n10304086 mayoress
+n10304650 mechanical engineer
+n10304914 medalist, medallist, medal winner
+n10305635 medical officer, medic
+n10305802 medical practitioner, medical man
+n10306004 medical scientist
+n10306279 medium, spiritualist, sensitive
+n10306496 megalomaniac
+n10306595 melancholic, melancholiac
+n10306890 Melkite, Melchite
+n10307114 melter
+n10308066 nonmember
+n10308168 board member
+n10308275 clansman, clanswoman, clan member
+n10308504 memorizer, memoriser
+n10308653 Mendelian
+n10308732 mender, repairer, fixer
+n10310783 Mesoamerican
+n10311506 messmate
+n10311661 mestiza
+n10312287 meteorologist
+n10312491 meter maid
+n10312600 Methodist
+n10313000 Metis
+n10313239 metropolitan
+n10313441 mezzo-soprano, mezzo
+n10313724 microeconomist, microeconomic expert
+n10314054 middle-aged man
+n10314182 middlebrow
+n10314517 middleweight
+n10314836 midwife, accoucheuse
+n10315217 mikado, tenno
+n10315456 Milanese
+n10315561 miler
+n10315730 miles gloriosus
+n10316360 military attache
+n10316527 military chaplain, padre, Holy Joe, sky pilot
+n10316862 military leader
+n10317007 military officer, officer
+n10317500 military policeman, MP
+n10317963 mill agent
+n10318293 mill-hand, factory worker
+n10318607 millionairess
+n10318686 millwright
+n10319313 minder
+n10320484 mining engineer
+n10320863 minister, government minister
+n10321126 ministrant
+n10321340 minor leaguer, bush leaguer
+n10321632 Minuteman
+n10321882 misanthrope, misanthropist
+n10322238 misfit
+n10323634 mistress
+n10323752 mistress, kept woman, fancy woman
+n10323999 mixed-blood
+n10324560 model, poser
+n10325549 class act
+n10325774 modeler, modeller
+n10326776 modifier
+n10327143 molecular biologist
+n10327987 Monegasque, Monacan
+n10328123 monetarist
+n10328328 moneygrubber
+n10328437 moneymaker
+n10328696 Mongoloid
+n10328941 monolingual
+n10329035 monologist
+n10330593 moonlighter
+n10330931 moralist
+n10331098 morosoph
+n10331167 morris dancer
+n10331258 mortal enemy
+n10331347 mortgagee, mortgage holder
+n10331841 mortician, undertaker, funeral undertaker, funeral director
+n10332110 moss-trooper
+n10332385 mother, female parent
+n10332861 mother
+n10332953 mother
+n10333044 mother figure
+n10333165 mother hen
+n10333317 mother-in-law
+n10333439 mother's boy, mamma's boy, mama's boy
+n10333601 mother's daughter
+n10333838 motorcycle cop, motorcycle policeman, speed cop
+n10334009 motorcyclist
+n10334461 Mound Builder
+n10334782 mountebank, charlatan
+n10335246 mourner, griever, sorrower, lamenter
+n10335801 mouthpiece, mouth
+n10335931 mover
+n10336411 moviegoer, motion-picture fan
+n10336904 muffin man
+n10337488 mugwump, independent, fencesitter
+n10338231 Mullah, Mollah, Mulla
+n10338391 muncher
+n10339179 murderess
+n10339251 murder suspect
+n10339717 musher
+n10340312 musician, instrumentalist, player
+n10341243 musicologist
+n10341343 music teacher
+n10341446 musketeer
+n10341573 Muslimah
+n10341955 mutilator, maimer, mangler
+n10342180 mutineer
+n10342367 mute, deaf-mute, deaf-and-dumb person
+n10342543 mutterer, mumbler, murmurer
+n10342893 muzzler
+n10342992 Mycenaen
+n10343088 mycologist
+n10343355 myope
+n10343449 myrmidon
+n10343554 mystic, religious mystic
+n10343869 mythologist
+n10344121 naif
+n10344203 nailer
+n10344319 namby-pamby
+n10344656 name dropper
+n10344774 namer
+n10345015 nan
+n10345100 nanny, nursemaid, nurse
+n10345302 narc, nark, narcotics agent
+n10345422 narcissist, narcist
+n10345659 nark, copper's nark
+n10346015 nationalist
+n10347204 nautch girl
+n10347446 naval commander
+n10348526 Navy SEAL, SEAL
+n10349243 obstructionist, obstructor, obstructer, resister, thwarter
+n10349750 Nazarene
+n10349836 Nazarene, Ebionite
+n10350220 Nazi, German Nazi
+n10350774 nebbish, nebbech
+n10351064 necker
+n10353016 neonate, newborn, newborn infant, newborn baby
+n10353355 nephew
+n10353928 neurobiologist
+n10354265 neurologist, brain doctor
+n10354754 neurosurgeon, brain surgeon
+n10355142 neutral
+n10355306 neutralist
+n10355449 newcomer, fledgling, fledgeling, starter, neophyte, freshman, newbie, entrant
+n10355688 newcomer
+n10355806 New Dealer
+n10356450 newspaper editor
+n10356877 newsreader, news reader
+n10357012 Newtonian
+n10357613 niece
+n10357737 niggard, skinflint, scrooge, churl
+n10358032 night porter
+n10358124 night rider, nightrider
+n10358575 NIMBY
+n10359117 niqaabi
+n10359422 nitpicker
+n10359546 Nobelist, Nobel Laureate
+n10359659 NOC
+n10360366 noncandidate
+n10360747 noncommissioned officer, noncom, enlisted officer
+n10361060 nondescript
+n10361194 nondriver
+n10361296 nonparticipant
+n10361525 nonperson, unperson
+n10362003 nonresident
+n10362319 nonsmoker
+n10362557 Northern Baptist
+n10363445 noticer
+n10363573 novelist
+n10364198 novitiate, novice
+n10364502 nuclear chemist, radiochemist
+n10365514 nudger
+n10366145 nullipara
+n10366276 number theorist
+n10366966 nurse
+n10368291 nursling, nurseling, suckling
+n10368528 nymph, houri
+n10368624 nymphet
+n10368711 nympholept
+n10368798 nymphomaniac, nympho
+n10369095 oarswoman
+n10369317 oboist
+n10369417 obscurantist
+n10369528 observer, commentator
+n10369699 obstetrician, accoucheur
+n10369955 occupier
+n10370381 occultist
+n10370955 wine lover
+n10371052 offerer, offeror
+n10371221 office-bearer
+n10371330 office boy
+n10371450 officeholder, officer
+n10373390 officiant
+n10373525 Federal, Fed, federal official
+n10374541 oilman
+n10374849 oil tycoon
+n10374943 old-age pensioner
+n10375052 old boy
+n10375314 old lady
+n10375402 old man
+n10376523 oldster, old person, senior citizen, golden ager
+n10376890 old-timer, oldtimer, gaffer, old geezer, antique
+n10377021 old woman
+n10377185 oligarch
+n10377291 Olympian
+n10377542 omnivore
+n10377633 oncologist
+n10378026 onlooker, looker-on
+n10378113 onomancer
+n10378780 operator
+n10379376 opportunist, self-seeker
+n10380126 optimist
+n10380499 Orangeman
+n10380672 orator, speechmaker, rhetorician, public speaker, speechifier
+n10381804 orderly, hospital attendant
+n10381981 orderly
+n10382157 orderly sergeant
+n10382302 ordinand
+n10382480 ordinary
+n10382710 organ-grinder
+n10382825 organist
+n10383094 organization man
+n10383237 organizer, organiser, arranger
+n10383505 organizer, organiser, labor organizer
+n10383816 originator, conceiver, mastermind
+n10384214 ornithologist, bird watcher
+n10384392 orphan
+n10384496 orphan
+n10385566 osteopath, osteopathist
+n10386196 out-and-outer
+n10386754 outdoorswoman
+n10386874 outfielder
+n10386984 outfielder
+n10387196 right fielder
+n10387324 right-handed pitcher, right-hander
+n10387836 outlier
+n10389865 owner-occupier
+n10389976 oyabun
+n10390600 packrat
+n10390698 padrone
+n10390807 padrone
+n10391416 page, pageboy
+n10393909 painter
+n10394434 Paleo-American, Paleo-Amerind, Paleo-Indian
+n10394786 paleontologist, palaeontologist, fossilist
+n10395073 pallbearer, bearer
+n10395209 palmist, palmister, chiromancer
+n10395390 pamperer, spoiler, coddler, mollycoddler
+n10395828 Panchen Lama
+n10396106 panelist, panellist
+n10396337 panhandler
+n10396727 paparazzo
+n10396908 paperboy
+n10397001 paperhanger, paperer
+n10397142 paperhanger
+n10397392 papoose, pappoose
+n10399130 pardoner
+n10400003 paretic
+n10400108 parishioner
+n10400205 park commissioner
+n10400437 Parliamentarian, Member of Parliament
+n10400618 parliamentary agent
+n10400998 parodist, lampooner
+n10401204 parricide
+n10401331 parrot
+n10401639 partaker, sharer
+n10402709 part-timer
+n10402824 party
+n10403633 party man, party liner
+n10403876 passenger, rider
+n10404426 passer
+n10404998 paster
+n10405540 pater
+n10405694 patient
+n10406266 patriarch
+n10406391 patriarch
+n10406765 patriarch, paterfamilias
+n10407310 patriot, nationalist
+n10407954 patron, sponsor, supporter
+n10408809 patternmaker
+n10409459 pawnbroker
+n10409752 payer, remunerator
+n10410246 peacekeeper
+n10410996 peasant
+n10411356 pedant, bookworm, scholastic
+n10411551 peddler, pedlar, packman, hawker, pitchman
+n10411867 pederast, paederast, child molester
+n10414239 penologist
+n10414768 pentathlete
+n10414865 Pentecostal, Pentecostalist
+n10415037 percussionist
+n10416567 periodontist
+n10417288 peshmerga
+n10417424 personality
+n10417551 personal representative
+n10417682 personage
+n10417843 persona grata
+n10417969 persona non grata
+n10418101 personification
+n10418735 perspirer, sweater
+n10419047 pervert, deviant, deviate, degenerate
+n10419472 pessimist
+n10419630 pest, blighter, cuss, pesterer, gadfly
+n10419785 Peter Pan
+n10420031 petitioner, suppliant, supplicant, requester
+n10420277 petit juror, petty juror
+n10420507 pet sitter, critter sitter
+n10420649 petter, fondler
+n10421016 Pharaoh, Pharaoh of Egypt
+n10421470 pharmacist, druggist, chemist, apothecary, pill pusher, pill roller
+n10421956 philanthropist, altruist
+n10422405 philatelist, stamp collector
+n10425946 philosopher
+n10426454 phonetician
+n10426630 phonologist
+n10427223 photojournalist
+n10427359 photometrist, photometrician
+n10427764 physical therapist, physiotherapist
+n10428004 physicist
+n10431122 piano maker
+n10431625 picker, chooser, selector
+n10432189 picnicker, picknicker
+n10432441 pilgrim
+n10432875 pill
+n10432957 pillar, mainstay
+n10433077 pill head
+n10433452 pilot
+n10433610 Piltdown man, Piltdown hoax
+n10433737 pimp, procurer, panderer, pander, pandar, fancy man, ponce
+n10435169 pipe smoker
+n10435251 pip-squeak, squirt, small fry
+n10435716 pisser, urinator
+n10435988 pitcher, hurler, twirler
+n10436334 pitchman
+n10437014 placeman, placeseeker
+n10437137 placer miner
+n10437262 plagiarist, plagiarizer, plagiariser, literary pirate, pirate
+n10437698 plainsman
+n10438172 planner, contriver, deviser
+n10438619 planter, plantation owner
+n10438842 plasterer
+n10439373 platinum blond, platinum blonde
+n10439523 platitudinarian
+n10439727 playboy, man-about-town, Corinthian
+n10439851 player, participant
+n10441037 playmate, playfellow
+n10441124 pleaser
+n10441694 pledger
+n10441962 plenipotentiary
+n10442093 plier, plyer
+n10442232 plodder, slowpoke, stick-in-the-mud, slowcoach
+n10442417 plodder, slogger
+n10442573 plotter, mapper
+n10443032 plumber, pipe fitter
+n10443659 pluralist
+n10443830 pluralist
+n10444194 poet
+n10448322 pointsman
+n10448455 point woman
+n10449664 policyholder
+n10450038 political prisoner
+n10450161 political scientist
+n10450303 politician, politico, pol, political leader
+n10451450 politician
+n10451590 pollster, poll taker, headcounter, canvasser
+n10451858 polluter, defiler
+n10453184 pool player
+n10455619 portraitist, portrait painter, portrayer, limner
+n10456070 poseuse
+n10456138 positivist, rationalist
+n10456696 postdoc, post doc
+n10457214 poster girl
+n10457444 postulator
+n10457903 private citizen
+n10458111 problem solver, solver, convergent thinker
+n10458356 pro-lifer
+n10458596 prosthetist
+n10459882 postulant
+n10460033 potboy, potman
+n10461060 poultryman, poulterer
+n10462588 power user
+n10462751 power worker, power-station worker
+n10462860 practitioner, practician
+n10464052 prayer, supplicant
+n10464542 preceptor, don
+n10464711 predecessor
+n10464870 preemptor, pre-emptor
+n10465002 preemptor, pre-emptor
+n10465451 premature baby, preterm baby, premature infant, preterm infant, preemie, premie
+n10465831 presbyter
+n10466198 presenter, sponsor
+n10466564 presentist
+n10466918 preserver
+n10467179 president
+n10467395 President of the United States, United States President, President, Chief Executive
+n10468750 president, prexy
+n10469611 press agent, publicity man, public relations man, PR man
+n10469874 press photographer
+n10470779 priest
+n10471640 prima ballerina
+n10471732 prima donna, diva
+n10471859 prima donna
+n10472129 primigravida, gravida I
+n10472447 primordial dwarf, hypoplastic dwarf, true dwarf, normal dwarf
+n10473453 prince charming
+n10473562 prince consort
+n10473789 princeling
+n10473917 Prince of Wales
+n10474064 princess
+n10474343 princess royal
+n10474446 principal, dealer
+n10474645 principal, school principal, head teacher, head
+n10475835 print seller
+n10475940 prior
+n10476467 private, buck private, common soldier
+n10477713 probationer, student nurse
+n10477955 processor
+n10478118 process-server
+n10478293 proconsul
+n10478462 proconsul
+n10478827 proctologist
+n10478960 proctor, monitor
+n10479135 procurator
+n10479328 procurer, securer
+n10481167 profit taker
+n10481268 programmer, computer programmer, coder, software engineer
+n10482054 promiser, promisor
+n10482220 promoter, booster, plugger
+n10482587 promulgator
+n10482921 propagandist
+n10483138 propagator, disseminator
+n10483395 property man, propman, property master
+n10483799 prophetess
+n10483890 prophet
+n10484858 prosecutor, public prosecutor, prosecuting officer, prosecuting attorney
+n10485298 prospector
+n10485883 protectionist
+n10486166 protegee
+n10486236 protozoologist
+n10486561 provost marshal
+n10487182 pruner, trimmer
+n10487363 psalmist
+n10487592 psephologist
+n10488016 psychiatrist, head-shrinker, shrink
+n10488309 psychic
+n10488656 psycholinguist
+n10489426 psychophysicist
+n10490421 publican, tavern keeper
+n10491998 pudge
+n10492086 puerpera
+n10492727 punching bag
+n10493199 punter
+n10493419 punter
+n10493685 puppeteer
+n10493835 puppy, pup
+n10493922 purchasing agent
+n10494195 puritan
+n10494373 Puritan
+n10495167 pursuer
+n10495421 pusher, shover
+n10495555 pusher, drug peddler, peddler, drug dealer, drug trafficker
+n10495756 pusher, thruster
+n10496393 putz
+n10496489 Pygmy, Pigmy
+n10497135 qadi
+n10497534 quadriplegic
+n10497645 quadruplet, quad
+n10498046 quaker, trembler
+n10498699 quarter
+n10498816 quarterback, signal caller, field general
+n10498986 quartermaster
+n10499110 quartermaster general
+n10499232 Quebecois
+n10499355 queen, queen regnant, female monarch
+n10499631 Queen of England
+n10499857 queen
+n10500217 queen
+n10500419 queen consort
+n10500603 queen mother
+n10500824 Queen's Counsel
+n10500942 question master, quizmaster
+n10501453 quick study, sponge
+n10501635 quietist
+n10502046 quitter
+n10502329 rabbi
+n10502950 racist, racialist
+n10503818 radiobiologist
+n10504090 radiologic technologist
+n10504206 radiologist, radiotherapist
+n10505347 rainmaker
+n10505613 raiser
+n10505732 raja, rajah
+n10505942 rake, rakehell, profligate, rip, blood, roue
+n10506336 ramrod
+n10506544 ranch hand
+n10506915 ranker
+n10507070 ranter, raver
+n10507380 rape suspect
+n10507482 rapper
+n10507565 rapporteur
+n10507692 rare bird, rara avis
+n10508141 ratepayer
+n10508379 raw recruit
+n10508710 reader
+n10509063 reading teacher
+n10509161 realist
+n10509810 real estate broker, real estate agent, estate agent, land agent, house agent
+n10510245 rear admiral
+n10510974 receiver
+n10511771 reciter
+n10512201 recruit, enlistee
+n10512372 recruit, military recruit
+n10512708 recruiter
+n10512859 recruiting-sergeant
+n10513509 redcap
+n10513823 redhead, redheader, red-header, carrottop
+n10513938 redneck, cracker
+n10514051 reeler
+n10514121 reenactor
+n10514255 referral
+n10514429 referee, ref
+n10514784 refiner
+n10515863 Reform Jew
+n10516527 registered nurse, RN
+n10517137 registrar
+n10517283 Regius professor
+n10518349 reliever, allayer, comforter
+n10519126 anchorite, hermit
+n10519494 religious leader
+n10519984 remover
+n10520286 Renaissance man, generalist
+n10520544 renegade
+n10520964 rentier
+n10521100 repairman, maintenance man, service man
+n10521662 reporter, newsman, newsperson
+n10521853 newswoman
+n10522035 representative
+n10522324 reprobate, miscreant
+n10522759 rescuer, recoverer, saver
+n10523341 reservist
+n10524076 resident commissioner
+n10524223 respecter
+n10524869 restaurateur, restauranter
+n10525134 restrainer, controller
+n10525436 retailer, retail merchant
+n10525617 retiree, retired person
+n10525878 returning officer
+n10526534 revenant
+n10527147 revisionist
+n10527334 revolutionist, revolutionary, subversive, subverter
+n10528023 rheumatologist
+n10528148 Rhodesian man, Homo rhodesiensis
+n10528493 rhymer, rhymester, versifier, poetizer, poetiser
+n10529231 rich person, wealthy person, have
+n10530150 rider
+n10530383 riding master
+n10530571 rifleman
+n10530959 right-hander, right hander, righthander
+n10531109 right-hand man, chief assistant, man Friday
+n10531445 ringer
+n10531838 ringleader
+n10533874 roadman, road mender
+n10533983 roarer, bawler, bellower, screamer, screecher, shouter, yeller
+n10536134 rocket engineer, rocket scientist
+n10536274 rocket scientist
+n10536416 rock star
+n10537708 Romanov, Romanoff
+n10537906 romanticist, romantic
+n10538629 ropemaker, rope-maker, roper
+n10538733 roper
+n10538853 roper
+n10539015 ropewalker, ropedancer
+n10539160 rosebud
+n10539278 Rosicrucian
+n10540114 Mountie
+n10540252 Rough Rider
+n10540656 roundhead
+n10541833 civil authority, civil officer
+n10542608 runner
+n10542761 runner
+n10542888 runner
+n10543161 running back
+n10543937 rusher
+n10544232 rustic
+n10544748 saboteur, wrecker, diversionist
+n10545792 sadist
+n10546428 sailing master, navigator
+n10546633 sailor, crewman
+n10548419 salesgirl, saleswoman, saleslady
+n10548537 salesman
+n10548681 salesperson, sales representative, sales rep
+n10549510 salvager, salvor
+n10550252 sandwichman
+n10550369 sangoma
+n10550468 sannup
+n10551576 sapper
+n10552393 Sassenach
+n10553140 satrap
+n10553235 saunterer, stroller, ambler
+n10554024 Savoyard
+n10554141 sawyer
+n10554846 scalper
+n10555059 scandalmonger
+n10555430 scapegrace, black sheep
+n10556033 scene painter
+n10556518 schemer, plotter
+n10556704 schizophrenic
+n10556825 schlemiel, shlemiel
+n10557246 schlockmeister, shlockmeister
+n10557854 scholar, scholarly person, bookman, student
+n10559009 scholiast
+n10559288 schoolchild, school-age child, pupil
+n10559508 schoolfriend
+n10559683 Schoolman, medieval Schoolman
+n10559996 schoolmaster
+n10560106 schoolmate, classmate, schoolfellow, class fellow
+n10560637 scientist
+n10561222 scion
+n10561320 scoffer, flouter, mocker, jeerer
+n10561736 scofflaw
+n10562135 scorekeeper, scorer
+n10562283 scorer
+n10562509 scourer
+n10562968 scout, talent scout
+n10563314 scoutmaster
+n10563403 scrambler
+n10563711 scratcher
+n10564098 screen actor, movie actor
+n10565502 scrutineer, canvasser
+n10565667 scuba diver
+n10566072 sculptor, sculpturer, carver, statue maker
+n10567613 Sea Scout
+n10567722 seasonal worker, seasonal
+n10567848 seasoner
+n10568200 second baseman, second sacker
+n10568358 second cousin
+n10568443 seconder
+n10568608 second fiddle, second banana
+n10568915 second-in-command
+n10569011 second lieutenant, 2nd lieutenant
+n10569179 second-rater, mediocrity
+n10570019 secretary
+n10570704 Secretary of Agriculture, Agriculture Secretary
+n10571907 Secretary of Health and Human Services
+n10572706 Secretary of State
+n10572889 Secretary of the Interior, Interior Secretary
+n10573957 sectarian, sectary, sectarist
+n10574311 section hand
+n10574538 secularist
+n10574840 security consultant
+n10575463 seeded player, seed
+n10575594 seeder, cloud seeder
+n10575787 seeker, searcher, quester
+n10576223 segregate
+n10576316 segregator, segregationist
+n10576676 selectman
+n10576818 selectwoman
+n10576962 selfish person
+n10577182 self-starter
+n10577284 seller, marketer, vender, vendor, trafficker
+n10577710 selling agent
+n10577820 semanticist, semiotician
+n10578021 semifinalist
+n10578162 seminarian, seminarist
+n10578471 senator
+n10578656 sendee
+n10579062 senior
+n10579549 senior vice president
+n10580030 separatist, separationist
+n10580437 septuagenarian
+n10580535 serf, helot, villein
+n10581648 spree killer
+n10581890 serjeant-at-law, serjeant, sergeant-at-law, sergeant
+n10582604 server
+n10582746 serviceman, military man, man, military personnel
+n10583387 settler, colonist
+n10583790 settler
+n10585077 sex symbol
+n10585217 sexton, sacristan
+n10585628 shaheed
+n10586166 Shakespearian, Shakespearean
+n10586265 shanghaier, seizer
+n10586444 sharecropper, cropper, sharecrop farmer
+n10586903 shaver
+n10586998 Shavian
+n10588074 sheep
+n10588357 sheik, tribal sheik, sheikh, tribal sheikh, Arab chief
+n10588724 shelver
+n10588965 shepherd
+n10589666 ship-breaker
+n10590146 shipmate
+n10590239 shipowner
+n10590452 shipping agent
+n10590903 shirtmaker
+n10591072 shogun
+n10591811 shopaholic
+n10592049 shop girl
+n10592811 shop steward, steward
+n10593521 shot putter
+n10594147 shrew, termagant
+n10594523 shuffler
+n10594857 shyster, pettifogger
+n10595164 sibling, sib
+n10595647 sick person, diseased person, sufferer
+n10596517 sightreader
+n10596899 signaler, signaller
+n10597505 signer
+n10597745 signor, signior
+n10597889 signora
+n10598013 signore
+n10598181 signorina
+n10598459 silent partner, sleeping partner
+n10598904 addle-head, addlehead, loon, birdbrain
+n10599215 simperer
+n10599806 singer, vocalist, vocalizer, vocaliser
+n10601234 Sinologist
+n10601362 sipper
+n10602119 sirrah
+n10602470 Sister
+n10602985 sister, sis
+n10603528 waverer, vacillator, hesitator, hesitater
+n10603851 sitar player
+n10604275 sixth-former
+n10604380 skateboarder
+n10604634 skeptic, sceptic, doubter
+n10604880 sketcher
+n10604979 skidder
+n10605253 skier
+n10605737 skinny-dipper
+n10607291 skin-diver, aquanaut
+n10607478 skinhead
+n10609092 slasher
+n10609198 slattern, slut, slovenly woman, trollop
+n10610465 sleeper, slumberer
+n10610850 sleeper
+n10611267 sleeping beauty
+n10611613 sleuth, sleuthhound
+n10612210 slob, sloven, pig, slovenly person
+n10612373 sloganeer
+n10612518 slopseller, slop-seller
+n10613996 smasher, stunner, knockout, beauty, ravisher, sweetheart, peach, lulu, looker, mantrap, dish
+n10614507 smirker
+n10614629 smith, metalworker
+n10615179 smoothie, smoothy, sweet talker, charmer
+n10615334 smuggler, runner, contrabandist, moon curser, moon-curser
+n10616578 sneezer
+n10617024 snob, prig, snot, snoot
+n10617193 snoop, snooper
+n10617397 snorer
+n10618234 sob sister
+n10618342 soccer player
+n10618465 social anthropologist, cultural anthropologist
+n10618685 social climber, climber
+n10618848 socialist
+n10619492 socializer, socialiser
+n10619642 social scientist
+n10619888 social secretary
+n10620212 Socinian
+n10620586 sociolinguist
+n10620758 sociologist
+n10621294 soda jerk, soda jerker
+n10621400 sodalist
+n10621514 sodomite, sodomist, sod, bugger
+n10622053 soldier
+n10624074 son, boy
+n10624310 songster
+n10624437 songstress
+n10624540 songwriter, songster, ballad maker
+n10625860 sorcerer, magician, wizard, necromancer, thaumaturge, thaumaturgist
+n10626630 sorehead
+n10627252 soul mate
+n10628097 Southern Baptist
+n10628644 sovereign, crowned head, monarch
+n10629329 spacewalker
+n10629647 Spanish American, Hispanic American, Hispanic
+n10629939 sparring partner, sparring mate
+n10630093 spastic
+n10630188 speaker, talker, utterer, verbalizer, verbaliser
+n10631131 native speaker
+n10631309 Speaker
+n10631654 speechwriter
+n10632576 specialist, medical specialist
+n10633298 specifier
+n10633450 spectator, witness, viewer, watcher, looker
+n10634464 speech therapist
+n10634849 speedskater, speed skater
+n10634990 spellbinder
+n10635788 sphinx
+n10636488 spinster, old maid
+n10637483 split end
+n10638922 sport, sportsman, sportswoman
+n10639238 sport, summercater
+n10639359 sporting man, outdoor man
+n10639637 sports announcer, sportscaster, sports commentator
+n10639817 sports editor
+n10641223 sprog
+n10642596 square dancer
+n10642705 square shooter, straight shooter, straight arrow
+n10643095 squatter
+n10643837 squire
+n10643937 squire
+n10644598 staff member, staffer
+n10645017 staff sergeant
+n10645223 stage director
+n10646032 stainer
+n10646140 stakeholder
+n10646433 stalker
+n10646641 stalking-horse
+n10646780 stammerer, stutterer
+n10646942 stamper, stomper, tramper, trampler
+n10647745 standee
+n10648237 stand-in, substitute, relief, reliever, backup, backup man, fill-in
+n10648696 star, principal, lead
+n10649197 starlet
+n10649308 starter, dispatcher
+n10650162 statesman, solon, national leader
+n10652605 state treasurer
+n10652703 stationer, stationery seller
+n10654015 stenographer, amanuensis, shorthand typist
+n10654211 stentor
+n10654321 stepbrother, half-brother, half brother
+n10654827 stepmother
+n10654932 stepparent
+n10655169 stevedore, loader, longshoreman, docker, dockhand, dock worker, dockworker, dock-walloper, lumper
+n10655442 steward
+n10655594 steward, flight attendant
+n10655730 steward
+n10655986 stickler
+n10656120 stiff
+n10656223 stifler, smotherer
+n10656969 stipendiary, stipendiary magistrate
+n10657306 stitcher
+n10657556 stockjobber
+n10657835 stock trader
+n10658304 stockist
+n10659042 stoker, fireman
+n10659762 stooper
+n10660128 store detective
+n10660621 strafer
+n10660883 straight man, second banana
+n10661002 stranger, alien, unknown
+n10661216 stranger
+n10661563 strategist, strategian
+n10661732 straw boss, assistant foreman
+n10663315 streetwalker, street girl, hooker, hustler, floozy, floozie, slattern
+n10663549 stretcher-bearer, litter-bearer
+n10665302 struggler
+n10665587 stud, he-man, macho-man
+n10665698 student, pupil, educatee
+n10666752 stumblebum, palooka
+n10667477 stylist
+n10667709 subaltern
+n10667863 subcontractor
+n10668450 subduer, surmounter, overcomer
+n10668666 subject, case, guinea pig
+n10669991 subordinate, subsidiary, underling, foot soldier
+n10671042 substitute, reserve, second-stringer
+n10671613 successor, heir
+n10671736 successor, replacement
+n10671898 succorer, succourer
+n10672371 Sufi
+n10672540 suffragan, suffragan bishop
+n10672662 suffragette
+n10673296 sugar daddy
+n10673776 suicide bomber
+n10674130 suitor, suer, wooer
+n10674713 sumo wrestler
+n10675010 sunbather
+n10675142 sundowner
+n10675609 super heavyweight
+n10676018 superior, higher-up, superordinate
+n10676434 supermom
+n10676569 supernumerary, spear carrier, extra
+n10678937 supremo
+n10679174 surgeon, operating surgeon, sawbones
+n10679503 Surgeon General
+n10679610 Surgeon General
+n10679723 surpriser
+n10680609 surveyor
+n10680796 surveyor
+n10681194 survivor, subsister
+n10681557 sutler, victualer, victualler, provisioner
+n10682713 sweeper
+n10682953 sweetheart, sweetie, steady, truelove
+n10683675 swinger, tramp
+n10684146 switcher, whipper
+n10684630 swot, grind, nerd, wonk, dweeb
+n10684827 sycophant, toady, crawler, lackey, ass-kisser
+n10685398 sylph
+n10686073 sympathizer, sympathiser, well-wisher
+n10686517 symphonist
+n10686694 syncopator
+n10686885 syndic
+n10688356 tactician
+n10688811 tagger
+n10689306 tailback
+n10690268 tallyman, tally clerk
+n10690421 tallyman
+n10690648 tanker, tank driver
+n10691318 tapper, wiretapper, phone tapper
+n10691937 Tartuffe, Tartufe
+n10692090 Tarzan
+n10692482 taster, taste tester, taste-tester, sampler
+n10692883 tax assessor, assessor
+n10693235 taxer
+n10693334 taxi dancer
+n10693824 taxonomist, taxonomer, systematist
+n10694258 teacher, instructor
+n10694939 teaching fellow
+n10695450 tearaway
+n10696101 technical sergeant
+n10696508 technician
+n10697135 Ted, Teddy boy
+n10697282 teetotaler, teetotaller, teetotalist
+n10698368 television reporter, television newscaster, TV reporter, TV newsman
+n10699558 temporizer, temporiser
+n10699752 tempter
+n10699981 term infant
+n10700105 toiler
+n10700201 tenant, renter
+n10700640 tenant
+n10700963 tenderfoot
+n10701180 tennis player
+n10701644 tennis pro, professional tennis player
+n10701962 tenor saxophonist, tenorist
+n10702167 termer
+n10702615 terror, scourge, threat
+n10703221 tertigravida, gravida III
+n10703336 testator, testate
+n10703480 testatrix
+n10703692 testee, examinee
+n10704238 test-tube baby
+n10704712 Texas Ranger, Ranger
+n10704886 thane
+n10705448 theatrical producer
+n10705615 theologian, theologist, theologizer, theologiser
+n10706812 theorist, theoretician, theorizer, theoriser, idealogue
+n10707134 theosophist
+n10707233 therapist, healer
+n10707707 Thessalonian
+n10708292 thinker, creative thinker, mind
+n10708454 thinker
+n10709529 thrower
+n10710171 thurifer
+n10710259 ticket collector, ticket taker
+n10710778 tight end
+n10710913 tiler
+n10711483 timekeeper, timer
+n10711766 Timorese
+n10712229 tinkerer, fiddler
+n10712374 tinsmith, tinner
+n10712474 tinter
+n10712690 tippler, social drinker
+n10712835 tipster, tout
+n10713254 T-man
+n10713686 toastmaster, symposiarch
+n10713843 toast mistress
+n10714195 tobogganist
+n10715030 tomboy, romp, hoyden
+n10715347 toolmaker
+n10715789 torchbearer
+n10716576 Tory
+n10716864 Tory
+n10717055 tosser
+n10717196 tosser, jerk-off, wanker
+n10717337 totalitarian
+n10718131 tourist, tourer, holidaymaker
+n10718349 tout, touter
+n10718509 tout, ticket tout
+n10718665 tovarich, tovarisch
+n10718952 towhead
+n10719036 town clerk
+n10719132 town crier, crier
+n10719267 townsman, towner
+n10719807 toxicologist
+n10720197 track star
+n10720453 trader, bargainer, dealer, monger
+n10720964 trade unionist, unionist, union member
+n10721124 traditionalist, diehard
+n10721321 traffic cop
+n10721612 tragedian
+n10721708 tragedian
+n10721819 tragedienne
+n10722029 trail boss
+n10722575 trainer
+n10722965 traitor, treasonist
+n10723230 traitress
+n10723597 transactor
+n10724132 transcriber
+n10724372 transfer, transferee
+n10724570 transferee
+n10725280 translator, transcriber
+n10726031 transvestite, cross-dresser
+n10726786 traveling salesman, travelling salesman, commercial traveler, commercial traveller, roadman, bagman
+n10727016 traverser
+n10727171 trawler
+n10727458 Treasury, First Lord of the Treasury
+n10728117 trencher
+n10728233 trend-setter, taste-maker, fashion arbiter
+n10728624 tribesman
+n10728998 trier, attempter, essayer
+n10729330 trifler
+n10730542 trooper
+n10730728 trooper, state trooper
+n10731013 Trotskyite, Trotskyist, Trot
+n10731732 truant, hooky player
+n10732010 trumpeter, cornetist
+n10732521 trusty
+n10732854 Tudor
+n10732967 tumbler
+n10733820 tutee
+n10734394 twin
+n10734741 two-timer
+n10734891 Tyke
+n10734963 tympanist, timpanist
+n10735173 typist
+n10735298 tyrant, autocrat, despot
+n10735984 umpire, ump
+n10737103 understudy, standby
+n10737264 undesirable
+n10738111 unicyclist
+n10738215 unilateralist
+n10738670 Unitarian
+n10738871 Arminian
+n10739135 universal donor
+n10739297 UNIX guru
+n10739391 Unknown Soldier
+n10740594 upsetter
+n10740732 upstager
+n10740868 upstart, parvenu, nouveau-riche, arriviste
+n10741152 upstart
+n10741367 urchin
+n10741493 urologist
+n10742005 usherette
+n10742111 usher, doorkeeper
+n10742546 usurper, supplanter
+n10742997 utility man
+n10743124 utilizer, utiliser
+n10743356 Utopian
+n10744078 uxoricide
+n10744164 vacationer, vacationist
+n10745006 valedictorian, valedictory speaker
+n10745770 valley girl
+n10746931 vaulter, pole vaulter, pole jumper
+n10747119 vegetarian
+n10747424 vegan
+n10747548 venerator
+n10747965 venture capitalist
+n10748142 venturer, merchant-venturer
+n10748506 vermin, varmint
+n10748620 very important person, VIP, high-up, dignitary, panjandrum, high muckamuck
+n10749928 vibist, vibraphonist
+n10750031 vicar
+n10750188 vicar
+n10750640 vicar-general
+n10751026 vice chancellor
+n10751152 vicegerent
+n10751265 vice president, V.P.
+n10751710 vice-regent
+n10752480 victim, dupe
+n10753061 Victorian
+n10753182 victualer, victualler
+n10753339 vigilante, vigilance man
+n10753442 villager
+n10753989 vintager
+n10754189 vintner, wine merchant
+n10754281 violator, debaucher, ravisher
+n10754449 violator, lawbreaker, law offender
+n10755080 violist
+n10755164 virago
+n10755394 virologist
+n10755648 Visayan, Bisayan
+n10756061 viscountess
+n10756148 viscount
+n10756261 Visigoth
+n10756641 visionary
+n10756837 visiting fireman
+n10757050 visiting professor
+n10757492 visualizer, visualiser
+n10758337 vixen, harpy, hellcat
+n10758445 vizier
+n10758949 voicer
+n10759151 volunteer, unpaid worker
+n10759331 volunteer, military volunteer, voluntary
+n10759982 votary
+n10760199 votary
+n10760622 vouchee
+n10760951 vower
+n10761190 voyager
+n10761326 voyeur, Peeping Tom, peeper
+n10761519 vulcanizer, vulcaniser
+n10762212 waffler
+n10762480 Wagnerian
+n10763075 waif, street child
+n10763245 wailer
+n10763383 waiter, server
+n10763620 waitress
+n10764465 walking delegate
+n10764622 walk-on
+n10764719 wallah
+n10765305 wally
+n10765587 waltzer
+n10765679 wanderer, roamer, rover, bird of passage
+n10765885 Wandering Jew
+n10766260 wanton
+n10768148 warrantee
+n10768272 warrantee
+n10768903 washer
+n10769084 washerman, laundryman
+n10769188 washwoman, washerwoman, laundrywoman, laundress
+n10769321 wassailer, carouser
+n10769459 wastrel, waster
+n10771066 Wave
+n10772092 weatherman, weather forecaster
+n10772580 weekend warrior
+n10772937 weeder
+n10773665 welder
+n10773800 welfare case, charity case
+n10774329 westerner
+n10774756 West-sider
+n10775003 wetter
+n10775128 whaler
+n10776052 Whig
+n10776339 whiner, complainer, moaner, sniveller, crybaby, bellyacher, grumbler, squawker
+n10776887 whipper-in
+n10777299 whisperer
+n10778044 whiteface
+n10778148 Carmelite, White Friar
+n10778711 Augustinian
+n10778999 white hope, great white hope
+n10779610 white supremacist
+n10779897 whoremaster, whoremonger
+n10779995 whoremaster, whoremonger, john, trick
+n10780284 widow, widow woman
+n10780632 wife, married woman
+n10781236 wiggler, wriggler, squirmer
+n10781817 wimp, chicken, crybaby
+n10782362 wing commander
+n10782471 winger
+n10782791 winner
+n10782940 winner, victor
+n10783240 window dresser, window trimmer
+n10783539 winker
+n10783646 wiper
+n10783734 wireman, wirer
+n10784113 wise guy, smart aleck, wiseacre, wisenheimer, weisenheimer
+n10784544 witch doctor
+n10784922 withdrawer
+n10785480 withdrawer
+n10787470 woman, adult female
+n10788852 woman
+n10789415 wonder boy, golden boy
+n10789709 wonderer
+n10791115 working girl
+n10791221 workman, workingman, working man, working person
+n10791820 workmate
+n10791890 worldling
+n10792335 worshiper, worshipper
+n10792506 worthy
+n10792856 wrecker
+n10793570 wright
+n10793799 write-in candidate, write-in
+n10794014 writer, author
+n10801561 Wykehamist
+n10801802 yakuza
+n10802507 yard bird, yardbird
+n10802621 yardie
+n10802953 yardman
+n10803031 yardmaster, trainmaster, train dispatcher
+n10803282 yenta
+n10803978 yogi
+n10804287 young buck, young man
+n10804636 young Turk
+n10804732 Young Turk
+n10805501 Zionist
+n10806113 zoo keeper
+n10994097 Genet, Edmund Charles Edouard Genet, Citizen Genet
+n11100798 Kennan, George F. Kennan, George Frost Kennan
+n11196627 Munro, H. H. Munro, Hector Hugh Munro, Saki
+n11242849 Popper, Karl Popper, Sir Karl Raimund Popper
+n11318824 Stoker, Bram Stoker, Abraham Stoker
+n11346873 Townes, Charles Townes, Charles Hard Townes
+n11448153 dust storm, duster, sandstorm, sirocco
+n11487732 parhelion, mock sun, sundog
+n11508382 snow, snowfall
+n11511327 facula
+n11524451 wave
+n11530008 microflora
+n11531193 wilding
+n11531334 semi-climber
+n11532682 volva
+n11533212 basidiocarp
+n11533999 domatium
+n11536567 apomict
+n11536673 aquatic
+n11537327 bryophyte, nonvascular plant
+n11539289 acrocarp, acrocarpous moss
+n11542137 sphagnum, sphagnum moss, peat moss, bog moss
+n11542640 liverwort, hepatic
+n11544015 hepatica, Marchantia polymorpha
+n11545350 pecopteris
+n11545524 pteridophyte, nonflowering plant
+n11545714 fern
+n11547562 fern ally
+n11547855 spore
+n11548728 carpospore
+n11548870 chlamydospore
+n11549009 conidium, conidiospore
+n11549245 oospore
+n11549779 tetraspore
+n11549895 zoospore
+n11552133 cryptogam
+n11552386 spermatophyte, phanerogam, seed plant
+n11552594 seedling
+n11552806 annual
+n11552976 biennial
+n11553240 perennial
+n11553522 hygrophyte
+n11596108 gymnosperm
+n11597657 gnetum, Gnetum gnemon
+n11598287 Catha edulis
+n11598686 ephedra, joint fir
+n11598886 mahuang, Ephedra sinica
+n11599324 welwitschia, Welwitschia mirabilis
+n11600372 cycad
+n11601177 sago palm, Cycas revoluta
+n11601333 false sago, fern palm, Cycas circinalis
+n11601918 zamia
+n11602091 coontie, Florida arrowroot, Seminole bread, Zamia pumila
+n11602478 ceratozamia
+n11602873 dioon
+n11603246 encephalartos
+n11603462 kaffir bread, Encephalartos caffer
+n11603835 macrozamia
+n11604046 burrawong, Macrozamia communis, Macrozamia spiralis
+n11608250 pine, pine tree, true pine
+n11609475 pinon, pinyon
+n11609684 nut pine
+n11609862 pinon pine, Mexican nut pine, Pinus cembroides
+n11610047 Rocky mountain pinon, Pinus edulis
+n11610215 single-leaf, single-leaf pine, single-leaf pinyon, Pinus monophylla
+n11610437 bishop pine, bishop's pine, Pinus muricata
+n11610602 California single-leaf pinyon, Pinus californiarum
+n11610823 Parry's pinyon, Pinus quadrifolia, Pinus parryana
+n11611087 spruce pine, Pinus glabra
+n11611233 black pine, Pinus nigra
+n11611356 pitch pine, northern pitch pine, Pinus rigida
+n11611561 pond pine, Pinus serotina
+n11611758 stone pine, umbrella pine, European nut pine, Pinus pinea
+n11612018 Swiss pine, Swiss stone pine, arolla pine, cembra nut tree, Pinus cembra
+n11612235 cembra nut, cedar nut
+n11612349 Swiss mountain pine, mountain pine, dwarf mountain pine, mugho pine, mugo pine, Pinus mugo
+n11612575 ancient pine, Pinus longaeva
+n11612923 white pine
+n11613219 American white pine, eastern white pine, weymouth pine, Pinus strobus
+n11613459 western white pine, silver pine, mountain pine, Pinus monticola
+n11613692 southwestern white pine, Pinus strobiformis
+n11613867 limber pine, Pinus flexilis
+n11614039 whitebark pine, whitebarked pine, Pinus albicaulis
+n11614250 yellow pine
+n11614420 ponderosa, ponderosa pine, western yellow pine, bull pine, Pinus ponderosa
+n11614713 Jeffrey pine, Jeffrey's pine, black pine, Pinus jeffreyi
+n11615026 shore pine, lodgepole, lodgepole pine, spruce pine, Pinus contorta
+n11615259 Sierra lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta murrayana
+n11615387 loblolly pine, frankincense pine, Pinus taeda
+n11615607 jack pine, Pinus banksiana
+n11615812 swamp pine
+n11615967 longleaf pine, pitch pine, southern yellow pine, Georgia pine, Pinus palustris
+n11616260 shortleaf pine, short-leaf pine, shortleaf yellow pine, Pinus echinata
+n11616486 red pine, Canadian red pine, Pinus resinosa
+n11616662 Scotch pine, Scots pine, Scotch fir, Pinus sylvestris
+n11616852 scrub pine, Virginia pine, Jersey pine, Pinus virginiana
+n11617090 Monterey pine, Pinus radiata
+n11617272 bristlecone pine, Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine, Pinus aristata
+n11617631 table-mountain pine, prickly pine, hickory pine, Pinus pungens
+n11617878 knobcone pine, Pinus attenuata
+n11618079 Japanese red pine, Japanese table pine, Pinus densiflora
+n11618290 Japanese black pine, black pine, Pinus thunbergii
+n11618525 Torrey pine, Torrey's pine, soledad pine, grey-leaf pine, sabine pine, Pinus torreyana
+n11618861 larch, larch tree
+n11619227 American larch, tamarack, black larch, Larix laricina
+n11619455 western larch, western tamarack, Oregon larch, Larix occidentalis
+n11619687 subalpine larch, Larix lyallii
+n11619845 European larch, Larix decidua
+n11620016 Siberian larch, Larix siberica, Larix russica
+n11620389 golden larch, Pseudolarix amabilis
+n11620673 fir, fir tree, true fir
+n11621029 silver fir
+n11621281 amabilis fir, white fir, Pacific silver fir, red silver fir, Christmas tree, Abies amabilis
+n11621547 European silver fir, Christmas tree, Abies alba
+n11621727 white fir, Colorado fir, California white fir, Abies concolor, Abies lowiana
+n11621950 balsam fir, balm of Gilead, Canada balsam, Abies balsamea
+n11622184 Fraser fir, Abies fraseri
+n11622368 lowland fir, lowland white fir, giant fir, grand fir, Abies grandis
+n11622591 Alpine fir, subalpine fir, Abies lasiocarpa
+n11622771 Santa Lucia fir, bristlecone fir, Abies bracteata, Abies venusta
+n11623105 cedar, cedar tree, true cedar
+n11623815 cedar of Lebanon, Cedrus libani
+n11623967 deodar, deodar cedar, Himalayan cedar, Cedrus deodara
+n11624192 Atlas cedar, Cedrus atlantica
+n11624531 spruce
+n11625003 Norway spruce, Picea abies
+n11625223 weeping spruce, Brewer's spruce, Picea breweriana
+n11625391 Engelmann spruce, Engelmann's spruce, Picea engelmannii
+n11625632 white spruce, Picea glauca
+n11625804 black spruce, Picea mariana, spruce pine
+n11626010 Siberian spruce, Picea obovata
+n11626152 Sitka spruce, Picea sitchensis
+n11626409 oriental spruce, Picea orientalis
+n11626585 Colorado spruce, Colorado blue spruce, silver spruce, Picea pungens
+n11626826 red spruce, eastern spruce, yellow spruce, Picea rubens
+n11627168 hemlock, hemlock tree
+n11627512 eastern hemlock, Canadian hemlock, spruce pine, Tsuga canadensis
+n11627714 Carolina hemlock, Tsuga caroliniana
+n11627908 mountain hemlock, black hemlock, Tsuga mertensiana
+n11628087 western hemlock, Pacific hemlock, west coast hemlock, Tsuga heterophylla
+n11628456 douglas fir
+n11628793 green douglas fir, douglas spruce, douglas pine, douglas hemlock, Oregon fir, Oregon pine, Pseudotsuga menziesii
+n11629047 big-cone spruce, big-cone douglas fir, Pseudotsuga macrocarpa
+n11629354 Cathaya
+n11630017 cedar, cedar tree
+n11630489 cypress, cypress tree
+n11631159 gowen cypress, Cupressus goveniana
+n11631405 pygmy cypress, Cupressus pigmaea, Cupressus goveniana pigmaea
+n11631619 Santa Cruz cypress, Cupressus abramsiana, Cupressus goveniana abramsiana
+n11631854 Arizona cypress, Cupressus arizonica
+n11631985 Guadalupe cypress, Cupressus guadalupensis
+n11632167 Monterey cypress, Cupressus macrocarpa
+n11632376 Mexican cypress, cedar of Goa, Portuguese cypress, Cupressus lusitanica
+n11632619 Italian cypress, Mediterranean cypress, Cupressus sempervirens
+n11632929 King William pine, Athrotaxis selaginoides
+n11633284 Chilean cedar, Austrocedrus chilensis
+n11634736 incense cedar, red cedar, Calocedrus decurrens, Libocedrus decurrens
+n11635152 southern white cedar, coast white cedar, Atlantic white cedar, white cypress, white cedar, Chamaecyparis thyoides
+n11635433 Oregon cedar, Port Orford cedar, Lawson's cypress, Lawson's cedar, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
+n11635830 yellow cypress, yellow cedar, Nootka cypress, Alaska cedar, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis
+n11636204 Japanese cedar, Japan cedar, sugi, Cryptomeria japonica
+n11636835 juniper berry
+n11639084 incense cedar
+n11639306 kawaka, Libocedrus plumosa
+n11639445 pahautea, Libocedrus bidwillii, mountain pine
+n11640132 metasequoia, dawn redwood, Metasequoia glyptostrodoides
+n11643835 arborvitae
+n11644046 western red cedar, red cedar, canoe cedar, Thuja plicata
+n11644226 American arborvitae, northern white cedar, white cedar, Thuja occidentalis
+n11644462 Oriental arborvitae, Thuja orientalis, Platycladus orientalis
+n11644872 hiba arborvitae, Thujopsis dolobrata
+n11645163 keteleeria
+n11645590 Wollemi pine
+n11645914 araucaria
+n11646167 monkey puzzle, chile pine, Araucaria araucana
+n11646344 norfolk island pine, Araucaria heterophylla, Araucaria excelsa
+n11646517 new caledonian pine, Araucaria columnaris
+n11646694 bunya bunya, bunya bunya tree, Araucaria bidwillii
+n11646955 hoop pine, Moreton Bay pine, Araucaria cunninghamii
+n11647306 kauri pine, dammar pine
+n11647703 kauri, kaury, Agathis australis
+n11647868 amboina pine, amboyna pine, Agathis dammara, Agathis alba
+n11648039 dundathu pine, queensland kauri, smooth bark kauri, Agathis robusta
+n11648268 red kauri, Agathis lanceolata
+n11648776 plum-yew
+n11649150 California nutmeg, nutmeg-yew, Torreya californica
+n11649359 stinking cedar, stinking yew, Torrey tree, Torreya taxifolia
+n11649878 celery pine
+n11650160 celery top pine, celery-topped pine, Phyllocladus asplenifolius
+n11650307 tanekaha, Phyllocladus trichomanoides
+n11650430 Alpine celery pine, Phyllocladus alpinus
+n11650558 yellowwood, yellowwood tree
+n11650759 gymnospermous yellowwood
+n11652039 podocarp
+n11652217 yacca, yacca podocarp, Podocarpus coriaceus
+n11652376 brown pine, Rockingham podocarp, Podocarpus elatus
+n11652578 cape yellowwood, African yellowwood, Podocarpus elongatus
+n11652753 South-African yellowwood, Podocarpus latifolius
+n11652966 alpine totara, Podocarpus nivalis
+n11653126 totara, Podocarpus totara
+n11653570 common yellowwood, bastard yellowwood, Afrocarpus falcata
+n11653904 kahikatea, New Zealand Dacryberry, New Zealand white pine, Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, Podocarpus dacrydioides
+n11654293 rimu, imou pine, red pine, Dacrydium cupressinum
+n11654438 tarwood, tar-wood, Dacrydium colensoi
+n11654984 common sickle pine, Falcatifolium falciforme
+n11655152 yellow-leaf sickle pine, Falcatifolium taxoides
+n11655592 tarwood, tar-wood, New Zealand mountain pine, Halocarpus bidwilli, Dacrydium bidwilli
+n11655974 westland pine, silver pine, Lagarostrobus colensoi
+n11656123 huon pine, Lagarostrobus franklinii, Dacrydium franklinii
+n11656549 Chilean rimu, Lepidothamnus fonkii
+n11656771 mountain rimu, Lepidothamnus laxifolius, Dacridium laxifolius
+n11657585 nagi, Nageia nagi
+n11658331 miro, black pine, Prumnopitys ferruginea, Podocarpus ferruginea
+n11658544 matai, black pine, Prumnopitys taxifolia, Podocarpus spicata
+n11658709 plum-fruited yew, Prumnopitys andina, Prumnopitys elegans
+n11659248 Prince Albert yew, Prince Albert's yew, Saxe-gothea conspicua
+n11659627 Sundacarpus amara, Prumnopitys amara, Podocarpus amara
+n11660300 Japanese umbrella pine, Sciadopitys verticillata
+n11661372 yew
+n11661909 Old World yew, English yew, Taxus baccata
+n11662128 Pacific yew, California yew, western yew, Taxus brevifolia
+n11662371 Japanese yew, Taxus cuspidata
+n11662585 Florida yew, Taxus floridana
+n11662937 New Caledonian yew, Austrotaxus spicata
+n11663263 white-berry yew, Pseudotaxus chienii
+n11664418 ginkgo, gingko, maidenhair tree, Ginkgo biloba
+n11665372 angiosperm, flowering plant
+n11666854 dicot, dicotyledon, magnoliopsid, exogen
+n11668117 monocot, monocotyledon, liliopsid, endogen
+n11669786 floret, floweret
+n11669921 flower
+n11672269 bloomer
+n11672400 wildflower, wild flower
+n11674019 apetalous flower
+n11674332 inflorescence
+n11675025 rosebud
+n11675404 gynostegium
+n11675738 pollinium
+n11676500 pistil
+n11676743 gynobase
+n11676850 gynophore
+n11677485 stylopodium
+n11677902 carpophore
+n11678010 cornstalk, corn stalk
+n11678299 petiolule
+n11678377 mericarp
+n11679378 micropyle
+n11680457 germ tube
+n11680596 pollen tube
+n11682659 gemma
+n11683216 galbulus
+n11683838 nectary, honey gland
+n11684264 pericarp, seed vessel
+n11684499 epicarp, exocarp
+n11684654 mesocarp
+n11685091 pip
+n11685621 silique, siliqua
+n11686195 cataphyll
+n11686652 perisperm
+n11686780 monocarp, monocarpic plant, monocarpous plant
+n11686912 sporophyte
+n11687071 gametophyte
+n11687432 megasporangium, macrosporangium
+n11687789 microspore
+n11687964 microsporangium
+n11688069 microsporophyll
+n11688378 archespore, archesporium
+n11689197 bonduc nut, nicker nut, nicker seed
+n11689367 Job's tears
+n11689483 oilseed, oil-rich seed
+n11689678 castor bean
+n11689815 cottonseed
+n11689957 candlenut
+n11690088 peach pit
+n11690254 hypanthium, floral cup, calyx tube
+n11690455 petal, flower petal
+n11691046 corolla
+n11691857 lip
+n11692265 perianth, chlamys, floral envelope, perigone, perigonium
+n11692792 thistledown
+n11693981 custard apple, custard apple tree
+n11694300 cherimoya, cherimoya tree, Annona cherimola
+n11694469 ilama, ilama tree, Annona diversifolia
+n11694664 soursop, prickly custard apple, soursop tree, Annona muricata
+n11694866 bullock's heart, bullock's heart tree, bullock heart, Annona reticulata
+n11695085 sweetsop, sweetsop tree, Annona squamosa
+n11695285 pond apple, pond-apple tree, Annona glabra
+n11695599 pawpaw, papaw, papaw tree, Asimina triloba
+n11695974 ilang-ilang, ylang-ylang, Cananga odorata
+n11696450 lancewood, lancewood tree, Oxandra lanceolata
+n11696935 Guinea pepper, negro pepper, Xylopia aethiopica
+n11697560 barberry
+n11697802 American barberry, Berberis canadensis
+n11698042 common barberry, European barberry, Berberis vulgaris
+n11698245 Japanese barberry, Berberis thunbergii
+n11699442 Oregon grape, Oregon holly grape, hollygrape, mountain grape, holly-leaves barberry, Mahonia aquifolium
+n11699751 Oregon grape, Mahonia nervosa
+n11700058 mayapple, May apple, wild mandrake, Podophyllum peltatum
+n11700279 May apple
+n11700864 allspice
+n11701066 Carolina allspice, strawberry shrub, strawberry bush, sweet shrub, Calycanthus floridus
+n11701302 spicebush, California allspice, Calycanthus occidentalis
+n11702713 katsura tree, Cercidiphyllum japonicum
+n11703669 laurel
+n11704093 true laurel, bay, bay laurel, bay tree, Laurus nobilis
+n11704620 camphor tree, Cinnamomum camphora
+n11704791 cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon tree, Cinnamomum zeylanicum
+n11705171 cassia, cassia-bark tree, Cinnamomum cassia
+n11705387 cassia bark, Chinese cinnamon
+n11705573 Saigon cinnamon, Cinnamomum loureirii
+n11705776 cinnamon bark
+n11706325 spicebush, spice bush, American spicebush, Benjamin bush, Lindera benzoin, Benzoin odoriferum
+n11706761 avocado, avocado tree, Persea Americana
+n11706942 laurel-tree, red bay, Persea borbonia
+n11707229 sassafras, sassafras tree, Sassafras albidum
+n11707827 California laurel, California bay tree, Oregon myrtle, pepperwood, spice tree, sassafras laurel, California olive, mountain laurel, Umbellularia californica
+n11708658 anise tree
+n11708857 purple anise, Illicium floridanum
+n11709045 star anise, Illicium anisatum
+n11709205 star anise, Chinese anise, Illicium verum
+n11709674 magnolia
+n11710136 southern magnolia, evergreen magnolia, large-flowering magnolia, bull bay, Magnolia grandiflora
+n11710393 umbrella tree, umbrella magnolia, elkwood, elk-wood, Magnolia tripetala
+n11710658 earleaved umbrella tree, Magnolia fraseri
+n11710827 cucumber tree, Magnolia acuminata
+n11710987 large-leaved magnolia, large-leaved cucumber tree, great-leaved macrophylla, Magnolia macrophylla
+n11711289 saucer magnolia, Chinese magnolia, Magnolia soulangiana
+n11711537 star magnolia, Magnolia stellata
+n11711764 sweet bay, swamp bay, swamp laurel, Magnolia virginiana
+n11711971 manglietia, genus Manglietia
+n11712282 tulip tree, tulip poplar, yellow poplar, canary whitewood, Liriodendron tulipifera
+n11713164 moonseed
+n11713370 common moonseed, Canada moonseed, yellow parilla, Menispermum canadense
+n11713763 Carolina moonseed, Cocculus carolinus
+n11714382 nutmeg, nutmeg tree, Myristica fragrans
+n11715430 water nymph, fragrant water lily, pond lily, Nymphaea odorata
+n11715678 European white lily, Nymphaea alba
+n11716698 southern spatterdock, Nuphar sagittifolium
+n11717399 lotus, Indian lotus, sacred lotus, Nelumbo nucifera
+n11717577 water chinquapin, American lotus, yanquapin, Nelumbo lutea
+n11718296 water-shield, fanwort, Cabomba caroliniana
+n11718681 water-shield, Brasenia schreberi, water-target
+n11719286 peony, paeony
+n11720353 buttercup, butterflower, butter-flower, crowfoot, goldcup, kingcup
+n11720643 meadow buttercup, tall buttercup, tall crowfoot, tall field buttercup, Ranunculus acris
+n11720891 water crowfoot, water buttercup, Ranunculus aquatilis
+n11721337 lesser celandine, pilewort, Ranunculus ficaria
+n11721642 lesser spearwort, Ranunculus flammula
+n11722036 greater spearwort, Ranunculus lingua
+n11722342 western buttercup, Ranunculus occidentalis
+n11722466 creeping buttercup, creeping crowfoot, Ranunculus repens
+n11722621 cursed crowfoot, celery-leaved buttercup, Ranunculus sceleratus
+n11722982 aconite
+n11723227 monkshood, helmetflower, helmet flower, Aconitum napellus
+n11723452 wolfsbane, wolfbane, wolf's bane, Aconitum lycoctonum
+n11723770 baneberry, cohosh, herb Christopher
+n11723986 baneberry
+n11724109 red baneberry, redberry, red-berry, snakeberry, Actaea rubra
+n11724660 pheasant's-eye, Adonis annua
+n11725015 anemone, windflower
+n11725311 Alpine anemone, mountain anemone, Anemone tetonensis
+n11725480 Canada anemone, Anemone Canadensis
+n11725623 thimbleweed, Anemone cylindrica
+n11725821 wood anemone, Anemone nemorosa
+n11725973 wood anemone, snowdrop, Anemone quinquefolia
+n11726145 longheaded thimbleweed, Anemone riparia
+n11726269 snowdrop anemone, snowdrop windflower, Anemone sylvestris
+n11726433 Virginia thimbleweed, Anemone virginiana
+n11726707 rue anemone, Anemonella thalictroides
+n11727091 columbine, aquilegia, aquilege
+n11727358 meeting house, honeysuckle, Aquilegia canadensis
+n11727540 blue columbine, Aquilegia caerulea, Aquilegia scopulorum calcarea
+n11727738 granny's bonnets, Aquilegia vulgaris
+n11728099 marsh marigold, kingcup, meadow bright, May blob, cowslip, water dragon, Caltha palustris
+n11728769 American bugbane, summer cohosh, Cimicifuga americana
+n11728945 black cohosh, black snakeroot, rattle-top, Cimicifuga racemosa
+n11729142 fetid bugbane, foetid bugbane, Cimicifuga foetida
+n11729478 clematis
+n11729860 pine hyacinth, Clematis baldwinii, Viorna baldwinii
+n11730015 blue jasmine, blue jessamine, curly clematis, marsh clematis, Clematis crispa
+n11730458 golden clematis, Clematis tangutica
+n11730602 scarlet clematis, Clematis texensis
+n11730750 leather flower, Clematis versicolor
+n11730933 leather flower, vase-fine, vase vine, Clematis viorna
+n11731157 virgin's bower, old man's beard, devil's darning needle, Clematis virginiana
+n11731659 purple clematis, purple virgin's bower, mountain clematis, Clematis verticillaris
+n11732052 goldthread, golden thread, Coptis groenlandica, Coptis trifolia groenlandica
+n11732567 rocket larkspur, Consolida ambigua, Delphinium ajacis
+n11733054 delphinium
+n11733312 larkspur
+n11733548 winter aconite, Eranthis hyemalis
+n11734493 lenten rose, black hellebore, Helleborus orientalis
+n11734698 green hellebore, Helleborus viridis
+n11735053 hepatica, liverleaf
+n11735570 goldenseal, golden seal, yellow root, turmeric root, Hydrastis Canadensis
+n11735977 false rue anemone, false rue, Isopyrum biternatum
+n11736362 giant buttercup, Laccopetalum giganteum
+n11736694 nigella
+n11736851 love-in-a-mist, Nigella damascena
+n11737009 fennel flower, Nigella hispanica
+n11737125 black caraway, nutmeg flower, Roman coriander, Nigella sativa
+n11737534 pasqueflower, pasque flower
+n11738547 meadow rue
+n11738997 false bugbane, Trautvetteria carolinensis
+n11739365 globeflower, globe flower
+n11739978 winter's bark, winter's bark tree, Drimys winteri
+n11740414 pepper shrub, Pseudowintera colorata, Wintera colorata
+n11741175 sweet gale, Scotch gale, Myrica gale
+n11741350 wax myrtle
+n11741575 bay myrtle, puckerbush, Myrica cerifera
+n11741797 bayberry, candleberry, swamp candleberry, waxberry, Myrica pensylvanica
+n11742310 sweet fern, Comptonia peregrina, Comptonia asplenifolia
+n11742878 corkwood, corkwood tree, Leitneria floridana
+n11744011 jointed rush, Juncus articulatus
+n11744108 toad rush, Juncus bufonius
+n11744471 slender rush, Juncus tenuis
+n11745817 zebrawood, zebrawood tree
+n11746600 Connarus guianensis
+n11747468 legume, leguminous plant
+n11748002 legume
+n11748811 peanut
+n11749112 granadilla tree, granadillo, Brya ebenus
+n11749603 arariba, Centrolobium robustum
+n11750173 tonka bean, coumara nut
+n11750508 courbaril, Hymenaea courbaril
+n11750989 melilotus, melilot, sweet clover
+n11751765 darling pea, poison bush
+n11751974 smooth darling pea, Swainsona galegifolia
+n11752578 clover, trefoil
+n11752798 alpine clover, Trifolium alpinum
+n11752937 hop clover, shamrock, lesser yellow trefoil, Trifolium dubium
+n11753143 crimson clover, Italian clover, Trifolium incarnatum
+n11753355 red clover, purple clover, Trifolium pratense
+n11753562 buffalo clover, Trifolium reflexum, Trifolium stoloniferum
+n11753700 white clover, dutch clover, shamrock, Trifolium repens
+n11754893 mimosa
+n11756092 acacia
+n11756329 shittah, shittah tree
+n11756669 wattle
+n11756870 black wattle, Acacia auriculiformis
+n11757017 gidgee, stinking wattle, Acacia cambegei
+n11757190 catechu, Jerusalem thorn, Acacia catechu
+n11757653 silver wattle, mimosa, Acacia dealbata
+n11757851 huisache, cassie, mimosa bush, sweet wattle, sweet acacia, scented wattle, flame tree, Acacia farnesiana
+n11758122 lightwood, Acacia melanoxylon
+n11758276 golden wattle, Acacia pycnantha
+n11758483 fever tree, Acacia xanthophloea
+n11758799 coralwood, coral-wood, red sandalwood, Barbados pride, peacock flower fence, Adenanthera pavonina
+n11759224 albizzia, albizia
+n11759404 silk tree, Albizia julibrissin, Albizzia julibrissin
+n11759609 siris, siris tree, Albizia lebbeck, Albizzia lebbeck
+n11759853 rain tree, saman, monkeypod, monkey pod, zaman, zamang, Albizia saman
+n11760785 calliandra
+n11761202 conacaste, elephant's ear, Enterolobium cyclocarpa
+n11761650 inga
+n11761836 ice-cream bean, Inga edulis
+n11762018 guama, Inga laurina
+n11762433 lead tree, white popinac, Leucaena glauca, Leucaena leucocephala
+n11762927 wild tamarind, Lysiloma latisiliqua, Lysiloma bahamensis
+n11763142 sabicu, Lysiloma sabicu
+n11763625 nitta tree
+n11763874 Parkia javanica
+n11764478 manila tamarind, camachile, huamachil, wild tamarind, Pithecellobium dulce
+n11764814 cat's-claw, catclaw, black bead, Pithecellodium unguis-cati
+n11765568 honey mesquite, Western honey mesquite, Prosopis glandulosa
+n11766046 algarroba, algarrobilla, algarobilla
+n11766189 screw bean, screwbean, tornillo, screwbean mesquite, Prosopis pubescens
+n11766432 screw bean
+n11767354 dogbane
+n11767877 Indian hemp, rheumatism weed, Apocynum cannabinum
+n11768816 bushman's poison, ordeal tree, Acocanthera oppositifolia, Acocanthera venenata
+n11769176 impala lily, mock azalia, desert rose, kudu lily, Adenium obesum, Adenium multiflorum
+n11769621 allamanda
+n11769803 common allamanda, golden trumpet, Allamanda cathartica
+n11770256 dita, dita bark, devil tree, Alstonia scholaris
+n11771147 Nepal trumpet flower, Easter lily vine, Beaumontia grandiflora
+n11771539 carissa
+n11771746 hedge thorn, natal plum, Carissa bispinosa
+n11771924 natal plum, amatungulu, Carissa macrocarpa, Carissa grandiflora
+n11772408 periwinkle, rose periwinkle, Madagascar periwinkle, old maid, Cape periwinkle, red periwinkle, cayenne jasmine, Catharanthus roseus, Vinca rosea
+n11772879 ivory tree, conessi, kurchi, kurchee, Holarrhena pubescens, Holarrhena antidysenterica
+n11773408 white dipladenia, Mandevilla boliviensis, Dipladenia boliviensis
+n11773628 Chilean jasmine, Mandevilla laxa
+n11773987 oleander, rose bay, Nerium oleander
+n11774513 frangipani, frangipanni
+n11774972 West Indian jasmine, pagoda tree, Plumeria alba
+n11775340 rauwolfia, rauvolfia
+n11775626 snakewood, Rauwolfia serpentina
+n11776234 Strophanthus kombe
+n11777080 yellow oleander, Thevetia peruviana, Thevetia neriifolia
+n11778092 myrtle, Vinca minor
+n11778257 large periwinkle, Vinca major
+n11779300 arum, aroid
+n11780148 cuckoopint, lords-and-ladies, jack-in-the-pulpit, Arum maculatum
+n11780424 black calla, Arum palaestinum
+n11781176 calamus
+n11782036 alocasia, elephant's ear, elephant ear
+n11782266 giant taro, Alocasia macrorrhiza
+n11782761 amorphophallus
+n11782878 pungapung, telingo potato, elephant yam, Amorphophallus paeonifolius, Amorphophallus campanulatus
+n11783162 devil's tongue, snake palm, umbrella arum, Amorphophallus rivieri
+n11783920 anthurium, tailflower, tail-flower
+n11784126 flamingo flower, flamingo plant, Anthurium andraeanum, Anthurium scherzerianum
+n11784497 jack-in-the-pulpit, Indian turnip, wake-robin, Arisaema triphyllum, Arisaema atrorubens
+n11785276 friar's-cowl, Arisarum vulgare
+n11785668 caladium
+n11785875 Caladium bicolor
+n11786131 wild calla, water arum, Calla palustris
+n11786539 taro, taro plant, dalo, dasheen, Colocasia esculenta
+n11786843 taro, cocoyam, dasheen, eddo
+n11787190 cryptocoryne, water trumpet
+n11788039 dracontium
+n11788727 golden pothos, pothos, ivy arum, Epipremnum aureum, Scindapsus aureus
+n11789066 skunk cabbage, Lysichiton americanum
+n11789438 monstera
+n11789589 ceriman, Monstera deliciosa
+n11789962 nephthytis
+n11790089 Nephthytis afzelii
+n11790788 arrow arum
+n11790936 green arrow arum, tuckahoe, Peltandra virginica
+n11791341 philodendron
+n11791569 pistia, water lettuce, water cabbage, Pistia stratiotes, Pistia stratoites
+n11792029 pothos
+n11792341 spathiphyllum, peace lily, spathe flower
+n11792742 skunk cabbage, polecat weed, foetid pothos, Symplocarpus foetidus
+n11793403 yautia, tannia, spoonflower, malanga, Xanthosoma sagittifolium, Xanthosoma atrovirens
+n11793779 calla lily, calla, arum lily, Zantedeschia aethiopica
+n11794024 pink calla, Zantedeschia rehmanii
+n11794139 golden calla
+n11794519 duckweed
+n11795049 common duckweed, lesser duckweed, Lemna minor
+n11795216 star-duckweed, Lemna trisulca
+n11795580 great duckweed, water flaxseed, Spirodela polyrrhiza
+n11796005 watermeal
+n11796188 common wolffia, Wolffia columbiana
+n11797321 aralia
+n11797508 American angelica tree, devil's walking stick, Hercules'-club, Aralia spinosa
+n11797981 American spikenard, petty morel, life-of-man, Aralia racemosa
+n11798270 bristly sarsaparilla, bristly sarsparilla, dwarf elder, Aralia hispida
+n11798496 Japanese angelica tree, Aralia elata
+n11798688 Chinese angelica, Chinese angelica tree, Aralia stipulata
+n11798978 ivy, common ivy, English ivy, Hedera helix
+n11799331 puka, Meryta sinclairii
+n11799732 ginseng, nin-sin, Panax ginseng, Panax schinseng, Panax pseudoginseng
+n11800236 ginseng
+n11800565 umbrella tree, Schefflera actinophylla, Brassaia actinophylla
+n11801392 birthwort, Aristolochia clematitis
+n11801665 Dutchman's-pipe, pipe vine, Aristolochia macrophylla, Aristolochia durior
+n11801891 Virginia snakeroot, Virginia serpentaria, Virginia serpentary, Aristolochia serpentaria
+n11802410 Canada ginger, black snakeroot, Asarum canadense
+n11802586 heartleaf, heart-leaf, Asarum virginicum
+n11802800 heartleaf, heart-leaf, Asarum shuttleworthii
+n11802995 asarabacca, Asarum europaeum
+n11805255 caryophyllaceous plant
+n11805544 corn cockle, corn campion, crown-of-the-field, Agrostemma githago
+n11805956 sandwort
+n11806219 mountain sandwort, mountain starwort, mountain daisy, Arenaria groenlandica
+n11806369 pine-barren sandwort, longroot, Arenaria caroliniana
+n11806521 seabeach sandwort, Arenaria peploides
+n11806679 rock sandwort, Arenaria stricta
+n11806814 thyme-leaved sandwort, Arenaria serpyllifolia
+n11807108 mouse-ear chickweed, mouse eared chickweed, mouse ear, clammy chickweed, chickweed
+n11807525 snow-in-summer, love-in-a-mist, Cerastium tomentosum
+n11807696 Alpine mouse-ear, Arctic mouse-ear, Cerastium alpinum
+n11807979 pink, garden pink
+n11808299 sweet William, Dianthus barbatus
+n11808468 carnation, clove pink, gillyflower, Dianthus caryophyllus
+n11808721 china pink, rainbow pink, Dianthus chinensis
+n11808932 Japanese pink, Dianthus chinensis heddewigii
+n11809094 maiden pink, Dianthus deltoides
+n11809271 cheddar pink, Diangus gratianopolitanus
+n11809437 button pink, Dianthus latifolius
+n11809594 cottage pink, grass pink, Dianthus plumarius
+n11809754 fringed pink, Dianthus supurbus
+n11810030 drypis
+n11810358 baby's breath, babies'-breath, Gypsophila paniculata
+n11811059 coral necklace, Illecebrum verticullatum
+n11811473 lychnis, catchfly
+n11811706 ragged robin, cuckoo flower, Lychnis flos-cuculi, Lychins floscuculi
+n11811921 scarlet lychnis, maltese cross, Lychins chalcedonica
+n11812094 mullein pink, rose campion, gardener's delight, dusty miller, Lychnis coronaria
+n11812910 sandwort, Moehringia lateriflora
+n11813077 sandwort, Moehringia mucosa
+n11814584 soapwort, hedge pink, bouncing Bet, bouncing Bess, Saponaria officinalis
+n11814996 knawel, knawe, Scleranthus annuus
+n11815491 silene, campion, catchfly
+n11815721 moss campion, Silene acaulis
+n11815918 wild pink, Silene caroliniana
+n11816121 red campion, red bird's eye, Silene dioica, Lychnis dioica
+n11816336 white campion, evening lychnis, white cockle, bladder campion, Silene latifolia, Lychnis alba
+n11816649 fire pink, Silene virginica
+n11816829 bladder campion, Silene uniflora, Silene vulgaris
+n11817160 corn spurry, corn spurrey, Spergula arvensis
+n11817501 sand spurry, sea spurry, Spergularia rubra
+n11817914 chickweed
+n11818069 common chickweed, Stellaria media
+n11818636 cowherb, cow cockle, Vaccaria hispanica, Vaccaria pyramidata, Saponaria vaccaria
+n11819509 Hottentot fig, Hottentot's fig, sour fig, Carpobrotus edulis, Mesembryanthemum edule
+n11819912 livingstone daisy, Dorotheanthus bellidiformis
+n11820965 fig marigold, pebble plant
+n11821184 ice plant, icicle plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum
+n11822300 New Zealand spinach, Tetragonia tetragonioides, Tetragonia expansa
+n11823043 amaranth
+n11823305 amaranth
+n11823436 tumbleweed, Amaranthus albus, Amaranthus graecizans
+n11823756 prince's-feather, gentleman's-cane, prince's-plume, red amaranth, purple amaranth, Amaranthus cruentus, Amaranthus hybridus hypochondriacus, Amaranthus hybridus erythrostachys
+n11824146 pigweed, Amaranthus hypochondriacus
+n11824344 thorny amaranth, Amaranthus spinosus
+n11824747 alligator weed, alligator grass, Alternanthera philoxeroides
+n11825351 cockscomb, common cockscomb, Celosia cristata, Celosia argentea cristata
+n11825749 cottonweed
+n11826198 globe amaranth, bachelor's button, Gomphrena globosa
+n11826569 bloodleaf
+n11827541 saltwort, Batis maritima
+n11828577 lamb's-quarters, pigweed, wild spinach, Chenopodium album
+n11828973 good-king-henry, allgood, fat hen, wild spinach, Chenopodium bonus-henricus
+n11829205 Jerusalem oak, feather geranium, Mexican tea, Chenopodium botrys, Atriplex mexicana
+n11829672 oak-leaved goosefoot, oakleaf goosefoot, Chenopodium glaucum
+n11829922 sowbane, red goosefoot, Chenopodium hybridum
+n11830045 nettle-leaved goosefoot, nettleleaf goosefoot, Chenopodium murale
+n11830252 red goosefoot, French spinach, Chenopodium rubrum
+n11830400 stinking goosefoot, Chenopodium vulvaria
+n11830714 orach, orache
+n11830906 saltbush
+n11831100 garden orache, mountain spinach, Atriplex hortensis
+n11831297 desert holly, Atriplex hymenelytra
+n11831521 quail bush, quail brush, white thistle, Atriplex lentiformis
+n11832214 beet, common beet, Beta vulgaris
+n11832480 beetroot, Beta vulgaris rubra
+n11832671 chard, Swiss chard, spinach beet, leaf beet, chard plant, Beta vulgaris cicla
+n11832899 mangel-wurzel, mangold-wurzel, mangold, Beta vulgaris vulgaris
+n11833373 winged pigweed, tumbleweed, Cycloloma atriplicifolium
+n11833749 halogeton, Halogeton glomeratus
+n11834272 glasswort, samphire, Salicornia europaea
+n11834654 saltwort, barilla, glasswort, kali, kelpwort, Salsola kali, Salsola soda
+n11834890 Russian thistle, Russian tumbleweed, Russian cactus, tumbleweed, Salsola kali tenuifolia
+n11835251 greasewood, black greasewood, Sarcobatus vermiculatus
+n11836327 scarlet musk flower, Nyctaginia capitata
+n11836722 sand verbena
+n11837204 sweet sand verbena, Abronia fragrans
+n11837351 yellow sand verbena, Abronia latifolia
+n11837562 beach pancake, Abronia maritima
+n11837743 beach sand verbena, pink sand verbena, Abronia umbellata
+n11837970 desert sand verbena, Abronia villosa
+n11838413 trailing four o'clock, trailing windmills, Allionia incarnata
+n11838916 bougainvillea
+n11839460 umbrellawort
+n11839568 four o'clock
+n11839823 common four-o'clock, marvel-of-Peru, Mirabilis jalapa, Mirabilis uniflora
+n11840067 California four o'clock, Mirabilis laevis, Mirabilis californica
+n11840246 sweet four o'clock, maravilla, Mirabilis longiflora
+n11840476 desert four o'clock, Colorado four o'clock, maravilla, Mirabilis multiflora
+n11840764 mountain four o'clock, Mirabilis oblongifolia
+n11841247 cockspur, Pisonia aculeata
+n11843441 rattail cactus, rat's-tail cactus, Aporocactus flagelliformis
+n11844371 saguaro, sahuaro, Carnegiea gigantea
+n11844892 night-blooming cereus
+n11845557 echinocactus, barrel cactus
+n11845793 hedgehog cactus
+n11845913 golden barrel cactus, Echinocactus grusonii
+n11846312 hedgehog cereus
+n11846425 rainbow cactus
+n11846765 epiphyllum, orchid cactus
+n11847169 barrel cactus
+n11848479 night-blooming cereus
+n11848867 chichipe, Lemaireocereus chichipe
+n11849271 mescal, mezcal, peyote, Lophophora williamsii
+n11849467 mescal button, sacred mushroom, magic mushroom
+n11849871 mammillaria
+n11849983 feather ball, Mammillaria plumosa
+n11850521 garambulla, garambulla cactus, Myrtillocactus geometrizans
+n11850918 Knowlton's cactus, Pediocactus knowltonii
+n11851258 nopal
+n11851578 prickly pear, prickly pear cactus
+n11851839 cholla, Opuntia cholla
+n11852028 nopal, Opuntia lindheimeri
+n11852148 tuna, Opuntia tuna
+n11852531 Barbados gooseberry, Barbados-gooseberry vine, Pereskia aculeata
+n11853079 mistletoe cactus
+n11853356 Christmas cactus, Schlumbergera buckleyi, Schlumbergera baridgesii
+n11853813 night-blooming cereus
+n11854479 crab cactus, Thanksgiving cactus, Zygocactus truncatus, Schlumbergera truncatus
+n11855274 pokeweed
+n11855435 Indian poke, Phytolacca acinosa
+n11855553 poke, pigeon berry, garget, scoke, Phytolacca americana
+n11855842 ombu, bella sombra, Phytolacca dioica
+n11856573 bloodberry, blood berry, rougeberry, rouge plant, Rivina humilis
+n11857696 portulaca
+n11857875 rose moss, sun plant, Portulaca grandiflora
+n11858077 common purslane, pussley, pussly, verdolagas, Portulaca oleracea
+n11858703 rock purslane
+n11858814 red maids, redmaids, Calandrinia ciliata
+n11859275 Carolina spring beauty, Claytonia caroliniana
+n11859472 spring beauty, Clatonia lanceolata
+n11859737 Virginia spring beauty, Claytonia virginica
+n11860208 siskiyou lewisia, Lewisia cotyledon
+n11860555 bitterroot, Lewisia rediviva
+n11861238 broad-leaved montia, Montia cordifolia
+n11861487 blinks, blinking chickweed, water chickweed, Montia lamprosperma
+n11861641 toad lily, Montia chamissoi
+n11861853 winter purslane, miner's lettuce, Cuban spinach, Montia perfoliata
+n11862835 flame flower, flame-flower, flameflower, Talinum aurantiacum
+n11863467 pigmy talinum, Talinum brevifolium
+n11863877 jewels-of-opar, Talinum paniculatum
+n11865071 caper
+n11865276 native pomegranate, Capparis arborea
+n11865429 caper tree, Jamaica caper tree, Capparis cynophallophora
+n11865574 caper tree, bay-leaved caper, Capparis flexuosa
+n11865874 common caper, Capparis spinosa
+n11866248 spiderflower, cleome
+n11866706 Rocky Mountain bee plant, stinking clover, Cleome serrulata
+n11867311 clammyweed, Polanisia graveolens, Polanisia dodecandra
+n11868814 crucifer, cruciferous plant
+n11869351 cress, cress plant
+n11869689 watercress
+n11870044 stonecress, stone cress
+n11870418 garlic mustard, hedge garlic, sauce-alone, jack-by-the-hedge, Alliaria officinalis
+n11870747 alyssum, madwort
+n11871059 rose of Jericho, resurrection plant, Anastatica hierochuntica
+n11871496 Arabidopsis thaliana, mouse-ear cress
+n11871748 Arabidopsis lyrata
+n11872146 rock cress, rockcress
+n11872324 sicklepod, Arabis Canadensis
+n11872658 tower mustard, tower cress, Turritis glabra, Arabis glabra
+n11873182 horseradish, horseradish root
+n11873612 winter cress, St. Barbara's herb, scurvy grass
+n11874081 yellow rocket, rockcress, rocket cress, Barbarea vulgaris, Sisymbrium barbarea
+n11874423 hoary alison, hoary alyssum, Berteroa incana
+n11874878 buckler mustard, Biscutalla laevigata
+n11875523 wild cabbage, Brassica oleracea
+n11875691 cabbage, cultivated cabbage, Brassica oleracea
+n11875938 head cabbage, head cabbage plant, Brassica oleracea capitata
+n11876204 savoy cabbage
+n11876432 brussels sprout, Brassica oleracea gemmifera
+n11876634 cauliflower, Brassica oleracea botrytis
+n11876803 broccoli, Brassica oleracea italica
+n11877193 collard
+n11877283 kohlrabi, Brassica oleracea gongylodes
+n11877473 turnip plant
+n11877646 turnip, white turnip, Brassica rapa
+n11877860 rutabaga, turnip cabbage, swede, Swedish turnip, rutabaga plant, Brassica napus napobrassica
+n11878101 broccoli raab, broccoli rabe, Brassica rapa ruvo
+n11878283 mustard
+n11878633 chinese mustard, indian mustard, leaf mustard, gai choi, Brassica juncea
+n11879054 bok choy, bok choi, pakchoi, pak choi, Chinese white cabbage, Brassica rapa chinensis
+n11879722 rape, colza, Brassica napus
+n11879895 rapeseed
+n11881189 shepherd's purse, shepherd's pouch, Capsella bursa-pastoris
+n11882074 lady's smock, cuckooflower, cuckoo flower, meadow cress, Cardamine pratensis
+n11882237 coral-root bittercress, coralroot, coralwort, Cardamine bulbifera, Dentaria bulbifera
+n11882426 crinkleroot, crinkle-root, crinkle root, pepper root, toothwort, Cardamine diphylla, Dentaria diphylla
+n11882636 American watercress, mountain watercress, Cardamine rotundifolia
+n11882821 spring cress, Cardamine bulbosa
+n11882972 purple cress, Cardamine douglasii
+n11883328 wallflower, Cheiranthus cheiri, Erysimum cheiri
+n11883628 prairie rocket
+n11883945 scurvy grass, common scurvy grass, Cochlearia officinalis
+n11884384 sea kale, sea cole, Crambe maritima
+n11884967 tansy mustard, Descurainia pinnata
+n11885856 draba
+n11887119 wallflower
+n11887310 prairie rocket
+n11887476 Siberian wall flower, Erysimum allionii, Cheiranthus allionii
+n11887750 western wall flower, Erysimum asperum, Cheiranthus asperus, Erysimum arkansanum
+n11888061 wormseed mustard, Erysimum cheiranthoides
+n11888424 heliophila
+n11888800 damask violet, Dame's violet, sweet rocket, Hesperis matronalis
+n11889205 tansy-leaved rocket, Hugueninia tanacetifolia, Sisymbrium tanacetifolia
+n11889619 candytuft
+n11890022 woad
+n11890150 dyer's woad, Isatis tinctoria
+n11890884 bladderpod
+n11891175 sweet alyssum, sweet alison, Lobularia maritima
+n11892029 Malcolm stock, stock
+n11892181 Virginian stock, Virginia stock, Malcolmia maritima
+n11892637 stock, gillyflower
+n11892817 brompton stock, Matthiola incana
+n11893640 bladderpod
+n11893916 chamois cress, Pritzelago alpina, Lepidium alpina
+n11894327 radish plant, radish
+n11894558 jointed charlock, wild radish, wild rape, runch, Raphanus raphanistrum
+n11894770 radish, Raphanus sativus
+n11895092 radish, daikon, Japanese radish, Raphanus sativus longipinnatus
+n11895472 marsh cress, yellow watercress, Rorippa islandica
+n11895714 great yellowcress, Rorippa amphibia, Nasturtium amphibium
+n11896141 schizopetalon, Schizopetalon walkeri
+n11896722 field mustard, wild mustard, charlock, chadlock, Brassica kaber, Sinapis arvensis
+n11897116 hedge mustard, Sisymbrium officinale
+n11897466 desert plume, prince's-plume, Stanleya pinnata, Cleome pinnata
+n11898639 pennycress
+n11898775 field pennycress, French weed, fanweed, penny grass, stinkweed, mithridate mustard, Thlaspi arvense
+n11899223 fringepod, lacepod
+n11899762 bladderpod
+n11899921 wasabi
+n11900569 poppy
+n11901294 Iceland poppy, Papaver alpinum
+n11901452 western poppy, Papaver californicum
+n11901597 prickly poppy, Papaver argemone
+n11901759 Iceland poppy, arctic poppy, Papaver nudicaule
+n11901977 oriental poppy, Papaver orientale
+n11902200 corn poppy, field poppy, Flanders poppy, Papaver rhoeas
+n11902389 opium poppy, Papaver somniferum
+n11902709 prickly poppy, argemone, white thistle, devil's fig
+n11902982 Mexican poppy, Argemone mexicana
+n11903333 bocconia, tree celandine, Bocconia frutescens
+n11903671 celandine, greater celandine, swallowwort, swallow wort, Chelidonium majus
+n11904109 corydalis
+n11904274 climbing corydalis, Corydalis claviculata, Fumaria claviculata
+n11905392 California poppy, Eschscholtzia californica
+n11905749 horn poppy, horned poppy, yellow horned poppy, sea poppy, Glaucium flavum
+n11906127 golden cup, Mexican tulip poppy, Hunnemania fumariifolia
+n11906514 plume poppy, bocconia, Macleaya cordata
+n11906917 blue poppy, Meconopsis betonicifolia
+n11907100 Welsh poppy, Meconopsis cambrica
+n11907405 creamcups, Platystemon californicus
+n11907689 matilija poppy, California tree poppy, Romneya coulteri
+n11908549 wind poppy, flaming poppy, Stylomecon heterophyllum, Papaver heterophyllum
+n11908846 celandine poppy, wood poppy, Stylophorum diphyllum
+n11909864 climbing fumitory, Allegheny vine, Adlumia fungosa, Fumaria fungosa
+n11910271 bleeding heart, lyreflower, lyre-flower, Dicentra spectabilis
+n11910460 Dutchman's breeches, Dicentra cucullaria
+n11910666 squirrel corn, Dicentra canadensis
+n11915214 composite, composite plant
+n11915658 compass plant, compass flower
+n11915899 everlasting, everlasting flower
+n11916467 achillea
+n11916696 yarrow, milfoil, Achillea millefolium
+n11917407 pink-and-white everlasting, pink paper daisy, Acroclinium roseum
+n11917835 white snakeroot, white sanicle, Ageratina altissima, Eupatorium rugosum
+n11918286 ageratum
+n11918473 common ageratum, Ageratum houstonianum
+n11918808 sweet sultan, Amberboa moschata, Centaurea moschata
+n11919447 ragweed, ambrosia, bitterweed
+n11919761 common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia
+n11919975 great ragweed, Ambrosia trifida
+n11920133 western ragweed, perennial ragweed, Ambrosia psilostachya
+n11920498 ammobium
+n11920663 winged everlasting, Ammobium alatum
+n11920998 pellitory, pellitory-of-Spain, Anacyclus pyrethrum
+n11921395 pearly everlasting, cottonweed, Anaphalis margaritacea
+n11921792 andryala
+n11922661 plantain-leaved pussytoes
+n11922755 field pussytoes
+n11922839 solitary pussytoes
+n11922926 mountain everlasting
+n11923174 mayweed, dog fennel, stinking mayweed, stinking chamomile, Anthemis cotula
+n11923397 yellow chamomile, golden marguerite, dyers' chamomile, Anthemis tinctoria
+n11923637 corn chamomile, field chamomile, corn mayweed, Anthemis arvensis
+n11924014 woolly daisy, dwarf daisy, Antheropeas wallacei, Eriophyllum wallacei
+n11924445 burdock, clotbur
+n11924849 great burdock, greater burdock, cocklebur, Arctium lappa
+n11925303 African daisy
+n11925450 blue-eyed African daisy, Arctotis stoechadifolia, Arctotis venusta
+n11925898 marguerite, marguerite daisy, Paris daisy, Chrysanthemum frutescens, Argyranthemum frutescens
+n11926365 silversword, Argyroxiphium sandwicense
+n11926833 arnica
+n11926976 heartleaf arnica, Arnica cordifolia
+n11927215 Arnica montana
+n11927740 lamb succory, dwarf nipplewort, Arnoseris minima
+n11928352 artemisia
+n11928858 mugwort
+n11929743 sweet wormwood, Artemisia annua
+n11930038 field wormwood, Artemisia campestris
+n11930203 tarragon, estragon, Artemisia dracunculus
+n11930353 sand sage, silvery wormwood, Artemisia filifolia
+n11930571 wormwood sage, prairie sagewort, Artemisia frigida
+n11930788 western mugwort, white sage, cudweed, prairie sage, Artemisia ludoviciana, Artemisia gnaphalodes
+n11930994 Roman wormwood, Artemis pontica
+n11931135 bud brush, bud sagebrush, Artemis spinescens
+n11931540 common mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris
+n11931918 aster
+n11932745 wood aster
+n11932927 whorled aster, Aster acuminatus
+n11933099 heath aster, Aster arenosus
+n11933257 heart-leaved aster, Aster cordifolius
+n11933387 white wood aster, Aster divaricatus
+n11933546 bushy aster, Aster dumosus
+n11933728 heath aster, Aster ericoides
+n11933903 white prairie aster, Aster falcatus
+n11934041 stiff aster, Aster linarifolius
+n11934239 goldilocks, goldilocks aster, Aster linosyris, Linosyris vulgaris
+n11934463 large-leaved aster, Aster macrophyllus
+n11934616 New England aster, Aster novae-angliae
+n11934807 Michaelmas daisy, New York aster, Aster novi-belgii
+n11935027 upland white aster, Aster ptarmicoides
+n11935187 Short's aster, Aster shortii
+n11935330 sea aster, sea starwort, Aster tripolium
+n11935469 prairie aster, Aster turbinellis
+n11935627 annual salt-marsh aster
+n11935715 aromatic aster
+n11935794 arrow leaved aster
+n11935877 azure aster
+n11935953 bog aster
+n11936027 crooked-stemmed aster
+n11936113 Eastern silvery aster
+n11936199 flat-topped white aster
+n11936287 late purple aster
+n11936369 panicled aster
+n11936448 perennial salt marsh aster
+n11936539 purple-stemmed aster
+n11936624 rough-leaved aster
+n11936707 rush aster
+n11936782 Schreiber's aster
+n11936864 small white aster
+n11936946 smooth aster
+n11937023 southern aster
+n11937102 starved aster, calico aster
+n11937195 tradescant's aster
+n11937278 wavy-leaved aster
+n11937360 Western silvery aster
+n11937446 willow aster
+n11937692 ayapana, Ayapana triplinervis, Eupatorium aya-pana
+n11938556 mule fat, Baccharis viminea
+n11939180 balsamroot
+n11939491 daisy
+n11939699 common daisy, English daisy, Bellis perennis
+n11940006 bur marigold, burr marigold, beggar-ticks, beggar's-ticks, sticktight
+n11940349 Spanish needles, Bidens bipinnata
+n11940599 tickseed sunflower, Bidens coronata, Bidens trichosperma
+n11940750 European beggar-ticks, trifid beggar-ticks, trifid bur marigold, Bidens tripartita
+n11941094 slender knapweed
+n11941478 false chamomile
+n11941924 Swan River daisy, Brachycome Iberidifolia
+n11942659 woodland oxeye, Buphthalmum salicifolium
+n11943133 Indian plantain
+n11943407 calendula
+n11943660 common marigold, pot marigold, ruddles, Scotch marigold, Calendula officinalis
+n11943992 China aster, Callistephus chinensis
+n11944196 thistle
+n11944751 welted thistle, Carduus crispus
+n11944954 musk thistle, nodding thistle, Carduus nutans
+n11945367 carline thistle
+n11945514 stemless carline thistle, Carlina acaulis
+n11945783 common carline thistle, Carlina vulgaris
+n11946051 safflower, false saffron, Carthamus tinctorius
+n11946313 safflower seed
+n11946727 catananche
+n11946918 blue succory, cupid's dart, Catananche caerulea
+n11947251 centaury
+n11947629 dusty miller, Centaurea cineraria, Centaurea gymnocarpa
+n11947802 cornflower, bachelor's button, bluebottle, Centaurea cyanus
+n11948044 star-thistle, caltrop, Centauria calcitrapa
+n11948264 knapweed
+n11948469 sweet sultan, Centaurea imperialis
+n11948864 great knapweed, greater knapweed, Centaurea scabiosa
+n11949015 Barnaby's thistle, yellow star-thistle, Centaurea solstitialis
+n11949402 chamomile, camomile, Chamaemelum nobilis, Anthemis nobilis
+n11949857 chaenactis
+n11950345 chrysanthemum
+n11950686 corn marigold, field marigold, Chrysanthemum segetum
+n11950877 crown daisy, Chrysanthemum coronarium
+n11951052 chop-suey greens, tong ho, shun giku, Chrysanthemum coronarium spatiosum
+n11951511 golden aster
+n11951820 Maryland golden aster, Chrysopsis mariana
+n11952346 goldenbush
+n11952541 rabbit brush, rabbit bush, Chrysothamnus nauseosus
+n11953038 chicory, succory, chicory plant, Cichorium intybus
+n11953339 endive, witloof, Cichorium endivia
+n11953610 chicory, chicory root
+n11953884 plume thistle, plumed thistle
+n11954161 Canada thistle, creeping thistle, Cirsium arvense
+n11954345 field thistle, Cirsium discolor
+n11954484 woolly thistle, Cirsium flodmanii
+n11954642 European woolly thistle, Cirsium eriophorum
+n11954798 melancholy thistle, Cirsium heterophylum, Cirsium helenioides
+n11955040 brook thistle, Cirsium rivulare
+n11955153 bull thistle, boar thistle, spear thistle, Cirsium vulgare, Cirsium lanceolatum
+n11955532 blessed thistle, sweet sultan, Cnicus benedictus
+n11955896 mistflower, mist-flower, ageratum, Conoclinium coelestinum, Eupatorium coelestinum
+n11956348 horseweed, Canadian fleabane, fleabane, Conyza canadensis, Erigeron canadensis
+n11956850 coreopsis, tickseed, tickweed, tick-weed
+n11957317 giant coreopsis, Coreopsis gigantea
+n11957514 sea dahlia, Coreopsis maritima
+n11957678 calliopsis, Coreopsis tinctoria
+n11958080 cosmos, cosmea
+n11958499 brass buttons, Cotula coronopifolia
+n11958888 billy buttons
+n11959259 hawk's-beard, hawk's-beards
+n11959632 artichoke, globe artichoke, artichoke plant, Cynara scolymus
+n11959862 cardoon, Cynara cardunculus
+n11960245 dahlia, Dahlia pinnata
+n11960673 German ivy, Delairea odorata, Senecio milkanioides
+n11961100 florist's chrysanthemum, florists' chrysanthemum, mum, Dendranthema grandifloruom, Chrysanthemum morifolium
+n11961446 cape marigold, sun marigold, star of the veldt
+n11961871 leopard's-bane, leopardbane
+n11962272 coneflower
+n11962667 globe thistle
+n11962994 elephant's-foot
+n11963572 tassel flower, Emilia sagitta
+n11963932 brittlebush, brittle bush, incienso, Encelia farinosa
+n11964446 sunray, Enceliopsis nudicaulis
+n11964848 engelmannia
+n11965218 fireweed, Erechtites hieracifolia
+n11965627 fleabane
+n11965962 blue fleabane, Erigeron acer
+n11966083 daisy fleabane, Erigeron annuus
+n11966215 orange daisy, orange fleabane, Erigeron aurantiacus
+n11966385 spreading fleabane, Erigeron divergens
+n11966617 seaside daisy, beach aster, Erigeron glaucous
+n11966896 Philadelphia fleabane, Erigeron philadelphicus
+n11967142 robin's plantain, Erigeron pulchellus
+n11967315 showy daisy, Erigeron speciosus
+n11967744 woolly sunflower
+n11967878 golden yarrow, Eriophyllum lanatum
+n11968519 dog fennel, Eupatorium capillifolium
+n11968704 Joe-Pye weed, spotted Joe-Pye weed, Eupatorium maculatum
+n11968931 boneset, agueweed, thoroughwort, Eupatorium perfoliatum
+n11969166 Joe-Pye weed, purple boneset, trumpet weed, marsh milkweed, Eupatorium purpureum
+n11969607 blue daisy, blue marguerite, Felicia amelloides
+n11969806 kingfisher daisy, Felicia bergeriana
+n11970101 cotton rose, cudweed, filago
+n11970298 herba impia, Filago germanica
+n11970586 gaillardia
+n11971248 gazania
+n11971406 treasure flower, Gazania rigens
+n11971783 African daisy
+n11971927 Barberton daisy, Transvaal daisy, Gerbera jamesonii
+n11972291 desert sunflower, Gerea canescens
+n11972759 cudweed
+n11972959 chafeweed, wood cudweed, Gnaphalium sylvaticum
+n11973341 gumweed, gum plant, tarweed, rosinweed
+n11973634 Grindelia robusta
+n11973749 curlycup gumweed, Grindelia squarrosa
+n11974373 little-head snakeweed, Gutierrezia microcephala
+n11974557 rabbitweed, rabbit-weed, snakeweed, broom snakeweed, broom snakeroot, turpentine weed, Gutierrezia sarothrae
+n11974888 broomweed, broom-weed, Gutierrezia texana
+n11975254 velvet plant, purple velvet plant, royal velvet plant, Gynura aurantiaca
+n11976170 goldenbush
+n11976314 camphor daisy, Haplopappus phyllocephalus
+n11976511 yellow spiny daisy, Haplopappus spinulosus
+n11976933 hoary golden bush, Hazardia cana
+n11977303 sneezeweed
+n11977660 orange sneezeweed, owlclaws, Helenium hoopesii
+n11977887 rosilla, Helenium puberulum
+n11978233 sunflower, helianthus
+n11978551 swamp sunflower, Helianthus angustifolius
+n11978713 common sunflower, mirasol, Helianthus annuus
+n11978961 giant sunflower, tall sunflower, Indian potato, Helianthus giganteus
+n11979187 showy sunflower, Helianthus laetiflorus
+n11979354 Maximilian's sunflower, Helianthus maximilianii
+n11979527 prairie sunflower, Helianthus petiolaris
+n11979715 Jerusalem artichoke, girasol, Jerusalem artichoke sunflower, Helianthus tuberosus
+n11979964 Jerusalem artichoke
+n11980318 strawflower, golden everlasting, yellow paper daisy, Helichrysum bracteatum
+n11980682 heliopsis, oxeye
+n11981192 strawflower
+n11981475 hairy golden aster, prairie golden aster, Heterotheca villosa, Chrysopsis villosa
+n11982115 hawkweed
+n11982545 rattlesnake weed, Hieracium venosum
+n11982939 alpine coltsfoot, Homogyne alpina, Tussilago alpina
+n11983375 alpine gold, alpine hulsea, Hulsea algida
+n11983606 dwarf hulsea, Hulsea nana
+n11984144 cat's-ear, California dandelion, capeweed, gosmore, Hypochaeris radicata
+n11984542 inula
+n11985053 marsh elder, iva
+n11985321 burweed marsh elder, false ragweed, Iva xanthifolia
+n11985739 krigia
+n11985903 dwarf dandelion, Krigia dandelion, Krigia bulbosa
+n11986511 garden lettuce, common lettuce, Lactuca sativa
+n11986729 cos lettuce, romaine lettuce, Lactuca sativa longifolia
+n11987126 leaf lettuce, Lactuca sativa crispa
+n11987349 celtuce, stem lettuce, Lactuca sativa asparagina
+n11987511 prickly lettuce, horse thistle, Lactuca serriola, Lactuca scariola
+n11988132 goldfields, Lasthenia chrysostoma
+n11988596 tidytips, tidy tips, Layia platyglossa
+n11988893 hawkbit
+n11989087 fall dandelion, arnica bud, Leontodon autumnalis
+n11989393 edelweiss, Leontopodium alpinum
+n11989869 oxeye daisy, ox-eyed daisy, marguerite, moon daisy, white daisy, Leucanthemum vulgare, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum
+n11990167 oxeye daisy, Leucanthemum maximum, Chrysanthemum maximum
+n11990313 shasta daisy, Leucanthemum superbum, Chrysanthemum maximum maximum
+n11990627 Pyrenees daisy, Leucanthemum lacustre, Chrysanthemum lacustre
+n11990920 north island edelweiss, Leucogenes leontopodium
+n11991263 blazing star, button snakeroot, gayfeather, gay-feather, snakeroot
+n11991549 dotted gayfeather, Liatris punctata
+n11991777 dense blazing star, Liatris pycnostachya
+n11992479 Texas star, Lindheimera texana
+n11992806 African daisy, yellow ageratum, Lonas inodora, Lonas annua
+n11993203 tahoka daisy, tansy leaf aster, Machaeranthera tanacetifolia
+n11993444 sticky aster, Machaeranthera bigelovii
+n11993675 Mojave aster, Machaeranthera tortifoloia
+n11994150 tarweed
+n11995092 sweet false chamomile, wild chamomile, German chamomile, Matricaria recutita, Matricaria chamomilla
+n11995396 pineapple weed, rayless chamomile, Matricaria matricarioides
+n11996251 climbing hempweed, climbing boneset, wild climbing hempweed, climbing hemp-vine, Mikania scandens
+n11996677 mutisia
+n11997032 rattlesnake root
+n11997160 white lettuce, cankerweed, Nabalus alba, Prenanthes alba
+n11997969 daisybush, daisy-bush, daisy bush
+n11998492 New Zealand daisybush, Olearia haastii
+n11998888 cotton thistle, woolly thistle, Scotch thistle, Onopordum acanthium, Onopordon acanthium
+n11999278 othonna
+n11999656 cascade everlasting, Ozothamnus secundiflorus, Helichrysum secundiflorum
+n12000191 butterweed
+n12001294 American feverfew, wild quinine, prairie dock, Parthenium integrifolium
+n12001707 cineraria, Pericallis cruenta, Senecio cruentus
+n12001924 florest's cineraria, Pericallis hybrida
+n12002428 butterbur, bog rhubarb, Petasites hybridus, Petasites vulgaris
+n12002651 winter heliotrope, sweet coltsfoot, Petasites fragrans
+n12002826 sweet coltsfoot, Petasites sagitattus
+n12003167 oxtongue, bristly oxtongue, bitterweed, bugloss, Picris echioides
+n12003696 hawkweed
+n12004120 mouse-ear hawkweed, Pilosella officinarum, Hieracium pilocella
+n12004547 stevia
+n12004987 rattlesnake root, Prenanthes purpurea
+n12005656 fleabane, feabane mullet, Pulicaria dysenterica
+n12006306 sheep plant, vegetable sheep, Raoulia lutescens, Raoulia australis
+n12006766 coneflower
+n12006930 Mexican hat, Ratibida columnaris
+n12007196 long-head coneflower, prairie coneflower, Ratibida columnifera
+n12007406 prairie coneflower, Ratibida tagetes
+n12007766 Swan River everlasting, rhodanthe, Rhodanthe manglesii, Helipterum manglesii
+n12008252 coneflower
+n12008487 black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia hirta, Rudbeckia serotina
+n12008749 cutleaved coneflower, Rudbeckia laciniata
+n12009047 golden glow, double gold, hortensia, Rudbeckia laciniata hortensia
+n12009420 lavender cotton, Santolina chamaecyparissus
+n12009792 creeping zinnia, Sanvitalia procumbens
+n12010628 golden thistle
+n12010815 Spanish oyster plant, Scolymus hispanicus
+n12011370 nodding groundsel, Senecio bigelovii
+n12011620 dusty miller, Senecio cineraria, Cineraria maritima
+n12012111 butterweed, ragwort, Senecio glabellus
+n12012253 ragwort, tansy ragwort, ragweed, benweed, Senecio jacobaea
+n12012510 arrowleaf groundsel, Senecio triangularis
+n12013035 black salsify, viper's grass, scorzonera, Scorzonera hispanica
+n12013511 white-topped aster
+n12013701 narrow-leaved white-topped aster
+n12014085 silver sage, silver sagebrush, grey sage, gray sage, Seriphidium canum, Artemisia cana
+n12014355 sea wormwood, Seriphidium maritimum, Artemisia maritima
+n12014923 sawwort, Serratula tinctoria
+n12015221 rosinweed, Silphium laciniatum
+n12015525 milk thistle, lady's thistle, Our Lady's mild thistle, holy thistle, blessed thistle, Silybum marianum
+n12015959 goldenrod
+n12016434 silverrod, Solidago bicolor
+n12016567 meadow goldenrod, Canadian goldenrod, Solidago canadensis
+n12016777 Missouri goldenrod, Solidago missouriensis
+n12016914 alpine goldenrod, Solidago multiradiata
+n12017127 grey goldenrod, gray goldenrod, Solidago nemoralis
+n12017326 Blue Mountain tea, sweet goldenrod, Solidago odora
+n12017511 dyer's weed, Solidago rugosa
+n12017664 seaside goldenrod, beach goldenrod, Solidago sempervirens
+n12017853 narrow goldenrod, Solidago spathulata
+n12018014 Boott's goldenrod
+n12018100 Elliott's goldenrod
+n12018188 Ohio goldenrod
+n12018271 rough-stemmed goldenrod
+n12018363 showy goldenrod
+n12018447 tall goldenrod
+n12018530 zigzag goldenrod, broad leaved goldenrod
+n12018760 sow thistle, milk thistle
+n12019035 milkweed, Sonchus oleraceus
+n12019827 stevia
+n12020184 stokes' aster, cornflower aster, Stokesia laevis
+n12020507 marigold
+n12020736 African marigold, big marigold, Aztec marigold, Tagetes erecta
+n12020941 French marigold, Tagetes patula
+n12022054 painted daisy, pyrethrum, Tanacetum coccineum, Chrysanthemum coccineum
+n12022382 pyrethrum, Dalmatian pyrethrum, Dalmatia pyrethrum, Tanacetum cinerariifolium, Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium
+n12022821 northern dune tansy, Tanacetum douglasii
+n12023108 feverfew, Tanacetum parthenium, Chrysanthemum parthenium
+n12023407 dusty miller, silver-lace, silver lace, Tanacetum ptarmiciflorum, Chrysanthemum ptarmiciflorum
+n12023726 tansy, golden buttons, scented fern, Tanacetum vulgare
+n12024176 dandelion, blowball
+n12024445 common dandelion, Taraxacum ruderalia, Taraxacum officinale
+n12024690 dandelion green
+n12024805 Russian dandelion, kok-saghyz, kok-sagyz, Taraxacum kok-saghyz
+n12025220 stemless hymenoxys, Tetraneuris acaulis, Hymenoxys acaulis
+n12026018 Mexican sunflower, tithonia
+n12026476 Easter daisy, stemless daisy, Townsendia Exscapa
+n12026981 yellow salsify, Tragopogon dubius
+n12027222 salsify, oyster plant, vegetable oyster, Tragopogon porrifolius
+n12027658 meadow salsify, goatsbeard, shepherd's clock, Tragopogon pratensis
+n12028424 scentless camomile, scentless false camomile, scentless mayweed, scentless hayweed, corn mayweed, Tripleurospermum inodorum, Matricaria inodorum
+n12029039 turfing daisy, Tripleurospermum tchihatchewii, Matricaria tchihatchewii
+n12029635 coltsfoot, Tussilago farfara
+n12030092 ursinia
+n12030654 crownbeard, crown-beard, crown beard
+n12030908 wingstem, golden ironweed, yellow ironweed, golden honey plant, Verbesina alternifolia, Actinomeris alternifolia
+n12031139 cowpen daisy, golden crownbeard, golden crown beard, butter daisy, Verbesina encelioides, Ximenesia encelioides
+n12031388 gravelweed, Verbesina helianthoides
+n12031547 Virginia crownbeard, frostweed, frost-weed, Verbesina virginica
+n12031927 ironweed, vernonia
+n12032429 mule's ears, Wyethia amplexicaulis
+n12032686 white-rayed mule's ears, Wyethia helianthoides
+n12033139 cocklebur, cockle-bur, cockleburr, cockle-burr
+n12033504 xeranthemum
+n12033709 immortelle, Xeranthemum annuum
+n12034141 zinnia, old maid, old maid flower
+n12034384 white zinnia, Zinnia acerosa
+n12034594 little golden zinnia, Zinnia grandiflora
+n12035631 blazing star, Mentzelia livicaulis, Mentzelia laevicaulis
+n12035907 bartonia, Mentzelia lindleyi
+n12036067 achene
+n12036226 samara, key fruit, key
+n12036939 campanula, bellflower
+n12037499 creeping bellflower, Campanula rapunculoides
+n12037691 Canterbury bell, cup and saucer, Campanula medium
+n12038038 tall bellflower, Campanula americana
+n12038208 marsh bellflower, Campanula aparinoides
+n12038406 clustered bellflower, Campanula glomerata
+n12038585 peach bells, peach bell, willow bell, Campanula persicifolia
+n12038760 chimney plant, chimney bellflower, Campanula pyramidalis
+n12038898 rampion, rampion bellflower, Campanula rapunculus
+n12039317 tussock bellflower, spreading bellflower, Campanula carpatica
+n12041446 orchid, orchidaceous plant
+n12043444 orchis
+n12043673 male orchis, early purple orchid, Orchis mascula
+n12043836 butterfly orchid, butterfly orchis, Orchis papilionaceae
+n12044041 showy orchis, purple orchis, purple-hooded orchis, Orchis spectabilis
+n12044467 aerides
+n12044784 angrecum
+n12045157 jewel orchid
+n12045514 puttyroot, adam-and-eve, Aplectrum hyemale
+n12045860 arethusa
+n12046028 bog rose, wild pink, dragon's mouth, Arethusa bulbosa
+n12046428 bletia
+n12046815 Bletilla striata, Bletia striata
+n12047345 brassavola
+n12047884 spider orchid, Brassia lawrenceana
+n12048056 spider orchid, Brassia verrucosa
+n12048399 caladenia
+n12048928 calanthe
+n12049282 grass pink, Calopogon pulchellum, Calopogon tuberosum
+n12049562 calypso, fairy-slipper, Calypso bulbosa
+n12050533 cattleya
+n12050959 helleborine
+n12051103 red helleborine, Cephalanthera rubra
+n12051514 spreading pogonia, funnel-crest rosebud orchid, Cleistes divaricata, Pogonia divaricata
+n12051792 rosebud orchid, Cleistes rosea, Pogonia rosea
+n12052267 satyr orchid, Coeloglossum bracteatum
+n12052447 frog orchid, Coeloglossum viride
+n12052787 coelogyne
+n12053405 coral root
+n12053690 spotted coral root, Corallorhiza maculata
+n12053962 striped coral root, Corallorhiza striata
+n12054195 early coral root, pale coral root, Corallorhiza trifida
+n12055073 swan orchid, swanflower, swan-flower, swanneck, swan-neck
+n12055516 cymbid, cymbidium
+n12056099 cypripedia
+n12056217 lady's slipper, lady-slipper, ladies' slipper, slipper orchid
+n12056601 moccasin flower, nerveroot, Cypripedium acaule
+n12056758 common lady's-slipper, showy lady's-slipper, showy lady slipper, Cypripedium reginae, Cypripedium album
+n12056990 ram's-head, ram's-head lady's slipper, Cypripedium arietinum
+n12057211 yellow lady's slipper, yellow lady-slipper, Cypripedium calceolus, Cypripedium parviflorum
+n12057447 large yellow lady's slipper, Cypripedium calceolus pubescens
+n12057660 California lady's slipper, Cypripedium californicum
+n12057895 clustered lady's slipper, Cypripedium fasciculatum
+n12058192 mountain lady's slipper, Cypripedium montanum
+n12058630 marsh orchid
+n12058822 common spotted orchid, Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Dactylorhiza maculata fuchsii
+n12059314 dendrobium
+n12059625 disa
+n12060546 phantom orchid, snow orchid, Eburophyton austinae
+n12061104 tulip orchid, Encyclia citrina, Cattleya citrina
+n12061380 butterfly orchid, Encyclia tampensis, Epidendrum tampense
+n12061614 butterfly orchid, butterfly orchis, Epidendrum venosum, Encyclia venosa
+n12062105 epidendron
+n12062468 helleborine
+n12062626 Epipactis helleborine
+n12062781 stream orchid, chatterbox, giant helleborine, Epipactis gigantea
+n12063211 tongueflower, tongue-flower
+n12063639 rattlesnake plantain, helleborine
+n12064389 fragrant orchid, Gymnadenia conopsea
+n12064591 short-spurred fragrant orchid, Gymnadenia odoratissima
+n12065316 fringed orchis, fringed orchid
+n12065649 frog orchid
+n12065777 rein orchid, rein orchis
+n12066018 bog rein orchid, bog candles, Habenaria dilatata
+n12066261 white fringed orchis, white fringed orchid, Habenaria albiflora
+n12066451 elegant Habenaria, Habenaria elegans
+n12066630 purple-fringed orchid, purple-fringed orchis, Habenaria fimbriata
+n12066821 coastal rein orchid, Habenaria greenei
+n12067029 Hooker's orchid, Habenaria hookeri
+n12067193 ragged orchid, ragged orchis, ragged-fringed orchid, green fringed orchis, Habenaria lacera
+n12067433 prairie orchid, prairie white-fringed orchis, Habenaria leucophaea
+n12067672 snowy orchid, Habenaria nivea
+n12067817 round-leaved rein orchid, Habenaria orbiculata
+n12068138 purple fringeless orchid, purple fringeless orchis, Habenaria peramoena
+n12068432 purple-fringed orchid, purple-fringed orchis, Habenaria psycodes
+n12068615 Alaska rein orchid, Habenaria unalascensis
+n12069009 crested coral root, Hexalectris spicata
+n12069217 Texas purple spike, Hexalectris warnockii
+n12069679 lizard orchid, Himantoglossum hircinum
+n12070016 laelia
+n12070381 liparis
+n12070583 twayblade
+n12070712 fen orchid, fen orchis, Liparis loeselii
+n12071259 broad-leaved twayblade, Listera convallarioides
+n12071477 lesser twayblade, Listera cordata
+n12071744 twayblade, Listera ovata
+n12072210 green adder's mouth, Malaxis-unifolia, Malaxis ophioglossoides
+n12072722 masdevallia
+n12073217 maxillaria
+n12073554 pansy orchid
+n12073991 odontoglossum
+n12074408 oncidium, dancing lady orchid, butterfly plant, butterfly orchid
+n12074867 bee orchid, Ophrys apifera
+n12075010 fly orchid, Ophrys insectifera, Ophrys muscifera
+n12075151 spider orchid
+n12075299 early spider orchid, Ophrys sphegodes
+n12075830 Venus' slipper, Venus's slipper, Venus's shoe
+n12076223 phaius
+n12076577 moth orchid, moth plant
+n12076852 butterfly plant, Phalaenopsis amabilis
+n12077244 rattlesnake orchid
+n12077944 lesser butterfly orchid, Platanthera bifolia, Habenaria bifolia
+n12078172 greater butterfly orchid, Platanthera chlorantha, Habenaria chlorantha
+n12078451 prairie white-fringed orchid, Platanthera leucophea
+n12078747 tangle orchid
+n12079120 Indian crocus
+n12079523 pleurothallis
+n12079963 pogonia
+n12080395 butterfly orchid
+n12080588 Psychopsis krameriana, Oncidium papilio kramerianum
+n12080820 Psychopsis papilio, Oncidium papilio
+n12081215 helmet orchid, greenhood
+n12081649 foxtail orchid
+n12082131 orange-blossom orchid, Sarcochilus falcatus
+n12083113 sobralia
+n12083591 ladies' tresses, lady's tresses
+n12083847 screw augur, Spiranthes cernua
+n12084158 hooded ladies' tresses, Spiranthes romanzoffiana
+n12084400 western ladies' tresses, Spiranthes porrifolia
+n12084555 European ladies' tresses, Spiranthes spiralis
+n12084890 stanhopea
+n12085267 stelis
+n12085664 fly orchid
+n12086012 vanda
+n12086192 blue orchid, Vanda caerulea
+n12086539 vanilla
+n12086778 vanilla orchid, Vanilla planifolia
+n12087961 yam, yam plant
+n12088223 yam
+n12088327 white yam, water yam, Dioscorea alata
+n12088495 cinnamon vine, Chinese yam, Dioscorea batata
+n12088909 elephant's-foot, tortoise plant, Hottentot bread vine, Hottentot's bread vine, Dioscorea elephantipes
+n12089320 wild yam, Dioscorea paniculata
+n12089496 cush-cush, Dioscorea trifida
+n12089846 black bryony, black bindweed, Tamus communis
+n12090890 primrose, primula
+n12091213 English primrose, Primula vulgaris
+n12091377 cowslip, paigle, Primula veris
+n12091550 oxlip, paigle, Primula elatior
+n12091697 Chinese primrose, Primula sinensis
+n12091953 polyanthus, Primula polyantha
+n12092262 pimpernel
+n12092417 scarlet pimpernel, red pimpernel, poor man's weatherglass, Anagallis arvensis
+n12092629 bog pimpernel, Anagallis tenella
+n12092930 chaffweed, bastard pimpernel, false pimpernel
+n12093329 cyclamen, Cyclamen purpurascens
+n12093600 sowbread, Cyclamen hederifolium, Cyclamen neopolitanum
+n12093885 sea milkwort, sea trifoly, black saltwort, Glaux maritima
+n12094244 featherfoil, feather-foil
+n12094401 water gillyflower, American featherfoil, Hottonia inflata
+n12094612 water violet, Hottonia palustris
+n12095020 loosestrife
+n12095281 gooseneck loosestrife, Lysimachia clethroides Duby
+n12095412 yellow pimpernel, Lysimachia nemorum
+n12095543 fringed loosestrife, Lysimachia ciliatum
+n12095647 moneywort, creeping Jenny, creeping Charlie, Lysimachia nummularia
+n12095934 swamp candles, Lysimachia terrestris
+n12096089 whorled loosestrife, Lysimachia quadrifolia
+n12096395 water pimpernel
+n12096563 brookweed, Samolus valerandii
+n12096674 brookweed, Samolus parviflorus, Samolus floribundus
+n12097396 coralberry, spiceberry, Ardisia crenata
+n12097556 marlberry, Ardisia escallonoides, Ardisia paniculata
+n12098403 plumbago
+n12098524 leadwort, Plumbago europaea
+n12098827 thrift
+n12099342 sea lavender, marsh rosemary, statice
+n12100187 barbasco, joewood, Jacquinia keyensis
+n12101870 gramineous plant, graminaceous plant
+n12102133 grass
+n12103680 midgrass
+n12103894 shortgrass, short-grass
+n12104104 sword grass
+n12104238 tallgrass, tall-grass
+n12104501 herbage, pasturage
+n12104734 goat grass, Aegilops triuncalis
+n12105125 wheatgrass, wheat-grass
+n12105353 crested wheatgrass, crested wheat grass, fairway crested wheat grass, Agropyron cristatum
+n12105828 bearded wheatgrass, Agropyron subsecundum
+n12105981 western wheatgrass, bluestem wheatgrass, Agropyron smithii
+n12106134 intermediate wheatgrass, Agropyron intermedium, Elymus hispidus
+n12106323 slender wheatgrass, Agropyron trachycaulum, Agropyron pauciflorum, Elymus trachycaulos
+n12107002 velvet bent, velvet bent grass, brown bent, Rhode Island bent, dog bent, Agrostis canina
+n12107191 cloud grass, Agrostis nebulosa
+n12107710 meadow foxtail, Alopecurus pratensis
+n12107970 foxtail, foxtail grass
+n12108432 broom grass
+n12108613 broom sedge, Andropogon virginicus
+n12108871 tall oat grass, tall meadow grass, evergreen grass, false oat, French rye, Arrhenatherum elatius
+n12109365 toetoe, toitoi, Arundo conspicua, Chionochloa conspicua
+n12109827 oat
+n12110085 cereal oat, Avena sativa
+n12110236 wild oat, wild oat grass, Avena fatua
+n12110352 slender wild oat, Avena barbata
+n12110475 wild red oat, animated oat, Avene sterilis
+n12110778 brome, bromegrass
+n12111238 chess, cheat, Bromus secalinus
+n12111627 field brome, Bromus arvensis
+n12112008 grama, grama grass, gramma, gramma grass
+n12112337 black grama, Bouteloua eriopoda
+n12112609 buffalo grass, Buchloe dactyloides
+n12112918 reed grass
+n12113195 feather reed grass, feathertop, Calamagrostis acutiflora
+n12113323 Australian reed grass, Calamagrostic quadriseta
+n12113657 burgrass, bur grass
+n12114010 buffel grass, Cenchrus ciliaris, Pennisetum cenchroides
+n12114590 Rhodes grass, Chloris gayana
+n12115180 pampas grass, Cortaderia selloana
+n12116058 giant star grass, Cynodon plectostachyum
+n12116429 orchard grass, cocksfoot, cockspur, Dactylis glomerata
+n12116734 Egyptian grass, crowfoot grass, Dactyloctenium aegypticum
+n12117017 crabgrass, crab grass, finger grass
+n12117235 smooth crabgrass, Digitaria ischaemum
+n12117326 large crabgrass, hairy finger grass, Digitaria sanguinalis
+n12117695 barnyard grass, barn grass, barn millet, Echinochloa crusgalli
+n12117912 Japanese millet, billion-dollar grass, Japanese barnyard millet, sanwa millet, Echinochloa frumentacea
+n12118414 yardgrass, yard grass, wire grass, goose grass, Eleusine indica
+n12118661 finger millet, ragi, ragee, African millet, coracan, corakan, kurakkan, Eleusine coracana
+n12119099 lyme grass
+n12119238 wild rye
+n12119390 giant ryegrass, Elymus condensatus, Leymus condensatus
+n12119539 sea lyme grass, European dune grass, Elymus arenarius, Leymus arenaria
+n12119717 Canada wild rye, Elymus canadensis
+n12120347 teff, teff grass, Eragrostis tef, Eragrostic abyssinica
+n12120578 weeping love grass, African love grass, Eragrostis curvula
+n12121033 plume grass
+n12121187 Ravenna grass, wool grass, Erianthus ravennae
+n12121610 fescue, fescue grass, meadow fescue, Festuca elatior
+n12122442 reed meadow grass, Glyceria grandis
+n12122725 velvet grass, Yorkshire fog, Holcus lanatus
+n12122918 creeping soft grass, Holcus mollis
+n12123648 barleycorn
+n12123741 barley grass, wall barley, Hordeum murinum
+n12124172 little barley, Hordeum pusillum
+n12124627 rye grass, ryegrass
+n12124818 perennial ryegrass, English ryegrass, Lolium perenne
+n12125001 Italian ryegrass, Italian rye, Lolium multiflorum
+n12125183 darnel, tare, bearded darnel, cheat, Lolium temulentum
+n12125584 nimblewill, nimble Will, Muhlenbergia schreberi
+n12126084 cultivated rice, Oryza sativa
+n12126360 ricegrass, rice grass
+n12126736 smilo, smilo grass, Oryzopsis miliacea
+n12127460 switch grass, Panicum virgatum
+n12127575 broomcorn millet, hog millet, Panicum miliaceum
+n12127768 goose grass, Texas millet, Panicum Texanum
+n12128071 dallisgrass, dallis grass, paspalum, Paspalum dilatatum
+n12128306 Bahia grass, Paspalum notatum
+n12128490 knotgrass, Paspalum distichum
+n12129134 fountain grass, Pennisetum ruppelii, Pennisetum setaceum
+n12129738 reed canary grass, gardener's garters, lady's laces, ribbon grass, Phalaris arundinacea
+n12129986 canary grass, birdseed grass, Phalaris canariensis
+n12130549 timothy, herd's grass, Phleum pratense
+n12131405 bluegrass, blue grass
+n12131550 meadowgrass, meadow grass
+n12132092 wood meadowgrass, Poa nemoralis, Agrostis alba
+n12132956 noble cane
+n12133151 munj, munja, Saccharum bengalense, Saccharum munja
+n12133462 broom beard grass, prairie grass, wire grass, Andropogon scoparius, Schizachyrium scoparium
+n12133682 bluestem, blue stem, Andropogon furcatus, Andropogon gerardii
+n12134025 rye, Secale cereale
+n12134486 bristlegrass, bristle grass
+n12134695 giant foxtail
+n12134836 yellow bristlegrass, yellow bristle grass, yellow foxtail, glaucous bristlegrass, Setaria glauca
+n12135049 green bristlegrass, green foxtail, rough bristlegrass, bottle-grass, bottle grass, Setaria viridis
+n12135576 Siberian millet, Setaria italica rubrofructa
+n12135729 German millet, golden wonder millet, Setaria italica stramineofructa
+n12135898 millet
+n12136392 rattan, rattan cane
+n12136581 malacca
+n12136720 reed
+n12137120 sorghum
+n12137569 grain sorghum
+n12137791 durra, doura, dourah, Egyptian corn, Indian millet, Guinea corn
+n12137954 feterita, federita, Sorghum vulgare caudatum
+n12138110 hegari
+n12138248 kaoliang
+n12138444 milo, milo maize
+n12138578 shallu, Sorghum vulgare rosburghii
+n12139196 broomcorn, Sorghum vulgare technicum
+n12139575 cordgrass, cord grass
+n12139793 salt reed grass, Spartina cynosuroides
+n12139921 prairie cordgrass, freshwater cordgrass, slough grass, Spartina pectinmata
+n12140511 smut grass, blackseed, carpet grass, Sporobolus poiretii
+n12140759 sand dropseed, Sporobolus cryptandrus
+n12140903 rush grass, rush-grass
+n12141167 St. Augustine grass, Stenotaphrum secundatum, buffalo grass
+n12141385 grain
+n12141495 cereal, cereal grass
+n12142085 wheat
+n12142357 wheat berry
+n12142450 durum, durum wheat, hard wheat, Triticum durum, Triticum turgidum, macaroni wheat
+n12143065 spelt, Triticum spelta, Triticum aestivum spelta
+n12143215 emmer, starch wheat, two-grain spelt, Triticum dicoccum
+n12143405 wild wheat, wild emmer, Triticum dicoccum dicoccoides
+n12143676 corn, maize, Indian corn, Zea mays
+n12144313 mealie
+n12144580 corn
+n12144987 dent corn, Zea mays indentata
+n12145148 flint corn, flint maize, Yankee corn, Zea mays indurata
+n12145477 popcorn, Zea mays everta
+n12146311 zoysia
+n12146488 Manila grass, Japanese carpet grass, Zoysia matrella
+n12146654 Korean lawn grass, Japanese lawn grass, Zoysia japonica
+n12147226 bamboo
+n12147835 common bamboo, Bambusa vulgaris
+n12148757 giant bamboo, kyo-chiku, Dendrocalamus giganteus
+n12150722 umbrella plant, umbrella sedge, Cyperus alternifolius
+n12150969 chufa, yellow nutgrass, earth almond, ground almond, rush nut, Cyperus esculentus
+n12151170 galingale, galangal, Cyperus longus
+n12151615 nutgrass, nut grass, nutsedge, nut sedge, Cyperus rotundus
+n12152031 sand sedge, sand reed, Carex arenaria
+n12152251 cypress sedge, Carex pseudocyperus
+n12152532 cotton grass, cotton rush
+n12152722 common cotton grass, Eriophorum angustifolium
+n12153033 hardstem bulrush, hardstemmed bulrush, Scirpus acutus
+n12153224 wool grass, Scirpus cyperinus
+n12153580 spike rush
+n12153741 water chestnut, Chinese water chestnut, Eleocharis dulcis
+n12153914 needle spike rush, needle rush, slender spike rush, hair grass, Eleocharis acicularis
+n12154114 creeping spike rush, Eleocharis palustris
+n12154773 pandanus, screw pine
+n12155009 textile screw pine, lauhala, Pandanus tectorius
+n12155583 cattail
+n12155773 cat's-tail, bullrush, bulrush, nailrod, reed mace, reedmace, Typha latifolia
+n12156679 bur reed
+n12156819 grain, caryopsis
+n12157056 kernel
+n12157179 rye
+n12157769 gourd, gourd vine
+n12158031 gourd
+n12158443 pumpkin, pumpkin vine, autumn pumpkin, Cucurbita pepo
+n12158798 squash, squash vine
+n12159055 summer squash, summer squash vine, Cucurbita pepo melopepo
+n12159388 yellow squash
+n12159555 marrow, marrow squash, vegetable marrow
+n12159804 zucchini, courgette
+n12159942 cocozelle, Italian vegetable marrow
+n12160125 cymling, pattypan squash
+n12160303 spaghetti squash
+n12160490 winter squash, winter squash plant
+n12160857 acorn squash
+n12161056 hubbard squash, Cucurbita maxima
+n12161285 turban squash, Cucurbita maxima turbaniformis
+n12161577 buttercup squash
+n12161744 butternut squash, Cucurbita maxima
+n12161969 winter crookneck, winter crookneck squash, Cucurbita moschata
+n12162181 cushaw, Cucurbita mixta, Cucurbita argyrosperma
+n12162425 prairie gourd, prairie gourd vine, Missouri gourd, wild pumpkin, buffalo gourd, calabazilla, Cucurbita foetidissima
+n12162758 prairie gourd
+n12163035 bryony, briony
+n12163279 white bryony, devil's turnip, Bryonia alba
+n12164363 sweet melon, muskmelon, sweet melon vine, Cucumis melo
+n12164656 cantaloupe, cantaloup, cantaloupe vine, cantaloup vine, Cucumis melo cantalupensis
+n12164881 winter melon, Persian melon, honeydew melon, winter melon vine, Cucumis melo inodorus
+n12165170 net melon, netted melon, nutmeg melon, Cucumis melo reticulatus
+n12165384 cucumber, cucumber vine, Cucumis sativus
+n12165758 squirting cucumber, exploding cucumber, touch-me-not, Ecballium elaterium
+n12166128 bottle gourd, calabash, Lagenaria siceraria
+n12166424 luffa, dishcloth gourd, sponge gourd, rag gourd, strainer vine
+n12166793 loofah, vegetable sponge, Luffa cylindrica
+n12166929 angled loofah, sing-kwa, Luffa acutangula
+n12167075 loofa, loofah, luffa, loufah sponge
+n12167436 balsam apple, Momordica balsamina
+n12167602 balsam pear, Momordica charantia
+n12168565 lobelia
+n12169099 water lobelia, Lobelia dortmanna
+n12170585 mallow
+n12171098 musk mallow, mus rose, Malva moschata
+n12171316 common mallow, Malva neglecta
+n12171966 okra, gumbo, okra plant, lady's-finger, Abelmoschus esculentus, Hibiscus esculentus
+n12172364 okra
+n12172481 abelmosk, musk mallow, Abelmoschus moschatus, Hibiscus moschatus
+n12172906 flowering maple
+n12173069 velvetleaf, velvet-leaf, velvetweed, Indian mallow, butter-print, China jute, Abutilon theophrasti
+n12173664 hollyhock
+n12173912 rose mallow, Alcea rosea, Althea rosea
+n12174311 althea, althaea, hollyhock
+n12174521 marsh mallow, white mallow, Althea officinalis
+n12174926 poppy mallow
+n12175181 fringed poppy mallow, Callirhoe digitata
+n12175370 purple poppy mallow, Callirhoe involucrata
+n12175598 clustered poppy mallow, Callirhoe triangulata
+n12176453 sea island cotton, tree cotton, Gossypium barbadense
+n12176709 Levant cotton, Gossypium herbaceum
+n12176953 upland cotton, Gossypium hirsutum
+n12177129 Peruvian cotton, Gossypium peruvianum
+n12177455 wild cotton, Arizona wild cotton, Gossypium thurberi
+n12178129 kenaf, kanaf, deccan hemp, bimli, bimli hemp, Indian hemp, Bombay hemp, Hibiscus cannabinus
+n12178780 sorrel tree, Hibiscus heterophyllus
+n12178896 rose mallow, swamp mallow, common rose mallow, swamp rose mallow, Hibiscus moscheutos
+n12179122 cotton rose, Confederate rose, Confederate rose mallow, Hibiscus mutabilis
+n12179632 roselle, rozelle, sorrel, red sorrel, Jamaica sorrel, Hibiscus sabdariffa
+n12180168 mahoe, majagua, mahagua, balibago, purau, Hibiscus tiliaceus
+n12180456 flower-of-an-hour, flowers-of-an-hour, bladder ketmia, black-eyed Susan, Hibiscus trionum
+n12180885 lacebark, ribbonwood, houhere, Hoheria populnea
+n12181352 wild hollyhock, Iliamna remota, Sphaeralcea remota
+n12181612 mountain hollyhock, Iliamna ruvularis, Iliamna acerifolia
+n12182049 seashore mallow
+n12182276 salt marsh mallow, Kosteletzya virginica
+n12183026 chaparral mallow, Malacothamnus fasciculatus, Sphaeralcea fasciculata
+n12183452 malope, Malope trifida
+n12183816 false mallow
+n12184095 waxmallow, wax mallow, sleeping hibiscus
+n12184468 glade mallow, Napaea dioica
+n12184912 pavonia
+n12185254 ribbon tree, ribbonwood, Plagianthus regius, Plagianthus betulinus
+n12185859 bush hibiscus, Radyera farragei, Hibiscus farragei
+n12186352 Virginia mallow, Sida hermaphrodita
+n12186554 Queensland hemp, jellyleaf, Sida rhombifolia
+n12186839 Indian mallow, Sida spinosa
+n12187247 checkerbloom, wild hollyhock, Sidalcea malviflora
+n12187663 globe mallow, false mallow
+n12187891 prairie mallow, red false mallow, Sphaeralcea coccinea, Malvastrum coccineum
+n12188289 tulipwood tree
+n12188635 portia tree, bendy tree, seaside mahoe, Thespesia populnea
+n12189429 red silk-cotton tree, simal, Bombax ceiba, Bombax malabarica
+n12189779 cream-of-tartar tree, sour gourd, Adansonia gregorii
+n12189987 baobab, monkey-bread tree, Adansonia digitata
+n12190410 kapok, ceiba tree, silk-cotton tree, white silk-cotton tree, Bombay ceiba, God tree, Ceiba pentandra
+n12190869 durian, durion, durian tree, Durio zibethinus
+n12191240 Montezuma
+n12192132 shaving-brush tree, Pseudobombax ellipticum
+n12192877 quandong, quandong tree, Brisbane quandong, silver quandong tree, blue fig, Elaeocarpus grandis
+n12193334 quandong, blue fig
+n12193665 makomako, New Zealand wine berry, wineberry, Aristotelia serrata, Aristotelia racemosa
+n12194147 Jamaican cherry, calabur tree, calabura, silk wood, silkwood, Muntingia calabura
+n12194613 breakax, breakaxe, break-axe, Sloanea jamaicensis
+n12195391 sterculia
+n12195533 Panama tree, Sterculia apetala
+n12195734 kalumpang, Java olives, Sterculia foetida
+n12196129 bottle-tree, bottle tree
+n12196336 flame tree, flame durrajong, Brachychiton acerifolius, Sterculia acerifolia
+n12196527 flame tree, broad-leaved bottletree, Brachychiton australis
+n12196694 kurrajong, currajong, Brachychiton populneus
+n12196954 Queensland bottletree, narrow-leaved bottletree, Brachychiton rupestris, Sterculia rupestris
+n12197359 kola, kola nut, kola nut tree, goora nut, Cola acuminata
+n12197601 kola nut, cola nut
+n12198286 Chinese parasol tree, Chinese parasol, Japanese varnish tree, phoenix tree, Firmiana simplex
+n12198793 flannelbush, flannel bush, California beauty
+n12199266 screw tree
+n12199399 nut-leaved screw tree, Helicteres isora
+n12199790 red beech, brown oak, booyong, crow's foot, stave wood, silky elm, Heritiera trifoliolata, Terrietia trifoliolata
+n12199982 looking glass tree, Heritiera macrophylla
+n12200143 looking-glass plant, Heritiera littoralis
+n12200504 honey bell, honeybells, Hermannia verticillata, Mahernia verticillata
+n12200905 mayeng, maple-leaved bayur, Pterospermum acerifolium
+n12201331 silver tree, Tarrietia argyrodendron
+n12201580 cacao, cacao tree, chocolate tree, Theobroma cacao
+n12201938 obeche, obechi, arere, samba, Triplochiton scleroxcylon
+n12202936 linden, linden tree, basswood, lime, lime tree
+n12203529 American basswood, American lime, Tilia americana
+n12203699 small-leaved linden, small-leaved lime, Tilia cordata
+n12203896 white basswood, cottonwood, Tilia heterophylla
+n12204032 Japanese linden, Japanese lime, Tilia japonica
+n12204175 silver lime, silver linden, Tilia tomentosa
+n12204730 corchorus
+n12205460 African hemp, Sparmannia africana
+n12205694 herb, herbaceous plant
+n12214789 protea
+n12215022 honeypot, king protea, Protea cynaroides
+n12215210 honeyflower, honey-flower, Protea mellifera
+n12215579 banksia
+n12215824 honeysuckle, Australian honeysuckle, coast banksia, Banksia integrifolia
+n12216215 smoke bush
+n12216628 Chilean firebush, Chilean flameflower, Embothrium coccineum
+n12216968 Chilean nut, Chile nut, Chile hazel, Chilean hazelnut, Guevina heterophylla, Guevina avellana
+n12217453 grevillea
+n12217851 red-flowered silky oak, Grevillea banksii
+n12218274 silky oak, Grevillea robusta
+n12218490 beefwood, Grevillea striata
+n12218868 cushion flower, pincushion hakea, Hakea laurina
+n12219668 rewa-rewa, New Zealand honeysuckle
+n12220019 honeyflower, honey-flower, mountain devil, Lambertia formosa
+n12220496 silver tree, Leucadendron argenteum
+n12220829 lomatia
+n12221191 macadamia, macadamia tree
+n12221368 Macadamia integrifolia
+n12221522 macadamia nut, macadamia nut tree, Macadamia ternifolia
+n12221801 Queensland nut, Macadamia tetraphylla
+n12222090 prickly ash, Orites excelsa
+n12222493 geebung
+n12222900 wheel tree, firewheel tree, Stenocarpus sinuatus
+n12223160 scrub beefwood, beefwood, Stenocarpus salignus
+n12223569 waratah, Telopea Oreades
+n12223764 waratah, Telopea speciosissima
+n12224978 casuarina
+n12225222 she-oak
+n12225349 beefwood
+n12225563 Australian pine, Casuarina equisetfolia
+n12226932 heath
+n12227658 tree heath, briar, brier, Erica arborea
+n12227909 briarroot
+n12228229 winter heath, spring heath, Erica carnea
+n12228387 bell heather, heather bell, fine-leaved heath, Erica cinerea
+n12228689 Cornish heath, Erica vagans
+n12228886 Spanish heath, Portuguese heath, Erica lusitanica
+n12229111 Prince-of-Wales'-heath, Prince of Wales heath, Erica perspicua
+n12229651 bog rosemary, moorwort, Andromeda glaucophylla
+n12229887 marsh andromeda, common bog rosemary, Andromeda polifolia
+n12230540 madrona, madrono, manzanita, Arbutus menziesii
+n12230794 strawberry tree, Irish strawberry, Arbutus unedo
+n12231192 bearberry
+n12231709 alpine bearberry, black bearberry, Arctostaphylos alpina
+n12232114 heartleaf manzanita, Arctostaphylos andersonii
+n12232280 Parry manzanita, Arctostaphylos manzanita
+n12232851 spike heath, Bruckenthalia spiculifolia
+n12233249 bryanthus
+n12234318 leatherleaf, Chamaedaphne calyculata
+n12234669 Connemara heath, St. Dabeoc's heath, Daboecia cantabrica
+n12235051 trailing arbutus, mayflower, Epigaea repens
+n12235479 creeping snowberry, moxie plum, maidenhair berry, Gaultheria hispidula
+n12236160 salal, shallon, Gaultheria shallon
+n12236546 huckleberry
+n12236768 black huckleberry, Gaylussacia baccata
+n12236977 dangleberry, dangle-berry, Gaylussacia frondosa
+n12237152 box huckleberry, Gaylussacia brachycera
+n12237486 kalmia
+n12237641 mountain laurel, wood laurel, American laurel, calico bush, Kalmia latifolia
+n12237855 swamp laurel, bog laurel, bog kalmia, Kalmia polifolia
+n12238756 trapper's tea, glandular Labrador tea
+n12238913 wild rosemary, marsh tea, Ledum palustre
+n12239240 sand myrtle, Leiophyllum buxifolium
+n12239647 leucothoe
+n12239880 dog laurel, dog hobble, switch-ivy, Leucothoe fontanesiana, Leucothoe editorum
+n12240150 sweet bells, Leucothoe racemosa
+n12240477 alpine azalea, mountain azalea, Loiseleuria procumbens
+n12240965 staggerbush, stagger bush, Lyonia mariana
+n12241192 maleberry, male berry, privet andromeda, he-huckleberry, Lyonia ligustrina
+n12241426 fetterbush, fetter bush, shiny lyonia, Lyonia lucida
+n12241880 false azalea, fool's huckleberry, Menziesia ferruginea
+n12242123 minniebush, minnie bush, Menziesia pilosa
+n12242409 sorrel tree, sourwood, titi, Oxydendrum arboreum
+n12242850 mountain heath, Phyllodoce caerulea, Bryanthus taxifolius
+n12243109 purple heather, Brewer's mountain heather, Phyllodoce breweri
+n12243693 fetterbush, mountain fetterbush, mountain andromeda, Pieris floribunda
+n12244153 rhododendron
+n12244458 coast rhododendron, Rhododendron californicum
+n12244650 rosebay, Rhododendron maxima
+n12244819 swamp azalea, swamp honeysuckle, white honeysuckle, Rhododendron viscosum
+n12245319 azalea
+n12245695 cranberry
+n12245885 American cranberry, large cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon
+n12246037 European cranberry, small cranberry, Vaccinium oxycoccus
+n12246232 blueberry, blueberry bush
+n12246773 farkleberry, sparkleberry, Vaccinium arboreum
+n12246941 low-bush blueberry, low blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium, Vaccinium pennsylvanicum
+n12247202 rabbiteye blueberry, rabbit-eye blueberry, rabbiteye, Vaccinium ashei
+n12247407 dwarf bilberry, dwarf blueberry, Vaccinium caespitosum
+n12247963 evergreen blueberry, Vaccinium myrsinites
+n12248141 evergreen huckleberry, Vaccinium ovatum
+n12248359 bilberry, thin-leaved bilberry, mountain blue berry, Viccinium membranaceum
+n12248574 bilberry, whortleberry, whinberry, blaeberry, Viccinium myrtillus
+n12248780 bog bilberry, bog whortleberry, moor berry, Vaccinium uliginosum alpinum
+n12248941 dryland blueberry, dryland berry, Vaccinium pallidum
+n12249122 grouseberry, grouse-berry, grouse whortleberry, Vaccinium scoparium
+n12249294 deerberry, squaw huckleberry, Vaccinium stamineum
+n12249542 cowberry, mountain cranberry, lingonberry, lingenberry, lingberry, foxberry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea
+n12251001 diapensia
+n12251278 galax, galaxy, wandflower, beetleweed, coltsfoot, Galax urceolata
+n12251740 pyxie, pixie, pixy, Pyxidanthera barbulata
+n12252168 shortia
+n12252383 oconee bells, Shortia galacifolia
+n12252866 Australian heath
+n12253229 epacris
+n12253487 common heath, Epacris impressa
+n12253664 common heath, blunt-leaf heath, Epacris obtusifolia
+n12253835 Port Jackson heath, Epacris purpurascens
+n12254168 native cranberry, groundberry, ground-berry, cranberry heath, Astroloma humifusum, Styphelia humifusum
+n12255225 pink fivecorner, Styphelia triflora
+n12256112 wintergreen, pyrola
+n12256325 false wintergreen, Pyrola americana, Pyrola rotundifolia americana
+n12256522 lesser wintergreen, Pyrola minor
+n12256708 wild lily of the valley, shinleaf, Pyrola elliptica
+n12256920 wild lily of the valley, Pyrola rotundifolia
+n12257570 pipsissewa, prince's pine
+n12257725 love-in-winter, western prince's pine, Chimaphila umbellata, Chimaphila corymbosa
+n12258101 one-flowered wintergreen, one-flowered pyrola, Moneses uniflora, Pyrola uniflora
+n12258885 Indian pipe, waxflower, Monotropa uniflora
+n12259316 pinesap, false beachdrops, Monotropa hypopithys
+n12260799 beech, beech tree
+n12261359 common beech, European beech, Fagus sylvatica
+n12261571 copper beech, purple beech, Fagus sylvatica atropunicea, Fagus purpurea, Fagus sylvatica purpurea
+n12261808 American beech, white beech, red beech, Fagus grandifolia, Fagus americana
+n12262018 weeping beech, Fagus pendula, Fagus sylvatica pendula
+n12262185 Japanese beech
+n12262553 chestnut, chestnut tree
+n12263038 American chestnut, American sweet chestnut, Castanea dentata
+n12263204 European chestnut, sweet chestnut, Spanish chestnut, Castanea sativa
+n12263410 Chinese chestnut, Castanea mollissima
+n12263588 Japanese chestnut, Castanea crenata
+n12263738 Allegheny chinkapin, eastern chinquapin, chinquapin, dwarf chestnut, Castanea pumila
+n12263987 Ozark chinkapin, Ozark chinquapin, chinquapin, Castanea ozarkensis
+n12264512 oak chestnut
+n12264786 giant chinkapin, golden chinkapin, Chrysolepis chrysophylla, Castanea chrysophylla, Castanopsis chrysophylla
+n12265083 dwarf golden chinkapin, Chrysolepis sempervirens
+n12265394 tanbark oak, Lithocarpus densiflorus
+n12265600 Japanese oak, Lithocarpus glabra, Lithocarpus glaber
+n12266217 southern beech, evergreen beech
+n12266528 myrtle beech, Nothofagus cuninghamii
+n12266644 Coigue, Nothofagus dombeyi
+n12266796 New Zealand beech
+n12266984 silver beech, Nothofagus menziesii
+n12267133 roble beech, Nothofagus obliqua
+n12267265 rauli beech, Nothofagus procera
+n12267411 black beech, Nothofagus solanderi
+n12267534 hard beech, Nothofagus truncata
+n12267677 acorn
+n12267931 cupule, acorn cup
+n12268246 oak, oak tree
+n12269241 live oak
+n12269406 coast live oak, California live oak, Quercus agrifolia
+n12269652 white oak
+n12270027 American white oak, Quercus alba
+n12270278 Arizona white oak, Quercus arizonica
+n12270460 swamp white oak, swamp oak, Quercus bicolor
+n12270741 European turkey oak, turkey oak, Quercus cerris
+n12270946 canyon oak, canyon live oak, maul oak, iron oak, Quercus chrysolepis
+n12271187 scarlet oak, Quercus coccinea
+n12271451 jack oak, northern pin oak, Quercus ellipsoidalis
+n12271643 red oak
+n12271933 southern red oak, swamp red oak, turkey oak, Quercus falcata
+n12272239 Oregon white oak, Oregon oak, Garry oak, Quercus garryana
+n12272432 holm oak, holm tree, holly-leaved oak, evergreen oak, Quercus ilex
+n12272735 bear oak, Quercus ilicifolia
+n12272883 shingle oak, laurel oak, Quercus imbricaria
+n12273114 bluejack oak, turkey oak, Quercus incana
+n12273344 California black oak, Quercus kelloggii
+n12273515 American turkey oak, turkey oak, Quercus laevis
+n12273768 laurel oak, pin oak, Quercus laurifolia
+n12273939 California white oak, valley oak, valley white oak, roble, Quercus lobata
+n12274151 overcup oak, Quercus lyrata
+n12274358 bur oak, burr oak, mossy-cup oak, mossycup oak, Quercus macrocarpa
+n12274630 scrub oak
+n12274863 blackjack oak, blackjack, jack oak, Quercus marilandica
+n12275131 swamp chestnut oak, Quercus michauxii
+n12275317 Japanese oak, Quercus mongolica, Quercus grosseserrata
+n12275489 chestnut oak
+n12275675 chinquapin oak, chinkapin oak, yellow chestnut oak, Quercus muehlenbergii
+n12275888 myrtle oak, seaside scrub oak, Quercus myrtifolia
+n12276110 water oak, possum oak, Quercus nigra
+n12276314 Nuttall oak, Nuttall's oak, Quercus nuttalli
+n12276477 durmast, Quercus petraea, Quercus sessiliflora
+n12276628 basket oak, cow oak, Quercus prinus, Quercus montana
+n12276872 pin oak, swamp oak, Quercus palustris
+n12277150 willow oak, Quercus phellos
+n12277334 dwarf chinkapin oak, dwarf chinquapin oak, dwarf oak, Quercus prinoides
+n12277578 common oak, English oak, pedunculate oak, Quercus robur
+n12277800 northern red oak, Quercus rubra, Quercus borealis
+n12278107 Shumard oak, Shumard red oak, Quercus shumardii
+n12278371 post oak, box white oak, brash oak, iron oak, Quercus stellata
+n12278650 cork oak, Quercus suber
+n12278865 Spanish oak, Quercus texana
+n12279060 huckleberry oak, Quercus vaccinifolia
+n12279293 Chinese cork oak, Quercus variabilis
+n12279458 black oak, yellow oak, quercitron, quercitron oak, Quercus velutina
+n12279772 southern live oak, Quercus virginiana
+n12280060 interior live oak, Quercus wislizenii, Quercus wizlizenii
+n12280364 mast
+n12281241 birch, birch tree
+n12281788 yellow birch, Betula alleghaniensis, Betula leutea
+n12281974 American white birch, paper birch, paperbark birch, canoe birch, Betula cordifolia, Betula papyrifera
+n12282235 grey birch, gray birch, American grey birch, American gray birch, Betula populifolia
+n12282527 silver birch, common birch, European white birch, Betula pendula
+n12282737 downy birch, white birch, Betula pubescens
+n12282933 black birch, river birch, red birch, Betula nigra
+n12283147 sweet birch, cherry birch, black birch, Betula lenta
+n12283395 Yukon white birch, Betula neoalaskana
+n12283542 swamp birch, water birch, mountain birch, Western paper birch, Western birch, Betula fontinalis
+n12283790 Newfoundland dwarf birch, American dwarf birch, Betula glandulosa
+n12284262 alder, alder tree
+n12284821 common alder, European black alder, Alnus glutinosa, Alnus vulgaris
+n12285049 grey alder, gray alder, Alnus incana
+n12285195 seaside alder, Alnus maritima
+n12285369 white alder, mountain alder, Alnus rhombifolia
+n12285512 red alder, Oregon alder, Alnus rubra
+n12285705 speckled alder, Alnus rugosa
+n12285900 smooth alder, hazel alder, Alnus serrulata
+n12286068 green alder, Alnus veridis
+n12286197 green alder, Alnus veridis crispa, Alnus crispa
+n12286826 hornbeam
+n12286988 European hornbeam, Carpinus betulus
+n12287195 American hornbeam, Carpinus caroliniana
+n12287642 hop hornbeam
+n12287836 Old World hop hornbeam, Ostrya carpinifolia
+n12288005 Eastern hop hornbeam, ironwood, ironwood tree, Ostrya virginiana
+n12288823 hazelnut, hazel, hazelnut tree
+n12289310 American hazel, Corylus americana
+n12289433 cobnut, filbert, Corylus avellana, Corylus avellana grandis
+n12289585 beaked hazelnut, Corylus cornuta
+n12290748 centaury
+n12290975 rosita, Centaurium calycosum
+n12291143 lesser centaury, Centaurium minus
+n12291459 seaside centaury
+n12291671 slender centaury
+n12291959 prairie gentian, tulip gentian, bluebell, Eustoma grandiflorum
+n12292463 Persian violet, Exacum affine
+n12292877 columbo, American columbo, deer's-ear, deer's-ears, pyramid plant, American gentian
+n12293723 gentian
+n12294124 gentianella, Gentiana acaulis
+n12294331 closed gentian, blind gentian, bottle gentian, Gentiana andrewsii
+n12294542 explorer's gentian, Gentiana calycosa
+n12294723 closed gentian, blind gentian, Gentiana clausa
+n12294871 great yellow gentian, Gentiana lutea
+n12295033 marsh gentian, calathian violet, Gentiana pneumonanthe
+n12295237 soapwort gentian, Gentiana saponaria
+n12295429 striped gentian, Gentiana villosa
+n12295796 agueweed, ague weed, five-flowered gentian, stiff gentian, Gentianella quinquefolia, Gentiana quinquefolia
+n12296045 felwort, gentianella amarella
+n12296432 fringed gentian
+n12296735 Gentianopsis crinita, Gentiana crinita
+n12296929 Gentianopsis detonsa, Gentiana detonsa
+n12297110 Gentianopsid procera, Gentiana procera
+n12297280 Gentianopsis thermalis, Gentiana thermalis
+n12297507 tufted gentian, Gentianopsis holopetala, Gentiana holopetala
+n12297846 spurred gentian
+n12298165 sabbatia
+n12299640 toothbrush tree, mustard tree, Salvadora persica
+n12300840 olive tree
+n12301180 olive, European olive tree, Olea europaea
+n12301445 olive
+n12301613 black maire, Olea cunninghamii
+n12301766 white maire, Olea lanceolata
+n12302071 fringe tree
+n12302248 fringe bush, Chionanthus virginicus
+n12302565 forestiera
+n12303083 forsythia
+n12303462 ash, ash tree
+n12304115 white ash, Fraxinus Americana
+n12304286 swamp ash, Fraxinus caroliniana
+n12304420 flowering ash, Fraxinus cuspidata
+n12304703 European ash, common European ash, Fraxinus excelsior
+n12304899 Oregon ash, Fraxinus latifolia, Fraxinus oregona
+n12305089 black ash, basket ash, brown ash, hoop ash, Fraxinus nigra
+n12305293 manna ash, flowering ash, Fraxinus ornus
+n12305475 red ash, downy ash, Fraxinus pennsylvanica
+n12305654 green ash, Fraxinus pennsylvanica subintegerrima
+n12305819 blue ash, Fraxinus quadrangulata
+n12305986 mountain ash, Fraxinus texensis
+n12306089 pumpkin ash, Fraxinus tomentosa
+n12306270 Arizona ash, Fraxinus velutina
+n12306717 jasmine
+n12306938 primrose jasmine, Jasminum mesnyi
+n12307076 winter jasmine, Jasminum nudiflorum
+n12307240 common jasmine, true jasmine, jessamine, Jasminum officinale
+n12307756 privet
+n12308112 Amur privet, Ligustrum amurense
+n12308447 Japanese privet, Ligustrum japonicum
+n12308907 Ligustrum obtusifolium
+n12309277 common privet, Ligustrum vulgare
+n12309630 devilwood, American olive, Osmanthus americanus
+n12310021 mock privet
+n12310349 lilac
+n12310638 Himalayan lilac, Syringa emodi
+n12311045 Persian lilac, Syringa persica
+n12311224 Japanese tree lilac, Syringa reticulata, Syringa amurensis japonica
+n12311413 Japanese lilac, Syringa villosa
+n12311579 common lilac, Syringa vulgaris
+n12312110 bloodwort
+n12312728 kangaroo paw, kangaroo's paw, kangaroo's-foot, kangaroo-foot plant, Australian sword lily, Anigozanthus manglesii
+n12315060 Virginian witch hazel, Hamamelis virginiana
+n12315245 vernal witch hazel, Hamamelis vernalis
+n12315598 winter hazel, flowering hazel
+n12315999 fothergilla, witch alder
+n12316444 liquidambar
+n12316572 sweet gum, sweet gum tree, bilsted, red gum, American sweet gum, Liquidambar styraciflua
+n12317296 iron tree, iron-tree, ironwood, ironwood tree
+n12318378 walnut, walnut tree
+n12318782 California black walnut, Juglans californica
+n12318965 butternut, butternut tree, white walnut, Juglans cinerea
+n12319204 black walnut, black walnut tree, black hickory, Juglans nigra
+n12319414 English walnut, English walnut tree, Circassian walnut, Persian walnut, Juglans regia
+n12320010 hickory, hickory tree
+n12320414 water hickory, bitter pecan, water bitternut, Carya aquatica
+n12320627 pignut, pignut hickory, brown hickory, black hickory, Carya glabra
+n12320806 bitternut, bitternut hickory, bitter hickory, bitter pignut, swamp hickory, Carya cordiformis
+n12321077 pecan, pecan tree, Carya illinoensis, Carya illinoinsis
+n12321395 big shellbark, big shellbark hickory, big shagbark, king nut, king nut hickory, Carya laciniosa
+n12321669 nutmeg hickory, Carya myristicaeformis, Carya myristiciformis
+n12321873 shagbark, shagbark hickory, shellbark, shellbark hickory, Carya ovata
+n12322099 mockernut, mockernut hickory, black hickory, white-heart hickory, big-bud hickory, Carya tomentosa
+n12322501 wing nut, wing-nut
+n12322699 Caucasian walnut, Pterocarya fraxinifolia
+n12323665 dhawa, dhava
+n12324056 combretum
+n12324222 hiccup nut, hiccough nut, Combretum bracteosum
+n12324388 bush willow, Combretum appiculatum
+n12324558 bush willow, Combretum erythrophyllum
+n12324906 button tree, button mangrove, Conocarpus erectus
+n12325234 white mangrove, Laguncularia racemosa
+n12325787 oleaster
+n12327022 water milfoil
+n12327528 anchovy pear, anchovy pear tree, Grias cauliflora
+n12327846 brazil nut, brazil-nut tree, Bertholletia excelsa
+n12328398 loosestrife
+n12328567 purple loosestrife, spiked loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria
+n12328801 grass poly, hyssop loosestrife, Lythrum hyssopifolia
+n12329260 crape myrtle, crepe myrtle, crepe flower, Lagerstroemia indica
+n12329473 Queen's crape myrtle, pride-of-India, Lagerstroemia speciosa
+n12330239 myrtaceous tree
+n12330469 myrtle
+n12330587 common myrtle, Myrtus communis
+n12330891 bayberry, bay-rum tree, Jamaica bayberry, wild cinnamon, Pimenta acris
+n12331066 allspice, allspice tree, pimento tree, Pimenta dioica
+n12331263 allspice tree, Pimenta officinalis
+n12331655 sour cherry, Eugenia corynantha
+n12331788 nakedwood, Eugenia dicrana
+n12332030 Surinam cherry, pitanga, Eugenia uniflora
+n12332218 rose apple, rose-apple tree, jambosa, Eugenia jambos
+n12332555 feijoa, feijoa bush
+n12333053 jaboticaba, jaboticaba tree, Myrciaria cauliflora
+n12333530 guava, true guava, guava bush, Psidium guajava
+n12333771 guava, strawberry guava, yellow cattley guava, Psidium littorale
+n12333961 cattley guava, purple strawberry guava, Psidium cattleianum, Psidium littorale longipes
+n12334153 Brazilian guava, Psidium guineense
+n12334293 gum tree, gum
+n12334891 eucalyptus, eucalypt, eucalyptus tree
+n12335483 flooded gum
+n12335664 mallee
+n12335800 stringybark
+n12335937 smoothbark
+n12336092 red gum, peppermint, peppermint gum, Eucalyptus amygdalina
+n12336224 red gum, marri, Eucalyptus calophylla
+n12336333 river red gum, river gum, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Eucalyptus rostrata
+n12336586 mountain swamp gum, Eucalyptus camphora
+n12336727 snow gum, ghost gum, white ash, Eucalyptus coriacea, Eucalyptus pauciflora
+n12336973 alpine ash, mountain oak, Eucalyptus delegatensis
+n12337131 white mallee, congoo mallee, Eucalyptus dumosa
+n12337246 white stringybark, thin-leaved stringybark, Eucalyptusd eugenioides
+n12337391 white mountain ash, Eucalyptus fraxinoides
+n12337617 blue gum, fever tree, Eucalyptus globulus
+n12337800 rose gum, Eucalypt grandis
+n12337922 cider gum, Eucalypt gunnii
+n12338034 swamp gum, Eucalypt ovata
+n12338146 spotted gum, Eucalyptus maculata
+n12338258 lemon-scented gum, Eucalyptus citriodora, Eucalyptus maculata citriodora
+n12338454 black mallee, black sally, black gum, Eucalytus stellulata
+n12338655 forest red gum, Eucalypt tereticornis
+n12338796 mountain ash, Eucalyptus regnans
+n12338979 manna gum, Eucalyptus viminalis
+n12339526 clove, clove tree, Syzygium aromaticum, Eugenia aromaticum, Eugenia caryophyllatum
+n12339831 clove
+n12340383 tupelo, tupelo tree
+n12340581 water gum, Nyssa aquatica
+n12340755 sour gum, black gum, pepperidge, Nyssa sylvatica
+n12341542 enchanter's nightshade
+n12341931 Circaea lutetiana
+n12342299 willowherb
+n12342498 fireweed, giant willowherb, rosebay willowherb, wickup, Epilobium angustifolium
+n12342852 California fuchsia, humming bird's trumpet, Epilobium canum canum, Zauschneria californica
+n12343480 fuchsia
+n12343753 lady's-eardrop, ladies'-eardrop, lady's-eardrops, ladies'-eardrops, Fuchsia coccinea
+n12344283 evening primrose
+n12344483 common evening primrose, German rampion, Oenothera biennis
+n12344700 sundrops, Oenothera fruticosa
+n12344837 Missouri primrose, Ozark sundrops, Oenothera macrocarpa
+n12345280 pomegranate, pomegranate tree, Punica granatum
+n12345899 mangrove, Rhizophora mangle
+n12346578 daphne
+n12346813 garland flower, Daphne cneorum
+n12346986 spurge laurel, wood laurel, Daphne laureola
+n12347158 mezereon, February daphne, Daphne mezereum
+n12349315 Indian rhododendron, Melastoma malabathricum
+n12349711 Medinilla magnifica
+n12350032 deer grass, meadow beauty
+n12350758 canna
+n12351091 achira, indian shot, arrowroot, Canna indica, Canna edulis
+n12351790 arrowroot, American arrowroot, obedience plant, Maranta arundinaceae
+n12352287 banana, banana tree
+n12352639 dwarf banana, Musa acuminata
+n12352844 Japanese banana, Musa basjoo
+n12352990 plantain, plantain tree, Musa paradisiaca
+n12353203 edible banana, Musa paradisiaca sapientum
+n12353431 abaca, Manila hemp, Musa textilis
+n12353754 Abyssinian banana, Ethiopian banana, Ensete ventricosum, Musa ensete
+n12355760 ginger
+n12356023 common ginger, Canton ginger, stem ginger, Zingiber officinale
+n12356395 turmeric, Curcuma longa, Curcuma domestica
+n12356960 galangal, Alpinia galanga
+n12357485 shellflower, shall-flower, shell ginger, Alpinia Zerumbet, Alpinia speciosa, Languas speciosa
+n12357968 grains of paradise, Guinea grains, Guinea pepper, melagueta pepper, Aframomum melegueta
+n12358293 cardamom, cardamon, Elettaria cardamomum
+n12360108 begonia
+n12360534 fibrous-rooted begonia
+n12360684 tuberous begonia
+n12360817 rhizomatous begonia
+n12360958 Christmas begonia, blooming-fool begonia, Begonia cheimantha
+n12361135 angel-wing begonia, Begonia cocchinea
+n12361560 beefsteak begonia, kidney begonia, Begonia erythrophylla, Begonia feastii
+n12361754 star begonia, star-leaf begonia, Begonia heracleifolia
+n12361946 rex begonia, king begonia, painted-leaf begonia, beefsteak geranium, Begonia rex
+n12362274 wax begonia, Begonia semperflorens
+n12362514 Socotra begonia, Begonia socotrana
+n12362668 hybrid tuberous begonia, Begonia tuberhybrida
+n12363301 dillenia
+n12363768 guinea gold vine, guinea flower
+n12364604 poon
+n12364940 calaba, Santa Maria tree, Calophyllum calaba
+n12365158 Maria, Calophyllum longifolium
+n12365285 laurelwood, lancewood tree, Calophyllum candidissimum
+n12365462 Alexandrian laurel, Calophyllum inophyllum
+n12365900 clusia
+n12366053 wild fig, Clusia flava
+n12366186 waxflower, Clusia insignis
+n12366313 pitch apple, strangler fig, Clusia rosea, Clusia major
+n12366675 mangosteen, mangosteen tree, Garcinia mangostana
+n12366870 gamboge tree, Garcinia hanburyi, Garcinia cambogia, Garcinia gummi-gutta
+n12367611 St John's wort
+n12368028 common St John's wort, tutsan, Hypericum androsaemum
+n12368257 great St John's wort, Hypericum ascyron, Hypericum pyramidatum
+n12368451 creeping St John's wort, Hypericum calycinum
+n12369066 low St Andrew's cross, Hypericum hypericoides
+n12369309 klammath weed, Hypericum perforatum
+n12369476 shrubby St John's wort, Hypericum prolificum, Hypericum spathulatum
+n12369665 St Peter's wort, Hypericum tetrapterum, Hypericum maculatum
+n12369845 marsh St-John's wort, Hypericum virginianum
+n12370174 mammee apple, mammee, mamey, mammee tree, Mammea americana
+n12370549 rose chestnut, ironwood, ironwood tree, Mesua ferrea
+n12371202 bower actinidia, tara vine, Actinidia arguta
+n12371439 Chinese gooseberry, kiwi, kiwi vine, Actinidia chinensis, Actinidia deliciosa
+n12371704 silvervine, silver vine, Actinidia polygama
+n12372233 wild cinnamon, white cinnamon tree, Canella winterana, Canella-alba
+n12373100 papaya, papaia, pawpaw, papaya tree, melon tree, Carica papaya
+n12373739 souari, souari nut, souari tree, Caryocar nuciferum
+n12374418 rockrose, rock rose
+n12374705 white-leaved rockrose, Cistus albidus
+n12374862 common gum cistus, Cistus ladanifer, Cistus ladanum
+n12375769 frostweed, frost-weed, frostwort, Helianthemum canadense, Crocanthemum canadense
+n12377198 dipterocarp
+n12377494 red lauan, red lauan tree, Shorea teysmanniana
+n12378249 governor's plum, governor plum, Madagascar plum, ramontchi, batoko palm, Flacourtia indica
+n12378753 kei apple, kei apple bush, Dovyalis caffra
+n12378963 ketembilla, kitembilla, kitambilla, ketembilla tree, Ceylon gooseberry, Dovyalis hebecarpa
+n12379531 chaulmoogra, chaulmoogra tree, chaulmugra, Hydnocarpus kurzii, Taraktagenos kurzii, Taraktogenos kurzii
+n12380761 wild peach, Kiggelaria africana
+n12381511 candlewood
+n12382233 boojum tree, cirio, Fouquieria columnaris, Idria columnaris
+n12382875 bird's-eye bush, Ochna serrulata
+n12383737 granadilla, purple granadillo, Passiflora edulis
+n12383894 granadilla, sweet granadilla, Passiflora ligularis
+n12384037 granadilla, giant granadilla, Passiflora quadrangularis
+n12384227 maypop, Passiflora incarnata
+n12384375 Jamaica honeysuckle, yellow granadilla, Passiflora laurifolia
+n12384569 banana passion fruit, Passiflora mollissima
+n12384680 sweet calabash, Passiflora maliformis
+n12384839 love-in-a-mist, running pop, wild water lemon, Passiflora foetida
+n12385429 reseda
+n12385566 mignonette, sweet reseda, Reseda odorata
+n12385830 dyer's rocket, dyer's mignonette, weld, Reseda luteola
+n12386945 false tamarisk, German tamarisk, Myricaria germanica
+n12387103 halophyte
+n12387633 viola
+n12387839 violet
+n12388143 field pansy, heartsease, Viola arvensis
+n12388293 American dog violet, Viola conspersa
+n12388858 dog violet, heath violet, Viola canina
+n12388989 horned violet, tufted pansy, Viola cornuta
+n12389130 two-eyed violet, heartsease, Viola ocellata
+n12389501 bird's-foot violet, pansy violet, Johnny-jump-up, wood violet, Viola pedata
+n12389727 downy yellow violet, Viola pubescens
+n12389932 long-spurred violet, Viola rostrata
+n12390099 pale violet, striped violet, cream violet, Viola striata
+n12390314 hedge violet, wood violet, Viola sylvatica, Viola reichenbachiana
+n12392070 nettle
+n12392549 stinging nettle, Urtica dioica
+n12392765 Roman nettle, Urtica pipulifera
+n12393269 ramie, ramee, Chinese silk plant, China grass, Boehmeria nivea
+n12394118 wood nettle, Laportea canadensis
+n12394328 Australian nettle, Australian nettle tree
+n12394638 pellitory-of-the-wall, wall pellitory, pellitory, Parietaria difussa
+n12395068 richweed, clearweed, dead nettle, Pilea pumilla
+n12395289 artillery plant, Pilea microphylla
+n12395463 friendship plant, panamica, panamiga, Pilea involucrata
+n12395906 Queensland grass-cloth plant, Pipturus argenteus
+n12396091 Pipturus albidus
+n12396924 cannabis, hemp
+n12397431 Indian hemp, Cannabis indica
+n12399132 mulberry, mulberry tree
+n12399384 white mulberry, Morus alba
+n12399534 black mulberry, Morus nigra
+n12399656 red mulberry, Morus rubra
+n12399899 osage orange, bow wood, mock orange, Maclura pomifera
+n12400489 breadfruit, breadfruit tree, Artocarpus communis, Artocarpus altilis
+n12400720 jackfruit, jackfruit tree, Artocarpus heterophyllus
+n12400924 marang, marang tree, Artocarpus odoratissima
+n12401335 fig tree
+n12401684 fig, common fig, common fig tree, Ficus carica
+n12401893 caprifig, Ficus carica sylvestris
+n12402051 golden fig, Florida strangler fig, strangler fig, wild fig, Ficus aurea
+n12402348 banyan, banyan tree, banian, banian tree, Indian banyan, East Indian fig tree, Ficus bengalensis
+n12402596 pipal, pipal tree, pipul, peepul, sacred fig, bo tree, Ficus religiosa
+n12402840 India-rubber tree, India-rubber plant, India-rubber fig, rubber plant, Assam rubber, Ficus elastica
+n12403075 mistletoe fig, mistletoe rubber plant, Ficus diversifolia, Ficus deltoidea
+n12403276 Port Jackson fig, rusty rig, little-leaf fig, Botany Bay fig, Ficus rubiginosa
+n12403513 sycamore, sycamore fig, mulberry fig, Ficus sycomorus
+n12403994 paper mulberry, Broussonetia papyrifera
+n12404729 trumpetwood, trumpet-wood, trumpet tree, snake wood, imbauba, Cecropia peltata
+n12405714 elm, elm tree
+n12406304 winged elm, wing elm, Ulmus alata
+n12406488 American elm, white elm, water elm, rock elm, Ulmus americana
+n12406715 smooth-leaved elm, European field elm, Ulmus carpinifolia
+n12406902 cedar elm, Ulmus crassifolia
+n12407079 witch elm, wych elm, Ulmus glabra
+n12407222 Dutch elm, Ulmus hollandica
+n12407396 Huntingdon elm, Ulmus hollandica vegetata
+n12407545 water elm, Ulmus laevis
+n12407715 Chinese elm, Ulmus parvifolia
+n12407890 English elm, European elm, Ulmus procera
+n12408077 Siberian elm, Chinese elm, dwarf elm, Ulmus pumila
+n12408280 slippery elm, red elm, Ulmus rubra
+n12408466 Jersey elm, guernsey elm, wheately elm, Ulmus sarniensis, Ulmus campestris sarniensis, Ulmus campestris wheatleyi
+n12408717 September elm, red elm, Ulmus serotina
+n12408873 rock elm, Ulmus thomasii
+n12409231 hackberry, nettle tree
+n12409470 European hackberry, Mediterranean hackberry, Celtis australis
+n12409651 American hackberry, Celtis occidentalis
+n12409840 sugarberry, Celtis laevigata
+n12411461 iridaceous plant
+n12412355 bearded iris
+n12412606 beardless iris
+n12412987 orrisroot, orris
+n12413165 dwarf iris, Iris cristata
+n12413301 Dutch iris, Iris filifolia
+n12413419 Florentine iris, orris, Iris germanica florentina, Iris florentina
+n12413642 stinking iris, gladdon, gladdon iris, stinking gladwyn, roast beef plant, Iris foetidissima
+n12413880 German iris, Iris germanica
+n12414035 Japanese iris, Iris kaempferi
+n12414159 German iris, Iris kochii
+n12414329 Dalmatian iris, Iris pallida
+n12414449 Persian iris, Iris persica
+n12414818 Dutch iris, Iris tingitana
+n12414932 dwarf iris, vernal iris, Iris verna
+n12415595 Spanish iris, xiphium iris, Iris xiphium
+n12416073 blackberry-lily, leopard lily, Belamcanda chinensis
+n12416423 crocus
+n12416703 saffron, saffron crocus, Crocus sativus
+n12417836 corn lily
+n12418221 blue-eyed grass
+n12418507 wandflower, Sparaxis tricolor
+n12419037 amaryllis
+n12419878 salsilla, Bomarea edulis
+n12420124 salsilla, Bomarea salsilla
+n12420535 blood lily
+n12420722 Cape tulip, Haemanthus coccineus
+n12421137 hippeastrum, Hippeastrum puniceum
+n12421467 narcissus
+n12421683 daffodil, Narcissus pseudonarcissus
+n12421917 jonquil, Narcissus jonquilla
+n12422129 jonquil
+n12422559 Jacobean lily, Aztec lily, Strekelia formosissima
+n12425281 liliaceous plant
+n12426623 mountain lily, Lilium auratum
+n12426749 Canada lily, wild yellow lily, meadow lily, wild meadow lily, Lilium canadense
+n12427184 tiger lily, leopard lily, pine lily, Lilium catesbaei
+n12427391 Columbia tiger lily, Oregon lily, Lilium columbianum
+n12427566 tiger lily, devil lily, kentan, Lilium lancifolium
+n12427757 Easter lily, Bermuda lily, white trumpet lily, Lilium longiflorum
+n12427946 coast lily, Lilium maritinum
+n12428076 Turk's-cap, martagon, Lilium martagon
+n12428242 Michigan lily, Lilium michiganense
+n12428412 leopard lily, panther lily, Lilium pardalinum
+n12428747 Turk's-cap, Turk's cap-lily, Lilium superbum
+n12429352 African lily, African tulip, blue African lily, Agapanthus africanus
+n12430198 colicroot, colic root, crow corn, star grass, unicorn root
+n12430471 ague root, ague grass, Aletris farinosa
+n12430675 yellow colicroot, Aletris aurea
+n12431434 alliaceous plant
+n12432069 Hooker's onion, Allium acuminatum
+n12432356 wild leek, Levant garlic, kurrat, Allium ampeloprasum
+n12432574 Canada garlic, meadow leek, rose leek, Allium canadense
+n12432707 keeled garlic, Allium carinatum
+n12433081 onion
+n12433178 shallot, eschalot, multiplier onion, Allium cepa aggregatum, Allium ascalonicum
+n12433769 nodding onion, nodding wild onion, lady's leek, Allium cernuum
+n12433952 Welsh onion, Japanese leek, Allium fistulosum
+n12434106 red-skinned onion, Allium haematochiton
+n12434483 daffodil garlic, flowering onion, Naples garlic, Allium neopolitanum
+n12434634 few-flowered leek, Allium paradoxum
+n12434775 garlic, Allium sativum
+n12434985 sand leek, giant garlic, Spanish garlic, rocambole, Allium scorodoprasum
+n12435152 chives, chive, cive, schnittlaugh, Allium schoenoprasum
+n12435486 crow garlic, false garlic, field garlic, stag's garlic, wild garlic, Allium vineale
+n12435649 wild garlic, wood garlic, Ramsons, Allium ursinum
+n12435777 garlic chive, Chinese chive, Oriental garlic, Allium tuberosum
+n12435965 round-headed leek, Allium sphaerocephalum
+n12436090 three-cornered leek, triquetrous leek, Allium triquetrum
+n12436907 cape aloe, Aloe ferox
+n12437513 kniphofia, tritoma, flame flower, flame-flower, flameflower
+n12437769 poker plant, Kniphofia uvaria
+n12437930 red-hot poker, Kniphofia praecox
+n12439154 fly poison, Amianthum muscaetoxicum, Amianthum muscitoxicum
+n12439830 amber lily, Anthericum torreyi
+n12441183 asparagus, edible asparagus, Asparagus officinales
+n12441390 asparagus fern, Asparagus setaceous, Asparagus plumosus
+n12441552 smilax, Asparagus asparagoides
+n12441958 asphodel
+n12442548 Jacob's rod
+n12443323 aspidistra, cast-iron plant, bar-room plant, Aspidistra elatio
+n12443736 coral drops, Bessera elegans
+n12444095 Christmas bells
+n12444898 climbing onion, Bowiea volubilis
+n12446200 mariposa, mariposa tulip, mariposa lily
+n12446519 globe lily, fairy lantern
+n12446737 cat's-ear
+n12446908 white globe lily, white fairy lantern, Calochortus albus
+n12447121 yellow globe lily, golden fairy lantern, Calochortus amabilis
+n12447346 rose globe lily, Calochortus amoenus
+n12447581 star tulip, elegant cat's ears, Calochortus elegans
+n12447891 desert mariposa tulip, Calochortus kennedyi
+n12448136 yellow mariposa tulip, Calochortus luteus
+n12448361 sagebrush mariposa tulip, Calochortus macrocarpus
+n12448700 sego lily, Calochortus nuttallii
+n12449296 camas, camass, quamash, camosh, camash
+n12449526 common camas, Camassia quamash
+n12449784 Leichtlin's camas, Camassia leichtlinii
+n12449934 wild hyacinth, indigo squill, Camassia scilloides
+n12450344 dogtooth violet, dogtooth, dog's-tooth violet
+n12450607 white dogtooth violet, white dog's-tooth violet, blonde lilian, Erythronium albidum
+n12450840 yellow adder's tongue, trout lily, amberbell, Erythronium americanum
+n12451070 European dogtooth, Erythronium dens-canis
+n12451240 fawn lily, Erythronium californicum
+n12451399 glacier lily, snow lily, Erythronium grandiflorum
+n12451566 avalanche lily, Erythronium montanum
+n12451915 fritillary, checkered lily
+n12452256 mission bells, rice-grain fritillary, Fritillaria affinis, Fritillaria lanceolata, Fritillaria mutica
+n12452480 mission bells, black fritillary, Fritillaria biflora
+n12452673 stink bell, Fritillaria agrestis
+n12452836 crown imperial, Fritillaria imperialis
+n12453018 white fritillary, Fritillaria liliaceae
+n12453186 snake's head fritillary, guinea-hen flower, checkered daffodil, leper lily, Fritillaria meleagris
+n12453714 adobe lily, pink fritillary, Fritillaria pluriflora
+n12453857 scarlet fritillary, Fritillaria recurva
+n12454159 tulip
+n12454436 dwarf tulip, Tulipa armena, Tulipa suaveolens
+n12454556 lady tulip, candlestick tulip, Tulipa clusiana
+n12454705 Tulipa gesneriana
+n12454793 cottage tulip
+n12454949 Darwin tulip
+n12455950 gloriosa, glory lily, climbing lily, creeping lily, Gloriosa superba
+n12457091 lemon lily, Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelus, Hemerocallis flava
+n12458550 common hyacinth, Hyacinthus orientalis
+n12458713 Roman hyacinth, Hyacinthus orientalis albulus
+n12458874 summer hyacinth, cape hyacinth, Hyacinthus candicans, Galtonia candicans
+n12459629 star-of-Bethlehem
+n12460146 bath asparagus, Prussian asparagus, Ornithogalum pyrenaicum
+n12460697 grape hyacinth
+n12460957 common grape hyacinth, Muscari neglectum
+n12461109 tassel hyacinth, Muscari comosum
+n12461466 scilla, squill
+n12461673 spring squill, Scilla verna, sea onion
+n12462032 false asphodel
+n12462221 Scotch asphodel, Tofieldia pusilla
+n12462582 sea squill, sea onion, squill, Urginea maritima
+n12462805 squill
+n12463134 butcher's broom, Ruscus aculeatus
+n12463743 bog asphodel
+n12463975 European bog asphodel, Narthecium ossifragum
+n12464128 American bog asphodel, Narthecium americanum
+n12464476 hellebore, false hellebore
+n12464649 white hellebore, American hellebore, Indian poke, bugbane, Veratrum viride
+n12465557 squaw grass, bear grass, Xerophyllum tenax
+n12466727 death camas, zigadene
+n12467018 alkali grass, Zigadenus elegans
+n12467197 white camas, Zigadenus glaucus
+n12467433 poison camas, Zigadenus nuttalli
+n12467592 grassy death camas, Zigadenus venenosus, Zigadenus venenosus gramineus
+n12468545 prairie wake-robin, prairie trillium, Trillium recurvatum
+n12468719 dwarf-white trillium, snow trillium, early wake-robin
+n12469517 herb Paris, Paris quadrifolia
+n12470092 sarsaparilla
+n12470512 bullbrier, greenbrier, catbrier, horse brier, horse-brier, brier, briar, Smilax rotundifolia
+n12470907 rough bindweed, Smilax aspera
+n12472024 clintonia, Clinton's lily
+n12473608 false lily of the valley, Maianthemum canadense
+n12473840 false lily of the valley, Maianthemum bifolium
+n12474167 Solomon's-seal
+n12474418 great Solomon's-seal, Polygonatum biflorum, Polygonatum commutatum
+n12475035 bellwort, merry bells, wild oats
+n12475242 strawflower, cornflower, Uvularia grandiflora
+n12475774 pia, Indian arrowroot, Tacca leontopetaloides, Tacca pinnatifida
+n12476510 agave, century plant, American aloe
+n12477163 American agave, Agave americana
+n12477401 sisal, Agave sisalana
+n12477583 maguey, cantala, Agave cantala
+n12477747 maguey, Agave atrovirens
+n12477983 Agave tequilana
+n12478768 cabbage tree, grass tree, Cordyline australis
+n12479537 dracaena
+n12480456 tuberose, Polianthes tuberosa
+n12480895 sansevieria, bowstring hemp
+n12481150 African bowstring hemp, African hemp, Sansevieria guineensis
+n12481289 Ceylon bowstring hemp, Sansevieria zeylanica
+n12481458 mother-in-law's tongue, snake plant, Sansevieria trifasciata
+n12482437 Spanish bayonet, Yucca aloifolia
+n12482668 Spanish bayonet, Yucca baccata
+n12482893 Joshua tree, Yucca brevifolia
+n12483282 soapweed, soap-weed, soap tree, Yucca elata
+n12483427 Adam's needle, Adam's needle-and-thread, spoonleaf yucca, needle palm, Yucca filamentosa
+n12483625 bear grass, Yucca glauca
+n12483841 Spanish dagger, Yucca gloriosa
+n12484244 Our Lord's candle, Yucca whipplei
+n12484784 water shamrock, buckbean, bogbean, bog myrtle, marsh trefoil, Menyanthes trifoliata
+n12485653 butterfly bush, buddleia
+n12485981 yellow jasmine, yellow jessamine, Carolina jasmine, evening trumpet flower, Gelsemium sempervirens
+n12486574 flax
+n12487058 calabar bean, ordeal bean
+n12488454 bonduc, bonduc tree, Caesalpinia bonduc, Caesalpinia bonducella
+n12488709 divi-divi, Caesalpinia coriaria
+n12489046 Mysore thorn, Caesalpinia decapetala, Caesalpinia sepiaria
+n12489676 brazilian ironwood, Caesalpinia ferrea
+n12489815 bird of paradise, poinciana, Caesalpinia gilliesii, Poinciana gilliesii
+n12490490 shingle tree, Acrocarpus fraxinifolius
+n12491017 mountain ebony, orchid tree, Bauhinia variegata
+n12491435 msasa, Brachystegia speciformis
+n12491826 cassia
+n12492106 golden shower tree, drumstick tree, purging cassia, pudding pipe tree, canafistola, canafistula, Cassia fistula
+n12492460 pink shower, pink shower tree, horse cassia, Cassia grandis
+n12492682 rainbow shower, Cassia javonica
+n12492900 horse cassia, Cassia roxburghii, Cassia marginata
+n12493208 carob, carob tree, carob bean tree, algarroba, Ceratonia siliqua
+n12493426 carob, carob bean, algarroba bean, algarroba, locust bean, locust pod
+n12493868 paloverde
+n12494794 royal poinciana, flamboyant, flame tree, peacock flower, Delonix regia, Poinciana regia
+n12495146 locust tree, locust
+n12495670 water locust, swamp locust, Gleditsia aquatica
+n12495895 honey locust, Gleditsia triacanthos
+n12496427 Kentucky coffee tree, bonduc, chicot, Gymnocladus dioica
+n12496949 logwood, logwood tree, campeachy, bloodwood tree, Haematoxylum campechianum
+n12497669 Jerusalem thorn, horsebean, Parkinsonia aculeata
+n12498055 palo verde, Parkinsonia florida, Cercidium floridum
+n12498457 Dalmatian laburnum, Petteria ramentacea, Cytisus ramentaceus
+n12499163 senna
+n12499757 avaram, tanner's cassia, Senna auriculata, Cassia auriculata
+n12499979 Alexandria senna, Alexandrian senna, true senna, tinnevelly senna, Indian senna, Senna alexandrina, Cassia acutifolia, Cassia augustifolia
+n12500309 wild senna, Senna marilandica, Cassia marilandica
+n12500518 sicklepod, Senna obtusifolia, Cassia tora
+n12500751 coffee senna, mogdad coffee, styptic weed, stinking weed, Senna occidentalis, Cassia occidentalis
+n12501202 tamarind, tamarind tree, tamarindo, Tamarindus indica
+n12504570 false indigo, bastard indigo, Amorpha californica
+n12504783 false indigo, bastard indigo, Amorpha fruticosa
+n12505253 hog peanut, wild peanut, Amphicarpaea bracteata, Amphicarpa bracteata
+n12506181 angelim, andelmin
+n12506341 cabbage bark, cabbage-bark tree, cabbage tree, Andira inermis
+n12506991 kidney vetch, Anthyllis vulneraria
+n12507379 groundnut, groundnut vine, Indian potato, potato bean, wild bean, Apios americana, Apios tuberosa
+n12507823 rooibos, Aspalathus linearis, Aspalathus cedcarbergensis
+n12508309 milk vetch, milk-vetch
+n12508618 alpine milk vetch, Astragalus alpinus
+n12508762 purple milk vetch, Astragalus danicus
+n12509109 camwood, African sandalwood, Baphia nitida
+n12509476 wild indigo, false indigo
+n12509665 blue false indigo, Baptisia australis
+n12509821 white false indigo, Baptisia lactea
+n12509993 indigo broom, horsefly weed, rattle weed, Baptisia tinctoria
+n12510343 dhak, dak, palas, Butea frondosa, Butea monosperma
+n12510774 pigeon pea, pigeon-pea plant, cajan pea, catjang pea, red gram, dhal, dahl, Cajanus cajan
+n12511488 sword bean, Canavalia gladiata
+n12511856 pea tree, caragana
+n12512095 Siberian pea tree, Caragana arborescens
+n12512294 Chinese pea tree, Caragana sinica
+n12512674 Moreton Bay chestnut, Australian chestnut
+n12513172 butterfly pea, Centrosema virginianum
+n12513613 Judas tree, love tree, Circis siliquastrum
+n12513933 redbud, Cercis canadensis
+n12514138 western redbud, California redbud, Cercis occidentalis
+n12514592 tagasaste, Chamaecytisus palmensis, Cytesis proliferus
+n12514992 weeping tree broom
+n12515393 flame pea
+n12515711 chickpea, chickpea plant, Egyptian pea, Cicer arietinum
+n12515925 chickpea, garbanzo
+n12516165 Kentucky yellowwood, gopherwood, Cladrastis lutea, Cladrastis kentukea
+n12516584 glory pea, clianthus
+n12516828 desert pea, Sturt pea, Sturt's desert pea, Clianthus formosus, Clianthus speciosus
+n12517077 parrot's beak, parrot's bill, Clianthus puniceus
+n12517445 butterfly pea, Clitoria mariana
+n12517642 blue pea, butterfly pea, Clitoria turnatea
+n12518013 telegraph plant, semaphore plant, Codariocalyx motorius, Desmodium motorium, Desmodium gyrans
+n12518481 bladder senna, Colutea arborescens
+n12519089 axseed, crown vetch, Coronilla varia
+n12519563 crotalaria, rattlebox
+n12520406 guar, cluster bean, Cyamopsis tetragonolobus, Cyamopsis psoraloides
+n12521186 white broom, white Spanish broom, Cytisus albus, Cytisus multiflorus
+n12521394 common broom, Scotch broom, green broom, Cytisus scoparius
+n12522188 rosewood, rosewood tree
+n12522678 Indian blackwood, East Indian rosewood, East India rosewood, Indian rosewood, Dalbergia latifolia
+n12522894 sissoo, sissu, sisham, Dalbergia sissoo
+n12523141 kingwood, kingwood tree, Dalbergia cearensis
+n12523475 Brazilian rosewood, caviuna wood, jacaranda, Dalbergia nigra
+n12523850 cocobolo, Dalbergia retusa
+n12524188 blackwood, blackwood tree
+n12525168 bitter pea
+n12525513 derris
+n12525753 derris root, tuba root, Derris elliptica
+n12526178 prairie mimosa, prickle-weed, Desmanthus ilinoensis
+n12526516 tick trefoil, beggar lice, beggar's lice
+n12526754 beggarweed, Desmodium tortuosum, Desmodium purpureum
+n12527081 Australian pea, Dipogon lignosus, Dolichos lignosus
+n12527738 coral tree, erythrina
+n12528109 kaffir boom, Cape kafferboom, Erythrina caffra
+n12528382 coral bean tree, Erythrina corallodendrum
+n12528549 ceibo, crybaby tree, cry-baby tree, common coral tree, Erythrina crista-galli
+n12528768 kaffir boom, Transvaal kafferboom, Erythrina lysistemon
+n12528974 Indian coral tree, Erythrina variegata, Erythrina Indica
+n12529220 cork tree, Erythrina vespertilio
+n12529500 goat's rue, goat rue, Galega officinalis
+n12529905 poison bush, poison pea, gastrolobium
+n12530629 Spanish broom, Spanish gorse, Genista hispanica
+n12530818 woodwaxen, dyer's greenweed, dyer's-broom, dyeweed, greenweed, whin, woadwaxen, Genista tinctoria
+n12531328 chanar, chanal, Geoffroea decorticans
+n12531727 gliricidia
+n12532564 soy, soybean, soya bean
+n12532886 licorice, liquorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra
+n12533190 wild licorice, wild liquorice, American licorice, American liquorice, Glycyrrhiza lepidota
+n12533437 licorice root
+n12534208 Western Australia coral pea, Hardenbergia comnptoniana
+n12534625 sweet vetch, Hedysarum boreale
+n12534862 French honeysuckle, sulla, Hedysarum coronarium
+n12536291 anil, Indigofera suffruticosa, Indigofera anil
+n12537253 scarlet runner, running postman, Kennedia prostrata
+n12537569 hyacinth bean, bonavist, Indian bean, Egyptian bean, Lablab purpureus, Dolichos lablab
+n12538209 Scotch laburnum, Alpine golden chain, Laburnum alpinum
+n12539074 vetchling
+n12539306 wild pea
+n12539832 everlasting pea
+n12540250 beach pea, sea pea, Lathyrus maritimus, Lathyrus japonicus
+n12540647 grass vetch, grass vetchling, Lathyrus nissolia
+n12540966 marsh pea, Lathyrus palustris
+n12541157 common vetchling, meadow pea, yellow vetchling, Lathyrus pratensis
+n12541403 grass pea, Indian pea, khesari, Lathyrus sativus
+n12542043 Tangier pea, Tangier peavine, Lalthyrus tingitanus
+n12542240 heath pea, earth-nut pea, earthnut pea, tuberous vetch, Lathyrus tuberosus
+n12543186 bicolor lespediza, ezo-yama-hagi, Lespedeza bicolor
+n12543455 japanese clover, japan clover, jap clover, Lespedeza striata
+n12543639 Korean lespedeza, Lespedeza stipulacea
+n12543826 sericea lespedeza, Lespedeza sericea, Lespedeza cuneata
+n12544240 lentil, lentil plant, Lens culinaris
+n12544539 lentil
+n12545232 prairie bird's-foot trefoil, compass plant, prairie lotus, prairie trefoil, Lotus americanus
+n12545635 bird's foot trefoil, bird's foot clover, babies' slippers, bacon and eggs, Lotus corniculatus
+n12545865 winged pea, asparagus pea, Lotus tetragonolobus
+n12546183 lupine, lupin
+n12546420 white lupine, field lupine, wolf bean, Egyptian lupine, Lupinus albus
+n12546617 tree lupine, Lupinus arboreus
+n12546962 wild lupine, sundial lupine, Indian beet, old-maid's bonnet, Lupinus perennis
+n12547215 bluebonnet, buffalo clover, Texas bluebonnet, Lupinus subcarnosus
+n12547503 Texas bluebonnet, Lupinus texensis
+n12548280 medic, medick, trefoil
+n12548564 moon trefoil, Medicago arborea
+n12548804 sickle alfalfa, sickle lucerne, sickle medick, Medicago falcata
+n12549005 Calvary clover, Medicago intertexta, Medicago echinus
+n12549192 black medick, hop clover, yellow trefoil, nonesuch clover, Medicago lupulina
+n12549420 alfalfa, lucerne, Medicago sativa
+n12549799 millettia
+n12550210 mucuna
+n12550408 cowage, velvet bean, Bengal bean, Benghal bean, Florida bean, Mucuna pruriens utilis, Mucuna deeringiana, Mucuna aterrima, Stizolobium deeringiana
+n12551173 tolu tree, tolu balsam tree, Myroxylon balsamum, Myroxylon toluiferum
+n12551457 Peruvian balsam, Myroxylon pereirae, Myroxylon balsamum pereirae
+n12552309 sainfoin, sanfoin, holy clover, esparcet, Onobrychis viciifolia, Onobrychis viciaefolia
+n12552893 restharrow, rest-harrow, Ononis repens
+n12553742 bead tree, jumby bean, jumby tree, Ormosia monosperma
+n12554029 jumby bead, jumbie bead, Ormosia coarctata
+n12554526 locoweed, crazyweed, crazy weed
+n12554729 purple locoweed, purple loco, Oxytropis lambertii
+n12554911 tumbleweed
+n12555255 yam bean, Pachyrhizus erosus
+n12555859 shamrock pea, Parochetus communis
+n12556656 pole bean
+n12557064 kidney bean, frijol, frijole
+n12557438 haricot
+n12557556 wax bean
+n12557681 scarlet runner, scarlet runner bean, Dutch case-knife bean, runner bean, Phaseolus coccineus, Phaseolus multiflorus
+n12558230 lima bean, lima bean plant, Phaseolus limensis
+n12558425 sieva bean, butter bean, butter-bean plant, lima bean, Phaseolus lunatus
+n12558680 tepary bean, Phaseolus acutifolius latifolius
+n12559044 chaparral pea, stingaree-bush, Pickeringia montana
+n12559518 Jamaica dogwood, fish fuddle, Piscidia piscipula, Piscidia erythrina
+n12560282 pea
+n12560621 garden pea
+n12560775 edible-pod pea, edible-podded pea, Pisum sativum macrocarpon
+n12561169 sugar snap pea, snap pea
+n12561309 field pea, field-pea plant, Austrian winter pea, Pisum sativum arvense, Pisum arvense
+n12561594 field pea
+n12562141 common flat pea, native holly, Playlobium obtusangulum
+n12562577 quira
+n12562785 roble, Platymiscium trinitatis
+n12563045 Panama redwood tree, Panama redwood, Platymiscium pinnatum
+n12563702 Indian beech, Pongamia glabra
+n12564083 winged bean, winged pea, goa bean, goa bean vine, Manila bean, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus
+n12564613 breadroot, Indian breadroot, pomme blanche, pomme de prairie, Psoralea esculenta
+n12565102 bloodwood tree, kiaat, Pterocarpus angolensis
+n12565912 kino, Pterocarpus marsupium
+n12566331 red sandalwood, red sanders, red sanderswood, red saunders, Pterocarpus santalinus
+n12566954 kudzu, kudzu vine, Pueraria lobata
+n12567950 bristly locust, rose acacia, moss locust, Robinia hispida
+n12568186 black locust, yellow locust, Robinia pseudoacacia
+n12568649 clammy locust, Robinia viscosa
+n12569037 carib wood, Sabinea carinalis
+n12569616 Colorado River hemp, Sesbania exaltata
+n12569851 scarlet wisteria tree, vegetable hummingbird, Sesbania grandiflora
+n12570394 Japanese pagoda tree, Chinese scholartree, Chinese scholar tree, Sophora japonica, Sophora sinensis
+n12570703 mescal bean, coral bean, frijolito, frijolillo, Sophora secundiflora
+n12570972 kowhai, Sophora tetraptera
+n12571781 jade vine, emerald creeper, Strongylodon macrobotrys
+n12572546 hoary pea
+n12572759 bastard indigo, Tephrosia purpurea
+n12572858 catgut, goat's rue, wild sweet pea, Tephrosia virginiana
+n12573256 bush pea
+n12573474 false lupine, golden pea, yellow pea, Thermopsis macrophylla
+n12573647 Carolina lupine, Thermopsis villosa
+n12573911 tipu, tipu tree, yellow jacaranda, pride of Bolivia
+n12574320 bird's foot trefoil, Trigonella ornithopodioides
+n12574470 fenugreek, Greek clover, Trigonella foenumgraecum
+n12574866 gorse, furze, whin, Irish gorse, Ulex europaeus
+n12575322 vetch
+n12575812 tufted vetch, bird vetch, Calnada pea, Vicia cracca
+n12576323 broad bean, fava bean, horsebean
+n12576451 bitter betch, Vicia orobus
+n12576695 bush vetch, Vicia sepium
+n12577362 moth bean, Vigna aconitifolia, Phaseolus aconitifolius
+n12577895 snailflower, snail-flower, snail flower, snail bean, corkscrew flower, Vigna caracalla, Phaseolus caracalla
+n12578255 mung, mung bean, green gram, golden gram, Vigna radiata, Phaseolus aureus
+n12578626 cowpea, cowpea plant, black-eyed pea, Vigna unguiculata, Vigna sinensis
+n12578916 cowpea, black-eyed pea
+n12579038 asparagus bean, yard-long bean, Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis, Vigna sesquipedalis
+n12579404 swamp oak, Viminaria juncea, Viminaria denudata
+n12579822 keurboom, Virgilia capensis, Virgilia oroboides
+n12580012 keurboom, Virgilia divaricata
+n12580654 Japanese wistaria, Wisteria floribunda
+n12580786 Chinese wistaria, Wisteria chinensis
+n12580896 American wistaria, American wisteria, Wisteria frutescens
+n12581110 silky wisteria, Wisteria venusta
+n12582231 palm, palm tree
+n12582665 sago palm
+n12582846 feather palm
+n12583126 fan palm
+n12583401 palmetto
+n12583681 coyol, coyol palm, Acrocomia vinifera
+n12583855 grugru, gri-gri, grugru palm, macamba, Acrocomia aculeata
+n12584191 areca
+n12584365 betel palm, Areca catechu
+n12584715 sugar palm, gomuti, gomuti palm, Arenga pinnata
+n12585137 piassava palm, pissaba palm, Bahia piassava, bahia coquilla, Attalea funifera
+n12585373 coquilla nut
+n12585629 palmyra, palmyra palm, toddy palm, wine palm, lontar, longar palm, Borassus flabellifer
+n12586298 calamus
+n12586499 rattan, rattan palm, Calamus rotang
+n12586725 lawyer cane, Calamus australis
+n12586989 fishtail palm
+n12587132 wine palm, jaggery palm, kitul, kittul, kitul tree, toddy palm, Caryota urens
+n12587487 wax palm, Ceroxylon andicola, Ceroxylon alpinum
+n12587803 coconut, coconut palm, coco palm, coco, cocoa palm, coconut tree, Cocos nucifera
+n12588320 carnauba, carnauba palm, wax palm, Copernicia prunifera, Copernicia cerifera
+n12588780 caranday, caranda, caranda palm, wax palm, Copernicia australis, Copernicia alba
+n12589142 corozo, corozo palm
+n12589458 gebang palm, Corypha utan, Corypha gebanga
+n12589687 latanier, latanier palm
+n12589841 talipot, talipot palm, Corypha umbraculifera
+n12590232 oil palm
+n12590499 African oil palm, Elaeis guineensis
+n12590600 American oil palm, Elaeis oleifera
+n12590715 palm nut, palm kernel
+n12591017 cabbage palm, Euterpe oleracea
+n12591351 cabbage palm, cabbage tree, Livistona australis
+n12591702 true sago palm, Metroxylon sagu
+n12592058 nipa palm, Nipa fruticans
+n12592544 babassu, babassu palm, coco de macao, Orbignya phalerata, Orbignya spesiosa, Orbignya martiana
+n12592839 babassu nut
+n12593122 cohune palm, Orbignya cohune, cohune
+n12593341 cohune nut
+n12593994 date palm, Phoenix dactylifera
+n12594324 ivory palm, ivory-nut palm, ivory plant, Phytelephas macrocarpa
+n12594989 raffia palm, Raffia farinifera, Raffia ruffia
+n12595699 bamboo palm, Raffia vinifera
+n12595964 lady palm
+n12596148 miniature fan palm, bamboo palm, fern rhapis, Rhapis excelsa
+n12596345 reed rhapis, slender lady palm, Rhapis humilis
+n12596709 royal palm, Roystonea regia
+n12596849 cabbage palm, Roystonea oleracea
+n12597134 cabbage palmetto, cabbage palm, Sabal palmetto
+n12597466 saw palmetto, scrub palmetto, Serenoa repens
+n12597798 thatch palm, thatch tree, silver thatch, broom palm, Thrinax parviflora
+n12598027 key palm, silvertop palmetto, silver thatch, Thrinax microcarpa, Thrinax morrisii, Thrinax keyensis
+n12599185 English plantain, narrow-leaved plantain, ribgrass, ribwort, ripple-grass, buckthorn, Plantago lanceolata
+n12599435 broad-leaved plantain, common plantain, white-man's foot, whiteman's foot, cart-track plant, Plantago major
+n12599661 hoary plantain, Plantago media
+n12599874 fleawort, psyllium, Spanish psyllium, Plantago psyllium
+n12600095 rugel's plantain, broad-leaved plantain, Plantago rugelii
+n12600267 hoary plantain, Plantago virginica
+n12601494 buckwheat, Polygonum fagopyrum, Fagopyrum esculentum
+n12601805 prince's-feather, princess feather, kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate, prince's-plume, Polygonum orientale
+n12602262 eriogonum
+n12602434 umbrella plant, Eriogonum allenii
+n12602612 wild buckwheat, California buckwheat, Erigonum fasciculatum
+n12602980 rhubarb, rhubarb plant
+n12603273 Himalayan rhubarb, Indian rhubarb, red-veined pie plant, Rheum australe, Rheum emodi
+n12603449 pie plant, garden rhubarb, Rheum cultorum, Rheum rhabarbarum, Rheum rhaponticum
+n12603672 Chinese rhubarb, Rheum palmatum
+n12604228 sour dock, garden sorrel, Rumex acetosa
+n12604460 sheep sorrel, sheep's sorrel, Rumex acetosella
+n12604639 bitter dock, broad-leaved dock, yellow dock, Rumex obtusifolius
+n12604845 French sorrel, garden sorrel, Rumex scutatus
+n12605683 yellow-eyed grass
+n12606438 commelina
+n12606545 spiderwort, dayflower
+n12607456 pineapple, pineapple plant, Ananas comosus
+n12609379 pipewort, Eriocaulon aquaticum
+n12610328 water hyacinth, water orchid, Eichhornia crassipes, Eichhornia spesiosa
+n12610740 water star grass, mud plantain, Heteranthera dubia
+n12611640 naiad, water nymph
+n12612170 water plantain, Alisma plantago-aquatica
+n12612811 narrow-leaved water plantain
+n12613706 hydrilla, Hydrilla verticillata
+n12614096 American frogbit, Limnodium spongia
+n12614477 waterweed
+n12614625 Canadian pondweed, Elodea canadensis
+n12615232 tape grass, eelgrass, wild celery, Vallisneria spiralis
+n12615710 pondweed
+n12616248 curled leaf pondweed, curly pondweed, Potamogeton crispus
+n12616630 loddon pondweed, Potamogeton nodosus, Potamogeton americanus
+n12616996 frog's lettuce
+n12617559 arrow grass, Triglochin maritima
+n12618146 horned pondweed, Zannichellia palustris
+n12618727 eelgrass, grass wrack, sea wrack, Zostera marina
+n12620196 rose, rosebush
+n12620546 hip, rose hip, rosehip
+n12620969 banksia rose, Rosa banksia
+n12621410 damask rose, summer damask rose, Rosa damascena
+n12621619 sweetbrier, sweetbriar, brier, briar, eglantine, Rosa eglanteria
+n12621945 Cherokee rose, Rosa laevigata
+n12622297 musk rose, Rosa moschata
+n12622875 agrimonia, agrimony
+n12623077 harvest-lice, Agrimonia eupatoria
+n12623211 fragrant agrimony, Agrimonia procera
+n12623818 alderleaf Juneberry, alder-leaved serviceberry, Amelanchier alnifolia
+n12624381 flowering quince
+n12624568 japonica, maule's quince, Chaenomeles japonica
+n12625003 coco plum, coco plum tree, cocoa plum, icaco, Chrysobalanus icaco
+n12625383 cotoneaster
+n12625670 Cotoneaster dammeri
+n12625823 Cotoneaster horizontalis
+n12626674 parsley haw, parsley-leaved thorn, Crataegus apiifolia, Crataegus marshallii
+n12626878 scarlet haw, Crataegus biltmoreana
+n12627119 blackthorn, pear haw, pear hawthorn, Crataegus calpodendron, Crataegus tomentosa
+n12627347 cockspur thorn, cockspur hawthorn, Crataegus crus-galli
+n12627526 mayhaw, summer haw, Crataegus aestivalis
+n12628356 red haw, downy haw, Crataegus mollis, Crataegus coccinea mollis
+n12628705 red haw, Crataegus pedicellata, Crataegus coccinea
+n12628986 quince, quince bush, Cydonia oblonga
+n12629305 mountain avens, Dryas octopetala
+n12629666 loquat, loquat tree, Japanese medlar, Japanese plum, Eriobotrya japonica
+n12630763 beach strawberry, Chilean strawberry, Fragaria chiloensis
+n12630999 Virginia strawberry, scarlet strawberry, Fragaria virginiana
+n12631331 avens
+n12631637 yellow avens, Geum alleppicum strictum, Geum strictum
+n12631932 yellow avens, Geum macrophyllum
+n12632335 prairie smoke, purple avens, Geum triflorum
+n12632733 bennet, white avens, Geum virginianum
+n12633061 toyon, tollon, Christmasberry, Christmas berry, Heteromeles arbutifolia, Photinia arbutifolia
+n12633638 apple tree
+n12633994 apple, orchard apple tree, Malus pumila
+n12634211 wild apple, crab apple, crabapple
+n12634429 crab apple, crabapple, cultivated crab apple
+n12634734 Siberian crab, Siberian crab apple, cherry apple, cherry crab, Malus baccata
+n12634986 wild crab, Malus sylvestris
+n12635151 American crab apple, garland crab, Malus coronaria
+n12635359 Oregon crab apple, Malus fusca
+n12635532 Southern crab apple, flowering crab, Malus angustifolia
+n12635744 Iowa crab, Iowa crab apple, prairie crab, western crab apple, Malus ioensis
+n12635955 Bechtel crab, flowering crab
+n12636224 medlar, medlar tree, Mespilus germanica
+n12636885 cinquefoil, five-finger
+n12637123 silverweed, goose-tansy, goose grass, Potentilla anserina
+n12637485 salad burnet, burnet bloodwort, pimpernel, Poterium sanguisorba
+n12638218 plum, plum tree
+n12638556 wild plum, wild plum tree
+n12638753 Allegheny plum, Alleghany plum, sloe, Prunus alleghaniensis
+n12638964 American red plum, August plum, goose plum, Prunus americana
+n12639168 chickasaw plum, hog plum, hog plum bush, Prunus angustifolia
+n12639376 beach plum, beach plum bush, Prunus maritima
+n12639584 common plum, Prunus domestica
+n12639736 bullace, Prunus insititia
+n12639910 damson plum, damson plum tree, Prunus domestica insititia
+n12640081 big-tree plum, Prunus mexicana
+n12640284 Canada plum, Prunus nigra
+n12640435 plumcot, plumcot tree
+n12640607 apricot, apricot tree
+n12640839 Japanese apricot, mei, Prunus mume
+n12641007 common apricot, Prunus armeniaca
+n12641180 purple apricot, black apricot, Prunus dasycarpa
+n12641413 cherry, cherry tree
+n12641931 wild cherry, wild cherry tree
+n12642090 wild cherry
+n12642200 sweet cherry, Prunus avium
+n12642435 heart cherry, oxheart, oxheart cherry
+n12642600 gean, mazzard, mazzard cherry
+n12642964 capulin, capulin tree, Prunus capuli
+n12643113 cherry laurel, laurel cherry, mock orange, wild orange, Prunus caroliniana
+n12643313 cherry plum, myrobalan, myrobalan plum, Prunus cerasifera
+n12643473 sour cherry, sour cherry tree, Prunus cerasus
+n12643688 amarelle, Prunus cerasus caproniana
+n12643877 morello, Prunus cerasus austera
+n12644283 marasca
+n12644902 almond tree
+n12645174 almond, sweet almond, Prunus dulcis, Prunus amygdalus, Amygdalus communis
+n12645530 bitter almond, Prunus dulcis amara, Amygdalus communis amara
+n12646072 jordan almond
+n12646197 dwarf flowering almond, Prunus glandulosa
+n12646397 holly-leaved cherry, holly-leaf cherry, evergreen cherry, islay, Prunus ilicifolia
+n12646605 fuji, fuji cherry, Prunus incisa
+n12646740 flowering almond, oriental bush cherry, Prunus japonica
+n12646950 cherry laurel, laurel cherry, Prunus laurocerasus
+n12647231 Catalina cherry, Prunus lyonii
+n12647376 bird cherry, bird cherry tree
+n12647560 hagberry tree, European bird cherry, common bird cherry, Prunus padus
+n12647787 hagberry
+n12647893 pin cherry, Prunus pensylvanica
+n12648045 peach, peach tree, Prunus persica
+n12648196 nectarine, nectarine tree, Prunus persica nectarina
+n12648424 sand cherry, Prunus pumila, Prunus pumilla susquehanae, Prunus susquehanae, Prunus cuneata
+n12648693 Japanese plum, Prunus salicina
+n12648888 black cherry, black cherry tree, rum cherry, Prunus serotina
+n12649065 flowering cherry
+n12649317 oriental cherry, Japanese cherry, Japanese flowering cherry, Prunus serrulata
+n12649539 Japanese flowering cherry, Prunus sieboldii
+n12649866 Sierra plum, Pacific plum, Prunus subcordata
+n12650038 rosebud cherry, winter flowering cherry, Prunus subhirtella
+n12650229 Russian almond, dwarf Russian almond, Prunus tenella
+n12650379 flowering almond, Prunus triloba
+n12650556 chokecherry, chokecherry tree, Prunus virginiana
+n12650805 chokecherry
+n12650915 western chokecherry, Prunus virginiana demissa, Prunus demissa
+n12651229 Pyracantha, pyracanth, fire thorn, firethorn
+n12651611 pear, pear tree, Pyrus communis
+n12651821 fruit tree
+n12653218 bramble bush
+n12653436 lawyerbush, lawyer bush, bush lawyer, Rubus cissoides, Rubus australis
+n12653633 stone bramble, Rubus saxatilis
+n12654227 sand blackberry, Rubus cuneifolius
+n12654857 boysenberry, boysenberry bush
+n12655062 loganberry, Rubus loganobaccus, Rubus ursinus loganobaccus
+n12655245 American dewberry, Rubus canadensis
+n12655351 Northern dewberry, American dewberry, Rubus flagellaris
+n12655498 Southern dewberry, Rubus trivialis
+n12655605 swamp dewberry, swamp blackberry, Rubus hispidus
+n12655726 European dewberry, Rubus caesius
+n12655869 raspberry, raspberry bush
+n12656369 wild raspberry, European raspberry, framboise, Rubus idaeus
+n12656528 American raspberry, Rubus strigosus, Rubus idaeus strigosus
+n12656685 black raspberry, blackcap, blackcap raspberry, thimbleberry, Rubus occidentalis
+n12656909 salmonberry, Rubus spectabilis
+n12657082 salmonberry, salmon berry, thimbleberry, Rubus parviflorus
+n12657755 wineberry, Rubus phoenicolasius
+n12658118 mountain ash
+n12658308 rowan, rowan tree, European mountain ash, Sorbus aucuparia
+n12658481 rowanberry
+n12658603 American mountain ash, Sorbus americana
+n12658715 Western mountain ash, Sorbus sitchensis
+n12658846 service tree, sorb apple, sorb apple tree, Sorbus domestica
+n12659064 wild service tree, Sorbus torminalis
+n12659356 spirea, spiraea
+n12659539 bridal wreath, bridal-wreath, Saint Peter's wreath, St. Peter's wreath, Spiraea prunifolia
+n12660601 madderwort, rubiaceous plant
+n12661045 Indian madder, munjeet, Rubia cordifolia
+n12661227 madder, Rubia tinctorum
+n12661538 woodruff
+n12662074 dagame, lemonwood tree, Calycophyllum candidissimum
+n12662379 blolly, West Indian snowberry, Chiococca alba
+n12662772 coffee, coffee tree
+n12663023 Arabian coffee, Coffea arabica
+n12663254 Liberian coffee, Coffea liberica
+n12663359 robusta coffee, Rio Nunez coffee, Coffea robusta, Coffea canephora
+n12663804 cinchona, chinchona
+n12664005 Cartagena bark, Cinchona cordifolia, Cinchona lancifolia
+n12664187 calisaya, Cinchona officinalis, Cinchona ledgeriana, Cinchona calisaya
+n12664469 cinchona tree, Cinchona pubescens
+n12664710 cinchona, cinchona bark, Peruvian bark, Jesuit's bark
+n12665048 bedstraw
+n12665271 sweet woodruff, waldmeister, woodruff, fragrant bedstraw, Galium odoratum, Asperula odorata
+n12665659 Northern bedstraw, Northern snow bedstraw, Galium boreale
+n12665857 yellow bedstraw, yellow cleavers, Our Lady's bedstraw, Galium verum
+n12666050 wild licorice, Galium lanceolatum
+n12666159 cleavers, clivers, goose grass, catchweed, spring cleavers, Galium aparine
+n12666369 wild madder, white madder, white bedstraw, infant's-breath, false baby's breath, Galium mollugo
+n12666965 cape jasmine, cape jessamine, Gardenia jasminoides, Gardenia augusta
+n12667406 genipa
+n12667582 genipap fruit, jagua, marmalade box, Genipa Americana
+n12667964 hamelia
+n12668131 scarlet bush, scarlet hamelia, coloradillo, Hamelia patens, Hamelia erecta
+n12669803 lemonwood, lemon-wood, lemonwood tree, lemon-wood tree, Psychotria capensis
+n12670334 negro peach, Sarcocephalus latifolius, Sarcocephalus esculentus
+n12670758 wild medlar, wild medlar tree, medlar, Vangueria infausta
+n12670962 Spanish tamarind, Vangueria madagascariensis
+n12671651 abelia
+n12672289 bush honeysuckle, Diervilla sessilifolia
+n12673588 American twinflower, Linnaea borealis americana
+n12674120 honeysuckle
+n12674685 American fly honeysuckle, fly honeysuckle, Lonicera canadensis
+n12674895 Italian honeysuckle, Italian woodbine, Lonicera caprifolium
+n12675299 yellow honeysuckle, Lonicera flava
+n12675515 hairy honeysuckle, Lonicera hirsuta
+n12675876 Japanese honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica
+n12676134 Hall's honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica halliana
+n12676370 Morrow's honeysuckle, Lonicera morrowii
+n12676534 woodbine, Lonicera periclymenum
+n12676703 trumpet honeysuckle, coral honeysuckle, trumpet flower, trumpet vine, Lonicera sempervirens
+n12677120 European fly honeysuckle, European honeysuckle, Lonicera xylosteum
+n12677331 swamp fly honeysuckle
+n12677612 snowberry, common snowberry, waxberry, Symphoricarpos alba
+n12677841 coralberry, Indian currant, Symphoricarpos orbiculatus
+n12678794 blue elder, blue elderberry, Sambucus caerulea
+n12679023 dwarf elder, danewort, Sambucus ebulus
+n12679432 American red elder, red-berried elder, stinking elder, Sambucus pubens
+n12679593 European red elder, red-berried elder, Sambucus racemosa
+n12679876 feverroot, horse gentian, tinker's root, wild coffee, Triostium perfoliatum
+n12680402 cranberry bush, cranberry tree, American cranberry bush, highbush cranberry, Viburnum trilobum
+n12680652 wayfaring tree, twist wood, twistwood, Viburnum lantana
+n12680864 guelder rose, European cranberrybush, European cranberry bush, crampbark, cranberry tree, Viburnum opulus
+n12681376 arrow wood, Viburnum recognitum
+n12681579 black haw, Viburnum prunifolium
+n12681893 weigela, Weigela florida
+n12682411 teasel, teazel, teasle
+n12682668 common teasel, Dipsacus fullonum
+n12682882 fuller's teasel, Dipsacus sativus
+n12683096 wild teasel, Dipsacus sylvestris
+n12683407 scabious, scabiosa
+n12683571 sweet scabious, pincushion flower, mournful widow, Scabiosa atropurpurea
+n12683791 field scabious, Scabiosa arvensis
+n12684379 jewelweed, lady's earrings, orange balsam, celandine, touch-me-not, Impatiens capensis
+n12685431 geranium
+n12685831 cranesbill, crane's bill
+n12686077 wild geranium, spotted cranesbill, Geranium maculatum
+n12686274 meadow cranesbill, Geranium pratense
+n12686496 Richardson's geranium, Geranium richardsonii
+n12686676 herb robert, herbs robert, herb roberts, Geranium robertianum
+n12686877 sticky geranium, Geranium viscosissimum
+n12687044 dove's foot geranium, Geranium molle
+n12687462 rose geranium, sweet-scented geranium, Pelargonium graveolens
+n12687698 fish geranium, bedding geranium, zonal pelargonium, Pelargonium hortorum
+n12687957 ivy geranium, ivy-leaved geranium, hanging geranium, Pelargonium peltatum
+n12688187 apple geranium, nutmeg geranium, Pelargonium odoratissimum
+n12688372 lemon geranium, Pelargonium limoneum
+n12688716 storksbill, heron's bill
+n12689305 musk clover, muskus grass, white-stemmed filaree, Erodium moschatum
+n12690653 incense tree
+n12691428 elephant tree, Bursera microphylla
+n12691661 gumbo-limbo, Bursera simaruba
+n12692024 Boswellia carteri
+n12692160 salai, Boswellia serrata
+n12692521 balm of gilead, Commiphora meccanensis
+n12692714 myrrh tree, Commiphora myrrha
+n12693244 Protium heptaphyllum
+n12693352 Protium guianense
+n12693865 water starwort
+n12694486 barbados cherry, acerola, Surinam cherry, West Indian cherry, Malpighia glabra
+n12695144 mahogany, mahogany tree
+n12695975 chinaberry, chinaberry tree, China tree, Persian lilac, pride-of-India, azederach, azedarach, Melia azederach, Melia azedarach
+n12696492 neem, neem tree, nim tree, margosa, arishth, Azadirachta indica, Melia Azadirachta
+n12696830 neem seed
+n12697152 Spanish cedar, Spanish cedar tree, Cedrela odorata
+n12697514 satinwood, satinwood tree, Chloroxylon swietenia
+n12698027 African scented mahogany, cedar mahogany, sapele mahogany, Entandrophragma cylindricum
+n12698435 silver ash
+n12698598 native beech, flindosa, flindosy, Flindersia australis
+n12698774 bunji-bunji, Flindersia schottiana
+n12699031 African mahogany
+n12699301 lanseh tree, langsat, langset, Lansium domesticum
+n12699922 true mahogany, Cuban mahogany, Dominican mahogany, Swietinia mahogani
+n12700088 Honduras mahogany, Swietinia macrophylla
+n12700357 Philippine mahogany, Philippine cedar, kalantas, Toona calantas, Cedrela calantas
+n12702124 caracolito, Ruptiliocarpon caracolito
+n12703190 common wood sorrel, cuckoo bread, shamrock, Oxalis acetosella
+n12703383 Bermuda buttercup, English-weed, Oxalis pes-caprae, Oxalis cernua
+n12703557 creeping oxalis, creeping wood sorrel, Oxalis corniculata
+n12703716 goatsfoot, goat's foot, Oxalis caprina
+n12703856 violet wood sorrel, Oxalis violacea
+n12704041 oca, oka, Oxalis tuberosa, Oxalis crenata
+n12704343 carambola, carambola tree, Averrhoa carambola
+n12704513 bilimbi, Averrhoa bilimbi
+n12705013 milkwort
+n12705220 senega, Polygala alba
+n12705458 orange milkwort, yellow milkwort, candyweed, yellow bachelor's button, Polygala lutea
+n12705698 flowering wintergreen, gaywings, bird-on-the-wing, fringed polygala, Polygala paucifolia
+n12705978 Seneca snakeroot, Seneka snakeroot, senga root, senega root, senega snakeroot, Polygala senega
+n12706410 common milkwort, gand flower, Polygala vulgaris
+n12707199 rue, herb of grace, Ruta graveolens
+n12707781 citrus, citrus tree
+n12708293 orange, orange tree
+n12708654 sour orange, Seville orange, bitter orange, bitter orange tree, bigarade, marmalade orange, Citrus aurantium
+n12708941 bergamot, bergamot orange, Citrus bergamia
+n12709103 pomelo, pomelo tree, pummelo, shaddock, Citrus maxima, Citrus grandis, Citrus decumana
+n12709349 citron, citron tree, Citrus medica
+n12709688 grapefruit, Citrus paradisi
+n12709901 mandarin, mandarin orange, mandarin orange tree, Citrus reticulata
+n12710295 tangerine, tangerine tree
+n12710415 clementine, clementine tree
+n12710577 satsuma, satsuma tree
+n12710693 sweet orange, sweet orange tree, Citrus sinensis
+n12710917 temple orange, temple orange tree, tangor, king orange, Citrus nobilis
+n12711182 tangelo, tangelo tree, ugli fruit, Citrus tangelo
+n12711398 rangpur, rangpur lime, lemanderin, Citrus limonia
+n12711596 lemon, lemon tree, Citrus limon
+n12711817 sweet lemon, sweet lime, Citrus limetta
+n12711984 lime, lime tree, Citrus aurantifolia
+n12712320 citrange, citrange tree, Citroncirus webberi
+n12712626 fraxinella, dittany, burning bush, gas plant, Dictamnus alba
+n12713063 kumquat, cumquat, kumquat tree
+n12713358 marumi, marumi kumquat, round kumquat, Fortunella japonica
+n12713521 nagami, nagami kumquat, oval kumquat, Fortunella margarita
+n12713866 cork tree, Phellodendron amurense
+n12714254 trifoliate orange, trifoliata, wild orange, Poncirus trifoliata
+n12714755 prickly ash
+n12714949 toothache tree, sea ash, Zanthoxylum americanum, Zanthoxylum fraxineum
+n12715195 Hercules'-club, Hercules'-clubs, Hercules-club, Zanthoxylum clava-herculis
+n12715914 bitterwood tree
+n12716400 marupa, Simarouba amara
+n12716594 paradise tree, bitterwood, Simarouba glauca
+n12717072 ailanthus
+n12717224 tree of heaven, tree of the gods, Ailanthus altissima
+n12717644 wild mango, dika, wild mango tree, Irvingia gabonensis
+n12718074 pepper tree, Kirkia wilmsii
+n12718483 Jamaica quassia, bitterwood, Picrasma excelsa, Picrasma excelsum
+n12718995 quassia, bitterwood, Quassia amara
+n12719684 nasturtium
+n12719944 garden nasturtium, Indian cress, Tropaeolum majus
+n12720200 bush nasturtium, Tropaeolum minus
+n12720354 canarybird flower, canarybird vine, canary creeper, Tropaeolum peregrinum
+n12721122 bean caper, Syrian bean caper, Zygophyllum fabago
+n12721477 palo santo, Bulnesia sarmienti
+n12722071 lignum vitae, Guaiacum officinale
+n12723062 creosote bush, coville, hediondilla, Larrea tridentata
+n12723610 caltrop, devil's weed, Tribulus terestris
+n12724942 willow, willow tree
+n12725521 osier
+n12725738 white willow, Huntingdon willow, Salix alba
+n12725940 silver willow, silky willow, Salix alba sericea, Salix sericea
+n12726159 golden willow, Salix alba vitellina, Salix vitellina
+n12726357 cricket-bat willow, Salix alba caerulea
+n12726528 arctic willow, Salix arctica
+n12726670 weeping willow, Babylonian weeping willow, Salix babylonica
+n12726902 Wisconsin weeping willow, Salix pendulina, Salix blanda, Salix pendulina blanda
+n12727101 pussy willow, Salix discolor
+n12727301 sallow
+n12727518 goat willow, florist's willow, pussy willow, Salix caprea
+n12727729 peachleaf willow, peach-leaved willow, almond-leaves willow, Salix amygdaloides
+n12727960 almond willow, black Hollander, Salix triandra, Salix amygdalina
+n12728164 hoary willow, sage willow, Salix candida
+n12728322 crack willow, brittle willow, snap willow, Salix fragilis
+n12728508 prairie willow, Salix humilis
+n12728656 dwarf willow, Salix herbacea
+n12728864 grey willow, gray willow, Salix cinerea
+n12729023 arroyo willow, Salix lasiolepis
+n12729164 shining willow, Salix lucida
+n12729315 swamp willow, black willow, Salix nigra
+n12729521 bay willow, laurel willow, Salix pentandra
+n12729729 purple willow, red willow, red osier, basket willow, purple osier, Salix purpurea
+n12729950 balsam willow, Salix pyrifolia
+n12730143 creeping willow, Salix repens
+n12730370 Sitka willow, silky willow, Salix sitchensis
+n12730544 dwarf grey willow, dwarf gray willow, sage willow, Salix tristis
+n12730776 bearberry willow, Salix uva-ursi
+n12731029 common osier, hemp willow, velvet osier, Salix viminalis
+n12731401 poplar, poplar tree
+n12731835 balsam poplar, hackmatack, tacamahac, Populus balsamifera
+n12732009 white poplar, white aspen, abele, aspen poplar, silver-leaved poplar, Populus alba
+n12732252 grey poplar, gray poplar, Populus canescens
+n12732491 black poplar, Populus nigra
+n12732605 Lombardy poplar, Populus nigra italica
+n12732756 cottonwood
+n12732966 Eastern cottonwood, necklace poplar, Populus deltoides
+n12733218 black cottonwood, Western balsam poplar, Populus trichocarpa
+n12733428 swamp cottonwood, black cottonwood, downy poplar, swamp poplar, Populus heterophylla
+n12733647 aspen
+n12733870 quaking aspen, European quaking aspen, Populus tremula
+n12734070 American quaking aspen, American aspen, Populus tremuloides
+n12734215 Canadian aspen, bigtooth aspen, bigtoothed aspen, big-toothed aspen, large-toothed aspen, large tooth aspen, Populus grandidentata
+n12735160 sandalwood tree, true sandalwood, Santalum album
+n12736603 quandong, quandang, quandong tree, Eucarya acuminata, Fusanus acuminatus
+n12736999 rabbitwood, buffalo nut, Pyrularia pubera
+n12737383 Loranthaceae, family Loranthaceae, mistletoe family
+n12737898 mistletoe, Loranthus europaeus
+n12738259 American mistletoe, Arceuthobium pusillum
+n12739332 mistletoe, Viscum album, Old World mistletoe
+n12739966 American mistletoe, Phoradendron serotinum, Phoradendron flavescens
+n12740967 aalii
+n12741222 soapberry, soapberry tree
+n12741586 wild China tree, Sapindus drumondii, Sapindus marginatus
+n12741792 China tree, false dogwood, jaboncillo, chinaberry, Sapindus saponaria
+n12742290 akee, akee tree, Blighia sapida
+n12742741 soapberry vine
+n12742878 heartseed, Cardiospermum grandiflorum
+n12743009 balloon vine, heart pea, Cardiospermum halicacabum
+n12743352 longan, lungen, longanberry, Dimocarpus longan, Euphorbia litchi, Nephelium longana
+n12743823 harpullia
+n12743976 harpulla, Harpullia cupanioides
+n12744142 Moreton Bay tulipwood, Harpullia pendula
+n12744387 litchi, lichee, litchi tree, Litchi chinensis, Nephelium litchi
+n12744850 Spanish lime, Spanish lime tree, honey berry, mamoncillo, genip, ginep, Melicocca bijuga, Melicocca bijugatus
+n12745386 rambutan, rambotan, rambutan tree, Nephelium lappaceum
+n12745564 pulasan, pulassan, pulasan tree, Nephelium mutabile
+n12746884 pachysandra
+n12747120 Allegheny spurge, Allegheny mountain spurge, Pachysandra procumbens
+n12748248 bittersweet, American bittersweet, climbing bittersweet, false bittersweet, staff vine, waxwork, shrubby bittersweet, Celastrus scandens
+n12749049 spindle tree, spindleberry, spindleberry tree
+n12749456 winged spindle tree, Euonymous alatus
+n12749679 wahoo, burning bush, Euonymus atropurpureus
+n12749852 strawberry bush, wahoo, Euonymus americanus
+n12750076 evergreen bittersweet, Euonymus fortunei radicans, Euonymus radicans vegetus
+n12750767 cyrilla, leatherwood, white titi, Cyrilla racemiflora
+n12751172 titi, buckwheat tree, Cliftonia monophylla
+n12751675 crowberry
+n12752205 maple
+n12753007 silver maple, Acer saccharinum
+n12753245 sugar maple, rock maple, Acer saccharum
+n12753573 red maple, scarlet maple, swamp maple, Acer rubrum
+n12753762 moosewood, moose-wood, striped maple, striped dogwood, goosefoot maple, Acer pennsylvanicum
+n12754003 Oregon maple, big-leaf maple, Acer macrophyllum
+n12754174 dwarf maple, Rocky-mountain maple, Acer glabrum
+n12754311 mountain maple, mountain alder, Acer spicatum
+n12754468 vine maple, Acer circinatum
+n12754648 hedge maple, field maple, Acer campestre
+n12754781 Norway maple, Acer platanoides
+n12754981 sycamore, great maple, scottish maple, Acer pseudoplatanus
+n12755225 box elder, ash-leaved maple, Acer negundo
+n12755387 California box elder, Acer negundo Californicum
+n12755559 pointed-leaf maple, Acer argutum
+n12755727 Japanese maple, full moon maple, Acer japonicum
+n12755876 Japanese maple, Acer palmatum
+n12756457 holly
+n12757115 Chinese holly, Ilex cornuta
+n12757303 bearberry, possum haw, winterberry, Ilex decidua
+n12757458 inkberry, gallberry, gall-berry, evergreen winterberry, Ilex glabra
+n12757668 mate, Paraguay tea, Ilex paraguariensis
+n12757816 American holly, Christmas holly
+n12757930 low gallberry holly
+n12758014 tall gallberry holly
+n12758099 yaupon holly
+n12758176 deciduous holly
+n12758250 juneberry holly
+n12758325 largeleaf holly
+n12758399 Geogia holly
+n12758471 common winterberry holly
+n12758555 smooth winterberry holly
+n12759273 cashew, cashew tree, Anacardium occidentale
+n12759668 goncalo alves, Astronium fraxinifolium
+n12760539 Venetian sumac, wig tree, Cotinus coggygria
+n12760875 laurel sumac, Malosma laurina, Rhus laurina
+n12761284 mango, mango tree, Mangifera indica
+n12761702 pistachio, Pistacia vera, pistachio tree
+n12761905 terebinth, Pistacia terebinthus
+n12762049 mastic, mastic tree, lentisk, Pistacia lentiscus
+n12762405 Australian sumac, Rhodosphaera rhodanthema, Rhus rhodanthema
+n12762896 sumac, sumach, shumac
+n12763529 smooth sumac, scarlet sumac, vinegar tree, Rhus glabra
+n12764008 sugar-bush, sugar sumac, Rhus ovata
+n12764202 staghorn sumac, velvet sumac, Virginian sumac, vinegar tree, Rhus typhina
+n12764507 squawbush, squaw-bush, skunkbush, Rhus trilobata
+n12764978 aroeira blanca, Schinus chichita
+n12765115 pepper tree, molle, Peruvian mastic tree, Schinus molle
+n12765402 Brazilian pepper tree, Schinus terebinthifolius
+n12765846 hog plum, yellow mombin, yellow mombin tree, Spondias mombin
+n12766043 mombin, mombin tree, jocote, Spondias purpurea
+n12766595 poison ash, poison dogwood, poison sumac, Toxicodendron vernix, Rhus vernix
+n12766869 poison ivy, markweed, poison mercury, poison oak, Toxicodendron radicans, Rhus radicans
+n12767208 western poison oak, Toxicodendron diversilobum, Rhus diversiloba
+n12767423 eastern poison oak, Toxicodendron quercifolium, Rhus quercifolia, Rhus toxicodenedron
+n12767648 varnish tree, lacquer tree, Chinese lacquer tree, Japanese lacquer tree, Japanese varnish tree, Japanese sumac, Toxicodendron vernicifluum, Rhus verniciflua
+n12768369 horse chestnut, buckeye, Aesculus hippocastanum
+n12768682 buckeye, horse chestnut, conker
+n12768809 sweet buckeye
+n12768933 Ohio buckeye
+n12769065 dwarf buckeye, bottlebrush buckeye
+n12769219 red buckeye
+n12769318 particolored buckeye
+n12770529 ebony, ebony tree, Diospyros ebenum
+n12770892 marblewood, marble-wood, Andaman marble, Diospyros kurzii
+n12771085 marblewood, marble-wood
+n12771192 persimmon, persimmon tree
+n12771390 Japanese persimmon, kaki, Diospyros kaki
+n12771597 American persimmon, possumwood, Diospyros virginiana
+n12771890 date plum, Diospyros lotus
+n12772753 buckthorn
+n12772908 southern buckthorn, shittimwood, shittim, mock orange, Bumelia lycioides
+n12773142 false buckthorn, chittamwood, chittimwood, shittimwood, black haw, Bumelia lanuginosa
+n12773651 star apple, caimito, Chrysophyllum cainito
+n12773917 satinleaf, satin leaf, caimitillo, damson plum, Chrysophyllum oliviforme
+n12774299 balata, balata tree, beefwood, bully tree, Manilkara bidentata
+n12774641 sapodilla, sapodilla tree, Manilkara zapota, Achras zapota
+n12775070 gutta-percha tree, Palaquium gutta
+n12775393 gutta-percha tree
+n12775717 canistel, canistel tree, Pouteria campechiana nervosa
+n12775919 marmalade tree, mammee, sapote, Pouteria zapota, Calocarpum zapota
+n12776558 sweetleaf, Symplocus tinctoria
+n12776774 Asiatic sweetleaf, sapphire berry, Symplocus paniculata
+n12777436 styrax
+n12777680 snowbell, Styrax obassia
+n12777778 Japanese snowbell, Styrax japonicum
+n12777892 Texas snowbell, Texas snowbells, Styrax texana
+n12778398 silver-bell tree, silverbell tree, snowdrop tree, opossum wood, Halesia carolina, Halesia tetraptera
+n12778605 carnivorous plant
+n12779603 pitcher plant
+n12779851 common pitcher plant, huntsman's cup, huntsman's cups, Sarracenia purpurea
+n12780325 hooded pitcher plant, Sarracenia minor
+n12780563 huntsman's horn, huntsman's horns, yellow trumpet, yellow pitcher plant, trumpets, Sarracenia flava
+n12781940 tropical pitcher plant
+n12782530 sundew, sundew plant, daily dew
+n12782915 Venus's flytrap, Venus's flytraps, Dionaea muscipula
+n12783316 waterwheel plant, Aldrovanda vesiculosa
+n12783730 Drosophyllum lusitanicum
+n12784371 roridula
+n12784889 Australian pitcher plant, Cephalotus follicularis
+n12785724 sedum
+n12785889 stonecrop
+n12786273 rose-root, midsummer-men, Sedum rosea
+n12786464 orpine, orpin, livelong, live-forever, Sedum telephium
+n12786836 pinwheel, Aeonium haworthii
+n12787364 Christmas bush, Christmas tree, Ceratopetalum gummiferum
+n12788854 hortensia, Hydrangea macrophylla hortensis
+n12789054 fall-blooming hydrangea, Hydrangea paniculata
+n12789554 carpenteria, Carpenteria californica
+n12789977 decumary, Decumaria barbata, Decumaria barbara
+n12790430 deutzia
+n12791064 philadelphus
+n12791329 mock orange, syringa, Philadelphus coronarius
+n12793015 saxifrage, breakstone, rockfoil
+n12793284 yellow mountain saxifrage, Saxifraga aizoides
+n12793494 meadow saxifrage, fair-maids-of-France, Saxifraga granulata
+n12793695 mossy saxifrage, Saxifraga hypnoides
+n12793886 western saxifrage, Saxifraga occidentalis
+n12794135 purple saxifrage, Saxifraga oppositifolia
+n12794367 star saxifrage, starry saxifrage, Saxifraga stellaris
+n12794568 strawberry geranium, strawberry saxifrage, mother-of-thousands, Saxifraga stolonifera, Saxifraga sarmentosam
+n12794985 astilbe
+n12795209 false goatsbeard, Astilbe biternata
+n12795352 dwarf astilbe, Astilbe chinensis pumila
+n12795555 spirea, spiraea, Astilbe japonica
+n12796022 bergenia
+n12796385 coast boykinia, Boykinia elata, Boykinia occidentalis
+n12796849 golden saxifrage, golden spleen
+n12797368 umbrella plant, Indian rhubarb, Darmera peltata, Peltiphyllum peltatum
+n12797860 bridal wreath, bridal-wreath, Francoa ramosa
+n12798284 alumroot, alumbloom
+n12798910 coralbells, Heuchera sanguinea
+n12799269 leatherleaf saxifrage, Leptarrhena pyrolifolia
+n12799776 woodland star, Lithophragma affine, Lithophragma affinis, Tellima affinis
+n12800049 prairie star, Lithophragma parviflorum
+n12800586 miterwort, mitrewort, bishop's cap
+n12801072 five-point bishop's cap, Mitella pentandra
+n12801520 parnassia, grass-of-Parnassus
+n12801781 bog star, Parnassia palustris
+n12801966 fringed grass of Parnassus, Parnassia fimbriata
+n12803226 false alumroot, fringe cups, Tellima grandiflora
+n12803754 foamflower, coolwart, false miterwort, false mitrewort, Tiarella cordifolia
+n12803958 false miterwort, false mitrewort, Tiarella unifoliata
+n12804352 pickaback plant, piggyback plant, youth-on-age, Tolmiea menziesii
+n12805146 currant, currant bush
+n12805561 black currant, European black currant, Ribes nigrum
+n12805762 white currant, Ribes sativum
+n12806015 gooseberry, gooseberry bush, Ribes uva-crispa, Ribes grossularia
+n12806732 plane tree, sycamore, platan
+n12807251 London plane, Platanus acerifolia
+n12807409 American sycamore, American plane, buttonwood, Platanus occidentalis
+n12807624 oriental plane, Platanus orientalis
+n12807773 California sycamore, Platanus racemosa
+n12808007 Arizona sycamore, Platanus wrightii
+n12809868 Greek valerian, Polemonium reptans
+n12810007 northern Jacob's ladder, Polemonium boreale
+n12810151 skunkweed, skunk-weed, Polemonium viscosum
+n12810595 phlox
+n12811027 moss pink, mountain phlox, moss phlox, dwarf phlox, Phlox subulata
+n12811713 evening-snow, Linanthus dichotomus
+n12812235 acanthus
+n12812478 bear's breech, bear's breeches, sea holly, Acanthus mollis
+n12812801 caricature plant, Graptophyllum pictum
+n12813189 black-eyed Susan, black-eyed Susan vine, Thunbergia alata
+n12814643 catalpa, Indian bean
+n12814857 Catalpa bignioides
+n12814960 Catalpa speciosa
+n12815198 desert willow, Chilopsis linearis
+n12815668 calabash, calabash tree, Crescentia cujete
+n12815838 calabash
+n12816508 borage, tailwort, Borago officinalis
+n12816942 common amsinckia, Amsinckia intermedia
+n12817464 anchusa
+n12817694 bugloss, alkanet, Anchusa officinalis
+n12817855 cape forget-me-not, Anchusa capensis
+n12818004 cape forget-me-not, Anchusa riparia
+n12818346 Spanish elm, Equador laurel, salmwood, cypre, princewood, Cordia alliodora
+n12818601 princewood, Spanish elm, Cordia gerascanthus
+n12818966 Chinese forget-me-not, Cynoglossum amabile
+n12819141 hound's-tongue, Cynoglossum officinale
+n12819354 hound's-tongue, Cynoglossum virginaticum
+n12819728 blueweed, blue devil, blue thistle, viper's bugloss, Echium vulgare
+n12820113 beggar's lice, beggar lice
+n12820669 gromwell, Lithospermum officinale
+n12820853 puccoon, Lithospermum caroliniense
+n12821505 Virginia bluebell, Virginia cowslip, Mertensia virginica
+n12821895 garden forget-me-not, Myosotis sylvatica
+n12822115 forget-me-not, mouse ear, Myosotis scorpiodes
+n12822466 false gromwell
+n12822769 comfrey, cumfrey
+n12822955 common comfrey, boneset, Symphytum officinale
+n12823717 convolvulus
+n12823859 bindweed
+n12824053 field bindweed, wild morning-glory, Convolvulus arvensis
+n12824289 scammony, Convolvulus scammonia
+n12824735 silverweed
+n12825497 dodder
+n12826143 dichondra, Dichondra micrantha
+n12827270 cypress vine, star-glory, Indian pink, Ipomoea quamoclit, Quamoclit pennata
+n12827537 moonflower, belle de nuit, Ipomoea alba
+n12827907 wild potato vine, wild sweet potato vine, man-of-the-earth, manroot, scammonyroot, Ipomoea panurata, Ipomoea fastigiata
+n12828220 red morning-glory, star ipomoea, Ipomoea coccinea
+n12828379 man-of-the-earth, Ipomoea leptophylla
+n12828520 scammony, Ipomoea orizabensis
+n12828791 Japanese morning glory, Ipomoea nil
+n12828977 imperial Japanese morning glory, Ipomoea imperialis
+n12829582 gesneriad
+n12829975 gesneria
+n12830222 achimenes, hot water plant
+n12830568 aeschynanthus
+n12831141 lace-flower vine, Alsobia dianthiflora, Episcia dianthiflora
+n12831535 columnea
+n12831932 episcia
+n12832315 gloxinia
+n12832538 Canterbury bell, Gloxinia perennis
+n12832822 kohleria
+n12833149 African violet, Saintpaulia ionantha
+n12833985 streptocarpus
+n12834190 Cape primrose
+n12834798 waterleaf
+n12834938 Virginia waterleaf, Shawnee salad, shawny, Indian salad, John's cabbage, Hydrophyllum virginianum
+n12835331 yellow bells, California yellow bells, whispering bells, Emmanthe penduliflora
+n12835766 yerba santa, Eriodictyon californicum
+n12836212 nemophila
+n12836337 baby blue-eyes, Nemophila menziesii
+n12836508 five-spot, Nemophila maculata
+n12836862 scorpionweed, scorpion weed, phacelia
+n12837052 California bluebell, Phacelia campanularia
+n12837259 California bluebell, whitlavia, Phacelia minor, Phacelia whitlavia
+n12837466 fiddleneck, Phacelia tanacetifolia
+n12837803 fiesta flower, Pholistoma auritum, Nemophila aurita
+n12839574 basil thyme, basil balm, mother of thyme, Acinos arvensis, Satureja acinos
+n12839979 giant hyssop
+n12840168 yellow giant hyssop, Agastache nepetoides
+n12840362 anise hyssop, Agastache foeniculum
+n12840502 Mexican hyssop, Agastache mexicana
+n12840749 bugle, bugleweed
+n12841007 creeping bugle, Ajuga reptans
+n12841193 erect bugle, blue bugle, Ajuga genevensis
+n12841354 pyramid bugle, Ajuga pyramidalis
+n12842302 wood mint
+n12842519 hairy wood mint, Blephilia hirsuta
+n12842642 downy wood mint, Blephilia celiata
+n12842887 calamint
+n12843144 common calamint, Calamintha sylvatica, Satureja calamintha officinalis
+n12843316 large-flowered calamint, Calamintha grandiflora, Clinopodium grandiflorum, Satureja grandiflora
+n12843557 lesser calamint, field balm, Calamintha nepeta, Calamintha nepeta glantulosa, Satureja nepeta, Satureja calamintha glandulosa
+n12843970 wild basil, cushion calamint, Clinopodium vulgare, Satureja vulgaris
+n12844409 horse balm, horseweed, stoneroot, stone-root, richweed, stone root, Collinsonia canadensis
+n12844939 coleus, flame nettle
+n12845187 country borage, Coleus aromaticus, Coleus amboinicus, Plectranthus amboinicus
+n12845413 painted nettle, Joseph's coat, Coleus blumei, Solenostemon blumei, Solenostemon scutellarioides
+n12845908 Apalachicola rosemary, Conradina glabra
+n12846335 dragonhead, dragon's head, Dracocephalum parviflorum
+n12846690 elsholtzia
+n12847008 hemp nettle, dead nettle, Galeopsis tetrahit
+n12847374 ground ivy, alehoof, field balm, gill-over-the-ground, runaway robin, Glechoma hederaceae, Nepeta hederaceae
+n12847927 pennyroyal, American pennyroyal, Hedeoma pulegioides
+n12848499 hyssop, Hyssopus officinalis
+n12849061 dead nettle
+n12849279 white dead nettle, Lamium album
+n12849416 henbit, Lamium amplexicaule
+n12849952 English lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Lavandula officinalis
+n12850168 French lavender, Lavandula stoechas
+n12850336 spike lavender, French lavender, Lavandula latifolia
+n12850906 dagga, Cape dagga, red dagga, wilde dagga, Leonotis leonurus
+n12851094 lion's-ear, Leonotis nepetaefolia, Leonotis nepetifolia
+n12851469 motherwort, Leonurus cardiaca
+n12851860 pitcher sage, Lepechinia calycina, Sphacele calycina
+n12852234 bugleweed, Lycopus virginicus
+n12852428 water horehound, Lycopus americanus
+n12852570 gipsywort, gypsywort, Lycopus europaeus
+n12853080 origanum
+n12853287 oregano, marjoram, pot marjoram, wild marjoram, winter sweet, Origanum vulgare
+n12853482 sweet marjoram, knotted marjoram, Origanum majorana, Majorana hortensis
+n12854048 horehound
+n12854193 common horehound, white horehound, Marrubium vulgare
+n12854600 lemon balm, garden balm, sweet balm, bee balm, beebalm, Melissa officinalis
+n12855365 corn mint, field mint, Mentha arvensis
+n12855494 water-mint, water mint, Mentha aquatica
+n12855710 bergamot mint, lemon mint, eau de cologne mint, Mentha citrata
+n12855886 horsemint, Mentha longifolia
+n12856091 peppermint, Mentha piperita
+n12856287 spearmint, Mentha spicata
+n12856479 apple mint, applemint, Mentha rotundifolia, Mentha suaveolens
+n12856680 pennyroyal, Mentha pulegium
+n12857204 yerba buena, Micromeria chamissonis, Micromeria douglasii, Satureja douglasii
+n12857779 molucca balm, bells of Ireland, Molucella laevis
+n12858150 monarda, wild bergamot
+n12858397 bee balm, beebalm, bergamot mint, oswego tea, Monarda didyma
+n12858618 horsemint, Monarda punctata
+n12858871 bee balm, beebalm, Monarda fistulosa
+n12858987 lemon mint, horsemint, Monarda citriodora
+n12859153 plains lemon monarda, Monarda pectinata
+n12859272 basil balm, Monarda clinopodia
+n12859679 mustang mint, Monardella lanceolata
+n12859986 catmint, catnip, Nepeta cataria
+n12860365 basil
+n12860978 beefsteak plant, Perilla frutescens crispa
+n12861345 phlomis
+n12861541 Jerusalem sage, Phlomis fruticosa
+n12861892 physostegia
+n12862512 plectranthus
+n12862828 patchouli, patchouly, pachouli, Pogostemon cablin
+n12863234 self-heal, heal all, Prunella vulgaris
+n12863624 mountain mint
+n12864160 rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis
+n12865037 clary sage, Salvia clarea
+n12865562 purple sage, chaparral sage, Salvia leucophylla
+n12865708 cancerweed, cancer weed, Salvia lyrata
+n12865824 common sage, ramona, Salvia officinalis
+n12866002 meadow clary, Salvia pratensis
+n12866162 clary, Salvia sclarea
+n12866333 pitcher sage, Salvia spathacea
+n12866459 Mexican mint, Salvia divinorum
+n12866635 wild sage, wild clary, vervain sage, Salvia verbenaca
+n12866968 savory
+n12867184 summer savory, Satureja hortensis, Satureia hortensis
+n12867449 winter savory, Satureja montana, Satureia montana
+n12867826 skullcap, helmetflower
+n12868019 blue pimpernel, blue skullcap, mad-dog skullcap, mad-dog weed, Scutellaria lateriflora
+n12868880 hedge nettle, dead nettle, Stachys sylvatica
+n12869061 hedge nettle, Stachys palustris
+n12869478 germander
+n12869668 American germander, wood sage, Teucrium canadense
+n12870048 cat thyme, marum, Teucrium marum
+n12870225 wood sage, Teucrium scorodonia
+n12870535 thyme
+n12870682 common thyme, Thymus vulgaris
+n12870891 wild thyme, creeping thyme, Thymus serpyllum
+n12871272 blue curls
+n12871696 turpentine camphor weed, camphorweed, vinegarweed, Trichostema lanceolatum
+n12871859 bastard pennyroyal, Trichostema dichotomum
+n12872458 bladderwort
+n12872914 butterwort
+n12873341 genlisea
+n12873984 martynia, Martynia annua
+n12875269 common unicorn plant, devil's claw, common devil's claw, elephant-tusk, proboscis flower, ram's horn, Proboscidea louisianica
+n12875697 sand devil's claw, Proboscidea arenaria, Martynia arenaria
+n12875861 sweet unicorn plant, Proboscidea fragrans, Martynia fragrans
+n12876899 figwort
+n12877244 snapdragon
+n12877493 white snapdragon, Antirrhinum coulterianum
+n12877637 yellow twining snapdragon, Antirrhinum filipes
+n12877838 Mediterranean snapdragon, Antirrhinum majus
+n12878169 kitten-tails
+n12878325 Alpine besseya, Besseya alpina
+n12878784 false foxglove, Aureolaria pedicularia, Gerardia pedicularia
+n12879068 false foxglove, Aureolaria virginica, Gerardia virginica
+n12879527 calceolaria, slipperwort
+n12879963 Indian paintbrush, painted cup
+n12880244 desert paintbrush, Castilleja chromosa
+n12880462 giant red paintbrush, Castilleja miniata
+n12880638 great plains paintbrush, Castilleja sessiliflora
+n12880799 sulfur paintbrush, Castilleja sulphurea
+n12881105 shellflower, shell-flower, turtlehead, snakehead, snake-head, Chelone glabra
+n12881913 maiden blue-eyed Mary, Collinsia parviflora
+n12882158 blue-eyed Mary, Collinsia verna
+n12882779 foxglove, digitalis
+n12882945 common foxglove, fairy bell, fingerflower, finger-flower, fingerroot, finger-root, Digitalis purpurea
+n12883265 yellow foxglove, straw foxglove, Digitalis lutea
+n12883628 gerardia
+n12884100 blue toadflax, old-field toadflax, Linaria canadensis
+n12884260 toadflax, butter-and-eggs, wild snapdragon, devil's flax, Linaria vulgaris
+n12885045 golden-beard penstemon, Penstemon barbatus
+n12885265 scarlet bugler, Penstemon centranthifolius
+n12885510 red shrubby penstemon, redwood penstemon
+n12885754 Platte River penstemon, Penstemon cyananthus
+n12886185 hot-rock penstemon, Penstemon deustus
+n12886402 Jones' penstemon, Penstemon dolius
+n12886600 shrubby penstemon, lowbush penstemon, Penstemon fruticosus
+n12886831 narrow-leaf penstemon, Penstemon linarioides
+n12887293 balloon flower, scented penstemon, Penstemon palmeri
+n12887532 Parry's penstemon, Penstemon parryi
+n12887713 rock penstemon, cliff penstemon, Penstemon rupicola
+n12888016 Rydberg's penstemon, Penstemon rydbergii
+n12888234 cascade penstemon, Penstemon serrulatus
+n12888457 Whipple's penstemon, Penstemon whippleanus
+n12889219 moth mullein, Verbascum blattaria
+n12889412 white mullein, Verbascum lychnitis
+n12889579 purple mullein, Verbascum phoeniceum
+n12889713 common mullein, great mullein, Aaron's rod, flannel mullein, woolly mullein, torch, Verbascum thapsus
+n12890265 veronica, speedwell
+n12890490 field speedwell, Veronica agrestis
+n12890685 brooklime, American brooklime, Veronica americana
+n12890928 corn speedwell, Veronica arvensis
+n12891093 brooklime, European brooklime, Veronica beccabunga
+n12891305 germander speedwell, bird's eye, Veronica chamaedrys
+n12891469 water speedwell, Veronica michauxii, Veronica anagallis-aquatica
+n12891643 common speedwell, gypsyweed, Veronica officinalis
+n12891824 purslane speedwell, Veronica peregrina
+n12892013 thyme-leaved speedwell, Veronica serpyllifolia
+n12893463 nightshade
+n12893993 horse nettle, ball nettle, bull nettle, ball nightshade, Solanum carolinense
+n12895298 African holly, Solanum giganteum
+n12895811 potato vine, Solanum jasmoides
+n12896615 garden huckleberry, wonderberry, sunberry, Solanum nigrum guineese, Solanum melanocerasum, Solanum burbankii
+n12897118 naranjilla, Solanum quitoense
+n12897788 potato vine, giant potato creeper, Solanum wendlandii
+n12897999 potato tree, Brazilian potato tree, Solanum wrightii, Solanum macranthum
+n12898342 belladonna, belladonna plant, deadly nightshade, Atropa belladonna
+n12898774 bush violet, browallia
+n12899166 lady-of-the-night, Brunfelsia americana
+n12899537 angel's trumpet, maikoa, Brugmansia arborea, Datura arborea
+n12899752 angel's trumpet, Brugmansia suaveolens, Datura suaveolens
+n12899971 red angel's trumpet, Brugmansia sanguinea, Datura sanguinea
+n12900783 cone pepper, Capsicum annuum conoides
+n12901724 bird pepper, Capsicum frutescens baccatum, Capsicum baccatum
+n12902466 day jessamine, Cestrum diurnum
+n12902662 night jasmine, night jessamine, Cestrum nocturnum
+n12903014 tree tomato, tamarillo
+n12903367 thorn apple
+n12903503 jimsonweed, jimson weed, Jamestown weed, common thorn apple, apple of Peru, Datura stramonium
+n12903964 pichi, Fabiana imbricata
+n12904314 henbane, black henbane, stinking nightshade, Hyoscyamus niger
+n12904562 Egyptian henbane, Hyoscyamus muticus
+n12904938 matrimony vine, boxthorn
+n12905135 common matrimony vine, Duke of Argyll's tea tree, Lycium barbarum, Lycium halimifolium
+n12905412 Christmasberry, Christmas berry, Lycium carolinianum
+n12906214 plum tomato
+n12906498 mandrake, devil's apples, Mandragora officinarum
+n12906771 mandrake root, mandrake
+n12907057 apple of Peru, shoo fly, Nicandra physaloides
+n12907671 flowering tobacco, Jasmine tobacco, Nicotiana alata
+n12907857 common tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum
+n12908093 wild tobacco, Indian tobacco, Nicotiana rustica
+n12908645 cupflower, nierembergia
+n12908854 whitecup, Nierembergia repens, Nierembergia rivularis
+n12909421 petunia
+n12909614 large white petunia, Petunia axillaris
+n12909759 violet-flowered petunia, Petunia integrifolia
+n12909917 hybrid petunia, Petunia hybrida
+n12911079 cape gooseberry, purple ground cherry, Physalis peruviana
+n12911264 strawberry tomato, dwarf cape gooseberry, Physalis pruinosa
+n12911440 tomatillo, jamberry, Mexican husk tomato, Physalis ixocarpa
+n12911673 tomatillo, miltomate, purple ground cherry, jamberry, Physalis philadelphica
+n12911914 yellow henbane, Physalis viscosa
+n12912274 cock's eggs, Salpichroa organifolia, Salpichroa rhomboidea
+n12912670 salpiglossis
+n12912801 painted tongue, Salpiglossis sinuata
+n12913144 butterfly flower, poor man's orchid, schizanthus
+n12913524 Scopolia carniolica
+n12913791 chalice vine, trumpet flower, cupflower, Solandra guttata
+n12914923 verbena, vervain
+n12915140 lantana
+n12915568 black mangrove, Avicennia marina
+n12915811 white mangrove, Avicennia officinalis
+n12916179 black mangrove, Aegiceras majus
+n12916511 teak, Tectona grandis
+n12917901 spurge
+n12918609 sun spurge, wartweed, wartwort, devil's milk, Euphorbia helioscopia
+n12918810 petty spurge, devil's milk, Euphorbia peplus
+n12918991 medusa's head, Euphorbia medusae, Euphorbia caput-medusae
+n12919195 wild spurge, flowering spurge, tramp's spurge, Euphorbia corollata
+n12919403 snow-on-the-mountain, snow-in-summer, ghost weed, Euphorbia marginata
+n12919646 cypress spurge, Euphorbia cyparissias
+n12919847 leafy spurge, wolf's milk, Euphorbia esula
+n12920043 hairy spurge, Euphorbia hirsuta
+n12920204 poinsettia, Christmas star, Christmas flower, lobster plant, Mexican flameleaf, painted leaf, Euphorbia pulcherrima
+n12920521 Japanese poinsettia, mole plant, paint leaf, Euphorbia heterophylla
+n12920719 fire-on-the-mountain, painted leaf, Mexican fire plant, Euphorbia cyathophora
+n12920955 wood spurge, Euphorbia amygdaloides
+n12921315 dwarf spurge, Euphorbia exigua
+n12921499 scarlet plume, Euphorbia fulgens
+n12921660 naboom, cactus euphorbia, Euphorbia ingens
+n12921868 crown of thorns, Christ thorn, Christ plant, Euphorbia milii
+n12922119 toothed spurge, Euphorbia dentata
+n12922458 three-seeded mercury, Acalypha virginica
+n12922763 croton, Croton tiglium
+n12923108 cascarilla, Croton eluteria
+n12923257 cascarilla bark, eleuthera bark, sweetwood bark
+n12924623 castor-oil plant, castor bean plant, palma christi, palma christ, Ricinus communis
+n12925179 spurge nettle, tread-softly, devil nettle, pica-pica, Cnidoscolus urens, Jatropha urens, Jatropha stimulosus
+n12925583 physic nut, Jatropha curcus
+n12926039 Para rubber tree, caoutchouc tree, Hevea brasiliensis
+n12926480 cassava, casava
+n12926689 bitter cassava, manioc, mandioc, mandioca, tapioca plant, gari, Manihot esculenta, Manihot utilissima
+n12927013 cassava, manioc
+n12927194 sweet cassava, Manihot dulcis
+n12927494 candlenut, varnish tree, Aleurites moluccana
+n12927758 tung tree, tung, tung-oil tree, Aleurites fordii
+n12928071 slipper spurge, slipper plant
+n12928307 candelilla, Pedilanthus bracteatus, Pedilanthus pavonis
+n12928491 Jewbush, Jew-bush, Jew bush, redbird cactus, redbird flower, Pedilanthus tithymaloides
+n12928819 jumping bean, jumping seed, Mexican jumping bean
+n12929403 camellia, camelia
+n12929600 japonica, Camellia japonica
+n12930778 umbellifer, umbelliferous plant
+n12930951 wild parsley
+n12931231 fool's parsley, lesser hemlock, Aethusa cynapium
+n12931542 dill, Anethum graveolens
+n12931906 angelica, angelique
+n12932173 garden angelica, archangel, Angelica Archangelica
+n12932365 wild angelica, Angelica sylvestris
+n12932706 chervil, beaked parsley, Anthriscus cereifolium
+n12932966 cow parsley, wild chervil, Anthriscus sylvestris
+n12933274 wild celery, Apium graveolens
+n12934036 astrantia, masterwort
+n12934174 greater masterwort, Astrantia major
+n12934479 caraway, Carum carvi
+n12934685 whorled caraway
+n12934985 water hemlock, Cicuta verosa
+n12935166 spotted cowbane, spotted hemlock, spotted water hemlock
+n12935609 hemlock, poison hemlock, poison parsley, California fern, Nebraska fern, winter fern, Conium maculatum
+n12936155 earthnut, Conopodium denudatum
+n12936826 cumin, Cuminum cyminum
+n12937130 wild carrot, Queen Anne's lace, Daucus carota
+n12938081 eryngo, eringo
+n12938193 sea holly, sea holm, sea eryngium, Eryngium maritimum
+n12938445 button snakeroot, Eryngium aquaticum
+n12938667 rattlesnake master, rattlesnake's master, button snakeroot, Eryngium yuccifolium
+n12939104 fennel
+n12939282 common fennel, Foeniculum vulgare
+n12939479 Florence fennel, Foeniculum dulce, Foeniculum vulgare dulce
+n12939874 cow parsnip, hogweed, Heracleum sphondylium
+n12940226 lovage, Levisticum officinale
+n12940609 sweet cicely, Myrrhis odorata
+n12941220 water fennel, Oenanthe aquatica
+n12941536 parsnip, Pastinaca sativa
+n12941717 cultivated parsnip
+n12942025 wild parsnip, madnep
+n12942395 parsley, Petroselinum crispum
+n12942572 Italian parsley, flat-leaf parsley, Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum
+n12942729 Hamburg parsley, turnip-rooted parsley, Petroselinum crispum tuberosum
+n12943049 anise, anise plant, Pimpinella anisum
+n12943443 sanicle, snakeroot
+n12943912 purple sanicle, Sanicula bipinnatifida
+n12944095 European sanicle, Sanicula Europaea
+n12945177 water parsnip, Sium suave
+n12945366 greater water parsnip, Sium latifolium
+n12945549 skirret, Sium sisarum
+n12946849 dogwood, dogwood tree, cornel
+n12947313 common white dogwood, eastern flowering dogwood, Cornus florida
+n12947544 red osier, red osier dogwood, red dogwood, American dogwood, redbrush, Cornus stolonifera
+n12947756 silky dogwood, Cornus obliqua
+n12947895 silky cornel, silky dogwood, Cornus amomum
+n12948053 common European dogwood, red dogwood, blood-twig, pedwood, Cornus sanguinea
+n12948251 bunchberry, dwarf cornel, crackerberry, pudding berry, Cornus canadensis
+n12948495 cornelian cherry, Cornus mas
+n12949160 puka, Griselinia lucida
+n12949361 kapuka, Griselinia littoralis
+n12950126 valerian
+n12950314 common valerian, garden heliotrope, Valeriana officinalis
+n12950796 common corn salad, lamb's lettuce, Valerianella olitoria, Valerianella locusta
+n12951146 red valerian, French honeysuckle, Centranthus ruber
+n12951835 filmy fern, film fern
+n12952165 bristle fern, filmy fern
+n12952469 hare's-foot bristle fern, Trichomanes boschianum
+n12952590 Killarney fern, Trichomanes speciosum
+n12952717 kidney fern, Trichomanes reniforme
+n12953206 flowering fern, osmund
+n12953484 royal fern, royal osmund, king fern, ditch fern, French bracken, Osmunda regalis
+n12953712 interrupted fern, Osmunda clatonia
+n12954353 crape fern, Prince-of-Wales fern, Prince-of-Wales feather, Prince-of-Wales plume, Leptopteris superba, Todea superba
+n12954799 crepe fern, king fern, Todea barbara
+n12955414 curly grass, curly grass fern, Schizaea pusilla
+n12955840 pine fern, Anemia adiantifolia
+n12956170 climbing fern
+n12956367 creeping fern, Hartford fern, Lygodium palmatum
+n12956588 climbing maidenhair, climbing maidenhair fern, snake fern, Lygodium microphyllum
+n12956922 scented fern, Mohria caffrorum
+n12957608 clover fern, pepperwort
+n12957803 nardoo, nardo, common nardoo, Marsilea drummondii
+n12957924 water clover, Marsilea quadrifolia
+n12958261 pillwort, Pilularia globulifera
+n12958615 regnellidium, Regnellidium diphyllum
+n12959074 floating-moss, Salvinia rotundifolia, Salvinia auriculata
+n12959538 mosquito fern, floating fern, Carolina pond fern, Azolla caroliniana
+n12960378 adder's tongue, adder's tongue fern
+n12960552 ribbon fern, Ophioglossum pendulum
+n12960863 grape fern
+n12961242 daisyleaf grape fern, daisy-leaved grape fern, Botrychium matricariifolium
+n12961393 leathery grape fern, Botrychium multifidum
+n12961536 rattlesnake fern, Botrychium virginianum
+n12961879 flowering fern, Helminthostachys zeylanica
+n12963628 powdery mildew
+n12964920 Dutch elm fungus, Ceratostomella ulmi
+n12965626 ergot, Claviceps purpurea
+n12965951 rye ergot
+n12966804 black root rot fungus, Xylaria mali
+n12966945 dead-man's-fingers, dead-men's-fingers, Xylaria polymorpha
+n12968136 sclerotinia
+n12968309 brown cup
+n12969131 earthball, false truffle, puffball, hard-skinned puffball
+n12969425 Scleroderma citrinum, Scleroderma aurantium
+n12969670 Scleroderma flavidium, star earthball
+n12969927 Scleroderma bovista, smooth earthball
+n12970193 Podaxaceae
+n12970293 stalked puffball
+n12970733 stalked puffball
+n12971400 false truffle
+n12971804 Rhizopogon idahoensis
+n12972136 Truncocolumella citrina
+n12973443 mucor
+n12973791 rhizopus
+n12973937 bread mold, Rhizopus nigricans
+n12974987 slime mold, slime mould
+n12975804 true slime mold, acellular slime mold, plasmodial slime mold, myxomycete
+n12976198 cellular slime mold
+n12976554 dictostylium
+n12978076 pond-scum parasite
+n12979316 potato wart fungus, Synchytrium endobioticum
+n12979829 white fungus, Saprolegnia ferax
+n12980080 water mold
+n12980840 downy mildew, false mildew
+n12981086 blue mold fungus, Peronospora tabacina
+n12981301 onion mildew, Peronospora destructor
+n12981443 tobacco mildew, Peronospora hyoscyami
+n12981954 white rust
+n12982468 pythium
+n12982590 damping off fungus, Pythium debaryanum
+n12982915 Phytophthora citrophthora
+n12983048 Phytophthora infestans
+n12983654 clubroot fungus, Plasmodiophora brassicae
+n12983873 Geglossaceae
+n12983961 Sarcosomataceae
+n12984267 Rufous rubber cup
+n12984489 devil's cigar
+n12984595 devil's urn
+n12985420 truffle, earthnut, earth-ball
+n12985773 club fungus
+n12985857 coral fungus
+n12986227 tooth fungus
+n12987056 lichen
+n12987423 ascolichen
+n12987535 basidiolichen
+n12988158 lecanora
+n12988341 manna lichen
+n12988572 archil, orchil
+n12989007 roccella, Roccella tinctoria
+n12989938 beard lichen, beard moss, Usnea barbata
+n12990597 horsehair lichen, horsetail lichen
+n12991184 reindeer moss, reindeer lichen, arctic moss, Cladonia rangiferina
+n12991837 crottle, crottal, crotal
+n12992177 Iceland moss, Iceland lichen, Cetraria islandica
+n12992868 fungus
+n12994892 promycelium
+n12995601 true fungus
+n12997654 basidiomycete, basidiomycetous fungi
+n12997919 mushroom
+n12998815 agaric
+n13000891 mushroom
+n13001041 mushroom
+n13001206 toadstool
+n13001366 horse mushroom, Agaricus arvensis
+n13001529 meadow mushroom, field mushroom, Agaricus campestris
+n13001930 shiitake, shiitake mushroom, Chinese black mushroom, golden oak mushroom, Oriental black mushroom, Lentinus edodes
+n13002209 scaly lentinus, Lentinus lepideus
+n13002750 royal agaric, Caesar's agaric, Amanita caesarea
+n13002925 false deathcap, Amanita mappa
+n13003061 fly agaric, Amanita muscaria
+n13003254 death cap, death cup, death angel, destroying angel, Amanita phalloides
+n13003522 blushing mushroom, blusher, Amanita rubescens
+n13003712 destroying angel, Amanita verna
+n13004423 chanterelle, chantarelle, Cantharellus cibarius
+n13004640 floccose chanterelle, Cantharellus floccosus
+n13004826 pig's ears, Cantharellus clavatus
+n13004992 cinnabar chanterelle, Cantharellus cinnabarinus
+n13005329 jack-o-lantern fungus, jack-o-lantern, jack-a-lantern, Omphalotus illudens
+n13005984 inky cap, inky-cap mushroom, Coprinus atramentarius
+n13006171 shaggymane, shaggy cap, shaggymane mushroom, Coprinus comatus
+n13006631 milkcap, Lactarius delicioso
+n13006894 fairy-ring mushroom, Marasmius oreades
+n13007034 fairy ring, fairy circle
+n13007417 oyster mushroom, oyster fungus, oyster agaric, Pleurotus ostreatus
+n13007629 olive-tree agaric, Pleurotus phosphoreus
+n13008157 Pholiota astragalina
+n13008315 Pholiota aurea, golden pholiota
+n13008485 Pholiota destruens
+n13008689 Pholiota flammans
+n13008839 Pholiota flavida
+n13009085 nameko, viscid mushroom, Pholiota nameko
+n13009244 Pholiota squarrosa-adiposa
+n13009429 Pholiota squarrosa, scaly pholiota
+n13009656 Pholiota squarrosoides
+n13010694 Stropharia ambigua
+n13010951 Stropharia hornemannii
+n13011221 Stropharia rugoso-annulata
+n13011595 gill fungus
+n13012253 Entoloma lividum, Entoloma sinuatum
+n13012469 Entoloma aprile
+n13012973 Chlorophyllum molybdites
+n13013534 lepiota
+n13013764 parasol mushroom, Lepiota procera
+n13013965 poisonous parasol, Lepiota morgani
+n13014097 Lepiota naucina
+n13014265 Lepiota rhacodes
+n13014409 American parasol, Lepiota americana
+n13014581 Lepiota rubrotincta
+n13014741 Lepiota clypeolaria
+n13014879 onion stem, Lepiota cepaestipes
+n13015509 pink disease fungus, Corticium salmonicolor
+n13015688 bottom rot fungus, Corticium solani
+n13016076 potato fungus, Pellicularia filamentosa, Rhizoctinia solani
+n13016289 coffee fungus, Pellicularia koleroga
+n13017102 blewits, Clitocybe nuda
+n13017240 sandy mushroom, Tricholoma populinum
+n13017439 Tricholoma pessundatum
+n13017610 Tricholoma sejunctum
+n13017789 man-on-a-horse, Tricholoma flavovirens
+n13017979 Tricholoma venenata
+n13018088 Tricholoma pardinum
+n13018232 Tricholoma vaccinum
+n13018407 Tricholoma aurantium
+n13018906 Volvaria bombycina
+n13019496 Pluteus aurantiorugosus
+n13019643 Pluteus magnus, sawdust mushroom
+n13019835 deer mushroom, Pluteus cervinus
+n13020191 straw mushroom, Chinese mushroom, Volvariella volvacea
+n13020481 Volvariella bombycina
+n13020964 Clitocybe clavipes
+n13021166 Clitocybe dealbata
+n13021332 Clitocybe inornata
+n13021543 Clitocybe robusta, Clytocybe alba
+n13021689 Clitocybe irina, Tricholoma irinum, Lepista irina
+n13021867 Clitocybe subconnexa
+n13022210 winter mushroom, Flammulina velutipes
+n13022709 mycelium
+n13022903 sclerotium
+n13023134 sac fungus
+n13024012 ascomycete, ascomycetous fungus
+n13024500 Clavicipitaceae, grainy club mushrooms
+n13024653 grainy club
+n13025647 yeast
+n13025854 baker's yeast, brewer's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
+n13026015 wine-maker's yeast, Saccharomyces ellipsoides
+n13027557 Aspergillus fumigatus
+n13027879 brown root rot fungus, Thielavia basicola
+n13028611 discomycete, cup fungus
+n13028937 Leotia lubrica
+n13029122 Mitrula elegans
+n13029326 Sarcoscypha coccinea, scarlet cup
+n13029610 Caloscypha fulgens
+n13029760 Aleuria aurantia, orange peel fungus
+n13030337 elf cup
+n13030616 Peziza domicilina
+n13030852 blood cup, fairy cup, Peziza coccinea
+n13031193 Urnula craterium, urn fungus
+n13031323 Galiella rufa
+n13031474 Jafnea semitosta
+n13032115 morel
+n13032381 common morel, Morchella esculenta, sponge mushroom, sponge morel
+n13032618 Disciotis venosa, cup morel
+n13032923 Verpa, bell morel
+n13033134 Verpa bohemica, early morel
+n13033396 Verpa conica, conic Verpa
+n13033577 black morel, Morchella conica, conic morel, Morchella angusticeps, narrowhead morel
+n13033879 Morchella crassipes, thick-footed morel
+n13034062 Morchella semilibera, half-free morel, cow's head
+n13034555 Wynnea americana
+n13034788 Wynnea sparassoides
+n13035241 false morel
+n13035389 lorchel
+n13035707 helvella
+n13035925 Helvella crispa, miter mushroom
+n13036116 Helvella acetabulum
+n13036312 Helvella sulcata
+n13036804 discina
+n13037406 gyromitra
+n13037585 Gyromitra californica, California false morel
+n13037805 Gyromitra sphaerospora, round-spored gyromitra
+n13038068 Gyromitra esculenta, brain mushroom, beefsteak morel
+n13038376 Gyromitra infula, saddled-shaped false morel
+n13038577 Gyromitra fastigiata, Gyromitra brunnea
+n13038744 Gyromitra gigas
+n13039349 gasteromycete, gastromycete
+n13040303 stinkhorn, carrion fungus
+n13040629 common stinkhorn, Phallus impudicus
+n13040796 Phallus ravenelii
+n13041312 dog stinkhorn, Mutinus caninus
+n13041943 Calostoma lutescens
+n13042134 Calostoma cinnabarina
+n13042316 Calostoma ravenelii
+n13042982 stinky squid, Pseudocolus fusiformis
+n13043926 puffball, true puffball
+n13044375 giant puffball, Calvatia gigantea
+n13044778 earthstar
+n13045210 Geastrum coronatum
+n13045594 Radiigera fuscogleba
+n13045975 Astreus pteridis
+n13046130 Astreus hygrometricus
+n13046669 bird's-nest fungus
+n13047862 Gastrocybe lateritia
+n13048447 Macowanites americanus
+n13049953 polypore, pore fungus, pore mushroom
+n13050397 bracket fungus, shelf fungus
+n13050705 Albatrellus dispansus
+n13050940 Albatrellus ovinus, sheep polypore
+n13051346 Neolentinus ponderosus
+n13052014 Oligoporus leucospongia
+n13052248 Polyporus tenuiculus
+n13052670 hen-of-the-woods, hen of the woods, Polyporus frondosus, Grifola frondosa
+n13052931 Polyporus squamosus, scaly polypore
+n13053608 beefsteak fungus, Fistulina hepatica
+n13054073 agaric, Fomes igniarius
+n13054560 bolete
+n13055423 Boletus chrysenteron
+n13055577 Boletus edulis
+n13055792 Frost's bolete, Boletus frostii
+n13055949 Boletus luridus
+n13056135 Boletus mirabilis
+n13056349 Boletus pallidus
+n13056607 Boletus pulcherrimus
+n13056799 Boletus pulverulentus
+n13057054 Boletus roxanae
+n13057242 Boletus subvelutipes
+n13057422 Boletus variipes
+n13057639 Boletus zelleri
+n13058037 Fuscoboletinus paluster
+n13058272 Fuscoboletinus serotinus
+n13058608 Leccinum fibrillosum
+n13059298 Suillus albivelatus
+n13059657 old-man-of-the-woods, Strobilomyces floccopus
+n13060017 Boletellus russellii
+n13060190 jelly fungus
+n13061172 snow mushroom, Tremella fuciformis
+n13061348 witches' butter, Tremella lutescens
+n13061471 Tremella foliacea
+n13061704 Tremella reticulata
+n13062421 Jew's-ear, Jew's-ears, ear fungus, Auricularia auricula
+n13063269 rust, rust fungus
+n13063514 aecium
+n13064111 flax rust, flax rust fungus, Melampsora lini
+n13064457 blister rust, Cronartium ribicola
+n13065089 wheat rust, Puccinia graminis
+n13065514 apple rust, cedar-apple rust, Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae
+n13066129 smut, smut fungus
+n13066448 covered smut
+n13066979 loose smut
+n13067191 cornsmut, corn smut
+n13067330 boil smut, Ustilago maydis
+n13067532 Sphacelotheca, genus Sphacelotheca
+n13067672 head smut, Sphacelotheca reiliana
+n13068255 bunt, Tilletia caries
+n13068434 bunt, stinking smut, Tilletia foetida
+n13068735 onion smut, Urocystis cepulae
+n13068917 flag smut fungus
+n13069224 wheat flag smut, Urocystis tritici
+n13069773 felt fungus, Septobasidium pseudopedicellatum
+n13070308 waxycap
+n13070875 Hygrocybe acutoconica, conic waxycap
+n13071371 Hygrophorus borealis
+n13071553 Hygrophorus caeruleus
+n13071815 Hygrophorus inocybiformis
+n13072031 Hygrophorus kauffmanii
+n13072209 Hygrophorus marzuolus
+n13072350 Hygrophorus purpurascens
+n13072528 Hygrophorus russula
+n13072706 Hygrophorus sordidus
+n13072863 Hygrophorus tennesseensis
+n13073055 Hygrophorus turundus
+n13073703 Neohygrophorus angelesianus
+n13074619 Cortinarius armillatus
+n13074814 Cortinarius atkinsonianus
+n13075020 Cortinarius corrugatus
+n13075272 Cortinarius gentilis
+n13075441 Cortinarius mutabilis, purple-staining Cortinarius
+n13075684 Cortinarius semisanguineus
+n13075847 Cortinarius subfoetidus
+n13076041 Cortinarius violaceus
+n13076405 Gymnopilus spectabilis
+n13076643 Gymnopilus validipes
+n13076831 Gymnopilus ventricosus
+n13077033 mold, mould
+n13077295 mildew
+n13078021 verticillium
+n13079073 monilia
+n13079419 candida
+n13079567 Candida albicans, Monilia albicans
+n13080306 blastomycete
+n13080866 yellow spot fungus, Cercospora kopkei
+n13081229 green smut fungus, Ustilaginoidea virens
+n13081999 dry rot
+n13082568 rhizoctinia
+n13083023 houseplant
+n13083461 bedder, bedding plant
+n13084184 succulent
+n13084834 cultivar
+n13085113 weed
+n13085747 wort
+n13090018 brier
+n13090871 aril
+n13091620 sporophyll, sporophyl
+n13091774 sporangium, spore case, spore sac
+n13091982 sporangiophore
+n13092078 ascus
+n13092240 ascospore
+n13092385 arthrospore
+n13092987 eusporangium
+n13093275 tetrasporangium
+n13093629 gametangium
+n13094145 sorus
+n13094273 sorus
+n13095013 partial veil
+n13096779 lignum
+n13098515 vascular ray, medullary ray
+n13098962 phloem, bast
+n13099833 evergreen, evergreen plant
+n13099999 deciduous plant
+n13100156 poisonous plant
+n13100677 vine
+n13102648 creeper
+n13102775 tendril
+n13103023 root climber
+n13103660 lignosae
+n13103750 arborescent plant
+n13103877 snag
+n13104059 tree
+n13107694 timber tree
+n13107807 treelet
+n13107891 arbor
+n13108131 bean tree
+n13108323 pollard
+n13108481 sapling
+n13108545 shade tree
+n13108662 gymnospermous tree
+n13108841 conifer, coniferous tree
+n13109733 angiospermous tree, flowering tree
+n13110915 nut tree
+n13111174 spice tree
+n13111340 fever tree
+n13111504 stump, tree stump
+n13111881 bonsai
+n13112035 ming tree
+n13112201 ming tree
+n13118330 undershrub
+n13118707 subshrub, suffrutex
+n13119870 bramble
+n13120211 liana
+n13120958 geophyte
+n13121104 desert plant, xerophyte, xerophytic plant, xerophile, xerophilous plant
+n13121349 mesophyte, mesophytic plant
+n13122364 marsh plant, bog plant, swamp plant
+n13123309 hemiepiphyte, semiepiphyte
+n13123431 strangler, strangler tree
+n13123841 lithophyte, lithophytic plant
+n13124358 saprobe
+n13124654 autophyte, autophytic plant, autotroph, autotrophic organism
+n13125117 root
+n13126050 taproot
+n13126856 prop root
+n13127001 prophyll
+n13127303 rootstock
+n13127666 quickset
+n13127843 stolon, runner, offset
+n13128278 tuberous plant
+n13128582 rhizome, rootstock, rootstalk
+n13128976 rachis
+n13129078 caudex
+n13130014 cladode, cladophyll, phylloclad, phylloclade
+n13130161 receptacle
+n13130726 scape, flower stalk
+n13131028 umbel
+n13131618 petiole, leafstalk
+n13132034 peduncle
+n13132156 pedicel, pedicle
+n13132338 flower cluster
+n13132486 raceme
+n13132656 panicle
+n13132756 thyrse, thyrsus
+n13132940 cyme
+n13133140 cymule
+n13133233 glomerule
+n13133316 scorpioid cyme
+n13133613 ear, spike, capitulum
+n13133932 spadix
+n13134302 bulbous plant
+n13134531 bulbil, bulblet
+n13134844 cormous plant
+n13134947 fruit
+n13135692 fruitlet
+n13135832 seed
+n13136316 bean
+n13136556 nut
+n13136781 nutlet
+n13137010 kernel, meat
+n13137225 syconium
+n13137409 berry
+n13137672 aggregate fruit, multiple fruit, syncarp
+n13137951 simple fruit, bacca
+n13138155 acinus
+n13138308 drupe, stone fruit
+n13138658 drupelet
+n13138842 pome, false fruit
+n13139055 pod, seedpod
+n13139321 loment
+n13139482 pyxidium, pyxis
+n13139647 husk
+n13139837 cornhusk
+n13140049 pod, cod, seedcase
+n13140367 accessory fruit, pseudocarp
+n13141141 buckthorn
+n13141415 buckthorn berry, yellow berry
+n13141564 cascara buckthorn, bearberry, bearwood, chittamwood, chittimwood, Rhamnus purshianus
+n13141797 cascara, cascara sagrada, chittam bark, chittem bark
+n13141972 Carolina buckthorn, indian cherry, Rhamnus carolinianus
+n13142182 coffeeberry, California buckthorn, California coffee, Rhamnus californicus
+n13142504 redberry, red-berry, Rhamnus croceus
+n13142907 nakedwood
+n13143285 jujube, jujube bush, Christ's-thorn, Jerusalem thorn, Ziziphus jujuba
+n13143758 Christ's-thorn, Jerusalem thorn, Paliurus spina-christi
+n13144084 hazel, hazel tree, Pomaderris apetala
+n13145040 fox grape, Vitis labrusca
+n13145250 muscadine, Vitis rotundifolia
+n13145444 vinifera, vinifera grape, common grape vine, Vitis vinifera
+n13146403 Pinot blanc
+n13146583 Sauvignon grape
+n13146928 Sauvignon blanc
+n13147153 Muscadet
+n13147270 Riesling
+n13147386 Zinfandel
+n13147532 Chenin blanc
+n13147689 malvasia
+n13147918 Verdicchio
+n13148208 Boston ivy, Japanese ivy, Parthenocissus tricuspidata
+n13148384 Virginia creeper, American ivy, woodbine, Parthenocissus quinquefolia
+n13149296 true pepper, pepper vine
+n13149970 betel, betel pepper, Piper betel
+n13150378 cubeb
+n13150592 schizocarp
+n13150894 peperomia
+n13151082 watermelon begonia, Peperomia argyreia, Peperomia sandersii
+n13152339 yerba mansa, Anemopsis californica
+n13154388 pinna, pinnule
+n13154494 frond
+n13154841 bract
+n13155095 bracteole, bractlet
+n13155305 involucre
+n13155611 glume
+n13156986 palmate leaf
+n13157137 pinnate leaf
+n13157346 bijugate leaf, bijugous leaf, twice-pinnate
+n13157481 decompound leaf
+n13157684 acuminate leaf
+n13157971 deltoid leaf
+n13158167 ensiform leaf
+n13158512 linear leaf, elongate leaf
+n13158605 lyrate leaf
+n13158714 obtuse leaf
+n13158815 oblanceolate leaf
+n13159357 pandurate leaf, panduriform leaf
+n13159691 reniform leaf
+n13159890 spatulate leaf
+n13160116 even-pinnate leaf, abruptly-pinnate leaf
+n13160254 odd-pinnate leaf
+n13160365 pedate leaf
+n13160604 crenate leaf
+n13160831 dentate leaf
+n13160938 denticulate leaf
+n13161151 erose leaf
+n13161254 runcinate leaf
+n13161904 prickly-edged leaf
+n13163553 deadwood
+n13163649 haulm, halm
+n13163991 branchlet, twig, sprig
+n13164501 osier
+n13170840 giant scrambling fern, Diplopterygium longissimum
+n13171210 umbrella fern, fan fern, Sticherus flabellatus, Gleichenia flabellata
+n13171797 floating fern, water sprite, Ceratopteris pteridioides
+n13172923 polypody
+n13173132 licorice fern, Polypodium glycyrrhiza
+n13173259 grey polypody, gray polypody, resurrection fern, Polypodium polypodioides
+n13173488 leatherleaf, leathery polypody, coast polypody, Polypodium scouleri
+n13173697 rock polypody, rock brake, American wall fern, Polypodium virgianum
+n13173882 common polypody, adder's fern, wall fern, golden maidenhair, golden polypody, sweet fern, Polypodium vulgare
+n13174354 bear's-paw fern, Aglaomorpha meyeniana
+n13174670 strap fern
+n13174823 Florida strap fern, cow-tongue fern, hart's-tongue fern
+n13175682 basket fern, Drynaria rigidula
+n13176363 snake polypody, Microgramma-piloselloides
+n13176714 climbing bird's nest fern, Microsorium punctatum
+n13177048 golden polypody, serpent fern, rabbit's-foot fern, Phlebodium aureum, Polypodium aureum
+n13177529 staghorn fern
+n13177768 South American staghorn, Platycerium andinum
+n13177884 common staghorn fern, elkhorn fern, Platycerium bifurcatum, Platycerium alcicorne
+n13178284 felt fern, tongue fern, Pyrrosia lingua, Cyclophorus lingua
+n13178707 potato fern, Solanopteris bifrons
+n13179056 myrmecophyte
+n13179804 grass fern, ribbon fern, Vittaria lineata
+n13180534 spleenwort
+n13180875 black spleenwort, Asplenium adiantum-nigrum
+n13181055 bird's nest fern, Asplenium nidus
+n13181244 ebony spleenwort, Scott's Spleenwort, Asplenium platyneuron
+n13181406 black-stem spleenwort, black-stemmed spleenwort, little ebony spleenwort
+n13181811 walking fern, walking leaf, Asplenium rhizophyllum, Camptosorus rhizophyllus
+n13182164 green spleenwort, Asplenium viride
+n13182338 mountain spleenwort, Asplenium montanum
+n13182799 lobed spleenwort, Asplenium pinnatifidum
+n13182937 lanceolate spleenwort, Asplenium billotii
+n13183056 hart's-tongue, hart's-tongue fern, Asplenium scolopendrium, Phyllitis scolopendrium
+n13183489 scale fern, scaly fern, Asplenium ceterach, Ceterach officinarum
+n13184394 scolopendrium
+n13185269 deer fern, Blechnum spicant
+n13185658 doodia, rasp fern
+n13186388 chain fern
+n13186546 Virginia chain fern, Woodwardia virginica
+n13187367 silver tree fern, sago fern, black tree fern, Cyathea medullaris
+n13188096 davallia
+n13188268 hare's-foot fern
+n13188462 Canary Island hare's foot fern, Davallia canariensis
+n13188767 squirrel's-foot fern, ball fern, Davalia bullata, Davalia bullata mariesii, Davallia Mariesii
+n13190060 bracken, Pteridium esculentum
+n13190747 soft tree fern, Dicksonia antarctica
+n13191148 Scythian lamb, Cibotium barometz
+n13191620 false bracken, Culcita dubia
+n13191884 thyrsopteris, Thyrsopteris elegans
+n13192625 shield fern, buckler fern
+n13193143 broad buckler-fern, Dryopteris dilatata
+n13193269 fragrant cliff fern, fragrant shield fern, fragrant wood fern, Dryopteris fragrans
+n13193466 Goldie's fern, Goldie's shield fern, goldie's wood fern, Dryopteris goldiana
+n13193642 wood fern, wood-fern, woodfern
+n13193856 male fern, Dryopteris filix-mas
+n13194036 marginal wood fern, evergreen wood fern, leatherleaf wood fern, Dryopteris marginalis
+n13194212 mountain male fern, Dryopteris oreades
+n13194572 lady fern, Athyrium filix-femina
+n13194758 Alpine lady fern, Athyrium distentifolium
+n13194918 silvery spleenwort, glade fern, narrow-leaved spleenwort, Athyrium pycnocarpon, Diplazium pycnocarpon
+n13195341 holly fern, Cyrtomium aculeatum, Polystichum aculeatum
+n13195761 bladder fern
+n13196003 brittle bladder fern, brittle fern, fragile fern, Cystopteris fragilis
+n13196234 mountain bladder fern, Cystopteris montana
+n13196369 bulblet fern, bulblet bladder fern, berry fern, Cystopteris bulbifera
+n13196738 silvery spleenwort, Deparia acrostichoides, Athyrium thelypteroides
+n13197274 oak fern, Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Thelypteris dryopteris
+n13197507 limestone fern, northern oak fern, Gymnocarpium robertianum
+n13198054 ostrich fern, shuttlecock fern, fiddlehead, Matteuccia struthiopteris, Pteretis struthiopteris, Onoclea struthiopteris
+n13198482 hart's-tongue, hart's-tongue fern, Olfersia cervina, Polybotrya cervina, Polybotria cervina
+n13198914 sensitive fern, bead fern, Onoclea sensibilis
+n13199717 Christmas fern, canker brake, dagger fern, evergreen wood fern, Polystichum acrostichoides
+n13199970 holly fern
+n13200193 Braun's holly fern, prickly shield fern, Polystichum braunii
+n13200542 western holly fern, Polystichum scopulinum
+n13200651 soft shield fern, Polystichum setiferum
+n13200986 leather fern, leatherleaf fern, ten-day fern, Rumohra adiantiformis, Polystichum adiantiformis
+n13201423 button fern, Tectaria cicutaria
+n13201566 Indian button fern, Tectaria macrodonta
+n13201969 woodsia
+n13202125 rusty woodsia, fragrant woodsia, oblong woodsia, Woodsia ilvensis
+n13202355 Alpine woodsia, northern woodsia, flower-cup fern, Woodsia alpina
+n13202602 smooth woodsia, Woodsia glabella
+n13205058 Boston fern, Nephrolepis exaltata, Nephrolepis exaltata bostoniensis
+n13205249 basket fern, toothed sword fern, Nephrolepis pectinata
+n13206178 golden fern, leather fern, Acrostichum aureum
+n13206817 maidenhair, maidenhair fern
+n13207094 common maidenhair, Venushair, Venus'-hair fern, southern maidenhair, Venus maidenhair, Adiantum capillus-veneris
+n13207335 American maidenhair fern, five-fingered maidenhair fern, Adiantum pedatum
+n13207572 Bermuda maidenhair, Bermuda maidenhair fern, Adiantum bellum
+n13207736 brittle maidenhair, brittle maidenhair fern, Adiantum tenerum
+n13207923 Farley maidenhair, Farley maidenhair fern, Barbados maidenhair, glory fern, Adiantum tenerum farleyense
+n13208302 annual fern, Jersey fern, Anogramma leptophylla
+n13208705 lip fern, lipfern
+n13208965 smooth lip fern, Alabama lip fern, Cheilanthes alabamensis
+n13209129 lace fern, Cheilanthes gracillima
+n13209270 wooly lip fern, hairy lip fern, Cheilanthes lanosa
+n13209460 southwestern lip fern, Cheilanthes eatonii
+n13209808 bamboo fern, Coniogramme japonica
+n13210350 American rock brake, American parsley fern, Cryptogramma acrostichoides
+n13210597 European parsley fern, mountain parsley fern, Cryptogramma crispa
+n13211020 hand fern, Doryopteris pedata
+n13211790 cliff brake, cliff-brake, rock brake
+n13212025 coffee fern, Pellaea andromedifolia
+n13212175 purple rock brake, Pellaea atropurpurea
+n13212379 bird's-foot fern, Pellaea mucronata, Pellaea ornithopus
+n13212559 button fern, Pellaea rotundifolia
+n13213066 silver fern, Pityrogramma argentea
+n13213397 golden fern, Pityrogramma calomelanos aureoflava
+n13213577 gold fern, Pityrogramma chrysophylla
+n13214217 Pteris cretica
+n13214340 spider brake, spider fern, Pteris multifida
+n13214485 ribbon fern, spider fern, Pteris serrulata
+n13215258 potato fern, Marattia salicina
+n13215586 angiopteris, giant fern, Angiopteris evecta
+n13217005 skeleton fork fern, Psilotum nudum
+n13219422 horsetail
+n13219833 common horsetail, field horsetail, Equisetum arvense
+n13219976 swamp horsetail, water horsetail, Equisetum fluviatile
+n13220122 scouring rush, rough horsetail, Equisetum hyemale, Equisetum hyemale robustum, Equisetum robustum
+n13220355 marsh horsetail, Equisetum palustre
+n13220525 wood horsetail, Equisetum Sylvaticum
+n13220663 variegated horsetail, variegated scouring rush, Equisetum variegatum
+n13221529 club moss, club-moss, lycopod
+n13222877 shining clubmoss, Lycopodium lucidulum
+n13222985 alpine clubmoss, Lycopodium alpinum
+n13223090 fir clubmoss, mountain clubmoss, little clubmoss, Lycopodium selago
+n13223588 ground cedar, staghorn moss, Lycopodium complanatum
+n13223710 ground fir, princess pine, tree clubmoss, Lycopodium obscurum
+n13223843 foxtail grass, Lycopodium alopecuroides
+n13224673 spikemoss, spike moss, little club moss
+n13224922 meadow spikemoss, basket spikemoss, Selaginella apoda
+n13225244 desert selaginella, Selaginella eremophila
+n13225365 resurrection plant, rose of Jericho, Selaginella lepidophylla
+n13225617 florida selaginella, Selaginella eatonii
+n13226320 quillwort
+n13226871 earthtongue, earth-tongue
+n13228017 snuffbox fern, meadow fern, Thelypteris palustris pubescens, Dryopteris thelypteris pubescens
+n13228536 christella
+n13229543 mountain fern, Oreopteris limbosperma, Dryopteris oreopteris
+n13229951 New York fern, Parathelypteris novae-boracensis, Dryopteris noveboracensis
+n13230190 Massachusetts fern, Parathelypteris simulata, Thelypteris simulata
+n13230662 beech fern
+n13230843 broad beech fern, southern beech fern, Phegopteris hexagonoptera, Dryopteris hexagonoptera, Thelypteris hexagonoptera
+n13231078 long beech fern, narrow beech fern, northern beech fern, Phegopteris connectilis, Dryopteris phegopteris, Thelypteris phegopteris
+n13231678 shoestring fungus
+n13231919 Armillaria caligata, booted armillaria
+n13232106 Armillaria ponderosa, white matsutake
+n13232363 Armillaria zelleri
+n13232779 honey mushroom, honey fungus, Armillariella mellea
+n13233727 milkweed, silkweed
+n13234114 white milkweed, Asclepias albicans
+n13234519 poke milkweed, Asclepias exaltata
+n13234678 swamp milkweed, Asclepias incarnata
+n13234857 Mead's milkweed, Asclepias meadii, Asclepia meadii
+n13235011 purple silkweed, Asclepias purpurascens
+n13235159 showy milkweed, Asclepias speciosa
+n13235319 poison milkweed, horsetail milkweed, Asclepias subverticillata
+n13235503 butterfly weed, orange milkweed, chigger flower, chiggerflower, pleurisy root, tuber root, Indian paintbrush, Asclepias tuberosa
+n13235766 whorled milkweed, Asclepias verticillata
+n13236100 cruel plant, Araujia sericofera
+n13237188 wax plant, Hoya carnosa
+n13237508 silk vine, Periploca graeca
+n13238375 stapelia, carrion flower, starfish flower
+n13238654 Stapelias asterias
+n13238988 stephanotis
+n13239177 Madagascar jasmine, waxflower, Stephanotis floribunda
+n13239736 negro vine, Vincetoxicum hirsutum, Vincetoxicum negrum
+n13239921 zygospore
+n13240362 tree of knowledge
+n13252672 orangery
+n13354021 pocketbook
+n13555775 shit, dump
+n13579829 cordage
+n13650447 yard, pace
+n13653902 extremum, peak
+n13862407 leaf shape, leaf form
+n13862552 equilateral
+n13862780 figure
+n13863020 pencil
+n13863186 plane figure, two-dimensional figure
+n13863473 solid figure, three-dimensional figure
+n13863771 line
+n13864035 bulb
+n13864153 convex shape, convexity
+n13864965 concave shape, concavity, incurvation, incurvature
+n13865298 cylinder
+n13865483 round shape
+n13865904 heart
+n13866144 polygon, polygonal shape
+n13866626 convex polygon
+n13866827 concave polygon
+n13867005 reentrant polygon, reentering polygon
+n13867492 amorphous shape
+n13868248 closed curve
+n13868371 simple closed curve, Jordan curve
+n13868515 S-shape
+n13868944 wave, undulation
+n13869045 extrados
+n13869547 hook, crotchet
+n13869788 envelope
+n13869896 bight
+n13871717 diameter
+n13872592 cone, conoid, cone shape
+n13872822 funnel, funnel shape
+n13873361 oblong
+n13873502 circle
+n13873917 circle
+n13874073 equator
+n13874558 scallop, crenation, crenature, crenel, crenelle
+n13875392 ring, halo, annulus, doughnut, anchor ring
+n13875571 loop
+n13875884 bight
+n13876561 helix, spiral
+n13877547 element of a cone
+n13877667 element of a cylinder
+n13878306 ellipse, oval
+n13879049 quadrate
+n13879320 triangle, trigon, trilateral
+n13879816 acute triangle, acute-angled triangle
+n13880199 isosceles triangle
+n13880415 obtuse triangle, obtuse-angled triangle
+n13880551 right triangle, right-angled triangle
+n13880704 scalene triangle
+n13880994 parallel
+n13881512 trapezoid
+n13881644 star
+n13882201 pentagon
+n13882276 hexagon
+n13882487 heptagon
+n13882563 octagon
+n13882639 nonagon
+n13882713 decagon
+n13882961 rhombus, rhomb, diamond
+n13883603 spherical polygon
+n13883763 spherical triangle
+n13884261 convex polyhedron
+n13884384 concave polyhedron
+n13884930 cuboid
+n13885011 quadrangular prism
+n13886260 bell, bell shape, campana
+n13888491 angular distance
+n13889066 true anomaly
+n13889331 spherical angle
+n13891547 angle of refraction
+n13891937 acute angle
+n13893786 groove, channel
+n13894154 rut
+n13894434 bulge, bump, hump, swelling, gibbosity, gibbousness, jut, prominence, protuberance, protrusion, extrusion, excrescence
+n13895262 belly
+n13896100 bow, arc
+n13896217 crescent
+n13897198 ellipsoid
+n13897528 hypotenuse
+n13897996 balance, equilibrium, equipoise, counterbalance
+n13898207 conformation
+n13898315 symmetry, proportion
+n13898645 spheroid, ellipsoid of revolution
+n13899735 spherule
+n13900287 toroid
+n13900422 column, tower, pillar
+n13901211 barrel, drum
+n13901321 pipe, tube
+n13901423 pellet
+n13901490 bolus
+n13901858 dewdrop
+n13902048 ridge
+n13902336 rim
+n13902793 taper
+n13903079 boundary, edge, bound
+n13905121 incisure, incisura
+n13905275 notch
+n13905792 wrinkle, furrow, crease, crinkle, seam, line
+n13906484 dermatoglyphic
+n13906669 frown line
+n13906767 line of life, life line, lifeline
+n13906936 line of heart, heart line, love line, mensal line
+n13907272 crevice, cranny, crack, fissure, chap
+n13908201 cleft
+n13908580 roulette, line roulette
+n13911045 node
+n13912260 tree, tree diagram
+n13912540 stemma
+n13914141 brachium
+n13914265 fork, crotch
+n13914608 block, cube
+n13915023 ovoid
+n13915113 tetrahedron
+n13915209 pentahedron
+n13915305 hexahedron
+n13915999 regular polyhedron, regular convex solid, regular convex polyhedron, Platonic body, Platonic solid, ideal solid
+n13916363 polyhedral angle
+n13916721 cube, regular hexahedron
+n13917690 truncated pyramid
+n13917785 truncated cone
+n13918274 tail, tail end
+n13918387 tongue, knife
+n13918717 trapezohedron
+n13919547 wedge, wedge shape, cuneus
+n13919919 keel
+n13926786 place, shoes
+n14131950 herpes
+n14175579 chlamydia
+n14564779 wall
+n14582716 micronutrient
+n14583400 chyme
+n14585392 ragweed pollen
+n14592309 pina cloth
+n14603798 chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile, CS gas
+n14633206 carbon, C, atomic number 6
+n14685296 charcoal, wood coal
+n14696793 rock, stone
+n14698884 gravel, crushed rock
+n14714645 aflatoxin
+n14720833 alpha-tocopheral
+n14765422 leopard
+n14785065 bricks and mortar
+n14786943 lagging
+n14804958 hydraulic cement, Portland cement
+n14810561 choline
+n14820180 concrete
+n14821852 glass wool
+n14844693 soil, dirt
+n14853210 high explosive
+n14858292 litter
+n14867545 fish meal
+n14891255 Greek fire
+n14899328 culture medium, medium
+n14900184 agar, nutrient agar
+n14900342 blood agar
+n14908027 hip tile, hipped tile
+n14909584 hyacinth, jacinth
+n14914945 hydroxide ion, hydroxyl ion
+n14915184 ice, water ice
+n14919819 inositol
+n14938389 linoleum, lino
+n14941787 lithia water
+n14942411 lodestone, loadstone
+n14973585 pantothenic acid, pantothen
+n14974264 paper
+n14975598 papyrus
+n14976759 pantile
+n14976871 blacktop, blacktopping
+n14977188 tarmacadam, tarmac
+n14977504 paving, pavement, paving material
+n14992287 plaster
+n14993378 poison gas
+n15005577 ridge tile
+n15006012 roughcast
+n15019030 sand
+n15048888 spackle, spackling compound
+n15060326 render
+n15060688 wattle and daub
+n15062057 stucco
+n15067877 tear gas, teargas, lacrimator, lachrymator
+n15075141 toilet tissue, toilet paper, bathroom tissue
+n15086247 linseed, flaxseed
+n15089258 vitamin
+n15089472 fat-soluble vitamin
+n15089645 water-soluble vitamin
+n15089803 vitamin A, antiophthalmic factor, axerophthol, A
+n15090065 vitamin A1, retinol
+n15090238 vitamin A2, dehydroretinol
+n15090742 B-complex vitamin, B complex, vitamin B complex, vitamin B, B vitamin, B
+n15091129 vitamin B1, thiamine, thiamin, aneurin, antiberiberi factor
+n15091304 vitamin B12, cobalamin, cyanocobalamin, antipernicious anemia factor
+n15091473 vitamin B2, vitamin G, riboflavin, lactoflavin, ovoflavin, hepatoflavin
+n15091669 vitamin B6, pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine, adermin
+n15091846 vitamin Bc, vitamin M, folate, folic acid, folacin, pteroylglutamic acid, pteroylmonoglutamic acid
+n15092059 niacin, nicotinic acid
+n15092227 vitamin D, calciferol, viosterol, ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol, D
+n15092409 vitamin E, tocopherol, E
+n15092650 biotin, vitamin H
+n15092751 vitamin K, naphthoquinone, antihemorrhagic factor
+n15092942 vitamin K1, phylloquinone, phytonadione
+n15093049 vitamin K3, menadione
+n15093137 vitamin P, bioflavinoid, citrin
+n15093298 vitamin C, C, ascorbic acid
+n15102359 planking
+n15102455 chipboard, hardboard
+n15102894 knothole
diff --git a/agent/adapters/tensorflow/imagenet/node_lookup.py b/agent/adapters/tensorflow/imagenet/node_lookup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75daa7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/agent/adapters/tensorflow/imagenet/node_lookup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ==============================================================================
+# NOTE: This file was altered from the original classify_image.py Tensorflow Imagenet Tutorial
+import os
+import re
+from pathlib import Path
+import tensorflow as tf
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+AGENT_DIRECTORY = Path(__file__).parent
+class NodeLookup(object):
+ """Converts integer node ID's to human readable labels."""
+ def __init__(self, label_lookup_path=None, uid_lookup_path=None):
+ model_directory = os.path.join(AGENT_DIRECTORY, 'model_data')
+ label_lookup_path = os.path.join(model_directory, 'imagenet_2012_challenge_label_map_proto.pbtxt')
+ if not tf.gfile.Exists(label_lookup_path):
+ tf.logging.fatal('Missing Label file %s', label_lookup_path)
+ uid_lookup_path = os.path.join(model_directory, 'imagenet_synset_to_human_label_map.txt')
+ if not tf.gfile.Exists(uid_lookup_path):
+ tf.logging.fatal('Missing UID Lookup file %s', uid_lookup_path)
+ # Loads mapping from string UID to human-readable string
+ proto_as_ascii_lines = tf.gfile.GFile(uid_lookup_path).readlines()
+ uid_to_human = {}
+ p = re.compile(r'[n\d]*[ \S,]*')
+ for line in proto_as_ascii_lines:
+ parsed_items = p.findall(line)
+ uid = parsed_items[0]
+ human_string = parsed_items[2]
+ uid_to_human[uid] = human_string
+ # Loads mapping from string UID to integer node ID.
+ node_id_to_uid = {}
+ proto_as_ascii = tf.gfile.GFile(label_lookup_path).readlines()
+ target_class = ''
+ for line in proto_as_ascii:
+ if line.startswith(' target_class:'):
+ target_class = int(line.split(': ')[1])
+ if line.startswith(' target_class_string:'):
+ target_class_string = line.split(': ')[1]
+ node_id_to_uid[target_class] = target_class_string[1:-2]
+ # Loads the final mapping of integer node ID to human-readable string
+ self.node_id_to_name = {}
+ for key, val in node_id_to_uid.items():
+ if val not in uid_to_human:
+ tf.logging.fatal('Failed to locate: %s', val)
+ name = uid_to_human[val]
+ self.node_id_to_name[key] = name
+ def id_to_string(self, node_id):
+ if node_id not in self.node_id_to_name:
+ return ''
+ return self.node_id_to_name[node_id]
diff --git a/agent/alice_config.yml b/agent/alice_config.yml
index 4c46ec1..f70e1c9 100644
--- a/agent/alice_config.yml
+++ b/agent/alice_config.yml
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ services:
- service: deadbeef-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-111111111101
module: adapters.tensorflow.mnist.TensorflowMNIST
+- service: deadbeef-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-111111111102
+ module: adapters.tensorflow.imagenet.TensorflowImageNet
- service: deadbeef-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-000000000202
module: adapters.opencog.relex.RelexAdapter
@@ -42,5 +45,3 @@ services:
- service: deadbeef-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-100000000005
module: adapters.aigents.AigentsRSSFeederAdapter
diff --git a/agent/sn_agent/log.py b/agent/sn_agent/log.py
index a2bba7a..9a0fdf8 100644
--- a/agent/sn_agent/log.py
+++ b/agent/sn_agent/log.py
@@ -34,19 +34,19 @@ def setup_logging():
'loggers': {
- '': {
+ 'sn_agent': {
'handlers': ['console'],
'level': 'DEBUG',
'propagate': False,
- 'sn_agent': {
+ 'adapters': {
'handlers': ['console'],
'level': 'DEBUG',
'propagate': False,
- 'demo': {
+ 'examples': {
'handlers': ['console'],
'level': 'DEBUG',
'propagate': False,
diff --git a/agent/sn_agent/ontology/ontology_mock.yml b/agent/sn_agent/ontology/ontology_mock.yml
index 24fdadd..aff7c80 100644
--- a/agent/sn_agent/ontology/ontology_mock.yml
+++ b/agent/sn_agent/ontology/ontology_mock.yml
@@ -57,6 +57,12 @@ services:
name: Tensorflow MNIST Classifier
description: Classifies MNIST input handwritten number images
+# singnet/agent/adapters/tensorflow/mnist - an example Tensorflow MNIST classifier
+- service:
+ ontology_node_id: deadbeef-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-111111111102
+ name: Tensorflow ImageNet Classifier
+ description: Classifies images using ImageNet
# singnet/examples/simple_adapter - a simple example agent to show how to integrate AI code
- service:
ontology_node_id: deadbeef-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-000000000101
diff --git a/agent/sn_agent/ui/templates/index.jinja2 b/agent/sn_agent/ui/templates/index.jinja2
index 682c35e..6406926 100644
--- a/agent/sn_agent/ui/templates/index.jinja2
+++ b/agent/sn_agent/ui/templates/index.jinja2
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
@@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ Aigents:
@@ -379,6 +381,132 @@ value="["http://aigents.com/test/cat/fly.html","http://aigents.co
+ function sendPerformImageNet() {
+ bucket_image_64 =
+ + 'Li4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0OFxAQGi0lHR0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0t'
+ + 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGwK54iC3zgu+SQZuUnyqlpGgt9an++P3Ce5h9xB6Xw6/jU/3Icp72n9xH/bOG/zqfmOU97T+4ktL'
+ + 'Yd/xqf7kOV97D7iyOPovdVp/vQX3MftdGtF7pRfc0w1zEwoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGB4cTpahT9apG/Jdp/AcuWWthj5rUYvXGhD1'
+ + 'Yyl1bUUTl8+e+wx8NHjNfJ7o7Ee5bT+Ji6kj5M/Uvpp8RrhiJfxZ+D2fkZurHy5eoZ35a+tpytPfOT75NmLquN3Wd+Xnljqj4k9y'
+ + 'se7lUPxM+bJ11OvI9NLmx106qyq0uZeunVU44qfTyLNStddWLGy5R8mX3KvuVNaSa/L5SaNTUX37HqpadnHdOqu6dy+5HWbrKfNb'
+ + 'DDa211urS/njf7l647Y7/P7bWhrtUXrRpyXFrJ/34GuX0Y+oWeY22E1woT9aMo9cpL7l5fRhvtPLy3GF0pQq+pUi3yvZ+TK+nHVw'
+ + 'y8V7A6AAAAAAAAACutWjCLlKSilvbdglsk5rntJa1Rjf0aT9+WS8FvZOXx6m8k/S43S+tk5ZObl03R8kc8tSR5etv7e3LncRpepP'
+ + 'jZHK6tvh5+e5zyeV1JPe2c7bXHqt81mMQ1IsiiNyJpBuRJIKzYqslVkDJRkDDRSwsE4EgSAVJTZeqi+li5R4m5m3jqWN5ozWatTy'
+ + 'VR29mXaXk/odJlK+zS3mePy6zR2tlOeVWOy/bXaj4rejXL0dPeY5fqdDSqRklKLTT3NO6ZX1yy94mFAAAAB4tK6Rhh4bUs2/Vjxk'
+ + '/sHPV1ZpzmuC0zpac71Kksluj+WPcjNvDyNfXt/LKuN0hpOVR5OyPmz1LfDydTWyz/s8KObinFERZFBqRZFB0iaDcSRVZQVkqpAZ'
+ + 'KoBkoACgACAAAB6cNinF2e7mdMc/tvDPh0miNLVKDvB3i/Wpt5SXTk+p1eho6+WHjw77AYyFamqkHk+HGL4p9TT1sM5nOY9IbAAA'
+ + 'DgNN4x1a0pcItxiuUVkZeTr59WdcbrLXe0ocErvx3HDWvw8nd5flMWlSOD5OVkYkE0inCaDcTQbiSDSSCsoqshWSjIVlFADJQAAA'
+ + 'AAoBGANto6V4dzt4HfC9n06V5xdVqXi3GtKlwnFyt70ePk/gbj0dln+VxdqV6QAAwwPmld9uX6n8zLxc/wBVaHWLCOVqqz2Vsz7u'
+ + 'DOOrjz3fBu9Pn840iifM+LhJILwykGuEkF4SQaSTCs3Cs3KMoKyVWbgCjJVZuAAFAIBWQAGYQcnZK7e5Fk5JLe0bmhS2IqPLe+b4'
+ + 'n0YziPqxnTOG31OntY1JflhUb8rfUsvd9uynOdr6GaeoAAAHz3WvASoVnNLsVM4vk+MSeHj7zTuGfVPFamlXUvqh5fNMpWuxmiE8'
+ + '6dl7j3fyv6Hz56PPeOGe3+cf8NVUpOLtJNPk1Y+e42eXzXGztUSIAZuFZuFLgSTKrNwrNyqzcDJeVZuUAMlAAAuBko9NHBSlv7K6'
+ + '7/I3MLXTHTte6nCFNcube9naSYusmOEavHaYTexTzu7bS+S5kuXPhjrud4xfSNQ9Ayw1L0tVWqVUuy98Ib7Pq978DWM4e5tdH28O'
+ + '7qjT6gAAApxeGhVg6c4qUZb0/wC8mGc8JlOK+eaf1Vq4dupSvUp78vXguq4rqjnZZ4eLuNlnp/lh3jS0cY1vLMvt8uOpXpvGas0p'
+ + 'Lz/0LZK6czKd3kq6JhL1W49PWXxzOWWjjfDnlt8b4eKromot2zLudvgzldDKeHHLQyjy1MPOO+El4HO4ZTzHO45TzFW0ZY5EwvLK'
+ + 'YXlJMKkmGmUUZKrJRkBcqrIUpPdF+RqY2rxaujgpvku9m5p5NTCr4YCK9aXgsjc0p8tTTnzU51qNL2V14/c1+OK9WGLWYzWOK9RN'
+ + '9dyMXV+mbq2+I8GDo4vSFRUqcXLaf6YR6tmPyya09DPVvEfVtUNRaWCtVqtVay3St2Kb9xPj1fwO+OPD2dts8dLve9dgbfaAAAAA'
+ + 'Bhq+QHznTujYbcuzZpvNZXMWPJ3Whjzzw0FTDOLyf0Jw864WeF2D9NUqRpRW1KbtFO2fiWWtYdeWUxnmul/3XxKhtP0V0rumpv5t'
+ + 'WNd3oTZanHPZop4iKbjJ7Mou0oyi04vk7GeY+TLKS8XtUJOnLe6T77fVDtWfxv0rlg6T/hx8GvoydGN+Gbp4X4QejqXsyXc2S6WH'
+ + '0ntYfSD0bS9/zZn2cE9rBB4Cnzl5/wBB7OKe3ix+Dpe1Lz/oPaxTow+2fw9Dm/Me3gvTgbGHX+rL06cT/THXw8eEfmPwh16cQlpW'
+ + 'jHdbwRfcxie/hPDz1dPxW5Nmbqxn378R4q2sEuCS78zN1anuZ14aukq89zfgrE6sqcW+arhhJzzlJLx2n8CdNaxwjY4HRlNO7W1+'
+ + 'rd5I1MY+jTwj6XqHhO05WSUI2StazfLwud8Y9jbY8R2xp9QAAAAAAAByms1Dtt81czXybnHlyWKgHlZx7dUpxjio34xmovlJoR12'
+ + 'Vk1py7v0hp7jgdddF1FV/FRjeEk4VWt8WvVk1y4XOWU4vLyPUtC3jUx/5cVV0nTU3G0nsuzkkmr9M8znbHk3BNY+m+L8mZ6oxeyf'
+ + '4te38y9X7s9V+0ZYz3/ix1funVkreNXtrzJz+7POorljF7a8xynGorli17a8yL0ZqpYqPtfML7eSqWJjzfkRqaVQ9OuUvgg3NNly'
+ + 'V7KL8X9jcxi8RJdy8i8SKupRvnfeWNeXrpQK1G1wUBH1aUfStS7KEo8XsvwzR2j2dGcYulK6gAAAAAAAGl1kpXipcrolcdac4uJx'
+ + 'sM2R5GpGuldO6bTWafJh895l5jf6L1nltRhWtZ5elW9Pg5fcSvQ0N/eZjqf5dWlFx2Wk4yWaeakmbep2sfK9dtVPwsvS0l/ypPL/'
+ + 'AMbfB/RnzamHDwt9tbpXrx/Tf4crFWODzbeXogWOVZcCpMlM6Rmx0map0yNzJBwDXKLiVeWNkcrynShdmse9S1ZTjmdWeV+zcWKu'
+ + 'oQaQxnZqPZCJXad22wECx9ejHdatVLVUuacfhf6HSeXr4eHWmmwAAAAAAADx6Xp7VKXTMVnOcxwWOhmZeTqzu1NVB8mTzzRHKt/q'
+ + '3p30dqNV9jdCb/I+T6fIsr0NnvOn8M/DrqtONSLpzSlGSs4vNNM3e717JlOL4r5ZrZqxLCS24XlRk+zLe4P2ZfRny6mnw/Ob3ZXQ'
+ + 'vVj+m/w51HJ59WRYjFjNioqnAljcqqUTLpKg0GpUWiryspqyOuMS1ZSiWEWRWaJle8bxeqKOjT10Vcjtj3brRsc78s/I1i9DRjpN'
+ + 'AVO3CXvr4v8AqXGvR0/Dujo2AAAAAAAARqw2otc00BwGk6dm+hl5evj3aWsg+HJ5ZkcqpkiMV0eren9m1Gs+zup1G/V92T5dTUye'
+ + 'ls95x+Gfj4rqa0Yzi4TSlGSs4vNNGr3evZMpxfD5xrTqrLDt1aV5Ut7W+VLv5rqfNnp8d4/P730+6f56ffH/AKcucXlpKReU4ZNI'
+ + 'rnEzY3KqaI2wo3yEnKrZRtY7xEopIvDUTptN9UZuPLeL0QefmbbnPL24ZB3wjpNB4dTlsvds1JS/TGLb+hqPS0I2eiE1GHfH5oYe'
+ + 'H26c7O/OjYAAAAAAAAA43WCjapJdb+eZmvh3OLmcQg83J46gcclMjLnVTDLf6C1gdO1Ks24boz3uHR818izJ6O033R+Gp4+3Vqom'
+ + 'uDTW/emmbe3LLOzkNY9UFO9XDJJ75Udyf6OT6HHPT+Y8nd+mzLnPS8/ThatOUW4yTTi7OLVmn1R89nDw8sbjeL5RUhyzwncqcITj'
+ + 'yHDUqdKnbM3jjw0lNXRpVdN8GaIzh09pkbx8vXDj3FdI2OFW4Pr046LRTtRrz5whRj+qpLP/ANYsvPavQ0vFbnA07OCW/aj80akf'
+ + 'bjOI7c2oAAAAAAAAA53Welmpc1byJXz7idnG4qJHk5x4agcMlEiVzqqRlmq2GWx0RpueH7L7VPjDjHrF8O4sy4fVtt7lo9r3x/8A'
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+ + 'PLMjlVUiMq5EZqEgxVciIgwiLDTFgsYsG4ykGolEjcW00V1xjYYSOZY+vSnd9e0VQ9HQpw9mEb99rv4nV6+M4kj1hQAAAAAAAAAA'
+ + 'AAI1I3TXNNAfPtK0XGTT4Noy8rcY8VpKyD4co8s0RxqmRGKrkRmq5BmoMjKLC8otBUbBYxYNMoNROKI6RbTQdcY3ur2EdavTppb5'
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+ cup_image_64 =
+ + 'Li4uGB8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDQ0NDxAPFSsdFRktLSs4LCsrKysrKysrKzcrLSsrKy0tKzcrKysrKysrKystNy0rKysrKysrKysr'
+ + 'AEJavjHGKabsRe1K3vv2O3aKVnbbfn9scgbRG7jtV0g1XjSKxWfCa0i1fjzYF+OaqfHPMfmxWPkD0Dc3ee//AEs0/SzXn70q6ay0'
+ + '+N7frSlHf7m7iseaZ+tPxlk4r+s/GVHWG7n8NLz4Tf8AWmGTSuSNvyto+9MiVuBqq58sfW329tYU243XHMRmmkbzFYmLecztHKRW'
+ + '3EQkAAAAAAAAAAAAAABby56UibXvWlY8bWmKxH2y13SPjWPRae+fJtO3KlZtFe3f2b+UcpmZ8oiXzv0g41rOOavutPGfUT2prWkX'
+ + 'tGGN5+rjjlWvrbefOdvAH0Nk6T6Cv0tdp4/TUl551q8c0mpppq6fU481/wAtE1pbteVZ5uMp1McVmsTP4LW08+xOptvHpvFWB0g6'
+ + 'DcQ4Vp41GpjT1xfhGPfusk5LTNpiu2+0bRyhUYmk4jk0/b7jJOObREb18vWPZ4s7F0y1lYiLXrl287d5Fp98xZps/jLGmVSOjv03'
+ + '1EzMzHYjs8opett7b+M9uszt6Ndbp7xKsztfBNd+W+Cm+3q02SWLkNV0tesjicf3f/Jj/lcjrO4p7dNH6H/tyMoQdl/Wjxfy1GGv'
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+ + '93fDGG0+UXpe1o+MX/Y3HUXxuk0y6e1oi2SKZMUT52rE1vX38o+Erg9ecV1xaLvuC62IjnSMeSPSa3iXaxLXdI9H3+j1WKY37eDJ'
+ + 'G3rtvHyQfLVrdqtbR9albfGIY9pXcNdsVYnxpNqT762mv8li0tIoySxrr1pWLoKJQlAEKoUK4BfxPSeqLS95r8M+VO1f3bVnb+Tz'
+ + 'XD4va+ozQ721OaY5Ux0pE+tpmZ/hQevwAKAAAAAAAAAAAAAA03Szo7i4lpMulz8otzx5Ij8bFlj6N4/94TL5u4jwniHANVtel+xF'
+ + '+1iy07Vcd4ieVsd48J9PH5vqpj63RYs9Jx58VMuO0bWpkrF6z9kg8e4P14460rXV6bJa8RtN68pn37bxLbf138PmOeDUe6YiGx4t'
+ + '1P8AC802tipl0lp/sctrUj3UvvEfY4/inUXkjedJrcWSee1NRinHM/epv8io4HUWre2ovjiYx31WovjiY2mMd8k2pvHumGtyOy4l'
+ + '0O1ugwXnXY6xvetaXpkjJS0RTaNp8fKPGHH6iNpUY9lmy5ZasCiUJlAJhMKd1UAyNNG9ofS/VTwzuOG4rTG1s8zln29nwr8v2vn7'
+ + 'olwy2q1enwUjnkyRX3R5z9kRMvqzSYK4sePHSNqY6UpWPZWsbQir4jc3BIjdIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANV0m4VGs0ubBPjakzjn2ZI5'
+ + '1l8x8b0VsOTJS9drVtatonymJ2fWEw8f65OjG141uGm9cnLP2a8q5IjlafZv84XDXit1qWTnpsxpEUShMqQSrqt7tl0f4Xk1eoxY'
+ + 'MUb3yWiPbFY352n0jxQeudRnAezGXX5K7bTOHTzPtmI7do+O3xevd40PCNPTS4MOnxRtjxUiseU2nztPrM82dXNuK2PeJ7xg1uuR'
+ + 'ol6SpsDyfN1K6D6up1cfexz/ALWPHUvoonnqdVMe/HH8nrlqLU4geZYOqDhlfpVz5PztRav8OzpODdEtJo940unri35WtG83mPW0'
+ var request = {
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "perform",
+ "params": {
+ "service_node_id": "deadbeef-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-111111111102",
+ "job_params":
+ [
+ {
+ "input_type": "attached",
+ "input_data": {
+ "images": [ bucket_image_64, cup_image_64 ],
+ "image_types": ['jpg', 'jpg']
+ },
+ "output_type": "attached"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "id": 1001
+ };
+ ws.send(JSON.stringify(request));
+ }