- [FIX] Fix workspace activation. #87
- [MOD] Change resolve_hostname to false for default, add the --resolve-hostname flag for host create and add --force flag to tool run to process the output of the command regardless of the return code. #79
- [ADD] Add vuln delete vuln-id.
- [ADD] New method to update existing vuln.
- Add personal status.
- Replace the apply_tag function with plugins parameters.
- Update agents docs.
- Remove workspace from get/list agent and add it to run agent.
- Now shell mode doesn't exit if it has faraday's url and token but the server is down.
- Support multiple tags on import and run.
- Update gifs of readme.
- Check if token is valid on start in shell mode.
- Now is possible to doesn't resolve hostname by changing resolve_hostname parameter.
- Fix the colors in Severity Stats.
- Update Documentation.
- ADD setting to enable/disable auto command detection.
- Fix error message when a command dont generate valid output.
- FIX tables visualization when host has to many hostnames.
- Show if update is available.
- Add fields to executive reports generation command.
- Add KAKER_MODE easter egg.
- Update plugins requirements to 1.5.6
- add --create-workspace parameter for tool command
- Ask for executive report template if not provided
- Add for executor parameters if not provided
- [FIX] Bug using an invalid executor name
- Update readme to fix some examples
- [FIX] Show help if no subcommand is provided
- [MOD] Change commands to verbs
- Enable and disable Workspaces
- Fix to use cmd2 2.0 and update requirements
- Show message if license is expired
- [MOD] Change to V3 api of faraday
- Add command to upload evidence to vuln
- Fix to use cmd2 2.0 and update requirements
- Show message if license is expired
- [MOD] Change to V3 api of faraday
- Add new command to process a tool execution
- Add command to list vulnerabilities
- Add versions to dependencies
- Add setting to ignore INFO vulns
- Show only active workspaces by default unless you use the --show-inactive parameter
- [MOD] Add support for tags
- Update faraday_plugins version dependency
- Fix create_hosts docs typo
- Show user in status
- [MOD] Update faraday-plugins
- ADD documentation (made with mkdocs)
- MOD Convert some command and help to plural
- FIX Exit shell in case of invalid authorization result
- FIX faraday 3.14.1 updated security lib, and make login bugged
- Fix error in list_host command
- Add List Services command
- Change the import command/report message
- Add support for executive reports
- Show in status if token is valid
- First version released, use with caution as it is still beta phase.
- Access a faraday server from your CLI, your CI o any other bash interpreter.