diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 461e2018..a1bd0c96 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ variables:
FARADAY_EMAIL: test@test.com
FARADAY_REF: white/dev
+ EXECUTOR_DIR: ./basic_executor.py
@@ -37,15 +38,17 @@ unit_tests:
- pip install pytest pytest-cov pytest-aiohttp
- python setup.py install
- mkdir run_from
- - cd run_from && pytest ../tests/unittests --capture=sys -v --cov=../faraday_agent_dispatcher --color=yes --disable-warnings
+ - cd run_from && mkdir logs && pytest ../tests/unittests --capture=sys -v --cov=../faraday_agent_dispatcher --color=yes --disable-warnings
- when: on_failure
- paths:
- - dist/*
+ when: on_failure
+ paths:
+ - dist/*
+ - run_from/logs/*
+ expire_in: 7 days
- - $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME =~ /^.*ci.*$/
+ - $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME =~ /^.*ci-int.*$/
stage: post_testing
diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.rst b/CONTRIBUTING.rst
index 5778337f..a021dffd 100644
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Types of Contributions
Report Bugs
-Report bugs at https://github.com/EricHorvat/dummy_faraday_agent/issues.
+Report bugs at https://github.com/faradaysec/faraday_agent_dispatcher/issues.
If you are reporting a bug, please include:
@@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ and "help wanted" is open to whoever wants to implement it.
Write Documentation
-dummy_faraday_agent could always use more documentation, whether as part of the
-official dummy_faraday_agent docs, in docstrings, or even on the web in blog posts,
+faraday_agent_dispatcher could always use more documentation, whether as part of the
+official faraday_agent_dispatcher docs, in docstrings, or even on the web in blog posts,
articles, and such.
Submit Feedback
-The best way to send feedback is to file an issue at https://github.com/EricHorvat/dummy_faraday_agent/issues.
+The best way to send feedback is to file an issue at https://github.com/faraday/faraday_agent_dispatcher/issues.
If you are proposing a feature:
@@ -57,17 +57,17 @@ If you are proposing a feature:
Get Started!
-Ready to contribute? Here's how to set up `dummy_faraday_agent` for local development.
+Ready to contribute? Here's how to set up `faraday_agent_dispatcher` for local development.
-1. Fork the `dummy_faraday_agent` repo on GitHub.
+1. Fork the `faraday_agent_dispatcher` repo on GitHub.
2. Clone your fork locally::
- $ git clone git@github.com:your_name_here/dummy_faraday_agent.git
+ $ git clone git@github.com:your_name_here/faraday_agent_dispatcher.git
3. Install your local copy into a virtualenv. Assuming you have virtualenvwrapper installed, this is how you set up your fork for local development::
- $ mkvirtualenv dummy_faraday_agent
- $ cd dummy_faraday_agent/
+ $ mkvirtualenv faraday_agent_dispatcher
+ $ cd faraday_agent_dispatcher/
$ python setup.py develop
4. Create a branch for local development::
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Ready to contribute? Here's how to set up `dummy_faraday_agent` for local develo
5. When you're done making changes, check that your changes pass flake8 and the
tests, including testing other Python versions with tox::
- $ flake8 dummy_faraday_agent tests
+ $ flake8 faraday_agent_dispatcher tests
$ python setup.py test or py.test
$ tox
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Before you submit a pull request, check that it meets these guidelines:
your new functionality into a function with a docstring, and add the
feature to the list in README.rst.
3. The pull request should work for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6, and for PyPy. Check
- https://travis-ci.org/EricHorvat/dummy_faraday_agent/pull_requests
+ https://travis-ci.org/faradaysec/faraday_agent_dispatcher/pull_requests
and make sure that the tests pass for all supported Python versions.
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Tips
To run a subset of tests::
-$ py.test tests.test_dummy_faraday_agent
+$ py.test tests.faraday_agent_dispatcher
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index ea46ec5c..1399b142 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ clean-test: ## remove test and coverage artifacts
rm -fr .pytest_cache
lint: ## check style with flake8
- flake8 dummy_faraday_agent tests
+ flake8 faraday_agent_dispatcher tests
test: ## run tests quickly with the default Python
@@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ test-all: ## run tests on every Python version with tox
coverage: ## check code coverage quickly with the default Python
- coverage run --source dummy_faraday_agent -m pytest
+ coverage run --source faraday_agent_dispatcher -m pytest
coverage report -m
coverage html
$(BROWSER) htmlcov/index.html
docs: ## generate Sphinx HTML documentation, including API docs
- rm -f docs/dummy_faraday_agent.rst
+ rm -f docs/faraday_agent_dispatcher.rst
rm -f docs/modules.rst
- sphinx-apidoc -o docs/ dummy_faraday_agent
+ sphinx-apidoc -o docs/ faraday_agent_dispatcher
$(MAKE) -C docs clean
$(MAKE) -C docs html
$(BROWSER) docs/_build/html/index.html
diff --git a/contrib/nmap.py b/contrib/nmap.py
index a86d8ae8..3420a164 100755
--- a/contrib/nmap.py
+++ b/contrib/nmap.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
import subprocess
"""Yo need to clone and install faraday plugins"""
@@ -6,12 +7,13 @@
cmd = [
- "-p80,443",
- "",
+ "-p{}".format(os.environ.get('EXECUTOR_CONFIG_PORT_LIST')),
+ os.environ.get('EXECUTOR_CONFIG_TARGET'),
results = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
nmap = NmapPlugin()
diff --git a/docs/Makefile b/docs/Makefile
index e85ac610..e9afa1f1 100644
--- a/docs/Makefile
+++ b/docs/Makefile
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# You can set these variables from the command line.
SPHINXBUILD = python -msphinx
-SPHINXPROJ = dummy_faraday_agent
+SPHINXPROJ = faraday_agent_dispatcher
BUILDDIR = _build
diff --git a/docs/conf.py b/docs/conf.py
index 8a74d2ec..c363ce0a 100755
--- a/docs/conf.py
+++ b/docs/conf.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# faraday_dummy_agent documentation build configuration file, created by
+# faraday_agent_dispatcher documentation build configuration file, created by
# sphinx-quickstart on Fri Jun 9 13:47:02 2017.
# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
master_doc = 'index'
# General information about the project.
-project = u'faraday_dummy_agent'
+project = u'faraday_agent_dispatcher'
copyright = u"2019, Eric Horvat"
author = u"Eric Horvat"
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
# -- Options for HTMLHelp output ---------------------------------------
# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
-htmlhelp_basename = 'dummy_faraday_agentdoc'
+htmlhelp_basename = 'faraday_agent_dispatcher'
# -- Options for LaTeX output ------------------------------------------
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass
# [howto, manual, or own class]).
latex_documents = [
- (master_doc, 'faraday_dummy_agent.tex',
- u'faraday_dummy_agent Documentation',
+ (master_doc, 'faraday_agent_dispatcher.tex',
+ u'faraday_agent_dispatcher Documentation',
u'Eric Horvat', 'manual'),
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
- (master_doc, 'faraday_dummy_agent',
- u'faraday_dummy_agent Documentation',
+ (master_doc, 'faraday_agent_dispatcher',
+ u'faraday_agent_dispatcher Documentation',
[author], 1)
@@ -151,10 +151,10 @@
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
texinfo_documents = [
- (master_doc, 'faraday_dummy_agent',
- u'faraday_dummy_agent Documentation',
+ (master_doc, 'faraday_agent_dispatcher',
+ u'faraday_agent_dispatcher Documentation',
- 'faraday_dummy_agent',
+ 'faraday_agent_dispatcher',
'One line description of project.',
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 4d349063..abceba8c 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Welcome to dummy_faraday_agent's documentation!
+Welcome to faraday_agent_dispatcher's documentation!
.. toctree::
diff --git a/docs/installation.rst b/docs/installation.rst
index c1cc67e0..c9ed0526 100644
--- a/docs/installation.rst
+++ b/docs/installation.rst
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ Installation
Stable release
-To install dummy_faraday_agent, run this command in your terminal:
+To install faraday_agent_dispatcher, run this command in your terminal:
.. code-block:: console
- $ pip install dummy_faraday_agent
+ $ pip install faraday_agent_dispatcher
-This is the preferred method to install dummy_faraday_agent, as it will always install the most recent stable release.
+This is the preferred method to install faraday_agent_dispatcher, as it will always install the most recent stable release.
If you don't have `pip`_ installed, this `Python installation guide`_ can guide
you through the process.
@@ -26,19 +26,19 @@ you through the process.
From sources
-The sources for dummy_faraday_agent can be downloaded from the `Github repo`_.
+The sources for faraday_agent_dispatcher can be downloaded from the `Github repo`_.
You can either clone the public repository:
.. code-block:: console
- $ git clone git://github.com/EricHorvat/dummy_faraday_agent
+ $ git clone git://github.com/faradaysec/faraday_agent_dispatcher
Or download the `tarball`_:
.. code-block:: console
- $ curl -OL https://github.com/EricHorvat/dummy_faraday_agent/tarball/master
+ $ curl -OL https://github.com/faradaysec/faraday_agent_dispatcher/tarball/master
Once you have a copy of the source, you can install it with:
@@ -47,5 +47,5 @@ Once you have a copy of the source, you can install it with:
$ python setup.py install
-.. _Github repo: https://github.com/EricHorvat/dummy_faraday_agent
-.. _tarball: https://github.com/EricHorvat/dummy_faraday_agent/tarball/master
+.. _Github repo: https://github.com/faradaysec/faraday_agent_dispatcher
+.. _tarball: https://github.com/faradaysec/faraday_agent_dispatcher/tarball/master
diff --git a/docs/make.bat b/docs/make.bat
index 66e06c11..9c122b2c 100644
--- a/docs/make.bat
+++ b/docs/make.bat
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ if "%SPHINXBUILD%" == "" (
set BUILDDIR=_build
-set SPHINXPROJ=dummy_faraday_agent
+set SPHINXPROJ=faraday_agent_dispatcher
if "%1" == "" goto help
diff --git a/docs/usage.rst b/docs/usage.rst
index f79ec90e..dd67e1b5 100644
--- a/docs/usage.rst
+++ b/docs/usage.rst
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
-To use dummy_faraday_agent in a project::
+To use faraday_agent_dispatcher in a project::
+ import faraday_agent_dispatcher
- import dummy_faraday_agent
diff --git a/faraday_agent_dispatcher/__init__.py b/faraday_agent_dispatcher/__init__.py
index 6ab7ab62..50a19dab 100644
--- a/faraday_agent_dispatcher/__init__.py
+++ b/faraday_agent_dispatcher/__init__.py
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
# along with this program. If not, see .
-"""Top-level package for faraday_dummy_agent."""
+"""Top-level package for faraday_agent_dispatcher."""
__author__ = """Eric Horvat"""
__email__ = 'erich@infobytesec.com'
-__version__ = '0.1.0'
+__version__ = '1.0'
diff --git a/faraday_agent_dispatcher/cli.py b/faraday_agent_dispatcher/cli.py
index a5e65e85..3fbad141 100644
--- a/faraday_agent_dispatcher/cli.py
+++ b/faraday_agent_dispatcher/cli.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
-"""Console script for faraday_dummy_agent."""
+"""Console script for faraday_agent_dispatcher."""
import os
import sys
import shutil
diff --git a/faraday_agent_dispatcher/config.py b/faraday_agent_dispatcher/config.py
index 83585868..de846897 100644
--- a/faraday_agent_dispatcher/config.py
+++ b/faraday_agent_dispatcher/config.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
import logging
import configparser
from pathlib import Path
+from configparser import DuplicateSectionError
FARADAY_PATH = Path(os.environ['FARADAY_HOME'])
@@ -39,8 +40,11 @@
def reset_config(filepath):
- if not instance.read(filepath):
- raise ValueError(f'Unable to read config file located at {filepath}')
+ try:
+ if not instance.read(filepath):
+ raise ValueError(f'Unable to read config file located at {filepath}')
+ except DuplicateSectionError as e:
+ raise ValueError(f'The config in {filepath} contains duplicated sections')
def check_filepath(filepath: str = None):
@@ -56,6 +60,10 @@ def save_config(filepath=None):
-TOKENS_SECTION = "tokens"
-SERVER_SECTION = "server"
-EXECUTOR_SECTION = "executor"
+class Sections:
+ TOKENS = "tokens"
+ SERVER = "server"
+ AGENT = "agent"
+ EXECUTOR_VARENVS = "{}_varenvs"
+ EXECUTOR_PARAMS = "{}_params"
diff --git a/faraday_agent_dispatcher/dispatcher.py b/faraday_agent_dispatcher/dispatcher.py
index 707b2e9d..027bc19c 100644
--- a/faraday_agent_dispatcher/dispatcher.py
+++ b/faraday_agent_dispatcher/dispatcher.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
+import os
import json
import asyncio
@@ -29,49 +30,54 @@
- control_agent_token
+ control_agent_token,
+ control_list
import faraday_agent_dispatcher.logger as logging
-from faraday_agent_dispatcher.config import instance as config, \
+from faraday_agent_dispatcher.config import instance as config, Sections, save_config
+from faraday_agent_dispatcher.executor import Executor
logger = logging.get_logger()
class Dispatcher:
__control_dict = {
+ Sections.SERVER: {
"host": control_host,
- "api_port": control_int,
- "websocket_port": control_int,
+ "api_port": control_int(),
+ "websocket_port": control_int(),
"workspace": control_str
+ Sections.TOKENS: {
"registration": control_registration_token,
"agent": control_agent_token
- "cmd": control_str,
- "agent_name": control_str
- }
+ Sections.AGENT: {
+ "agent_name": control_str,
+ "executors": control_list(can_repeat=False)
+ },
def __init__(self, session, config_path=None):
self.config_path = config_path
- self.host = config.get(SERVER_SECTION, "host")
- self.api_port = config.get(SERVER_SECTION, "api_port")
- self.websocket_port = config.get(SERVER_SECTION, "websocket_port")
- self.workspace = config.get(SERVER_SECTION, "workspace")
- self.agent_token = config[TOKENS_SECTION].get("agent", None)
- self.executor_cmd = config.get(EXECUTOR_SECTION, "cmd")
- self.agent_name = config.get(EXECUTOR_SECTION, "agent_name")
+ self.host = config.get(Sections.SERVER, "host")
+ self.api_port = config.get(Sections.SERVER, "api_port")
+ self.websocket_port = config.get(Sections.SERVER, "websocket_port")
+ self.workspace = config.get(Sections.SERVER, "workspace")
+ self.agent_token = config[Sections.TOKENS].get("agent", None)
+ self.agent_name = config.get(Sections.AGENT, "agent_name")
self.session = session
self.websocket = None
self.websocket_token = None
+ self.executors = {
+ executor_name:
+ Executor(executor_name, config) for executor_name in config[Sections.AGENT].get("executors", []).split(",")
+ }
async def reset_websocket_token(self):
# I'm built so I ask for websocket token
@@ -86,7 +92,7 @@ async def reset_websocket_token(self):
async def register(self):
if self.agent_token is None:
- registration_token = self.agent_token = config.get(TOKENS_SECTION, "registration")
+ registration_token = self.agent_token = config.get(Sections.TOKENS, "registration")
assert registration_token is not None, "The registration token is mandatory"
token_registration_url = api_url(self.host,
@@ -98,7 +104,7 @@ async def register(self):
assert token_response.status == 201
token = await token_response.json()
self.agent_token = token["token"]
- config.set(TOKENS_SECTION, "agent", self.agent_token)
+ config.set(Sections.TOKENS, "agent", self.agent_token)
except ClientResponseError as e:
if e.status == 404:
@@ -110,22 +116,30 @@ async def register(self):
self.websocket_token = await self.reset_websocket_token()
- async def connect(self):
+ async def connect(self, out_func=None):
- if not self.websocket_token:
+ if not self.websocket_token and not out_func:
- async with websockets.connect(websocket_url(self.host, self.websocket_port)) as websocket:
- await websocket.send(json.dumps({
- 'action': 'JOIN_AGENT',
- 'workspace': self.workspace,
- 'token': self.websocket_token,
- }))
+ connected_data = json.dumps({
+ 'action': 'JOIN_AGENT',
+ 'workspace': self.workspace,
+ 'token': self.websocket_token,
+ 'executors': [{"executor_name": executor.name, "args": executor.params}
+ for executor in self.executors.values()]
+ })
+ if out_func is None:
+ async with websockets.connect(websocket_url(self.host, self.websocket_port)) as websocket:
+ await websocket.send(connected_data)
- logger.info("Connection to Faraday server succeeded")
- self.websocket = websocket
+ logger.info("Connection to Faraday server succeeded")
+ self.websocket = websocket
- await self.run_await() # This line can we called from outside (in main)
+ await self.run_await() # This line can we called from outside (in main)
+ else:
+ await out_func(connected_data)
async def run_await(self):
while True:
@@ -133,37 +147,146 @@ async def run_await(self):
data = await self.websocket.recv()
- async def run_once(self, data:str= None):
- # TODO Control data
- logger.info('Running executor with data: %s', data)
+ async def run_once(self, data:str= None, out_func=None):
+ out_func = out_func if out_func is not None else self.websocket.send
+ logger.info('Parsing data: %s', data)
data_dict = json.loads(data)
- if "action" in data_dict:
- if data_dict["action"] == "RUN":
- process = await self.create_process()
+ if "action" not in data_dict:
+ logger.info("Data not contains action to do")
+ await out_func(json.dumps({"error": "'action' key is mandatory in this websocket connection"}))
+ return
+ if data_dict["action"] not in ["RUN"]: # ONLY SUPPORTED COMMAND FOR NOW
+ logger.info("Unrecognized action")
+ await out_func(json.dumps({f"{data_dict['action']}_RESPONSE": "Error: Unrecognized action"}))
+ return
+ if data_dict["action"] == "RUN":
+ if "executor" not in data_dict:
+ logger.error("No executor selected")
+ await out_func(
+ json.dumps({
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "running": False,
+ "message": f"No executor selected to {self.agent_name} agent"
+ })
+ )
+ return
+ if data_dict["executor"] not in self.executors:
+ logger.error("The selected executor not exists")
+ await out_func(
+ json.dumps({
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": data_dict['executor'],
+ "running": False,
+ "message": f"The selected executor {data_dict['executor']} not exists in {self.agent_name} "
+ f"agent"
+ })
+ )
+ return
+ executor = self.executors[data_dict["executor"]]
+ params = list(executor.params.keys()).copy()
+ passed_params = data_dict['args'] if 'args' in data_dict else {}
+ [params.remove(param) for param in config.defaults()]
+ all_accepted = all(
+ [
+ any([
+ param in passed_param # Control any available param
+ for param in params # was passed
+ ])
+ for passed_param in passed_params # For all passed params
+ ])
+ if not all_accepted:
+ logger.error("Unexpected argument passed to {} executor".format(executor.name))
+ await out_func(
+ json.dumps({
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": executor.name,
+ "running": False,
+ "message": f"Unexpected argument(s) passed to {executor.name} executor from {self.agent_name} "
+ f"agent"
+ })
+ )
+ mandatory_full = all(
+ [
+ not executor.params[param] # All params is not mandatory
+ or any([
+ param in passed_param for passed_param in passed_params # Or was passed
+ ])
+ for param in params
+ ]
+ )
+ if not mandatory_full:
+ logger.error("Mandatory argument not passed to {} executor".format(executor.name))
+ await out_func(
+ json.dumps({
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": executor.name,
+ "running": False,
+ "message": f"Mandatory argument(s) not passed to {executor.name} executor from "
+ f"{self.agent_name} agent"
+ })
+ )
+ if mandatory_full and all_accepted:
+ running_msg = f"Running {executor.name} executor from {self.agent_name} agent"
+ logger.info("Running {} executor".format(executor.name))
+ process = await self.create_process(executor, passed_params)
tasks = [StdOutLineProcessor(process, self.session).process_f(),
+ await out_func(
+ json.dumps({
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": executor.name,
+ "running": True,
+ "message": running_msg
+ })
+ )
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
await process.communicate()
assert process.returncode is not None
if process.returncode == 0:
- logger.info("Executor finished successfully")
+ logger.info("Executor {} finished successfully".format(executor.name))
+ await out_func(
+ json.dumps({
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": executor.name,
+ "successful": True,
+ "message": f"Executor {executor.name} from {self.agent_name} finished successfully"
+ }))
- f"Executor finished with exit code {process.returncode}")
- else:
- logger.info("Action unrecognized")
+ f"Executor {executor.name} finished with exit code {process.returncode}")
+ await out_func(
+ json.dumps({
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": executor.name,
+ "successful": False,
+ "message": f"Executor {executor.name} from {self.agent_name} failed"
+ }))
+ async def create_process(self, executor: Executor, args):
+ env = os.environ.copy()
+ if isinstance(args, dict):
+ for k in args:
+ env[f"EXECUTOR_CONFIG_{k.upper()}"] = str(args[k])
- logger.info("Data not contains action to do")
- async def create_process(self):
+ logger.error("Args from data received has a not supported type")
+ raise ValueError("Args from data received has a not supported type")
+ for varenv, value in executor.varenvs.items():
+ env[f"{varenv.upper()}"] = value
process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell(
- self.executor_cmd,
+ executor.cmd,
- limit=int(config[EXECUTOR_SECTION].get("max_size", 64 * 1024))
+ env=env,
+ limit=executor.max_size
# If the config is not set, use async.io default
return process
@@ -171,5 +294,9 @@ async def create_process(self):
def control_config(self):
for section in self.__control_dict:
for option in self.__control_dict[section]:
+ if section not in config:
+ err = f"Section {section} is an mandatory section in the config" # TODO "run config cmd"
+ logger.error(err)
+ raise ValueError(err)
value = config.get(section, option) if option in config[section] else None
self.__control_dict[section][option](option, value)
diff --git a/faraday_agent_dispatcher/example_config.ini b/faraday_agent_dispatcher/example_config.ini
index 795bface..04682b3a 100644
--- a/faraday_agent_dispatcher/example_config.ini
+++ b/faraday_agent_dispatcher/example_config.ini
@@ -4,14 +4,22 @@ host = localhost
api_port = 5985
websocket_port = 9000
-; Complete the cmd option with the command you want the dispatcher to run
-; cmd =
agent_name = unnamed_agent
-max_size = 65536
-; 1024 * 64
+; Complete the executor option with a comma separated list of executor names
+executors = ex1
; To get your registration token, visit http://localhost:5985/#/admin/agents, copy
; the value and uncomment the line
; registration =
+; Complete the cmd option with the command you want the dispatcher to run
+; cmd =
+max_size = 65536
+; 1024 * 64
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/faraday_agent_dispatcher/executor.py b/faraday_agent_dispatcher/executor.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77386ea2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/faraday_agent_dispatcher/executor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+from faraday_agent_dispatcher.config import Sections
+from faraday_agent_dispatcher.utils.control_values_utils import (
+ control_int,
+ control_str,
+ control_bool
+class Executor:
+ __control_dict = {
+ Sections.EXECUTOR_DATA: {
+ "cmd": control_str,
+ "max_size": control_int(True)
+ }
+ }
+ def __init__(self, name: str, config):
+ name = name.strip()
+ self.control_config(name, config)
+ self.name = name
+ executor_section = Sections.EXECUTOR_DATA.format(name)
+ params_section = Sections.EXECUTOR_PARAMS.format(name)
+ varenvs_section = Sections.EXECUTOR_VARENVS.format(name)
+ self.cmd = config.get(executor_section, "cmd")
+ self.max_size = int(config[executor_section].get("max_size", 64 * 1024))
+ self.params = dict(config[params_section]) if params_section in config else {}
+ self.params = {key: value.lower() in ["t", "true"] for key, value in self.params.items()}
+ self.varenvs = dict(config[varenvs_section]) if varenvs_section in config else {}
+ def control_config(self, name, config):
+ if " " in name:
+ raise ValueError(f"Executor names can't contains space character, passed name: {name}")
+ if Sections.EXECUTOR_DATA.format(name) not in config:
+ raise ValueError(f"{name} is an executor name but there is no proper section")
+ for section in self.__control_dict:
+ for option in self.__control_dict[section]:
+ value = config.get(section.format(name), option) if option in config[section.format(name)] else None
+ self.__control_dict[section][option](option, value)
+ params_section = Sections.EXECUTOR_PARAMS.format(name)
+ if params_section in config:
+ for option in config[params_section]:
+ value = config.get(params_section, option)
+ control_bool(option, value)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/faraday_agent_dispatcher/logger.py b/faraday_agent_dispatcher/logger.py
index 6ee35566..19da14a7 100644
--- a/faraday_agent_dispatcher/logger.py
+++ b/faraday_agent_dispatcher/logger.py
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ def setup_console_logging(formatter):
console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+ console_handler.name = "CONSOLE_HANDLER"
@@ -62,11 +63,15 @@ def setup_file_logging(formatter):
log_file(), maxBytes=MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE, backupCount=MAX_LOG_FILE_BACKUP_COUNT)
+ file_handler.name = "FILE_HANDLER"
def add_handler(handler):
logger = logging.getLogger(ROOT_LOGGER)
+ for hldr in logger.handlers:
+ if hldr.name == handler.name:
+ logger.removeHandler(hldr)
diff --git a/faraday_agent_dispatcher/utils/control_values_utils.py b/faraday_agent_dispatcher/utils/control_values_utils.py
index 6464c0a0..16b01786 100644
--- a/faraday_agent_dispatcher/utils/control_values_utils.py
+++ b/faraday_agent_dispatcher/utils/control_values_utils.py
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
+def control_int(nullable=False):
+ def control(field_name, value):
+ if value is None and nullable:
+ return
+ if value is None:
+ raise ValueError(f"Trying to parse {field_name} with None value and should be an int")
+ try:
+ int(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError(f"Trying to parse {field_name} with value {value} and should be an int")
-def control_int(field_name,value):
- if value is None:
- raise ValueError(f"Trying to parse {field_name} with None value and should be an int")
- try:
- int(value)
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError(f"Trying to parse {field_name} with value {value} and should be an int")
+ return control
def control_str(field_name, value):
@@ -17,6 +21,23 @@ def control_host(field_name, value):
control_str(field_name, value)
+def control_list(can_repeat=True):
+ def control(field_name, value):
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ raise ValueError(f"Trying to parse {field_name} with value {value} and should be a list")
+ listt = value.split(",")
+ if len(listt) != len(set(listt)):
+ raise ValueError(f"Trying to parse {field_name} with value {value} and contains repeated values")
+ return control
+def control_bool(field_name, value):
+ if value.lower() not in ["true", "false", "t", "f"]:
+ raise ValueError(f"Trying to parse {field_name} with value {value} and should be a bool")
def control_registration_token(field_name, value):
if value is None:
raise ValueError(f'"{field_name}" option is required in the configuration '
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 2c38743e..1ce9b3c0 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-current_version = 0.1.0
+current_version = 1.0.0
commit = True
tag = True
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ tag = True
search = version='{current_version}'
replace = version='{new_version}'
search = __version__ = '{current_version}'
replace = __version__ = '{new_version}'
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 11b33cbf..c5c55d65 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -70,6 +70,6 @@
- version='0.1',
+ version='1.0',
diff --git a/tests/data/basic_executor.py b/tests/data/basic_executor.py
index ab32d8f6..a3fa208c 100644
--- a/tests/data/basic_executor.py
+++ b/tests/data/basic_executor.py
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
+import os
import sys
import json
-import argparse
host_data = {
@@ -37,32 +37,32 @@
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--out', action='store', help='if set prints by stdout')
- parser.add_argument('--err', action='store_true', help='if set prints by stderr')
- parser.add_argument('--fails', action='store_true', help='if true fails')
- parser.add_argument('--spaced_before', action='store_true', help='if set prints by stdout')
- parser.add_argument('--spare', action='store_true', help='if set prints by stdout')
- parser.add_argument('--spaced_middle', action='store_true', help='if set prints by stdout')
- parser.add_argument('--count', action='store', default=1, help='if set prints by stdout')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- if args.out:
+ out = os.getenv("EXECUTOR_CONFIG_OUT")
+ count = os.getenv("EXECUTOR_CONFIG_COUNT", 1)
+ err = os.getenv("EXECUTOR_CONFIG_ERR") is not None
+ fails = os.getenv("EXECUTOR_CONFIG_FAILS") is not None
+ spaced_before = os.getenv("EXECUTOR_CONFIG_SPACED_BEFORE") is not None
+ spaced_middle = os.getenv("EXECUTOR_CONFIG_SPACED_MIDDLE") is not None
+ spare = os.getenv("EXECUTOR_CONFIG_SPARE") is not None
+ omit_everything = os.getenv("DO_NOTHING", None)
+ if out and omit_everything is None:
host_data_ = host_data.copy()
host_data_['vulnerabilities'] = [vuln_data]
data = dict(hosts=[host_data_])
- if args.out == "json":
- prefix = '\n' if args.spaced_before else ''
- suffix = '\n' if args.spaced_middle else ''
- suffix += ('\n' if args.spare else '').join([''] + [json.dumps(data) for _ in range(int(args.count) - 1)])
+ if out == "json":
+ prefix = '\n' if spaced_before else ''
+ suffix = '\n' if spaced_middle else ''
+ suffix += ('\n' if spare else '').join([''] + [json.dumps(data) for _ in range(int(count) - 1)])
- elif args.out == "str":
+ elif out == "str":
- elif args.out == "bad_json":
+ elif out == "bad_json":
del data["hosts"][0]["ip"]
+ else:
+ print(omit_everything, file=sys.stderr)
- if args.err:
+ if err:
print("Print by stderr", file=sys.stderr)
- if args.fails:
+ if fails:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/data/test_config.ini b/tests/data/test_config.ini
index 2431bce0..f88c7df0 100644
--- a/tests/data/test_config.ini
+++ b/tests/data/test_config.ini
@@ -4,13 +4,23 @@ host = localhost
api_port = 5985
websocket_port = 9000
-; Complete the cmd option with the command you want the dispatcher to run
-cmd = exit 1
agent_name = unnamed_agent
-max_size = 65536
+executors = ex1
; To get your registration token, visit http://localhost:5985/#/admin/agents, copy
; the value and uncomment the line
registration = 1234567890123456789012345
+; Complete the cmd option with the command you want the dispatcher to run
+cmd = exit 1
+; Complete the cmd option with the command you want the dispatcher to run
+cmd = exit 1
+; Complete the cmd option with the command you want the dispatcher to run
+cmd = exit 1
diff --git a/tests/integration/faraday/test_execution.py b/tests/integration/faraday/test_execution.py
index 8657883e..81db8042 100644
--- a/tests/integration/faraday/test_execution.py
+++ b/tests/integration/faraday/test_execution.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-from faraday_agent_dispatcher.config import instance as config, reset_config, \
+from faraday_agent_dispatcher.config import instance as config, reset_config, Sections,\
from faraday_agent_dispatcher.utils.url_utils import api_url
@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@
import time
-HOST = config.get(SERVER_SECTION, "host")
-API_PORT = config.get(SERVER_SECTION, "api_port")
-WS_PORT = config.get(SERVER_SECTION, "websocket_port")
+HOST = config.get(Sections.SERVER, "host")
+API_PORT = config.get(Sections.SERVER, "api_port")
+WS_PORT = config.get(Sections.SERVER, "websocket_port")
AGENT_NAME = fuzzy_string(6)
+EXECUTOR_NAME = fuzzy_string(6)
USER = os.getenv("FARADAY_USER")
EMAIL = os.getenv("FARADAY_EMAIL")
@@ -52,20 +53,31 @@ def test_execute_agent():
token = res.json()['token']
# Config set up
- config.set(TOKENS_SECTION, "registration", token)
- config.remove_option(TOKENS_SECTION, "agent")
- config.set(SERVER_SECTION, "workspace", WORKSPACE)
- config.set(EXECUTOR_SECTION, "agent_name", AGENT_NAME)
- config.set(EXECUTOR_SECTION, "cmd", "python ./basic_executor.py --out json")
+ config.set(Sections.TOKENS, "registration", token)
+ config.remove_option(Sections.TOKENS, "agent")
+ config.set(Sections.SERVER, "workspace", WORKSPACE)
+ config.set(Sections.AGENT, "agent_name", AGENT_NAME)
+ config.set(Sections.AGENT, "executors", EXECUTOR_NAME)
path_to_basic_executor = (
Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent /
'data' / 'basic_executor.py'
+ executor_section = Sections.EXECUTOR_DATA.format(EXECUTOR_NAME)
+ params_section = Sections.EXECUTOR_PARAMS.format(EXECUTOR_NAME)
+ for section in [executor_section, params_section]:
+ if section not in config:
+ config.add_section(section)
- f"python {path_to_basic_executor} --out json"
+ f"python {path_to_basic_executor}"
+ config.set(params_section, "out", "True")
+ [config.set(params_section, param, "False") for param in [
+ "count", "spare", "spaced_before", "spaced_middle", "err", "fails"]]
# Init dispatcher!
@@ -79,6 +91,7 @@ def test_execute_agent():
res_data = res.json()
assert len(res_data) == 1, p.communicate(timeout=0.1)
agent = res_data[0]
+ agent_id = agent["id"]
if agent_ok_status_keys_set != set(agent.keys()):
print("Keys set from agent endpoint differ from expected ones, checking if its a superset")
assert agent_ok_status_keys_set.issubset(set(agent.keys()))
@@ -87,17 +100,27 @@ def test_execute_agent():
# Run executor!
res = session.post(api_url(HOST, API_PORT, postfix=f'/_api/v2/ws/{WORKSPACE}/agents/{agent["id"]}/run/'),
- data={'csrf_token': session_res.json()['csrf_token']})
+ json={
+ 'csrf_token': session_res.json()['csrf_token'],
+ 'executorData': {
+ "agent_id": agent_id,
+ "executor": EXECUTOR_NAME,
+ "args": {"out": "json"}
+ }
+ })
assert res.status_code == 200, res.text
time.sleep(2) # If fails check time
# Test results
res = session.get(api_url(HOST, API_PORT, postfix=f'/_api/v2/ws/{WORKSPACE}/hosts'))
host_dict = res.json()
- assert host_dict["total_rows"] == 1
+ assert host_dict["total_rows"] == 1, (res.text, host_dict)
host = host_dict["rows"][0]["value"]
for key in host_data:
- assert host[key] == host_data[key]
+ if key == "hostnames":
+ assert set(host[key]) == set(host_data[key])
+ else:
+ assert host[key] == host_data[key]
assert host["vulns"] == 1
res = session.get(api_url(HOST, API_PORT, postfix=f'/_api/v2/ws/{WORKSPACE}/vulns'))
diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_agent_dispatcher.py b/tests/unittests/test_agent_dispatcher.py
index 4b484678..eba89364 100644
--- a/tests/unittests/test_agent_dispatcher.py
+++ b/tests/unittests/test_agent_dispatcher.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
-"""Tests for `faraday_dummy_agent` package."""
+"""Tests for `faraday_agent_dispatcher` package."""
import json
import os
@@ -31,79 +31,141 @@
instance as configuration,
+ Sections
from tests.utils.text_utils import fuzzy_string
from tests.utils.testing_faraday_server import FaradayTestConfig, test_config, tmp_custom_config, tmp_default_config, \
- test_logger_handler
+ test_logger_handler, test_logger_folder
- [{"remove": {SERVER_SECTION: ["host"]},
+ [{"remove": {Sections.SERVER: ["host"]},
"replace": {},
"expected_exception": ValueError},
- {"remove": {SERVER_SECTION: ["api_port"]},
+ {"remove": {Sections.SERVER: ["api_port"]},
"replace": {},
"expected_exception": ValueError},
{"remove": {},
- "replace": {SERVER_SECTION: {"api_port": "Not a port number"}},
+ "replace": {Sections.SERVER: {"api_port": "Not a port number"}},
"expected_exception": ValueError},
{"remove": {},
- "replace": {SERVER_SECTION: {"api_port": "6000"}}}, # None error as parse int
- {"remove": {SERVER_SECTION: ["websocket_port"]},
+ "replace": {Sections.SERVER: {"api_port": "6000"}}}, # None error as parse int
+ {"remove": {Sections.SERVER: ["websocket_port"]},
"replace": {},
"expected_exception": ValueError},
{"remove": {},
- "replace": {SERVER_SECTION: {"websocket_port": "Not a port number"}},
+ "replace": {Sections.SERVER: {"websocket_port": "Not a port number"}},
"expected_exception": ValueError},
{"remove": {},
- "replace": {SERVER_SECTION: {"websocket_port": "9001"}}}, # None error as parse int
- {"remove": {SERVER_SECTION: ["workspace"]},
+ "replace": {Sections.SERVER: {"websocket_port": "9001"}}}, # None error as parse int
+ {"remove": {Sections.SERVER: ["workspace"]},
"replace": {},
"expected_exception": ValueError},
- {"remove": {TOKENS_SECTION: ["registration"]},
+ {"remove": {Sections.TOKENS: ["registration"]},
"replace": {},
"expected_exception": ValueError},
{"remove": {},
- "replace": {TOKENS_SECTION: {"registration": "invalid_token"}},
+ "replace": {Sections.TOKENS: {"registration": "invalid_token"}},
"expected_exception": ValueError},
{"remove": {},
- "replace": {TOKENS_SECTION: {"registration": " 46aasdje446aasdje446aa"}},
+ "replace": {Sections.TOKENS: {"registration": " 46aasdje446aasdje446aa"}},
"expected_exception": ValueError},
{"remove": {},
- "replace": {TOKENS_SECTION: {"registration": "QWE46aasdje446aasdje446aa"}}},
+ "replace": {Sections.TOKENS: {"registration": "QWE46aasdje446aasdje446aa"}}},
{"remove": {},
- "replace": {TOKENS_SECTION: {"agent": "invalid_token"}},
+ "replace": {Sections.TOKENS: {"agent": "invalid_token"}},
"expected_exception": ValueError},
{"remove": {},
- "replace": {TOKENS_SECTION: {
+ "replace": {Sections.TOKENS: {
"agent": " 46aasdje446aasdje446aa46aasdje446aasdje446aa46aasdje446aasdje"
"expected_exception": ValueError},
{"remove": {},
- "replace": {TOKENS_SECTION: {
+ "replace": {Sections.TOKENS: {
"agent": "QWE46aasdje446aasdje446aaQWE46aasdje446aasdje446aaQWE46aasdje446"}}},
- {"remove": {EXECUTOR_SECTION: ["cmd"]},
+ {"remove": {Sections.EXECUTOR_DATA.format("ex1"): ["cmd"]},
"replace": {},
"expected_exception": ValueError},
- {"remove": {EXECUTOR_SECTION: ["agent_name"]},
+ {"remove": {},
+ "replace": {Sections.EXECUTOR_DATA.format("ex1"): {"max_size": "ASDASD"}},
+ "expected_exception": ValueError},
+ {"remove": {},
+ "replace": {Sections.EXECUTOR_PARAMS.format("ex1"): {"param1": "ASDASD"}},
+ "expected_exception": ValueError},
+ {"remove": {},
+ "replace": {Sections.EXECUTOR_PARAMS.format("ex1"): {"param1": "5"}},
+ "expected_exception": ValueError},
+ {"remove": {},
+ "replace": {Sections.EXECUTOR_PARAMS.format("ex1"): {"param1": "True"}}
+ },
+ {"remove": {Sections.AGENT: ["agent_name"]},
"replace": {},
"expected_exception": ValueError},
+ {"remove": {},
+ "replace": {Sections.AGENT: {"executors": "ex1,ex1"}},
+ "expected_exception": ValueError
+ },
+ {"remove": {Sections.AGENT: ["section"]},
+ "replace": {},
+ "expected_exception": ValueError
+ },
+ {"remove": {Sections.TOKENS: ["section"]},
+ "replace": {},
+ "expected_exception": ValueError
+ },
+ {"remove": {Sections.SERVER: ["section"]},
+ "replace": {},
+ "expected_exception": ValueError
+ },
+ {"remove": {},
+ "replace": {},
+ "duplicate_exception": True,
+ "expected_exception": ValueError
+ },
+ {"remove": {},
+ "replace": {Sections.AGENT: {"executors": "ex1, ex2"}},
+ },
+ {"remove": {},
+ "replace": {Sections.AGENT: {"executors": "ex1,ex2 "}},
+ },
+ {"remove": {},
+ "replace": {Sections.AGENT: {"executors": " ex1,ex2"}},
+ },
+ {"remove": {},
+ "replace": {Sections.AGENT: {"executors": " ex1, ex2 , ex3"}},
+ },
+ {"remove": {},
+ "replace": {Sections.AGENT: {"executors": "ex1,ex 1"}},
+ "expected_exception": ValueError
+ },
+ {"remove": {},
+ "replace": {Sections.AGENT: {"executors": "ex1,ex8"}},
+ "expected_exception": ValueError
+ },
{"remove": {},
"replace": {}}
def test_basic_built(tmp_custom_config, config_changes_dict):
for section in config_changes_dict["replace"]:
for option in config_changes_dict["replace"][section]:
+ if section not in configuration:
+ configuration.add_section(section)
configuration.set(section, option, config_changes_dict["replace"][section][option])
for section in config_changes_dict["remove"]:
- for option in config_changes_dict["remove"][section]:
- configuration.remove_option(section, option)
+ if "section" in config_changes_dict["remove"][section]:
+ configuration.remove_section(section)
+ else:
+ for option in config_changes_dict["remove"][section]:
+ configuration.remove_option(section, option)
if "expected_exception" in config_changes_dict:
+ if "duplicate_exception" in config_changes_dict and config_changes_dict["duplicate_exception"]:
+ with open(tmp_custom_config.config_file_path, "r") as file:
+ content = file.read()
+ with open(tmp_custom_config.config_file_path, "w") as file:
+ file.write(content)
+ file.write(content)
with pytest.raises(config_changes_dict["expected_exception"]):
Dispatcher(None, tmp_custom_config.config_file_path)
@@ -112,11 +174,11 @@ def test_basic_built(tmp_custom_config, config_changes_dict):
async def test_start_and_register(test_config: FaradayTestConfig, tmp_default_config):
# Config
- configuration.set(SERVER_SECTION, "api_port", str(test_config.client.port))
- configuration.set(SERVER_SECTION, "host", test_config.client.host)
- configuration.set(SERVER_SECTION, "workspace", test_config.workspace)
- configuration.set(TOKENS_SECTION, "registration", test_config.registration_token)
- configuration.set(EXECUTOR_SECTION, "cmd", 'exit 1')
+ configuration.set(Sections.SERVER, "api_port", str(test_config.client.port))
+ configuration.set(Sections.SERVER, "host", test_config.client.host)
+ configuration.set(Sections.SERVER, "workspace", test_config.workspace)
+ configuration.set(Sections.TOKENS, "registration", test_config.registration_token)
+ configuration.set(Sections.EXECUTOR_DATA.format("ex1"), "cmd", 'exit 1')
# Init and register it
@@ -133,11 +195,11 @@ async def test_start_and_register(test_config: FaradayTestConfig, tmp_default_co
async def test_start_with_bad_config(test_config: FaradayTestConfig, tmp_default_config):
# Config
- configuration.set(SERVER_SECTION, "api_port", str(test_config.client.port))
- configuration.set(SERVER_SECTION, "host", test_config.client.host)
- configuration.set(SERVER_SECTION, "workspace", test_config.workspace)
- configuration.set(TOKENS_SECTION, "registration", "NotOk" * 5)
- configuration.set(EXECUTOR_SECTION, "cmd", 'exit 1')
+ configuration.set(Sections.SERVER, "api_port", str(test_config.client.port))
+ configuration.set(Sections.SERVER, "host", test_config.client.host)
+ configuration.set(Sections.SERVER, "workspace", test_config.workspace)
+ configuration.set(Sections.TOKENS, "registration", "NotOk" * 5)
+ configuration.set(Sections.EXECUTOR_DATA.format("ex1"), "cmd", 'exit 1')
# Init and register it
@@ -149,170 +211,593 @@ async def test_start_with_bad_config(test_config: FaradayTestConfig, tmp_default
- {
+ { # 0
"data": {"agent_id": 1},
- "args": [],
"logs": [
{"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Data not contains action to do"},
+ ],
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {"error": "'action' key is mandatory in this websocket connection"}
- {
+ { # 1
"data": {"action": "CUT", "agent_id": 1},
- "args": [],
"logs": [
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Action unrecognized"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Unrecognized action"},
+ ],
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {"CUT_RESPONSE": "Error: Unrecognized action"}
- {
- "data": {"action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1},
- "args": ["out json"],
+ { # 2
+ "data": {"action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1, "executor": "ex1", "args": {"out": "json"}},
"logs": [
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running executor"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor"},
{"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Data sent to bulk create"},
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor finished successfully"}
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished successfully"}
+ ],
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "running": True,
+ "message": "Running ex1 executor from unnamed_agent agent"
+ }, {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "successful": True,
+ "message": "Executor ex1 from unnamed_agent finished successfully"
+ }
- {
- "data": {"action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1},
- "args": ["out json", "count 5"],
+ { # 3
+ "data": {
+ "action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1, "executor": "ex1",
+ "args": {"out": "json", "count": "5"}
+ },
"logs": [
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running executor"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor"},
{"levelname": "ERROR", "msg": "JSON Parsing error: Extra data"},
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor finished successfully"}
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished successfully"}
+ ],
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "running": True,
+ "message": "Running ex1 executor from unnamed_agent agent"
+ }, {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "successful": True,
+ "message": "Executor ex1 from unnamed_agent finished successfully"
+ }
- {
- "data": {"action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1},
- "args": ["out json", "count 5", "spare"],
+ { # 4
+ "data": {
+ "action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1, "executor": "ex1",
+ "args": {"out": "json", "count": "5", "spare": "T"}
+ },
"logs": [
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running executor"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor"},
{"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Data sent to bulk create", "min_count": 5},
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor finished successfully"}
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished successfully"}
+ ],
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "running": True,
+ "message": "Running ex1 executor from unnamed_agent agent"
+ }, {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "successful": True,
+ "message": "Executor ex1 from unnamed_agent finished successfully"
+ }
- {
- "data": {"action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1},
- "args": ["out json", "spaced_before"],
+ { # 5
+ "data": {
+ "action": "RUN",
+ "agent_id": 1,
+ "executor": "ex1",
+ "args": {"out": "json", "spaced_before": "T"}
+ },
"logs": [
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running executor"},
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor finished successfully"}
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished successfully"}
+ ],
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "running": True,
+ "message": "Running ex1 executor from unnamed_agent agent"
+ }, {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "successful": True,
+ "message": "Executor ex1 from unnamed_agent finished successfully"
+ }
- {
- "data": {"action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1},
- "args": ["out json", "spaced_middle", "count 5", "spare"],
+ { # 6
+ "data": {
+ "action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1, "executor": "ex1",
+ "args": {"out": "json", "spaced_middle": "T", "count": "5", "spare": "T"}
+ },
"logs": [
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running executor"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor"},
{"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Data sent to bulk create", "max_count": 1},
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor finished successfully"}
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished successfully"}
+ ],
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "running": True,
+ "message": "Running ex1 executor from unnamed_agent agent"
+ }, {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "successful": True,
+ "message": "Executor ex1 from unnamed_agent finished successfully"
+ }
- {
- "data": {"action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1},
- "args": ["out bad_json"],
+ { # 7
+ "data": {
+ "action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1, "executor": "ex1", "args": {"out": "bad_json"}
+ },
"logs": [
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running executor"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor"},
{"levelname": "ERROR",
- "msg": "Invalid data supplied by the executor to the bulk create endpoint. Server responded: "},
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor finished successfully"}
+ "msg": "Invalid data supplied by the executor to the bulk create endpoint. "
+ "Server responded: "},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished successfully"}
+ ],
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "running": True,
+ "message": "Running ex1 executor from unnamed_agent agent"
+ }, {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "successful": True,
+ "message": "Executor ex1 from unnamed_agent finished successfully"
+ }
- {
- "data": {"action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1},
- "args": ["out str"],
+ { # 8
+ "data": {
+ "action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1, "executor": "ex1", "args": {"out": "str"}
+ },
"logs": [
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running executor"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor"},
{"levelname": "ERROR", "msg": "JSON Parsing error: Expecting value"},
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor finished successfully"}
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished successfully"}
+ ],
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "running": True,
+ "message": "Running ex1 executor from unnamed_agent agent"
+ }, {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "successful": True,
+ "message": "Executor ex1 from unnamed_agent finished successfully"
+ }
- {
- "data": {"action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1},
- "args": ["err"],
+ { # 9
+ "data": {
+ "action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1, "executor": "ex1",
+ "args": {"out": "none", "err": "T"}
+ },
"logs": [
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running executor"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor"},
{"levelname": "DEBUG", "msg": "Print by stderr"},
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor finished successfully"}
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished successfully"}
+ ],
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "running": True,
+ "message": "Running ex1 executor from unnamed_agent agent"
+ }, {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "successful": True,
+ "message": "Executor ex1 from unnamed_agent finished successfully"
+ }
- {
- "data": {"action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1},
- "args": ["fails"],
+ { # 10
+ "data": {
+ "action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1, "executor": "ex1",
+ "args": {"out": "none", "fails": "T"}
+ },
"logs": [
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running executor"},
- {"levelname": "WARNING", "msg": "Executor finished with exit code 1"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor"},
+ {"levelname": "WARNING", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished with exit code 1"},
+ ],
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "running": True,
+ "message": "Running ex1 executor from unnamed_agent agent"
+ }, {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "successful": False,
+ "message": "Executor ex1 from unnamed_agent failed"
+ }
- {
- "data": {"action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1},
- "args": ["err", "fails"],
+ { # 11
+ "data": {
+ "action": "RUN",
+ "agent_id": 1,
+ "executor": "ex1",
+ "args": {"out": "none", "err": "T", "fails": "T"}
+ },
"logs": [
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running executor"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor"},
{"levelname": "DEBUG", "msg": "Print by stderr"},
- {"levelname": "WARNING", "msg": "Executor finished with exit code 1"},
+ {"levelname": "WARNING", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished with exit code 1"},
+ ],
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "running": True,
+ "message": "Running ex1 executor from unnamed_agent agent"
+ }, {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "successful": False,
+ "message": "Executor ex1 from unnamed_agent failed"
+ }
- {
- "data": {"action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1},
- "args": ["out json"],
+ { # 12
+ "data": {
+ "action": "RUN",
+ "agent_id": 1,
+ "executor": "ex1",
+ "args": {"out": "json"}
+ },
"logs": [
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running executor"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Data sent to bulk create", "max_count": 0,
+ "min_count": 0},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished successfully"}
+ ],
+ "varenvs": {"DO_NOTHING": "True"},
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "running": True,
+ "message": "Running ex1 executor from unnamed_agent agent"
+ }, {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "successful": True,
+ "message": "Executor ex1 from unnamed_agent finished successfully"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ { # 13
+ "data": {
+ "action": "RUN",
+ "agent_id": 1,
+ "executor": "ex1",
+ "args": {"err": "T", "fails": "T"},
+ },
+ "logs": [
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor", "max_count": 0,
+ "min_count": 0},
+ {"levelname": "ERROR", "msg": "Mandatory argument not passed"},
+ ],
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "running": False,
+ "message": "Mandatory argument(s) not passed to ex1 executor from "
+ "unnamed_agent agent"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ { # 14
+ "data": {
+ "action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1, "executor": "ex1",
+ "args": {"out": "json", "WTF": "T"}
+ },
+ "logs": [
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor", "max_count": 0,
+ "min_count": 0},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Data sent to bulk create", "max_count": 0,
+ "min_count": 0},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished successfully", "max_count": 0,
+ "min_count": 0},
+ {"levelname": "ERROR", "msg": "Unexpected argument passed"},
+ ],
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "running": False,
+ "message": "Unexpected argument(s) passed to ex1 executor from unnamed_agent "
+ "agent"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ { # 15
+ "data": {
+ "action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1, "executor": "ex1", "args": {"out": "json"}
+ },
+ "logs": [
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor"},
{"levelname": "ERROR",
- "msg": "Invalid data supplied by the executor to the bulk create endpoint. Server responded: "},
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor finished successfully"}
+ "msg": "Invalid data supplied by the executor to the bulk create endpoint. "
+ "Server responded: "},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished successfully"}
- "workspace": "error500"
+ "workspace": "error500",
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "running": True,
+ "message": "Running ex1 executor from unnamed_agent agent"
+ }, {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "successful": True,
+ "message": "Executor ex1 from unnamed_agent finished successfully"
+ }
+ ]
- {
- "data": {"action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1},
- "args": ["out json"],
+ { # 16
+ "data": {
+ "action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1, "executor": "ex1", "args": {"out": "json"}
+ },
"logs": [
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running executor"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor"},
{"levelname": "ERROR",
- "msg": "Invalid data supplied by the executor to the bulk create endpoint. Server responded: "},
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor finished successfully"}
+ "msg": "Invalid data supplied by the executor to the bulk create endpoint. "
+ "Server responded: "},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished successfully"}
- "workspace": "error429"
+ "workspace": "error429",
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "running": True,
+ "message": "Running ex1 executor from unnamed_agent agent"
+ }, {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "successful": True,
+ "message": "Executor ex1 from unnamed_agent finished successfully"
+ }
+ ]
- {
- "data": {"action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1},
- "args": ["out json"],
+ { # 17
+ "data": {"action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1, "executor": "ex1", "args": {"out": "json"}},
"logs": [
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running executor"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor"},
{"levelname": "ERROR", "msg": "ValueError raised processing stdout, try with "
"bigger limiting size in config"},
- {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor finished successfully"}
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished successfully"}
+ ],
+ "max_size": "1",
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "running": True,
+ "message": "Running ex1 executor from unnamed_agent agent"
+ }, {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "successful": True,
+ "message": "Executor ex1 from unnamed_agent finished successfully"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ { # 18
+ "data": {
+ "action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1,
+ "args": {"out": "json"}
+ },
+ "logs": [
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor", "max_count": 0,
+ "min_count": 0},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Data sent to bulk create", "max_count": 0,
+ "min_count": 0},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished successfully", "max_count": 0,
+ "min_count": 0},
+ {"levelname": "ERROR", "msg": "No executor selected"},
+ ],
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "running": False,
+ "message": "No executor selected to unnamed_agent agent"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ { # 19
+ "data": {
+ "action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1, "executor": "NOT_4N_CORRECT_EXECUTOR",
+ "args": {"out": "json"}
+ },
+ "logs": [
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running ex1 executor", "max_count": 0,
+ "min_count": 0},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Data sent to bulk create", "max_count": 0,
+ "min_count": 0},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor ex1 finished successfully", "max_count": 0,
+ "min_count": 0},
+ {"levelname": "ERROR", "msg": "The selected executor not exists"},
+ ],
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "NOT_4N_CORRECT_EXECUTOR",
+ "running": False,
+ "message": "The selected executor NOT_4N_CORRECT_EXECUTOR not exists in "
+ "unnamed_agent agent"}
+ ]
+ },
+ { # 20
+ "data": {"action": "RUN", "agent_id": 1, "executor": "add_ex1", "args": {"out": "json"}},
+ "logs": [
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Running add_ex1 executor"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Data sent to bulk create"},
+ {"levelname": "INFO", "msg": "Executor add_ex1 finished successfully"}
- "max_size": "1"
+ "ws_responses": [
+ {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "add_ex1",
+ "running": True,
+ "message": "Running add_ex1 executor from unnamed_agent agent"
+ }, {
+ "action": "RUN_STATUS",
+ "executor_name": "add_ex1",
+ "successful": True,
+ "message": "Executor add_ex1 from unnamed_agent finished successfully"
+ }
+ ],
+ "extra": ["add_ex1"]
-async def test_run_once(test_config: FaradayTestConfig, tmp_default_config, test_logger_handler, executor_options):
+async def test_run_once(test_config: FaradayTestConfig, tmp_default_config, test_logger_handler,
+ test_logger_folder, executor_options):
# Config
workspace = test_config.workspace if "workspace" not in executor_options else executor_options["workspace"]
- configuration.set(SERVER_SECTION, "api_port", str(test_config.client.port))
- configuration.set(SERVER_SECTION, "host", test_config.client.host)
- configuration.set(SERVER_SECTION, "workspace", workspace)
- configuration.set(TOKENS_SECTION, "registration", test_config.registration_token)
- configuration.set(TOKENS_SECTION, "agent", test_config.agent_token)
+ configuration.set(Sections.SERVER, "api_port", str(test_config.client.port))
+ configuration.set(Sections.SERVER, "host", test_config.client.host)
+ configuration.set(Sections.SERVER, "workspace", workspace)
+ configuration.set(Sections.TOKENS, "registration", test_config.registration_token)
+ configuration.set(Sections.TOKENS, "agent", test_config.agent_token)
path_to_basic_executor = (
- Path(__file__).parent.parent /
- 'data' / 'basic_executor.py'
+ Path(__file__).parent.parent /
+ 'data' / 'basic_executor.py'
- args = ' --'.join([''] + executor_options['args'])
- configuration.set(EXECUTOR_SECTION, "cmd", f"python {path_to_basic_executor} {args}")
+ executor_names = ["ex1"] + ([] if "extra" not in executor_options else executor_options["extra"])
+ configuration.set(Sections.AGENT, "executors", ",".join(executor_names))
+ for executor_name in executor_names:
+ executor_section = Sections.EXECUTOR_DATA.format(executor_name)
+ params_section = Sections.EXECUTOR_PARAMS.format(executor_name)
+ varenvs_section = Sections.EXECUTOR_VARENVS.format(executor_name)
+ for section in [executor_section, params_section, varenvs_section]:
+ if section not in configuration:
+ configuration.add_section(section)
+ configuration.set(executor_section, "cmd", "python {}".format(path_to_basic_executor))
+ configuration.set(params_section, "out", "True")
+ [configuration.set(params_section, param, "False") for param in [
+ "count", "spare", "spaced_before", "spaced_middle", "err", "fails"]]
+ if "varenvs" in executor_options:
+ for varenv in executor_options["varenvs"]:
+ configuration.set(varenvs_section, varenv, executor_options["varenvs"][varenv])
- max_size = str(64 * 1024) if "max_size" not in executor_options else executor_options["max_size"]
- configuration.set(EXECUTOR_SECTION, "max_size", max_size)
+ max_size = str(64 * 1024) if "max_size" not in executor_options else executor_options["max_size"]
+ configuration.set(executor_section, "max_size", max_size)
+ async def ws_messages_checker(msg):
+ msg_ = json.loads(msg)
+ assert msg_ in executor_options["ws_responses"]
+ executor_options["ws_responses"].remove(msg_)
# Init and register it
dispatcher = Dispatcher(test_config.client.session, tmp_default_config.config_file_path)
- await dispatcher.run_once(json.dumps(executor_options["data"]))
+ await dispatcher.run_once(json.dumps(executor_options["data"]), ws_messages_checker)
history = test_logger_handler.history
+ assert len(executor_options["ws_responses"]) == 0
for l in executor_options["logs"]:
min_count = 1 if "min_count" not in l else l["min_count"]
max_count = sys.maxsize if "max_count" not in l else l["max_count"]
assert max_count >= \
len(list(filter(lambda x: x.levelname == l["levelname"] and l["msg"] in x.message, history))) >= \
- min_count
\ No newline at end of file
+ min_count, l["msg"]
+async def test_connect(test_config: FaradayTestConfig, tmp_default_config, test_logger_handler,
+ test_logger_folder):
+ configuration.set(Sections.SERVER, "api_port", str(test_config.client.port))
+ configuration.set(Sections.SERVER, "host", test_config.client.host)
+ configuration.set(Sections.SERVER, "workspace", test_config.workspace)
+ configuration.set(Sections.TOKENS, "registration", test_config.registration_token)
+ configuration.set(Sections.TOKENS, "agent", test_config.agent_token)
+ path_to_basic_executor = (
+ Path(__file__).parent.parent /
+ 'data' / 'basic_executor.py'
+ )
+ configuration.set(Sections.AGENT, "executors", "ex1,ex2,ex3")
+ for executor_name in ["ex1","ex2","ex3"]:
+ executor_section = Sections.EXECUTOR_DATA.format(executor_name)
+ params_section = Sections.EXECUTOR_PARAMS.format(executor_name)
+ for section in [executor_section, params_section]:
+ if section not in configuration:
+ configuration.add_section(section)
+ configuration.set(executor_section, "cmd", "python {}".format(path_to_basic_executor))
+ configuration.set(Sections.EXECUTOR_PARAMS.format("ex1"), "param1", "True")
+ configuration.set(Sections.EXECUTOR_PARAMS.format("ex1"), "param2", "False")
+ configuration.set(Sections.EXECUTOR_PARAMS.format("ex2"), "param3", "False")
+ configuration.set(Sections.EXECUTOR_PARAMS.format("ex2"), "param4", "False")
+ tmp_default_config.save()
+ dispatcher = Dispatcher(test_config.client.session, tmp_default_config.config_file_path)
+ ws_responses = [{
+ 'action': 'JOIN_AGENT',
+ 'workspace': test_config.workspace,
+ 'token': None,
+ 'executors': [
+ {
+ "executor_name": "ex1",
+ "args": {
+ "param1": True,
+ "param2": False
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "executor_name": "ex2",
+ "args": {
+ "param3": False,
+ "param4": False
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "executor_name": "ex3",
+ "args": {}
+ }
+ ]
+ }]
+ async def ws_messages_checker(msg):
+ msg_ = json.loads(msg)
+ assert msg_ in ws_responses
+ ws_responses.remove(msg_)
+ await dispatcher.connect(ws_messages_checker)
+ assert len(ws_responses) == 0
diff --git a/tests/utils/testing_faraday_server.py b/tests/utils/testing_faraday_server.py
index 09e10ddc..0663ce0f 100644
--- a/tests/utils/testing_faraday_server.py
+++ b/tests/utils/testing_faraday_server.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
from itsdangerous import TimestampSigner
import logging
from logging import StreamHandler
-from faraday_agent_dispatcher.logger import get_logger
+from faraday_agent_dispatcher.logger import get_logger, reset_logger
from queue import Queue
from faraday_agent_dispatcher.config import (
@@ -166,12 +166,18 @@ class TestLoggerHandler(StreamHandler):
def __init__(self):
self.history = []
+ self.name = "TEST_HANDLER"
def emit(self, record):
+def test_logger_folder():
+ reset_logger("./logs")
def test_logger_handler():
logger_handler = TestLoggerHandler()
logger = get_logger()
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index ba9723ce..0709d924 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ python =
basepython = python
deps = flake8
-commands = flake8 dummy_faraday_agent
+commands = flake8 faraday_agent_dispatcher
setenv =