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catena edited this page May 10, 2016 · 14 revisions

To run your scorex application you should create json file with application settings. Most of settings have default values so you may provide just few settings to customize your app.

Scorex-basics settings

Parameter Default value Description
nodeName Random string Name of the node
dataDir undefined Optional folder to keep your data. When undefined, all the data is kept in memory
localOnly false Node is only available locally
rpcPort 9085 Port for remote procedure call
rpcAllowed Space separated list of addresses, that can use rpc
offlineGeneration false Allow node to generate new blocks when it's offline
historySynchronizerTimeout 30 Timeout in seconds for the history synchronizer to wait a response from remote nodes
blockGenerationDelay 1000 Time in milliseconds for block generator to try to generate a new block
mininigThreads 1 Number of threads for mining
walletDirOpt undefined Optional folder to keep your wallet. When undefined, your wallet is kept in memory
walletPassword undefined Password for your wallet. When undefined, you should pass it on application start
walletSeed undefined Seed for your wallet to generate new accounts. When undefined, you should pass it on application start
apiKeyHash undefined Hash for API key. When undefined, RPC requests are allowed without any authentication
genesisTimestamp 1460952000000 Timestamp for genesis block.
cors false Allow API to called from another domain outside the domain from which the resource originated.
p2p:bindAddress The socket address to bind to
p2p:port 9084 Port of the socket address to bind to
p2p:maxConnections 20 Maximum number of outgoing connections
p2p:connectionTimeout 60 Connection timeout in seconds
p2p:upnp true Enable upnp
p2p:upnpGatewayTimeout true The timeout for actions on the device
p2p:upnpDiscoverTimeout true The timeout for socket connections of the initial broadcast request
p2p:myAddress None Optional setting to configure declared address
p2p:knownPeers [] List of known peers

Scorex-transaciton settings

Parameter Default value Description
history blockchain History type. Blockchain or blocktree (experimental)
max-rollback 100 Maximum number of blocks to rollback

Scorex-perma settings

Parameter Default value Description
perma:rootHash 13uSUANWHG7PaCac7i9QKDZriUNKXCi84UkS3ijGYTm1 Base58-encoded root hash of Merkle tree with permacoin data.
perma:isTrustedDealer false Set current node as trusted dealer
perma:treeDir required Folder to keep permacoin data
perma:authDataStorage authDataStorage.db Name of file to put authenticated permacoin data. File will be created in treeDir

Settings example

Typical json files with settings looks like

  "p2p": {
    "bindAddress": "",
    "upnp": false,
    "upnpGatewayTimeout": 7000,
    "upnpDiscoverTimeout": 3000,
    "port": 9084,
    "knownPeers": [
    "maxConnections": 10
  "walletDir": "/tmp/scorex/wallet",
  "dataDir": "/tmp/scorex/data",
  "rpcPort": 9085,
  "rpcAllowed": [],
  "maxRollback": 100,
  "blockGenerationDelay": 0,
  "genesisTimestamp": 1460952000000,
  "apiKeyHash": "GmVvcpx1BRUPDZiADbZ7a6zgQV3Sgj2GhNoEiTH9Drdx",
  "cors": false
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