A general idea to support a new Data Collector implementation is to extends the AbstractDbDc class. By doing this, you can easily support all predefined Semantic Conventions. You can also add your own custom metrics.
Please refer to code here as a good example.
The second step is to add one line like How to register a new Data Collector named Dameng
with a new name of db.system
. Then the Data Collector is available to users.
If you revise the db.system
parameter of the configuration file config/config.yaml
to be the new name of db.system
then the new Data Collector is in use.
The constructor of AbstractDbDc class fetch all database and OTel related parameters from "config/config.yaml" file. All Data Collector implementations should extend AbstractDbDc class. The constructor of the Data Collectors should call the constructor of AbstractDbDc class, and add its own logic if required. Here is the example code:
public DamengDc(Map<String, String> properties, String dbSystem, String dbDriver) throws SQLException {
super(properties, dbSystem, dbDriver);
if (getServiceInstanceId() == null) {
setServiceInstanceId(getDbAddress() + ":" + getDbPort() + "@" + getDbName());
private void findDbNameAndVersion() throws SQLException {
try (Connection connection = getConnection()) {
ResultSet rs = DbDcUtil.executeQuery(connection, DB_NAME_VERSION_SQL);
if (getDbName() == null)
Here is the list of redefined database and OTel parameters:
Parameter | Description | Example (case insensitive) |
db.system | The target database system (case insensitive) | dameng |
db.driver | The JDBC Java class | dm.jdbc.driver.DmDriver |
db.address | The IP address of the target database | |
db.port | The IP port of the target database | 5236 |
db.username | The user name of the target database | SYSDBA |
db.password | The password of the target database | xxxx |
db.connection.url | The connection URL of the target database | jdbc:dm:// |
db.name | The name of the target database | MYDB |
db.version | The version of the target database (usually it can be read with code) | V8 |
db.entity.type | The default value is DATABASE. It can be any name like instance, cluster, tenant... | database |
otel.backend.url | The otlp URL of the OTel Backend. E.g., http://localhost:4317 (grpc) or http://localhost:4318/v1/metrics (http) | |
otel.backend.using.http | false (default, using otlp/grpc) or true (using otlp/http) | false |
otel.service.name | The OTel Service name (It is requred by OTel) | DamengDC |
otel.service.instance.id | The OTel Service instance ID (which is ID of this database entity. It can be generated by DC if it is not provided) | |
poll.interval | The time interval in seconds to query metrics | 25 |
callback.interval | The time interval in seconds to post data to backend | 30 |
db.entity.parent.id | It there is a parent of this entity, set to the otel.service.instance.id of the parent | cluster@OBCluster1 |
Note: All Database parameters are optional. The only requirement is to successfully make the JDBC connection. Some parameters can be generated from parameters provided in "config/config.yaml" file. The above parameters are used to create OTel resource attributes along with the OTel metrics.
The AbstractDbDc.registerMetrics()
method registers all metrics in predefined [Semantic Conventions]. So, you need to call
if you want to overwrite this method.
You can also add your own customer metrics. And if you want to calculate the rate value instead of using the raw data,
you need to call getRawMetric(xxx).setCalculationMode(CalculationMode.RATE);
Here is the example code:
public void registerMetrics() {
Then we are going to implement the most complex part of the work: to fetch metrics from the database and assign the values to the registered metrics.
What you need to do is to implement collectData()
method to add code to retrieve various metrics. Sample code can be found in DamengDc.
Here is the example code:
Here is the example code:
getRawMetric(DB_INSTANCE_COUNT_NAME).setValue(getSimpleMetricWithSql(con, INSTANCE_COUNT_SQL));
Here is an example code of metric having data points with value and single attribute which is the key:
getRawMetric(DB_CACHE_HIT_NAME).setValue(getMetricWithSql(con, CACHE_HIT_SQL, DB_CACHE_HIT_KEY));
Here is an example code of metric having data points with value and multiple attributes, the first is the key:
Note: If the SQL statement returns an array, the first column must be the value, the second column must be the key (String type).
If the SQL statement returns single row, use getSimpleListWithSql()
method to get a list of result objects.
Here is an example code to create a simple metric:
List<Long> listMemData = getSimpleListWithSql(con, MEM_UTILIZATION_SQL);
if (listMemData != null) {
getRawMetric(DB_MEM_UTILIZATION_NAME).setValue((double) listMemData.get(0) / listMemData.get(1));