Releases: instill-ai/console
Releases · instill-ai/console
@instill-ai/design-system: v0.65.1
0.41.0-beta (2024-03-13)
- pipeline-builder: adapt new pipeline recipe (#999) (d45ceb1)
- pipeline-builder: adapt the breaking changes of replacing openapi_specification with data specification (#1003) (0ea92d1)
- pipeline-builder: adapt the new default edge color (#1022) (c97a6eb)
- pipeline-builder: add iterator node for pipeline-builder (#1000) (6b5ef01)
- pipeline-builder: implement the iterator editor (#1006) (8a57837)
- pipeline-builder: implement the new pipeline name edit input (#998) (7b1e370)
- pipeline-builder: introduce arrayArray type in InstillFormTree to handle array in array (#1021) (3c237cc)
- pipeline-builder: revamp and adapt the new topbar navigation on pipeline builder (#997) (774aa92)
- pipeline-builder: support directly input reference value in iterator (#1020) (1169b33)
- pipeline-builder: support real-time update the hints for iterator (#1017) (6d91d7d)
- pipeline-builder: user can use iterator_a's output as iterator_b's input (#1015) (bb023ff)
- add "use client" to Client Components (#1019) (4185b75)
- add the new design for reference hint (#1004) (7b7b41e)
- bump nextjs version to 14 and update react-hook-form (#1008) (235847f)
- fix search render issue Hub page and add deboucing to search (#1002) (68534f0)
- migrate react-query from v4 to v5 (#1007) (f0399aa)
- migrate the topbar component back to toolkit (#994) (056cc78)
Bug Fixes
- fix docker node version (#1014) (d3127e4)
- fix how we hint the iterator element (#1012) (969341b)
- fix hub link is not working on Topbar (#1018) (aed14a4)
- fix iterator not correctly hint the output user can select (#1010) (71b3c0a)
- fix the search function cause re-render issue on the hub page (#1023) (f0da309)
- hint semi-structured as input on iterator (#1013) (77d4ffd)
- pipeline-builder: fix console not correctly replace null with undefined when update the recipe (#1016) (c1142e4)
@instill-ai/toolkit: v0.83.2
@instill-ai/toolkit: v0.83.1
@instill-ai/toolkit: v0.83.0
0.83.0 (2024-03-13)
- adapt new pipeline recipe (#999) (d45ceb1)
- add "use client" to Client Components (#1019) (4185b75)
- add the new design for reference hint (#1004) (7b7b41e)
- bump nextjs version to 14 and update react-hook-form (#1008) (235847f)
- fix search render issue Hub page and add deboucing to search (#1002) (68534f0)
- migrate react-query from v4 to v5 (#1007) (f0399aa)
- migrate the topbar component back to toolkit (#994) (056cc78)
- pipeline-builder: adapt the breaking changes of replacing openapi_specification with data specification (#1003) (0ea92d1)
- pipeline-builder: adapt the new default edge color (#1022) (c97a6eb)
- pipeline-builder: add iterator node for pipeline-builder (#1000) (6b5ef01)
- pipeline-builder: implement the iterator editor (#1006) (8a57837)
- pipeline-builder: implement the new pipeline name edit input (#998) (7b1e370)
- pipeline-builder: introduce arrayArray type in InstillFormTree to handle array in array (#1021) (3c237cc)
- pipeline-builder: revamp and adapt the new topbar navigation on pipeline builder (#997) (774aa92)
- pipeline-builder: support directly input reference value in iterator (#1020) (1169b33)
- pipeline-builder: support real-time update the hints for iterator (#1017) (6d91d7d)
- pipeline-builder: user can use iterator_a's output as iterator_b's input (#1015) (bb023ff)
Bug Fixes
- fix docker node version (#1014) (d3127e4)
- fix how we hint the iterator element (#1012) (969341b)
- fix hub link is not working on Topbar (#1018) (aed14a4)
- fix iterator not correctly hint the output user can select (#1010) (71b3c0a)
- fix the search function cause re-render issue on the hub page (#1023) (f0da309)
- hint semi-structured as input on iterator (#1013) (77d4ffd)
- pipeline-builder: fix console not correctly replace null with undefined when update the recipe (#1016) (c1142e4)
@instill-ai/eslint-config-cortex: v0.9.0
@instill-ai/design-system: v0.65.0
0.40.0-beta (2024-02-29)
- prepare for console 0.40.0-beta release (#993) (92a3e97)
- add subscription detail field into StripeSubscriptionDetail type (#988) (c215a14)
- pipeline-builder: add collapseAllNodes pipeline-builder flag (#983) (e67a1c4)
- pipeline-builder: close advanced configuration right panel after delete current node (#984) (e03c298)
- pipeline-builder: support the optimized connection line style (#985) (ba079f0)
Bug Fixes
- error message fix (#977) (2bc5ad9)
- fix can not keydown enter on the TextArea field in pipeline builder (#982) (53a5825)
- fix smart hint didn't correctly filter hints (#980) (208d930)
- fix user can not wheel scroll up and down on TextArea (#981) (5a0557c)
- fix user profile card bio not left-align (#978) (89599ab)
- pipeline-builder: fix component output hint's type is not correct (#990) (d15bfba)
- pipeline-builder: fix selected edges is covered on top of node (#991) (26c632f)
@instill-ai/toolkit: v0.82.0
0.82.0 (2024-02-29)
- add subscription detail field into StripeSubscriptionDetail type (#988) (c215a14)
- pipeline-builder: add collapseAllNodes pipeline-builder flag (#983) (e67a1c4)
- pipeline-builder: close advanced configuration right panel after delete current node (#984) (e03c298)
- pipeline-builder: support the optimized connection line style (#985) (ba079f0)
Bug Fixes
- error message fix (#977) (2bc5ad9)
- fix can not keydown enter on the TextArea field in pipeline builder (#982) (53a5825)
- fix smart hint didn't correctly filter hints (#980) (208d930)
- fix user can not wheel scroll up and down on TextArea (#981) (5a0557c)
- fix user profile card bio not left-align (#978) (89599ab)
- pipeline-builder: fix component output hint's type is not correct (#990) (d15bfba)
- pipeline-builder: fix selected edges is covered on top of node (#991) (26c632f)